• Published 11th Jan 2023
  • 1,786 Views, 169 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Skylanders Spyro's Adventure - RainbowRaptorDash1

It is time for a magical journey of wonder and adventure with the Goofball Trio!

  • ...

Stormy Stronghold

At the Core of Light ruins, Terrafin sat, completely worried about a certain griffon Skylander.

"Hey Fin, you okay pal?" Sonata asked in concern as Terrafin saw her and Flameslinger behind him.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah." Terrafin nervously said.

"Thinking about Sonic Boom, buddy?" Flameslinger noticed.

"Yeah, and her kids." Terrafin answered.

"A mother Skylander?" Sonata noted in confusion before the two best friends explained Sonic Boom's past and the curse. "I think I know that curse."

"Say what now?" Terrafin asked in surprise.

"I'm a Siren from Equestria, my sisters and I know about old spells and curses." Sonata informed.

"What about an antidote or cure?!" Flameslinger gasped in anxiety.

"I'm not sure." Sonata responded as Voodood showed.

"It’s called a reversal spell. Besides, Voodood thinks Sonata hasn’t see the curse in action yet." Voodood pointed out.

"I haven't. Sorry." Sonata apologized.

"Let's just get to the Stormy Stronghold." Terrafin simply said as Flameslinger felt sorry for his best friend.

"If it’s okay, I’m gonna be staying here, just in case trouble finds us." Spyro noted.

"Me, too." Boomer agreed.

"Flynn, we're ready." Mikey called out, but Flynn didn’t pay attention.

"Finally. An awesome balloon for an even more awesomer pilot. Boom!" Flynn boasted.

"And the others call us Absent-minded?" Pinkie asked with a bead of sweat.

"He may be that, but at least he knows some stuff about engineering." Wham-Shell answered.

"Onward, my companions!" Chop Chop declared.

"Oh, it’s got a fuel injected croc-a-gator. A vacuum seal-a-tron and a jet-streamed thrust capacitor. Oh yeah, I’m so good I did it all myself… even had a few parts left over!" Flynn listed before turning towards the group. "Ready to go, Chief?"

"That was quick!" The Goofball Trio gasped in surprise before they and everyone else climbed in as Boomer and Spyro waved goodbye for now.

"Let's eat!" Boomer cheered.

"Cool." Spyro smiled.

"Okay! Let’s see what this baby can do!" Flynn declared as the balloon flew off without bumping into anything this time.

A while later, the group arrived at a broken up fortress.

"Wowsers!… Note THAT’S A TWISTER! And it’s ripping the castle to pieces! It’s almost as impressive as me. Almost. Looks like the little Drow-dudes found the Eternal Air whatsamadingus and now they’re trying to harness its power. I guess." Flynn noticed as the balloon landed away from the twister.

"Looks like some light defenses. We may be able to get the Eternal Air Source easily." Sonata said while looking through binoculars.

"One problem with that, Nata." Mikey pointed out.

"Yeah, I see it. Looks like the storm is tearing up the path." Sonata noticed,

"No problem. Drobot, fly above and give us aerial support." Pinkie asked.

"Well now, looky there: some kinda bridge. ‘Course right now it’s just a big bunch of giant swirling chunky things stuck in the vortex of a killer tornado. But hey! All you gotta do is figure out how to rebuild it. CAKE!" Flynn shouted as Drobot took off as the others forged ahead before Drows suddenly charged at them.

"Skeletal Grasp!" Pinkie roared, but when the skeleton hands rose to attack and grab the Drows, they were suddenly forced back underground by wind. "I am loving these powers!"

Everyone found new Spellpunks coming at them as Sonata asked. "What's with the wardrobe change?"

"No wonder Pinkie's attack didn't get them, they were practically projectiles. We're facing against Air Spellpunks." Lightning Rod noticed.

"So, let's hit them high. Drobot, we need a bombing run." Mikey requested.

"Affirmative. First target shall be Air Spellpunk." Drobot said as he dove down and open fired at the Spell Punks.

"Give Dro some back-up!" Mikey ordered while charging as he and everyone else attacked from all sides while Drobot fired from above.

"Aw yeah! How you like that?!" Pinkie cheered as Mikey got pinned by some Drows until Voodood came at them swinging.

"Friend ok?" Voodood asked.

"Behind you!" Mikey yelled before a Drow suddenly tripped and got zapped, then blown up behind Voodood as the orc smirked.

