• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 5,111 Views, 304 Comments

Ainz Ooal Gown in Equestria - zakan

Instead of get trowed out of the server in the last day of Yggdrasil, Satoru got to a world full of... ¿ponies?; ¿how will react the inhabitants of Equestria to the coming of an undead of the higest order?

  • ...

Buying a Pet

Author's Note:

First of all My Little Pony was created and is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust, Overlord is owned by Kugane Murayama and are not mine, this is a fan story made with the intent to entertain and if it's possible steal you a smile.

English it's not my mother language, so please, if you catch some grammar mistake, or you have some suggestion for better puns or double meaning words to replace the ones already used put it in the comments and I will see if I can make it work.
DK = Death Knight
ES = Emotional Suppressor

'magical or technological communication'
*sound effect or onomatopoeia*

If someone is interested in the pics created for the story, you can visit my Deviantart zakan1298434

To tell the truth, this chapter was not to be originally, but got done as thanks for the good accepting rate of my work in the original story, and ended as a fine chapter, hope you enjoy it.

In the deep darkness, the beasts moved incessantly in the bowels of the earth, constantly digging to make room for their growing population, to come to the surface was stupid at any time that the sky was not in complete darkness, this was understandable, after all, they were in the steppes, which were only in name, to call it dessert would be more accurate.

It had been a day like any other, the foremen were supervising the excavators, the warriors were patrolling the tunnels and there were more who were stationed near the entrances waiting, prepared in case an intruder appeared, but the night was already about to get.

"Howw borrring, do not know why we have ta look at the entrances during the day, no one is crrrazy enough to walk in the desert with the sun at its highest.", (Notice that he speaks as if the tip of the tongue were glued to the palate all the time)

The deep voice of a soldier with a muscular body said completely bored, his body was covered in brown fur, his upper torso and head were covered by a simple iron armor and the helmet hid his eyes, there were some small spikes on the shoulder pads and helmet that would be the only noticeable adornment of the armor, it had short hind legs and long and muscular front legs, it looked more like a gorilla than a dog, it had a short tail that ended in a ball with some warts.

However, his partner was the opposite, despite sharing some characteristics, his body was slimmer, but not skinny, this was a warrior obviously dedicated more to speed than brute force.

"Hush! Whenever you complain something happens, I want my shift to end without problems!"

Said the slightly grave and hissing voice of his partner, and just then they heard it, it was like a kind of reverberation, suddenly the sky darkened over the entrances, all the guards immediately came out to check if it was an attack, but what they saw left them astonished, a kind of dark cloud with faces that constantly changed, and made sounds of agony, floated in front of the entrances, even the secret and emergency exits, and little by little the sounds were unified until they were able to understand the message that was relaying.

"We are the heralds sent by the great lord! we have come to declare your extermination! but by his grace you have been granted time, you have until dawn to prepare a futile resistance, before their armies attack! know that the great lord deeply despises cowardice, any attempt to escape his judgment will make the immeasurable anger of the great lord fall on you! offer a desperate resistance so that the great lord can smile with pleasure! resist stubbornly, mortals!. "

And with that, the mysterious cloud withdrew to the sky and disappeared.

"This is not good at all, we must notify Balto immediately!"

Tuco said urgently to his burly friend.

"Hurry, Brick, don't stand there like an idiot!"

In the deepest part of the burrow, was the alpha of the pack, an imposing-looking Diamond Dog that stood almost 2 meters in height, was almost as tall as Princess Celestia, its fur was slightly long and of a gray color. opaque, his sclera was yellowish, while his pupils had a coppery color, his face was permanently puckered, giving him a fierce look, his muzzle was a little longer than usual, he seemed to be more of a wolf than a dog.

(AN: The design belong to earthsong9405, i'm only have done some lesser modifications and colored it)

It was Balto the leader of the burrow, with him his generals were gathered for the weekly update of the den, the first of the messengers to arrive, was the fast Tuco; concern dominated his assistants after receiving the notice of the strange clouds, and the camera submerged in total chaos.

"SILENCE!, you look like a bunch of scared puppies!" * GGRRRRRGHHH *

The growl that followed Balto's scream completely silenced the chamber.

"You have to start from the beginning, the creatures, these… messengers, what exactly were, soldiers?"

Tuco couldn't believe his bad luck, they had made him stay and participate in the meeting, and he hated these things.

"That's the thing, we're not quite sure."

"What do you mean with you're not quite sure?"

"The creature was something we had never seen, it stank of death, but according to another of the guards, the weapons did nothing to the targets, as if they had nobody."

"You mean they couldn't harm him?"

"At least they didn't show it if we hurt them."

"That smug 'great lord' will know what defeat is, we are the largest pack in the whole world, we will not allow him to belittle us!" -Said angrily Rocky, the captain of the alpha's personal guard, who looked like a blank bullterrier with orange eyes-

"But if they had taken that position, it must be because he has an idea of ​​what he is facing, or thinks he will win without a doubt, after all, those creatures appeared in front of all the exits, even the emergency and secret exits; what I would like to know is how did they know the location of the latter ones!? " -spoke with annoyance Chester, the strategist of the pack, a black Diamond Dog, somewhat short, that had the appearance of a Schnauzer-

"I don't like what you are implying, the guards have done their job correctly, and I'm completely sure none of them would ignore an intruder!" -Said annoyed Gumbo, the captain of the guards, a stocky brown dog with a black spot on his snout and nose, he looked like a Boxer-

"Stop the nonsense, what matters is how we are going to face him, what I want are strategies and plans, not complaints and whining!" -The leader of the pack took the floor again- "Those things said something interesting, although first, they said that they would exterminate us, then they said that fleeing would be our sentence, they want to test us."

"So they don't know our full strength, that means ..." -Chester, seemed to understand the situation when he directed his gaze to the Alpha, the response was a fierce smile-

"So, I think this would be a good option ..."

With this began the planning for the next battle.

The next morning, just as dawn was about to come, all the Diamond Dogs soldiers were gathered, in addition to multiple volunteers from the rest of the population at the exit of the caves, they were waiting for the enemies to appear, as the first ray of sunlight shone on the desert, a great gale raised a huge curtain of sand and when it began to dissipate no one could believe what they saw.

The enemy that was marching on the sand were a lot of skeletons, some had swords and shields, others had spears, and some more had bows, but they were not of any species that they knew, they were similar to those of a minotaur, but their heads They did not coincide, in addition to these there was a good amount of what seemed to be beasts, but they did not seem to have life, they seemed to be rotting exactly where they were standing, there were bears, wolves, wild boars, and some others, the strangest thing was what appeared to be skeletons of Equestrians, but they did not match the size, they were much larger and were mounted by what looked like minotaurs, a total of around 3000 individuals could be estimated, but none moved from their place as if they expected something, so the dogs began to execute their plan of attack.

Seeing the territory through the [Remote Vision Lens], Momonga was in his office, next to him was Albedo.

"Albedo, what is the state of the battlefield."

"Yes, Momonga-sama, according to Entoma's report, not all of your expectations have been met."

"Well, it is not the result that I expected, but the real question is what will be obtained as a result of all this, isn't it?"

Diamond dogs live in areas with a high amount of gems to survive, once we get that land, I can put skeletons to mine the ground to obtain funds.

"The fight is about to start, let's watch."

The supervisor of the guardians nodded in affirmation, only the two of them were there, since everyone else was fulfilling their tasks, Shalltear was covering Cocytus' position on the first floor, the twins were exploring and as for Demiurge, he he was doing experiments on his ranch within Arimaspi territory southwest of the Macintosh Hills.

Cocytus was also in a different place, he was in a small cabin between the limits of the forbidden jungle and the desert, at the foot of an area with large rocks, with him were some of his subordinates, his generals, all of them were of heteromorphic races, some were in the shape of praying mantises, others appeared to be ants, there were even some that looked like exposed brains, and there was also Entoma Vasilissa Zetta, one of the battle maids (who was definitely older than CZ), her dress was a version of a traditional kimono mixed with the maid style, her legs were covered by stockings that disappeared under the skirt that reached above the knees, her face was quite cute and her voice was somewhat childish, however, it was not his true face or his true voice.

