• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 5,110 Views, 304 Comments

Ainz Ooal Gown in Equestria - zakan

Instead of get trowed out of the server in the last day of Yggdrasil, Satoru got to a world full of... ¿ponies?; ¿how will react the inhabitants of Equestria to the coming of an undead of the higest order?

  • ...

The crude reality Fourth part

Author's Note:

First of all My Little Pony was created and is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust, Overlord is owned by Kugane Murayama and are not mine, this is a fan story made with the intent to entertain and if it's possible steal you a smile.

English it's not my mother language, so please, if you catch some grammar mistake, or you have some suggestion for better puns or double meaning words to replace the ones already used put it in the comments and I will see if I can make it work.
DK = Death Knight
ES = Emotional Suppressor
EEA = Eight edge assassins
SOC = Summit of the Creatures
E.E.A. = Equestria Education Assembly
'magical or technological communication'
*sound effect or onomatopoeia*

Here is another chapter, also I must thank to 'The hat man' for let me make a reference to his story 'The iron horse', I will not recount his whole story just going to put it as part of the events in the timeline, it is a pretty good story I recommend it, also there is more of Chrysalis in the great tomb of Nazarick.

After entering the old 'Betsy', which was a hidden elevator, the silence lasted only a moment.

"How deep are we going to go down Mr. Cobbler?" -Asked the Overlord-

"Unfortunately it will take a couple of minutes, see my dear Momon, since, before our first deal, I was already feeding a much bigger project; to tell the truth, I have many more technological developments than that you have seen so far."

"Hoooo? Is that right? Have you developed them recently?"

"Hehehe no, not at all, you see, for a long time, more exactly from the youth of my grandfather, an idea came up to facilitate the work of ponies, tell me, have you ever heard the term automaton?"

Eeeeeeehhhh! Automata! Have you made automaton?!

"Hmm... if I remember correctly, I think I visited an exhibition about them in Manehattan during one of my trips, why do you ask?"

"The first automaton ever created was a work of my grandfather, his invention was revolutionary for his time, the intention was to reduce or, if possible, fully eliminate the need for ponies to carry out arduous and/or monotonous tasks, his invention could easily work a whole acre without a problem," -the pony's tone turned from jovial to harsh and bitter- "but instead of receiving the recognition he deserved, he was censured and ridiculed."

All this made the Overlord curious, he had not received anything about it in the reports.

Well that was something to be expected, an automaton is something very advanced for this society.

"But who could be so closed-minded as to ignore a technological advance like that?" -Asked Satoru with feigned incredulity-

For a moment Cobbler stared at Momon when he said these words, he simply saw him blinking like an owl, then a big smile was seen on his face.

"Umu, now I'm sure that bringing you here was the right choice!" -he replied, recovering his cheerful tone for a moment- "the one responsible for my grandfather being branded crazy and ignorant was Celestia herself; as soon as she spoke against him, he was gradually banned from all commercial circles, in protest he created a revolutionary group with the support of many of the citizens of Mustangia who knew and respected him, the movement was suppressed with violence, many perished, but thanks to them, we gained some independence, my father always hated my grandfather's inventions, so he did not follow in his hoofsteps, but I was amazed, like all my compatriots, I grew up rejecting the government of Celestia, but it was not until... let's say several years ago when the matter became more... indispensable, that's when I truly started to do something to remedy it. "

The hatred and pain in the pony's voice spiked Ainz's interest so he began to pay real attention.

"She rejected my advances in prosthetics and let's say spare parts for living beings, she name them aberrations."

"Now I understand, that's why in this place there are many more technological advances than in the rest of Equestria including the capital." -Ainz intervened-

"That is Momon Shade, that is why I decided to revive the group that my grandfather started," -at that moment the wall stopped being concrete and began to be metal- "only that my intention is not the independence of Mustangia, no, to fulfill my objective I had to improve, innovate, in short, I needed more power, I intend to overthrow Celestia and her sedentary government that prevents technological advance, I am going to change this nation," -the wall changed again, it stopped being just metal, now one full side was glass and the image behind it was amazing, when he saw the slight change in the face of his guests Cobbler continued- "I welcome you to Techquestria!"

Before Ainz's eyes was a gigantic cave that easily reached 150 meters in height and was almost twice as wide with a background that was lost from ordinary sight, but what do capture his attention was not the cave itself, but all the buildings with a much more modern appearance than what he had seen so far.

