• Published 11th Jan 2023
  • 1,787 Views, 169 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Skylanders Spyro's Adventure - RainbowRaptorDash1

It is time for a magical journey of wonder and adventure with the Goofball Trio!

  • ...

Molekin Mine

The skies were getting dark as Sonata figured out was Burpy was. "Wow, who could’ve seen that coming?"

"What?" Pinkie asked as Inferno napped with a teddy bear.

"I found out Burpy is a minor demon." Sonata answered.

"Huh?" Pinkie said in confusion.

"Yeah, ya heard me." Sonata confirmed.

"Is he dangerous?" Mikey asked.

"Nah, this little guy is so harmless magically, he couldn't hurt a fly." Sonata responded.

"Expect his fire burps." Pinkie pointed out.

"Fair point. But not my first time meeting an actual demon." Sonata shrugged off.

"Huh?" Pinkie and Mikey said in confusion.

"Story for another time." Sonata simply replied before a train whistle was heard.

"Was that a train?" Hex noticed.

"Stealth, Wham, Terra you three with me. We'll investigate it. Everyone else, hang back in case there's trouble." Sonata said as the four went on over with Flynn and Hugo as they saw a train and Diggs.

"Wow! Am I the only one that didn’t know this was here? I mean, honestly… there’s a train here!" Hugo said.

"It's not like we've had a chance to explore the area." Stealth Elf admitted.

"Yeah, we've been fixing up everyone who's injured." Terrafin added.

"Did you say that there is a train?" Diggs asked.

"Right there behind you!" Hugo pointed out.

"Oh that explains the tracks. Huh. I’m not sure how I could have missed that." Diggs wondered.

"It couldn’t possibly be because he’s blind as a bat, could it? That’s right! …Boom!" Flynn declared.

"Hey! I can still hear, you know." Diggs pointed out.

"Flynn, that wasn't nice!" Mikey pouted.

"Now I understand how Cali feels." Sonata groaned.

"Listen, we moles were digging, searching for the Crucible of the Ages. But there was a terrible cave-in!" Diggs explained.

"WAIT! You know where the Crucible is? That’s one of the missing components to the Great Machine! It’s the only relic in the world that can contain the power of the Eternal Fire Source!" Hugo realized.

"Focus, there's innocent people in danger!" Mikey pointed out.

"I know. That’s why we were looking for… Wait. What am I saying? There’s no time to explain! The cave! There are moles trapped down there! I barely escaped, when the cave-in sealed the entrance shut!" Diggs panicked.

"Everyone, if we can open a path through the debris, perhaps you can recover the Crucible." Hugo noted.

"UH… What part of “moles trapped down there” don’t you understand?" Diggs pointed out.

"Terrafin, you and Wham-Shell head back and start rounding up all the Skylanders with superior strength." Pinkie ordered.

"On it!" Terrafin nodded.

"First, we'll need something powerful enough to blow up the debris that's blocking the cave! Then we can get the Crucible, AND save the moles." Hugo said.

"Finally!" Digs said before Boomer showed up.

"Blow up!" Boomer shouted with crazy laughter as he zipped and zoomed around the place, blowing up stone covered walls with bombs and throwing a bomb into a geyser before returning with two Winged Sapphires.

"What was that!? Was that another cave-in!? Oh no!" Diggs dreaded.

"Easy, bud. It's just Boomer going boom-boom crazy." Mikey assured.

"But we're going to need him if we're going to mount a rescue." Pinkie admitted.

"Don't worry. I can do controlled explosions." Boomer said.

"Okay, we got two, now we gotta decide six more." Sonata noted.

"No need." Lightning Rod said as he, Cynder, Wham-Shell, Terrafin, Flameslinger, Camo, and Double Trouble came up.

"Strength and demolition expertise... Perfect. But I want control and discipline while we're down there! Understood?!" Pinkie pointed out.

"Right." Cynder nodded.

"Are you ready to go to the mines now?" Diggs asked.

"Alright, we're ready to save the miners." Mikey answered.

"Okay, let’s go! Um… But first, will someone explain why it is we’re taking a train?" Diggs wondered.

"It's the fastest way there." Sonata responded.

"What’re we waiting for then?!" Diggs pointed out as everyone got into the train before it charged right into the tunnel entrance.

Later, the train came to a stop as the Goofball Trio and the Skylanders exited the train, seeing Blobbers.

"Oh, my lady! It's good to see you, Mistress Sonata." Blobbers noticed.

"Huh?" The others asked in confusion.