She was an arachnoid (human spider), her face was covered by a mask insect, of which the face was completely immovable with dull eyes like poor quality crystals, her voice came from a 'lip insect' that reproduced the voice she used Basically nothing of her body was in view, her modified outfit even covered her neck, the only thing in sight was her fake face.

"These are [Message] scrolls ∼, hmm, but it's a lot∼, could you please clear the table?"

Entoma asked the figure in the place of honor and he nodded slowly.

"Tidy up. Things."

"Alright∼ please clean up quick then."

The figures around the table rushed to follow the orders of the maid, even though she was weaker than them; the power structure within Nazarick had nothing to do the individual strength, status comes from the fact If you had been created or not by one of the supreme beings, and from that point of view the maid had much more authority than they.

As soon as the table was cleared, Entoma continued.

"Well then, please accept this Cocytus-sama∼" -said as she lifted the bag and put it on the table to start taking out the contents- "These are [Message] scrolls ∼, according to Momonga-sama, they are made with the skins that were obtained thanks to Demiurge-sama's efforts, and ordered me to report any anomalies that might arise while using them∼ "

"I see ... I understand, I'll try them" -said the guardian of the fifth floor as he took one with one of his four hands- "Demiurge. Is. working hard. I already. Had the. Honor. To be. Of. Use. For. Momonga-sama. but no. for that. I can. Settle. I must. Keep. doing my. best. "

I had already heard that the reserves of low-level magic items were being affected, but this will certainly be a breakthrough, maybe he has even gone ahead of me, I must fulfill my task perfectly, I will obey the orders of Momonga-sama gave me to the letter! and I will get his victory!

Cocytus had received three main instructions:

- One: He was forbidden to enter the battlefield, this included his servants, he had to resolve the battle with the troops given to him.

- Two: The lich that had been assigned as the commander had to remain in reserve until the last moment.

- Three: He must accomplish his mission using his own judgment.

There were a few other small details, but these were the main ones.

"Thank you. For your. Hard. Work, take. My. Deepest. Thanks. To Momonga-sama."

Entoma nodded weakly.

"And. So ... are you going to. get back?"

"Not at this time∼, I received orders to witness the battle to the end from here."

So, she is here as an observer.

Cocytus thought, he was excited by the great responsibility that had been entrusted to him, his forces included 2200 skeletons, 400 undead beasts, 150 skeleton archers, and 200 skeleton horsemen, an army of 2950, ​​not including the commander and his guards.

"Well. our forces. Are already. In position. And the. Enemy. Troops. Are preparing. For. Combat. it's time. To start. The battle!" -Cocytus picked up a scroll and activated it to give an order to the troops-


In the desert, about three-quarters of the dogs' troops had emerged from the burrows, while the remaining fourth was waiting in the tunnels of the burrow, despite not being very numerous, compared to their enemy, they were sure of their victory, the Diamond Dog army was comprised of 1,040 warriors equipped with sharpened stone-tipped spears or clubs, 230 slingers, and 130 elite guards from the alpha's personal guard, and 80 volunteers who joined the ranks to defend their home, giving a total of 1480 units.

The formation of the Diamond Dogs was well organized, 100 elite guards were scattered every three positions between the first two rows, forming a diagonal pattern, leaving the third completely made up of warriors, the 230 slingers, would be defended from the enemies that Overcome the line, for 70 more warriors, and in the tunnels were 30 elite guards, 320 warriors, and volunteers.

And then the battle broke out, the skeletons began to advance, for the dogs it would be quite easy, they saw with surprise and mockery the slowness with which the skeletons moved, they gave the first order.


The stone-throwers were sandwiched between the columns and came to the front, as soon as the enemy entered their range they began to fire, the skeletons without intelligence, did not do anything to cover or maneuver, they simply would not do anything without having received an order, so they began to receive multiple casualties quickly, as soon as the slingers realized that a shot to the skull made them fall permanently they began to aim only at the head and for a while, the only sound that prevailed was that of stone against metal, which was later replaced by one similar to that of poorly cooked vases, shattering.

"Do they think that only with the numbers they will be able to beat us?" -Chester said, asking no one specifically-

"Mmmm, no, I don't think so, it looks like more as if there were no commanders in charge of guiding them, HMN!, such arrogance It's going to cost them dearly." -Told Balto said confidently as he watched the battle next to the strategist-

When the enemies were about to reach the defensive line, the slingers fell back to the rear, when both forces collided, the skeletons had already been reduced by almost a third of their ranks, and after starting the clash of swords they were at an even greater disadvantage, most of the undead hovered between level 17 and 22, the highest being the beasts; comparatively, the dogs had the advantage twice, first, the vast majority used blunt weapons which caused critical damage to the skeletons, in Second place if they were measured with the levels of the game would be between 15 and 20, it was a fairly level fight.

However, the clash was not light for the dogs, when the close combat began the archers began to shoot arrows at their discretion causing the death of many dogs, the battlefield was full of the whining of the canines being wounded and the sound of clubs smashing bones or crushing iron shields.

Seeing the sharp fall of his troops, Cocytus began to feel uneasy.

"I think. It's a. good time. To send. In. Reinforcements."

After receiving comments that agreed with him, from his subordinates, he took another message scroll and gave his new order.

"Reinforcements. Advance!"

The dogs were sure of their victory over their enemy, the battle was completely in their favor, for each one of their troops that dropped dead 10 skeletons were downed, and then, the enemy reinforcements had come, the undead beasts filtered fast and easily between files doing severe damage to them, these beasts did not fall with one strike to the head, multiple was necessary to do it, while these beasts trow in disarray the formation, mounted skeletons were trying to flank them.

"Perfect!, it's time, loose off the traps!" -screamed Chester to the tunnels-

The skeleton riders were halfway to reach the enemy's back when suddenly the ground began to give way below them, many suffered damage when falling, others did not fall, and some more disappeared completely in the pits, under the earth the excavators and volunteers smashed skeletons that had fallen, outside, slingers did quick work of those that could still move.

The cabin was small only from the outside, it was a magical item that his master had lent him, [Secret Green House], but at this moment, for Cocytus, it felt extremely suffocating, he was losing, he could not believe it, how are they? beasts with practically no armor were defeating the army that Momonga-sama entrusted to him, he decided to swallow his pride and ask Nazarick's brightest mind for assistance, he used another scroll of [Message].

"It seems. I. Underestimate. The morale. Of the. Diamond Dogs, [Message] * tuuu tuuu *, Demiurge."

"Mmh, yes my friend, why did you contact me?"

"Actually. I have. A. Problem. And precise. Of your. Advice."

"Tell me what can I do for you?"

"I'm. Losing. The battle, if. Defeat. Were. Just my. Problem. I wouldn't. Mind, but. I can't. Bring. Shame. To. The. Great lord, I need. Some. Way to win. With. the forces. that. remain. "

"Mmmm… tell me, in the first place, do you think Momonga-sama wanted you to win?"

"I do not understand what you mean?"

"Why did I form such a low-level servant army? If the idea was simply to obtain a landslide victory, then why did he forbid you or your subordinates to advance? Perhaps ... his intention was for you to think for yourself and gather information to help you win the victory, I think that is part of his plan at least, also the name of Nazarick was never presented, that means ... * Pirip pirip pirip * hu? "

"Mhm, what. Is it. Demiurge?"

"I'm very sorry Cocytus, but something has come up and I must attend to it immediately, even so, I wish you victory."

The warrior shifted his attention from the [Remote View Lens] to the arachnoid beside him, and caught sight of the ashes of a used talisman falling from his forehead.

"Then. It is. Too. Late. To do. Anything. Is it. Isn't it? Then. I will have to. Send. The backup. To. At least. Follow. All. Momonga's- sama. Directions; [Message], I give you an order, 'Elder Lich'. in command, go ahead. and show your power to the dogs! "

On the battlefield the dogs were finishing eliminating all the skeletons, all that could be heard on the battlefield were the gasps of tired canines and the voices of the undead being permanently silenced by low crunching with each blow * tulkcr *.

