• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 5,111 Views, 304 Comments

Ainz Ooal Gown in Equestria - zakan

Instead of get trowed out of the server in the last day of Yggdrasil, Satoru got to a world full of... ¿ponies?; ¿how will react the inhabitants of Equestria to the coming of an undead of the higest order?

  • ...

The After Party Fourth part

Author's Note:

First of all My Little Pony was created and is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust, Overlord is owned by Kugane Murayama and are not mine, this is a fan story made with the intent to entertain and if it's possible steal you a smile.

English it's not my mother language, so please, if you catch some grammar mistake, or you have some suggestion for better puns or double meaning words to replace the ones already used put it in the comments and I will see if I can make it work.
DK = Death Knight
ES = Emotional Suppressor
EEA = Eight edge assassins
SOC = Summit of the Creatures
E.E.A. = Equestria Education Assembly
'magical or technological communication'
*sound effect or onomatopoeia*

One more today! hehehe, also I must thank to 'The hat man' for let me make a reference to his story 'The iron horse', I will not recount his whole story just going to put it as part of the events in the timeline, it is a pretty good story I recommend it.

Chrysalis was content as far as possible, she had worried when upon reaching Mount Everhoof she could not even approach the base by flying, but after verifying that she would not succeed, she received a 'Message' from the demon giving her new instructions, she had to obtain and test the bell, the best of all was that it did not matter if it was damaged or not, only that she delivered it at the end, the only bad thing was that since she could not reach it by herself she had to return with the others, to her surprise, Tirek had not even tried, he was simply resting on a recliner that he made himself apparently, as for the dwarf pegasus, she had returned almost at the same time as her, to tell the truth just a few moments before and she got quite frustrated since she can't find anyone to take advantage of all the way.

Since she needed both hindrances to work for her benefit, she decided to take advantage of the vein that the Pegasus exposed in a moment of stress, so for much of the night, they spent making fun of the M6 ​​while the Changeling personified them by way of derision, Twilight being the most repeated.

The next morning, everything developed to the hilt, between the three of them they reached the top relatively easy, the only bump in the way was that it took a leap of faith giving her magic to Tirek to be able to remove the bell from the cave Since it was protected by a very strong barrier, fortunately, she was able to show a pitiful enough image without being suspicious to the centaur and the pegasus to avoid being betrayed.

"I think we shouldn't give it to Grogar." -she said-

"I agree with Chrysalis, he doesn't inspire any confidence in me." -added Cozy-

"Trust? It's a FACT, that he will get rid of us as soon as it no longer needs us, I agree, we don't have to give it up, but what do we do?" -Asked the centaur-

"We will tell him the truth," -The changeling's words caused the other two to tense up- "We will tell him that we managed to reach the top working as a team, as ordered, but our 'individual' abilities were not enough to recover it."

The former queen enunciated with a malicious smile that was soon shared by the other two, after agreeing implicitly, they all left the makeshift camp; once back in Grogar's lair, they faced his fury with a silly face, but not before hiding the bell in a hollow log in the swamp.

"How could you not get the bell back? You're a bunch of useless! *Mumble mumble* but it's not like I don't have a backup plan, unlike you assholes!"

The ram began to walk towards the exit, seeing this, the trio of villains exchanged curious glances and Cozy was the one who spoke for everyone.

"You're leaving now?"

"The bell is not the only powerful magical artifact that exists, I will be leaving for now, but I will return in two months at the most, you better be here when I return."

With this, Grogar withdrew grumbling about the uselessness of today's villains, while the trio exchanged knowing and evil glances, but they were not careless, they waited a couple of days to be sure that the ram was truly gone, Chrysalis took advantage of this time, between her outings to eat delivered her reports and the day before she had received information if she had any problem using the bell, in the archives of the most restricted section of the Canterlot library there was a book that could help her.

"Well, I think that was enough waiting."