Fiiiuuuuu, impressive, it certainly does not reach the technological level of my original world, but it is quite impressive, so the lack of technology in this world is as fact due to the rejection of it by the diarchy? This is something quite interesting and a great opportunity.

"Tell me Cobbler, what is this all about? Do you wish to become the new king of Equestria?" -Said the Overlord while pointing a hoof towards the underground city-

"Hehehehe, I understand that it may seem like it, but there is nothing further from reality, I do not intend to stay in front, once we are successful a House of Representatives will be established that will limit the power of whoever is in charge, it is not correct that Whoever is in power has absolute power or who governs permanently, this will be selected by popular vote, it will not be able to last in power for more than 3 periods of 7 years, I have no interest in the position, furthermore, there will be no future if the past governs, it is the job of the young to command the future."

That is an ideal system on paper, but full of flaws once applied, it is something that has already been seen countless times in my original world, *shigh* sorry, but I don't think your dream will survive long. -Thought Ainz to himself-

"No, what you see before you is the world's largest conglomerate of development and research, here we have advanced medicine, science, and weapons until we are at least 200 years ahead of Equestria."

And it continues, it is quite clear that among all that there is an act of personal revenge, although he is disguising it quite well if I did not know more than what he is revealing, I would believe every word, we will have to investigate more about it. -After this brief thought, the disguised Overlord returned his full attention to the pony-

"But all is not lost in the current government, the newest of princesses, Twilight Sparkle is a scientist and researcher at heart, like everyone else here."

When they finally reached floor level, they received a tour of the facilities and met many of the researchers and some of the investors, but of all, there were only two things that strongly caught his attention, the first was the name of one of the scientists they met, but he would keep that to himself.

The second was something that he should probably keep an eye on, it approached to them while they walked around the facility, it looked like an equine robot, but as soon as he caught a glances of 'it', Ainz knew what it truly was.

*wrriil* *tss* *wrriil* *tss* *wrriil* *tss* *wrriil* *tss* "President Cobbler," -said the metallic reverb voice- "the results of experiments 187, 533, and 742 are Ready, do you want me to deliver them verbally or do I place them on your desk?"

"At the moment I am busy with my guests, leave them on my desk, I will check them later."


The Overlord and the automaton crossed their gazes, the single yellow eye of the metallic equine fixed a few seconds on the new individual before continuing on his way, Ainz did not need to fake his surprise, it was completely written all over his face.

Was that a? No, it's impossible! isn't it? But if it is, that means...

"Ha, I see that unit 02 caught your attention."

"Was that, a…?"

"Mhm, it is a service robot, it is the second version, we are currently preparing a new version that is capable of more functions and with better capabilities."

The slight sadness that crept onto the 'president's face when he said 'service robot' did not go unnoticed by Ainz.

"I see, definitely that's more than I expected."

"Hahahaha, that's great, shall we continue?"

With a simple nod in response, they continued to visit the rest of the facilities.

When they left they thanked him for introducing the new business, as well as assuring him they would have his support.

I can't believe it, I never thought I'd hear such a Japanese name in this world, 'Umahara', I have to investigate that pony.

While mentally reviewing everything he had seen during his visit, he and Nabel boarded the train that would take them back to Ponyville, as soon as it left, the Overlord communicated his objectives to his subordinate.

"While we were walking around the facilities, I marked several points, now we already have free access to their facilities and documentation, we will have to investigate if something is of real use to us."

"Yes Ainz-sama, it is just as you say, it is certainly impressive that mere beasts have been able to create some of those inventions."

"Umu, [Message]… Demiurge."

'Yes, Ainz-sama, how can I help you.'

"We finally got access to the Cobbler Mustang underground base, when I return to Nazarick I will share the locations I marked with you, I want you to get as much information as possible from all the highest-ranking scientists in the organization, also, Cobbler has a hatred more deep into Celestia that we thought initially you have to keep an eye on him, neither should you lose attention to his main projects, after all, he is the first in this world to create a real functional intelligence, even when he has not realized what he has truly created and what consider only one machine."

"Oh, so he have built an automaton, I understand, I'll set up a surveillance and intelligence gathering group right away."

"Umu, make sure they are of the right level, remember that almost any automaton has excellent detection capabilities."