"Hurry to finish! take the wounded back to the den! later we will collect the dead! now everyone who is unhurt, follow me!"

Gumbo shouted confidently, his forces had eliminated an army of more than double their numbers, losing less than a third of their own, Chester's plan had worked perfectly, the best thing was to advance a little and see if there were no more enemies. , or at least that was what he thought until a small flame flew quickly by his side and when it collided with one of his own behind him, exploded forming a sphere of fire of at least three meters in radius.

Coming out of the sands that were raised by the desert air came out a figure wrapped in a dark purple robe somewhat worn, with a rather old black hood, it seemed to be almost as thin as the skeletons but it had a putrid-looking fur cape, it seemed that it would fall apart at any moment, around the creature was floating what looked like a kind of thick yellow ribbon with strange symbols, where its chest should be you could see a section as black as night and its eyes, completely red, had a look of contempt.

The creature raised one of its claws and at the tip of its fingers, another small ball of fire formed that was launched again against the dogs that were still standing.

"I a servant of the great lord will get your victory, hmp." -The Lich said with a smug expression on his dry face-
(AN: originally I was using Iguva like in the series, but during translation, I finally remembered that he was a human experiment of Ainz, so here is a mere summon without name instead.)

"Back off all those who are injured, warn Balto, this enemy is not like the others, the rest follow me, we will buy time so that the others can return!"

Those who watched from the entrances were also surprised.

"That one is powerful, it can throw fireballs from its claws, is it magic? It doesn't look like unicorns." -Chester said with some concern-

"That does not matter, we will defeat him anyway, that about 15 of my guard accompany me, we will attack him by surprise from the tunnels, while those in front of him distract him as much as possible."

Gumbo and around 35 soldiers were trying to get close to the enemy but it was quite difficult for him to advance, the creature had a range of around 100 meters, so they had chosen to separate as much as they could while advancing to avoid their shots, but when they had reached 40 meters away they could no longer get closer, now they were only avoiding his attacks to try to tire him, of those who advanced with the captain, 15 had fallen on the way by fireballs.

"Stupid beasts, I am a lich elder in the service of the great lord, if you bow your head I will grant you a painless death!"

The captain and his men were already tired, but they were standing firm, they had heard multiple footsteps running through the trap tunnels just a few seconds ago, victory was close.

Right after his words, Iguva noticed faint signs of life coming from under the ground, when he saw that they were getting stronger, he quickly stepped back and used his summoning spell.

"! Mhm !, [Summon Undead 4th]"

The Alpha's personal guards came out of the floor to relieve those who were already tired and the one in front, having heard the words of the lich, gave him an answer.

"So, we refuse!"

"You will regret having denied my offer of mercy while suffering a torturous death!"

The battle continued, the guards began to fight with the warrior skeletons summoned by the Lich, and although they were outmatched in strength they managed to avoid being pushed using the numbers.

The undead was annoyed to see that his warrior skeletons reinforced through him, which thanks to their master's skill had reached level 31, were being held by the dogs, and when he was about to intervene, a pile of sand jumped in front of him, of which the claw of a dog hit his hand interrupting the spell he was about to cast, it was Balto the alpha male of the pack.

"I won't let you do it!" * Boff *

"Stubborn, ha suffer terror [Scare]"

The Lich tried to gain the upper hand by immobilizing his opponent, but to his surprise, the Alpha only lost his balance for a second, then shook his head and continued attacking with his iron sword.

For those who watched the battle, this was something unexpected, a dog that barely reached level 30 had already achieved two miracles in a row, in the first instance it was able to sneak in until it was face to face with the Lich, and then it managed to resist the effect of [Scare ], this was something that was definitely, worth looking into.

The combat between Balto and Iguva was quite close, the dog was fast and managed to interrupt the magical attacks of the Lich, but the silent magic [Magic Arrow] was taking its toll.

When his guards finally managed to defeat the warrior skeletons 8 of them were wounded, 4 had serious injuries and 3 had died, so they no longer had the energy to support their superior, unfortunately for the Lich, his adversary was tenacious and do not let him re-summon his skeleton warriors.

"Damned beast!, you won't beat me!, [Ligh-" * Boff *. "

After another attempt to cast a spell, Balto lunged forward with all his weight, driving it into the Lich's abdomen, but this did not stop him.

"Damn beast, I am a servant created by the great lord, something like this will not stop me, die at once!"

Taking advantage of the closeness caused by the thrust, Iguva took Balto's neck between his hands and began to use his negative touch, this caused pain like he had never felt before and made him drop the sword and twist.

* Grrrr, hiin, hiin, grrr nhgh *

The Lich seeing that he was finally making progress couldn't help but show a satisfied smile.

He was in trouble, that was for sure for Balto, whatever the enemy was doing, he felt as if he was taking his life little by little, but he couldn't give up, he was in the best possible position, it was his chance to end enemy, it opened its eyes and began to raise its claws.

"How can you move? Die at once, you damn monster!"

But his enemy did not plan to stop, his target was the head of the Lich, arranging its claws in a position to penetrate the flesh.

"This is your end monster!"

He sank his claws with one blow, with all his might, through the temples of the adversary, causing a good quantity of rotten entrails to spill out, before this attack the Lich finally let go Balto before saying his last words in a low voice.

"Momonga-sama… Exc-us-em-me…"

Right after, the body of the Lich disappeared in a whirlwind of dark dust, leaving behind only Balto's sword that fell into the sand, only then the alpha allowed himself to relax and collapsed to the ground from fatigue, from the burrows his fellow dogs celebrated victory.

"!We did it!"

"Long live Balto, long live Balto, long live Balto!"


Meanwhile in the cabin next to the forbidden jungle.

The Vermint Lord was looking through the [Remote Viewing Lens] at his enemy as he celebrated his victory.

"Cocytus-sama∼ Momonga-sama calls for your presence∼desu."

"I understand" -she stood up- "it was truly close." -he said as he looked at the Image of the Alpha lying on the ground and breathing hard-

After having observed the entire battle, Momonga began to doubt his thoughts, in front of his eyes there had just been a massacre, but the only thing he could think about was what would be best for Nazarick, his heart and his mind, lacking the feelings of pity, anger or anxiety that humans should have, it was like watching a television program about animals and insects devouring each other.

Is it possible that after becoming undead, I no longer consider myself human? no, how could that be?

Momonga desperately tried to find excuses to justify his thoughts, he was not a virtuous knight, although he was at least level 100, just as he had told Mare before, in this world there might be things that would take them by surprise, so they couldn't just jump into rash action, but as long as it was beneficial to Nazarick he didn't care about the methods.

Momonga stretched out his bony hand and scratched his skull, thinking.

After I became undead I am immune to mental effects, do I really not feel anything after seeing such a scene? ... Definitely not.

"Mmm, why was it?"

While he was deep in thought he had muttered this out loud, waving his hand again, the mirror stopped the celebration and stopped on Balto, which was just a coincidence.

But for Albedo that meant that said creature represented some interest or benefit.

"What do you plan for us to do with that individual?"

Without listening to Albedo he was still trying to understand her detachment from her humanity.

"Hmm, so many possibilities ... we will have to wait"

The supervisor of the guardians was stunned, she was in a bitter silence and with an expression of regret on her face, even she with the intellect that her creator Tabula Smaragdina-sama had given her was only able to see two possible uses for it. dog, '! he was only able to see two possibilities!', that was the pain that afflicted him since his master had casually mentioned that there were many options, that is why in addition to the regret, he felt huge admiration for the immeasurable intelligence of his master, and it was reflected in his face.

"Well for now we just have to wait for Cocytus to arrive."

When Momonga finally paid attention to Albedo, he found her gaze filled with wonder and reverence.

Hey, what happened here, why does he have that face? I thought he was going to be furious about his partner's defeat ... well, I'll find out if it's something important.

