• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 5,111 Views, 304 Comments

Ainz Ooal Gown in Equestria - zakan

Instead of get trowed out of the server in the last day of Yggdrasil, Satoru got to a world full of... ¿ponies?; ¿how will react the inhabitants of Equestria to the coming of an undead of the higest order?

  • ...

The crude reality First part

Author's Note:

First of all My Little Pony was created and is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust, Overlord is owned by Kugane Murayama and are not mine, this is a fan story made with the intent to entertain and if it's possible steal you a smile.

English it's not my mother language, so please, if you catch some grammar mistake, or you have some suggestion for better puns or double meaning words to replace the ones already used put it in the comments and I will see if I can make it work.
DK = Death Knight
ES = Emotional Suppressor
EEA = Eight edge assassins

'magical or technological communication'
*sound effect or onomatopoeia*

The next chapter of Chrysalis in the Great Tomb of Nazarick will be released with the next chapter, :yay: don't miss ti. :twilightsmile:

In the luxurious anteroom of his room, the ruler of death is sitting behind his desk, but he was not alone, with him was the supervisor of the guardians, the objective of this was simple, they argued about the presentation of the newest addition to the tomb while they waited for it to appear to instruct her on her new duties and inquire about her current status.

Wow, it was a big surprise that I got, I did not expect there to be so much acceptance, to tell the truth, I expected some more resistance, I had even prepared some arguments, but they were unnecessary.

After gracing this train of thought for a moment, the Overlord noticed Albedo's gaze waiting for directions.


"Yes, Ainz-sama?"

"I want to hear your opinion regarding 'this experiment'"

Hearing her master's instruction, the succubus lowered her gaze and brought her delicate hand to her chin as she reasoned the question.

"Mmmm... even though I don't like the idea of ​​letting in creatures inferior to the glorious Nazarick, I can understand that it was necessary to check how the interactions with the outside world would work, or rather how the inhabitants of the outside would interact with us, you take as example three excellent special cases. "

I? Three? What is he talking about? I have only accepted the loyalty of Chrysalis and Tempest.

"You placed in yours service and made obedient Chrysalis, a proud and treacherous creature by nature, who, while swearing allegiance, was not recognized by the Tomb; also placed under your command an external group that was completely neutral towards us after defeating them in battle, although they recognized you and swore service, they were still not recognized by Nazarick and finally, there is the case of Tempest Shadow, mmm… "

Aah!, right, the dogs, I had completely forgotten about them, how are they doing? So far Cocytus has not reported any problems, I suppose everything has to go smoothly, mmm I need to make time to give them a visit.

"She has been the special case, she has been recognized by the Tomb, like the dogs she was from a neutral group towards us at the time, but her personal position was not clear at any time and like the others; she swore allegiance and servitude... I am very sorry Ainz-sama, even though the result speaks for itself, I still can't see what the exception is, but I agree that the experiment you carried out was perfectly planned and executed."

When she finished speaking, the face of the succubus was frustrated for not being able to understand the intentions of her master, which was totally misinterpreted by him.

Gha! She is very upset! Does she really dislike the idea of ​​adding individuals to the grave so much? I must calm her somehow, think, THINK !, (ES) well I have to cover one lie with another *shigh*

"This experiment was not only necessary, it also served to increase my understanding of the individuals in this world, the fact that it gave the expected fruit was essential for the future of Nazarick, although the information and materials that Demiurge gathers in his ranch are wonderful, it was necessary to obtain even more about the mental and moral development of this world."

Seeing that the face of annoyance on the supervisor disappeared completely, Ainz decided to stop babbling before screwing up again.

"In short, although there are basically eternal things, like multipurpose items there are things that need to be replaced from time to time." Like consumables.

"Unbelievable, Ainz-sama is unbelievable!" -exclaimed the succubus with joy- "And to think that your plans would have such a reach! We, as your servants, must try harder to live up to your expectations!"

Huh, oh no, it seems that something was misunderstood again... but at least I succeeded in cheering her up, I hope nothing goes wrong as a result of this.

Just when the Overlord was about to try to get some information out of his subordinate about what she had understood, a knock on the door interrupted him.

* Knock knock knock * "With your permission Ainz-sama."

"Go ahead"

It was Yuri Alpha and the new member of Nazarick who had finally arrived.

"I have shown Tempest-san the way to your chambers, just as ordered."

"Mhm, good job, you can retire, when you go out send one of the homunculus maids."


After rising from where they had knelt in front of the desk, the servant bowed and withdrew.

Okay, *Huff* now, what's next.

"You can get up Tempest, come closer."

"Yes, with your permission."

The unicorn got up and stood in front of the desk, of which she barely reached the top with her eyes, which made her look so adorable that Ainz actively fought off an 'Aawww'.

"Ehem, first of all, let's talk about your assignments, before any administrative work is given to you, you will have to cover the necessary topics for it, the most urgent and the first to remedy will have to be the language."

