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Discord was not bored. Discord was very not bored. So not bored was he, because he had so so much to do with his time.

He had had the most delightful dream of a Generation 7.8 My Little Pony show. It only ran for half a season before patent groups complained about the centaurs not wearing pants.

After waking he had washed his teeth and brushed his mane. Before brushing his teeth and washing his mane.

He doged the walk and wrote yesterday's news, and now found himself with much more chaos to perform.

Just so much chaos.

So much.

Almost too much.

But no.

Just a lot.

Never too much.

Too much would be like reading ten paragraphs each with only one sentence in!

Silly biscuit.

That could never happen.

Discord was rather calmly tapping his thumb against the big desk in the sky, when it occurred to him. He simply loved to tap! So tap tap tap-tap, did occur.

The beat by some coincidence was near perfectly to the heart beat of no less than Batman himself. Something that the draconiquous noticed fairly quick.

This gave Discord an idea. A wonderfully, maddeningly, smile-some idea.

Still tapping his thumb against the solid object that had now become a four headed sign that simultaneously read 'Sop', 'Yeld', 'to release this town immediately' and 'One Vay'. Discord morphed his own face into a white gloved human hand and snapped his figures.

Now when someone like Discord snaps their fingers the sound effect department needs to try and not get sued for copyrights of the many other characters who are able to magic stuff about with a snap. Other characters with similar reality warping super abilities include but are not limited to: 'CENSORED', 'REDACTED', 'ERROR 404', but best of all, 'INVALID' and of course who could forget 'YO MAMA!' (I certainly don't, wink wink).

When 'YO MAMA' snaps her fingers you know. You know the thing that you know, ya know? Course ya know.


Gotham city. The city that was a day behind the city of tomorrow. The today city if you will.

Batman was about to hurt poor little old Joker with a large pointy stick he had found when taking Scooby Doo on walkies. However a flash of light that would cause most to shield their eyes, but not Batman. Batman fell over backwards stumbling around in a futile effort to look like vengeance and the night while blind as a bat from the sudden retina frying illumination.

Eventually Alfred's voice came through the Bat-radio in his Bat-cowl, "Master Bruce he got away."

Freezing in much the same way that a superstitious and cowardly criminal does when seeing the caped crusader, Batman fumbled on the ground no more. Instead he gave a mighty Bat-flex to fight back his three headed enemy of embarrassment, tangledness and gravity.

Author's Note:

Thought I would start this experiment with my latest idea for a fic.

Would have began with my first but funnily enough I cannot remember the finer order of ideas.
Hahahaha! (Serious memory problems are my lol-bread)