Tirek said entering the lair with the bell in one of his hands, upon hearing him, the other two joined him in the center of the place; For the next several hours, the three of them were trying to figure out how to use it without much success.

*Shigh* "We can mock and insult the stupid princesses as much as we want, but there is one thing I must admit, they have amassed a great deal of knowledge and secrets." Although it is nothing if we compare it with the great library of Ashurbanipal, that place is colossal, I think the Canterlot castle looks dwarf in comparison, *shigh* if only it could correctly read the language of the supreme beings. "When I tried to take Canterlot, I did a thorough reconnaissance of the castle and found some sections forbidden to practically anyone, I'm sure there must be some information about the bell that can help us."

The others looked at the changeling curiously when she paused for a long time, but her suggestion was a good one.

"And how do you plan to get in? We can't exactly walk over and ask to be let in." -said the centaur sarcastically-

"Oh, but we will not go directly to Canterlot, we must imitate the steps that Sombra did well." -Said Chrysalis with a smug smile on his face-

"But destroying the tree didn't work and draining the magic has already proven useless on more than one occasion!" -Cozy answered as she raised an eyebrow and crossed the front hooves while staying in the air -

"Of course it did not work, for this, it is necessary to attack the true source, we will take our time, we will spread mistrust, we will spread rumors and we will back it up with sporadic attacks here and there, that way we will weaken its power! muahahahahahaha."

The centaur and the pegasus recognized that it was a good plan and laughed evilly with the changeling.

Inside the great tomb of Nazarick, sitting on the throne of kings, was the master of death, he had been urgently summoned by Albedo to the tomb, but the report he received far exceeded his expectations, it was simply incredible.

"A world item?!"

"Yes, Ainz-sama, Pandora's Actor reported that in that place there are several items of varied ranges that it would not be strange to find in anyone's usual equipment, but these humans only concentrated on weapons, armor, and potions, the World item 'Two-world mandala', was found in an archive area, among artifact books and scrolls of varying levels."

"I see, 'Two-World mandala', mmm…"

But what the hell! How come there is a world item here? Isn't this supposed to be another world?!, (SE) no, wait...

"Did Pandora investigate if the item is ready to use or does it have traces of having been used?"

"Yes, according to his report, the item is in the waiting period, although it does not seem to be long before it ends, he reported an anomaly, the wait to use it again does not seem to be measured in time, but rather in percentage, everything points to that it has already been consumed more than 99% of the time but the last part progresses erratically, so we are not sure exactly how long it will take to be ready, based on his observations, Pandora estimates a year at most."

That means a player used it before, but it didn't disappear, does that mean it's about to? Or is it just not one of the 20 and is going to stay in his place? Is it possible? I mean for heaven's sake it created a whole world?!

"Hmm… could he find out how long all these items have been in the possession of humans?"

"Not exactly, but according to Pandora's report it is estimated to be around 25 to 30 thousand years old."

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHH, SO MUCH! (SE), no, wait, that may truly be possible, if I remember correctly, the SDs reported something about the story of a necromancer that happened more than six thousand years ago, something that remained a mere legend even in the mind of the alicorns, that means that I am not the first to arrive here, the question now is...

"Could the item's function be verified? Or, what was the last thing done with it?"

At the Overlord's question, the succubus felt herself slump slightly.

"Unfortunately it was only possible to get a vague description of its last use my lord, the report indicates that it was used to separate, apparently we cannot access its complete information until the waiting time expires."

Hearing the answer, Ainz again fell into a thoughtful pose.

Separate, but separate what? Mmm… 'Two-world mandala'… Two-world… don't tell me that! is it possible?!

Ainz dropped the pensive pose that he had taken unconsciously and took the posture 'supreme ruler # 1 on his throne to give instructions.

"I understand, so that's the way things are, Albedo, the team on the other side of the mirror will have to change its task from now on, it will no longer be necessary to investigate, I have already concluded what is happening, from now on your task will be to monitor the number and frequency of the portals constantly for the next thirty days, I want weekly reports on everything obtained."

