• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 5,111 Views, 304 Comments

Ainz Ooal Gown in Equestria - zakan

Instead of get trowed out of the server in the last day of Yggdrasil, Satoru got to a world full of... ¿ponies?; ¿how will react the inhabitants of Equestria to the coming of an undead of the higest order?

  • ...

Fraternizing with the Guests Third part

Author's Note:

First of all My Little Pony was created and is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust, Overlord is owned by Kugane Murayama and are not mine, this is a fan story made with the intent to entertain and if it's possible steal you a smile.

English it's not my mother language, so please, if you catch some grammar mistake, or you have some suggestion for better puns or double meaning words to replace the ones already used put it in the comments and I will see if I can make it work.
DK = Death Knight
ES = Emotional Suppressor
EEA = Eight edge assassins

'magical or technological communication'
*sound effect or onomatopoeia*

Here is another chapter! :pinkiehappy: Here you will know what happened to Discord :trollestia:, stay tuned to see what comes next. :yay:

The nerves were on the surface in the living/dining room attached to the throne room, all the natives of Equestria, knew that it was a delicate moment, after reasoning the limits that had been previously imposed, Princess Twilight was the first to ask a question.

"P-previously, w-when his majesty appeared, s-said that yesteryear there was no one who did not know his name, but in all the records, history books, poems, or epic stories that I have read or studied, I-I don't remember it t-to be mentioned, * Glup * i-is it that y-you precede them all?"

Hey? Whoaeeee ?! Shit, why is there a nerd from history here? Now, what do I do? What can I say? I can't just tell you that we just arrived a few months ago! (SE) I already paused too long, what do I do, how can I justify my existence in this world?... existence ?, THATS IT! I'm going to use existentialist garbage to get away, I hope it works.

Meanwhile, in the mind of the princess of friendship.

What's wrong, why doesn't he answer me?... oh no, don't tell me I have insulted him, Arrrg, of course, you insulted him silly! You just told him that his name that he is so proud of has not been mentioned not once in all known history after being well known! oh no!, nonononono! What do I do?!

Externally, the lavender princess's face began to show signs of her incessant spiral of concern, an increasingly forced smile, her ears lowered slowly, but before the cold sweat was visible above her fur and the nervous tic in her left eye was remarkable, the skeleton spoke pulling her out of the vicious circle of concern.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle, I think you must already know, but the sea does not run towards rivers, just as there is no mountain formed by a single rock no matter if it seems, only patience allows you to form a masterpiece."

Hearing this, all the princesses understood what that vague answer meant, he had existed since time immemorial.

As the alicorns ruminated on what they had just heard, the element of loyalty had a doubt that had been bothering her for a long time and decided that this was the best time to get her answer.

"Errr, excuse me, your hignnnnn- no, your majesty?, this ... I have a question." -said the speedster with her hoarse voice-

"Go ahead."

"How ... How did you control the weather? I mean, you're not a pegasus, you didn't fly through the clouds either, so how do you make a cool spring wind feel in mid-summer?"

"Ah, that party trick? With magic, of course." -Ainz answered while taking a position that shows disinterest-

The same thought invaded the minds of the cian mare and the princess of friendship at that precise moment.

*Gasph* He just called that a party trick!

A heavy silence that lasted about two minutes descended on the room.

"Well, if there are no more questions..."

"I beg you to allow me a question" -Princess Luna interrupted the Overlord, when the gazes were concentrated on her, she continued-

"Well, more than a question is a doubt."

Nodding his head Ainz allowed him to continue.

"It is our task to watch over the sleep of all our subjects to prevent the creatures of dreamland from wreaking havoc on their minds."

Oooh, that's some interesting information, I can't believe she spilled it just like that.

"And your question is?"

*Shigh* "South of Equestria, many bizarre dreams and nightmares have been repeatedly sparked over the past two months."

In the south? Did we carry out any operations in the south two months ago?... Shit!

