• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,631 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

  • ...

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Raging Fire

It had just gone nighttime in Canterlot and on a random street, a bright light filled the darkness.

"AUGH!" Two teen boys screamed as they fell out of the light, hitting the ground and grunting in pain at the impact. One was a dark blue skinned boy with white hair, wearing a red jacket and black pants. The other was a light blue skinned boy with black hair, wearing a black shirt and white tie with grey pants and black shades over his eyes.

Meanwhile, the Brawler known as Phantom was standing atop a street lamp. The cube in his hand was glowing, the Haos, Darkus and Aquos symbols fading with the Darkus symbol now completely gone. "That was barely a challenge," he stated. "But at least the Darkus seal is finally gone." He then held up his other hand and looked into it, "and I got some new Bakugan out of it." He heard a groan and watched the boys sit up. "Royal Pin and Neon Lights. You two weren't what I was expecting."

The boys looked up and glared at him. The one known as Neon Lights spoke up, "why don't we go again. We'll show you why you shouldn't take us so lightly."

Royal Pin nodded, "we were just taken by surprised by your little field trick before."

"I'm far too busy," Phantom replied before turning away. "But I'll tell you what. In Canterlot, there's a brawler by the name of Flash Sentry. Beat him and take his Bakugan, Leonidas, and you'll be handsomely rewarded." Before either of them could say anything, Phantom leapt off the street lamp and disappeared into the darkness of the night.

"Flash Sentry?" Neon asked.

"He must be a good Brawler if Phantom wants us both to take him down," Royal stated before smirking. "This could be fun."

The next day.

Flash and Leonidas arrived at the Bakugan Stadium after another hard day of school, the two now ready to take one whatever challenge presented them. But despite this, Derpy noticed a tired look on Flash's face as the two got closer. "You okay?" She asked, Flash reaching the front desk and putting his head down on the counter.

"I'm fine."

"You sure? You look like you were up late last night."

"Not really. I've just...had a lot on my mind. With Phantom, the talking Bakugan and now the tournament. My brain's been running on high and I guess I hit burnout. What happened yesterday didn't help either." Derpy nodded, remembering what happened.

Flash had been facing a Subterra Brawler and managed to win the first round with ease. But then the opponent pulled a Garble and used all three of his Bakugan at once. It had happened so fast that Flash could barely counter it, the three and the opponent's Gate Card creating a huge power difference. Flash managed to get an Ability in before the three hit Leonidas, but he was left with only ten percent in his Life Gauge.

The opponent repeated this on the next turn, but Flash had been ready with his Heavy Element Gate Card and managed to win the match. "But if I had been a second slower with my ability, I would have lost both the match and Leo."

"Ha," Leonidas called back, "I wasn't worried." The humans each gave him a questioning look. "Alright, maybe I was a little worried."

"Just a little?" Derpy asked.

"Let's face it Leo," Flash told him. "We got lucky yesterday. But our luck won't hold up forever. One day, we're gonna find ourselves in a fight we can't hope to win...no matter how strong we are or how hard we fight."

Derpy nodded. "Image if you come up against an opponent with three Bakugan that are all as powerful as...Fury, for example." Leonidas growled, still remembering the horrible defeat he had at the hands of that Bakugan. "That's why you need teammates to help you out."

"Teammates?" Leonidas asked, with Flash giving Derpy a questioning look.

"You have other Bakugan." Flash nodded and took out the ones he won from Garble. "Just use those the next time you find yourself outmatched."

"I don't know," Flash frowned. "Pyrus is cool an all, but I've really gotten use to wielding a Haos Bakugan."

Derpy smirked. "If that's the problem, then why not just do a Bakugan trade?"

"Bakugan trade?" Leonidas asked as Flash thought about this. "What are you talking about?"

"The machine you buy Bakugan from can also be used to trade Bakugan with someone else. It changes who the Bakugan are registered too. If Flash put out a request to transfer his Pyrus Bakugan, someone with Haos Bakugan they don't want might be willing to trade them for his."

"Huh," Leonidas shook his body from side to side, "you humans treat us Bakugan like toys."

"Don't take it that way," Derpy told him. "It's better they be given to someone who actually wants to use them instead of being stuffed in a draw somewhere."

"Even so..." Flash frowned. "I'd hate to just trade my Bakugan to a complete stranger."

"Well maybe someone you know will be willing to trade," Derpy suggested before going on the computer. "Let's see if anyone's already put in a trade request with Haos as an option." She typed it in and quickly found herself looking surprised. "Well what do you know, there's someone who's willing to trade his Haos Bakugan and put Pyrus Bakugan as his preferred trade."

"Really?" Flash was amazed, "what's he willing to trade?" Derpy took a closer look and her smile increased.

"He's got three Bakugan, two of which are a Serpenoid and Saurus." This did surprise Flash, "whilst the last one's a Haos Terrorclaw."

"Awesome," Flash smirked, "who is it?"

"Umm..." Derpy took a closer look, "Heath Burns." She looked confused, "that name sounds familiar."

Flash thought for a moment before realising what he had heard it before. "Heath Burns. He goes to our school, doesn't he?" Derpy realised he was right. "And doesn't he have a brother who's famous or something?"

"Yeah," Derpy remembered, "Blaze. He's a world famous skating pro whose won tons of competitions."

"That's it," Flash nodded. "Didn't know he was into Bakugan." Derpy just shrugged. He reached for his BakuColar, "can you send me his contact info so I can ask him to come over and talk about the trade?" Derpy nodded and did just that.

Several streets away, Heath Burns was on his way towards the stadium.

He was rolling down the street on his skateboard, pulling a Bart Simpson as he swerved between the people around him and used a lamppost to turn a corner. As he did, he suddenly heard a beeping on his red BakuColar. "Huh?" He pulled his board to a stop, "what's this?" He looked at the screen and saw it was a message, opening it and getting a big surprise. "No way." As he said that, a Pyrus Bakugan leapt onto his shoulder.