"The language? I apologize, but I don't understand what you mean."

The Overlord turned to the succubus and nodded, she is understanding the intention of his master, unequiped the translation necklace.

"テ ン ペ ス ト シ ャ ド ウ を 教 え て く だ さ い 、 私 の 言葉 を 理解 で き ま す か?"

(Tell me Tempest Shadow, can you understand my words?)

To the surprise of the unicorn, what she heard was a series of sounds incomprehensible to her, the surprise was clearly reflected on her face.

"I can see that you are not able to understand the original language, everyone uses a special item called a translation collar to facilitate communication, however, this only works for the spoken language, so you only have to learn the written language, we can't allow that you do not understand any notification for not knowing the language."

"Is that the language of creation?"

Tempest asked in amazement, but the answer she received only increased her impression.

"Hahaha, no of course not." The unicorn breathed in relief only to tense again.

"The primordial language is something much more complex, this is just one of the most notorious that existed before."

This time the surprise not only existed in the Equestrian, Albedo was also surprised by the words of Nazarick's master, but he overlooked it.

"For now, you will have to learn during your free time, when the necessary arrangements and changes that the storm kingdom will undergo to transform it into the sorcerer kingdom are fully determined, it will also be defined how you will be able to use your time."

Trying to understand everything she was hearing coming from her new master's mouth, there was a question constantly recurring in her mind, 'how far did he saw what he knows or is talking about?' she couldn't imagine exactly how old his new master's existence was.

"It is also necessary that you can locate yourself in the tomb, so today you will spend it knowing the accessible parts of the tomb, as well as its inhabitants, later someone will pick you up to accompany you, tomorrow will be long, we will be in Canterlot most of it probably, try not to stay up too late today. "

To the delight of the overseer who had already reequiped the translation collar and the Overlord's surprise , Tempest's response was clear and with conviction.

"Yes Ainz-sama, I will definitely be ready tomorrow!"

"Well now the next point, tell me, do you feel capable of taking over the army as soon as it is formed?"

"Yes, I am confident that I can handle and move troops without problems, but I consider that I lacked competence in terms of strategy."

Answered the unicorn with honesty and some shame.

"Mhm, that will not be a problem for now, you will learn about the art of war as second subject in priority."

At that moment someone knocked on the door. *Knock knock knock knock*

"With your permission Ainz-sama."

It was one of the homunculus servants, when she received permission to enter, she approached the desk and bowed.

"How can I help you Ainz-sama?"

"I have a task for you Fiore, Tempest Shadow will be with us temporarily, prepare one of the guest rooms on the ninth floor for her, as soon as you finish you will lead her to her to rest."

"It will be done immediately." -A huge smile and some moisture in the corners of her eyes, adorned the face of the servant, she felt very happy and impressed, not only for having received a task in a personal way from her master, but also for the fact that the Nazarick's supreme ruler knew the name of a simple servant girl-

For Ainz this treatment of his subordinates was nothing more than professional etiquette, but that was not reason to ignore it, after all he tried to be the boss they wanted, that was the main reason why during his hours alone, he practiced in his room poses and comments.

"Umu, you can retreat."

After bowing the servant withdrew and the conversation resumed where it had left off.

"Okay, now for the main topic, let's talk about the reason for calling you at my personal office, I want you to tell me what is bothering you."

A strange silence was the only answer he received, but when he paid some attention he noticed the look of total surprise on the unicorn's face and the inquisitive look on Albedo's, then he reviewed what he had just said and realizing that his choice of words had been incorrect, he panicked, he had just screwed up in a massive way, but since there was no second reaction from those present he was not sure to what extent, in his nervousness he did not realize that he uttered some words that He must have thought until it was too late.

"Well, how deep is?" it... shit, I just spoke out loud! Now what do I do? Albedo is very intelligent, surely she already realized that I am pretending! (ES) nononono, wait a moment, before throwing everything away I have to check the waters.

Turning to Albedo and then returning to Tempest and poking at the honeycomb with a stick (figuratively speaking), Ainz asked with a nervousness that was not reflected in his undead voice.

"What is the problem?" Keep making it worse, you idiot!

But for Tempest, this last question was the one that brought her out of the trance and with a low voice and astonishment she spoke.

"D-did you already know that, Ainz-sama?"

(ES) Huh? What did she say?

Hearing the unicorn's words, the supervisor's face changed from doubt to understanding and adoration, she being the one who answered the question instead of the surprised Overlord.

"Of course! There is nothing that Ainz-sama does not consider in his plans, he is the most intelligent being there is! Something like that is child's play for him.

No, please Albedo, don't lift me up so high or I won't be able to get up if I fall.

The Overlord mentally wailed when he heard the supervisor speak.

"To tell the truth," -the unicorn continued- "there are a couple of things that have been worrying me," *shigh*

What has happened? This is something unexpected.