"The common theme of all of them was mountains, there have been mountains walking, mountains fighting, in short, all kinds of dreams and nightmares about mountains in motion, when the dreams were repeated for a whole week, I sent some of my fastest and better scouts, but all they found was that a large area west of the plains is now a green meadow, do you know anything about it?"

Damn, it's obvious that it was Gargantua's fault, I thought that taking care of dreams was just an analogy! I'll have to find a way to protect the minds of common subjects.

"Mhm, the prairie thing is simple, It was me, as for the dreams, I have no need, so no, don't cause them."

Just propitiate the situation that created them.

"Wait a darn minute!, that's impossible!, there's no way of making plants grow from nothing In a desert; it's impossible for anything to grow!" -Screamed AJ, who took some seconds to get what she had just do- "errr, s-sorry your greatness it was not m'a-" -tried to excuse herself nervously-

"Fufufufu, impossible? What a joke, fufufu." -interrpted her a female voice-

The one who shattered the disbelief of the element of honesty was the overseer of the guardians.

"For a supreme being there is no such thing as the impossible, the only thing Ainz-sama needs to do to transform barren land into an oasis, a dense forest or any other landscape he wishes is to order it and the world itself will obey him, so simple like that, fufufu. "

Those present could not believe what they had just heard and wondered if the power of the creature in front of them truly had a limit.

"E-excuse me, Lord Sorcerer King, I… I have a question."

I speak the element of kindness in a voice that was audible thanks to the resounding silence of the room.

"Go ahead, miss..."

"Oh, what a shame, where are my manners!" -She bowed her head and introduced herself- "My name is Fluttershy, your highness, I am the element of kindness, I am dedicated to caring for and treating injured or sick animals."

"Mhm, I see, so you're a vet."

"Oh dear, no, no way, I don't prescribe medication, I only treat minor injuries and ailments."

"Ah, I get it, so you're more like a nurse or caretaker?"

"Hmm… yeah, I think you could say that that's something that's the closest thing that I do."

The scene was unreal for all the Equestrians, the more fearful one of them all, was chatting with the Sorcerer King as if she were someone very trustworthy.

"Emm ... well, see, what happens is that every third Thursday of the month I used to have tea parties with a friend, but he hasn't shown up for several months, and... well... because of Discord's way of being... we think that Maybe you could know something about him, he is a Draconequus, his body is scaly and long, he has a goat's foot and a donkey's foot, a lion's paw and a hawk's paw; have you seen him?"

Hmm, if I remember correctly, from the description, this is probably the creature that was subdued by Cocytus.

"Tell me, does this… Discord, have any special powers?"

"Umm, well he's… chaotic?"

"If King Gown will allow me, I think I can offer some information on that." -The monarch of the sun, who until now had remained silent, interrupted-

"He is the embodiment of chaos, his powers can manipulate matter and mind very easily, he can appear anywhere and he is also very sensitive to magic."

Oh, I see, although what she says does not fully agree with what we have found out, but it is quite close, hmm… it could be that he was deliberately withholding the information from them or he does not know it himself.

"Mmmh," -the Overlord placed his hand on his chin in a thoughtful pose- "That description resembles that of the creature that attacked my residence just over two and a half months ago."

*GHASPH* (collective)

"I-is he, he-is he d-dea?..."

Celestia spoke with a concern that was shared by others, especially Fluttershy, who seemed to be on the verge of tears as she waited for a confirmation that she wasn't sure she wanted to hear.


The mares' blood ran cold.

"No, he is not, he was a very interesting specimen, so I keep it, at this moment he is imprisoned, waiting for his fate in one of our cells."

Hearing this the mares breathed a sigh of relief.

"As interesting as it may be, it has no real value to me." -continued the Overlord-

At the end of the day and after many tests, the only thing that was worth something was its heart, and even so their properties were quite poor, they were not able to exceed the relic level; Well, it gave me a lot of work, but in the end, I was able to find the pattern in his mind and modify his memories, replacing the real information with false as a preventive measure in case he escaped, so...

