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Intermission 2: A particular Dragoness

As the new day began to dawn, a mysterious new portal began to show up in Twilight's castle.

"What the what?" Twilight said. Soon stepping through was not only the biggest four legged dragon she'd ever seen, but also a black four legged dragoness.

"...Yep, I see a pony. I think we're defaintly in the right place." The black dragoness said.

"Are you...friends of Spyro and Cozy Glow?" Twilight asked.

"Most certianly. Like I could ever forget those two. Spyro more so." The black dragoness said.

"Ah. Then we managed to find where they are right away. Not bad if I do say so myself." The big dragon said. He spotted Celestia in the doorway behind Twilight Sparkle. "...You...that coat." The big dragon went over to Celestia said. "...I see. I suppose that must mean you are Princess Faust's child." The big dragon said.

"So it's true then...you are the Lost Dragon Prince." Celestia said.

"Feels like a life-time ago, admittedly." The big dragon said. "I am Malafor, guardian of the Mystic Lands." He added. "And this..." Malafor gestured to the black Dragoness. "Is my daughter Cynder." He said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sunny." Cynder said.

"My name is Princess Celestia." Celestia said.

"Yeah no. Gonna call you Sunny until you earn my respect. Good luck with that, Sunny." Cynder said.

Celestia looked like she was about to fly off the handle. "Does your daughter always do this, Mr. Malafor?" Twilgiht asked.

"Yep. She always asigns nicknames to eveyrone based on the first impresson." Malafor said.

"But safe to say there..." Cynder said, examning Twilight. "...I...got nothing for you yet. But I'll think of something." She said.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle, if it helps. And I enjoy reading a lot." Twilight said.

"Mm...yeah no. Sorry Ms. Sparkle, but I got nothing right now." Cynder said.

Sometime later, everyone including the two new guests were in the map room.

"'Sup Rook?" Cynder asked Cozy Glow. "How's things been so far?" She asked.

"Things here, things there." Cozy Glow said. "Been telling everyone here about our adventures though. Funniest thing, we were just getting to the Mystic Lands." She added.

"Hope you two don't mind if I join in, right Purple?" Cynder said to Spyro.

"Not at all...Black~" Spyro said.

Rainbow Dash laughed. "Ha! Their calling each other by their colors. That's hilarous!" She said.

"Watch it, Color Splash!" Cynder said.

"Looks like you've been hit by Cynder's nicknaming tendacy, Rainbow Dash." Twilight said.

"Well it's not the worst thing I've been called." Rainbow Dash said.

"Indeed. It's better then Rainbow Crash at least. Oops..." Fluttershy said.

But Cynder suddenly did a glare. "WHO DO I NEED TO GIVE A BUTT KICKING FOR SUCH AN INSULT?!" Cynder exclaimed.

"...Huh...Apparently she hates that." Rainbow Dash said.

"I have standards. I wouldn't dare use an insult for a nickname. And calling you Rainbow Crash is an insult!" Cynder said.

"Rainbow Dash really hates that nickname..." Fluttershy said.

"Meh...maybe not so much anymore. All the Wonderbolts have insulting nicknames too but for them, it's more supposed to be embarrassing then anything else. They say it's to keep them humble." Rainbow Dash said.

Fluttershy blinked. The yellow pegasus could not believe her ears right now. Her friend was letting the wonderbolts use the nickname that had been so hurtful to Rainbow Dash in the past and DOESN'T care?

"Of course, I wish they had mentioned that upfront before hand, but oh well." Rainbow Dash said. "At least with them, I can take it with a grain of salt." She added.

"I suppose if they are using it for humble purposes, I can't really have words with them for it." Cynder said. "But I'm still calling you Color Splash for your Nickname, Rainbow Dash. You seem cool enough for me to also use your real name. I get a familiar vibe of toughness from you. We should hang out at some point." Cynder said.

"I had a feeling you would click with Rainbow Dash, Cynder." Cozy Glow said.

"It's nice to see some of my friends getting along with Cozy's friends." Twilight said.

"Wait a second..." Scootaloo noted. "When you said your potential sister-in-law, you were speaking about Cynder?" She asked.

