• Published 11th Jan 2023
  • 1,786 Views, 169 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Skylanders Spyro's Adventure - RainbowRaptorDash1

It is time for a magical journey of wonder and adventure with the Goofball Trio!

  • ...

Sky Schooner Docks

The group were having some food at the Core Ruins as the Goofball Trio told the Skylanders some of their past adventures.

"Man, I thought we had crazy adventures." Spyro noted in shock.

"Sorry to hear about Master Splinter." Terrafin apologized.

"Thanks. Hey, where's Stealth?" Mikey asked.

"She said she was going to train for our next destination." Flameslinger responded.

"I'll go check on her." Sonata volunteered.

"Okay." Pinkie smiled as Sonata went off and soon found Stealth Elf slicing apart a training dummy.

"I think he gives up." Sonata pointed out, catching Stealth Elf off guard.

"GAH! M-Mistress!" Stealth Elf gasped.

"Worried about your captured friends?" Sonata asked, responded by Stealth Elf's silence at that as her grip on her blades tightened. "Relax, Stealth. We'll find them."

"Thank you, Mistress. I'm grateful you and your friends came here." Stealth Elf said in gratitude.

"I’m glad my friends and I showed up too, because now we can help you guys save your Homeworld." Sonata responded.

"I'll need to report to my superiors on this matter real quick." Stealth Elf informed.

"Take your time and catch up as soon as you can." Sonata said before heading back as her friends were testing their weapons.

"No new powers." Mikey sighed.

"Not surprised. We need to find Persephone since us Skylanders somehow lost more of our powers too, leaving us with only two attacks." Spyro explained.

"Oh! I think I found these at the Shattered Isle and Perilous Pastures." Pinkie remembered as she brought out two objects, one that had Chop Chop on it, and the other having the face of a living tree.

"I see you have found a fragment of my power and of Stump Smash’s, a Soul Gem." Chop Chop noted as the Soul Gem that had him on it suddenly flew into the skeleton. "But due to the loss of my powers, I cannot use it yet."

"Don't sweat it, CC. We got your back." Mikey smiled.

"That's what a team does." Pinkie agreed.

"What’s goin’ on here?" Sonata asked.

"Just explaining that we can unlock more powers... With the right key." Drobot answered.

"Nice." Sonata noted.

"Wait a second… Since the abilities of Mikey, Sonata and Pinkie have been changed here, I wonder if…" Lightning Rod started to wonder.

"If their powers can be upgraded?" Spyro finished the thought.

"We'll worry about that later. Let's get moving. Boomer, you stay here and rest." Mikey requested.

"Okay." Boomer responded.

"Everyone in the balloon. Let's go." Sonata said.

"Ready to take off into the wild blue with Skylands’ greatest pilot?" Flynn asked.

"Just don't get us killed." Sonata responded.

"Guys, wait up!" Stealth Elf urged as she arrived.

"That was fast." Sonata noted as Flynn started taking off and everyone helped Stealth Elf in before Flynn hit the pillar again.

"Oh yeah, that’s two for me! But who’s counting. Oh yeah… I am." Flynn boasted.

Soon, the heroes arrived at the Sky Schooner Docks.

"Wow, this place looks pretty busy." Pinkie noticed.

"All we need to do is find their elite airship, take it down, and steal their Golden Propeller. See? Simple! This is gonna be a piece of cake. Especially for heroes like us. Heroes who like cake." Flynn said, unintentionally offending Pinkie a bit.

"Be wise, Flynn." Pinkie snarled.

"Doesn't look like we can sneak through. Looks we got to go loud and proud." Mikey noticed.

"Right behind you, Mike-o!" Terrafin agreed.

"Heavy attack!" Wham-Shell added.

"It seems we will be traveling a long distance." Drobot noticed before he and everyone else charged at the Drows, defeating them until the wind started attacking them

"What's going on?!" Sonata gasped.

"Scanning wind attacks." Drobot said before he and Lightning Rod figured out what that was.

"An Elemental Djinn!" Lightning Rod realized.

"I see it, up in the tower! And there's a fairy there!" Sonata noticed.

"Spyro, with me. Sling, cover us!" Pinkie said.

"Got it!" Spyro responded.

"Understood!" Flameslinger agreed as Pinkie and Spyro rushed to the tower, but the Djinn saw them while the blindfolded elf readied his bow. "Focus on me!" Flameslinger called out as he fired a burning arrow at the Djinn, drawing its attention to him while he kept shooting at him. "That's right! I'm right here!" Flameslinger taunted as the Djinn attacked him, but forgot Pinkie and Spyro.

