• Published 11th Jan 2023
  • 1,786 Views, 169 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Skylanders Spyro's Adventure - RainbowRaptorDash1

It is time for a magical journey of wonder and adventure with the Goofball Trio!

  • ...

Treetop Terrace

Sonata and Stealth Elf were training at the Core Ruins.

"You're getting better at channeling your elemental energy, Mistress." Stealth Elf noticed.

"Thanks. I've been getting the hang of it." Sonata responded as Pinkie was training too, but her leftover elemental energy were going into her hair which had the egg in it. Flameslinger and Chop Chop saw this.

"Pinkie?" Chop Chop called out.

"Yeah?" Pinkie asked.

"What's going on with your hair?" Chop Chop pointed out.

"Huh?" Pinkie said in confusion.

"It’s glowing." Flameslinger informed as Chop Chop dug in there and pulled out a red, rubber boot.

"No." Chop Chop shook his head as he pulled out then a bike horn. "No."

Chop Chop dug in deep and pulled out a glowing egg soaking up Pinkie's energy.

"How’d you have that stuff in there?" Flameslinger asked.

"Don’t ask." Mikey and Sonata advised as Pinkie took the egg and it soaked up more of her energy.

"I think I'll keep this egg." Pinkie said.

"Why?" Flameslinger questioned.

"It just feels right." Pinkie answered when a tree creature suddenly came out of the ground.

"Aahhhh! Sunlight feels so good on my leaves! And the water! So delicious! And the earth is just right. Thank you for reviving me! I am Arbo! Son of Barbo! Child of Larbo! Spawn of-" The creature tried to introduce before Hugo yelped.

"It talks! It talks! *Stammers* Where are my manners? I am Hugo and these are Skylanders. Master Eon had vanished, but… we have NEW allies now." Hugo explained.

"Can you help us?" Mikey asked.

"I’m not sure. I’m only 8 seconds old after all, but somehow I seem to have memories of all this happening before. We need to recover the Eternal Life Source, but in order to find it we must first gather the Seeds of Life and plant them so their roots can point the way." Arbo informed.

"That’s correct! How did you know that?" Hugo asked.

"I can do something… like this!" Arbo said as he suddenly summon something, and it was a GIANT beanstalk! "…and I don’t even know how I’m doing it! It’s like a memory."

"Hugo, where does that lead to?" Pinkie asked while putting the egg back into her hair.

"It looks like it leads to Treetop Terrace!" Hugo explained.

"Is that what you people call it? We green folk know it as the Tree of Life. That is where you will find the Life Seeds. I know the way. I think I have ALWAYS known the way. I can take you there if you wish." Arbo offered.

"I'm going. I need a workout." Dino-Rang volunteered.

"Same here." Wham-Shell added.

"Me, too." Warnado said.

"Coming along as well." Voodoo added.

"I shall be accompanying in this journey." Drobot finished.

"Good. Everyone else, stay behind and stay alert." Mikey said.

"Follow me, and if you look down, you could see everything!" Arbo responded as everyone was worried about falling. The group followed Arbo as the leaf carrying them on the beanstalk spiraled higher, and higher, and higher into the sky.

"Ah… Now going up while spinning is great." Warnado sighed in relaxation as Pinkie kept her eyes on her hair, making sure her egg was safe. Soon, the group reached Treetop Terrace and couldn’t help but be awed by the natural beauty of the forest.

"This feels like my territory." Mikey noted.

"It feels good to be in the Tree of Life. I can tell these things. But what happened to the Life Seeds? They are the children of the great trees." Arbo wondered.

"Looks like Kaos' forces are here." Sonata noticed.

"The trees tell me the pointy ears are keeping the seeds for themselves! This is not Nature’s wish. We must get the Life Seeds in order to find the Eternal Life Source!" Arbo informed.

"Then let's get going." Warnado added as the group moved forward before encountering a Corn Hornet.

"It's just an oversized bee." Sonata said before the Corn Hornet hit her with its poison stinger, stunning the siren.

"Mistress!" Stealth Elf gasped.

"I'm fine. Let's just swat it!" Sonata assured as she was only paralyzed for a few seconds before Mikey crushed the Corn Hornet with his hammer.

"Looks like we got trouble up ahead." Flameslinger noticed as there was a log tied to rope was blocking the way and a wench connected to where it was shown.

"That's not too much trouble." Pinkie said before small bulbous plants grew big when she passed by close to them. "What's this?"

"Nothing, just a minor annoyance." Wham-Shell shrugged off.