"Yes, it will be done as ordered."

The weeks went by and many events unfolded, during the first week Aura and her beasts captured two ponies with interesting abilities scurrying through the Everfree forest hurt and tring to leave fast, the mare seemed to have esper abilities, while the stallion seemed to have Juggernaut classes, that they decided to send them to Demiurge, the first report from the other side of the mirror arrived with the first data gathered, during the second week, the biggest news in the international arena, was that Grifonia officially declared himself a vassal of the sorcerer kingdom, during the third week, Turing Test suffered an accident in the Everfree forest, getting stuck inside it, after having followed her, Aura felt sorry for her, after all she had helped one of the beasts that now obeyed her, so she created a clear trail for the ponies that came looking for her, making it easier for them to find her, the fourth week passed without notoriety for Equestria, except for some espionage problems that Venderbull's company suffered, fortunately for him, Nabel had electrocuted the guilty leaving him unconscious after they collided with her and tried to escape without apologizing and that same day, after handing over the spies to the authorities, the sale contract between Yggdrasil and Venderbull industries was carried out with the signature of both parties in the sunset, and the day after the purchase, Ainz confirmed his theory after reviewing the fourth report from the other side of the mirror, soon, he would cross to the other side personally, so he ordered Pandora to return; during the fifth week after the world item report, a stallion-like automaton, appeared in Poniville, fighting and defeating the M6 ​​and Turing, taking the latter with him back the way he came, causing the start of a relentless search by Twilight and her friends, after follow some traces that the information shared by Celestia provided when they notified her of what happened, they visited Mustangia, where they met the Peach family and were captured by Cobbler.

When things started to get more hectic on the other side of the mirror, the M7s also had their share of problems, in some cities perfect doubles of multiple individuals began to appear, and increasingly mature and dangerous creatures began to appear.

With the increase in doubles that suddenly appeared, the government began to give notifications through official channels, all civil trips, flights, trains and any other means of transport that allowed to move between cities, as well as the exits of these and any other Personal transportation and had been banned, officers constantly patrolled the streets to deal with any dangerous creatures quickly.

With this atmosphere weighing on the streets, the M7s had met with the principal and vice-principal of Canterlot High School in the former's office to discuss the matter.

There was concern on everyone's face.

"Girls, have you managed to find out something?" -Asked Celestia-

"Or have you received any response from Princess Twilight?" -Added Luna-

"No, I actually just received extremely disturbing news from Equestria, *Shigh* Princess Twilight hasn't contacted me for several days, but today I received a response from Princess Celestia."

This made the two women curious.

"Princess... Celestia?" -Luna asked with some doubt-

"Um, errr, yeah, I've already told you about Equestria's diarchy before." –Said the redhead playing nervously with her hands and after receiving a nod from the two women she continued- "The monarchs that control the sun and the moon respectively on the other side, well… are… you hehe." -finished with a nervous smile-

The news was a bomb for everyone present, it was the first time that each and every one of them had heard it, the first to recover from the daze was Celestia.

"Well, that explains some things, but this is not the time for that, what is the news you received from me, from Celestia, from the princess... ARRGg, you understand me!"

The headmistress's reaction caused a small smile on the redhead.

"Princess Twilight and her friends are missing, plus, just like us, many creatures in Equestria have been running into their doubles, but it hasn't been a big deal so far, the royal guard has focused on sedating those who get frantic and gather all the transported, explain the situation they are in and make sure they are safe; the bad news is that some have appeared in inhospitable or dangerous areas and have not been able to be saved, the scholars and ministers of magic are still looking for the cause of everything, but they still do not achieve anything, they also recommended not to open the portal for fear of worsening the situation on both sides."

*Shigh* "The way things are going, I have no doubt that classes will soon be canceled as well." -Comment Celestia- "without a doubt what happens is something magical, I hope that you or our other selves will soon find the root of the problem."