"I have no objection to returning him, but since he is your citizen and he attacked me, I expect adequate compensation for the trouble he caused."

Hearing the words of her master, the supervisor of the guardians could not help but be surprised.

HEH?!, Ainz-sama thinks to free and spare the life of a creature that dared to attack Nazarick! Wait, before spending a lot of time immersed in the memories of the creature, he said he had modified them as a preventive measure, just in case by some miracle he managed to escape, th-that means, he already suspected that he was coming from Equestria! Ahaahnmm, Ainz-sama is wonderful, and to think that since then his plans already had formed! to discuss this with Demiurge as soon as possible!

Using all of her willpower, she suppressed her desire to moan and praise her master's intelligence and not allow her wishes to show themselves.

But her lust was palpable for Cadence that blused because the amount.

Meanwhile, the diarchs looked at the skeleton with suspicion and distrust.

"And what are your demands, as far as this compensation you are talking about?"

Said the monarch of the sun with her best political mask of neutrality.

"Hmm, nothing complicated, it will be enough with some trade agreements between kingdoms, we will discuss the details later, that is if you accept my demands?"

Hearing how little he was asking, it was impossible to not be flooded by the surprise, but just a moment later it was replaced by uncertainty, which slightly colored the faces of the sisters; they were quite aware of the disasters that Discord was capable of creating, so they were pretty sure there would be something else underneath that, but they had to get it back and maybe get some additional information on their subordinates.

"Treaties will be then *Shigh* when can we expect the delivery of our fellow citizen?" -asked the monarch of the moon-

"It could be right now, I have no problem."

"Will it be necessary... to receive it with medical attention?" -asked Fluttershy-

"No, he is physically fine, after investigating him he was simply confined, Lupusregina."

"Yes, Ainz-sama."

"Bring the prisoner here, he will be our payment to deliver in the trade treaties [GATE]."

"It will be done as ordered immediately, Ainz-sama."

After the maid withdrew through the portal, Rarity could no longer contain her disagreement with the sorcerer king's bargaining methods.

"Excuse my forwardness your majesty, but don't you think it's too cruel to treat a living creature as a bargaining chip?"


The tone and the posture with which the skeleton said this single word, made the dressmaker feel a chill, feeling that what was coming was not going to please her.

"Cruel, did you say?... I see, then you are that kind of individual, are you one of those who kindly ask flies not to infect your food? Are you one of those who feed the pests that invade your house? Are you one of those who if someone tries to rob you, kindly tell them where your valuables are?..."

With each question the skeleton's tone deepened, causing the dressmaker to begin to tremble.

"He tried to invade my residence and caused some damage outside it, who dared to do the same a long time ago was pulverized! (ES) the only thing that allowed him to stay alive even when it was my right to have taken it was the interesting thing about his nature, so, no, I'm not being cruel, on the contrary, I'm being quite generous."

* Glup * "Y-yes, you're completely right, how awkward of me to have even hinted otherwise, hehehe."

The dressmaker replied, doing her best impression of Fluttershy; Just as she finished speaking, a portal opened and the servant girl came out of it, behind her, she was dragging the incarnation of chaos when she stopped, threw her load in an undisciplined way on the table, on the far side, close to his master and then bow.


Celestia, Twilight, and Fluttershy shouted, at the same moment that the latter rushed at full speed to hold the incarnation of chaos between her hooves, trying to make him react while tears came to her eyes.

"King Gown" -continued Celestia in a hard tone- "You said he was fine, could you tell me why he don't react?"

"Princess Celestia, watch your tone towards my master, if your kingdom wasn't razed to the ground to take care of the storm king, it was solely out of His mercy that you-"

The overseer of the guardians was interrupted by the Overlord.

"Enough Albedo."

"But, Ainz-sama."

"I said enough, her reaction is understandable; (he focuses his gaze on Celestia) It is quite simple, he is completely without energy."