"Oooh, what is bothering you?"

"I've undergone some changes that I didn't expect, mental changes that I'm not sure where they came from."

Interesting "Do you feel that your mental capacities have changed?"

"No, that is not the case ... or at least I think not, where I have noticed changes is in my way of thinking."

Oh oh, that may not be a good thing, has her karma changed?

"What changes have you noticed?"

"So far I have noticed three things, first of all, I do not see you as a boss or a king, I see you as my master, this suddenly came out of my mouth when talking about you and when I actively reasoned it was when I realized the change, this came to me during the last meeting in Canterlot."

Mmmmh, how strange, is it a side effect of her being recognized?

"When the diarchs spoke to you disrespectfully, my blood boiled." -The unicorn spoke showing some anger in her tone-

Wait, don't tell me that-

"But what worries me the most is my name, or rather, the fact that my original name, that is to say the one my parents gave me when I was born, 'Fizzlepop Berrytwist'; is now more like a nickname for me, I noticed this when I said my original name to the bearers of the elements."

Uuuueeeeehh, was that your original name? It doesn't fit at all... wait, if your original name doesn't feel like yours all of a sudden, but you still remember it; that means that we not only accept you as that... but you were also register like that! As when creating or adding a new NPC!

Recalling the background that he and his friends gave to the great tomb of Nazarick, a joyous laugh began to escape his mouth until it turned into an open laugh.

"Mhmhmhm, mnhahaha, hahahaha, HAJAJAJA(ES)…" Tsk, damn suppressor.

Tempest couldn't understand why her master was laughing, but even though his laugh was quite macabre, for some reason it was comforting for her and when her master seemed to be happier she stopped abruptly and after a brief moment continued speaking.

"That is not something to worry in the least, on the contrary, it is a reason for joy, in fact, I would not be surprised if you feel happy or gratified by the mere fact of being part of Nazarick."

Upon hearing the words of her master, a blush that was lost in the tone of her fur was felt on the face of the unicorn, as she had just experienced this a while ago in the throne room.

"No, what you feel is the physical representation of your oath of allegiance, I can assure you that no physical or psychological change has been made in you, but" -the Overlord's tone became more serious- "from the moment in that you pledged loyalty by pouring all your heart into it, your destiny changed to be in the service of Ainz Ooal Gown."

Well, it's just a very far-fetched way of saying that it's now part of Nazarick though. -Ainz thought when he finished and after this thought he spoke with some humor in his tone of voice-

"Although it will be necessary to mess with your body later."

When Albedo heard it, she made a face of horror as if she had seen a ghost, while Tempest tensed and blushes intensely, fortunately for the hearts of both, the next sentence relaxed them.

"After all, I cannot allow a guardian to be weak, you have to be trained and strengthened properly."

"Yes, I will do my best to meet your expectations!"

The unicorn replied with a firm voice and a stoic expression.

"Hahahaha, very good, but before all that you must rest."

*Knock knock knock knock*

"With your permission Ainz-sama, I have finished preparing the room for Tempest-san according to your orders."

The maid announced as soon as she was standing in front of the desk while bowing.

"Mhm, good job, now, if there's nothing else you want to talk about, I think it's time for you to rest."

"I will not waste any more time, I am very grateful that Ainz-sama took the time to calm the troubled mind of his servant." Servant? ... oh well it doesn't matter. -thought the cherry-colored mare-

For an instant the doubt resurfaced in his mind after noticing another change, but this time she simply dismissed it, his master had already explained to her where they came from.

"For now rest, in the morning someone will pick you up in your room to give you the tour, you can leave."

"Yes, with your permission."

They both answered and said goodbye with a bow, took a couple of steps back and, turning around, left the room.

Once they had both left, the supervisor's words were immediate.

"Do you want me to take care of the preparations for Tempest-san training?"

"Hmm, that's right, make it a good course on administration, also tactics and war strategies, although there is no rush, there is nothing wrong if the librarian takes his time to choose the best topics, mmm... order Sebas to take care of giving her the tour, as for the language... "

"If you allow me, can I make a suggestion, Ainz-sama?"

"I have no objection, do it."

"I think the best option to teach the language of the supreme beings to Tempest would be Yuri Alpha of the Pleiades."

Oooohh, actually, it's an excellent idea! Besides, she already looks like a teacher and being an undead she is less likely to lose her cool if she has trouble learning.

"Mmh, it's an excellent suggestion, let her take care of it, oh right, I almost forgot, there's something else…"

With each passing moment, Tempest thought more seriously about getting a muzzle, she could think of no other way to prevent her jaw from touching the ground every time she knew something new, this trend had been repeating itself since the night before, when she was led to her room, she simply could not believe she would be allowed to use it, after the most relaxing night's rest she had ever in his life, a butler with a gray beard and hair but very well groomed, was waiting for her in the anteroom to be her guide, despite the male's apparent advanced age, due to his posture and way of moving, it was obvious that old age was only present in his appearance, he took her to her first stop to enjoy a magnificent lunch, after which she was sure that it would not be possible to find anything outside Nazarick that even came close to it.