However, this was not the only meeting that was taking place at that very moment in this world, at the summit of nations, representatives of all nations fervently discussed the current problem, blaming each other and demanding solutions from no one in particular.


Everyone was frantic, the representatives had already been in the building for several days and with each passing day, only worse news emerged from all sides, and each day the moderator had more trouble calming down everyone.

When everyone was finally silent for a moment, the moderator, a stocky man, dressed in a blue suit, a white shirt, and a red tie that was beginning to leave his best years behind, came down from the podium and gave the floor to the North representative. American, a man who shone more for his expensive outfit than for his looks.

"Gentleman, fellow delegates, we must stop behaving like children, we are not here to look for culprits, we have come together to find a solution, the current situation is affecting us all! either in a lesser or greater way, but all we are also suffering from it! We need to calm the fears of the people, the results are necessary, for this we must arrive today at a temporary solution that allows us the time necessary to achieve a permanent one, we do not have the time to try to find the culprits, We have to create a solution!"

With the state of total emergency, the extraordinary session of the summit was being broadcast live by a large number of television networks, all the people were watching the event, so seeing that the camera was filled with screams and accusations did not get up the spirits of any spectators, in the CMC classroom, teacher Cheerilee was taking advantage of the broadcast as an example for her students of how NOT to solve a problem, but the next thing that happened made her immediately send someone to the directress office.

"As you can see, this is the best possible example of… cole… ctive… panic… Scootalo?"

"Yes, Miss Cherrilee?"

"Go as fast as you can to the headmistress office, I'm sure Sunset and the others are there now, told them that they must watch the news on the web."

Not listening to the little girl leave, the teacher took her eyes off the screen.


The scream finally brought the crusader out of the trance and she shot out of the room, fortunately, it was not far, only two rooms from her destination, the little girl opened the door without ceremony, suddenly, scaring the rest in the room, with absolute urgency, practically without stopping she reached the desk and yelled her message.



*Heeee Ffffuuu heee* "News, online, summit, NOW!"

Without wasting time, Celestia immediately opened the news site on her computer and put the broadcast live from the summit, thanks to the slight lag between the analog and digital signal, of the newscast, they observed the events almost from the same point in which the crusader had left her classroom.

The moderator tried to restore order in the room without much success.

"Order! Order! Order in the room!"

With all the uproar, the North American delegate got annoyed at being cut off and spoke to himself in a low voice.

"But what a bunch of idiots, don't they know who's boss? A bunch of idiots."

To his surprise and regret, his last sentence was heard loud and clear in the room, all the representatives and delegates had suddenly shut up and the podium microphone was open when Patriot Charm realized what had just happened, and The political headache that this was going to feed ran through his mind, but when not a single word of reproach was heard he really paid attention, then realized that they were not looking at him, but at a point behind him, He turned and his face shared the same disbelief as the rest, a few meters from the podium, a vortex of darkness with light reddish tints was where before there was nothing but a wall, and he, who was the one closest, was the one first to hear it.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

A rhythmic metallic pounding came from the oval, the reporters, who until now had not paid any attention to the much-repeated political discussion, immediately rushed their cameramen to begin recording.

The first thing to appear through the portal was a golden staff similar to a caduceus in appearance, but with more snakes and a gem in the mouth of each one, but what truly caused everyone to panic, was the one who carried it, from the darkness a skeleton dressed in black robes with violet and gold details emerged, behind him, a man with pointed ears and brown skin, clad in a red suit with fine yellow vertical lines, which only the North American delegate managed to differentiate and closing the march, a stunning woman with long black hair and dressed in pure white with very intricate details and exquisite jewelry, left the portal, closing this finally, the beauty of the latter was so bewitching, that no one in the room noticed the wings in the waist or horns in their temples, at first sight, the scene was so unreal that no one was able to say a word, at least not until the skeleton broke the silence.

Wuuuuaaaahaaaaa, but how uncomfortable! The atmosphere is so dense that it can be cut with a knife.