It was a complete surprise when we found out that his MP and HP were combined, then it was enough to keep him drained below fifty percent to knock him out, hehehe, now.

"But that's an easy thing to remedy, we just have to recharge it… with chaos."

With the last sentence, Ainz activated his aura of chaos, immediately a reddish mass of a very dark tone formed around him at ground level that seemed to be alive, constantly moving to generate mini tentacles.

When the aura formed, everyone was shocked and a moment later the Draconequus began to complain and slowly regain consciousness, when he was finally able to open his eyes and move, Ainz deactivated his aura.

What things, to think that in the game it was nothing more than a visual effect, but here, it has a quite noticeable effect on living beings, is it due to the folklore of the game?

The Overlord thought as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.

"Uuggnnh, Fluttershy? Is that you Fluttershy?"

"Yeah *snif* it's me, *snif* how do you feel?"

"Uugh, I don't know, it's the first time I've found myself like this, I don't know how to describe it, but I feel quite weak, even more so than when Tirek."

The Chaos Master tried to snap his fingers, but they were as smooth as noodles, literally.

"Shh, shh, calm down, you're fine, you're safe, everything is fine."

The yellow pegasus wanted to continue cuddling the Draconequus, but the skeleton interrupted the tender moment.

"As you can see Princess Celestia, except for exhaustion he is perfectly fine."

These words caused the Chaos Master to turn to the source of the voice in surprise.

"Wow friend, it seems you have skipped a lot of meals, who are you?"

"Discord! Show more respect for the sorcerer-king!" -exclaimed the element of kindness with concern-

As he thought the title was too presumptuous, he suddenly felt a chill run down his spine, a very familiar one, one that no one around seemed to feel; Then he remembered, the invasion of his dimension, his battle, and his defeat, while he remembered he began to sweat cold, without looking at the source of fear he felt (Albedo), he continued speaking. "

"Ehem, *glup* you're completely right sweet Fluttershy, I apologize for my words, they were a bit disrespectful."

"Mhm, well, if I'm not wrong, it should be time."

The skeleton's words were interrupted by the knocks at the entrance, which was opened by Lupusregina, it was the guard in command of the unit that had previously entered.

* Knock knock knock *

"Princess Celestia, all the emissaries are already gathered and waiting."

The Sun Monarch nodded towards her subordinate in response.

"Thank you very much, you are dimissed."

The alicorn shifted her attention to the Overlord as the soldier retreated after giving a salute.

"Given our previous conversation I have to understand that you want to participate in our meeting, am I correct?"

"Indeed, I consider that my presence in it is indispensable, after all, the neighboring kingdoms need to know their new neighbor."

After saying this, the Overlord got up and immediately the throne on which he was sitting vanished into specks of light, the reaction of surprise was general, however, the most surprised were Celestia and Twilight, both leaving their eyes wide open and her mouth wide open, earning curious glances from the rest of those present who failed to understand what was special about what had just happened.

After a moment they managed to emerge from their stupor thanks to the help of Cadence and Luna, after which the monarch of the sun found her voice.

"Ah, eee, Twilight, if you don't mind, could you take charge of starting the festival together with your friends? I think it will be necessary for you to come back as soon as possible, I think your presence would be useful at the meeting."

"Sure princess, I will hurry as much as I can, I am sure that the rest will not mind if I leave the event in their hooves for a couple of hours, can I count on you?"

The Princess of Friendship's question was answered by a chorus of affirmative expressions, after which the entire group split in two, the M6s, Spike, and Discord heading towards the festival to make sure everything went off smoothly, while the rest of the princesses headed for the boardroom on the opposite side of the throne room, where all the emissaries were located.

After a brief goodbye, the group of elements left the room through the main door, after a short time of walking through the corridors they realized that 'everyone' was walking.

