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Year of the Dragon: More warnings

"Within Sunny Villa, we were tasked with rescuing the mayor from the Rynoc Squad in the area. Along the way, we encountered Shelia again. Sparx had to solo accopany her again, but she did get us an Egg and some more gems so it wasn't all bad." Cozy Glow said.

"So, Shelia could go grab eggs and gems you two couldn't get." Rainbow Dash said.

"More or less. We'd find others the Sorceress imprisoned later, but they don't come into play yet. After rescuing the mayor we took a break with hunter to explore some of the sights. Though as we were doing so, Bianca showed up again and this time she made her warning a lot less vurnable. She cast a spell at us that almost took out Hunter so I flamed her for it." Spyro said.

"I guess to be fair, she did attack that time." Fluttershy said.

"After dealing with her, we then went to Cloudy Spires where we had to find a way to reactivate the cloud generate that the rynocs had shut down. As we proceeded through the area, Moneybags made us bribe him to activate the Bellows. Turns out though, by doing that, we ended up helping fixing the Cloud Generator." Cozy Glow said.

"...So...one of Moneybag's bribes actually helped you fix the problem you were trying to fix? Pinch me, I must be dreaming." Rainbow Dash said.

"Actually, The Sorceress paid him to guard the bellows." Spyro said.

"Never mind." Rainbow Dash said. "Now I'm starting to hate Moneybags too." She added.

"Once we were done with Cloud Spires, we had enough eggs for Spyro to do the first Speedway in the Forgotten Realms. The speedways in the Forgotten Realms offered two challenges, the first being the standard timed challenges I would later grow to hate, and a race against five opponents. For the race this go around, it was against the local butterflies. Hunter was also around the speedway, and there was something he had to do for a third egg. Once the Speedway was cleared, we headed for the Molten Creator." Cozy Glow said.

"There the task was to clear a path to the Tiki Lodge, and thus that's what we did. Moneybags had been paid by some egg thiefs to guard their hideout and made us bribe him to get inside." Spyro said.

"I'm really starting to hate Moneybags like Rarity does..." Rainbow Dash said.

"We couldn't get all the gems and eggs though; there was a part of the level we couldn't get into because of a sealed off portal. For the time being, we had to cut our losses and go to Seashell Shore instead. There, it seems some seals had stolen a rynoc's submarine and crashed it into a wall, making the rynocs lock the seals up. So, we set out to free the seals. Along the way, there was an area that Shelia took on that gave us another egg. We then freed the seals and got more eggs. Once we were out of the level, we were summoned to an area with a Balloon. We then used the Balloon to head towards the next hub world, however, the Balloon was stopped by a Rynoc that Bianca had transformed into a toad monster known as Buzz. Shelia helped us out during the battle, and unlike Crush, Buzz actually wasn't so easy to defeat. Sure, the first two hits on him were a cakewalk, but then he started using a ring of fire to protect him after everytime Spyro knocked him back. After another two hits, Buzz then began to spit fire though after this fact. Two more hits after that sealed the deal." Cozy Glow said.

"Dang, guess Bianca and the Sorceress weren't messing around." Rainbow Dash noted.

"They weren't. After arriving in the Midday Garden Home World, it wasn't long before Bianaca showed up again giving out a second verbal warning, though this time she did mention that the Sorceress was not happy regarding our progress so far and was getting peeved about it. It wasn't long into the new home world when we came across Moneybags who made us bribe him to release a captured penguin." Cozy Glow said.

"Well that's not very nice. Penguins are so cute." Fluttershy said.

"Well...the funny thing about this Penguin..." Spyro trialed off.


After being released, the penguin known as Sgt. James Byrd soon took the skies and flew over to Cozy Glow and Spyro.

"Wait a second brother, I thought Penguins were flightless birds." Cozy Glow said.

"Well aren't you the cutest little thing? Sgt. Byrd, nine-double o-six-eight. Awaiting orders, sir." Sgt. Byrd said.

"I think you'll have to find your commanding officer for that." Spyro noted.

"Hey, what are those things?" Cozy Glow noted.

"These are the latest military hardware. DBX9 rocket launchers, state of the art!" Sgt. Byrd said.

"So why didn't you use them to escape?" Spyro asked.

"More importantly, HOW exactly can you fly?" Cozy Glow asked.

"I...have limited ammo, and I wanted to conserve it...for this!" Sgt. Byrd said before blasting away Moneybags.

"I never did get the answer inititally on how Sgt. Byrd could fly, but we did find out from a humming bird that he specifically was trained by humming birds since birth. Which explains how a Penguin; a normally flightless bird; could fly." Cozy Glow said.

"I did read something that stated that the ancestors of the mondern day penguin could indeed fly, but they have since then regressed into being flightless birds." Twilight said. "Seems that the humming birds helped Sgt. Byrd tap into an ability long since lost to penguins." She added.

"I'm surprised Professor Fluttershy is okay with a penguin blowing up Moneybags." Smolder said. "Isn't she against cruelty?" She asked.

"Normally, but Moneybags was asking for it considering he made Spyro bribe the bear for the penguin's release." Fluttershy said.

"...It's always the quiet ones..." Smolder noted simply.

"Agreed." Celestia admitted. Now she was actually having more second thoughts about imprisoning Cozy Glow.

"Sgt. Byrd did some stuff in his homeworld and got us three more eggs and a bunch more gems though. Afterwards, we returned to Molten Crator as we recognized the entrance to his homeworld from there. With that, Sgt. Byrd helped us get two more eggs and some more gems that we had missed. This was still backtracking sure, but it wasn't near as bad as in Avalar." Spyro said.

"Oh look it's lunch time. Lunch time with friends is always fun." Cozy Glow said. "Oh, and I knew Sgt. Byrd was lying about the limited ammo thing. But I didn't have the heart to get on him considering he dealt some karmic justice to Moneybags after being freed." She added.

Applejack opened her mouth to argue, but then stopped. "...Ah can't argue with that logic..." She added.

"Well at least Karma seems to be catching up to Moneybags. I can't wait to see hear how the next ally you freed manages to top Moneybags getting launched away by a pair of rockets." Rainbow Dash said. "Oh um...no offense Fluttershy." She added.

"Moneybags is clearly taking advantage of Spyro. Why, I'm sure that if I got alone with him, I'd teach him a thing or two about taking advantage of others." Fluttershy said.

"Again, always the quiet ones..." Smolder said.

"Agreed." Celestia said.

Author's Note:

Safe to say Fluttershy has no love-loss for Moneybags getting karmic justice from the animal buddies from Year of the Dragon.