"What's up little bud?"

"It's a message, from Flash Sentry."

"Ain't that the guy you told me about. The one with the Talking Bakugan?"

"That's right," Heath nodded. "He saw my trade request and wants to meet about it." Heath smirked, "perfect. Now I don't have to come up with a reason to talk to him." He turned to the Bakugan. "Let's go, Wukong."

"Oh yeah!" The Bakugan leapt off his shoulder and he caught it, then leapt onto his board once again. The two raced towards the stadium, now more determined to get there as quickly as possible. And they did, arriving at the large building and getting off his board as he reached the entrance.

Looks around, Heath quickly spotted the guy he was looking for. "Hey!" He called out, the teen in question turning to him. "Flash Sentry...right?"

"That's me," Flash nodded. "And you're Heath Burns?"

"The one and only. So, you interested in trading?"

"Yeah, but I wanna make sure the guy I trade with is gonna treat the Bakugan right."

Heath raised an eyebrow, "you're worried about the Bakugan. Why?"

Flash frowned, "because they're not just toys. They're living beings. Even if most of them can't talk, they all deserve the same respect as any human does."

Heath smiled at this. "I knew I was gonna like you." He pointed at himself, "I feel the same way."

"You do?" Flash asked, looking suspicious.

"Of course he does." Flash, Leonidas and Derpy were all confused hearing this, since it wasn't them that said it. Then, to their surprise, the Pyrus Bakugan leapt onto Heath's shoulder and opened up. "I've only known the guy a short time and I trust him with my life." The three of them dropped their jaws at the sight of him, making both the Bakugan and Heath laugh.

"Let me introduce you," he picked the Bakugan up and held him out to them. "This is Pyrus Wukong."

"Nice to meet you," the Bakugan tried to wave.

"An...another talking Bakugan?" Derpy asked, completely gobsmacked. "How...when..."

"He showed up the other day," Heath explained. "There was a flash of light and suddenly, he appeared."

"That's the same as when I met Leonidas," Flash stated.

"And when Lyra found Nimue," Derpy pointed out.

"So," Heath smirked, "still wanna trade?" Flash had almost forgotten about that, but nodded. He wasn't sure why, but something about this guy made Flash think he could trust him.

The three of them headed over to the machines that people used to buy Bakugan, Flash moving to one and Heath to another. They then connected the machines to their BakuColars and selected the trade option. Once a link was established, they each placed their Serpenoid down in the dish. The machine unleashed the energy that hit the Bakugan and made it disappear, the Bakugan appearing on screen along with the one being offered. The screen then asked if they were okay with this trade and when they both pressed yes, the machines unleashed the energy again and their new Bakugan appeared in place of the one they traded away.

Derpy smirked. "And with that, your trade is complete." The two smirked at one another and quickly traded their other two Bakugan, first the Saurus and then the Warius and Terrorclaw.

Once that was done, Flash and Heath sat at one of the tables whilst Derpy had to get back to work. "So what do you think of earth?" Flash asked Wukong after sipping on his soda.

"It's awesome!" Wukong jumped up and down. "I mean, I miss having my normal body. But this place is great. Movies, video games, music. And skateboarding the best. I just love the feel of the wind in my face when Heath and I are shooting down the street."

"Ha," Heath laughed, "it's like we were meant to meet each other."

"Like Lyra and Nimue," Flash realised.

"And you guys," Heath gestured to him and Leo. "I've seen your matches. You two are awesome together." Flash laughed at this, remembering how he and Leonidas first met.

"Well...we had our issues."

"But we've worked through them," Leonidas nodded. He then noticed Wukong moving over to him, staring at the Haos Bakugan intensely. "What?"

"I liked to try and know every Bakugan back in Vestroia," Wukong explained. "But I've never seen any Bakugan like you before. Where'd you hang out back home?"

"Err..." Leonidas looked away, "that's none of your business." Flash and Heath frowned, both knowing Leonidas was hiding something. But before they could try and ask-

"Hey!" They turned towards the entrance and spotted a pair of teens stepping into the stadium. "Where's the guy named Flash Sentry!?" The one named Royal Pin asked as he and Neon Lights walked towards Derpy. "We know he hangs out here, so where is he?" Derpy looked like she was about to panic, clearly not liking the way she was being talked too.

"I'm right here!" The three of them looked around and spotted Flash moving towards them, a frown on his face. "If you wanted to talk, you didn't need to be so mean about it. What do you want?"

"Phantom sent us," Neon adjusted his glasses. This made Flash's eyes go wide, "he said we'd be handsomely rewarded if we beat you and take your Bakugan Leonidas."

"Not gonna happen," Flash told him.

"We'll take you on no problem," Leonidas stated.

"Then let's make this fun," Royal stated. "You take us both on." Flash frowned, not liking those odds.

"I got a better idea," they all turned to Heath as he stood up. "Tag-Brawl. You two verses me and Flash." Wukong leapt onto his shoulder.

"You won't stand a chance against us," Wukong stated before turning to Leonidas. "What do you say, buddy? Wanna team up?"

Leonidas sighed, "fine. I get the feeling you won't take no for an answer anyway."

"Flash?" Heath asked, the teen turning to him.

"I'm in," Flash nodded. "But be warned, I don't have much Tag-Brawling experience."

"I've not been in to many of them myself," Heath nodded. "But it's gotta be better then trying to take them both down alone." Flash nodded in agreement as they turned back to the pair, "so what do you say?"

"Sure," Neon smirked. "Phantom might give us an even better reward if we bring in two talking Bakugan."

"Or I might just keep that red one all to myself," Royal smirked as he held up his own Pyrus Bakugan. "Let's Brawl."