"Errr, Discord, a' don't mind really but I'm curious, why are you walking and not floating like always?" -The farmer asked curiously-

When listening to her, the others also noticed this curiosity and focused their attention on the master of chaos, this, realizing that all the attention was on him, understood that he could not evade the question, but what in reality made him answer was the insistence by Fluttershy.

"Please Discord, tell us how you ended up like this, we are worried about you, could you tell us? Well, if it's not too much trouble, of course."

*Mumble, mumble, mumble* "Okaaaaay, but I warn you, it's not a pretty thing, it's not something our dear Fluttershy can bear either."

The Draconequus replied, trying to discourage the group from pressing the issue further.

"I'm sure that won't be a problem."

Spike answered confidently, which piqued the chaos master's interest.

"Ooooh, seriously? And how are you so sure emh?"

"Because the sorcerer-king made her immune to fear."

In all his long existence and as far as his memory went, that was the first time he had tripped with his own limbs; After a brief check of the solidity of the ground, he got up quickly pulling himself by the horns, to direct a look that demanded an explanation with a certain tone of concern at the butter-colored pegasus; This, noticing the look she was receiving, hastened to respond.

"Mhm? ... oh, you don't have to worry Discord, the sorcerer-king was worried that my health would be affected by my constant fainting caused by fear, as I understood, he ordered his maid to cast a spell on me, mmm I think it was called 'lay ons…' something? "

"I think it was 'Lay ons har to' if I remember correctly."

Said the little dragon contributing his grain of sand.

"Yes, that," -continued the Pegasus- "as he explained to us, the spell does not take away my ability to feel fear, rather it makes me much more resistant to it."

"So… you won't feel fear again for the rest of your life?" interrupted the master of chaos.

"Oh dear, no, of course not, as the sorcerer-king said, the effect of the magic will only last for two or three hours or until I come across something capable of causing even more fear than the spell allows me to bear."

Fluttershy said calming the Draconequus concerns somewhat, not that he was going to accept it this of course.

"Well, now that I have answered your question, could you answer ours? We were also very worried about you."

Seeing that he had not managed to divert them from the subject, he sighed and began to tell his story.

*Shigh* "Okaaaay, but don't blame me if you can't sleep afterward hmp!"

"Please Discord." -Speaking the princess of friendship- "we need to know as much as possible, he is very powerful if he ever attacked us even the smallest information about him or his followers it could be the difference between having hope or being doomed!"

"I do doubt it," muttered the master of chaos, as he paused briefly with his back to the group, then continued walking to the exit.

*Hmpf* "The story begins in the middle when I woke up in a stone cell"

-Start Flashback-

AN: Discord is narrating its memories so its narrative will be enclosed in 'single quotes'

Ugh, what a pain, hm? Why can't I move?

'When I saw that I could not move my physical body, I left it to know what was preventing me from moving'

When Discord leaves his body he sees how damaged it is, it is not encouraging.

"Oh dear, so my body is this unwell, hmm... well while it recovers let's see where we are."

'So I threw myself into one of the walls to go through it with my astral form, but all it did was knock me out again!' -said the master of chaos in a desperate tone- 'those walls were harder than Applejack's flanks!'

Hearing it, the farmer's ears, face, and part of her neck turned as red and shiny as the apples her family grew out of shame, and as she covered her flank with her hat and shot him a murderous look, she interrupted the story of the Draconequus, even Dash would have sworn she saw steam coming out of her friend's ears.

"B-b-but what are you talking about, you sow water snake!

"Applejack, we are listening to my story, we are not discussing the firmness of your flanks, we can discuss that some other time." -Answered the master of chaos-

"Bu-bu- you… AARrrrrgh!"

"Well as I was saying" -the Draconequus continued his story-

'A while after knocking out my projection, I regained consciousness in my body again and came out of it again, although I think I was not out of it for a long time, my body practically did not recover anything between one moment and another.'

"Well, that didn't turn out the way I thought it would let's see why I can't get through the wall."

The specter got to work, examining all the walls, the door, the floor, the ceiling, checking everything down to the last nook.