"But they will harmlessly bounce you back if you touch them." Stealth Elf informed as everyone moved well and got through until Drows came out of nowhere,

"Warnado, how about we play Twister Pinball!" Mikey smirked while among the enemies was a Blade Witch. Everyone got to safety as Warnado tucked into his shell. "Incoming!" Mikey called out as he whacked Warnado and he started hitting the Drows like a pinball crossed with a tornado. "Sling, pick up the stragglers."

"Understood." Flameslinger nodded as he nailed the remaining enemies. Everyone saw more energy going into Pinkie's egg.

"What?" Pinkie asked.

"Scans detect egg is absorbing Fire and Undead energy. Hatching Rate Timeframe: Soon." Drobot estimated.

"What?!" Pinkie gasped.

"Any clue what kind of egg it is?" Mikey asked as Drobot shook his head no.

"Let's worry about it later. Move!" Pinkie urged as the group continued, only to encounter two Drows and a Life Spell Punk, who healed the two.

"Life Spell Punk? What does it do?" Mikey noticed as Sonata attacked a Drow before the Life Spell Punk healed it.

"Question asked, question answered." Pinkie quipped.

"Stone Wave!" Mikey shouted as he took out the enemies, but his attack was a lot stronger than before. "Looks like my upgrade did the trick."

"Come on! We got to get those seeds." Dino-Rang urged as the group saw barrels rolling down a ramp with a closed gate behind them connected to a wench.

"Everyone, get behind me!" Chop Chop said while bringing out his shield, protecting everyone as his shield protected his friends. Sonata used the wench to open the gate as everyone soon made it past it, encountering Drows and a blade witch while Chop Chop's energy went into the egg before Pinkie noticed a scroll.

"What’s this?" Pinkie wondered as she picked up the scroll and opened it. "Huh?! A Chompy invented balloons in Skylands?!"

"Duh, everyone knows that." Wham-Shell responded as all enemies in the area were defeated.

"Despite Drows having claimed they did that. But Professor P. Grungally cleared that out." Stealth Elf explained.

"But the Chompy drank 200 fizzy juice flasks, making him 20 times bigger!" Pinkie added as her hair started to shake. "Huh?"

"Teleporter pad located." Drobot informed.

"You go on... I'll catch up." Pinkie said as the rest of the group went onto the teleporter, only to find themselves inside the hollow of a tree.

"Wow, this is impressive." Mikey noted.

"Very much so." Stealth Elf agreed.

"Nowhere to go but up." Sonata added before the group encountered a Blitzer Bully with a Life Spell Punk on its back as they saw a winch. "Warnado, Dino-Rang... Let's make a Boomerang Hurricane!" Sonata declared as Warnado spun a huge tornado that Dino-Rang threw his weapons into. "Tidal Slash!" Sonata shouted, adding her attack as the Boomerang Hurricane combo-attacl beat all the enemies and unintentionally propelled everyone up to the exit. "That was a happy accident."

"Could not have predicted that outcome." Drobot admitted.

"Let's get whatever treasure and get back to Pinkie." Mikey said before Pinkie popped up.

"Actually, we’re supposed to be going that way." Pinkie pointed out.

"Pinkie, why'd did you hang back?" Mikey asked as Pinkie held in her arms a baby Griffin but it was different from Sonic Boom. His entire body was colored fire orange and yellow and his forelimbs had absolutely no skin, just pure bones.

"You can see why, right?" Pinkie responded.

"It hatched!" Mikey noticed.

"Oh, Gemma is going to be so happy about this!" Sonata squeaked in excitement.

"I named him 'Inferno.'" Pinkie said.

"Friend hangs back. We fight." Voodood advised.

"Ya sure?" Pinkie asked before everyone else nodded as Inferno started to open his eyes.

"Heehee! Sonic Boom will have a cuteness overload from this." Sonata giggled.

"Attention requiring to battlefield." Drobot called out while fighting. Everyone forged ahead as Pinkie hanged back with her Baby Griffon. Voodood soon found Gill Grunt’s soul gem as the group kept moving forward before encountering a winch connected to a log lift on the other side.

"This almost too easy!" Stealth Elf smirked, but past the winch were spear spike floor traps.

"Incoming." Mikey said as he instinctively slammed his hammer down and a vine bridge emerged, somehow getting past the lift and gate as the group crossed it, only to encounter blade witches and corn hornets.

"Blink and Destroy!" Drobot roared with his battle cry as he attacked with his upgraded eye blasters and bladegears.