"Albedo, contact all the guardians meeting in the throne room within two hours, also include the guardian of the eighth floor, I want everyone to be present for this meeting."

"As ordered, Momonga-sama."

Meanwhile, in the den of the Diamond dogs, everything was laughter and parties, the only ones who did not participate were Balto Chester, Gumbo, and Rocky, they had started a meeting as soon as Balto had recovered enough.

"HA, we taught that great lord a good lesson." -said the captain of the guards with confidence-

"We still can't relax completely," -the little strategist admonished him- "we won this battle, but that 'great lord who mentioned those things can still attack us."

"No, while fighting him I heard him refer to himself as a 'creation' of that great lord, although I don't know what he was referring to." -Said the alpha, with a thoughtful face-

"Well that may be the case, but we have to make sure everyone has morale up in case there is a second showdown later." -Said without regard to the captain of the alpha's personal guard-

"For now the best thing is for everyone to rest, eat and regain their strength, let's go and participate in the celebration, but calm down, tomorrow we will have a meeting first thing in the morning." -Balto said goodbye to them, while he was going to lie down to continue resting-

After a couple of hours, when Cocytus finished cleaning the camp from which he had commanded the troops, all the guardians were already gathered in the throne room.

*! CLOOMMmmmg! *

The impact on the floor of the throne room, caused by the butt of the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, marked the beginning of the meeting, everyone was already on their knees before the throne of the kings.

"First of all, I thank you all for coming to this meeting, despite being given such short notice, first of all, Victim."

From the ground, what looked like a kind of one-meter high fetus, unfinished developing, was raised floating in the air, it was completely pink like visors, all over its surface you could see the veins that ran through its skin, on its back sprouted two wings that looked more like dry branches, but had small sporadic white buds and his face was amorphous, the only recognizable thing in him was his black eyes and formed limbs, and the halo above his head revealed his angelic race.

"If I remember correctly, this is the first time you've met the others, right?"

Victim turned to see the other guardians, after all, he had no neck, so it was necessary to turn his entire body.

(The original language of Victim is the language of the angels 'Enochian', but according to his description everyone can understand it as it has some kind of magical translation, and in the anime, they put it as if it has echo and reverberation at the same time, so I will write it normally because it's a pain to grammar check it otherwise.)

"Hello everyone, my name is Victim, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Guardian of the eighth floor, I called you for a reason ... we are about to make an important move and we cannot be careless just because we have not encountered a real challenge, we must cover the possibility of any unforeseen event, that is why we will need your ability to be available most powerful, the one that is invoked with your death, in order to protect both the guardians and me, I'm sorry, I promise to bring you back to life, so excuse me. "

"Please do not excuse your self Momonga-sama!, I was created to die, if my power can be of use to the supreme one, nothing will make me happier."

"There is within Nazarick a phrase that goes like this: 'There is no greater love than that of a man who gives his life for his friends', that is a perfect expression for you, I appreciate your love."

"It's more than I deserve" -Said Victim bowing in the air-

"Now, Demiurge."


"First I congratulate you for always taking my call."

"Of course! It is to be expected that you report to me as soon as you Summon me, Momonga-sama."

The Archdemon said with utmost happiness, bowing his head again towards the end.

"Yes, it is evident that the scrolls made with the skin you brought, are capable of withstanding low-level use, can I expect ample supply?"

"Yes, it won't be a problem, I managed to get a large number of them."

"I see, and what were those beasts called?" -asked the Overlord as he placed his hand on his chin-

"Mhm, ha, they are known in this place as Arimaspi, it is a subspecies of a chimera between goat and another creature that I have not managed to identify yet, they have only one eye and their torso is similar to that of a minotaur, although there are two major differences, it walks on all fours and its front legs end in claws and not toes. "

"I see, will they work for higher levels?"

"At the moment we are investigating to what level of magic this skin is capable of accepting, at the moment the results are promising for anything of the fifth level and below."

"Excellent, keep up the good work now, Shalltear."


"Has there been any news?"

"No, Momonga-sama, no inconvenience has arisen so far, nor has there been a problem with the portals that have been opened."

"Fine, but be vigilant."

"Yes, Momonga-sama."

"Albedo, have the spies reported anything else about the princesses?"

"So far Princess Twilight Sparkle has no longer been able to feel the high-level magic we use, at least since anti-detection mid-range items were made mandatory for everyone who comes out of the grave, as for the diarchy, they are in total ignorance, those who have proven to be the most entertaining for our spies have been the Theserals of the Moon Princess, they have excellent night vision, but they are not a problem. "

"Great, lastly, Cocytus."

The Guardian of the fifth floor was extremely nervous, hearing his name raised his head to meet his master's gaze.

"You were defeated." -Mumonga said in a calm and slow voice-

"Yes. My lord, I am very sorry for this offense, I-"

The warrior had his head bowed as he apologized, but was interrupted by the supervisor of the guardians who spoke to him with annoyance.

"Cocytus, if you're going to apologize, raise your head."

"I apologize." -after the frozen guardian's apology, Momonga spoke again-

"Cocytus, tell me the reason they beat you."

"Ha, I am very sorry. To have. Lost. The army. That you entrusted to me."

"You're wrong; I'll start by telling you that I'm not going to reprimand you much for the defeat."

At these words, the guardian of the fifth floor was shocked, while the others showed a smile.


"The reason is that no matter who you are, everyone makes mistakes, that's true even for me." -With this last sentence all the guardians let out a sound of surprise from their mouths-

"That said, Cocytus, what were your failures? How could you have won?"

"Mhm, I underestimated. The. Diamond Dogs, I should have been. More cautious."

"That's right, you should never underestimate anyone, no matter how weak, is there something else?"

"Yes, I think. I had. Very little. Information, the enemy force, the topography, I understand that. Without considering. These things. My chances. Of winning. Were. Significantly. Reduced. No matter. What. I. Did, Hmm, the lack. of commanders. was another. factor, as they were. undead. low-level, I should have placed. whoever could. give orders. as. need. "

"Anything else?"

"I'm. So sorry, that's. All. I can think of. For now." -said the guardian with regret-

"Great! Except for that Elder Lich they were all common undead, their fall does not affect Nazarick, considering what a guardian has learned from that, in the end, I benefit."

"Thank you very much, Momonga-sama."

"However, it is a fact that you lost and you will receive a punishment."

Raising his bony hand and pointing towards the guardian with a single finger, Momonga said in a firm voice.

"Cocytus, you will fix the problem yourself, you will exterminate the Diamond Dogs, this time without relying on anyone else." -Momonga sentenced him seriously-


"That's a wonderful idea," said the supervisor passionately, joining her hands in prayer, "that way you will erase your sin of having lost, along with all the Diamond Dogs, right?"

"My lord, Momonga-sama!" -I speak with purpose Cocytus, which caused surprised reactions in the other guardians-

"I have. A request. To make of you, I beg you. Momonga-sama." -said the warrior bowing his head-

"Even after bringing defeat to the glorious Nazarick, do you dare to ask for anything? Remember your position!" the supervisor reprimanded him.

But when she saw that there was no response from the warrior, she got even more upset.

"! Cocytus!"

"It's okay Albedo." -the supreme ruler intervened, cutting off the supervisor's fury- "can you raise your head and tell me what your request is?"

The fifth-floor guard raised his head and gulped, * Glup * was nervous about what he wanted to say.

"Well? I just want to know what you think and what you mean."

"I am. Against. Killing. All. The Diamond Dogs, I ask. You. Have. Mercy."

"! Cocytus, do you understand what you are saying ?!" -the supervisor intervened annoyingly-

"! Albedo !, don't interfere with this."

"I'm sorry, please forgive me." -The supervisor apologized, lowering her head-

"Well Cocytus, you must have a good reason to ask, something that benefits the Great Tomb of Nazarick, tell me, what is it?"

"Ha, I think. It is very. Possible. For. Great warriors. To arise. Among them, I think. It would. Be. Beneficial. For them to pledge. Allegiance to Nazarick. And become. Our. Subordinates."