"Mmm… it seems like there is a kind of blocking magic, and a powerful one to all this, even the door is protected in the same way, mmm… it seems that I will need to regain my strength before I can get through it."

'So I started to recount what happened while recovering enough to try to escape.'

-Magic pulse day-

'I started my day as usual, just like anyone else I messed up my dishes, washed my garbage, and lengthened the grass, but when I was about to feed the plants, I felt the biggest jolt I had ever felt, so I decided to take a look.'

"Mmhmhmm∼🎶 *Scrambled* Wooohoooouoo, what the hell was that?! Let's see mmhm, I think it was in this direction."

Discord turned where he was in the other direction and focused his consciousness to observe the place where the gigantic disturbance occurred.

"Huh, what is this, it looks a lot like the Neighpones, but I can't quite understand it."

'When I tried to take a look, all I could see was a black background with a constantly repeating red text, I could not see absolutely anything that was behind it! Then the message expelled me and then the problems began '

"Youch, hey, that wasn't sporting at all, mhm, what's that sound?"

'Then, out of nowhere, a large number of portals appeared, and out of all of them came a huge number of small-sized creatures, they were amorphous and, to tell the truth, most of them were quite grotesque.'

"So you want to invade my humble abode huh? Well, I'm going to show you what the master of chaos is capable of, jujuju, *snap* huh? *Snap*, *snap, snap, snap* ohoh, grrr."

Annoyed that his magic was not working, he directly attacked them with a blast of magic.

*Fwoooosh* "what the?"

'All the creatures that entered my dimension wanted to attack me… well not just me, they truly attacked anything that moved; my magic was useless against them, I couldn't transform them, relocate them, I couldn't even make them float, I tried to attack them directly, but I only managed to destroy some'

-Fluttershy interrupted the story worried that someone had been hurt-

"D-did you k-kill them?"

"No, to my surprise no, you see." -he calm the worries of the pegasus, and then continues with the story -

"What?! They're made of magic!"

'As soon as I destroyed them they dissipated into a pile of dark specks, they were creations formed with magic, the more I eliminated the more resistant and faster they became until they reached the point where my magic attacks did not even tickle them, so I had to fight them at clean hand '

*Snap* -Discord made a baseball bat appear- "out, *paf* of, *sploch* my, *splat* dimension" *CRACK* -the bat broke and immediately brought up a piece of galvanized pipe- *snap*

'I kept attacking and attacking, for almost a full week I was giving and receiving'

Amazed by the combat of which the master of chaos spoke, the speedster interrupted the story.

"Wow, did you fight for almost a week?"

"Hu huhuhu, yes, but I only succeeded because I hardly used my magic and I was forced to do so because there were thousands and thousands of them."

Hearing the words of the Draconequus, the princess of friendship effectively lost her step falling face down on the ground, raised her head without worrying about the blow and exclaimed.

"T-thousands!" -The alicorn got up and with outstretched wings continued as she began to hyperventilate- "you're telling me! *Heuf* he sent to your dimension! *HEuf* Thousands and thousands! *HEUf* of individual creatures! *HEUF* created with magic!" *HEUF, HEUF*

When he saw her hyperventilating, Discord realized that if he left her like this, he would no longer be able to finish telling his story.

"Pinkie dear, would you do me the favor?"

"Okie dokie lokie"

The party pony stood next to a pillar and from behind the took a bucket of water, the next moment she was next to the Alicorn with the panic attack, and the next moment she finished sucking air.

*HEE-* *SPLASH* "Ghack, *cough cough cough* Why was that?!"

"Well silly, because you were delaying the story a lot and you could bore the readers jijijiji."

The pink pony answered allowing the story to continue.

(AN: Thanks Pinkie)

(PN: you're welcome)

(AN: Wait!, what?, do you know what? I'm not going down that hole, moving on.)

"Well, as I was saying after I got rid of all the creatures I threw myself to the origin of the pulse and when-"

Only to be interrupted again by Twilight.