"I... Might've saved him from some of Kaos' forces a while back." Sonata admitted.

"But where did you come from? Nevermind that. I’m afraid we need your help once more! We were digging, um, well, I mean the Molekin were digging, and I was supervising. We found something! An ancient relic called the Crucible of the Ages! Dunno what happened, but some… some THING triggered a cave-in!" Blobbers informed.

"Don't worry. We'll save the miners." Mikey assured.

"They’re all trapped… the mole miners! You’ve got to rescue them!" Blobbers panicked.

"Let's get smashing!" Sonata declared as Mikey and the more muscular Skylanders started smashing through the rocks to clear a path.

"Here. *Brings out pickaxes* Use the mining picks to break through cracked rocks. Simple physics!"

"Thanks." Pinkie smiled while taking one as everyone kept smashing away until enemies started charging.

"Cynder, Camo you two help me lead them away." Sonata said.

"Those are Flame Imps, droplets of possessed magma." Flameslinger informed.

"Then I'm suited for this. Tidal Slash!" Sonata shouted as her attack easily beat the enemies before the group founded a Molekin miner.

"You okay, sir?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah! But hurry, there’s six more of us!" The first Molekin Miner informed.

"We'll find them. Get to entrance!" Mikey said as the Molekin miner fled before the group kept moving forward, only to encounter a Rocker Walker.

"Sonata, you and your team need to cover us!" Terrafin requested while punching rocks.

"He's right. We're clearing the way to the miners!" Wham-Shell agreed while swinging mace at rocks.

"On it!" Sonata nodded as she, Cynder, and Camo provided cover while the others kept searching for the miners.

"I found one! Over here!" Pinkie called out as she broke through a wall, finding a Molekin Miner surrounded by Flame Imps. "Skeletal Grasp!" Pinkie shouted as she used her attack to swat them away. "Go! Get to safety!"

"Thank you!" The second Molekin Miner said in gratitude while fleeing as Boomer went off before returning with a miner hat. The group soon encountered enemies on a bridge.

"Tidal Slash!" Sonata shouted while Cynder electrified Sonata's attack as the combo-attack knocked out the enemies before they saw a Lava King up ahead.

"You three handle him. We'll get the miners." Boomer said as he threw a bomb to the left, shattering a crystalline obstacle before he went down to the right from the bridge, setting off another bomb, shattering another crystalline obstacle, making a path up to the Molekin Miner. "Hurry! Get out!"

"O-Okay!" The third Molekin Miner nodded as he ran down the ramp and escaped before the group mined forward before encountering a giant fire robot.

"Guys, hurry up! We can't keep holding them back forever!" Sonata and her mirror clone said in unison, making her voice sound like stereo as the group beat the robot and mined to see a Molekin miner surrounded by Flame Imps.

"Stone Wave!" Mikey shouted as his attack attack cleared the way. "Shift is over! Get out of here!"

"Right!" The fourth Molekin Miner said as he fled before the group dug through the stones before encountering another Molekin Miner.

"Two left." Camo counted.

"Onward, friends! These miners shall see tomorrow!" Lightning Rode declared.

"Oh! There's something you'll wanna see!" The fifth Molekin Miner remembered as he pointed in a direction before fleeing as Pinkie found a scroll, reading it.

"Hmm... Ooh... I see... But something tells me there's more to it than that." Pinkie noted.

"What is it?" Mikey asked.

"The Core of Light Origin." Pinkie answered as the group mined through the stones, beating another giant fire robot before finding another Molekin Miner surrounded by Flame Imps.

"None shall hurt him!" Lightning Rod said while throwing lightning, destroying enemies with ease. "RUN!"

"O-Okay! Thanks for blowing up that crystal wall earlier!" The sixth Molekin Miner responded before fleeing through the opening Boomer made by blowing up the crystal obstacle earlier.

"…How did we not notice that before?" Mikey asked as the group kept mining before found two treasure chests, then Cynder’s Soul Gem.

"Haha! Nice!" Cynder giggled.

"There should one miner left!" Sonata noted as the group moved before seeing a Hob ‘n’ Yaro dash and swipe a key before running around in a room that had the last Molekin Miner.

"We don't have time!" Flameslinger growled while aiming his bow before he let an arrow fly, nailing the Hob n' Yaro.

"Come on, let's go!" Pinkie urged as Mikey grabbed the key.

"T-Thank you!" The seventh and final Molekin Miner said in gratitude as he fled before the group found Diggs by a locked gate with a relic.