"YES" (ends message)

Okay, now that that's covered, there's just one more thing left to do. "Naberal"

"Yes, Ainz-sama."

"As soon as we get to Ponyville you will be assigned to the town at all times until further notice, the units in it will report to you, I want you to keep me informed about any anomaly, novelty, or important event."


Well with this everything is covered, for now, it only remains to see what happens later.

During the following month, everything progressed, both in Equestria and in the sorcerer kingdom, at first, the school of friendship faced problems with E.E.A. and Chancellor Neigh Shy, but finally, the school started as it should, with its own guidelines and rules, the students showed their unity, opposing to break their ties of friendship or separate; the Diamond Dog of the plains had finished the monument to Ainz and in the sorcerer kingdom everything was going smoothly, those who still felt tied to the Storm King had been already expelled, all the citizens who could cause trouble or upset the masses left the cities as the new laws were preventing their excesses, the doppelgänger who replaced Strong Horn and Frienze fulfilled their role to perfection by forming their army in 'the shadows', In addition, all the information in the Princess of Friendship library was almost finished processing.

While recalling all the steps that had been carried out in his master's plans, a certain demon in a red suit was reviewing the latest reports that had been delivered to him by the librarian's subordinates.

Wonderful! Just wonderful, Ainz-sama is incredible, everything is going as planned, and to think that he has done it with minimal intrusions! The show is almost ready, *slip* excellent, mhn? I see, so most of the material in the library was fiction or useless references, but not all of it was rubbish, there was interesting material on arcane knowledge, that means that soon we will start testing, *slip* ohh, so they are already starting studying the book's with the sun enchantments, um… maybe I should make it's study a priority.

When he began to read the reports on the school of friendship, a section especially caught his attention.

"Oh hohoho, what an ambitious filly, so, Cozy Glow huh, I think it would be best to follow up on this, it may be of interest to Ainz-sama, but we can leave it to here, for now, we must continue with you."

The Archdemon placed the reports on his desk and turned his attention to his companion.

This was no longer the first time Chrysalis had been here, but that didn't mean it was more bearable, after all, what normal creature could get used to living in a literal hell?

Ghack, I hate being here, I can barely stand the literal hellish heat, and on top of it all, the agony, despair, and fear that permeate the place turns my stomach, not counting the terrifying demons I usually encounter, *shigh* And to think that I am used to seeing demons and creatures that could easily end the world by themselves, hehe, if any of my ex subordinates had told me that I would end up in this situation when Thorax stole my hive I would have branded it as crazy or I would have accepted Starlight's offer.

The ex-changeling queen would have remained deep in thought had it not been for the demon's voice that brought her back to the present.


"Uh? Oh, yeah… erm, sorry, how can I help you Demiurge-sama, will we have another 'session'?" -said the changeling apprehensively-

Maybe it didn't hurt, but the mental stress of being conscious while they dismembered her and made her use her magic and/or abilities, was simply too much, she always ended up passing out from shock for several hours, but apparently, the demon would take pity on her for today.

"No, that's not the case, in fact, I think we've already gotten everything we could from you, at least physiologically speaking,"

Hearing these words a pessimistic thought crossed the changeling's mind.

They don't need me anymore, they're going to kill me!

But as if reading his mind the guardian continued.

"But you don't have to worry, as long as you continue to serve Ainz-sama faithfully, you will be under his protection, no, you have to suspend your training for the moment, a mission has arisen for you"

"A mission?" That is something new, I did not think that they would entrust me with anything so soon "What is my mission if I can know it."

"It will not be complicated at all, what I plan, is to visit a couple of places, first of all, we will visit your place of birth, we need more information about what generated you; although we already investigated the place and collected samples, I want to make sure that nothing has been disregarded, after all, I need more information about how your 'mother' and your 'father' conceived you. "

Hearing this, Chrysalis felt her face heat up, luckily for her, she couldn't blush, unfortunately, she could stutter.

"B-b-b-but w-what is Demiurge-sama saying! I was born from a tree in a swamp! I have no mother or father, I apologize, but, I was born from a tree, just as I told you before."

"That reasoning is partly wrong, it is true that your 'mother' as such does not exist, since you were born from a contaminated tree, but our investigation says that it is not enough for your creation, so after a little research, we managed to find who is probably your 'father'."

