• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 5,111 Views, 304 Comments

Ainz Ooal Gown in Equestria - zakan

Instead of get trowed out of the server in the last day of Yggdrasil, Satoru got to a world full of... ¿ponies?; ¿how will react the inhabitants of Equestria to the coming of an undead of the higest order?

  • ...

The crude reality Second part

Author's Note:

First of all My Little Pony was created and is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust, Overlord is owned by Kugane Murayama and are not mine, this is a fan story made with the intent to entertain and if it's possible steal you a smile.

English it's not my mother language, so please, if you catch some grammar mistake, or you have some suggestion for better puns or double meaning words to replace the ones already used put it in the comments and I will see if I can make it work.
DK = Death Knight
ES = Emotional Suppressor
EEA = Eight edge assassins

'magical or technological communication'
*sound effect or onomatopoeia*

The third chapter of Chrysalis in the Great Tomb of Nazarick is out! Give your support to our dear love bug, she need it. :twilightsmile:

Inside the great tomb of Nazarick, a creature dressed in a red suit with thin vertical lines in yellow, walked through the corridors of the ninth floor, although it would be very easy to mistake him for a human because of his appearance, that is if it were not for the tail covered with metal plates that wagged behind him as he walked and pointed ears that were visible on the sides of his head, it was Demiurge, the guardian of the seventh floor, and it was easily visible that he was in a good mood.

"Ainz-sama is simply wonderful, whenever I think I have managed to get closer to his plans he always shows me otherwise, he is a master as kind as he is ruthless."

The Archdemon was heading back to the throne room after having gone to his floor to put the finishing touches on his mission and carry out the orders he had received from his master the day before; any member of Nazarick would be able to perfectly understand the reason for his good humor, it was simple, everything was developing as the supreme ruler of Nazarick wished, as soon as he left his floor had received a message from his units in the castle of the princess of friendship, everything was ready for performing a thorough exploration of it.

Ainz-sama's instructions were so simple that anyone would have considered them ambiguous, but after a bit of reasoning as he ordered before, the objectives were quite clear and concise.

After this brief thought, the seventh-floor guardian repeated his master's instructions and the objectives behind them with the intention of reaffirming them in his mind.

"First, 'look for new information', it is obvious that the objective is the same as when we gather information in the old castle of the diarcas, the only difference is that this time we will have to be especially careful with the position of everything we touch, second, 'record all the works and implements of the princess', it took me a bit to fully understand it, but in the end I deduced it, searching the entire castle for any kind of items from Yggdrasil, this was something to be expected after the discovery of the [ Scepter of Heliotrope], and special attention to the projects and inventions of the princess, we must find out how she knows about the human race, and third, "-A grimace of disgust appeared on Demiurge's face-" 'Take special precaution of who observes you', this is the part that I am not sure I have completely deciphered, it cannot refer to information spells, every external operation is always protected against it, unless we want it to be seen, nor is there someone there physically, we we've made sure of that, *shigh*, there's no other choice, I'll have to be fully alert."

As soon as he finished his musings, he was in front of the door of the throne room, fixed his appearance and entered, inside the servants who would accompany him were waiting, in addition to them were Shalltear and Yuri Alpha, the latter being at the foot of the throne While the rest were in double rows at the sides of the room, each row was led by one of the overlord assistants from the great library.

To the right of the room was Fluvius, behind him were 20 Elder Lich, this was the group that would be in charge of processing the library and the central area, to his right, was Aelius, behind him there were 18 Imp's floating in a row, this was the group in charge of processing the west wing of the castle, on the left side of the room was Ulpius, behind him was another similar group of Imp's, his group would be in charge of processing the east wing of the castle and to his left was Aurelius found, with him was the last group of Imp's, they would cover all the upper floors, only one was missing to complete the whole team, but he would join them as soon as they were in the princess's castle.

"Excellent, I see that you are all gathered."

The demon exclaimed as soon as he was close enough to the throne.

"Ara? Welcome, Demiurge."

Shalltear's refined voice greeted, being immediately followed by Yuri's who bowed.