Albedo took a couple of steps forward and threw the stunned Patriot Charm against his designated spot in the room, knocking him unconscious in the process, it goes without saying that no one could believe his eyes, that a woman with such delicate features threw a man adult with such aim almost fifteen meters using only one hand, it was truly not a common thing after all eyes left the man knocked out and concentrated in the front, Ainz approached the podium and began to speak while the man stood at his left and the woman to his right, both a step behind the skeleton.

"Good morning representatives and delegates, I am the master of life and death, the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown!"

In the director's office of Canterlot High School, everyone present was stunned by what they were seeing on the screen, Rainbow even pinched AJ on the arm.

"YEEOOUCH! What the heck is wrong with y'a?!"

Any additional comment was cut off by the exclamation of surprise Sunset gave when she heard the skeleton introduce himself.

*GHASPH!* "What is the Sorcerer King doing here?!"

"S-Sunset, do you know anything about that thing?" –Twilight asked still somewhat stunned to see a skeleton speak-

"Just what Princess Twilight told me, but she never mentioned that it was a talking skeleton! *Shigh* this is what I wanted to talk to you about over lunch, but I think for now we shouldn't miss any details of what is happening."

Hearing this, the others agreed with the redhead and focused their attention on the monitor again.

The scene was total chaos, as soon as the attendees overcame enough the shock caused by the appearance of the newcomers, outrageous screams began to fly, some with demands, others with disbelief, but the vast majority was of terror, a good amount tried to run towards the exits and escape the room in a hurry, but as soon as they turned and/or started running towards the exits, to their horror the doors were being blocked by creatures of humanoid form, but with eight limbs ending in blades and each of the three exits was blocked by two of these creatures.

It was a group of EEA that crossed the portal before the rest, their instructions were to put a blockade to the exits, but they did not have permission to kill anyone.

"But how scandalous, Demiurge."

The demon bowed slightly and took two steps forward.


They were all surprised to find themselves suddenly unable to produce any sound with their mouths, and the shock only increased.

"[Go back to your places] and [Don't get up]"

As soon as the order was carried out by all, the demon turned and bowed again, which he maintained as he spoke.

"The worms are ready to receive your magnanimous words Ainz-sama."

"Umu, good job."

The women watching the screen in Celestia's office felt that the state of absolute shock was already permanent.

"That guy! Did he really do that?! and only with his voice!"

The athlete exclaimed in utter disbelief, to everyone's surprise, the unsolicited response came from Fluttershy.

"His voice is… his voice is like mine!" -she spoke with surprise-

This attracted the looks of the rest who asked 'how did you say?'

"Erm, I mean, I can make the animals obey me by talking to them, but even when we get ponyed up I couldn't control such a large crowd... or so I think." -finished making herself small in her chair before she looks at the rest, but the voice of the skeleton coming from the screen, again claimed everyone's attention-

"I stand before you for one reason only, the world as you know it is coming to an end."

All the representatives and reporters widened their eyes, and not only them, by this time, practically everyone was watching the live broadcast, everyone was hugging their loved ones, some even committed suicide, but it was understandable, how anyone will not despair when death itself declared that the world was about to end, yet only one individual in the world was concerned for the right reason.

Shit! Shit! (ES) SHIT! (ES), what an idiot! Why did I have to say it that way?! (SE) *Shigh* there is no other choice, I will have to say more than I thought to do.

"However, this does not mean that everyone is going to die, but for you to understand it correctly, it will be necessary to reveal the reality of the world; first of all, there are two things that you must accept, the first is that your world is not complete, half is missing, and the second is that you are not human, you are humanoid or semi-human if you prefer."

"But what kind of nonsense 's that thing yapping about?!" -said the farmer annoyed- "How the hell is the world incomplete! any fool can travel around it!"

