• Published 11th Jan 2023
  • 1,786 Views, 169 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Skylanders Spyro's Adventure - RainbowRaptorDash1

It is time for a magical journey of wonder and adventure with the Goofball Trio!

  • ...

Welcome to Skylands!

The Goofball Trio were doing another patrol in New York City.

"No sign of trouble on this side of the city." Mikey noted.

"Yeah." Pinkie agreed.

"So boring." Sonata sighed out of boredom.

"Something wrong?" Pinkie asked.

"I'm just bummed you two got that Halloween Town adventure. I love that town." Sonata answered.

"It’s okay. Besides, you should’ve seen Pinkie! She was totally awesome!" Mikey smiled.

"At least the Doctor modified your keys to allow you three to come anytime without Equestrian magic." Pinkie said before the air suddenly grew cold

"Here we go again." Sonata sighed as a portal opened up, but it started surging with electricity.

"That’s strange." Pinkie noted before the electricity surge towards the trio and zapped them, infusing them with power then sucked them in.

"What’s going on?!" Mikey asked.

"I don't know, but we got tag alongs coming up from behind!" Sonata informed.

"Huh?" Pinkie responded as the Goofball Trio saw eight balls of light, one purple, one yellow, one gray, one green, one sky-blue, one brown, one red and one blue.

"Going our way?" The purple light asked, revealed to be a dragon.

"If so, to where?" Sonata replied with her own question.

"Skylands. Wham-Shell, Lightning... Grab the girls. I got the turtle." The dragon answered as the blue and sky-blue lights revealed themselves as a cloud titan and an anthro crustacean with a mace.

"Got it." The crustacean known as Wham-Shell responded.

"Understood." The cloud titan known as Lightning Rod agreed as the duo grabbed the girls and the dragon glided under Mikey.

"Hang on!" The dragon said.

"Whoa! Okay!" Mikey responded as he and the other two goofballs held on tight while they and the other five lights sped towards the end of the portal.

"Brace for impact!!!" Sonata shouted as the goofball trio and the eight creatures exited a portal, only to see an anthro mammal.

"WHOA! Spyro! You and the others have returned!" The mammal gasped in relief.

"Hey Hugo, uh take two steps back." Spyro requested.

"O-Okay." Hugo responded as he did that before the eight creatures came down with the trio. "Wonderful, you all are okay!"

"Uh hi, we're new." Mikey said.

"And you brought help. Excellent!" Hugo added.

"Wait, why’s everything flying somewhere?" Sonata asked.

"This is Skylands, a world of floating islands. But something is very wrong here." The gray light noticed, revealed to be a skeleton known as Chop Chop.

"But what should we do?" Pinkie asked.

"Let's investigate. You three are welcome to come along." Spyro answered.

"Really?" Sonata noted.

"Of course. You three know how to fight?" The green light checked, revealed to be a female elf known as Stealth Elf.

"Uh-huh! We wouldn’t be ninjas otherwise!" Pinkie answered.

"Then let's roll." The brown light declared, revealed to be a dirt shark known as Terrafin.

Everyone walked further into villages and saw strange green creatures attacking the people.

"What are they?" Sonata asked.

"Chompies. Bad news." The yellow light answered, revealed to be a troll known as Boomer.

"Alright, everyone. Hit them hard!" Spyro ordered.

"Right behind you." Mikey responded as he and the girls ran at the Chompies, but the second their weapons made contact they shattered.

"Oh no!" The Goofball Trio dreaded as the Chompies lunged and bit down on them. "OW!!!"

As they tried to throw them off, Pinkie suddenly caught on fire "GAH!!! HOT HOT!!!" Pinkie yelped before skeleton arms and hands emerged around her and grabbed the chompies on Pinkie as she then noticed that she was controlling these.

"Undead?" Chop Chop noticed.

"Fire?" The red light added, revealed to be a male elf known as Flameslinger.

"What’s happening to me?!" Pinkie asked before Sonata suddenly released a blast of water

"What the?!" Sonata gasped as a burst of magic then blasted from her. "What’s going on?!"

"Magic?" Spyro said.

"Water?" Wham-Shell noticed as plants started growing around Mikey while spikes made of stone erupted around him.

"My Medallion?" Mikey wondered.

"Life?" Stealth Elf gasped.

"Earth?" Terrafin added.

"Guys, focus on the Chompies!" Boomer pointed out as he threw dynamite at the chompies.

"Agreed!" Lightning Rod nodded as he and the others kept fighting and soon defeated the chompies.

Soon, after everyone helped the villagers evacuate, Sonata stopped one. "Is there anyone left in the village?"

"Just the royal Mabu family on the other side of the village!" The mabu known as Blobbers answered.

"That can’t be good!" Mikey dreadded before the Blobbers fled as the Goofball Trio and the eight heroes went further into the village.

"Hey, down there!" A voice called out.

"Huh?" The Goofball Trio wondered in confusion as everyone looked up and saw a person on higher ground next to a hot air balloon.

"For you three new ones, name’s Flynn. Hugo told me to meet you and the others. Boy, you all got here just in time! I can see what’s causing this island to shatter. Come here and I’ll show you! Use those bounce pads. They’re super springy!" Flynn informed as everyone bounced to his position. "Ya see that twister?"

"Yes." The group answered.

"It’s a big one all right! But I’ve got an idea. What we’re gonna do is-Whoa!" Flynn yelped as a boulder came flying in before he got onto his hot air balloon and flew off while the Goofball Trio and the eight heroes jumped off to the entrance of a castle being torn apart by the twister.

"Guys, looks like they have prisoners!" Mikey noticed as he directed everyone to a royal family)

"We need a key to unlock that gate!" Flameslinger informed.