"It certainly is a compelling proposition, if we created undead from their corpses their level would be roughly the same as a human corpse would have, so there is no need to insist on Diamond Dog corpses."

"In that case ..." The warrior was stopped by a skeletal hand that indicated that he had not finished yet.

"But! Using undead created by me would be more practical than leaving the dogs alive."

The frozen warrior was nervous, he did not want to destroy them so a small sound of helplessness escaped him as his master spoke * Mhhmp *

"If there is yet another benefit, I would like to hear it."

But nothing came to mind.


"What's wrong Cocytus, if there's nothing else, you won't mind exterminating them, right?"

The Overlord gave him a moment, intending for him to say something that never came out.

"I see, it's a shame."

But before he closed the subject Demiurge interrupted.


"Mhm, what's wrong Demiurge?"

"What if we use the Diamond Dogs in a government experiment?"

"Hooho, that's an interesting idea."

"Yes, sooner or later we will wield different races and powers, I suggest conducting a government experiment by ruling over the pack of Diamond Dogs, by means other than fear as a practice for when the time comes."

*! CLOOMMmmmg! *

"A great suggestion Demiurge."

"Many thanks."

"We will accept Demiurge's proposal and move from extermination to occupation by the Diamon Dogs."

Hearing their master's order, all the guardians answered affirmatively in unison.

"Demiurge, I am impressed."

"Why is it that you say so, Momonga-sama? I'm sure you already knew about my modest proposal, I was just waiting for Cocytus, right?"

"You give me too much credit, I just wanted ... him to show me some of his reasoning, no matter what it was."

Listen well my guardians, you must not obey all orders blindly, you must study them a little before acting, consider what will give Nazarick the most benefits. "

Again a chorus round of affirmative responses was what he received.

"Now, Cocytus, because of this your punishment will change, you will rule the Diamond Dogs, inspire loyalty to Nazarick, you cannot rule through fear."

"As you wish, I Cocytus, will work. Very hard. To repay. The great. Mercy. You have shown me."

"Very well my guardians, I order you to mobilize." -He said as he stood up- "one team will be a decoy, while another will show off our power with the diamond dogs, Albedo, prepare the soldiers, also activate Gargantua."

"As ordered, can I assume that the decoy will show us as someone who enjoys watching them and gives the wrong impression of our objective?"

"That's how it is."

"Very good" the supervisor bowed to her master while wearing a malicious smile, which was the reflection of her desire to please her master while enjoying the despair of her adversaries.

"Everyone get ready to move on!"

With these last words, the overlord teleported to his room while waiting for the time of the raid.

As their master retired, the guardians relaxed and began to talk among themselves, the first of all being the guardian of the fifth floor.

"I am grateful to you, Demiurge."

"That is not necessary Cocyus, it is probably the result that Momonga-sama wanted."

The twins were surprised. "Huu?"

"You say everything is going according to his plan?" Albedo said as she approached the others.

"Momonga-sama is amazing!" Aura could no longer contain her enthusiasm at the greatness of her master, but her brother Mare still had a doubt.

"Emm ... this ... g-tell me, in this case, did you already know in advance that Cocytus was going to lose?"

"Not exactly losing, but he considered what Cocytus would recommend testing the dogs to find out whether or not he could beat them with his troops."

"Momonga-sama is more than incredible, it is fair to say that assuming the role of coordinator of the supreme beings was not for nothing ∼de arinsu ne∼❤" Shalltear said, very excited as she blushed and held her cheeks in her hands.

Meanwhile, in the room of said supreme being, he was lying face down on the bed drowning an idiotic laugh on the pillow.

"Haha, hahaha, hehe"

Then he rolled onto his back on the bed and began to ponder what happened just now in the throne room.

That was incredible, I did not expect Cocytus to say that in Yggdrasil if you tried to do something without the ability, it was sure that it would fail, but he could get tactics and strategies from this battle, that proves that we have the potential to grow; But, growth indicates change, I can not assure that the loyalty of the guardians will not change, waaaah! how scary! I wonder if there will be someone who teaches me to be a king.

"Well, it should almost be time to go out."

The Overlord sat on the bed, but something caught his attention and he threw himself face down on the bed again.

"Mhm, is there a floral smell? Did they put floral perfume on the bed? Is that what rich people's beds are like? In that case, I must remember it for when I pretend to be rich."

At dawn the next morning, the most surprising sight was in front of the Diamond Dogs, Balto and his assistants until a few minutes ago were in a meeting deep in the burrow, when a soldier interrupted them to inform them that they had to come to the entrance immediately.

The guard who brought the message arrived shaking and almost fainted, and now that they were seeing it too they couldn't believe it.

"I expected it, but it was too soon" - the Alpha commented worriedly.

"No, it can not be." -Chester said as he watched the enemy lines-

"Impossible, this is a joke right?" -Gumbo said they are incredulous when paying attention to the enemy troops-

"Have you noticed? Those armor and weapons are not normal, It seems that they have a strange shine that covers them, they are probably weapons with magic" -said Rocky worried-

"They are also almost double that of yesterday" -Said Balto with resignation-

Then an icy wind began to blow and black clouds covered the sun over the desert quickly, an icy wind over the desert was abnormal enough to cause doubt, but the clouds drew the attention of all the dogs to the sky, there was no pegasus moving them.

"Don't give me that, is that great lord also capable of controlling the weather?" -Rocky said when he felt the drastic change in temperature-

"They are moving." -Comment the captain of the guards-

"But it doesn't look like it's to attack." -Chester said as he watched the enemy formation change-

The four rows of heavily armored skeletons in the center of the formation began to march, advancing several steps and then taking a quarter turn in different directions, separating the columns in the center, when the columns finished reforming, behind them they left something that He opened his eyes wide, advancing through the gap was a skeleton, but this was not like the others they had faced previously, the tunic he wore was of high quality, the articles that adorned him were quite expensive in appearance and the staff in their hand was impressive, but the huge gems on the shoulders were what gave them an understanding of how expensive their wardrobe was, this was open in the chest where you could see its ribs and a red sphere in the lower part but what differentiated it the most from the rest of the skeletons was that in the sockets where its eyes should be there were two small reddish flames.

"I think we can assure that it is about that such 'great lord', hmm, what is he doing, but what is that !?" -Asked the strategist with concern-

The skeleton had raised one of its hands, and a huge dome of light with many different constantly changing markings, plus circles floating around it that did the same, appeared, spanning approximately ten meters in diameter with it in the center.

"It sounds like magic, but I've never heard of or seen anything like this, whatever it is I think it's going to be pretty big."

Then the unimaginable happened before his very eyes, the whole desert around him changed in an instant, it stopped being a pile of loose sand, it was covered with a healthy and lush grass as far as the eye could see, this fact caused all the dogs that were near the entrances directed their eyes to the floor right where they were standing, under their paws they no longer felt the desert sand.

This distraction made them miss the appearance of a colossus, which they did not notice until they began to feel the tremors caused by its steps, looking up into the distance and to the right of the army, a gigantic creature at least forty meters high. height was approaching, the only thing they could differentiate at that distance were his bright eyes and lines that ran from his neck to his chest, he carried between his upper extremities a huge stone almost half the size of himself and to the surprise of all present, from that enormous distance he threw it, but his objective was not the entrances, at least that was obvious.

When the stone fell into place, the skeletons with huge arches and shields began to move and one by one they leaned behind the rock forming a staircase to the top of it.

"You're kidding right," Rocky said with a lump in his throat, from behind the army those who carried the banners began to advance through the central hole and when they came out in front they saw them clearly, they were more skeletons, but these were quite different of the rest, his armor was golden and covered almost his entire body, but the most amazing thing was that the magic in the latter was much greater than that of the other soldiers.

When no one understood what they were doing, Balto said it in a clear voice.

"Those are not banners of armies, those are royal banners, this is a royal procession."

