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The Princess Angel/Angle

Princess Celestia stood alone atop a quiet hill. All around her were peaceful reminders of her and her little ponies' success and prosperity in working with the magic of the natural word. Guiding a path towards a better tomorrow for all.

She would soon be joined by another, by one equal to herself. Equal in terms of power, fame and regality.

Celestia needed only a little time to think by herself. To ponder how best to prepare for the task of welcoming the newest ascended ruler to their rightfully earned kingdom. Such preparations were difficult given the circumstances.

She just wasn't the type of mare that could properly focus on her royal task of helping out other, younger royals, while a winged white rabbit was shooting lasers from a distance.

The distance, she managed to decide, was the most annoying of all. It was like the rabbit had dedicated some time to calculating the length from her from which the laser firing was more than audible. But far enough away so that stopping the beams from causing constantly increasing damage was infeasible.

She needed a lot of preparation for this.

And just maybe, the memories of yesterday could give her the strength of mind to process today in an efficient manner.

There were legends of non ponies that had ascended to what you might call alicorn status. They contradicted each other fiercely but they had one thing in common. Their contrived story telling.

This had always been a slight annoyance to Celestia. Why was it that a narrative seemingly depended on over the top illogical setups to thrive in the particular fandom that it was a part of?

But those stories were always just that. Mere stories. Something to wish for as a group, round a campfire.

The precious details of his ascension might well be lost forever. Celestia however had taken it upon herself to ensure that the details are found, by doing what she does best. Teaching.

Yes she would find a way to get the rabbit to talk and talk ponish at that. She would not let a mere language barrier, prevent such legendary knowledge to remain forever a secret.

Of course she could learn to speak rabbish. But… nah.

She already spoke the languages of the old ponish, alicorn, phoenix, opossum, owl, haddock, krypton, mars, and even fancy!

Author's Note:

I was planning to do a slight crossover with the previous fic idea in this one.

One day.

Yes, one day. >:)