"There's too many not those things to fight. Hey Spyro, can you fly up and get the key?" Mikey asked.

"I wish I could, but for some reason, I can only glide and most of my powers were sealed away. Same with the others." Spyro answered as his friends nodded, confirming that.

"Okay, change in plan. You go up and get the key. The rest of us will keep them distracted." Mikey said.

"I'll go with him for muscle." Wham-Shell volunteered.

"Good. But I see a way we can get that key, but it’ll take heavy artillery." Spyro noted.

"Okay, everyone else will create a distraction." Sonata said.

"And we’ll try to help." Pinkie added as she and everyone else charged at the Chompies while Spyro and his crustacean friend snuck by.

"Okay, Wham. See that stone wall?" Spyro asked.

"Yeah." Wham-Shell answered.

"The key’s behind that, but we’ll need to move the cannon towards it and fire to destroy it." Spyro informed.

"Leave it to me, buddy." Wham-Shell responded as he started pushing the cannon to line up with the wall.

A Chompy snuck up behind Stealth Elf and pounced.

"I don't think so!" Sonata quipped as she kicked the chompy away.

"Thanks for the save!" Stealth Elf said in gratitude.

"No problem. I'm Sonata." Sonata introduced herself.

"I’m Stealth Elf." Stealth Elf responded with her own introduction as a Chompy bit Mikey's knee and forced him to the ground.

"Not so fast!" Boomer yelled as he smashed the ground, sending the chompies flying off Mikey. "You okay?"

"Yep. Thanks." Mikey answered as the troll helped him up.

"Name's Boomer." Boomer introduced himself.

"I’m Mikey." Mikey responded before everyone ducked at the sound of a cannon firing.

"What was that?!" Pinkie gasped before a Chompy bit her arm hard. "Ow!!!"

The Skeleton charged and swung his sword at the Chompy, sending it flying away from Pinkie. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, thanks a bunch." Pinkie said in gratitude.

"Chop Chop." Chop Chop said, introducing himself.

"I’m Pinkie Pie." Pinkie Pie responded.

"We got the key." Spyro informed.

"Spyro, behind you!" Terrafin informed.

"Huh?!" Spyro gasped before a Chompy came from behind and clamped down on him as three more ambushed Wham-Shell.

"Can you three throw me up there?" Terrafin requested.

"Sure thing!" Sonata answered as she, Pinkie and Mikey picked up the shark and threw him to his friends, before he then threw punches at the Chompies, knocking them away.

"You two okay?" Terrafin asked.

"Yeah. Thanks Terrafin." Spyro answered.

"Let's get the Mabu and leave." Wham-Shell urged as he tossed the key to Mikey, who used it to open the cage.

"You all better come with us." Mikey said as he, Sonata, Pinkie, the eight heroes and the royal Mabu family climbed into Flynn's balloon and fled from the storm. "Wow, this is a spacious balloon."

"Pretty awesome, huh?" Flynn smirked.

"Where are we going?" Sonata asked.

"We’re going to the Core of Light. Or at least what’s left of it." Hugo answered.

"Can we get an explanation on what's going on now?" Pinkie requested.

"Okay." Hugo responded.

After they got to a safe distance, a spirit appeared. "Greetings, my friends."

"Hello?" Mikey said in surprise.

"I am Eon. A portal master of light." The spirit introduced himself.

"Where are we, Eon? And what's going on?" Sonata asked.

"You are in Skylands, a magical world of wonder and adventure. But we need your help." Master Eon responded.

"Give us the short version." Pinkie requested.

"I used to have a physical body, but I grew weak with age. And when Kaos attacked, he sent a monster and destroyed the Core of Light. Eight Skylanders were banished from Skylands by that explosion. I survived the explosion, but became a spirit in the process. Fortunately, those eight Skylanders have returned and with you three arriving when they did." Master Eon informed.

"What about these powers? We've never had them." Mikey asked.

"It must be the energy from Skylands, they gave the three of you two of eight elements." Master Eon answered as the trio tested a small sample in their hands. "But they appear unstable. These weapons should help." Master Eon said as Mikey gained a hammer, while Pinkie got a flail, and Sonata obtained two scimitars.

Soon, they arrived at the Core of Light.

"Whoa… It’s in ruins…" Sonata gasped.

"I'm sorry, Spy." Mikey apologized.

"None of us thought it would be this bad." Pinkie added.

"So as you can see, with our Core of Light destroyed, Skylands is in great danger. I’m sure that tornado was no accident. This is Kaos' handiwork." Hugo said.

"Kaos. Ooh, that guy really grinds my gears. If you guys are taking down Kaos, you can count me in!" Flynn declared.

"Us, too. We're not going to let innocent people get hurt." Mikey agreed.

"Not to sound like a downer... But 11 fighters against an army aren't winnable odds." Pinkie noted.

"Psh! And when has that ever stopped us before?" Sonata asked with a smile.

"All the same, we need reinforcements." Pinkie reminded.

"Don’t worry. We’re not the only Skylanders." Spyro informed.

"Where are the others?" Mikey asked.

"We're not sure." Stealth Elf answered.

"So, we find the others." Sonata said.

"Indeed." Flameslinger agreed.

"Wonderful. Cali has agreed to help." Hugo informed.

"Ah, Cali." Flynn sighed with a smile.

"Who's Cali?" Mikey asked.

"A friend of ours." Stealth Elf answered.

"And a trainer." Wham-Shell added.

"Good. We'll need some practice." Mikey smiled.

"First, gets some rest. You all look a bit exhausted." Hugo pointed out.

"Phew! Definitely!" Sonata agreed as she and everyone else walked over to Auric shop and ordered some food.

Author's Note:

Next Time on Equestria Ninja Girls...

Perilous Pastures