The crowd exploded as they took their seats, excited to see yet another Brawl.

"Welcome Baku-fans!" The announcer yelled out as the brawlers took to the stage. "We have another exciting match for you tonight. A Tag-Brawl featuring Flash Sentry and his new partner, Heath Burns. They'll be going up against some newcomers here at the Canterlot Battlefield, Neon Lights and Royal Pin!" The crowd cheered again as the four boys stared each other down.

"Last chance to back out," Neon told them.

"Just hand over the Bakugan and we'll save you the humiliation," Royal stated.

"Not gonna happen," Heath told them.

"We're not handing our Bakugan over," Flash announced. "Or letting you guys take them." Their opponents rolled their eyes, but still looked happy. They were probably hoping for this.

"Let's see where our Brawlers will be facing off against one another today!" The announcer cried. It was then that the floor below them began to glow before constructing a canyon area made of black rocks, with multiple Bakugan sized mountains all around them that had lava spilling out the top that formed rivers of molten rock. "It's the Molten Valley!"

"Wow," Flash waved his hands in front of his face, "hot enough for you?"

"I like it," Heath smirked.

"Same here," Wukong smirked. "Nice and toasty." They turned to Neon and Royal, who took out their Bakugan whilst the two did the same.

"Looks like the competitors are ready to throw down. So let's not keep them waiting. Say it with me, folks. Bakugan...BRAWL!" With that, their BakuColars beeped to signal the battle's start with all showing their current life gauges.

Flash: 100%
Neon: 100%
Royal: 100%
Heath: 100%

"Gate Card," Neon took out a card and threw it to the ground, "SET!" It hit the ground and exploded into purple light, which flew across the battlefield whilst the four brawlers began to rush off in search of a place to launch their Bakugan.

Neon and Royal spotted an area with some power-ups and rushed up the side of a large rock before jumping off. "BAKUGAN!" They both cried before throwing their Bakugan, "BRAWL!" Neon's was a Darkus Bakugan and Royal's was a Pyrus Bakugan. They flew through the air, hitting some power-ups as they did so, then landed and opened up. "BAKUGAN...STAND!" And explosion of fire and purple light revealed their Bakugan.

One was a red knight-like Bakugan carrying a red staff with an orange U on the end of it. "Pyrus Siege!"

The other was a purple lizard-like Bakugan with large round gauntlets for hands. "Darkus Hammersaur!"

Siege: 360Gs
Hammersaur: 400Gs

Both Bakugan began to glow as their power rose.

Siege: 560Gs
Hammersaur: 550Gs

"Those look tough," Flash stated. Leonidas agreed, but didn't think it was anything they couldn't handle. But before they could get started, Heath was already up on one of the rocks.

"Ready Wukong?" He asked his new Bakugan partner.

"Ready and willing," the Pyrus Bakugan stated before leaping off his shoulder. Heath caught him as he ran to the top of the rock and leapt off. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" He threw the ball towards the ground, hitting some power-ups along the way, then landed and rolled. "Bakugan...STAND!" The ball popped open before being consumed by a tornado of flames, which grew larger and larger until the flames exploded outwards.

Doing so revealed Wukong in his true form. He was a giant red ape, who was lent forward with his weight on its large yellow hands. His chest, stomach and feet were also yellow, along with two yellow dots on his shoulders. His head was mainly red but he had a yellow V on his forehead that looked like a brow and the area around his mouth and nose was orange. Finally, he had a giant bushy head of flaming hair that stopped just before his lower back. The ape stood on his hind legs and started beating his chest. "I...am...HERE!" He cried before slamming his fists back down on the ground.

Siege: 560Gs
Wukong: 400Gs
Hammersaur: 550Gs

Wukong glowed as the power-ups took affect.

Siege: 560Gs
Wukong: 600Gs
Hammersaur: 550Gs

"Wow!" Flash yelled, thinking Wukong looked so cool. At the same time, Royal held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as Siege's staff suddenly shrank in length, whilst a flames exploded out of the U blade. "Fire Sword!" The flame morphed into the blade of a sword, which Siege swung around.

Siege: 660Gs
Wukong: 600Gs
Hammersaur: 550Gs

Siege swung the blade at Wukong, who managed to leap back and avoid it as Heath held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed, "Fire Smasher!" Wukong clutched his fists as they suddenly ignited.

Siege: 660Gs
Wukong: 800Gs
Hammersaur: 550Gs

"Take this!" He swung his fist around and slammed it into Siege, who tried to defend using its Fire Sword but still staggered backwards

Wukong prepared to attack again, but Hammersaur rushed in. "Ability, Activate!" Neo held up a card that glowed, as Hammersaur brought its hands together and started spinning. "Crush Hurricane!" The back of his gauntlet hit Wukong and knocked him staggering backwards.

Siege: 660Gs
Wukong: 700Gs
Hammersaur: 650Gs

"Ability," Royal held up a card, "Activate!" Siege's staff returned to normal as the blade ignited. "Burst Flame!" Siege swung the staff around and the fire shot off the blade and morphed into a fireball that struck Wukong.

"Augh!" He cried as he staggered backwards.

Siege: 660Gs
Wukong: 600Gs
Hammersaur: 650Gs

"Take him down!" Royal yelled as both Siege and Hammersaur charged, but Wukong wasn't going down that easily.

"Ability, Activate!" He held up a card that glowed, whilst Wukong stood up straight. "Blazing Rhythm!" The flame ape began to beat his chest, roaring as he did so. With every beat of his chest, a shockwave flew out that suddenly ignited and hit the two opposing Bakugan.

Both of them staggered back as their powers was burned away.

Siege: 560Gs
Wukong: 600Gs
Hammersaur: 550Gs

With their G Power lowered, Wukong charged forward. But before he could strike, Neon pointed to the ground. "Gate Card...OPEN!" The ground lit up, glowing purple. "Darkus Reactor!" Hammersaur glowed as it raised its gauntlets to block Wukong's incoming punch.