Then those who must have been the enemy representatives, passed through the path formed by the bearers of the banners until they reached the top of the rock, the first to ascend was the skeleton of the expensive tunic, behind him a creature with a mane long of a deep black color that wore a pure white dress with gold accents, the most striking were the wings that came out of her waist and the horns on her head, behind her came another individual who had a shorter and well-combed hair , he had round glasses on his face and a smile that gave chills, his strange clothing seemed to be something similar to what a minotaur would wear, then a ball of pink flesh that resembled a fetus floated up, this had a halo on his head and branches on his back, the next were two small creatures,maybe pups, they were identical to each other but their heterochromatic eyes were inverted, finally, a creature with wax white skin came up, wearing something similar to the pompous dresses that ponies wore at parties of black colors with accents in red, the only skin really uncovered from her was her face.

When the skeleton came to the front, on the rock, something incredible happened again, behind the skeleton and out of nowhere a throne was created of what seemed to be crystal, which was quite high, and yes, there is no doubt in them, it was created, it did not appear suddenly, it was not stretched, it was simply created, it was born from the magic light, the other creatures that climbed all stood on the sides of the throne when the skeleton sat down, extended its hand and many of those appeared in front of its creatures that had previously named themselves heralds, these were immediately distributed to all entrances.

"I bring you the words of the great lord, the great lord wishes to speak with you,! Let a delegate appear immediately! know that the time wasted is unpleasant for the great lord."

The creatures floated back in front of the throne after delivering their message, and when they have reunited the creature in the pompous dress, it killed them all with the shock wave of a single clap of its hands.

"It can't be, do I destroy them, that simple?" -Chester was incredulous-

"Come on Rocky, join me to talk to that guy, given his numbers, I think it would be very counterproductive to go alone." -Said the alpha without taking his eyes off the enemies-

He only received a nod as confirmation and they both went out to meet this great lord face to face.

When they arrived in front of the great rock they presented themselves.

"I'm Rocky, Captain of the Alpha's Personal Guard, and this is…"

"I am Balto, the alpha male of the desert pack, the largest in the world."

They both declared with pride.

The melodious voice of the creature in white, allowed them to identify it as a female, then they guessed that the bulge on the chest was breasts, just like minotaur females.

"My master doesn't think that posture allows you to hear properly, Demiurge."

The creature in red stepped forward and spoke.

"[Dessert!]" * Mmpff *

Suddenly their bodies no longer responded to them, or rather they did what someone else ordered them to do.

"[Don't resist!]"

It was as if they were hypnotized, but without losing track of themselves, having someone capable of doing this was terrifying.

"My master, you are already in a suitable position to hear his words."

The female in white spoke again.

"Good work, you can lift your head." -said the skeleton with a regal voice-

"[They are allowed to raise their heads]"

"First, let me thank you for your help in this experiment."

The dogs swallowed the growl they wanted to give, they were thinking angrily 'that battle was just an experiment.

"Now the main matter, you will be under my command."

The reaction of surprise at these words, on the part of the canines, was no wonder.

"But it is likely that you do not want to be under the orders of someone they fought and defeated, so, in four hours I will attack again, the aggressor this time will be Cocytus, one of my most trusted servants if they can also prevail against him. , I promise to leave you alone from now on. "

Balto was sure that it was not a joke, he would attack with only one, after having attacked with thousands, which means that his strength exceeds that of thousands by himself, for which he reached his best conclusion.

"We sur-"

But he was interrupted by the skeleton as soon as he began to speak.

"I hope they don't suggest something as boring as giving up without a fight!"

"Will you make an example for us?" -Said Balto in a low voice-

"Finish talking, you have four hours, enjoy it while you can."

When the skeleton rose to its feet and began to retreat, the throne disappeared.

"Wait a moment, could we know the name of the one who is going to rule us?"

Shit, shit, shit, shit, I forgot to introduce myself, I was so focused on the monologue that missed it completely, what I tell them!, just Momonga? no! I'm already using Momon's identity, this must be able to expand our name ... our name!

"Ha, it is true, I have not given you my name ... I am the master of the great underground tomb of Nazarick ... remember my name well! Once upon a time, there was no one who did not know this name, my name is ... Ainz Ooal Gown!"

When he introduced himself, Momonga took one of the rulers poses that he had been practicing, inside his room and secretly during the nights, he had the staff resting on the floor close to him, while the upper part tilted it slightly outwards and backward, chin slightly raised and one hand forward with palm extended and down, while his body was at a 45-degree angle to the observer.

Fortunately, the effect was as desired, the dogs were stunned by the majesty it projected and its guardians had happy faces, but all had a slight doubt underneath it.

After introducing himself, he retired using the 'Gate' spell, after him, the guardians also passed through the portal, while each one said goodbye.

"So, bye Diamond Dogs, [Gate]" -the Overlord said goodbye-

"Goodbye Diamond Dogs" -said with a voice soft as silk Albedo-

"!See ya!" -Aura said goodbye with great enthusiasm-

"This is goodbye." -with purpose, Shalltear said goodbye-

"T-this, please take care." -Mare said goodbye making a small bow-

"Then goodbye." -Victim said goodbye with simplicity-

"[You can move], and… try to have fun, Diamond Dogs." -Demiurge said goodbye with a cryptic tone-

"Damn!" Balto shouted furiously.

Back in the den, the meeting that started in the morning had resumed.

"It seems that it will be like a ritual sacrifice, right?" Rocky asked.

"And what do we do?" Asked Gumbo lost.

"We have to form all the troops, I already underestimated us once, maybe we can achieve something." -Said Chester trying to come up with a plan-

"No, I think the best thing is that they are only a few, half of my personal guard and the oldest of the guards, in addition to their captains and me, if their objective is to show overwhelming power, they will not kill us all, but the pack will need a central figure while the next alpha male emerges, to organize the remaining ones. "

"Yes, why not, I agree" -said the captain of the guards-

"So if we do, I think Chester will be the most suitable." -Said the captain of the personal guard with confidence-

"Wait, you don't have to say that, I'm sure I can think of something!" -Said Chester trying to prevent the suicide plan from being accepted-

"We have been given the chance to survive, that will be my last order as Alpha for the entire pack, you will be in charge until the next alpha male is born." -Balto told him-

Arriving at the camp set up in the same place that Cocytus' had been before, Victim said goodbye and returned to Nazarick.

"Well, Momonga-sama, I must withdraw for now."

"Good job, keep the first floor of Nazarick safe until we return."

"As you wish." -The guardian of the eighth floor answered with a bow-

"[Gate]" -when his exit was created, Victim retired to fulfill his new task-

"Well for now let's get on with the work, do you think our goal was achieved?"

"Momonga-sama was perfect." -I reply happy Aura-

"Of course, the faces of those dogs said it all!" -Commented Shalltear with the pride she felt for her master's ability-

"I see, so the first phase of the demo was a success, now how about we watch what they're doing?"

Momonga raised a hand and making a sign, activated the [Remote Mink Lens] that was in front of him, the image that was obtained was of the entrances of the tunnels, many dogs could be seen making preparations before the fight.

"They are wasting their time."

He waved his hand and the scene changed again, but it only showed common dogs.

"Hmm, I don't see any of the commanders."

"Mmh, I think their names were Balto and Rocky, right? They might be inside the tunnels." -Aura answered with a slight disappointment-

"It's the safest assumption." -Momonga said-

After which, he extended his hand, putting it into his inventory, he took out a bag, and from it a scroll, while he explained what he was going to do to the guardians.

"Normally, the 'remote vision lens' does not allow to see indoors, but, using magic I can create a sensory organ, and by joining the two I can observe interior areas as if I were walking through them."

The image that appeared in the lens, changed from the outside to the inside of the caves, Momonga navigated a bit through them until he found his objective, well below the burrow, the meeting chamber was, after seeing them for a moment, he decided that there was nothing special that warranted spying on their strategy.

"Right, Albedo."

"Yes, Momonga-sama?"

"As soon as this fight is over and this camp is cleared, I want you to announce to all guardians, area guardians, and servants gathering in Nazarick's throne room, important notice needs to be given."