After being shocked to meet the Sous-chef and freezing for a minute, she thanked him, and they left the dining room, for several hours, Tempest toured the ninth floor of the great tomb, guided by Ainz-sama's personal butler, Sebas Tian-sama, although she wasn't sure why she was referring to him with the honorific 'sama', she felt comfortable with it, so she decided not to question it.

To say that she had been surprised by everything that could be found on the ninth floor, would be comparable to saying that the sun shone, this floor had everything in terms of comforts, so near the end of her journey she could not help thinking repeatedly 'And this is just the ninth floor?!' but after knowing the sixth floor she could no longer get any thoughts to cross his mind, specifically when they pointed out that they were still underground, when she heard it, she could not take her eyes off the 'sun' that she was seeing in the 'sky' until her eyes started to burn.

She knew the sixth floor, the fourth and the first three floors, the fifth and seventh floors, she did not know them on the recommendation of Sebas, who warned her that she did not have the necessary resistances to know the flaming hell and the frozen lake, but with so much Just hearing a brief description of them, she decided that she did not want to visit them unless it was absolutely necessary and she was adequately equipped, when she asked if they would know the eighth floor the answer left her again astonished, that floor was forbidden to everyone for their own safety, it didn't occur to her that it could be more dangerous than literal hell.

Throughout the tour, she met multiple area guardians, all of them of mixed races, but after a description by Sebas she decided to avoid the worst five residences for now.

When they finally finished the tour and returned to her room, she had already spent most of the day and the rest was spent recapitulating all the wonders that she had just learned, as well as the large number of races that inhabited the tomb, after a couple of hours she had her dinner and went to bed, when she woke up the next morning, while preparing to go to breakfast, Yuri-san entered her room and announced the plans for the day, which brings us to the present moment, After having enjoyed her breakfast, she returned to her room where the maid was waiting for her again, only this time there was something metallic on the coffee table, when she approached the table they both exchanged greetings, then she could see that it was an armor and folded next to it was a layer to use under it,this in itself did not surprise her, she had already assumed that she would change her armor, however she did not expect something like what was in front of her.

"E-excuse me Yuri-san, but I don't think I heard you correctly, could you repeat it? If it's not too much of a bother, please?"

"Of course, it is not a bother, Ainz-sama decided that it would be prudent for you to use equipment that is commensurate with your position, so this equipment was assigned to you as your base equipment, the set consists of an under layer made of silk from infernal spiders woven with silk from the caterpillars of Jötunheim, this provides immunity to the effects of freezing and burning, also increases resistance to elemental attacks of ice and fire; the armor is made of star silver and Apoithakarah, provides protection against knockout, nullifies offensive spells received up to fourth level and reduces the damage received from spells up to sixth level, the hoof covers are made of Scarletite, increase speed and give protection against knockdowns, the helmet is made of the same material as the armor and protects against state changes and mental attacks as well as increasing reaction speed, finally, the morning star is a relic grade item that provides unlimited stamina and an increase physical strength, the set generally grants increased resistance to magic attacks."

When the maid finished speaking, Tempest still felt insecure and couldn't keep her disbelief from escaping her mouth.

"S-seriously, is it okay for me to wear this equipement? Aren't they legendary items from heroes from the past?"

Without breaking her kind face, the maid answered.

"No, that is not the case, none of these equipments exceed relic grade, it is no problem, even if they are destroyed the chief blacksmith can easily recreate them."

Not only was she speechless, after what she had just heard she was starting to feel dizzy, so the last part slipped away.

"I-if a relic is disposable, what kind of equipment do the floor guardians use?"

The unicorn spoke to herself, but in her disbelief she said it out loud for which she received an answer from Yuri.

"Most use at least one divine-class item, while the rest of their equipment is legendary-class."

"Divine? What do you mean by 'divine'?"

Seeing the doubt on the unicorn's face, Yuri couldn't help but go into teacher mode.

"The divine-class items were mostly created by the 41 supreme beings, crafted from the remains of the gods that they slayed themselves."

"Well, that's understandable, they were able to subdue Discord after all."

Tempest said regaining some calm.

"Discord?... ha yes, the Draconequus, he was a good entertainment for Cocytus-sama, but it was not a challenge, no, the gods I speak of are those that the supreme beings fought for fun, these were capable of destroying an entire continent with a single attack, some were even capable of destroying planets as I heard Yamaiko-sama say once."

(Yuri was talking about the descriptions that some final bosses had in Yggdrasil, she had heard her creator grumble on a few occasions when she was alone about some especially annoying boss.)

"C-c-continents and P-P-PLANETS !?, and they were facing them f-f--for F-FUN?!"

