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A Hero's Tale - Return of Gnasty Gnorc

"So, what's next? You mentioned Cozy Glow faced Gnasty Gnorc at some point, and we've yet to get to that." Rainbow Dash said.

"You had to go and hint at that of all things Spyro? But we just went through that not that long ago." Cynder asked. "Like, three weeks ago." She added.

"What's she talking about?" Ocellus asked.

"Ah yes, she's referring to when we had to deal with a plot by a certain disowned dragon elder known as Red." Cozy Glow said.

"Red? What exactly was he doing?" Rainbow Dash asked curious.

"Well Red had managed to get Gnasty Gnorc and his Gnorc army to place Dark Gems around the various realms. And with that knowledge, it wasn't long before Malafor got involved. After all, those Dark Gems were the source of Red's power, and with enough of it, Malafor feared that Red might go after the Mystic Lands and other various realms across the globe." Spyro noted.

"So that's why Gnasty Gnorc got involved?" Twilight asked.

"Yep. Of course, breaking those Dark Gems proved to be something Spyro had to learn how to do first and foremost. Once he learnt how to do that, we began in the Dragon Village going around finding the darn things. While we were doing so however, a bunch of thieves ran off with the eggs in the dragon nursery. They were eggs laid outside of the Year of the Dragon that had concluded a couple of months ago. While eggs would get laid all the time like I said, the numbers don't reach the massive numbers as when the Year of the Dragon occurs. The dragon nursery had 80 eggs still around, and the theives took them all though we did find one beforehand." Cozy Glow noted.

"Not only that, but a lot of the professor's new gadgets needed light gems. So we had three things to look out for: Dragon Eggs to rescue, Light Gems to find, and Dark Gems to destroy. At one point, we did come across Sargent Byrd again, and he did a speedway challenge that resulted in both a dragon egg and a Light gem. After that, we managed to destroy the last remaining Dark Gems in the Dragon village as well as picking up any dragon eggs and light gems we missed. Of course, the thing is, because we always had to buy lockpicks, we ended up going back and forth from Money Bag's shop. Eventually we managed to clean up what we could and then headed into Crocovile Swamp." Spyro noted.

"At the swamp, we found a super charge pad that needed forty light gems to activate, so we couldn't grab absolutely everything right away. We did manage to destroy all the dark gems in the area. In addition, we came across Blink the Mole who managed to get us another dragon egg and a light gem from an underground cavern. We also had to defend the fruit of a frog named Fred, getting us another dragon egg and light gem in the process. Sadly, we couldn't grab everything like I said so we had to return to the village where we could use the Professor's ball gadget to travel to Dragonfly Falls." Cozy Glow said.

"At the falls, we were able to clean out most of it, though we did come across a gate that needed seventy light gems to unlock so once again we couldn't get absolutely everything. There was an area Sparx could tackle which got us another dragon egg and another light gem. We did find hunter who went around in an area for another dragon egg and light gem. Once again, we were unable to get absolutely everything so we were forced to destroy the last dark gem in the area and move on. Which is when we faced off against Gnasty Gnorc." Cynder said.

"Gnasty Gnorc had become much harder this time around; dude must've done some training since I last saw him. We could only hurt him once he got his fancy new club stuck in the ground and only from behind. He would change it up every three hits, but we did eventually defeat him." Spyro noted.

"Of course, turns out the reason why his club had the power of electricity was because he had captured the electric fairy which renewed Spyro's ability to use the electric breath ability. With it, we were able to leave Gnasty's Cave and return to the village proper. Once we were in the village, we now could use a super teleporter. Oh by the way, Money Bags had remote shop pads out in the areas we had visited which just allowed us to do shopping on the fly. Though he did make things more expensive if we bought things through them." Cynder said.

"Guessing Bianca's spell had worn off by that point. Fair enough." Rainbow Dash said.

"Did make things more difficult. Briefly before moving on, I did remember a place where the electric breath could open up a passageway which netted us another dragon egg. Unfortunately, there wasn't more we could do so it was onto the area of Lost Cities." Cozy Glow said.

Author's Note:

Admittedly, this happened as I expected: A Hero's Tale is no doubt going to be longer than the past few games in this one as there's quite a bit, I can use to have Spryo and Cynder react to with Cozy Glow involved in the mix.