"Welcome Demiurge-sama."

"I have to assume that everything is ready, isn't it?"

The Archdemon asked as he looked at the pedestal mirror behind them.

"Of course everything is ready -arinsu." -Spoke the vampire letting see some annoyance in her tone and posture- "Even pandora actor is ready to move, just need to tell him that everything is in place -arinsu!"

The vampire turned her gaze to the mirror and her tone changed to one of adoration.

"Haaha∼❤ and to think that Ainz-sama would have something like this prepared in advance, he's really magnanimous -arinsu."

"Yes, when I found out about the furniture I thought it would only serve to gather information, but when Titus told me that spells were embedded in them, that's when I began to understand where Ainz-sama's plans were heading, really he is the definition of the insurmountable! ahem, but let's leave the praises for later, we must fulfill the mission that was entrusted to us."

With these words said the demon removed the guild ring and gave it to Yuri to protect it until his return, she accepted it by holding a handkerchief in her hands, on which the ring was deposited.

"Okay, then let's get started."

With the indication received, Shalltear activated the mirror that transformed into a rotating vortex similar to that of the [Gate] spell, then the Archdemon began to walk towards it, 20 beings emerged from the ground that seemed to be made of paper, but at the same time seemed to absorb all the light around them, it was a group of SD that had been brought in from the seventh floor to specifically assist Demiurge and Pandora with the examination of the projects and investigations of the princess of friendship, and immediately after the first group crossed the portal completely, the other groups began to follow suit one after another.

The image was not entirely clear since it was made up of sensations rather than being provided by organs or visual devices.

Fear, this is called fear according to all the memories in me, but where did these creatures come from? If they weren't alive, I can only faintly feel six of them, they are everywhere and they move quickly, the two most terrifying are in the basement, they are very close to me and still, I can barely see them... but this is strange, I can clearly feel that they are not good, but they are not in disharmony either, how is this possible? I can't understand it, hahaha, the one in the yellow uniform is funny...!

Everything was proceeding as planned, in all the sections progress was smooth, so the guardians chatted calmly, while one examined objects of different types that the demons brought him and the other examined the conclusions of the files he read before copy them.

"This is very interesting."

"Mhm? What do you mean my good Demiurge?"

"Oh, I'm sorry to bother you, I was just thinking out loud, it's just that I find it quite contradictory that despite her somewhat careless tendencies, the princess of friendship is so organized with her notes and research, as well as conscientious in doing them." -said the demon with a mocking tone-

"That just confirms mein Vater's words, she has trouble working under pressure."

The Doppelgänger replied while examining a kind of helmet with multiple embedded sensors, after which he handed it to the Shadowdemon to put it back in its place, then he turned to Demiurge and exclaimed while maintaining a pose of adoration looking up at the ceiling.

"Mein got, he's always on the rigggggh-... !"

Cutting himself off immediately, the doppelgänger began to look around until he fixed his gaze on one of the walls, this sudden change caught the Archdemon's attention.

"What is it, Pandora's Actor?"

"MMmnnnnnnn I'm not entirely sure!" -He returned to a normal position and continued with a more serious tone- "It's just that for a moment I felt like someone was watching us."

This statement by his counterpart, caused the demon to be alarmed, he suddenly got up, knocking over the chair and table that he had been using until that moment.

"Information spells?! IMPOSSIBLE! We all use proper concealment items! Besides, the anti-spy measures should have been activated!"

Seeing the demon's reaction, Pandora immediately interrupted him.

"Nein! What I mean is that I felt as if someone were looking at us through physical means, not magical, I thought I felt a presence from inside the wall, but that doesn't make any sense, mmmhn…"

Using a wide movement, the treasury guardian took a thoughtful pose, meanwhile, Demiurge's mind was working at a thousand per hour, processing the information he had just received.

Pandora's actor does not have the same abilities as an assassin like Solution, but his detection abilities are better than mine because of his race, so if he says that he felt a presence, it is most likely that there really is something, but in the wall? According to the information that we have managed to obtain so far, the princess's castle 'appeared' recently, so it is impossible that secret passages have been created, also no one has intervened, it was created... by, the... Tree of harmony! No, that's ridiculous... but the elements are the fruits of the tree and they choose their bearers...!