"That's right, they-" *PLOF*

"Oh dear, I guess she wasn't ready to know the greatness of the supreme beings yet."

At Yuri's feet lay an unconscious Tempest that couldn't bear one more shock.

In the throne room were Ainz, Albedo and Demiurge, in addition to a servant, the first sitting on the throne, the second standing to his right and the third at the foot of the throne, while the servant who had a service car next to him and on this there was a chest, he was standing to the right of the room, everyone had their gaze fixed on the approaching figures.

"I have to assume that you are ready to go, aren't you, Tempest Shadow?"

The Overlord spoke with a calm tone that despite being a question sounded like an affirmation to which the unicorn that had entered followed by Yuri prostrated in reverence before the throne while the servant stood to one side of the room after a little bow.

"Yes, it is as you say, but let me apologize for my lateness."

"Mnn, you arrive in a good time, we are about to leave, but tell me, how does your new equipment feel, have you already gotten used to it? Or maybe it feels inadequate in some way?"

The response was energetic from the unicorn who immediately raised her face in surprise and at the end lowered it again with some shame.

"No way Ainz-sama! It is wonderful, to tell the truth, it is I who think it is unsuitable for this armor, but I promise to do my best to be worthy of it!"

After this brief exchange, the Overlord stood up and walked down the steps as he spoke, at the same time gesturing with his hand for Tempest to stand up.

"Well then it's time to retire Demiurge, stay in touch in case of any further developments."

"Yes, it will be done as ordered by my lord." -Answered the Archdemon-

The Overlord turned to the unicorn and continued.

"Since this will be an official visit, Tempest will go ahead and announce us as the etiquette dictates, we must not give a bad image."

"" Yes "" -answered everyone present in unison, after which the portal was created and they crossed one at a time counting to ten between one and the other.

The first thing that struck the princesses of Equestria was the imposing figure that emerged from the portal, they could hardly recognize her until she spoke.

The first figure that crossed the portal, stole the words from those present, dressed in a beautiful plate armor in blue and silver tones, with a background that seemed to be made of silk that covered his body below it, the latter It was a deep black color that seemed to absorb light, while a platinum-white pattern made it look as if the entire garment was actually chain mail, the hooves were protected by sectioned ruby ​​red covers that reached up to mid-leg, the helmet on her head had a bridge that reached the tip of the muzzle, the forehead was adorned by a triangular profile that ended in a sharp blade, this almost completely covered the front half of the unicorn's horn, in the top and back of it, had a thin opening through which the mare's mane came out, which allowed comfort for long periods of use and the helmet had colors to match the armor, while the blade and profile had a color similar to the hoof covers.

But this armor did not completely hide the identity of its wearer, the face was almost completely uncovered, but what was more impressive was not the beautiful manufacture of the armor, but the power and authority that the pony gave off using it, so it was a surprise that the pony's voice confirmed her identity no matter how absurd the result seemed.

"Announcing, the arrival of His Majesty, the Sorcerer King, Ainz Ooal Gown-sama!"

The Overlord emerged from the portal, but this time instead of his usual clothing he wore a royal red tunic with silver details and buttons formed from precious stones, his figure exuded an air of royalty quite marked and the halo of darkness behind his skull only accentuated it, behind him, in his usual white dress with gold details, the female who had previously accompanied him emerged.

"Announcing, the arrival of the prime minister of the sorcerer kingdom, Albedo-sama!"

As soon as both were introduced and the maid with a moderate-sized chest in her hands crossed through the portal, it was closed, then, the rulers of Equestria descended from the throne and met halfway with the sorcerer king.

"We give you the warmest of welcomes to the sorcerer kingdom head and its representatives."

Speak the princess of the night with the proper etiquette of political meetings.

"It is customary to receive the representatives of other nations with their banners, unfortunately, during the bustle of the last meeting it completely escaped us to ask about your emblem, I humbly apologize for this neglect of etiquette." -The princess of the sun finished making a small bow-

"You don't have to apologize about it princess, our first meeting wasn't exactly… diplomatic, in fact, this could be considered our first royal meeting, Foss."

With a wave of her master's hand, the maid now known as Foss, presented the chest in her hands with a slight bow to the diarchs, it was taken from their hands by Celestia's magic while Ainz continued speaking.

"This is a small gesture on my part intended to express our desire to maintain cordial relations with your nation, while also taking care of the banner problem."

While the sorcerer king explained, the princess opened the rather small chest and seeing the contents she was not sure of the purpose of the skeleton, inside was a royal purple cloth with an insignia that surely represented the sorcerer kingdom, it had a rim and beard of gold color like the insignia, when she saw the curious glances of the rest, she brought out the banner with her magic, but to her surprise, felt as if she was taking something that was much further away and was much heavier than What she expected, as soon as she put in a little more effort she was able to take out the banner without problems.