Siege: 560Gs
Wukong: 600Gs
Hammersaur: 750Gs

Heath growled at this, but before anyone could do anything Flash leapt into the air. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" He threw his Bakugan and hit four power-ups before landing on the ground. "Bakugan...STAND!" In a flash of light, the toy morphed into his true form. "Haos Leonidas!"

Siege: 560Gs
Wukong: 600Gs
Leonidas: 600Gs
Hammersaur: 750Gs

Flash then held up two cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" The cards glowed, "Alpha Blaster, plus Co-Side!" Hammersaur glowed as Leonidas opened his mouth and powered up a laser-beam whilst Hammersaur's light flew off of it and into the dragon.

Siege: 560Gs
Wukong: 600Gs
Leonidas: 900Gs
Hammersaur: 750Gs

Leonidas then fired the laser and hit Hammersaur before it could react, blasting it into the air and knocking it back into ball form.

Flash: 100%
Neon: 70%
Royal: 100%
Heath: 100%

"No!" Neon cried as Wukong turned to Siege.

"Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as Wukong's blazing mane suddenly grew larger, "Blast Infernal!" Before Siege could react, Wukong swung his mane around and smashed it into the knight.

Siege: 560Gs
Wukong: 750Gs
Leonidas: 900Gs

Siege was thrown backwards and reverted to ball form, landing next to Hammersaur as Royal's life gauge went down.

Flash: 100%
Neon: 70%
Royal: 62%
Heath: 100%

"Wow!" The announcer cried as the Bakugan returned to their owners, "Heath and Flash certainly pulled the old one two of those guys. Will they be able to keep it up or will the challengers pulling a surprise from out of their sleeves?"

"Nice one," Flash told Heath as he smiled back. The two bumped fists whilst Wukong leapt onto his shoulder.

"Hey, I'm the one who did most of the fighting."

"We know," Heath assured him. "You were awesome. But that battle wouldn't have been so easy without Flash and Leonidas."

"Remember that," Leonidas told the monkey.

"Yeah yeah," Wukong replied as Neon and Royal picked up their Bakugan.

"They got us," Neon cried whilst Royal turned to him.

"Relax. This was only the first round." He turned to their opponents, "now we know what we're up against." Neon nodded, knowing the first round was just to feel the opponent out. Now the real brawl began.

In the foyer, Lyra and Bonnie had just arrived. When they did, they looked up at the screens and spotted Flash on one of them.

"Hey," Bonnie then spotted Heath, "whose that guy?"

"I think I've seen him around," Lyra told her. "I think his name's...Kieth." It was then they noticed the two were actually brawling together, intriguing the two of them. "Let's got check this out."

"Right behind ya'h!" Bonnie nodded as they rushed towards the stadium. They quickly arrived and as they did, Heath took out a Gate Card.

"My turn!" He yelled before throwing it. "Gate Card, SET!" The card hit the ground and exploded into red energy, the four rushing of the started the next round.

They all spotted a cluster of power-ups and ran towards them, each reaching a rock and leaping off the top of it as they threw their Bakugan. "BAKUGAN BRAWL!" The four balls soared through the air at incredible speed and reach the cluster, hitting the coins at different times. Siege hit two whilst Leonidas and Hammersaur hit one, Siege and Hammersaur taking the ones in Wukong's way so he didn't get any before hitting the ground. "BAKUGAN...STAND!"

In a flash of purple light, yellow light and fire, the four Bakugan appeared and were ready to battle as their powers rose.

Siege: 460Gs
Wukong: 400Gs
Leonidas: 450Gs
Hammersaur: 450Gs

"Alright!" Wukong cheered, "let's see what else ya'h can do!" Lyra and Bonnie were shocked to hear another talking Bakugan, Nimue leaping onto the wall and look down at the stadium.

"Wukong?" She whispered.

"You know him?" Lyra asked, Nimue nodding.

"I met him a few times in Vestroia. Despite being a Pyrus Bakugan, he enjoyed turning one of my favourite pools into a hot spring he could relax in. Very annoying."

"But how did this Heath guy get him?" Bonnie asked as the battle started.

"You got the drop on us last time," Royal told them as he held up his card.

"But now it's our turn," Neon held up his before they both called out. "Ability, Activate!" They glowed as their Bakugan's effects kicked in. "Dark Entrapment!"

"Fire Sword!" Siege's staff morphed into the sword form, whilst Hammersaur's claws suddenly started glowing purple. It then thrust its claws into the ground and caused it to shake. The next thing Leonidas and Wukong knew, six bolts of purple lightning shot out of the ground and connected above them to form a cage. When Leonidas tried to reach out between the bars, the lightning flew off and zapped him

Siege: 560Gs
Wukong: 350Gs
Leonidas: 400Gs
Hammersaur: 450Gs

"Ha!" Neon laughed, "Dark Entrapment locks your Bakugan in place and also negates any Abilities that increase their G Power."

Leonidas growled as he punched the cage, only to get zapped again. "And now you're stuck!" Royal cried as Siege charged forward and thrust its sword through the gaps of the bars. Leonidas barely avoid the flaming sword, whilst Wukong stepped forward.

"I got this," he told the dragon. "Heath!"

"Right," Heath held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as Wukong slammed his fists into the ground, "Firewall!" Before the others knew it, the ground exploded as a circle of fire shot out around him and Leonidas. It flew up and hit the energy cage, dispelling it, then exploded outwards and hit Siege. The knight staggered back as his sword returned to normal. "Firewall. A standard Pyrus attack that nullifies the last Ability Card used."

Siege: 460Gs
Wukong: 400Gs
Leonidas: 450Gs
Hammersaur: 450Gs

"Now it's my turn!" Flash held up two cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Leonidas and the cards began to glow. "Dragon Flash, plus Brawling Dragon!"