"Applejack dear, I think you are ignoring the most important part, he said that we are not fully human, only partially!" -admonished with desperation and anger the dressmaker-

"This world originally did not exist, it was formed by taking a good amount of things from the original, I know there will be those who think that I am talking nonsense, but I can assure that anyone who pays enough attention to 'your' history, will realize that in reality, it does not fit perfectly further than 30 thousand years ago."

*Ghasph* "The mismatch of history." -Twilight spoke in a low voice, but Sunset who was next to her managed to hear it-

"What do you mean by 'the mismatch of the story?"

"It is a theory that has always contradicted established history, it was formed by the great amount of incongruity between historical records and physical samples, all these incongruities stop abruptly when history reaches the period of approximately 30,000 years ago."

"We know them too, but we always thought they were just paranoid inventions." -Commented Luna, while everyone returned to focus their attention on the screen-

"I still don't know what exactly caused the division of the world, but judging by the speed with which the barrier that divides them is deteriorating, I am completely sure that it will not last beyond one more year as the best estimate, but it will cease to be habitable in less than six months; during this period, I can assure you that you will not have to worry about the beasts that have appeared, at this moment my subordinates are locating, containing and returning them to their natural habitat throughout the globe, at the same time that they are looking for the origin of the division, until then I can't assure how much time you have left, now, I will answer some questions, however,"-Ainz let out the least possible amount of his bloodlust to flood the room- "I hope it is not necessary to prove it, but I hate the disrespectful."

Please, I don't want this to turn into a massacre! -the skeleton begged in his mind-

The Overlord cut off his bloodlust and signaled to his subordinate who immediately complied with his master's indication.

"Yes, [you Can Move], [you Can Talk]"

Despite the fear they felt, the firsts to run to the front and form an orderly line and raise their hands to ask for the floor were all the reporters who until now were in the background.

Wooooohohoo, they're acting like elementary school kids hehehehe, well I don't blame them for it.

Ainz glanced at the reporters and pointed at one.


*Glup* "T-thank you very much your Highness, Bold Print, CNN reporter, you previously claimed that the creation of our world took a good part of another, was this other destroyed in the process?"

"No, actually, it is in excellent condition."

The reporter was about to launch her next question but was interrupted by Albedo's melodious voice.

"Only one question per individual will be allowed at a time."

This automatically created the second question.


"Q-quick Pen your highness, from Arabian News, is it possible for you to tell us who and/or what are the two individuals accompanying you?"

"Mmnh, I don't see any problem with it, to my right is Albedo, my prime minister," -The succubus made a small bow, causing desire and lust to soar in all the reporters- "to my left is Demiurge, the leader of the branch of… research and development of my kingdom," -The demon repeated the actions of the supervisor, but his sinister smile caused the reporters to shudder-"As for their races, I do not consider it relevant to name them in the current topic, mmm, you."

"Y-yes, Sweet Words from the Univisión network, did you come from the other world? I mean, is there easy access between the two?"

"Not for you, but for me, it's completely trivial."

The question session continued for a while, little by little, with each new glimpse of information obtained by the reporters, the delegates began to relax a bit, some even asked questions, it was an absolute surprise for everyone who watched the broadcast to find out that in the parallel world there were not only a multitude of creatures that had always been considered legends, but also magic was real.

While they were listening to the information that would normally be labeled as a fantasy or nonsense of a madman, the fact that a talking skeleton was telling them, which had entered the room in full view of all, through a wall which has no door, through from a hole in space-time, gave a lot of credibility to his words, when the questions began to focus on the Sorcerer Kingdom, little by little messages or calls began to arrive at the delegates of their respective nations with orders of highest priority, all they followed a similar line, 'it is completely forbidden to anger the sorcerer king'.

Ainz was about to select another reporter when a rude voice interrupted him.

"How dare you treat me like that! ME, the representative of North America!"