*Gasph* Do you know the origin of the pulse? Tell me, please tell me!" -The soaked alicorn spoke urgently as she held the Draconequus head between her hooves-

"Unfortunately I couldn't help you even if I wanted to try."

"WHAT?! WHY?!" -Twilight answered feeling betrayed-

The memory continues

'When I was transported to the origin, I felt as if I was slowing down for a moment, when I arrived I could not define where I was, I only knew that I was to the south, looking around me all that I could see were huge trees and in the distance, there were a kind of fortress, shortly after advancing towards it, a hairy creature came out of the trees, it had very sharp claws and rather large fangs, as soon as we exchanged glances, it roared fiercely and threw itself on me, to my surprise, when it tried I couldn't get away from it, and that thing cut off my hand!' -As he spoke, the Draconequus tone lost its playful tinge-

'In all my long existence, that's the first time I remember bleeding and feeling true pain'

"Ghaaah!, what, how?, GO AWAY! *Snap* -a giant rubber chicken appears in his hand- OUT!, *skweaky* SHU! *Skweaky* SHU! *Skweaky*"

'I fought as much as I could, but that thing simply blocked my attacks or received them head-on without even flinching, but the worst came later, a lot of dolls made of branches started attacking me, unlike the beast the dolls were weak and they were easily destroyed, but when they touched me, a horrendous chill ran through me, it was as if the life was being torn from my body when I was finally able to regain my hand, I had already received many more injuries, as you will suppose the battle was not long, each time I tried to escape by flying, the creature appeared above me and threw me back to the ground with a blow and after a few more attempts to escape I was finally knocked out'

The reactions of the audience interrupted the memory, everyone was surprised, first of all, by the lack of the playful tone that characterized the master of chaos, and secondly, by knowing that there was someone or something capable of doing him real harm, of all present, it was Fluttershy who voiced the doubt in the minds of most.

"Are you okay? Or does it still hurt? I mean if you don't mind me asking,"

"Oh, don't worry, it's not a bother and I appreciate your concern... to tell the truth, I don't know how they did it, but when I regained consciousness in the cell, I was no longer in pieces or bleeding, just only pretty mangled, the only thing truly hurt at that moment was my pride, now let's go to the end."

The Draconequus continued to tell his story.

'After I went over everything that happened, I spent a lot of time looking for some weak point in the cell enchantments, but I couldn't find anything, I felt like it was at least two days but I'm not sure, there was no source of light, but The whole cell was illuminated, I let much more time pass and then I returned to my body, by then I should have recovered enough strength to try to escape, or so I thought, but that damn place!' *mumble mumble mumble*

"Eh? What did you say?"

'When I returned to my body I realized that not only was I not recovered, on the contrary, I was wearing myself out! That was where I realized that I was locked in a place where I could not recover, or where recovery was too slow! *shigh* so I just had to wait, I'm not sure how long I was in that cell, but it was something close to a week, until that she-wolf came in for me and dragged me here; As soon as they took me out of that place I immediately felt the change, my forces began to return much faster than before; so as soon as we left the portal at the entrance of the castle I went out of my body to see how things were, but I did not see anything interesting, everything just as boring as always! Suddenly an enormous amount of chaos swept over me and I must say that it is not what I thought I would find when I return to my body, the rest you already know it.'

-End of Flashback-

After hearing the story of the master of chaos, a part of the mares was thoughtful, and after exchanging glances, he exposed the contradiction that they had all seen.

"Discord, even with the best estimate, your story would span a little over two weeks." After listening to it, the others also understood.

"Mmmh, yes, days more days less, why?"

This time answered the element of kindness.

"Umm, Discord, the huge magic pulse was three months ago, not a little over two weeks ago."

"…Oh, can you believe it, that means I took a lot more hits than I thought."

"And that is just the beginning." -Said the little dragon-

"What does that mean?"