Siege: 460Gs
Wukong: 400Gs
Leonidas: 650Gs
Hammersaur: 450Gs

Leonidas flew forward at blinding speeds, practically teleporting in front of Pyrus Siege. He then threw several punches and kicks and smashed into the knight before warping over to Hammersaur and doing the same to it, but Bakugan staggering backwards as Hammersaur roared in pain.

"Ahh," Neon cried before turning to Royal, "they're making mince meat out of us."

"Relax," Royal told him, "we still have one advantage over them." Neon smirked, knowing what he meant. They then turned back to the fight and each held up a card. "ABILITY, ACTIVATE!" They yelled in unison as their Bakugan glowed, "DIAGONAL RELATION!"

Flash flinched hearing this, whilst Leonidas growled, "that ability again!" He leapt back and took to the air as the Brawlers checked the points total.

Siege: 660Gs
Wukong: 400Gs
Leonidas: 650Gs
Hammersaur: 650Gs

"Not good," Heath cried as Hammersaur charged towards Wukong. "Look out! He's coming!"

"Thanks," Wukong began to avoid its claws as best he could, "like I didn't notice!"

"Alright," he pointed at the ground, "Gate Card, OPEN!" The ground began to glow before it exploded into flames. From out of those flames, large trees began to sprout. "Flaming Jungle!" The trees were soon fully grown. But instead of leaves, they had flames for foliage. "This is a special Gate Card that only works if Wukong's out. With it, he gets three hundred Gs."

"Oh yeah!" Wukong leapt up and grabbed onto the branches, swinging from one to another as his power rose.

Siege: 660Gs
Wukong: 700Gs
Leonidas: 650Gs
Hammersaur: 650Gs

"Ahh!" Royal cried before holding up a card. "Ability, Activate!" It glowed as Siege swung its staff around and unleashed a fireball, "Burst Flame!" The projectile hit Wukong and knocked him off the branch.

Siege: 660Gs
Wukong: 600Gs
Leonidas: 650Gs
Hammersaur: 650Gs

"Augh!" He cried as he crashed into the ground. At the same time, Leonidas and Hammersaur kept slashing at one another.

"Ability," Neon held up a card, "Activate!" The card glowed as Hammersaur's claws glowed. "Spiral Shredder!" It then stood in a T-pose and began spinning like a top, morphing into a glowing tornado that moved towards Leonidas.

Siege: 660Gs
Wukong: 600Gs
Leonidas: 650Gs
Hammersaur: 800Gs

"Flash!" Leonidas cried as the tornado got closer, Flash nodding as he held up three cards.

"Triple Ability, Activate!" A force-field appeared around Leonidas, "Hyper Shield!" The tornado struck the barrier and bounced off, falling back. "Plus, Co-Side!" Hammersaur glowed before the energy flew off it into Leonidas. "Plus, Alpha Blaster!" Leonidas began to charge up power in his mouth, ready to shoot.

Siege: 660Gs
Wukong: 600Gs
Leonidas: 950Gs
Hammersaur: 650Gs

As Leonidas prepared to fire, Neon decided he was done messing around and took out another Bakugan. "Time to put the odds in my favour!" He said before pulling his arms back, "Bakugan...BRAWL!" He threw it towards the ground and it opened up, "Bakugan...STAND!" In a burst of dark light, a Bakugan that looked similar to Hammersaur appeared. "Darkus Anchorsaur!"

Siege: 660Gs
Wukong: 600Gs
Leonidas: 950Gs
Hammersaur+Anchorsaur: 1050Gs

"What?" Flash asked as Leonidas fired his attack, but the blast was deflected when Anchorsaur used its shoulder guard to block it.

Siege: 660Gs
Wukong: 600Gs
Leonidas: 950Gs
Hammersaur+Anchorsaur: 1050Gs

"Ability, Activate!" Neon held up another card that glowed, "Razor Phantom!" The shoulder guards suddenly flew off Anchorsaur and shot towards Leonidas, spinning at high speed and hitting him.

"Augh!" He grind and they sawed into his chest.

Siege: 660Gs
Wukong: 600Gs
Leonidas: 850Gs
Hammersaur+Anchorsaur: 1050Gs

Leonidas was thrown towards the ground and as he fell, Hammersaur changed forward. It roared before body-checking the dragon, knocking him backwards and making him revert back to ball form with a cry of pain. "LEO!" Flash yelled as his life gauge dropped.

Flash: 60%
Neon: 70%
Royal: 62%
Heath: 100%

"YOW!" The announcer cried, "talk about a sneak attack! Now it's two against one. Or should I say three against one."

"Oh no!" Heath cried as he watched Flash pick Leonidas up.

"Worry about yourself!" He heard Royal state and turned to see him hold up another Bakugan, an Aquos Bakugan, the teen pulling it back. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" The ball flew through the air before opening up, "Bakugan...STAND!" In a burst of water, another knight appeared. This one with a lance on the end of its staff. "Aquos Siege, RISE!"

Siege+Siege: 1020Gs
Wukong: 600Gs
Hammersaur+Anchorsaur: 1050Gs

"Not good," Heath gulped as the two knights charged.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Royal held up two cards, "Aquos Javelin plus Heat Razor!" Water swirled around the lance whilst the U-shape blade ignited into flames.

Siege+Siege: 1220Gs
Wukong: 600Gs
Hammersaur+Anchorsaur: 1050Gs

They charged, ready to end the battle and take Wukong. But Heath wouldn't let that happen. "Double Ability, Activate!" Wukong held up his hand as a ball of magma appeared above it. "Eruption Force!" He then thrust his hand into it, turning the ball into a giant magma fist. "Plus, Fire Smasher!"

