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Intermission: Between Dragonesses

Cynder was heading for bed the same night, when she was approuched by Smolder. "Oh hey there Smolder." Cynder said.

"What? Still haven't come up with some nickname for me?" Smolder asked, smirking a little.

"Nah. Besides, you and me Smolder, I sense we got a few things in common." Cynder said. "I mean, your not that much different from me, deep down." She added.

"What are you talking about? You got nothing in common with me." Smolder said.

"Let's see...a tsundre-isk personality, a purple dragon who can be pretty oblvious at times to social cues, and a want to have said purple dragon as your mate. How close am I? Judging from your blushing, I'm pretty close to the truth aren't I?" Cynder asked.

"Geez...how do you know so much huh?" Smolder asked.

"You think you can hide it from me girl? Like I said, we're more alike than you realize." Cynder said. "I can see the way you look at that other purple dragon Spike. Don't think I can't see the way you look at him. You think it's subtle, when it's not." She said.

"How...are you so well versed in the type of dragon I am? Dragons in this world don't do love." Smolder said.

"I'm the daughter of a dragon from this world. I know how easy it is to say that. But my father taught me something important about wanting to deny what I'm really feeling." Cynder said.

"What exactly did he say?" Smolder asked.

"He didn't really say anything. It was rather what he did that told me he knew what I was really feeling." Cynder asked. "Like the others have already said, I'm from a realm where hunting is basically required on a daily basis. So...Dad banished me to a more peaceful region for a whole week." She asked.

"What...what's that got to do..." Smolder started.

"The week alone without being able to say anything to Spyro...without even being able to so much as see him even..." Cynder said. "It...really drove home just how much my father realized that I was devoloping true love for Spyro. And I think this is because my father felt the same way about my mom." She added.

"Your mother...did you ever get to know her?" Smolder asked. "I can't imagine what that was like, not being able to know your own mother." She added.

"My mother was just a commoner from my grandfather's kingdom. At least that was her social status. And yet, father said that she had confessed that she was in love with him. But she also said that deep down in her heart, she and my father would not ever be able to become a real couple. Because my grandfather would've only let my father mate and marry with one of the noble dragonesses." Cynder said.

"Why was your grandfather that strict?" Smolder asked.

"I think it was to increase the chances of the next generation to have the ability to create portals. I've been trying to master the same ability all my life, and yet I can't seem to do it. But I won't give up. I'll master the ability for Spyro's sake. And my father's." Cynder said.

"Heh...I guess you do love Spyro with all your heart." Smolder said.

"And I know you love Spike as much as I love Spyro. Even if you're not fully ready to commit to those feelings yet." Cynder said.

"What?" Smolder asked.

"You are both still young, so who knows what's in your future. But me and Spyro are not just close enough in age, we're both a few years older than you think we are." Cynder said. "I'll give you a year or two with Spike, before you realize just how much you really do love Spike. And trust me, you don't want to wait if your feelings come from your heart. You may think you don't do love, Smolder, but take it from someone similar to you: You do do love, even if you don't express it the same way." She added. "After all, I noticed you had taken an interest in the scale scrubbing Spyro was giving me." The black dragoness pointed out.

"Oh...so you noticed..." Smolder said, embarressed.

"If you want, I can teach you how it's done so you can teach Spike how to do it. Think of it as a gift from one dragoness to another." Cynder said.

"What are you talking about? I don't want charity." Smolder said.

"It's not charity if you're going to turn around and use it to grow closer to the dragon you want to get together with now, is it?" Cynder countered.

"Why...are you even helping me?" Smolder asked.

"Because isn't that how friendship is made? I'm not really asking for anything in return really. I just feel like you are someone I can totally relate to." Cynder said.

"Gee...you've been here only a few days and you're already getting the concept huh?" Smolder asked.

"Daddy always said I tend to be a quick study." Cynder said.

"...Malafor obviously did something right by raising you all by himself." Smolder said.

"Heh...I know there's nothing that my father wouldn't do for my sake. But that's why I want to try and unlike the power to make portals between regions. I want to do it to make my father proud of me." Cynder said. "And also, to just be able to visit Spyro whenever I want. There's that too." She added.

"I guess...I can understand that last part. You know what? I can't just let you just gift me those details of the Scale Scrub thing. I'm going to help you unlock those portal powers in exchange. If you're going to help me, I'm going to help you. The dragon tribe I belong to repays their debts right. And this is one I want to pay back." Smolder said.

"If that's what you want to do, I won't stop you. I suppose having a friend to help would be great." Cynder said.

Unbeknownst to the two dragonesses, Malafor had overheard their conversation, and then went back to his room.

"...I wish I had the strength to tell Cynder she doesn't have the genes to unlock the power she wants." Malafor said. "But I can't tell her. If I do, everything I want for her will fall apart." He added before going back to bed.