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Season of Flame: The Second Return

It was the next day and after breakfast, it was time for more of the story.

"So, after we had stopped Grendor, all of us decided to take a bit of a break at Dragon Shores for a few weeks. Cynder wanted to come with us both there and back to the Dragon Realms which Malafor gladly allowed. However, once there, it was discovered that the fireflies; the source of the flame breath of Spyro's dragon-kin; have gone mysteriously missing and now the entire dragon lands were going cold, turning all their breath to that of ice." Cozy Glow said.

"Safe to say that I wasn't going to stand by and let that happen. So of course, I decided to help track down the fireflies and the one responsible for taking them. Unlike with the the Frozen Fairies, I could actually help catch them more often though it wasn't long before we encountered the Rynoc Army once again. We didn't know who had hired them this time, but I had the thought that whoever hired them was behind the fireflies going missing. The first area we tackled was Country Farms where we rescued a cow named Daisy. With her rescued and quite a few fireflies rescuesd, Bianca was able restore Spyro's Fire Breath." Cynder said.

"It was the first time I could use different breaths, though right now I was only limited to the two different ones of Fire and Ice breath. Though once we had all the fireflies rounded up, I did lose the ability to use the Ice Breath for a time. But that's another topic entirely. Once Country Farms was cleared up we then would go through Shamrock Isle where we had to save a dancing horshoe. After doing that and clearing out the area, we then went to the Temple of Dune where we were tasked with getting rid of bombs littered throughout the area." Spyro said.

"After that was Tiki Tropics where we were tasked with burning away thorns. After doing that and clearing out the area, we came across Agent 9 who had an area he went to clear out for us which got us another Firefly and more gems. There was however, Moneybags guarding a portal that Shelia wanted to enter so we had to once again bribe him." Cozy Glow said.

"That bear was seriously starting to get on my nerves though. I was half tempted to want to use my shadow powers on him to teach him a lesson." Cynder said.

"Just half?" Rainbow Dash asked, curious.

"Anyways, after Shelia got another firefly and more gems for us, we came across Agent 9 again who once again cleared out an area for us which resulted in another firefly and more gems. We couldn't grab absolutely everything, so we decided to head out to the next area. However, our transportation to the next area was interuppted by none other than Crush." Spyro said.

"So...that basically gave it away, didn't it? The one who was responsible I mean." Rainbow Dash asked.

"You would guess correctly. Crush showing up meant that Ripto had returned, and this time he had the Rynoc Army at his disposal. Didn't change the fact that this was the third time Spyro and I were going up against Ripto. Crush had apparently been doing some training since our last encounter. This time Spyro had to flame Crush's projectiles back at Crush before charging into him. After three rounds, Crush was defeated once again, and Spryo's charge was strengthened by a fairy Crush had captured. This allowed us to clean up some stuff before we headed to the next homeworld properly of Celestial Plains." Cozy Glow said.

"So this is what you meant earlier when you had to face Ripto back-to-back in mere moments I think." Twilight said.

"That's for later. For now, we cleared out Celestial Plains. After that, it was onto Candy Land." Spyro said.

"Wait...Candy Land? What's a board game got to do with anything?" Scootaloo asked. The rest of the crusaders looked at her.

"You play board games?" Apple Bloom asked.

Scootaloo nodded "You don't know everything about me." She said.

"I have so many questions." Silver Spoon said.

"As do I; I didn't honestly peg you as the type, Scootaloo." Diamond Tiara said.

"Like I said, you don't know everything about me." Scootaloo said.

"Err...was that Diamond Tiara being mean, or just being genuine? I honestly can't tell." Rainbow Dash said.

"Actually, I didn't peg Scootaloo as being the type to play Board Games either." Applejack admitted, rubbing the back of her head.

"I guess I can take that as Diamond Tiara being genuine..." Rainbow Dash admitted.

"...I often have to play those games with my aunts but...it's honestly gotten old." Scootaloo said.

"I'm sure some of the rest of us can join in, right?" Cozy Glow asked.

"Your actually offering?" Scootaloo said.

"I don't see why I wouldn't." Cozy Glow said.

This...is not the same Cozy Glow. Not by a long shot. Celestia thought to herself. The evidence that Cozy Glow has become a totally different pony then before has only grown.

"Getting back to the story, I don't know anything about any board game, but there was an area called Candy Land that we had to rescue the residents who got captured by the Rynocs. After doing that and clearing out the area, we went to Haunted Hills where we came a cross a Ghost named Chatter." Spyro stated.

"G-g-g-ghost?!" Fluttershy said, suddenly frightened. "GHOSTS EXIST IN SPYRO'S WORLD?!" She suddenly exclaimed before diving under the table to hide.

"Fluttershy...I think considering everything, that's to be expected. I mean, Penguins who can learn to fly was already a big thing as it was. Honestly, nothing should surprise us anymore." Rainbow Dash said.

"Besides, they were friendly ghosts." Cynder Said. "And yes, there was more then one. For Chatter, we had to find his buddy Yoric for him. After dong that and cleaning up the level..." She hestiated when she noticed Fluttershy was still cowering under the table. "Uh...is she going to be okay?" Cynder asked.

"I...think we may need a bit of break. Fluttershy tends to be quite easily frightened and I think the concept of real ghosts sort of got to her." Twilight noted.

"I suppose that's only fair..." Cozy Glow said.

"I didn't think mentioning ghosts would've frightened anyone." Spyro said.

"Fluttershy's always been a bit of a fraidy cat if you catch my drift." Rainbow Dash noted.

"I can see that..." Cynder said.