"If I may ask, does it have to do with the fact that he presented himself to the dogs as Ainz Ooal Gown-sama and not Momonga-sama?"

"Indeed, I have decided to change my name, although so far we have not found anything about it, we cannot be sure that there are no other players in this world, extending the name of the guild will be a good way to get the rats out of their nests, And if any of my companions ever find themselves in this world, they will know that they are not alone here until my companions reappear, and if they object, until then, this will be my name, I allow you to call me Ainz! "

Hearing her master's reasons, the overseer became serious and ceremonious.

"We understand your order, and we accept your wonderful new name-"

Ainz interrupted the supervisor.

"This is not the right time or place for that, wait for everyone to gather in the throne room."

Please give me some rest, I don't want to have two ceremonies of this whim.

"Understood, Ainz-sama∼"

At the appointed time the Diamond Dogs were ready for battle, in the field were 55 elite guards, 120 guards, 15 slingers, the two captains, and Balto, then at a certain distance emerging from a circle of darkness in the same way in that the others had previously gone, an imposing four-armed figure appeared, it was almost 60 centimeters taller than the alpha, it had the appearance of an insect, but it walked on two legs as it approached, in two of its upper extremities it held an impressive halberd, there were multiple spikes all over his body, and from his back came out what appeared to be two huge chunks of ice, the enemy stopped at approximately fifty meters and drove the butt of his halberd into the ground.

"So that's Cocytus, huh? He definitely looks powerful." Balto said as he examined his opponent.

"Well, Ainz-sama. Is. Watching, show. All. Your power, but first, [Ice Pillar]"

The Diamond Dogs were ready to start the battle, when the enemy made a strange movement, extended his hand, and out of nowhere halfway between them, on the grass that had been created previously two huge pillars of ice were born, then the insect warrior gave an announcement.

"As warriors. Determined. To face. Death, I regret. To announce this, but this. Is the door. Of your. Doom, upon crossing it. You will find. Your destruction, if you advance. Further, death. Awaits you! "

"But how kind, right?" Gumbo said as he advanced.

"Mhm, that's right." -Balto said, and as he advanced, all the others followed him, crossed the pillars, and prepared to fight, announced that they were ready and the enemy only made a sign with one of his hands to advance, while he had the other crossed-


The slingers moved forward and began firing, but all shots ricocheted before making contact with the insect.

"I'm sorry, but. We. Guardian. Class. Have. We. Have. Protection. From. Weapons. At a distance ... but this. Is annoying, [Piercing Icicle]"

Cocytus raised one of his hands and threw a blast of sharp pieces of ice at a speed that the slingers could not avoid, all were impaled by the ice and fell inert to the ground, the contingent of soldiers was launched to the attack when they saw that the support had been removed.

"I. Hate. Doing this. To. Warriors, but. I. Have to. Reduce. Their numbers, [Frost Aura]"

The Vermint Lord waved his hand in front of him and a freezing air shot out in front of him, reaching the dogs that came running, in an instant they all froze, the only ones who could barely stand it were Balto Gumbo and Rocky, after this the captain The guard rushed to the attack, closing the last ten meters in an instant, the guardian extended his hand to the side and disappeared, when he reemerged in it he had a huge sword of beautiful manufacture.

"[Imperial Sword Hunt Gods!]"

And in a single movement I beheaded Gumbo when the latter fell to the ground, Cocytus felt movement under him and stabbed the earth three times in different places around him, the earth in those points collapsed staining red when the sword came out, immediately Later, seven individuals jumped from the ground around him, those who came out on his back were pierced from side to side by the spikes in their tail when they were hit and no longer got up, while the four who jumped in front they were split diagonally by the sword in a single-wide movement.

Those had been the 10 elite soldiers that he sent to ambush him from below, with that all the additional troops were exhausted, only Balto and Rocky remained.

"Mhm, there are only two left, Ainz-sama. I was expecting it and they certainly. Resisted. Until. The end."

"It's just us, how are you?" the alpha asked his partner.

"My whole body hurts from the cold, but I can still fight!"

"That's. A good. Battle cry."

"Well, this will be our last attack, we are sorry for the delay Mr. Cocytus."

"It doesn't matter. I'm. Not so wild. As to. Interrupt. The farewell. Of two. Colleagues, get ready, no. I apologize, you were already. Before. We started, let me. Ask. Their names."

"Balto, the alpha male of the desert pack."

"Rocky, Captain of the Alpha's Personal Guard."

"I will remember them. As names. Of authentic. Warriors, too. Let me. Excuse me, normally. I would attack. Them. With one weapon. In each hand, but, truth be told, they are. . "

"Okay, let's go!" Balto shouted and they both charged at Cocytus iron sword in hand, Rocky jumped to give a downward blow, while the alpha attacked from the side, the guardian stopped the thrust of the enemy leader's sword with two fingers, then with a twist of the wrist cut vertically the captain of the guard with the sword, to his surprise, when he did so he felt that the sword in his left hand lost all the weight behind him and turned to see that the sword in his hand had been released from the alpha's left and right hand were approaching its trunk, but as the sword approached it was stopped by an invisible cloak before touching the enemy.

* Tshing *

"Haa, wonderful. brilliant. strategy, you ran. with the. center. of gravity. low. to pick up. another. sword and while. I got distracted. with the other. you tried. to stab. me. with. the. second. sword, sadly. I have. an ability. that allows me to. nullify. all. damage. from. any. low-level. weapon. "

Cocytus turned to Balto, raised his hand with his sword.

"From. The beginning. His attacks. Were useless, but…"

That was the last thing Balto heard.

In the camp the guardians were gathered after the battle, all were kneeling, in the presence of the supreme ruler.

"Cocytus, you fought admirably."

"Thank you very much, Ainz-sama"

"But what you gave today was the stick, from now on you will give them the carrot, from today you will rule the Diamond Dogs, it must not be a reign of terror."


"Very well, listen my guardians, starting today, Cocytus will rule the Diamond Dogs, if he ever needs help support him."

"Ainz-sama, how will you dispose of those. Two dogs?"

"Of those two?"

"Yes, the so-called. Balto and Rocky"

"Yes, we will recover their bodies and use them as evidence for the creation of undead that does not depend on my ability."

"I think there may be. A better option."

"Mhm, what do you mean?"

"Although. They were weak, I saw in them. The radiance. Of warriors. Who do not fear. Those. Stronger. Than them, I think. They. Have. The potential. To be. Stronger. Than we believe, no. He has. performed. experiments. to revive. the dead, what if he uses them for that? "

The radiance of the warriors you say.

"I see, it's truly something important, is there someone among the dogs who can represent them?"

"Yes, there is one. Of black color. And short stature. Who did not participate. In the battle"

Oh I see that one.

"Well, how long will it take to bring it?"

"I apologize, but. Assuming. You would ask, I have. Brought you. In advance, you are. Outside. Waiting. With my. Subordinates."

"Hooo" the Overlord was impressed and turned to see Demiurge, who understood his master's look and shook his head, this time he had not helped him.

"Mhm, very good Cocytus, your idea was the right one, good show him."

"He has"

A moment later the little schnauzer found himself inside the hut sitting on the floor and marveling at the fact that the interior was much more spacious than the exterior, but retained his calm appearance.

"Tell me your name."

"Yes great king of death, Ainz Ooal Gown." Albedo who was next to him got upset at the lack of respect and admonished the dog.

"Show due respect to your new lord, he is Ainz Ooal Gown-sama to you and yours!"

"I'm very sorry Ainz Ooal Gown-sama." -he said, trembling slightly at the thirst for blood coming from the supervisor-

"My name is Chester, I was the strategist of the pack, but right now I'm the acting alpha."

"Thanks for coming."

"Yes, please accept the loyalty of the Diamond Dogs."

Chester began to tremble more visibly when he heard the skeleton approach.

"You see, I have an assignment for you."

"If there is anything your servant can do, please ask for it."

"Not as a servant, if you accept it, I will bring Balto back to life."

"!Is that possible?!"

"I am capable of manipulating both life and death, for me death is nothing more than a state of being."