At that precise moment he remembered the last instruction his master gave him the previous day, 'take special care of those who observe you', the demon cursed himself.

"Damn, how could I have made such a stupid mistake!"

"Mhn? What's wrong Demiurge?!" -asked the doppelgänger-

"Ainz-sama knew it, he knew it and he warned me! But I stupidly misinterpreted his warning! Now it all makes sense!"

The demon turned and gave an order to the closest group of SD.

"You five, go immediately, warn the rest of the leaders to hurry everything to the maximum, we have to leave as soon as possible!"

With their orders received, the five shadows disappeared immediately, at that moment Pandora interrupted, he wanted to understand what her partner was talking about.

"What's going on Demiurge?!, what is that all about?!"

"I'll explain later, we have to hurry, we must get out of here as quickly as possible!"

Hey? What's wrong? Suddenly they started to move much faster, I think the one in the yellow suit noticed me a while ago, or am I wrong?

A little over an hour later, they had finished their homework and began to leave.

Mhn? Now they are leaving? What strange creatures, they did nothing, they only saw everything and they left, what?, Ooooh, so they were the ones who prevented me from seeing beyond myself, how curious.

Immediately after they finished combing the entire castle, Demiurge activated the special function of the wardrobe and when opening it a portal was active behind the doors of this, and immediately everyone evacuated the castle.

Once they were on the other side, they were on the outskirts of Nazarick, a security measure in case the portal was activated by accident, they all immediately headed towards the entrance.

A task that was expected to be completed in 24 hours, had to be shortened to only 16 hours, but Demiurge did not want to risk the entire mission by staying longer without knowing exactly the extent of the consciousness of the tree of harmony.

Damn, that was a colossal oversight, worst of all, I did it even after Ainz-sama warned me, I'm AN IMBECILE!

The Archdemon's thoughts were quite charged with self-loathing, the anger on his face was evident to everyone who crossed his path, upon reaching the entrance of the first floor, he ordered all the groups to take all the information to the library, so that was processed as soon as possible, meanwhile, he went to his master's quarters, he should report his discoveries immediately, at the entrance Yuri had informed him that Ainz was in his room, catching up with the reports of the tomb

Behind his luxurious desk, the supreme ruler of the great tomb of Nazarick was at work.

*Shigh* Aaaaaaaggrrrr, although it hasn't been long since I've been out of Nazarick, a lot of work has been piled up!

After this thought, the Overlord stealthily directed his gaze to the servant who was standing near the wall, it was Lumiere, one of the homunculus servants, her hair was of a radiant golden color, a flirtatious hair clip from Pink color made sure her view was not obstructed by her long bangs, her soft brown eyes were accented by stylized glasses with a thin burgundy frame and her face was crowned with a friendly smile, the uniform she wore It was the classic English model from the Victorian era but with slight touches of modernity, this had a long skirt, a white apron with lace that reached almost to the hem and a fitted jacket that did not cover the chest, revealing the white blouse that was worn underneath. and on her head was a lace headdress and although at first glance her uniform seemed simple, there was nothing further from reality, the attention given to the small details was impressive.

Ah right, White Brim-san was a perfectionist when it comes to maids, I wonder if he still continue to torture his assistants with his level of detail?

Suddenly, an abrupt knock on the door took him out of his musings, a moment later, with permission already granted, Lumiere allowed the applicant to enter, the face of concern and anger that he wore made the Overlord nervous.

Eh? What's wrong? Has something bad happened?

But the Overlord was not prepared for what happened.


A Demiurge in a dogeza position was something he thought would ultimately never be able to see.

Eeeeeeehh!, but what happened ?! (SE), wait, wait, wait, let's go in parts.

"You have returned earlier than expected Demiurge, what has happened?"

The voice that spoke with a neutral tone to try to relax the conversation, had the completely opposite effect, for the Archdemon, the calm of his master meant the worst thing that could be, disappointment.