The former queen was completely dumbfounded, she had no idea how to react to that news, her eyes were wide and her jaw almost on the floor, while a line constantly repeated itself in her head.

I have a father, I have a father, I have a father, I have a father….

"Precisely, it is something that should not be possible, so we still have a piece or two of the puzzle that is your existence to find, so the need to get more information, for that purpose you will meet with your 'father', from which you will get more information about your conception, more specifically about your origin or the conditions that led to your birth. "

"Chrysalis, pay attention." -the guardian of the seventh floor admonished her, making her come to herself- "it so happens that at the moment he is near the place of your birth, so we will take him to it, once there, you will face him and make him talk as much as you can about it, but you are forbidden to harm Starswirl."


"That's our suspect, at least with all what we have found."

"It won't be easy, he is the most talented unicorn in combat to date."

"No problem, we'll take care of the capture, you just get information from him."

"So… do I have to brainwash him?"

Demiurge slid a paper across the desk towards the former queen as he spoke.

"Unfortunately, that will not be necessary, in fact, it would be quite counterproductive for future plans, we cannot allow it neither simply kidnap him and get everything he knows directly, his disappearance for a long period would be too noticeable, is that clear?"

"Yes, it is very clear."

"Now, we have prepared a story that you are going to stick to, study it well, you have a few hours, after that, we have to move."

"Understood, I'll make sure to memorize it as soon as possible."

"What will be the second place we will visit? Will I need to disguise up?"

"It will not be necessary, in fact, depending on the situation we may delay it a bit, I intend for you to complete the ritual you wanted to do when we found you, I want to confirm some hypotheses."

"I understand, but it will take some time to gather the necessary materials."

"There will be no problem, the materials are already in our hands, there is nothing to worry about, you have until we leave to prepare what you might need, you can leave."

"Yes, with your permission."

When the changeling said goodbye, the demon lord of greed escorted her to the ninth floor, while the Archdemon sank back into his thoughts, and a smile formed on his face.

There is very little left, if everything turns out within acceptable parameters we can win a new weapon.

"An old unicorn was walking calmly on the dirt road, even though the color of his coat was a generic gray and his body was quite skinny, he was not someone easy to forget; his outfit consisted of a pointed hat and a marine-blue cape, both stamped with multiple stars, the hat was adorned on the edges and the tip with bells, which caused them to hang a bit; but the most noticeable was his long white beard, it was nothing more and nothing less than Starswirl the bearded.

"But who would have guessed! This area of ​​Equestria hasn't changed one bit."

*Rustle rustle*


*Rustle rustle*

"Who is there? For your own good, reveal yourself!"

Hearing noises around him, the ancient wizard became alert and readied his magic, ready to attack anyone who approached from the trees and bushes first, but suddenly something hit him hard on the back of his neck and he lost consciousness.

When he began to regain consciousness, the first thing that flooded his mind was the headache, the second that he was immobilized with something that was not rope, it was some semi-rigid substance that fully restricted hid movement, when he finally opened his eyes and his sight cleared, he realized he was hanging upside down inside some kind of cave.

He tried to use his magic to free himself, but this kind of hardened slime also covered his horn and prevented him from using magic, while he struggled to try to free himself he tried to recognize his surroundings, because of the color of the rocks and the ground had not been taken very far from Where he was captured, the cave seemed familiar to him but he was not able to remember where or when, suddenly a voice with a slight reverberation coming from behind made him freeze.

"Ah, I see that you have already woken up, I am sorry for the rudeness, but I was not sure that you would accept my invitation if I simply extended it."

The source of the voice kept getting closer as he spoke, Starswirl could hear the creature's hooves as it walked, this relaxed him slightly, at least they wouldn't try to eat it, after all, the cadence in the creature's gait and the fact that has hoofs, it marked him as an equine creature or similar, however, when the creature entered his line of sight, he was speechless, the entity in front of him was as black as coal, but at the same time shiny like an insect, the wings on his back matched that appearance, they were membranous, the mane and tail were a greenish color, but what truly left him speechless was not the appearance it had, during the multiple trips he had already known all kinds of creatures, no, what do left him speechless and stunned, was the last word that came out of the creature's fangs.

"Or yes, 'father'?"

It wasn't until almost a minute later that the unicorn's brain was able to form coherent thoughts.

"But what nonsense are you talking about, creature?!"

