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How Every Creature Lived Dash's Dream

There was a new book on sale at Ponyville's bookstore (the one that also sold pajamas). Twilight Sparkle had been buzzing around the shop in the usual state of joy she had when surrounded by books. What was different, was that her buzzing movements made more literal sense, all thanks to her new pair of wings. So she buzzed and buzzed then she found it.

A book she had yet to read.

She had only to look at the age rating on the spine before she would allow herself to buy the book. Lucky for her it had 'For ages three plus' written in tiny writing next to the author's name, which she didn't bother reading. This was of course because reading anything other than age ratings would excite her far too much. Bad things happen when princesses are overcome with emotion.

With the appropriate amount of bits exchanged for the conveniently mysterious piece of literature. Hopefully. Twilight journeyed back home like the ultra fast pony that she was, by casting a teleportation spell. When the spell concluded, she was home at the Golden Oaks library. She stood in the kitchen area of the ground floor, right next to her number one assistant.

“Okay Spike I have of course not yet seen the cover so I task you with judging the book based on that alone.

"Wait, why would you buy it if you thought it could be a bad book?"

"You're still grounded from that time you sent spaghetti bolognese to Celestia’s face."

"Look I didn't ask to be cursed with magic fire. Why must my existence but bought but pai-"

"Yeah yeah, anyway here you go!"

"I can't read that, I'm just a baby dragon," Spike whinely explained.

"Oh don't be such a baby."

Author's Note:

Yeah; so this is one of those times when I have an outline for an idea but when I write it the intro had nothing to do with the concepts I planned!

(I planned for ponies to take dashes job repeatedly for strange reasons like:
Derpy, was in charge of safety as she was able to keep her eyes in two directions at once.

Fluttershy, does the animal thing.

Rarity, uses her gem locating spell to help them dig through the ground without damaging the equipment.

Applejack, threatened to not farm along with her entire extended family.

Pinkie, who was double in the club cos she bakes and parties and jokes.