Siege+Siege: 1220Gs
Wukong: 950Gs
Hammersaur+Anchorsaur: 1050Gs

"RAAAAH!" He swung the magma fist towards the knights, who swung their staffs around. The attack clashed and pushed again one another, but eventually the knights overpowered Wukong and he was knocked backwards. "AUGH!" He cried as he was thrown back, returning to ball form!"

Flash: 60%
Neon: 70%
Royal: 62%
Heath: 46%

Heath picked Wukong up as the flaming trees vanished. "That sucked."

"Tell me about it," Flash agreed as he and Leonidas moved over to him. "They totally blindsided me."

"I'm more worried about Royal's Bakugan," Heath told him. "He's using two completely different attributes. If that's the case, then his third Bakugan might be a different attribute as well." He looked up at the Siege as they returned to Royal, "Pyrus and Aquos. If he has Haos..." He turned to Flash, "we might be in trouble."

"Let's go!" Royal cried as he held up a Gate Card and threw it towards the ground, "Gate Card...SET!" It hit the ground and exploded into red light, as Royal and Neon held up three Bakugan. "We're going all out." Neon nodded as they pulled their arms back. "BAKUGAN...BRAWL!" They threw the six Bakugan towards the ground and they all rolled along it. "BAKUGAN...STAND!" In a burst of dark and yellow light, fire and water, the six Bakugan appeared. "Darkus Hammersaur, Anchorsaur and Atchibee!"

"Pyrus, Aquos and Haos Siege!" The six raged across the field, the two new Bakugan being a white and yellow knight carrying a staff with a star-filled ring on the end and a snake-like big with metal mantis arms and purple butterfly wings.

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1080Gs
Hammersaur+Anchorsaur+Atchibee: 1200Gs

"I knew it," Heath gulped seeing the Haos Siege. He turned to Flash, "this isn't gonna be easy."

"No kidding," Flash nodded. "It's two against six. Not exactly the best odds."

"Then let's even those odds," Leonidas told him. Flash looked down at the dragon. "You said it yourself, there may come a time when fighting alone isn't enough..,no matter how strong you are or how hard you try. That's why we have teammates to help us fight." Flash realised what he was getting at and took out two of the Bakugan Heath had traded him.

"Leo...you sure?"

"I am," Leonidas nodded. "Better to win as a team then lose on my own." Flash nodded as Wukong leapt onto Heath's shoulder.

"You heard the lizard. Let's invite some more friends to the party." Heath smirked and nodded before taking out his Bakugan. The two then began to run off until they spotted two loads of power-ups, both jumping onto some rock and leaping over rivers of lava.

"BAKUGAN!" They both threw all three, "BRAWL!" The Bakugan flew through the air, with Heath's hitting two power-ups whilst Flash's hit four. "BAKUGAN!" They hit the ground and rolled before opening up, "STAND!" In an explosion of light and fire, the six new Bakugan appeared.

"Haos Leonidas, Serpenoid and Saurus, STAND!"

"Pyrus Wukong, Serpenoid and Warius, STAND!"

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1080Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1070Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 990Gs
Hammersaur+Anchorsaur+Atchibee: 1200Gs

The Bakugan roared as they began to glow, their power rising.

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1080Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1170Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 1190Gs
Hammersaur+Anchorsaur+Atchibee: 1200Gs

"Let's do this thing!" Wukong yelled as he and the other grounded Bakugan charged forward, Leonidas taking to the air.

"You took the words right out of my mouth!" He roared as he shot towards Atchibee, whilst Flash held up a pair of cards.

"Double Ability, ACTIVATE!" Leonidas and Serpenoid opened their mouths. "Alpha Blaster, Plus Shining Venom!" The two fired beams of light out of their mouths, the Alpha Blaster hitting Atchibee whilst the Shining Venom hit Hammersaur.

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1080Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1170Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 1390Gs
Hammersaur+Anchorsaur+Atchibee: 1100Gs

The two Bakugan staggered backwards, whilst Anchorsaur charged at Saurus. The two reptiles began to clash, Anchorsaur slashing at Saurus who threw punch after punch at it.

Meanwhile, Wukong and his Pyrus Bakugan reached the three knights and the lot of them focused on Wukong. "Wow!" He cried as he jumped back to avoid the Pyrus Siege's staff, then side-stepped so the Aquos's didn't stab him with its lance. The Haos then swung its staff down, but Wukong reached up and grabbed it under the figurehead. "I don't think so. Heath!"

"Ability, Activate!" He held up the card, which glowed as Wukong held up his other hand. "Eruption Force!" The ball of magma appeared in his hand, growing large and large by the second.

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1080Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1320Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 1390Gs
Hammersaur+Anchorsaur+Atchibee: 1100Gs

"RAAAH!" He cried as he thrust the ball into the Haos Siege, the magma exploding and making it stagger backwards. And before the other two could help it, Serpenoid and Warius charged forward. Warius used its club to block the Pyrus' staff whilst Serpenoid wrapped its body around the Aquos. The knights tried to break free, but Heath's Bakugan were too strong.

"You think you have us beat?" Royal asked, "think again!" He held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" It glowed, whilst the knights began to glow their respective colours. "Triple Node!"

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1980Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1320Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 1390Gs
Hammersaur+Anchorsaur+Atchibee: 1100Gs

"WOW!" The announcer cried, "almost two thousand Gs. That's the highest Power Level I've ever seen!" Flash's friends began to panic, thinking there was no way they could overcome that. "

The knights all began to overpower Heath's Bakugan, Wukong and Warius suddenly finding the weapons getting closer to them whilst Serpenoid felt its hold on Siege loosen. The Aquos Bakugan finally grabbed its tail and pulled the snake off it, throwing it over as Wukong and Warius finally leapt back and barely avoided getting hit.

"Get'em!" Royal cried as the three charged, but Heath was ready.