As soon as she took it out there was surprise in the room again, it was for two different reasons, in the first instance, everyone was surprised that such a large object could have entered such a small object, the chest had measures of approximately 40cm wide by 25cm deep and 15cm high, while the banner was about a meter and a half long by 60cm wide and the material was at least 1cm thick, but while everyone admired the quality of the material and the small sparkles that seemed to produce when the fabric moved, Princess Celestia returned her gaze to the interior of the chest and to her surprise, another banner was seen inside, the one that was suspended by its magic passed to her sister, who when looking at the face of the Sun Monarch was curious about the content.

As Luna took the banner and her face reflected surprise when she felt the weight of it, Celestia took out the second banner and passed it to Cadence, and again there was another one inside the chest, when Ainz received the inquisitive gaze of the monarch of the sun, he continued talking.

"The chest is a present for the rulers of Equestria, inside are forty banners embroidered with my crest that represents the sorcerer kingdom."

Twilight was about to state the impossibility of that argument, but was cut off by her brother's exclamation.


When all the princesses turned to look at him reproachfully, they realized that the stallion's gaze was not on the chest, what his wide eyes were staring at in disbelief was the banner.

"Is something wrong, Shiny?"

The youngest of the princesses asked, but her words fell on deaf ears.

"This is totally impossible!"

"What's up Captain Armor?" -Asked Luna hoping she was wrong in her assumption-

"This is not cloth, this is metal!"

To the surprise that engulfed the rulers of Equestria, Tempest could not prevent a smug smile from planted on her face for a moment.

HA! If they saw the ones in the mausoleums on the first floor that are made of Adamantite and Orichalcum or better yet the one in the throne room which is made of metals never seen before, HA their tail would fall off in surprise.

The one who threw the bucket of cold water at the ponies was the succubus.

"I apologize, but I can't understand it, what's so special about it? I say they're just made of gold and Mythril." -Albedo asked with false innocence in her voice-

Realizing this, Celestia decided to change the topic of conversation before tempers heated up.

"Let's not waste any more time for King Gown, we will have time later to 'admire' the quality of the banners, let's go to the meeting room to start the negotiations."

With these words, everyone went to the living/dining room where their first meeting had taken place, as soon as they approached, the guards stationed at the door gave a greeting and opened the door, the only difference was that this time there was chairs suitable for Ainz and Albedo, when everyone was seated the meeting began.

"Very well, if there is no objection to this, I would like to start by listening to the proposal of the sorcerer kingdom."

Celestia spoke with confidence, which received a round of affirmative responses, after which Albedo placed her attention on her master and after receiving permission, presented the proposal they had prepared.

"What Ainz-sama wants is quite simple, we want to establish a free trade agreement between the Sorcerer kingdom and Equestria as its allied and neutral nations."

This took the Equestrians by surprise, they expected unreasonable or very aggressive demands, not something like this.

"Tell me Prime Minister Albedo, what is this free trade agreement going to cover?" -Twilight asked cautiously-

"Basically exports and imports, likewise trade between companies and between nations, our intention is to promote trade, we want the sorcerer kingdom to recover as soon as possible from its previous 'administration', it will also be necessary to establish a rate of exchange, as well as setting base prices for multiple raw materials to standardize markets. "

Albedo made a gesture with her hand and the maid who was several steps behind, approached while taking out of a small bag a number of folders equal to the number of Equestres and distributed them.

"Right now Foss is passing out a written copy of the treaty proposed by us for scrutiny."

After a brief moment of reading, the next to speak was the princess of the night.

"I'm very sorry, but it seems like a somewhat difficult proposition to take seriously."

At these words, the succubus face changed from its usual smile to a neutral expression.

"What do you mean by that exactly?"

*Shigh* "I'm very sorry if my words sounded disrespectful, but it is too 'sweet' a proposition, taxes are quite low, while it gives a lot of commercial freedom, it seems too good to be true." -spoke with an accusatory look the princess of the night-

"That's because the treaty is not just about trade."

Although Shinig Armor was already reading the third section of the treatise, it was not because he was a quick reader, in reality it was because he did not understand anything about economics, so he skipped pages until he came to something he could understand.

"In order for the benefits to apply fully, an arms pact must also be accepted." -The stallion spoke with a hard look at Ainz, (which certainly made him look adorable according to Foss.)-

"I don't understand, what is an arms pact?" -Twilight asked as she looked at her brother's serious face, but the answer to her question came from Princess Celestia-

"It is something that has not been done in a long time, after all it is practically a death sentence for a small or weak nation."

"In short, little sister," -continued Shining Armor- "this means that if they declare war against someone, we are obliged to go along with them, regardless of the motive or the enemy."

*Ghasph* "But that's-" Twilight was about to voice her disagreement over the war, when a laugh interrupted her.

"Fufufufufu, while it is true that this is the case, I remind you that the reverse is also applicable." the succubus declared.

