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A Hero's Tale - Red's Defeat

"So anyways, shortly after getting that latest Light gem, we found the last Dark gem for the area and another light gem with it. With all the dark gems smashed, we could go right to the boss. This time around, we fought some kind of strange thing. I can hardly describe it." Cozy Glow said before taking out a picture.

"...What the buck am I looking at?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"That's exactly what Cozy Glow said when she saw it." Spyro said.

"We did eventually beat this thing, and thus we could now progress to the Icy Wilderness. Though, considering what happened there, I have so many problems with my brother." Cozy Glow said.

"Yeah. Turns out that my shadow powers could break the dark gems, so I went with Cozy Glow separately from Spyro. This allowed us to essentially cut the workload in half. While Spryo was mostly going around collecting eggs and light gems while he smashed Dark Gems in one area, me and Cozy Glow were doing things in another area. It didn't take us long to smash all the dark gems and collect everything we could there. Spyro even managed to learn how to Wall Kick too. But then after we smashed the last dark gem, he went ahead to the boss area without us." Cynder said.

"Yeah which resulted in him being captured." Cozy Glow said.

"I got cocky..." Spyro said.

"Way too cocky if you ask me. With some help from hunter we were able to free you and defeat the mammoth regardless. Of course after that, we came across Red of all things meaning we had to battle him now. Ironically he was supringly easy to defeat, but he managed to get away at the last minute." Cynder said.

"Which was fine, we didn't exactly destroy all his dark gems yet. The last batch was at a place the dragons sometimes referred to as the Wastelands: The Volcanic Isle area." Spyro said. "The Volcanic Isle area is sometimes referred to as the Wastlands due to how unforgiving and baren the area is to begnin with. It's said very few dragons if any live there. No more splitting up there because of how harsh it was. Plus, Cozy Glow is the furthest thing from a dragon there could be." He added.

"I won't lie, the Volcanic Isle are was rough. Like, really rough. I think I almost got my feathers singed a couple of times." Cozy Glow said.

"Not just almost. It did happen. We just didn't notice until we had already beaten Red for good." Cynder said.

"Don't remind me." Cozy Glow said. "We managed to go back and collect everything we missed first though, and then eventually found the rest of the dragon eggs and Light Gems in the Volcanic Area as we smashed the last Dark Gems." She added.

"Eventually we made our way to Red's underground lair, where the Professor had ended up being kidnapped and forced to turn Red's soldiers into mechanical monstrosities. Soon enough, Red himself was turned into a giant mech and we had to fight him. The professor tried to help but just ended up making Red stronger. Eventually the Professor did figure things out which signaled the end for Red when he was turned into just a teeny tiny little dragon." Cynder said.

"Which the Professor then put into a bottle. Cynder was admittedly quite pleased with the whole ordeal." Cozy Glow said.

"Can you blame me? Dude made Ripto look like a laughingstock by comparison." Cynder said.

"Ripto may have been downgraded by Red's scheme, but Ripto is much more resliant." Spyro said. He then turned to the ruined Butler robot. "...And I have the strangest feeling that he's coming back for one final round sooner then we think." The purple dragon said.