"I don't think so!" He held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as Wukong slammed his fists into the ground, "Firewall!" The ground exploded, as a circle of fire shot out around him, Serpenoid and Warius. It then exploded outwards and hit the three Siege, knocking them backwards and cancelling out the Triple Node.

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1080Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1320Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 1390Gs
Hammersaur+Anchorsaur+Atchibee: 1100Gs

"Ahh!" Royal cried, only for Hammersaur to suddenly crash down besides the Siege. He looked over at Neon's battle and saw that Leonidas was still fighting with Atchibee.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Neon cried as he held up his cards, "Co-Side plus Vermilion Jet Black!" The Darkus Bakugan absorbed the power from its Pyrus teammate before purple lightning shot out of Atchibee's eyes.

"AUGH!" Leonidas cried as he was struck in the chest, feeling his power getting drained.

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1080Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1320Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 1240Gs
Hammersaur+Anchorsaur+Atchibee: 1450Gs

"Ability, Activate!" As Atchibee charged to slash at Leonidas, Saurus ran over to one of the larger rocks and ran up it. "Saurus Charge!" Saurus jumped into the air and smashed into Atchibee, knocking it backwards but Atchibee managed to push it away as Leonidas recovered from the zap.

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1080Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1320Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 1340Gs
Hammersaur+Anchorsaur+Atchibee: 1450Gs

"Double Ability, Active!" Neon held up two cards as they glowed, Hammersaur and Anchorsaur preparing their attacks. "Spiral Shredder, plus Razor Phantom!" Anchorsaur launched its shoulder guards at Saurus, grinding into it, whilst Hammersaur morphed into the tornado.

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1080Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1320Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 1240Gs
Hammersaur+Anchorsaur+Atchibee: 1600Gs

"Look out Flash!" Lyra cried as Hammersaur's tornado flew towards him.

"I got this!" Flash yelled as he held up two cards. "Triple Ability, Activate!" They glowed as Leonidas began to spin, whilst Serpenoid slithered forwards and Saurus charged. "Shining Tornado, plus Stinger Strike, plus Mad Rush!" Serpenoid swung its tail around and stabbed its blade into the tornado, knocking Hammersaur out of the spin and making it fall to the ground as its power was lowered. At the same time, Leonidas morphed into a drill of light whilst Saurus charged with all its might.

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1080Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1320Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 1490Gs
Hammersaur+Anchorsaur+Atchibee: 1450Gs

Both Leonidas and Saurus slammed into Hammersaur, making it cry out as it was thrown backwards and reverted to ball form.

Flash: 60%
Neon: 62%
Royal: 62%
Heath: 46%

With Hammersaur gone, Neon's Bakugan lost power.

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1080Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1320Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 1490Gs
Anchorsaur+Atchibee: 950Gs

"No," Neon whispered as Flash's Bakugan rushed forward. "Oh no you don't!" Neon held up his cards. "Double Ability, ACTIVATE!" A look of rage appeared on Anchorsaur's face, whilst Atchibee beat its wings and started scattering purple dust into the air. "Berserker Vengeance, plus Doom Pollen!" The dust flew over to Flash's Bakugan and landed on them.

"What?" Leonidas asked before suddenly feeling his strength begin to drain. "What's happening?"

"Doom Pollen!" Neon cried as Flash's Bakugan fell to the ground. "It saps away a hundred Gs from ever Bakugan hit and makes them unable to move or use any Ability. And Berserker Vengeance's power doubles if one of my Bakugan have already fallen."

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1080Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1320Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 1190Gs
Anchorsaur+Atchibee: 1250Gs

Anchorsaur charged forward, ready to take Leonidas down. But before it could, Warius leapt appeared in front of it. "What the?" Neon asked, looking over to see the three Siege had been knocked back, allowing the Bakugan to rush over to Flash's aid. The only one next to the knights was Serpenoid, making him look to see Wukong charging at Atchibee.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Wukong's fist ignited whilst Warius glowed red. "Fire Smasher, plus Raging Spirit!"

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1080Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1620Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 1190Gs
Anchorsaur+Atchibee: 1250Gs

Wukong leapt into the air and smashed his fist into the insect, whilst Warius swung its club around and clobbered Anchorsaur on the head. The Darkus Bakugan cried out as they were knocked flying, then reverted back to ball form. "NOOOOO!" Neon cried as his life gauge dropped.

Flash: 60%
Neon: 0%
Royal: 62%
Heath: 46%

"NEON IS DOWN!" The announcer cried as Leonidas suddenly felt himself able to move.

"You okay?" Wukong asked as they turned to Royal's Bakugan.

"Yeah," he nodded. "Thanks." He and the other Haos Bakugan picked themselves up, "now let's take these guys down." Wukong nodded and charged as Pyrus Serpenoid tried to bite at a Siege.

"I don't think so!" Royal cried. "Since Neon's out, I don't have to worry about using this." He pointed to the ground, "Gate Card...OPEN!" The ground began to glow, "Siege's Triumph!" The Bakugan all groaned as they felt themselves weaken. "Now, every Bakugan other then Siege will lose a hundred Gs!"

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1080Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1320Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 890Gs

"And then!" Royal held up three cards. "Triple Ability, ACTIVATE!" The knights charged forwards as Pyrus' weapon morphed into a sword, Aquos' was surrounded by water and Haos' figurehead glowed brightly. "Fire Sword, plus Aquos Javelin, plus Star Staff!"

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1380Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1320Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 890Gs

Leonidas leapt into the air whilst Wukong and the other Bakugan did their best to avoid the attacks. "You guys are going down!" Royal cried, as the Aquos cornered Warius against a large rock. "GET HIM!" The knight rushed forward, ready to stab the warrior. But before it could.

"Ability, Activate!" Flash cried as Saurus turned to the Siege, its horns sparking with lightning. "Tri-Thunder!" The lightning exploded off the horns and combined before hitting the knight, making it cry out as it was zapped.