"I'm really sorry Ainz-sama, even though you had already warned me about it! I HAVE NO EXCUSE!"

Eeeeeeh, what the hell is he talking about? I don't remember giving him any warning about anything! (ES)

"Explain." -the overlord spoke, interlocking his hands and leaning slightly forward-

This action generated a new surprise for him, since, in doing so, due to his mental uproar, his 'aura of depression and despair' was accidentally activated, which caused the guardian to sweat cold and to had slight spasms.

Damn, I made him more nervous!, now what do I do ?! ... Ah, I got it!

"Start at the beginning and explain it slowly."

By Ulbert-sama, Ainz-sama is extremely upset, he didn't even order me to raise my head! *Glup*

During all this exchange, the maid Lumiere was doing two contradictory things at the same time, on the one hand, she was throwing abrasive glances towards the kneeling demon, these had begun as soon as she got over her initial surprise, and in the second instance, she was trembling, this was the first time she saw her master upset.

"Y-yes, Ainz-sama," -the Archdemon began- "yesterday you assigned me to form a group, to be in charge of processing the castle of the princess of friendship while she was with you in Canterlot."

Mhm, that was his mission for today, but I don't recall giving him any warning or did I?

"When you revealed the objectives to me, I misinterpreted your words taking them all as orders, so I am ashamed to admit it, I failed to understand your warning, 'pay special attention to who is watching you'"

"That's right, I remember perfectly saying those words to you." But I don't remember they were a warning, I was trying to remind you to be careful not to be seen.

"It wasn't until after almost 15 hours on my mission when Pandora's Actor told me that he had felt as if someone were looking at him, while he was looking at a wall, it was until then that I finally understood his words and realized my mistake, You warned me that there was a conscience in the castle and I ignored your words, you already knew it and did not listen to it correctly, I am very sorry! "

WHAT?! (SE), no, wait, this doesn't make sense, keep listening.

"Although I had already seen the signals, the fact that the elements chose their bearers, the fact that the castle was born instead of being built, or the missions that the map in the throne room can summon and send whoever, or- "

"Demiurge" -interrupted the overlord when he had finally managed to control himself and disable his aura- "Stand up."

As soon as the demon carried out the order the Overlord continued.

"Did you finish collecting the information?"

"Yes Ainz-sama, as soon as I realized my mistake I ordered everything to be sped up to the limit, we finished after just over an hour of forced labor."

"And when you retired there was no interference?"

"Yes, before we retire we raised security to the maximum."

Hhuuufff, thank goodness, it seems that nothing really happened.

"No need to worry, everything is within acceptable ranges."

"! ...Ainz-sama, I beg your pardon for my daring, but I have made an irreparable mistake, I have been the cause of damaging your plans!" -Insisted the demon-

*Shigh* For Heaven’s sake!, he is exaggerating too much, how can I defuse the situation?

"Demiurge, let me clarify the following, my plans have not taken any damage."

Surprise flooded the face of the guardian and the servant who was present.

"The fact that the elements had a consciousness of their own was just a theory, and thanks to your team it has been proven." Please, Demiurge, stop already your disgust, or I will end up tripping over my own words! "In fact, it has been more than that, it has allowed me to give me an idea of ​​its development, I would not be surprised if in the coming months it was able to show itself, but even so, I think it is necessary to monitor its development, furthermore rest assured, you didn't misinterpret my words, actually I intentionally left them ambiguous." Oh, it seems like she's finally calmed down, thank goodness, hufff.

At that moment the Archdemon's face finally let go of its frustration and concern, immediately going from surprise to understanding.

"I see, now I can understand, you are magnanimous! If I had understood your message correctly I would have contaminated your test results, but then that means ..."

Ainz-sama knew that we would be seen, which means that we would expose ourselves as invaders, but that would be contradictory to his previous orders and that is not possible, also, he just said that the capabilities of the tree are expected to change...

After processing his master's words in a couple of seconds, the conclusion he reached was something he would never have thought of.