*Ghasph* "You hurt my feelings 'father', do you call me a creature and not a daughter? But how cruel you are! Stop lying! Or perhaps the next thing you will tell me is that you don't remember my mother either, huh?"

The unicorn's neutral and emotionless gaze was exactly what Chrysalis desired, and continuing with her false pain, she continued to act.

*Ghasph* "You dare to do it! Even though you were cruel enough to ruin her in her youth?"

Starswirl wasn't sure if it was from his head or not, but he was beginning to feel his face heat up a bit.

"Uh... excuse me young lady, but... I don't understand what you're talking about, I don't remember meeting someone like-"

"Are you still denying it?! You're more soulless than I thought! So you just abandoned her after nailing her with your…!" -As she spoke, she made faces and gestures with his hooves- "Male tool, your… 'hammer'!"

If he was not sure before, now there was no doubt, he felt that his face was boiling, while the former changeling queen felt great about herself, she was giving what was perhaps the best performance of her entire life, she barely managed not to burst into laughter at the burgeoning emotion of shame on the unicorn in front of her.

"Errrr, young lady, I assure you I did not-"

"Don't deny it! You just took your 'hammer', took aim and struck until 'satisfied', and then you just walked away!"

It was official, this was the most ashamed the unicorn had ever felt in its entire life, it felt like its face was on fire.

"Sorry young lady, but I don't-"

"You just walked away and all you left her was a nail and a sign,"

Hearing these words, all the shame that Starswirl felt disappeared almost immediately and was replaced by doubt, this drastic change brought to mind the 'most complicated' thought that had crossed his mind in his entire life.


"I can't believe you keep denying it! *Sob* even when you're in front of her!"

The thought replayed in his mind as his gaze followed the limb with holes and when his gaze reached its target, the thought escaped his lips.


Before his eyes were the withered carcass of a tree in the middle of a swamp that did not bode well for those who dared to approach, the tree had in its trunk a nail so rusty that it was practically unrecognizable and the remains of a sign that was about to turn to dust at any moment, after a few seconds of looking at it, the pony took another look at the cave he was in and the memories began to resurface, a cave, with a swamp and a dry tree in the center, then he finally remembered.

Oooooh, now I remember, this is the place I came to get rid of potions and failed experiments, if I remember correctly, back then there were rumors that previously the place had been used as a landfill for executed criminals, I never found remains so I thought they were simply stories used to justify that it was a dead zone where nothing could subsist.

Seeing understanding begin to reflect in the unicorn's eyes, Chrysalis used all her willpower to keep her face from twisting into a wide smile.

"So... so long, I'm so sorry young lady, I had completely forgotten, but now I remember, this place and..." -a slight blush was seen on the unicorn's face- "what you were talking about, ahem, good, you are capable of reasoning in the same way that I can, if you lower me we can speak as civilized creatures."

The changeling stayed in her act and pretending to think about it did sometime before answering.

"I don't know 'father', I mean, you're not exactly famous for listening to other creatures before attacking."

The unicorn had the decency to feel hurt by that statement before answering.

*Shigh* "Yes, I am aware of it, however, recently I have been shown my error in that area, so I always try to keep the benefit of the doubt, so I propose the following, if you lower me and do not attack me, I promise you over my name that I will not attack you and I will listen to you, is that okay?"

"That sounds good, but... mmmm, I don't know, mmm..." Hahahaha, you're already in my hooves old-geezer, besides, if you try anything there are already some SD's ready to submit you *shigh* "Okay, I accept your proposal, But at the first hint of attack I will respond in kind, understand?"

"I agree"

With a nod of acceptance, Chrysalis carefully lowered the cocoon, and with it on the ground, used a beam of her magic to opened it freeing the unicorn, which when free, stretched a little, letting himself hear some of its joints pop, but when he tried to fix his clothes he realized that he still couldn't use magic.

"Ehem, I think you forgot a bit." -Starswirl said pointing a hoof towards his horn-

"Mnh? Oh no, I didn't forget, it was intentional, I didn't want you to feel attacked, you can remove that yourself with your hooves, it's not so stuck."

Chrysalis answered turning one of her hooves in front of her, downplaying the fact, and after a bit of struggle the unicorn was finally free, so they sat facing each other, separated by little more than a meter and Starswirl began.

"Well let's get started, first of all, I'd like to start by asking you a question."

"Very well 'father', I think it's a good idea, you ask and I answer, then I ask and you answer, that way we can both move forward."

