• ...

2023 is an entire year away from 2024. What? No one told me that time was linear! (oh, and the parody in this story is a bad thing to read so please choose the choice please... :):

Author's Note:

Oh no.
No, no, no.

I'm writing words again aren't I?

Well I can only say this...

And, err sorry?
Well, so, I think that that is all.
( but thanks for reading my authors notes, you're very polite you know :)
With kind wishes and lots and lots of love, Me.

Dumb ground. Dumb sky. Dumb-Dumboat who was surely the dumbest griffin alive. He was the guy that called himself a boss, but his job title was actually: waiting staff employer's managing director of overseas training evaluative statistical analysis. Just how dumb can you be?

What did Rainbow Dash need them for anyway?

Waiting was dumb. So why wait to staff your employees? That's mathematically dumb.

Rainbow Dash wanted to calculate the exact levels of dumb that existed in everything that wasn't named Gilda the griffin. Gilda was the least dumb. That meant that she could be helpful. Maybe even help with dumb level calculations. Other griffins were too dumb to do number things like that.

But, maybe there was no point in figuring it out. If Gilda helped out then Dash would need to pay her back. That always took up way too much time.

Okay, so for now there were only three dumb levels.

Most griffins were 'very dumb', Gilda was 'least dumb' and Dash and the rest of everyone else would be 'never dumb'.

Now all Dash needed to do was find a non-griffin and call them 'never dumb'.


Rainbow Dash the griffin was still flying. And trying to go towards the shadows.

And the shadows were getting big. Real big. Like they were a part of reality, with how real they were.

There must be a real big 'never dumb' close by.

Landing was easy because the ground wet. So she got to swimming towards the darkest place that she could see.

The tree was so shadow heavy and Rainbow smiled at it.

Trees were magic. Trees were cool. Trees were free of snakes.

But this tree had a snake-thing sleeping at the bottom.

"Looool," Rainbow dash shouted with no self control. The word bottom was her favourite funny thing.

Just as planned the snake-thing woke up and looked at Rainbow. "I don't get it. What was the joke?"

The snake didn't move its mouth to talk, so it must be a snake-superhero.

"Could you let me join your super team?" Dash enquired.

Now she thought that she had asked that with an amount of coolness and pure nonchalance.

Unfortunately no. No she hadn't. Just didn't happen. It's Kinda embarrassing to watch and then describe.

It's fortunate that she didn't realise how desperate she sounded. Because that realisation might have made her go to sleep from gaining the sudden awareness.

"You sound desperate for a sort of 'mountainous calling' my little griffin." The snake was correct, but Dash got very fight or fight-while-flight at this.

"You desperately wanna one v one me?" Rainbows were being spontaneous created around the griffin called Rainbow Dash. Those rainbows had been in her inventory the whole day. Stealing them had been kinda boring for Dash. And she had no guilt.

Like a true anarchist.

"No thanks friend, I am only capable of going into one v one mode with large fish."

"Oh..." Dash wanted to say more but was interrupted from being motionless and silent moments later when the snake's words started appearing in her mind once again.

"My name is Flutter Sky."

"Like Dumb sky?"

"No I have the word Flutter in front and there is a capital letter at the start of 'Sky'. See like this..."

The snake called Flutter Sky blinked seven times in quick succession. Causing the words Flutter Sky to be permanently displayed in the lowe left quadrant of Rainbow Dash's vision.

There is no way for Dash to unsee that word now.

"Nice pun, Sky. I guess you could say; that I SEE what you did there. And I NAME it PUNNY. Also your powers are a SIGHT for tired EYES."

Rainbow Dash was not prepared for the incoming snake shout.


Rainbow was already asleep. The word 'IF' was her one weakness after all.

Flutter Sky stretched over to the one who has woken her up three minutes and eight seconds go. She was still surrounded by a lot of spontaneous rainbows. And Rainbow was apparently this griffin's own name. Very silly of the universe to call her thar.

Flutter Sky was nearly done reading though the multitude of legal documents Rainbow insisted on keeping in her at all times. Some were only a little water logged. However the diary entries of other griffins had been completely destroyed.

A quick glance behind the rainbow spectacle that surrounded the griffin, did in fact revel the smelly tracks along the ground.

Unsurprisingly they lead right to the urine pond.

Flutter Sky didn't know what Dash had been through in life. But mistaking a large body of urine for a bath tub meant only one thing.

That there was no other person in space or time as incalculably dumb as this stinking griffin.

Realising there were no other options Flutter Sky moved with confidence to the most magical tree in the land.

The adventures along the way were too much to describe.

She got to the tree. Asked the Flutter Goddess if she could tap out.

Was delighted to have her request approved that same decade.

From that point on Flutter Sky would be free of this universe.

Never to come back for an encore.

Comments ( 3 )

I'm inconsistent.

(Inconsistent in a few ways.
So if I never go and upload another thing to the internet in my entire existence... Well, that just wouldn't surprise me at all.

And if a concept from this becomes my focus for Seven years... Wel,l that just wouldn't surprise me at all, either.

Thanks for your interesting comment! It happens to both be coloured Red, AND was also Read by me)

SevenEyes I'm you from the future.
I have a very important message.


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