"The tree is leveling up! And to think that with so little data you would be able to understand the situation so deeply, you are simply unmatched Ainz-sama, something like that would not even have crossed my mind! Does this mean that the 'tree of harmony' is similar in the race to Punito Moe-sama?

I have no fucking idea! "U-umu, although that seems to be the case, I doubt that it is, I think it is something completely different, that is why it is a good idea to keep abreast of its development, you have to know what we face, in addition to keeping us aware of how much it really knows about us, and as an additional objective, registering and investigating something new and unknown, who knows, it can be useful at a later date, that does not matter for now;" -said the Overlord, leaving his pensive posture to focus his attention on his subordinate- "Tell me, anything of interest in Princess Twilight's castle?"

"Yes, Ainz-sama, there were many curiosities in the castle, but until I finished processing all the information gathered, I cannot be sure how much is really relevant, however, there were three especially interesting items, a mirror that shares some similarities with the one which is linked to the gifts given to the princesses, according to a quick examination carried out by Pandora's Actor, it is a timed activation portal, in addition, he believes that the instruments that are connected around it work as a kind of forced activation system."

"Hooo, interesting, did you find out where it leads?"

"Unfortunately we were unable to achieve it, apparently the princess is not as careless as we thought at first, the forced opening system needs a kind of key to be activated apparently."

"Mhm, I see, it wouldn't be bad to find it."

"Yes, I will make sure to give directions so that the assigned units remain aware; in addition to the mirror, a book emblazoned with the sun was found, this seems to be similar to a skill book between level 25 and 30, however, there was no problem duplicating it, so I doubt that is the case, as soon as the translations are finished, we will know more about it, however, the most curious thing was the table in the castle's throne room, according to what Pandora got, it is a multifunctional object, now that I think about it, I think it is one of the ways that the tree of harmony communicates with the bearers of the elements, it seems to be able to store detailed information about the terrain, according to a report from the units assigned to the princess, the map has been updated recently When comparing the places we realize that I simply add the places that were visited after the storm king attack."

Mmmh, it will be that the carriers work not only as extensions and also as explorers, we will have to keep an eye on that.

"Excellent work, report all your findings to me as soon as you finish processing the information."

"Yes, it will be done as ordered." -The Archdemon replied happily when he saw that his master seemed to think something- Aaaahaa, I wonder what adjustments or new plans Ainz-sama just made.

"Now we must start preparations for the day after tomorrow, in the meantime, that tomorrow evening the news of the regime change is announced, as well as the victory parade that will take place, also, that Tempest meets with the General prisoners to take full control of the armies, you have to take out the garbage before it stinks, I leave the details in your hands. "

Hearing his master's new orders, a macabre smile appeared on Demiurge's face.

"If you allow me to inquire, you want to leave a deep impression and that impression must be one of amazement, envy, and terror, or am I wrong?"

"Mhm, you're correct, that's all for the moment, if you need anything contact me, you can leave." Wait, did I hear badly, or did she say envy? Naa it can't be, that envy has to do with the victory parade.

The Archfiend bowed and left his master's room with a smile on his face, sinking into thought as he walked through the corridors of the ninth floor.

Ainz-sama is simply incomparable, that was a great opportunity to ask the scope of his plans, but I lost it because I was a mess *shigh*, but well, thanks to my master I have managed to locate a defect in my way of reasoning things, it's as great as it is misery-

At that moment, both the thoughts and the body of the guardian froze on the spot, he had just realized something that was not surprising.

Ainz-sama had already realized my problem before... and gave me a task in which I would fail... all while fulfilling an important objective and a secondary objective... further more all while undergoing a test to make me see my mistake and correct it!

"Wonderful! He is definitely the definition of insurmountable!"