As they all attended to their chores, Spike brought the incredulous Master of Chaos up to date on the adventures they had experienced in the past three days.

After giving herself one quick grooming with the help of Rarity, (fortunately, the Rollback had corrected the mess of her burned fur, tail, and mane, as well as the damaged feathers, she only had to comb her hair and dry the water that Pinkie threw on her) Twilight introduced herself on the main stage to start the festival, she intended to finish as soon as possible to immediately return to the meeting.

Meanwhile, at the same moment that the M6 ​​left the throne room, the group that was left behind was preparing for the meeting and after giving themselves a quick check, the princesses were about to enter the room but stopped doubting.

The monarch of the sun was worried that the emissaries would be very scared, or worse, insult the Sorcerer King for his appearance, so after thinking about it she turned to comment on it and try to minimize the damage, but to her surprise, the appearance of the skeleton had changed.

"I beg your pardon King Gown, but… I'm afraid…"

The tunic he was wearing had been closed up to the neck hiding his ribs, his hands were now covered by metallic gauntlets and on one of them was a red mask; This one had opaque glass eyes in green, had an expression difficult to define, like happy and furious at the same time and was adorned with gold details.

Seeing her stop mid-sentence while putting on the mask, the Overlord spoke.

"Is something wrong Princess Celestia?"

"Ah, ahem, no, I was just about to comment that the emissaries might have had some trouble… accepting your appearance, but I see that you had already considered the possibility."

"Of course, after all, it is in my interest that this be resolved favorably."

After hearing it, the diarchs shared a look of concern, then the monarch of the night continued.

*shigh* "Let us continue, the emissaries are awaiting our presence."

As soon as the doors of the room were opened, all talk inside was immediately silenced, but as the last creatures entered, murmurs began to be heard again, some were doubtful, others were astonished at the magnificence of their outfits, there were even some murmurs of adoration before the beauty of the supervisor of the guardians, coming from the minotaur delegates, once all had taken their seats, the monarch of the sun started the meeting.

"First of all, I want to thank you for staying at the meeting despite everything that happened, secondly, I want to formally apologize for the disaster that was the original plan, we prepared for a possible attack by a creature, but we were not prepared for an invasion, but the good fortune of Equestria has not disappeared, we received unexpected help in a time of need, let me introduce you to the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown."

Said the monarch of the sun as she indicated with one of her hoofs to the Overlord, who simply nodded at being named.

"The one who attacked us unexpectedly was the now-imprisoned Storm King; his goal was to obtain the magic of the four Alicorns, he wanted to obtain the power over the weather and the stars to use it at will."

These words caused surprise among all the emissaries.


"But thanks to the timely intervention of King Gown, both the former storm king and the scepter of Zakanas that was used to steal our magic have been secured by him."

As soon as the monarch of the sun finished speaking, the scandal broke out.

"How convenient isn't it ?!"

"This smells bad for me!"

"That is too pretentious!"

"But what stupidity!"

"Who says he won't do the same!"

There were many exclamations, anger, doubt, and disbelief, the only ones who were silent were those who had an idea of ​​who the unknown figure could be, Ember, Aspen, Thorax, Meiyer, and Sebara remained calm.

Of all the colorful phrases that the emissaries released, there was one that exhausted the patience of the supervisor of the guardians.

"What a scandal, we cannot allow an insignificant nobody to do what they want!" -said the emissary of Grifonia-

Then a powerful sense of danger caused everyone to fall silent.

"I apologize for the intrusion, but I see it necessary to remind you that if you are here at this time it is solely by Ainz-sama's will, if it weren't for his kindness you would be chained or tortured, so I recommend you measure your words."

Even though his face didn't change, the smile on her suddenly stopped being gentle and calm, turning dark and sinister from the shadow his horns cast when he bowed his head.

"I'm here to answer any questions that need to be answered, I usually hate wasting time, so let's continue; ah right, there is still someone to come to this meeting."

*Knock, knock, knock* "With your permission Ainz sama"