"So what do you want your faithful slave to do?"

"It's simple enough, I want you to watch closely so that none of yours betrays me."

"We would never betray him!"

"I'm not fool enough to believe that."

"At this moment you have in front of you the possibility of a miracle, but that miracle will not be available forever, in addition to reviving it, I will put a special spell on it, if I think they have betrayed me, it will kill it instantly, now,! Chester decides! "

Ainz looked at the guardians and gave them an order.

"Don't do anything, even if he refuses."

"Now tell me what is your decision?"

At the entrance of the burrow, there were many dogs gathered, it was something obvious, what it would not be, it was the reason why he was so weakened, the last thing he remembers is that he was fighting and then he was cut in half, at remembering this Balto tried to get up as best he could but he felt very weak, now that he could see better, he began to differentiate the faces of everyone around him, the closest of them was Chester's, that was a face that he never knew. had seen done.

"W'a' ha'ened, sh'uld't I 'e dea'?" (What happened, shouldn't he be dead?)

On the other side of him was someone he did not expect to see, the skeleton, he was the one who broke the silence in the place.

"It seems that some levels have been lost, so that has not changed, first of all, congratulations on your resurrection"

"Re'urec'on? Can you re'ive the 'ea'th?" (Resurrection, can you revive the dead?)

"Death for me is nothing more than another state of being ... it looks like your speech is impeded, it should be enough that you rest a little to fix it."

"My 'ord, I pro'ise to be alw'ys faith'ul and 'erv yo' wit' all my 'eing!" (My lord, I promise to always be faithful to you and serve you with all my being!)

"I accept your loyalty, you can ask for anything you want."

"P'osperi'y fo' mi'e" (Prosperity for mine)

"I promise in the name of Ainz Ooal Gown that you will prosper like never before, Cocytus will be in charge of you, talk to him to find out what will come next."

"I 'eally app'eciate 't, an' ... may I as' why 'ust 'e? Roc'y an' 'umbo woul' 'e hel'ful too." (I really appreciate it, and ... may I ask why just me? Rocky and Gumbo would be helpful too)

"Mmm, their bodies must be out there, I'll think about it, keep your bodies well, Aura."

One of the young came out from behind the skeleton, and now that it smelled closely, Balto could be sure that it was a female, she had the scent of many animals that almost hid her own scent.

"Yes, Ainz-sama?"

"We are leaving."

The little girl nodded and with that, they began to move away from the Burrows, Balto could not believe it yet, his new master was capable of controlling both death and life.

"Did we survive or did we evolve?" (We survive or we revive)

"That doesn't matter, for now, hey you, don't stay there, come help me! You have to take Balto inside to rest."

Throne Room.

The room was full of people on their knees showing their loyalty, no one moved in the room, they were so wanting that you could hear the sound of their breathing, the only sounds, they came from Ainz and the sound that the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown made. hitting the floor.

Ainz ascended the stairs and sat on the throne, he was watching the scene at his feet, almost all the NPCs were gathered here, a large crowd, it looked like the Hyakki Yagyō, the Great Hundred Demons Parade *, there was so much variety of characters, Ainz, in his heart, praised the imagination of his guild members, there was everyone except Gargantua the colossal golem and Victim, they could not leave their posts.

(* From Japanese folklore)

There were also many high-ranking servants, handpicked by the Floor Guardians, but even so, the Throne Room was so large that the scene did not look too crowded, he understood why his subordinates did not allow the servants of lower rank would go down to the heart of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, but Ainz thought there was no need to be so strict.

It does not matter, that is not so urgent, I will discuss it another time.

"First, I apologize for gathering you here."

Ainz apologized in an unrepentant tone, this was only for the show, but apologizing was still important, bringing them together had been his decision alone, but this showed his subordinates that he trusted them.

"Why I have summoned you here, Albedo will explain it to you in a moment, there is something more important that I wanted to inform all the members of the Great Tomb of Nazarick ... [Greater Item Destruction]."

Ainz activated a spell that could destroy a magic item of a certain level, a large flag fell from the ceiling, the symbol of that flag symbolized Momonga.

"I have changed my name when you refer to me from now on ..." -Ainz pointed to another place and everyone's eyes followed him- "Call me Ainz Ooal Gown ... Ainz will be enough."

Ainz pointed to a flag behind the throne with the guild symbol, raised the Staff, and let it hit the ground, attracting the attention of everyone present.

"All who are against, state your reasons."

No one objected, Albedo walked towards Ainz and with a smile.

"Now we all know the name of our Lord, Long live Ainz Ooal Gown-sama! The Supreme Overlord! All the members of the Great Tomb of Nazarick swear eternal fidelity to him."

The Guardians said in unison.

"Long live Ainz Ooal Gown-sama, the Supreme Overlord who leads us! We will dedicate all that we are to you and swear eternal loyalty to you!"

"Long live Ainz Ooal Gown-sama! Everyone knows his greatness and the fearsome powers he possesses!"

NPCs and servants alike sang his praises, the Throne Room rumbled in applause, immersed in the praise of his subordinates, Ainz thought:

My friends, what do you think of me hoarding this glorious name? Will they be happy? or are they offended? Tell me if you have any suggestions, tell me that this name is not just mine and I will change it back to Momonga without hesitation.

"Well then…"

Ainz looked at everyone in front of him.

"I will announce the goal to everyone," -Ainz paused here, the expressions of his subordinates turned serious- "turn Ainz Ooal Gown into an eternal legend."

The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown in his right hand hit the ground, it seemed to respond and the crystals in it flashed their colors with intensity.

"If there are any heroes, then we will replace them all, let the whole world know that Ainz Ooal Gown is the new hero! If there are people stronger than us in this world, we will find a different way to violence, if there is a magician with numerous subordinates, we will use a different method, this is just the preparation phase, to let everyone know that Ainz Ooal Gown is the best, let's strive together! "

Expanding this name to the ears of everyone in this world will ensure that, if any of the former guild members who should have left Yggdrasil, but still existed in this world just like me, yes, this name that everyone would recognize, I have to. reach the realm of legends, whether, on land, air, or sea, there will be no conscious creature that does not know it! so this name could reach the ears of my companions if they are in this world.

Ainz's majestic voice reached every corner of the Throne Room, everyone in the room made a sound and bowed their heads, a sublime sound known as prayer.

The Throne Room emptied after the master left, but the air of excitement still lingered, receiving orders from the Supreme Overlord and acting in unison had motivated everyone, especially when he had given them an order.

"Everyone raise your heads."

Everyone crouched in prayer looked up when they heard Albedo's voice.

"We will all carry out Ainz-sama's orders, the next thing is that there are important announcements to be made."

Albedo's gaze fell on Ainz Ooal Gown's flag behind the throne, the NPCs and servants behind her also looked at the flag.

"Demiurge, share what Ainz-sama told you."


Demiurge and everyone present was kneeling, but her voice was clear for all to hear.

"Ainz-sama told me while looking at the night sky, 'I exist in this place to obtain that jewelry box that does not belong to anyone.' Then he said 'No, it is not something that only me should have, maybe I should use them to decorate the Great Tomb of Nazarick ... The Ainz Ooal Gown mine and my friends', the jewel box refers to this world, this is Ainz-sama's true wish. "

Demiurge was smiling, but it was not a kind smile:

"And Ainz-sama continued 'Conquering the world is a very interesting idea' so the conclusion is ..."

Everyone's eyes were staring sharply, these are eyes that showed very strong determination, Albedo slowly stood up and looked everyone in the face, everyone looked at him in response, at the same time looking at the Ainz Ooal Gown flag behind her.

"Understanding Ainz-sama's true intentions and making preparations is the way his prominent subordinates should act, everyone should understand that the ultimate goal of the Great Tomb of Nazarick is to take that box of jewels… this world for Ainz-sama. "

Albedo smiled as she turned around and looked at the flag.

"Ainz-sama, we will definitely hand this world over to you."

Their voices reverberated off the walls of the room.

"We will give everything in this world to the true Overlord Ainz-sama."