Demiurge's sudden scream surprised the masked butler who was passing by at that moment, causing him to throw what he carried in his arms in surprise, the masked man was one of the male servants who resided on the ninth floor, with an European butler standard suit and with a robust complexion without being too muscular or too thin, his head was covered with a balaclava, his only difference between these being the color of the ornament on the bow of his uniform, as for his cargo, this had a totally different problem, although now he was knocked out on the ground a couple of meters away, it was easy to differentiate it, it was a human-bird race, although its appearance was more similar to that of a rock jumping penguin, whose most outstanding physical feature were the curly feathers that were found on the sides of its head, likewise there were a few more below its beak, although these, unlike the first, looked more like a beard, these were united halfway through a bow brooch, similar to that of the butlers.

"Aaatatatatatatatata, but who dares to attack the future lord of the great tomb of Nazarick!"

The cry of annoyance from the penguin who was lying on the ground rubbing his head with one fin while using the other to get up finally brought the demon out of his fantasies.

"Ah, but if it's the assistant butler, I haven't seen you in a while."

It was Eclair Ecleir Eicleir, a creation of one of the members of Ainz Ooal Gown, in his adjustments was a fervent desire to occupy the throne of Nazarick, (but these adjustments had been written as a joke) despite his ego being so inflated and his exaggerated self-esteem, he vehemently respected the 41 supreme beings just like the rest.

"Oh, but if it's Demiurge-san, it's true, we haven't met in a long time, but tell me, what's the fuss about?"

"I was just lost admiring the greatness of the supreme beings."

"Well that's perfectly normal, after all, they are great."

At that precise moment, the penguin's face stopped being neutral, he lowered his head a little and one of the corners of his beak turned upwards, forming a smug expression on his face, while with a somewhat low voice he muttered.

"But when I am finally the ruler of the great tomb of Nazarick, I will surpass them all."

Ah, right, you are like that, you were created that way by Ankoro Mocchi Mochi-sama -thought the demon-

"Ooooh, and how do you plan to achieve it?"

"Cleaning, of course!" -the penguin extended his right fin and the hooded butler handed him a small comb, with which, in an exaggerated movement, he fixed his hairstyle- "No one in all of Nazarick can clean like me, I'll leave the bathrooms so clean and shiny that you will be able to eat in them! "

"Marvelous!" -Demiurge replied happily, as the hooded butler picked up the penguin again-

"I apologize, but I must continue with the execution of my plan, there is much to clean, HAHahahahahahaha."

When Tempest was ordered to meet with the generals of the empire, she thought they would send her back to the capital, so it was an absolute surprise when she was informed that they were on the fifth floor, when she reached the entrance of it, a female similar to the supervisor was waiting for her but without horns or wings, she had bluish skin, her pupils had a milky gray color, while her long hair was as dark as night, her clothing had a style similar to that of dresses Traditional Neighpones and was pure white, it was one of Cocytus' servants, a [Frost Virgin], a level 85 monster which brought her to the current location, the frozen prison, inside two creatures more easily awaited her identifiable as Demiurge's subordinates, It can be said that the floor seemed beautiful to her, but judging by the amount of ice, without his current equipment, she would surely freeze to death in less than half an hour, however, inside the prison, the temperature was cold but stable and the humidity was very marked.

"Wake up lazy, or are you planning on sleeping the rest of the day ?!"

The unicorn spoke with a harsh voice to the four figures on the ground, these, upon hearing her, began to wake up.

"Uuuughnn, mhn ?, *ghasph* Commander Tempest!, wake up idiots, the commander has come for us! They are finally rescuing us!"

Callista's joy did not last long, because as soon as Jaidev paid attention to the unicorn, he knew that something was wrong and he warned the rest with his words.

"Everyone, stay alert! I don't think the 'commander' has come to free us."

The Naga spoke cautiously without taking his eyes off the unicorn, this caused the others to shake off their remaining sleep, then the difference was clear and who gave voice to the question in the minds of the rest, was Strong Horn.

"Fiuuuuu, tell me 'commander', from were does that armor come from and where is your usual equipment?" -said the minotaur with a frown-

"Oh, this?..." -asked Tempest with an innocent face as she put a helmet on her chest- "this is my new outfit, I received it as part of my promotion."

"I see the storm king fixed your horn as well as promoting you."