While the delegate was almost foaming at the mouth of rage, those around him tried to calm him down without success, then the enraged man took out from among his clothes a special firearm, made of a new generation amalgam that was invisible to the metal detectors, and pointed it at the Overlord, but before he pulled the trigger, one of the delegates in front of him grabbed his wrist and they began to struggle, causing it to be discharged multiple times in the abdomen and chest of the intercessor, the roar of the shots alarmed those around the incident, and the man bleeding on the floor caused horror, the only one with a different expression was the North American delegate, he was throwing a sneer at the Mexican delegate who was dying at his feet, suddenly absolute terror and a threatening voice caused everyone to freeze.

"You are very scandalous."

They all looked to the central podium.

"I don't mind spending time with those who have questions,"

Upon hearing the words of the skeleton, Patriot immediately re-aimed at it and emptied the six shots that remained in the magazine, however, none of the shots hit their target, all were stopped in their tracks by a translucent blue colored barrier, everyone looked stunned at the Sorcerer King who continued speaking as if he hadn't even noticed.

"But I have no patience for idiots [Grasph Heart]"

To everyone's surprise, Patriot Charm who had just reloaded his weapon and was in the process of aiming, just spit out some blood and collapsed, if the room was silent before, now it had a sepulchral silence, after the summit, in different interviews, the emissaries closest to Patriot at the time of the incident swore they had heard a 'pop' as if a balloon exploded just before it collapsed.

*Shig* "This has already become a disaster, now what can I do with the dead? It must be something that justifies me or does not make me look bad" -Ainz thought-

"Demiurge, bring before me the one who tried to stop the attack."

"Yes, immediately."

While his subordinate collected the body, the Overlord circled the podium and went down to the clearing where the reporters were, and when they saw him approach, they backed away.

In CHS, the M6s were stunned, while Sunset, Celestia, and Luna were terrified and the rest were just stunned, the first to find her voice again was the redhead-

"H-he… he… he can just… wish for someone to die and they… will die?!."

"That… seems to be… indeed the case." -the vice directress answered-

"What is he going to do with that man's corpse?" -Dash asked as he settled Fluttershy on the couch since she had fainted when the Mexican delegate collapsed bleeding-

They all made way for the man in the red suit as he carried out his task without any problem; unscrupulously, he simply drag the corpse to the skeleton's feet.

"Every service well done must be duly rewarded."

The Overlord raised his hand and pointed one of his fingers at the corpse, casting his spell.

"[True Resurrection]"

Before the gaze of everyone, present and viewers, all the spilled blood began to fade into specks of light, the wounds of the body began to heal and the body fixing did not stop until the few bullets that remained inside were expelled by the same wounds, then and only then, the inert corpse began to breathe and slowly opened its eyes, while just as slowly looked around.

"Congratulations on your resurrection, your courage has earned you a second chance to live, enjoy it." -said the skeleton as if stating the time-

"Re'urecc'ion? 'ou re'ive me?!" -exclaimed the man extremely confused-

"Of course, for me, death is just another state of being; at the moment your speech is limited, but some rest will fix it."

At that moment, a terrifying-looking ninja appeared from the shadows and knelt before the Overlord.

"Ainz-sama, we found the origin and we are ready to act."

"Umu, well, it seems that our time for today is up, I will attend to this problem, but in a week I will return to this same building, that will be the only opportunity for its rulers to talk to me, if they do not appear personally, I will consider that said nation is not interested in what it has found and/or may happen to this world, have a good day [Gate]"

With this said, the skeleton opened a dark hole, just like the one it had used to get there and went through it followed by the other two, they made brief pauses to say goodbye.

"Have a nice day, and enjoy the last months of your world." - the woman was the first to withdraw-

"See you later, right, I was forgetting it, any nation that attacks our personnel will receive its due punishment, cooperation is not necessary, just don't get in the way, well..."

As the man was finally retreating, they all noticed the spiked-tipped metal tail wagging behind him.