"Magical Tripwire Bomb." Voodood said. As everyone plowed through the enemies, they closed in on their path. The group soon arrived at a pylon as reinforcements charged at them. The pylon looked like a screw with a crescent moon on top that had electricity surging as reinforcements had Drow Witches among them.

"I can screw it down." Sonata said.

"Everyone else, form a barrier." Mikey ordered.

"Understood!" Stealth Elf responded as she and everyone else covered Sonata from the enemies.

"Timber!" Mikey shouted as he made a tree erupt under a group of enemies, knocking them upward into the air while Flameslinger was taking aim.

"Bullseye." Flameslinger smiled before letting his burning arrow fly, hitting the mark on an enemy Drow.

"Got it! Move it people!" Sonata informed while with the lightning pylon screwed in, the twister weakened as a piece of the bridge and fortress was put back in place.

"Next one up ahead." Pinkie noticed.

"I got the enemies!" Wham-Shell said as the group forged forward before they reached the next pylon. "LR, Voo... Electrify my starfish!" Wham-Shell requested as Pinkie was screwing the pylon in.

"Very well!" Lightning Rod responded as Voodood agreed with a nod before Wham-Shell fired his starfish as the duo charged them.

"Jelly-Starfish!" Wham-Shell shouted as the electrified attacks stunned the enemies.

"Hit them hard!" Sonata said.

"Poseidon Strike!" Wham-Shell yelled as he pierced his mace into the ground, creating an electric fielded that shocked the enemies more.

"It's down!" Pinkie informed with the pylon screwed down as the twister became weaker with another piece of the bridge and fortress were put back together.

"Just two left!" Mikey counted as everyone forged ahead. "Got any other weapons, Dro?"

"Eye lasers and bladegears." Drobot answered.

"Fire the gears at Stealth! Stealth, time to play shuriken sniper!" Mikey ordered.

"Okay!" Stealth Elf replied as Drobot unleashed a swarm of bladegears at her and caught them all. "Silent but Deadly!" Stealth Elf let out her battle cry as she threw all of the bladegears, with each and every one of them hitting an enemy.

"Great shooting!" Sonata smiled.

"I try my best, Mistress." Stealth Elf responded.

"Last push, then we get the Eternal Air Source!" Mikey said before he finished screwing down the pylon as the twister was almost gone with a piece of the bridge and fortress put back together.

"Terrafin, you and me strike hard!" Sonata planned.

"Alright!" Terrafin responded as the last pylon was guarded by Drows and Air Spellpunks.

"Twin Blade Boomerang!" Sonata shouted as she threw her swords with them spinning like whirlpools.

"It's Feeding Time!" Terrafin let out his battlecry with a roar as mini-sharks started jumping in and out of the ground, charging at the enemies.

"Next stop: Pain Central." Sonata quipped.

"Last one is down!" Pinkie informed, screwing in the last pylon as the twister vanished completely, making the bridge and fortress whole again. "Okay, storm the fortress!"

"Charge!" Mikey roared with Pinkie sounding a trumpet as the group got to the entrance of the fortress, only to encounter a Windbag Djinni.

"Djinni's easy to beat." Voodood smiled when suddenly, everyone heard an ear piercing scream.

"T-That voice!" Terrafin gasped as the group saw a griffon flying around, above the fortress.

"I'm guessing that's Sonic Boom... And my eardrums are bleeding." Sonata noted.

"Somehow, I’m liking the gryphons from Equestria better." Mikey admitted.

"You guys handle the Djinns, I got Sonic Boom." Terrafin said.

"Not alone, you don’t! And we’ll have to get to the top of this fortress!" Sonata pointed out.

"Same here, buddy." Flameslinger agreed.

"We'll draw them away so you guys get in. Good luck!" Mikey said.

"Thanks! Sling, Fin! Come on!" Sonata urged as Mikey, Pinkie and the others hit the enemies hard enough that they didn't notice Sonata and company sneaking by. As Sonata, Terrafin and Flameslinger were sneaking by, they came across a soul gem that had the face of a sky-blue turtle on it.

"Boom!" Terrafin called out before he kept going up as Sonata grabbed the Soul Gem, then she and Flameslinger went after him. Sonic Boom glared at the group before the trio got to the top of the fortress as she was guarding the Eternal Air Source. "Boom, it's me. Terrafin. You remember me?"

Sonic Boom only growled as Flameslinger drew an arrow.