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1330Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1320Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 890Gs

This made Siege stagger back and give Heath the opening he needed. "Ability, Activate!" The spikes on Warius's club extended. "Power Spike!"

Siege+Siege+Siege: 1330Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1420Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 890Gs

Warius swung the club around and smashed it into Siege, knocking it backwards and reverting it back to ball form.

Flash: 60%
Neon: 0%
Royal: 44%
Heath: 46%

With one Siege down, Royal's Bakugan lost a lot of power. "Oh no!" He said, seeing the new score.

Siege+Siege: 920Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1420Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 890Gs

"Ability, Activate!" Flash yelled as Saurus glowed, "Haos Bulk-Up!" Leonidas and Serpenoid glowed. "Now, every Haos Bakugan gets an extra hundred Gs."

Siege+Siege: 920Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1420Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 1190Gs

"But now Saurus can't move," Nimue stated.

"Not that it matters," Bonnie said. "With the other Bakugan there to help."

"I gotta stop this," Royal panicked, He pulled out his cards, but couldn't decide which card to use. This allowed Flash and Heath to glance at one another and nod, then turned back to the battle.

"Double Ability!" They both cried as they held up the cards, "ACTIVATE!" The Serpenoid slithered forward and leapt at the knights before they could escape. "Viper Coil!" The two slammed into both Siege and wrapped around them, making them unable to move. Royal knew that Ability prevented him from using his Abilities. He then watched as Leonidas began to spin, whilst Wukong charged forward. "Plus, Fusion Ability!"

Leonidas morphed into the light drill, which had blue lightning sparking around it. "Alpha Hurricane!"

Meanwhile, Wukong created the ball of magma and thrust his fist into it, the ball reshaping into a magma knuckle. "Volcanic Impact!"

Siege+Siege: 920Gs
Wukong+Serpenoid+Warius: 1770Gs
Leonidas+Serpenoid+Saurus: 1540Gs

The two charged at the knights, Wukong pulling his fist back whilst Leonidas span faster and faster. And then, almost at the exact same time, they slammed their attacks into the Siege. Leonidas struck the Haos and Wukong struck Pyrus, the Serpenoid leaping to safety as their opponents were thrown backwards into the air.

"NOOOOO!" Royal yelled as his Siege returned to ball form, only to then hover in the air for a moment before shooting towards his opponents. Flash caught the Haos Siege and Heath caught the Pyrus one, whilst Royal Pin's points dropped.

Flash: 60% (Winners)
Neon: 0%
Royal: 0%
Heath: 46% (Winners)

"It's OVER!" The announcer cried as the other Bakugan returned to their owners whilst the field began to disappear. "Flash and Heath have claimed victory over their opponents. It was surely a nail-biting match!"

"Ahhh!" Neon cried, "not again!"

"Come on!" Royal turned to run off, "let's get out of here!" And they did, both rushing out of the battlefield before Flash or Heath could say anything. Both brawlers sighed in relief at the brawl's outcome, but also smiled as they looked down at their prizes. Now they each had their own Siege Bakugan of their favourite Attribute.

"Can't wait to use this bad boy," Flash smirked as the two of them headed out of the battlefield.

When they arrived back in the main foyer, Flash spotted Lyra and Bonnie rushing over to him. "Flash!" Lyra called out before turning to Heath, "where did you meet this guy? And how did he get a talking Bakugan?" As she asked this, Nimue leapt up onto her shoulder.

"Hello Wukong," she told the Pyrus Bakugan on Heath's shoulder.

"Nim-Nim!" Wukong cried, "long time no see."

Nimue sighed, "I do wish you'd stop calling me that. Anyway, what are you doing here? And how did you meet this boy?"

"Same way you did," Wukong replied. "One minute I'm in Vestroia, the next I'm waking up in Heath's hands." The girls had been expecting this, but hearing it didn't make it any more shocking.

The seven of them moved over to a nearby table and continued to talk about this. "This can't just be a coincidence," Lyra said. "Someone's totally gotta be sending these Bakugan for us for a reason."

"Maybe," Flash nodded, "but why? What makes us so special they would entrust us with Bakugan that can talk."

"Who knows," Heath told him. "But I bet it has something to do with that Phantom guy you were talking about earlier. Who is he?" The three humans explained him to Heath, who was surprised to heart this. "He's gotta talking Bakugan too?"

"And he seems to be after something," Flash told him before remembering that strange cube Phantom had. "But what and what do our Bakugan have to do with it?"

Leonidas turned to him. "Whatever it is, I doubt it's anything good. We need to find a way to stop him. And to do that, we'll need to get stronger." They all nodded in agreement, "and to get stronger we need to face off against more powerful opponents."

"Which is why we're planning to enter the tournament," Lyra mention.

"Yeah," Flash nodded. As he did so, he realised something and turned to Heath. "Hey, Heath, do you wanna join our team?" Heath hadn't been expecting this. "We've been looking for a Pyrus, Darkus and Ventus Brawler to join us and you're really good."

The girls nodded as Bonnie spoke up, "I think he'd be a good addition."

"I'm on board," Lyra agreed.

"Are you sure?" Heath asked, the three nodding again. Heath smirked. "Alright, I'm in." They smiled at this, happy they had another teammate to join them. Now they were just one or two Brawlers short.

"I can't wait to tell Derpy," Flash turned to the front desk and saw she wasn't there. "Hey...where is she?"

Up on the roof of the stadium, Phantom stood there after watching the battle.

"You're growing stronger," he told Flash. "But not strong enough. The next time we meet, I will take your Bakugan." And then took out the cube, "and maybe you can help me with that."

Author's Note:

Heath joins the main cast and both he and Flash get a strong new Bakugan. Hope you enjoyed it and like the Bakugan I gave Heath.

For Wukong's ball form, look up Gorthion

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