In all nations there were people worried about the future and what the presence of the Sorcerer King meant, verifying that magic does exist, it was one of the hardest to believe, but of all the people who had doubts about the future, only one truly understood the situation, and when she put all the pieces together she went into a massive panic attack and hyperventilated until she lost consciousness without anyone being able to prevent it, after which she was taken to the CHS infirmary and when she woke up, the whole group was with her, the first to realize that the redhead was regaining consciousness was AJ.

"Hey, she's waking up!"

"Ooooouuuuuch, my head, what happened?"

"That is what we would like to know dear, as soon as that abomination left the summit and the hole in reality closed, you collapsed." -The concern in the dressmaker's tone was palpable-

Then little by little the information began to return to the mind of the redhead, the conference, the Sorcerer King, and his final words; As soon as everyone saw that she began to tremble again, Fluttershy and Pinkie who were closest to her, hugged her tightly immediately.

"Easy Sunset, easy, we are all here with you."

"Yes! Do not stress your worried little head with that, we are all here, we will come up with something."

*Shigh* "You are right, thank you very much, I already feel better."

"But why did you pass out? I mean the thing about the barrier that divides the earth and Equestria is something alarming, but I can't understand how that can cause you so much stress." -Twilight asked as she adjusted her glasses-

"It's true, you don't know as much about magic as I do, that's why you couldn't understand all the words of the Sorcerer King, *shigh* not even magic is capable of creating matter out of nothing, the Sorcerer King said that the world had been split, that means that this side of the mirror was created with matter from Equestria, furthermore, he not only said that an unprecedented catastrophe is about to hit this world."

"Didn't he say it was incomplete? That it was missing a half?" -Fluttershy intervened-

"He said it would cease to be habitable after six months." -Twilight contributed-

"Exactly, when something, whatever, is divided by magic and it disappears either gradually or suddenly, the reaction between both halves is violent, usually the one that contains the least amount of magic can suffer from slight damage to being fully shattered, it all depends on the amount of magic difference between both parts."

This explanation finally got the message to its destination.


They were all horrified.

"Does that mean… this whole world… is literally going to fall apart?!" -asked the directress Celestia-

"Yes, and I think our only chance to survive the process would be to cross to the other side of the mirror, but I still can't communicate with Princess Twilight."

"Wait, wait, wait, if I understood correctly, the world is going to end, but do we have a possible way out?" -said the athlete looking the redhead in the eyes, when she nodded confirming that it was correct, Dash continued- "then why did you pass out? I mean, it's not like there is no way out, is there?"

*Shigh* "That wasn't what alarmed me so much Rainbow." -Everyone exchanged doubtful looks-

"So what caused it?" -Asked Deputy Directress Luna calmly-

"In Equestria, not even the princesses Celestia and Luna, who have personally moved the sun and the moon for over a thousand years and are capable of feats of magic completely unattainable by the average pony, nor the master of chaos himself, Discord, are capable of bringing someone back from the dead, and according to what Princess Twilight told me the last time I contacted her, in Equestria he summoned a meteorite that wiped out an army of almost five thousand soldiers in an instant and he repaired the damage caused by this in the impact area in just a few hours, when even the most adept at nature magic and potions would have easily taken more than a whole year of constant work to fix it, and in case everything this was not enough, *shigh* in front of all the representatives, he... summoned death itself, which immediately prostrated before him, Dash, it terrified me so much because that and the fact that he can bring someone back to life with such ease... made me understand that most likely... we are meeting and seeing for the first time in the history of either world... a deity."


In a secret military base, located in the middle of the desert, alarms and gunshots were sounding constantly, while two figures advanced at a relaxed pace, a mixed platoon of DK and other types of lesser undead took care of all the soldiers, After taking the elevator that took them to the lower levels of the base, both figures had reached their destination.

"[All Place Appraisal Magic Item]"

…It is definitive, with this it is proven, I am not the only player who has come to this world.

"We will retire in an hour, collect everything that does not exist in Nazarick, the rest can be left behind." -said the Overlord after analyzing a book presented by his creation-

"YES! Immediately mein Vater!"