"Bone Ball!" Pinkie shouted as she twirled her flail and threw her attack as Spyro gave it extra strength before she landed her striker on the Djinn, defeating it as the fairy was freed.

"Who's she?" Sonata asked.

"This is Persephone the Fairy." Chop Chop introduced.

"Hello extremely! So much fun that the Skylanders are back, my friends! We dairies always dance with the Skylanders. As Chop Chop said, my new friends, I am Persephone." Persephone greeted.

"Ms. Persephone, can you upgrade our powers with your magic?" Mikey requested, but before the fairy could answer, the group heard a Drow ship moving.

"Oh dear! At it again, silly Drow! I’d best go back to the Core of Light. I will meet you there later for dancing. Happy luck, my friends." Persephone said as she then vanished.

"Oh, rats." Mikey groaned.

"We'll worry about that later! We've got Drows to beat up!" Terrafin pointed out.

"And the ship would be the suitable bridge for us to get across." Drobot added as the ship came to a stop and lowered the right drawbridge as Drow came out to attack.

"Mikey, heads up!" Terrafin called out as he threw a Drow.

"Huh? WHOA!" Mikey yelped as a huge Drows swung at him, but he dodged just in time. "Easy there, Tiny." Mikey quipped as he swung his hammer around as the light end grew a vine whip as it lashed the Drow multiple times.

"A Goliath Drow?!" Stealth Elf gasped as she and the rest of the group saw a giant Drow with shield gauntlets.

"Wham-Shell, Stealth Elf follow my lead and keep up with my speed!" Sonata informed.

"Got it!" Wham-shell responded.

"Understood, mistress!" Stealth Elf added as the trio ran around the Goliath in a circle.

"Attack him now!" Sonata shouted as Wham-Shell launched launched starfish shuriken anf Stealth Elf lunged with her blades. The Goliath Drow took each attack, unable to defend himself. "Time to fall, Tiny!" Sonata smirked as sheSonata and her swords glowed purple before an azure astral copy of her appeared on the exact opposite side of the Drow. "Tidal Slash!" Sonata shouted as she and her copy slashed the Drow with both swords from both sides at the same time with their Elemental Water power.

"Nice trick, Nata." Wham-Shell smirked.

"Excellent technique, Mistress." Stealth Elf smiled.

"It just somehow felt natural." Sonata responded as she was rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment with a smile.

"Wow, magic mirror copies, huh?" Spyro noted with a smirk as everyone soon reached a turret.

"Sling, you should handle this." Mikey said.

"Very well." Flameslinger accepted as Stealth Elf opened the hatch before he jumped in and closed it as the back of the turret guns gained symbols. "Keep an eye out for the Elite Airship."

"Right, and when we tell ya when it’s in your range, shoot it down!" Pinkie agreed as she and everyone else watched Flameslinger shoot down airship after airship until the Elite Airship arrived. "There it is!"

"Thank you, but I do not think it will fall in a single shot. So multiple will have to be sufficient." Flameslinger noticed.

"Understandable, buddy." Mikey admitted.

"But wowee! That turret’s shooting real fireballs!" Pinkie awed in amazement as after a series of heavy shots, the airship came crashing down before everyone saw a an axe-wielding Skylander walking towards them.

"Voodood!" Spyro gasped when the airship crashed through a locked gate, tearing it apart as the Golden Propeller broke off of it before Voodood brought his axe out. "Easy, buddy. It's us, your friends." Spyro called out as Voodood tightened his grip while glaring at the group.

"Guess we'll have to knock some sense into you." Mikey said.

"Here we go!" Pinkie declared as Voodood started attacking his friends hard.

"Lightning Rod, can you generate low level electricity that's non-lethal when mixed with water?" Sonata asked.

"Indeed." Lightning Rod answered as the eye sockets of the skull at the end of Pinkie’s flail glowed red before it breathed out fire as she swung the flail around Voodood.

"Pinkie, Chop, Sling, try and restrain Voodood." Sonata ordered.

"Okie-dokie!" Pinkie responded.

"Understood!" Chop Chop agreed.

"Agreed!" Flameslinger added before Pinkie threw Bone Ball after Bone Ball as Flameslinger fire arrows that surrounded Voodood.

"Sorry, comrade." Chop Chop apologized in advanced as he then used his shield to imprison Voodood.

"Ready?" Sonata checked.

"Yes, I am." Lightning Rod answered as he threw the weak bolt.

"This wave may be a bit of a shock!" Sonata quipped as she threw a light water wave and the combined attacks electrocuted Voodood. The attack definitely affected Voodood, but then he got angry as his axe sparkled with electricity. "Terrafin, hit him now!"