"Equestria is not so weak as to require help during a conflict!" -speaked with anger in her tone of voice the princess of the night-

"Fufufufufu, how funny, I think I remember that Secretary Tempest, by herself, was able to neutralize practically all of you in just a couple of minutes, while the rest of her soldiers secured the capital in just a few hours, or did I get it wrong?"

The rulers of Equestria were unnerved by Albedo's words, but before anyone could object, a warning voice caught everyone's attention.

"It's enough Albedo."

As soon as she heard her master's words, the supervisor returned to her usual smile.

"Yes, I am very sorry," -directing her attention to the rulers of Equestria, Albedo apologized- "I apologize for my words with little tact, the arms pact has only one objective, to protect the investment of Ainz-sama, the The contract only requires their presence, not their participation in any type of conflict that could occur with any other nation, this clause was included due to your somewhat... suicidal tendencies, while being under pressure."

Hearing this, doubt flooded the Equestrians, they did not understand what her words were referring to, but the youngest of the princesses did not remain silent about it.

"In Equestria there are no suicidal tendencies, we consider the life of any creature important!"

"Is that so, that's something… funny."

These words caused all attention to focus on the interaction between the lavender princess and the Overlord.

"What's so curious about King Gown? Is it so difficult that we want to preserve the lives of all creatures?" -Twilight asked with a frown and a tone of annoyance in her voice-

"Hahahaha, no, that's not the case, the funny thing is that you are the one who says it, after all... mmnh, no, well it doesn't matter, it is no longer necessary to maintain protection."

All the mares exchanged curious glances as the sorcerer king began to speak to himself.

"You see, Princess Twilight, it's curious for a simple reason, of all those present, the one who has shown the most suicidal tendencies so far, is you."

The blush on the lavender alicorn's face and the surprise on that of the others clearly showed that this was an unexpected response.

"What?!" -Twilight exclaimed while blushing-

"Hmm? Looks like a more extensive explanation will be needed, Red, report."

A firm voice, but with a slight reverberation, caused everyone's surprise, but the surprise did not come from the voice itself, but from its origin.

"Order, Ainz-sama."


Hearing the sinister voice suddenly behind her, Twilight jumped in shock and fell off her chair.

Ignoring the alicorn on the ground, the creature immediately approached the Overlord and prostrated itself in front of him, the reactions caused by its revelation depended entirely on the angle from which it was seen, for those sitting at the table only felt surprise by its sudden appearance, for them, he just turned from behind the chair suddenly, but for the guards at the door behind it was a total shock, the figure just sprang up from the back of the chair in the most terrifying way possible, the first thing that was seen were two red lights, after which the body was formed from smoke that seemed to rise from the back of the chair itself as if it were a specter, most of the servants in the same rank paled and one or two in fact had fainted.

"Submit a full report, summarizing everything that has occurred since you were assigned as guardian to the princess and her friends."

This revelation caught everyone in the room, Tempest included, by surprise, so she decided to pay close attention.

"Yes, my unit was assigned to the protection of the bearers of the elements by Ainz-sama a week ago, his orders were: to follow them closely and take care of anything that puts their lives and/or their ability to move around by themselves at risk, apart from that we should not intervene, we should also avoid being seen at all costs."

Twilight wanted to interrupt and deny the creature's words, but remembering who he was giving his report to, she decided it was smarter to keep listening.

"On the second day of being assigned, the Storm king attacked the city, while the elements escaped they were cut off and the princess attacked with a magic attack a formation of 'magic reflector' shields, her attack destroyed the bridge over the one who were standing and fell into the river, being in it they made no effort to get closer to the shore, while they were falling down the waterfall they were in danger of being drowned by the fall of the water, we intervened for the first time by pushing them out of the waterfall."

While Twilight began to doubt her previous thoughts, the rest of the princesses felt guilty when they heard that the life of their fellow princess was in danger so fast.

"After the fall, they got out of the water and walked until they met a train from the Yggdrasil company, which took them south."

Huh? One of my trains, why?... it was true that I wanted to save on the refueling of the train and I told Pandora to give the order to the conductor to load water into the river when going down.

"The trip was uneventful; Upon reaching the south, the group tried to cross the desert on foot-"

This time, hearing Red's words, she felt there was an incongruity that she should point out, so the lavender alicorn interrupted the report.

HA!, right there you are wrong. "Sorry to interrupt, but we didn't 'try' it, in fact we made it across."

She speaked with great confidence, which was brutally trampled on by Red.

"I apologize, but you are wrong." -Said the hanzo, making Twilight's smile disappear-

"Am I?"

"You did not manage to cross the desert, you are all hair covered creatures that tried to cross a desert with more than 24 continuous hours of sun, after your group collapsed every one would have sewn themselves in their own blood in less than an hour, you only managed to cover almost one fifth of the desert, you twisted the way much as the group advanced."

"No that is impossible, yes we collapsed in the desert, but we managed to get up practically immediately!" -Twilight protested trying to defend her argument-

But the one who broke her defense was her own brother, who was looking at her with a worried face.