"Umu, first of all, how come you are so sure that I was the one who… intervened?"

"For two things, first of all, for the memories of 'mother', she gave me all her knowledge, presences, images and sensations, second, because I still remember the sign that was nailed to it, it was signed with your name."

Hahahaha, how am I enjoying all this!, I am not giving him practically any information, and even so I am managing to make a legendary pony squirm in discomfort in front of me, that is already more than enough, hahahaha.

Chrysalis was feeling in glory right now and planned to enjoy it as much as possible.

"It's my turn," - keeping the mask of innocence, she continued - "if you weren't here to 'nail' my 'mother', then what were you doing?"

"I assumed this was a dead zone, I came here to dispose of failed potions or do dangerous experiments; my turn, why look for me now? I mean, you could have looked for me before."

"Before I was busy procuring food for my siblings/subjects, now I am not, also a psychologist I was going to in disguise to try to understand why I had so many problems in life recommended that I face the problems with my parents with the intention of try to understand myself, so it was a bit of both, chance and intention that I brought you together today; it's my turn, what is this place where 'mother' is? I don't know anything about this place before the point where mother memories started, do you know 'father'? "

"Ahem, just a few rumors that I heard before, only then I just dismissed them, but maybe they have some truth, this swamp was supposed to be a dump for corpses during wartime in the past."

Their conversation lasted a long time and after many hours of talking, when they said goodbye something happened that the changeling did not expect.

(AN: this conversation is expanded in Chrysalis in the Great Tomb of Nazarick if you like to know it)

"Well, it was very nice chatting with you, but I think I should hurry to get to the next town, after all, it's getting late and I haven't eaten yet," -the pony got up and adjusted his attire- "I am currently traveling all over Equestria, but... if you want us to meet again to talk... just send a letter to Princess Twilight in Poniville, she knows how to contact me," -he secured his wagon and advanced, but when he reached the entrance of the cave he stopped for a moment and turning over his shoulder, he said goodbye- "See you later... daughter."

Having finished, the unicorn continued on its way while trying to reconcile a thought.

Who could have guessed it? I have a daughter! And although I have never had a lover, I never imagined that my first offspring would be created by a potion with my 'essence' that I consider failed and not begotten, incredible; good, but not everything can be a bed of roses, I need to check if that theory holds, I wonder if the list I wrote of my failed experiments will still exist? Well, I can verify that later, I have to get to town as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, inside the cave, a stunned changeling was sitting on the ground on her hindquarters and staring off into the distance.

So this is how it tastes? I would never have believed it, it was just a sip, a bite and diluted between pride and appreciation, but, even so, it was so sweet, so delicious...

A voice interrupted her thoughts and when she turned to her right, she could see the portal from which the demon came out.

"What's wrong Chrysalis, has something unexpected happened?"

"Eh? Ah, Demiurge-sama, no, well something like that, do you know I feed on emotions? More precisely of love?"

"Indeed, I am aware of your nutritional needs, what is the reason for your question?"

"Actually I can feed on any emotion, but only love is capable of nourishing my race, however, from our appearance, the only way to survive was by stealing it and it is always a delicious delicacy, that's why I previously had Thorax as a idiot for accepting the friendship of the ponies, but at this moment, even though it was only a small sample diluted among other emotions, the love that that unicorn voluntarily gave to my real me, tasted infinitely better than any amount I had stolen before," -the changeling turned her gaze to the cave entrance again- "It's simply the tastiest and most filling I've ever tasted."

"Is that so?"

The response the Archfiend received was only a nod from the former queen.

"I see ... Well, however we have to move, we have already obtained enough information to prove or disprove many of my theories regarding your existence, now we must leave immediately, there is still much to do."

The demon took a couple of steps forward and created a portal, seeing him disappear Chrysalis finally came out of her stupor, got up and hurriedly followed him.

Oh no, they are going to leave me behind!

In the middle of a clearing in the Everfree forest, there were several figures, most of them small, but near them there was a huge one, it was a skeletal dragon, a level 40 undead that although its physical attributes were not a big deal, His special bonus made him especially useful for the current task, the rest were Red's team of Hanzo, and the last two figures in the group were Demiurge and Chrysalis, the latter was finishing explaining the spell she was about to use.

"I see, so in short, the function of the spell is to make an exact copy of the targets?"