"There are the seeds!" Mikey pointed out before out of nowhere, something nailed the ground. There was something guarding the seeds, and took them farther as the group beat a Blitzer Bully and Life Spell Punk before they solved a laser puzzle and moved, encountering Blade Witches, Drows, Blizter Bullies, Life Spell Punks, Corn Hornets and a wingless earth dragon.

"Bash, snap out of it buddy!" Wham-Shell called out, but the dragon said nothing as it started rolling towards the group when Mikey, Wham-Shell, and Stealth Elf were sealed off from the others. Mikey, Wham-Shell and Stealth Elf were against Bash as the others fought the rest of the enemies before the trio hit Bash but none of their attacks even phased him.

"Nothing's working!" Mikey dreaded.

"We gotta stop him from rolling!" Wham-Shell said

"Easier said than done!" Stealth Elf pointed out before Mikey saw Bash like a wheel tire.

"Hit him on the sides!" Mikey ordered.

"How?!" Wham-Shell asked, pointing out how to draw Bash in.

"Say something to make him mad." Mikey answered.

"Okay. Hey Bash! Whirlwind’s dating Zap!" Wham-Shell called out as Bash redirected his roll to him, which gave Mikey his opening.

"Gotcha!" Mikey smirked as he bonked Bash, causing the dragon to roll around like a runaway tire.

"Okay, that hurt." Bash groaned.

"You alright, dude?" Mikey asked.

"Just give me a minute." Bash responded.

"Sure, ‘cause me, Stealth and Wham gotta help the others." Mikey said.

"No need. We got the seeds." Sonata assured as the enemies were beaten before Arbo showed up with joyous laughter.

"You’ve done it, Great-Legends-of-Skylands-Come-To-Life! You have found Life Seeds and nature rejoices! We shall spread their happiness to the Core of Light and watch them grow!" Arbo cheered while Inferno laughed in Pinkie's arms as she tickled him.

"Oh, you ticklish? You like it?" Pinkie smiled.

"Let's get back to the core so Sonic Boom can check your new son." Stealth Elf said.

"Wait-what?" Pinkie asked.

"Don't you want him? He absorbed your elemental energy." Stealth Elf responded.

"Of course I want him!" Pinkie answered.

"So let's see if he's healthy." Stealth Elf nodded as a little while later, everyone arrived back at the Core. Later, the seeds were plants as bushes soon grew.

"Almost there..." Sonata said while Sonic Boom was looking over Inferno as the Seeds sprouted. But then sheep showed up and started nibbling on them.

"Shoo shoo shoo land creatures! Have you no respect for the sacred life seeds?" Arbo gasped.

"See! I’ve been saying those sheep are evil. Evil I tell you!" Hugo growled.

"The seeds we brought back have grown into these wonderful apple bushes. Shoo!!! But these sheep are eating all the apples! Could you please keep the sheep away long enough for the apples to grow? Then the roots will be strong enough to speak to me." Arbo requested.

"Sure." Mikey responded before he and the others calmly redirected the sheep to better eating spots as Sonic Boom gave Pinkie her medical opinion.

"I can honestly say Inferno is perfectly healthy." Sonic Boom confirmed.

"Really? What about the front legs?" Pinkie asked as Inferno was moving and using them perfectly fine.

"As far as I can tell, his Undead Element Energy is making them perfectly fine." Sonic Boom assured.

"Oh, phew! But wow! My baby sis is gonna be so excited!" Pinkie smiled as the seeds soon sprouted perfectly.

"Hahaha! Splendid! The Eternal Life Source is hidden inside a giant ACORN within the Tree of Life. I know where to find it because the seeds tell me things." Arbo informed.

Meanwhile, in Kaos' Kastle, he heard what Arbo said. "An acorn? I knew it! Cursed miserable deceitful trees! They're hiding my acorn!"

"You have acorns?" Glumshanks asked.

"Nonsense, you fool! It's simple! The Eternal Life Source is actually a giant acorn! See? And it's being hidden in a filthy forest, by a band of despicable bark-covered betrayers, who are obviously out to get me!" Kaos growled.

"The trees?" Glumshanks checked.

"Of course the trees! What do you think I'm talking about? Ooh, how I hate them! Standing there all day, looking so innocent, soaking up sunlight, plotting and scheming, just waiting to meddle in my plans! Well, not this time Glumshanks. NOT. THIS. TIME! Call out my lumberjack trolls!" Kaos ordered.

"For what? To cut down a few trees?" Glumshanks shrugged.

"No, not a few trees, you nerb. Cut them all down! I want that acorn!" Kaos declared.

Author's Note:

Next Time on Equestria Ninja Girls...

Falling Forest

Not gonna lie here, a friend of mine needs help. Darth Wrex needs emotional help.