"Twili, fainting in the desert sun is a death sentence for any creature."

"According to the report of my subordinates," -interrupted the Overlord- "they managed to advance just under a fifth of the total distance to their objective before collapsing, after which they were transported to a short distance from which it would not take them more than 30 minutes to reach their goal, and they were restored until they regained consciousness, "-the Overlord turned his gaze to Red-" you can continue."

Hearing this, Tempest was finally able to resolve one of her doubts.

Aaah, so that this is how they managed to get to the city so soon, I already said that the times did not add up.

"Yes, when they entered the town known as Klugetown they caught the attention of the locals and they were going to be captured-"

Hearing this, the Equestrians cast inquiring glances at the lavender alicorn, who responded with some nervous interruption of the undead's explanation.

"Hehehe, um, Pinkie Pie caught the attention of the locals, and they almost got us caught up to sell ourselves as curios." -When she saw the stares she received, rushed to continue- "But everything went well, we got help!"

The gazes shifted back to Red, but he did not continue until he received an approval from his master for it.

"Yes, a local intervened, a feline known as Capper Dapperpaws, he was in charge of keeping the mob away, so our intervention was not necessary at that time, later they were about to be delivered by the same feline to pay their debt to a mole."

The surprise was heard in the room after these words. *GHASP*

"But they took advantage of the interference of the then Commander Tempest to go out the window of the mill and climb the blades of the mill, apparently they were trying to reach the roof but they were discovered immediately, the soldiers tried to catch them, so I destroyed the axis of the blades so that these came out rolling, when they approached the buildings we took care of launching them towards an escape route from them, after which they tried to board a ship to escape, but the pink pony fell into the void, the princess tried to rescue her, but with her speed wasn't going to make it, so we gave him an extra boost when she jumped to increase his speed. "

"What?! That's not true, there was no one around me at the time!" -Twilight protest-

"Mmmh, it seems that the princess needs a demonstration to accept it, do it."

With the authorization received, the undead ninja got up and moved at high speed, for everyone it was just a blink, for Twilight it was as if he received a push and the next instant she was next to the skeleton, but she did not notice until his mind registered the change of location.

"Eh? What? How? When?"

Everyone was speechless and taking advantage of this silence, Red continued speaking, this allowed the surprise of the lavender alicorn to dissipate, with which he was able to teleport back to her seat.

"Moving fast is not a problem, after that, shortly after starting the trip, they were hit by the commander, so they decided to jump from the ship and gathering objects that were in the cargo bay, they formed a balloon during their fall so our interference was not necessary, then they reached Mount Aris, there the princess was captured and I separated from the rest of my unit, when we were back in the castle, I again intervened, during the first attack of the Storm king I cut the back of the cage and take her out so that it would not receive the attack fully, preventing the princess from being in the fatal area of ​​the attack."

I already said that it was inexplicable how she had survived with only minor injuries, even if the cage had absorbed half the attack the power was devastating, the scorched remains of the cage attested to it. -Tmpest thought when getting the answer to another mystery-

"And the last intervention was made by the rest of my unit, it was carried out when the rest of the elements and the dragon baby got into a cannon to shoot towards the castle."

The expression on the faces of everyone present when hearing this was so comical that Ainz almost laughed at them, their eyes were wide open, their jaws could only lower more if they dislocated, even a very high and faint 'ghaaaaaaaaaaa' was heard of which was impossible to define the origin, the only one in a different state to the rest was the princess of friendship, she was with what would be equivalent to her elbows resting on the table, while doing a double 'facehoof' and her voice was the only one to interrupt the moment.

"Uuugh, I already knew they used something to get through the tornado, but I still didn't know what it was, *shigh* excuse me, Red?" -the ninja turned to see the princess- "If possible, I would like to know what the level of danger of that 'trick' was."

When questioned, Red looked again at his master and as soon as he received permission he answered the question.

"According to my unit's report, the power of the shot would have been enough to break their back legs in the best of cases, that is, if they had put some considerable mass between them and the gunpowder; as they configured it, without our Protection, in the best of cases, would have broken their spines, but the most probable thing would be that the tornado had scattered pieces of equine through the city."

These words not only shocked the Equestrians, they also made them feel a horrible chill when imagining the scene that had just been described, but the most shaken was Twilight, she couldn't believe how close she had come to losing her friends and Spike.

"Well, I think this should be a sufficient explanation for why that clause was included in the agreement." -spoke with purpose the Overlord- "Red, call the rest of your unit, when we retire they will leave with us."

"Yes, immediately Ainz-sama."

With this the ninja bowed and seemed to leak into the ground itself to the surprise and shock of the rulers of Equestria, but this did not last long, the authoritative voice of the skeleton brought them out of their trance.

"Well, it's time for you to present your counterproposal, so, we are listening."