"That is Demiurge-sama."

"Okay, the materials are already prepared, I want you to perform the spell, in the meantime we will monitor the development, as soon as it is complete you will take the copies to the tree of harmony, I want to see what it's reaction to them will be."

"Understood... what in the event that I achieve my goal?"

"The elements of harmony are quite weak, they are mere extensions of the tree and the carriers, for me it is the same if they are destroyed or anything happens to them, but we should not draw attention unnecessarily, so in the remote case that you obtained them, you must return them to its site. "

The demon took out a scroll from his pocket and used it, as the dragon faded from view, the Archfiend continued.

"You can start, [Invisibility]"

The moment she lost everyone's sight, the former queen decided it was a good time to start, took a deep breath and focused her magic.

While watching the development of the experiment, Demiurge felt satisfied, the theories he had about the changeling's spell turned out to be correct, she could not control her creations, they even planned to betray her, but the funniest thing about the whole thing, was the fact that they themselves were not able to differentiate themselves from the real ones, apparently the latter entered the forest for some reason and had accidentally separated; the biggest surprise of the experiment was that the copies resulted with a very different karma than the real ones, when he examined the liar and lazy Applejack, realized that the event did not turn out inverse as he had expected, however, in the end it was in the range of expectations, the tree recognized the antithesis of the copies and with its energy tendons destroyed them.

As soon as the former queen returned to the rendezvous point, the Archfiend collected the remaining pieces of wood for further study and returned to the rendezvous point as well.

An instant later, the M6 ​​and Starlight, went down to the cave where they were going to camp and began to fix their tents.

Back in the clearing, the first thing the former queen noticed was that all the damage the spell had caused had been repaired and the trees had been replaced with new ones.

Their ability to modify the terrain naturally continues to amaze me, well, everything is ready, I have to continue. -Chrysalis thought briefly-

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath to calm herself, gathered her magic and used the spell again, the result was exactly the same as the previous time, the copies of the M6s stood up and just by looking at them, the ex-queen realized which were exactly the same as the previous copies.

*Shigh* "Listen well useless, everyone is going to obey, like it or not!"

"And who is going to force us, you? HA! What a good joke!" -answered the copy of Twilight and immediately afterwards cast a magic beam with the intention of ending the changeling, but realizing that her target seemed immovable, she increased the force of the attack as much as she could while smiling maliciously, however, The laughter she received in response to her efforts wiped the smile off her face.


When the copy stopped its attack to try to understand what was happening, the unprecedented scene in front of her caused surprise in all the copies, between her and her target now was a pile of bones that stood up, all the copies followed it with their eyes upwards.

The afternoon had fallen since the first copies had reached the tree of harmony, so the little light that illuminated the clearing came from the moon, so it was hardly possible to differentiate shapes, but something was very clear to them, whatever it was, it wasn't just a simple pile of bones, and the red flames glowing within what appeared to be the creature's eye sockets terrified them, just as most were about to scream, run or attack, a voice behind made them turn around.

"Yare yare yare, the experiments shouldn't attack their creators, but hey, that was to be expected from rough copies."

"Who are you calling crude copy?!, your piece of-"

"[Be quiet], *shigh* but what noisy flies, this is what I meant when I said your plan was destined to fail from the start." -the Archdemon interrupted the attempt to insult him with his [Domination Mantra], when they were unable to speak, the copy of Twilight charged his horn to attack the newcomer with all his might and just when she was going to release her attack, the voice was heard again.

"[Stop Resisting and Bow Down]"

Instantly the attack faded from the horn of the copied alicorn and a look of alarm and fear showed on the faces of the copies.

The former queen, approached until she was standing in front of the demon and prostrating herself asked.

"Demiurge-sama, everything has turned out just as predicted, will we do any other tests?"

"No, we have already accomplished what we came here to do, it's time to go back, [Gate], we have to leave" -he said with a smile that promised nothing good to the copies- "[Get up and follow me]"

The demon crossed the portal, closely followed by the copies, behind them crossed the team of Red and the dragon, while Chrysalis took a last look around.

"Well, at least they spared me the embarrassment of one last defeat, but, although I wish the worst for those pesky mares, I don't even wish them to fall into the clutches of that demon, *shigh* I think I feel sorry even for their copies" *trembling*

The changeling crossed the portal and it closed behind her.