"That's got to be the Crucible. Great job, Diggs!" Mikey noticed.

"You did it! You saved the miners! I'd gladly walk over and shake your hands but I'm afraid I must have injured my leg while down here and can't walk." Diggs admitted as Pinkie sped off and returned with a mine cart.

"Help me put him in here." Pinkie requested.

"I'll hold onto it while you push, even though it hurts." Diggs added as everyone was escorting Diggs back, Flameslinger's exhaustion was catching up.

"Sling, you okay friend?" Double Trouble asked.

"Not sure." Flameslinger admitted.

"Wait, where's the key?" Mikey asked.

"Used it to unlock that gate and found more bombs." Pinkie answered.

"Oh! Only bombs and cannonballs will break up Tzo Crystals." Diggs informed before Flameslinger sensed something.

"I don't think Cynder's was the only Soul Gem in these mines." Flameslinger said.

"Okay, go get it and catch up quickly." Mikey responded.

"I'll go with. You ain't looking well, bud." Terrafin urged.

"Very well." Flameslinger nodded before he and Terrafin went off before Pinkie started getting a bomb.

"Fire in the hole!" Pinkie called out as she threw the bomb before it blew up the falling Tzo Crystals.

Everyone hurried forward as Flameslinger and Terrafin caught up with the elf holding his Soul Gem. "Got it."

"Perfect. Let's get out of here!" Mikey urged as everyone soon reached the train.

"You saved everyone!! AND I have some good news! All this seismic activity has opened up a new tunnel back there. And there are new train tracks! Tracks that go deeper." Blobbers informed.

"Good. We'll check it out later. Right now, we got to take the Crucible to the Core." Mikey responded.

"Hey! Come on! Miner in terrible pain here! Grab that Crucible and let’s get outta here!" Diggs pointed out as everyone carefully loaded Diggs into the train and prepared to head back to the Core.

"Mistress, please let me accompany you back." Blobbers requested.

"If you say so." Sonata shrugged as the train departed.

Soon, everyone returned to the ruins with Blobbers and the Crucible.

"~We’re baaaack!~" Pinkie called out in sing-song before the Crucible started hovering into the air as Master Eon appeared.

"The Crucible of the Ages, made to withstand the terrible forces of a thousands burning suns." Master Eon informed as the Crucible floated around the Core before placing itself at the center of the visible floor.

"Huh. Come to think of it, the Crucible right now looks like a stove burner." Pinkie noticed.

"Yeah." Mikey agreed.

Meanwhile at Kaos’ Kastle, the dark portal master was walking down the hallway. "Glumshanks!"

That shout made the troll drop the stone tablet of notes. "Uh, yes, lord Kaos?" Glumshanks asked as Kaos arrived in the portal window room.

"I have a job for you. Those cursed Skylanders, oh, and those meddling outworlders have interfered with my plans to become Emperor of Skylands for the last time! *After Glumshanks helped him get onto the outer side of the portal* But you, Glumshanks, you can stop them." Kaos said.

"Me?" Kaos asked.

"See, things are… very bad right for us now." Kaos admitted.

"But I thought you said the Darkness was growing, that it didn’t matter what they did. You said-" Glumshanks tried to point out.

"NEVERMIND WHAT I SAID! Look, Glumshanks, all we have to do is keep them from getting one, just one of the Eternal Sources, and it’ll all be over. Which brings me to you, old friend. All you have to do is make your way deep underground, sneak past the deadly lava guardians, withstand the scorching heat of a burning volcano to sabotage the tracks of the mine train. *Deep breath in* Meanwhile, I’ll go on ahead and simply go after the Eternal Fire Source myself. Hahahahaha! See? There’s more than one way to… DERAIL their plans!" Kaos punned terribly.

"Please tell me you didn’t just say that." Glumshanks groaned while turning away, covering his face.

"Oh, I did. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Kaos laughed as Glumshanks walked away.

Pinkie suddenly felt anger boiling inside her. "Oh no, he did NOT just do that!"

"What's wrong?" Sonata asked.

"My Pinkie Sense told me that a villain did a horrible pun! And I know that it was Kaos who did that! *Calms down* But seriously, was that pun made of paper? Because it was TEARRIBLE!" Pinkie punned as Sonata stifled a snicker at that.

"Okay, Pinkie. That was a good one." Sonata admitted,

"Thank you." Pinkie smiled while taking a bow.

Author's Note:

Next Time on Equestria Ninja Girls...

Lava Lakes Railway