"Yep. She's the one that taught me how to fly the way I showed you." Cozy Glow said.

"I see you've passed on my teachings, Rook. Nice going. So Orange, got a proper name?" Cynder asked.

"Orange huh? Better then calling me a chicken at least. Name's Scootaloo. I may not be Rainbow Dash's biological sister, but I'm most certainly her protoge." Scootaloo said.

"Ah...yeah you definatly give off the same kind of tough vibes as your mentor Orange. Though calling anything with good wings a chicken is another insult. I have standards after all." Cynder said.

"That's kinda obvious in hindsight." Applejack said.

"Whatever you say, Farmer." Cynder said.

Applejack said nothing. "Do you got a name for me Cynder? My name is Pinkie Pie by the way! Before you go back, mind if I throw you a party later? You and Spyro both. It'd be a nice double party! I've never done any of those before." Pinkie Pie said.

"Whoa! Slow Down there, Jitters." Cynder said. "Your talking so fast I can barely keep up." She added.

"Oh god! She's worse then Agent 9!" Cozy Glow said.

"Yeah, she could defiantly give Sugar Rush a run for his money." Cynder said.

"Well, Cynder is um...quite unique, isn't she Darling?" Rarity said to Spyro.

"Consequence of growing up the daughter of Malafor I suppose. She's a bit hardheaded at times, but she means well." Spyro said.

"Stay back Marshmellow; Spyro is MY boyfriend! Get your own." Cynder said.

"M-marshmellow?! WHY YOU!" Rarity said.

"Calm down please Rarity..." Fluttershy said.

"Nice reign in, Butter." Cynder said.

"Oh...me? My name is Fluttershy." Fluttershy said.

"Meh. I like calling you Butter better." Cynder said.

"Not the worse thing Shy's been called." Rainbow Dash said.

"Wait, I got something for you finally!" Cynder said to Twilight. "Friendship. That's what I'll call you." She added.

And then everyone just stared. "Err...Twilight is the Princess of Friendship, just so you know." Apple Bloom said.

"Doesn't matter, she's still Friendship to me, Yellow." Cynder said to Apple Bloom.

"Well, that is Apple Bloom, you've already met Scootaloo, and I'm Sweetie Belle." Sweetie Belle said.

"AND WE ARE THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" The three fillies then yelled out, making Cynder get blown back.

"Father, why do three fillies their age have such strong lungs?" Cynder asked.

"I...don't have a logical explanation. I say blame the realm these ponies reside in." Malafor said.

"I see. Sweetie Belle...meh...best I got for you is Baby Marshmellow, but I hate reusing nicknames. So I guess I'll go with my second best of Bell." Cynder said.

"Wonder if anyone has even noticed we're here?" A female voice called out.

"I don't know Diamond Tiara, I don't think so." Another female voice said.

"Oh hey Deets, Silver Spoon." Apple Bloom said to her two friends.

"...Busted." Silver Spoon said.

"Took her long enough. Slipping Apps?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Nope. You just haven't said anything. How long you been here?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Since the beginning? I doubt anyone even noticed." Diamond Tiara said.

"Some things don't change, do they Deets?" Apple Bloom said.

"Heh...you know you prefer that some things don't." Diamond Tiara said.

"Wait what?" Applejack asked. "...Actually you know what no. If my sister is a fillyfooler, ah ain't gonna get in the way of that." She added.

"Actually, we're just hanging out mostly." Diamond Tiara said.

"We're simply too young to get into that sort of stuff. Ah ain't stupid sis." Apple Bloom said.

"Besides, we're...not even sure if this is true love or not. So we're taking things easy for now." Diamond Tiara said.

"...Ah guess I don't have to worry then." Applejack said.

"...Congratulations Apple Bloom, mad props there." Cynder said without a hint of hestiation. "I didn't even see those two." She added. "Let's see...nah. I think you two don't deserve any nicknames from me. Anything I can think up will most likely be an insult somehow, so I forbid myself from giving you nicknames." The black dragoness said.

"This is going to be a while..." Smolder noticed.

"Yep." Spike said.