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Quick, Let's Ponify Everything!

There was a rush of air in the library of Canterlot Highschool. That is to say, that wind was being artificially developed by some kind of movement.

If Twilight Sparkle would just open her eyelids and look out to the world, she would see the cause of this tiny change in weather.

The bespectacled teen, however, did no such thing.

It had become anger hour. And thus she needed to properly compose herself for the emotional time ahead.

She did this by bringing to mind a brief selection of pet peeves. Like, the people who crease a corner of the page as a way of marking their wordy progress. People who talk about coughing and sneezing at the same time, but who forget that hiccups could also occur. And the big one.

Her 'friends'.

Well technically, that last pet peeve was in fact six pet peeves that were combined into one superhero team. But that team had some very similar people on it, and was not diverse in any way at all.

Rainbow Dash for example likes fast things, like eagles. Fluttershy likes animals, like eagles. Dash also has the term 'Rainbow' in her name. Rarity makes dresses that are all the colours of the rainbow.

Rainbow has recently grown a disliking to breaking something running super speedy into a wall. Pinkie Pie has recently grown allergic to breaking the fourth wall, super sneezy.

Rainbow will contradict anyone saying Daring Do is uncool. And Applejack will contradict Twilight Sparkle herself, no doubt when she presents Applejack with the whole not-diverse-in-any-way-at-all, logic which is not cool.

With the memories of her 'friends' brought forth, her incredible rage was a bubbling something fierce.

'RAAAAAAAAARRR!!' she said, still with her eyes closed. It sounded loud to her, but is it not well known that your remaining senses can easily sharpen when you close your eyes or something, right?

That meant that no one else heard her rage hour Rarrings, right?

Twilight steadily opened one eye. Hmm looks like allot of people noticed that.


Twilight closed that eye, then opened her other one briefly. Yup, people she hadn't realised were there earlier had noticed her it seems.

What if?

Twilight half opened both eyes at the same time. Well, what I'm seeing is various dark shapes of people noticing her.

Oh curvy crumbs of a cereal cracker in a cave's canal boat!!

This was bad. What if she got thrown out of the library.

She could tell she was still in a book home because of the smells of learning around her. A neat trick that she would perform at parties the moment she got an invite to one.

All that remained was to open those eyelids all the way. But that would mean exposing her poor eyeballs to the harsh world, the same harsh world that had made her angry again.

'YOLO' she thought to herself, with a great big heap of irony, so as not to be like one of those sincere YOLO-ers.
With that thought concluded she opened up her eyes.

"Hissss," said the being in front of Twilight. Being a snake the phrase surprised no one. But also being a snake, its appearance in a library surprised many.

"He's called Seven as a joke." Fluttershy informed the onlookers.

"Err, what's the joke exactly?" Twilight asked.

"Oh oh. I know that one," Pinkie began, "it's because of the name of the auth- Achoo! Achoo! Oh, I'll get you back, allergic reaction fairies!!"

Twilight sighed. If they kept going like this they would be expelled from every library on the planet for a week and a bit. That could not happen. Not today.

With determination in her eyes that had yet to blink. Stated at the leader of the group. Applejack. Catching her eye was no difficult task as the girl was looking right at Twilight. So as they gazed at each other Twilight said, "Let's take this outside."

"What, like a fight do you mean?" Rainbow Dash asked, "Cos I've wondered for quite a while who would win between us,"

Twilight and her 'friends' looked at Dash critically.

"Y-you know, brain Vs braun. Right?"

Rarity cleared her though. "I believe what our dear athletic friend here meant to say, is do you want to casually verbally spar with us all; but do so in the open air."

Air. That had been at the start of this whole thing. A rush of air no less, which had subconsciously alerted her to the presence of the others.

Yes, that was it. The others were all present and accounted for. So all she had to do was leave the library, and she could go about her day without any of them further annoying her.

So Twilight got up. Her friend's moved to sit in her seat. It was just so comfy (Twilight could always tell in any room which chair was the most comfy).

Author's Note:

Hehe, eight hundred words in and the main character has hardly opened her eyes!

Such fun.

Wot say you?

(Oh and I'm gonna apologise in advance for the strange cut off and dissatisfying 'ends' to these. If you or someone you know has any recommendations let me know via 'CPIP'. If you can't don't worry just tell real loud at the sky and I'll get back to you.)