"No choice, pal." Flameslinger said as Sonata drew her blades.

"Sling’s right about that." Sonata agreed as Terrafin's heart broke at that.

"I'm sorry." Terrafin apologized as the trio attacked Sonic Boom before she screeched, sending out sonic waves. The trio scattered to keep Sonic Boom off balance as Sonata was grabbing some rope.

"Slinger, lasso rope!" Sonata called out.

"Very well!" Flameslinger responded as he tied an arrow before Sonic Boom summon her kids.

"Those are her chicks?" Sonata asked in surprise.

"Yeah, they popped out of those eggs she threw." Terrafin answered as Sonata blocked the screams with her swords.

"Try not to hurt them." Sonata planned.

"Can do." Terrafin smiled as Flameslinger came at Sonic Boom from behind and fire the rope arrow at Sonata before she caught it.

"Restrain and detain, boys!" Sonata ordered.

"Got it!" Terrafin responded as the trio ran around Sonic Boom and tied her up before the griffon started cutting herself free. "Soni..." Terrafin said before he kissed her as that surprised Sonic Boom so much that she fell unconscious before Terrafin caught her.

"We got the Element, buddy. Just be careful with her." Flameslinger advised.

"Sure thing." Terrafin responded.

"Let’s hope the others are okay." Sonata said as the Eternal Air Source was a small twister inside an oval-shaped mystical container. "Incredible."

"Hey, guys. We got to get moving." Mikey said as he, Pinkie and the others showed up.

"Everyone in one piece?" Sonata asked.

"A few scratches, but nothing some food won't fix mistress." Stealth Elf answered.

"Good point." Sonata admitted.

"So that is the Eternal Air Source." Lightning Rod noticed as everyone started heading back.

After a short trip back to the Core of Light, Master Eon explained the Air Source. "Well done, everyone. Your retrieval of the Eternal Air Source has summoned me back to these ruins. There is strong magic in this place, and by its power, the Eternal Sources know how to combine with the ancient machinery of this island to recreate the Core of Light. Behold." Master Eon said as the Eternal Air Source flew into the center of the ruins, causing a small twister that brought in stone very small floating islands that each held a stone golem as they went onto the ground and got into position before the twister faded, revealing the center, now more technological. Needless to say, the Goofball Trio were simply amazed as they got back onto land and Sonic Boom woke up before Pinkie's Geode and Mikey's Medallion reacted and shined a blast at her and the griffon's children.

"What's going on?" Sonic Boom asked in worry.

"I think I might know." Sonata smiled as Sonic Boom looked at her chicks, and for the first time they didn't revert back to eggs.

"Am I hallucinating?" Sonic Boom gasped.

"No, Soni. Our new friends has cured your children's curse." Terrafin answered as Sonic Boom's eyes started tearing up.

"Thank you!" Sonic Boom cried with happy tears.

"Hey, I’m glad we could help. It was the least we could do." Sonata responded in great relief.

Meanwhile, in the depths of the Kaos’ Kastle…

"Oh… WHAT?!" Kaos gasped as he fell off his Portal of Power that was his eyes before Glumshanks showed up.

"Something wrong, sir?" Glumshanks asked before he looked into the portal and saw what was going on. "Oh! Look, Lord Kaos. They found the Eternal Air Source."

"I can see they found the Eternal Air Source! You fool! But looks who’s with them! Eon! But how can this be?!" Kaos asked as Glumshanks lifted him back onto the portal. "I blew him up! Kaboom! Splat! Done! But look at him!"

"Well, at least he doesn’t have his body." Glumshanks noticed.

"Right! Obviously, somebody’s helping him, but who? And what are they up to?" Kaos suspected.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, master... But I thought there were 32 Skylanders, not 35." Glumshanks pointed out.

"Eh, wha? 35?" Kaos said in confusion.

"Well, I’m no expert as you know, but I think the extra three down there are warriors from outside of Skylands, which means they’re from another world. So there could be another Portal Master somewhere, and they’re probably rebuilding the Core of Light." Glumshanks theorized.

"WWWHHHAAAAAAAAAAAATTT?!" Kaos gasped in shock as he fell off his portal again. "We CAN’T let that happen! Find the other Eternal Sources! I don’t care where they are, just get them!"

Kaos walked off in rage as Glumshanks looked at the portal again. "Oh, boy."

Author's Note:

Next Time on Equestria Ninja Girls...

Oilspill Island