The Medusa interrupted, finally paying more attention to the unicorn.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble Calista, but the promotion and my current armor, do not come from of that fraud," -the unicorn's tone changed to an aggressive one as she frowned- "I'm sure that idiot must be wishing with everything his heart receiving death right now,"-back to his neutral tone-" well that's if at least a quarter of what I've heard about Neuronist is true, no, who gave me this amazing equipment and my current position was someone much bigger, my new master is not a mere mortal, he is a true supreme being, he restored my horn as if it were something trivial, even though the same princesses of Equestria said it was impossible."

At this moment the naga interrupted.

"I understand, what does your new master have planned for us then? He has already replaced us so I don't see what prompted him to keep us alive."

"It is quite simple, in his mercy, Ainz-sama decided to give all of you a chance, all you have to do is swear loyalty and service, if you do so it is possible that your position will even be returned to them, otherwise your fate is uncertain. "

"Are you crazy?! You're turning your back on the storm king!"

The minotaur yelled angrily and tried to attack her, but was stopped short after his second step by the chains on his wrists and neck.

But Tempest's response left them frozen by the amount of hatred with which was spoken, it practically dripped poison.

"That wretch betrayed me! As soon as he got what he wanted, he told me, he was simply using me!"

Hearing it, Jaidev and Callista were surprised, while Strong Horn and Frienze exchanged glances with a smile, after a moment, the centaur spoke.

"It took time for you to realize 'commander', so you could finally recognize how delusional you are hahahahahaAHAHAHA."

Incredible, Demiurge-sama was correct, this test actually revealed the traitors.

The unicorn's surprised face was misinterpreted as a shock by the prisoners, but the centaur's laugh and the minotaur's mocking face were abruptly crushed by the smile on Tempest's face and her next words.

"Congratulations Callista and Jaidev, you passed the test, you will be interviewed, and it is possible that you will regain your positions," -she focused her eyes again on those who until a moment ago had been laughing and now had a confused face- "as for You two won't be as lucky."

From the door of the cell that was still open, two bipedal figures entered, one looked like a dragon, but its wings were covered with fire, while the other looked more like the hatchlings that had captured them, but the face and the wings on its back indicated that it was a totally different race.

"All of my master's servants despise betrayal, so the two of you will be taken to a special place, enjoy your own hell, and the demon lord's Wrath and Greed will take you there personally."

When they heard Tempest's words, they couldn't believe it, they all had the same question in their minds, 'demons? Are those really demons?', The question kept repeating itself in the minds of the Naga and Medusa, even when their companions were unchained and dragged like hatchlings throwing tantrums, it wasn't until the screams faded down the hall that Jaidev regained his sanity to ask the only question he was able to ask.

"But, *Glup* Who is your new master who is capable of controlling demons?"

"A supreme being, one who is above the gods themselves, even above life and death themselves, 'The Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown-sama."

It goes without saying that in the capital of the empire of storms it was an absolute surprise when a regime change was announced, when the news began to spread, many rumors arose, from the most curious to the craziest, some said that the diarchy and The storm king had killed each other in battle, others said they had married and now the empire of storms was part of Equestria, among all the rumors there were only two things that were certain for the population or anyone who was not part of the army, neither would they miss him, nor would they wish for his return and second, the new king was a very powerful sorcerer.

The next evening after the news was released, the main street of the capital was completely packed, as a triumphal march of the victor had been announced, on the faces of the inhabitants there was a strange mixture of hope and fear, in front Of the formation a group of gorillas that acted as soldiers of the storm king advanced, but everything turned to terror as soon as they saw the second section of soldiers, at first, when they saw them in the distance, they all marveled at the thick and strong armor of golden color adorned with a blood-red cape that was carried by those who were undoubtedly part of the new troops, however, the closer the details became clearer, the gold-clad ones carried the heraldry of the new king in a banner on high, It was the Master guards of Nazarick, more when they finally got close enough the faces of the observers were filled with terror, since they were non-existent, there was only bone with rotten flesh under the armor.

