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Shining Ships Seven Ships

It was sometimes said that the unicorn Shining Armor was 'lovely'. This was mostly said of him by his own darling wife, Cadence. She was, after all, the princess of love, so her saying that he was lovely was never contested.

Not within earshot at least. But behind closed doors, and turned backs, and mirror portal accessed worlds, who was to say what happened?

Cadence was pondering this mystery while brushing her teeth. She had to brush her teeth because mundane tasks were part of life, and when else would she have the opportunity to doubt things like her husband's generally perceived loveliness?

Spitting out her toothbrush, and having it bounce off the mirror into her heart shaped toothbrush holder, was no easy feat. She did the mathematics in her head for the manuviour as a way of calming herself down and a confident smirk at her own reflection later she was ready to stroll towards her bedroom.

Gently levitating away the 'Various Vehicles' catalogue Shining had been intently browsing, Cadence said, "I've had another bathroom thought," she had meant to go straight into the issue but seeing Shining's alarmed expression she decided to meander for a while. "It's just a little thought, tiny really and I know it might be nothing but-"

"The answer is no."


"An old dog can't change its stripes by walking on custard."

Classic Shining. Always so wise, irrelevant but wise. "Actually I wanted to make you the official Equestrian shipper."

"Oh, is that all? I'll have it done by the end of the month."


Fifteen years later.

“Wow, that was a long month dear.”

“Yes. I think it's safe to say that Luna got a little carried away with the new lunar-calendar.”

Author's Note:

BoatyMcBoatfFace's favourite fic.