"You got it!" Terrafin responded as he rushed forward and punched Voodood right in the jaw. "Knockout!" Terrafin roared as that final punch made Voodood fall unconscious.

"Is he going to be okay?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah, that was a light tap." Terrafin answered.

"LIGHT TAP?" The Goofball Trio repeated in shock as they and the Skylanders grabbed the propeller and Voodood.

"Golden Propeller secured." Drobot said as Flynn then showed up in his balloon.

"Well, that’s impressive. Almost as impressive as me. Boom! Now we should be able to fly even higher!" Flynn said.

"Yo Wham, give me a hand with Voodood." Terrafin requested.

"Right." Wham-Shell responded.

"C’mon! Let’s get back so I can get to work! We’ll slap this baby on, fly on up to the impenetrable stronghold, pick up the Eternal Air thingy, and then be back in time for my date with Cali. If she doesn’t faint from anticipation first." Flynn boasted.

"Don't count on it, buddy." Mikey said as everyone boarded the balloon with Voodood and the Golden Propeller as it set off to head back to the Core’s Ruins.

As they arrived at their base, Voodood started waking up.

"Hey, somebody make sure his binds are secured." Sonata requested.

"Ugh… Huh…?" Voodood groaned as Flameslinger took aim.

"VD, you there bud?" Spyro asked in concern.

"Spyro, what happened?" Voodood said in confusion as he found his hands tied together. "Okay, better question: What's going on?"

"He’s back to normal, everyone." Spyro smiled after a sigh of relief.

"Sorry, pal. You were under Kaos' control." Stealth Elf informed as she cut him free of his binds.

"What?!" Voodood gasped in shock and horror.

"It's true." Spyro confirmed in exhausting as Persephone appeared.

"Happy to dance in this old place. Here is bright and smooth with many secret parties. We’ll play here for a while time. Before you leave, I will help you. I will! I will!" Persephone smiled as she went to an area that recently opened up.

"Secret parties?!" Pinkie asked, extremely excited.

"She doesn't speak English too well does she?" Sonata noticed.

"Not really." Stealth Elf responded.

"Half the time it takes a while to decipher what she's really saying." Wham-Shell added.

"I can see you hit it off with Persephone. Strange girl, that one… seems to be immune to my charms. Poor thing. Well, it’s gonna take me some time to install this propeller. So why don’tcha cool your jets. Take a load off." Flynn suggested as the Goofball Trio and Skylanders walked over to Persephone.

"Can you give us new powers?" Mikey asked.

"Hello extremely once more! Indeed I can." Persephone answered.

"You three might need this." Terrafin said as he brought out a treasure chest filled with riches. "Managed to grab it from some of the Drows back at the docks."

"Hmm… Somehow that reminds me of Adagio." Sonata said to herself.

"Will this cover our upgrades?" Pinkie asked.

"Indeed extremely! One for each of you. But you can choose which one you will want." Persephone said as three sets of five upgrades appeared, one set for each of the Goofball Trio, while the fifth upgrade of each of the sets seemed to be locked and have a purple background.

"Nothing happened." Sonata noted.

"Those locking mechanisms weren't on your swords earlier." Lightning Rod added.

"Besides, you have to choose which upgrade you want at the moment since what Terrafin got is only enough for one upgrade for each of us right now." Flameslinger informed as Sonata connected her swords and a mystic energy surged through them.

"That's cool!" Pinkie awed as she thrusted her hand down and a skeleton hand came out the ground

"Let me try!" Mikey said as he tapped his hammer on the ground before a tree erupted right in front of the hammer. "Awesome!" Mikey cheered as the Skylanders chose their upgrades.

"We’ll choose these ones!" The Goofball Trio declared as the riches suddenly turned into magical energy as they suddenly beamed the Goofball Trio and Skylanders from all sides before they exploded, the group completely unharmed, but feeling stronger.

"I think we should name our weapons... Lifestone." Mikey smiled.

"Scorching Skull." Pinkie smirked.

"Mystic Tides." Sonata grinned.

"Now THOSE sound awesome." Spyro said, impressed.

"You guys get your powers back?" Mikey asked.

"A bit, but not all of them. At least we can use our third abilities now." Spyro answered as he took off and flew, same with Drobot.

"Whoa... We knew you could fly, but this is awesome!" Sonata awed in amazement.

"Totally!" Mikey agreed.

"Yeah!" Pinkie cheered as the Goofball Trio were gonna train and rest with the Skylanders until the balloon's ready.

Author's Note:

Next Time on Equestria Ninja Girls...

Stormy Stronghold