The third part of the column of the march only affirmed the opinion that, what was parading in front of them were not living creatures, just behind the incarnations of brutality that were the Death Knight appeared a well-known figure, Commander Tempest Shadow was at the head of what was undoubtedly the royal escort, it was easy to identify this since the creatures in this section completely captured the attention of all those attending the parade and to the center of them a palanquin was transported, just behind Tempest walked A female that could easily be considered beautiful by any race and the envy of all minotaur females, she was decked out in a beautiful pure white dress with gold ornaments and exquisite jewelry, behind her advanced the royal purple palanquin,This was adorned with wine red curtains and intricate gold details, inside was the new king, even when the curtains were open, held by golden ropes at the edges, only those who saw the palanquin from the front could see the face of their new ruler and they were terrified of him.

The red flames in his eye sockets were the only indication that it was not a simple corpse, everyone who saw those red flames felt a mixture of terror and amazement, it was the first time they felt the overwhelming presence of a creature like this, these sensations were amplified by the Death Knight who carried the palanquin, and immediately behind it, a group of 10 females and 10 males advanced in uniforms of maids and butlers, the maid-servants were led by what seemed to be a mixture of one of the females and a diamond dog, while the butlers were led by what appeared to be a male of the same species as the maids but somewhat older judging by his white mane and beard, as well as his somewhat wrinkled face, it was Pestonya Shortcake Wanko and Sebas Tian, ​​finally, closing the parade, a group of at least 60 Death Knight was flanked by a group of 80 ancient guards.

The entire parade passed without incident or interference, which was mainly due to the shock in which numerous of those attending the parade stayed, and when they arrived in front of the palace; all the soldiers were formed in equal parts on both sides of the palanquin, only a couple of steps behind to the left of it, the servants formed in a continuous line, while the female with wings on her waist and Commander Tempest were to the right, almost half of the parade attendees, (mainly those not in the front row) mustered enough courage or curiosity to follow the parade, and once on the castle grounds, these mighty men received the first reward from their new king.

Seeing the size of the group that entered the castle courtyard, Ainz became extremely nervous.

Uwwaaaahhh, what is this, aren't there too many? How bad was the previous king's government? *shigh* I was hoping that hardly anyone would really come.

Even without having an esophagus or salivary glands, Ainz felt the need to swallow, when his nerves reached the limit, his ES was activated, he took a deep breath and left the palanquin with all the royal bearing he could.

The villagers murmured about the appearance of the seated figure, but all noise ceased as soon as it moved, being in front of everyone, the clear and authoritative voice of the Overlord was heard.

"People, there are several announcements to give, first of all, the storm king has been deposed for his pathetic administrative abilities, as of today, I am your new ruler, I am the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown!"

He made a small pause, and when there was no reaction from those present, he continued.

"Second, this realm has changed its name, the realm of storms has wiped out its previous king, this is now the Sorcerer realm!"

This time there was a reaction, there was shock and disbelief on the faces of those present and if the denial was not present, it was because everyone could see Commander Tempest to Albedo's right.

"Third, my kingdom will not be one of terror! Anyone who wants to leave will be allowed to do so, but know that whoever leaves now will not be allowed to return later."

He allowed a moment for the news to be processed and the murmurs resumed.

"And lastly, know that there will be many changes!"

When the hubbub increased and all the attention was back to the front, Albedo spoke up.

"Everyone bow down to your new lord!"

Hearing these words, the crowd composed of multiple races of amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and some quadrupeds, hesitated a bit and crossed their eyes with each other, but they obeyed as soon as they felt the thirst for blood emanating from the female next to the king and a Once everyone had complied with the order, it continued.

"Long live Ainz Ooal Gown-sama, may his kingdom be eternal!"

As soon as the succubus finished speaking, everyone present understood her purpose and repeated the phrase.

"" Long live Ainz Ooal Gown-sama, may his kingdom be eternal! ""

Soo yeah if you're curiouse about the Equestrian bussnes proposal it can be sumarized as:

They were simply not prepared to be able to do a counter-proposal, they were just beating around the bush for a while before accepting. :rainbowlaugh: