• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,648 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

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A Fight With A Knight

Derpy panted as she ran as fast as she could, hoping to get to the riverbank where Twilight and the others were waiting.

She remembered back to the call she had gotten, Twilight explaining how the BakuFighters had all vanished in a flash of light. She feared something horrible had happened and maybe Phantom had done something horrible to her friends, so she had asked her supervisor to let her go early claiming she had just gotten word of a family emergency.

She ran through the park and stopped for a moment, completely out of breath. She leaned against a lamppost, trying to get her breathing under control. "Flash...Lyra...everyone, please be okay." But as she said that, she felt her head beginning to swim. "What's...what's happening." She staggered around, trying to regain her balance. And as she did, she heard a strange voice.

"Derpy...Derpy...it's time..."

"That voice," the voice sounded familiar but she couldn't quite place it.

"Derpy...it's time to fulfil your destiny." That was the last thing Derpy could remember before everything went dark. As she fell, her thoughts were only on one thing. Her friends.

Flash didn't know where he was. His brain felt fried and he felt like he would pass out the moment he felt himself wake up. But before he could drift of, he heard someone.

"Flash...Flash...FLASH WAKE UP!" His eyes shot open and he sat up, seeing Leonidas floating in front of him. "You're awake." He sounded relieved and Flash looked around, seeing they were in some kind of dark void.

"Where are we?"

"I don't know," Leo frowned as he too looked around. "I'm guessing this is meant to be the place we're supposed to be tested." Flash remembered what had happened and realised he was right. This was where he was too be tested. But where exactly was that.

Before he could saying anything, a quartet of light appeared above them. They looked up and saw four orbs of light, one red, one blue, one orange and one green, floating above their heads. When they drifted down and began to circle them, the two looking at each orb and seeing something shocking.

Inside the red orb, they saw Heath and Wukong battling in a destroyed city. In the blue orb, Lyra and Nimue were battling atop a large body of water. Bonnie and Gaia were in the orange orb, battling in a rocky mountain area. And finally, Soarin and Garuda were in the green orb battling on a school field.

"What the heck is this?" He asked before another light appeared behind them, the pair turning to see a figure they both instantly recognised.

"Dragonia!" Leonidas cried, seeing his 'mother' standing there.

"Welcome!" She told them before pointing towards the orbs again. They looked inside and as they did, they saw each of their friend's partner Bakugan begin to change. "All your friends have succeeded in their trials, overcoming various hurdles set before them. Some were more difficult than others, but all of them remained determined to win. And their prize for victory was the Attribute Energies we offered, which allowed each of their Bakugan to evolve. And each of your friends were taught a lesson along the way. Lessons they will carry with them for a lifetime."

"Awesome," Flash smiled at the sight of his friend's new Bakugan. "Way to go guys."

"Do not celebrate too soon," Dragonia told him. "Now it is your turn." She held out her hands and in it, the Haos Attribute energy appeared. "You must take on this great trial. Pass and you will be rewarded. Fail and you must step down in your ambitions to stop Lucifer."

"What trial?" Flash asked, "I don't need any life lessons to get stronger!"

"Don't you?" Dragonia asked, "many are blind to their own limitations. But unless you overcome this limitation, you cannot progress and allow Leonidas to evolve."

Flash frowned, turning to Leo. The Bakugan looked at him and they both knew, the only way they were gonna be able to get out of this place and get him to evolve was to let this test happen. "Fine," Flash turned back to her, "bring it on. I can handle any test you send my way. So what have I gotta do?" His question was answered when he felt a new presence appear behind him, causing him to spin around and see someone stepping out of the dark void.

That someone was a strange looking knight, wearing silver armour with green fur around the shoulders, knees and wrists. They also had a green cape on their back and a sword strapped to their hip, Flash fearing he would put it to use any second.

Sure enough, the knight rushed forward looking ready to draw his sword. Flash did the best he could to get into a defensive stance but as the knight drew closer, Flash felt himself tripping over his own feet and falling backward. "Augh!" He hit the ground and as he did, the knight suddenly leapt up and did several flips as he passed over the teen. "Wow!" He followed the knight as he flew over to Dragonia and landed in front of her, Flash quickly jumping back to his feet. "Who is this guy?"

"Your opponent," Dragonia explained. Flash looked confused and she began to explain, "your test is to defeat him. Should you succeed, you will be given the Haos Attribute Energy. And hopefully, you will come to understand what it is you must learn if you wish to have any hope of defeating Lucifer. If you wish to forfeit, now is your only chance!"

"Ha!" Flash smirked, "I never back down from a challenge. If beating this guy is all I need to do to pass, then just watch." He pointed at the knight, "I'll make him eat that sword of his!"

"Very well," Dragonia raised the Attribute Energy. "Your test will begin...NOW!" With that, light exploded out of the orb and blinded everyone. Flash and Leo both cried out and as they closed their eyes, they felt the ground beneath their feet vanished.

"WOW!" Flash cried as he and Leo fell, the two still blinded as they descended down from wherever they were. After a few moments of this, he felt himself crash into something hard but not enough to break anything. "Ow!" He moaned as he felt the light fade away, "that's gonna leave a mark."

He opened his eyes and when he did, he was shocked to discover he was somewhere he never thought he would be. The moon.

"What the heck?" He looked around, seeing that the place was covered in tall rocks and craters. He also noticed several of the craters had power-ups within them. "Where are we?"

"And where'd that guy go?" Leonidas asked, only for them to hear a someone clear their throat. They both looked around and saw the knight standing on the far side of a crater, with Dragonia standing behind him.

"Looking for us?"

"You bet we are!" Flash cried as he took out an Ability Card. "You ready to play?"

"Play?" Dragonia asked, "this is no game. It is a battle. A battle you cannot afford to lose." She summoned the Haos Energy and it began to float into the air, Flash and Leonidas watching it. "If you lose, you will no longer be allowed to fight for the fate of the Bakugan."

"Well then it's a good thing I'm not gonna lose!" Flash cried, "come on! Let's go!" He held up his wrist as his BakuColar activated, the Knight raising his gauntlet as a screen on the back of it glowed also. "Bakugan, BRAWL!"

Flash: 100%
Knight: 100%

The Knight quickly took out a card and threw it into the crater, the card exploding as Flash took out a Bakugan. "Let's see just how good he is. Bakugan!" He threw the ball into the crater, "BRAWL!" The orb shot down and hit several power ups on the way, then rolled down the crater until it reached the very bottom. "Bakugan," it popped open, "STAND!" In a burst of light, a serpent Bakugan appeared. "Haos Serpenoid!"

Serpenoid: 320Gs

The beast hissed as the power-ups kicked in, making it glow.

Serpenoid: 470Gs

Dragonia chuckled, "such a simple move." She turned to the knight, "use the Mock Dragonoid." The knight nodded and took out a Haos Bakugan that it threw into the field, hitting a few power-ups along the way. It that hit the ground and opened up, exploding into golden light and quickly taking shape before fading to reveal a large white dragon Bakugan with yellow running from the front of its neck, down its chest and stomach until it it reached the end of its tail. Its arms were connected to its wings, which had a white membrane inside it.

"Wow!" Flash cried, "he's got a dragonoid Bakugan!" He looked down at his BakuColar and saw the score.

Serpenoid: 470Gs
Dragonoid: 390Gs

The dragon spread its wings and took to the air, as the power ups kicked in.

Serpenoid: 470Gs
Dragonoid: 490Gs

"Not good," Flash gulped as he held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as Serpenoid's mouth filled with light, "Lumino Venom!" It fired a laser from its mouth that struck the Dragonoid in the chest, making it cry out as its body began to stiffen up.

Serpenoid: 470Gs
Dragonoid: 290Gs

"Interesting strategy," Dragonia nodded. "Stopping us from activating Abilities and lowering our power, all the while preventing our Bakugan from escaping your next attack. Almost Phantom-like of you."

"I'll admit I'm not the biggest fan of that kind of strategy," Flash nodded. "But it's like you said, this battle is too important to take lightly." He took out another card, "Ability, Activate!" Serpenoid slivered over to where Dragonoid had landed and swing its tail blade at it, "Stinger Strike!"

It stabbed the dragon and made it cry out as it was thrown backwards, hitting the ground hard.

Serpenoid: 470Gs
Dragonoid: 190Gs

"That's the way!" Flash cheered as Serpenoid slithered up onto the dragon's chest, preparing to strike the final blow.

"Activate the Dual Dragonoid!" Dragonia announced as the knight snapped his fingers, causing the whole crater to start glowing. As it did, the knight held up another Bakugan that was also glowing before throwing it into the crater.

Flash's eyes went wide as a second Haos Mock Dragonoid appeared, the beast taking to the air and letting out a mighty roar. "I can't believe he's got two?"

"How can there be a duplicate?" Leonidas asked, Flash looking down at his BakuColar.

Serpenoid: 470Gs
Dragonoid+Dragonoid: 590Gs

Flash did the math and realised the second Dragonoid was ten Gs stronger then the first. This wasted time however and the second Dragonoid flew down and grabbed Serpenoid in its claws, lifting it into the air and out of the crater. "Serpenoid!" Flash could only watch as the dragon spun around and threw the snake towards the ground, Serpenoid hissing in pain as it crashed into the ground before reverting back to ball form. "No way!" He cried, his life gauge dropping as the Dragonoids returned to the Knight.

Flash: 76%
Knight: 100%

"Such a shame," Dragonia told them. "I had hoped the two I chose would put up more of a fight." Flash and Leo turned to frown at her, both knowing they weren't gonna take that insult laying down. This Brawl was far from over.

Back on earth, we find the lovable young brawler known as Pipsqueak. He was happily making his way through the park, riding his bike as he made his way towards the stadium to meet up with his friends.

He hummed happily as he did so, not having a single care in the world at all. But as he turned a corner, he spotted something that brought many cares crashing down upon him. Someone was laid out in the middle of the park, looking like they had just collapsed.

"Huh?" He got off his bike and ran towards them, "hey. Are you okay?" But as he got closer, he slowly realised her recognised them. "Derpy?" He knelt down besides her and rolled Derpy onto her back, the girls remaining as still as a rock. "Derpy, please wake up. Please!" He began to panic and looked around, hoping to find someone who could help or at least call an ambulance or something. "Derpy!" It was then that he heard her beginning to moan.

Derpy's eyes slowly began to open, the girl flinching at the bright sun above her head. She then looked around and spotted the boy besides her, "Pipsqueak?"

He sighed, "you're okay. What a relief."

"What happened?" She sat herself up and Pipsqueak stood.

"You stay here," he told her. "I'll go find someone who can help." He turned to run off, but Derpy stopped him.

"Wait!" Pipsqueak turned back to her, as she held her head. "I'm okay. I think I just need to rest for a minute."

"Are you sure?" Pipsqueak asked, Derpy nodding as he hummed. "Well, laying around here isn't very good. Come on," he moved to help her up. "I know someplace you can rest in peace and quiet." Derpy got to her feet and Pipsqueak began to lead her through the park.

"Gate Card...SET!" Flash threw his card into another crater that he and the knight ran over to before they both took out the Bakugan they had chosen. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" They both shot into the crater and hit some power-ups before landing, "Bakugan...STAND!" They opened up and in a flash of light, Haos Hammersaur appeared alongside the stronger Dragonoid.

Dragonoid: 400Gs
Hammersaur: 400Gs

The large clawed crocodile hissed as Dragonoid flew into the air,

Dragonoid: 650Gs
Hammersaur: 600Gs

Flash quickly holding up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Hammersaur's claws glowed and extended, "Crushing Light!"

Dragonoid: 650Gs
Hammersaur: 750Gs

Hammersaur leapt into the air, trying to slash at Dragonoid but the lizard flew higher than it could jump. As it did, Flash pointed to the ground. "Gate Card...OPEN!" The field glowed and Hammersaur absorbed the light, as it suddenly started growing larger and larger. "Enlargement Force!" By the time it stopped growing, its body was almost one and a half times as big.

Dragonoid: 650Gs
Hammersaur: 950Gs

Its new size allowed Hammersaur to reach Dragonoid and it slashed at the beast, making it roar as it was thrown towards the ground. As it crashed into the ground, Dragonia turned to the Knight. "Do it." The knight nodded and took out the other Dragonoid before throwing it into the crater, not aiming for any power-ups and landing on the ground were the first Mock Dragonoid was. It opened up and in a flash, the second appeared and began to protect the first.

Dragonoid+Dragonoid: 1040Gs
Hammersaur: 950Gs

Flash smirked, "teaming up against me. Let's see how well that works against my colossal-" He stopped talking as his Hammersaur started glowing, "huh?" He looked up and was shocked to see Hammersaur start to shrink.

"What's happening?" Leonidas asked as Flash checked his BakuColar.

Dragonoid+Dragonoid: 1040Gs
Hammersaur: 750Gs

"My Gate Card's been nullified!" Flash cried, "but how?"

"Silly boy," Dragonia chuckled. "Think back. What did the last Gate Card do?" Flash thought about it, realising now that throwing another Bakugan in couldn't be its only purpose.

"Don't tell me!"

"Dual Dragon allows Mock Dragonoid to nullify any Gate Card that's been activated for the rest of the game, so long as there are two of them on the field." Flash gulped hearing this, his worries increasing as the first Dragonoid picked itself up and the second took to the air.

Before Flash could respond, it grabbed Hammersaur by the shoulders and lifted it up and out of the crater. "Throw another Bakugan in!" Leonidas cried, Flash nodding and taking out Serpenoid.

"Bakugan...BRAWL!" He threw Serpenoid into the crater before the other Dragonoid could take off, the ball popping open at its feet. "Bakugan...STAND! Haos Serpenoid!" The snake appeared and leapt at Dragonoid, wrappin its body around the dragon as tightly as possible.

Dragonoid+Dragonoid: 1040Gs
Hammersaur+Serpenoid: 1080Gs

At the same time, the first Dragonoid released Hammersaur and the clawed reptile fell crashing into the earth...moon. "Come down and fight!" Flash cried as Hammersaur picked itself up, but the Dragonoid remained in the air safely away from its claws.

The other Dragonoid continued to be constricted by Serpenoid, preventing it from taking off. However, the other one quickly dived down before Hammersaur could get to it. It reached down with its clawed feet and grabbed the snake's neck, the two dragons fighting against it and managed to unravel it enough for the second to escape and take flight.

As the two took to the air, Hammersaur jumped back down whilst Flash held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Serpenoid opened its mouth as a light appeared within it, "Shining Venom!" Serpenoid unleashed a laser that struck one of the Dragonoid, causing it to cry out as its power dropped.

Dragonoid+Dragonoid: 940Gs
Hammersaur+Serpenoid: 1080Gs

The two dragonoids began to fall towards them, Hammersaur rushing forward ready to deal the finishing blow. But before it could, Dragonia spoke up. "Dragon Lumination!" The knight held up a card and both Dragonoid's mouths filled with light.

Dragonoid+Dragonoid: 1240Gs
Hammersaur+Serpenoid: 1180Gs

Just like Serpenoid, they both fired a laser that flew down and struck both Hammersaur and Serpenoid. The two Bakugan hissed as they were blasted backwards and reverted back to ball form, the two being blown out of the crater and landing at Flash's feet.

"Seriously?" He asked, as his life gauge dropped even more so.

Flash: 52%
Knight: 100%

"We're in trouble," Leonidas sighed as the Mock Dragonoids returned to the knight. "But this battle isn't over yet!" Flash nodded, the pair knowing their only chance was to hold nothing back.

Pipsqueak had led Derpy through the park to a denser area of it, that not a lot of people liked to go to since there was barely any room to run around between the trees.

But in the middle of this area was a larger than normal tree and in its branches, a well built treehouse could be found. "Here we are," Pipsqueak smiled as he helped Derpy lay down on a makeshift bed. "My dad and I found this thing when I was a kid and we fixed it up to be my own personal hangout. You should be able to rest here without much issue."

"Thank you," Derpy smiled as Pipsqueak sat next to him. "So, how have you been since I last saw you? I know it wasn't too long ago, but I hope you're still brawling."

Pipsqueak nodded, "I am. And it's been a lot of fun." As he said that, his Bakugan Scaboid leapt out of his pocket and onto his shoulder.

"We've been training hard to make sure nobody's able to beat us," he explained. "And it's all thanks to you giving Pipsqueak your support."

Derpy smiled, then frowned as she leaned back. "I guess that's all I can be. Someone who'll always be cheering the real heroes on from the sidelines."

"What do you mean?"

"My friends are in trouble," Derpy explained. "They disappeared in a flash of light and when I ran to help them, I passed out." Pipsqueak frowned hearing about this, feeling bad for her and worried for her friends. "I want to help them, but I'm not a brawler. I'd probably just get in the way."

"That's not true." She turned to her little friends, "you're great at Bakugan. You helped me learn to be a better Brawler."

"That's right," Scarboid nodded. "I'm sure with the right Bakugan, you would be an amazing Brawler." Derpy smiled at this as Pipsqueak stood you.

"You stay here. I'll go get you something to drink and when you're feeling better, we'll both go find your friends together." With that, he got up and ran off. Derpy smiled as she watched them leave and laid back on the bed, taking deep breaths to get herself under control." But just as she was about to relax, it happened.

"Derpy." Her eyes went wide as she sat up and looked around, whilst the dizziness in her head returned. "It's time for the real you to awaken. The Brawler within." Derpy clutched her head as she felt intense pain appear in her mind, the girl falling onto the bed.

"What is this?" She asked, rolling back and forth. "Who's doing this?"

"You know who it is."

She tried to remember, but she could only think of one being it could be. "Reg...Regulus."

They rushed over to another crater, knight throwing another Gate Card down. As it exploded, he threw two Bakugan down into the crater without hitting any power-ups.

In a burst of light, the two Haos Mock Dragonoids appeared and took to the air.

Dragonoid+Dragonoid: 790Gs

"Ready Leo!" Flash cried as he grabbed his partner and rushed up one of the rocks, running as fast as could before leaping off it. Sure enough, the moon's lack of gravity meant he could stay up their longer. "Bakugan," he threw Leonidas into the crater, "BRAWL!" Leo struck a trio of power-ups and hit the ground, popping open as he did so. "Bakugan, stand!" He exploded into a tornado of light that appeared between the two dragonoids, "Haos Omega Leonidas!"

"Raaaah!" He cried as he broke out of the tornado, staring down at the dragonoids below him as the power-ups kicked in.

Leonidas: 800Gs
Dragonoid+Dragonoid: 790Gs

"Activate the Gate Card!" Dragonia told the knight, who snapped his fingers and caused the ground to glow. "Twin Power!" The light flew up towards the two dragons and began to spiral around them, powering them both up.

Leonidas: 800Gs
Dragonoid+Dragonoid: 1190Gs

The Dragonoids shot towards Leonidas, Leo doing everything he could to avoid the attacks. He avoided one Dragonoid's wing attack but then got slammed by another. "Ahhh!" He cried, getting slashed in the back by it. The other one then charged at him, but Leonidas tried to slam it with the end of his tail. However, this just allowed the Dragonoid to grabbed it in its mouth and spin it around. "WOW!" He was then thrown towards the crater, whilst Flash pulled out a card.

"Time to even the odds. Ability, Activate!" Leonidas straightened himself out so that instead of falling, he was diving towards the ground. "Omega Eraser!" His mouth filled with energy and as he got close to the moon's surface, he let it rip and unleashed a powerful laser that struck and destroyed the Gate Card whilst powering him up.

Leonidas: 1050Gs
Dragonoid+Dragonoid: 790Gs

Before the laser's energy was completely spent, he swung it around and attempted to hit the Dragonoids. But before it could, "use Dragon Lumination!" The Knight did so and activated the card, the Dragonoids launching a laser from each of their mouths.

Leonidas: 1050Gs
Dragonoid+Dragonoid: 1090Gs

The two lasers united and struck Leo's, the attacks pushing against one another but eventually fading out of power. As they did, Leonidas began to fly back up.

"Ability, Activate!" Flash held up a card as Leo's claws began to glow, "Dragon Slash!"

Leonidas: 1200Gs
Dragonoid+Dragonoid: 1090Gs

He reached the two Dragonoids and swung his claws at each of them, hitting their chests and knocking them backwards. They fell for several moments, then spread their wings and regained control.

"Burst Impact!" Dragonia cried as the knight activated the card, the two Dragonoids flying straight up and beginning to spiral around one another as they glowed blue. They quickly formed into a pair of blue comets that kept moving in a helix, flying up above Leonidas before curving around to shoot towards him.

Leonidas: 1200Gs
Dragonoid+Dragonoid: 1290Gs

"This will end it!" Dragonia announced, but Flash had other ideas.

"Not gonna happen," he held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Leonidas glowed and the light shot off of him, "Reflector Prism" It formed the energy gem that shielded him from the two blue comets as they slammed into it. The shield shattered, but the comets bounced off and the light faded to reveal the Dragonoids once again.

Leonidas: 1300Gs
Dragonoid+Dragonoid: 1090Gs

Leonidas was quick and shot forward, reaching the two before they could recover and spinning his tail around. Both Dragonoids were struck by the blade and roared as they continued falling, reverting back to ball form and landing at the knight's feet whilst his life gauge dropped.

Flash: 52%
Knight: 16%

"Ha!" Flash smirked as Leonidas returned to him, "how'd you like that? Leo and I are the ultimate team!"

Dragonia hummed, "it appears you truly have grown strong together. Despite your rough start together, you've become a force to be reckoned with. However, power alone will not be enough to defeat Lucifer and his followers."

"Then what is it that we need?" Leonidas asked, but Dragonia said nothing in reply. "Well?"

"That is something that can not be taught, only learned." The two wondered what the heck she was going on about. "Now for your final trial. To claim victory, you must face your ultimate opponent. Me!" With that her armour fell apart and revealed a Haos Bakugan Ball within that flew over to the knight before he ran off.

"Hey!" Flash and Leo followed and the two Brawlers arrived at another crater, only to see that this one had no power-ups. "You ready Leo?" He took out a Gate Card.

"More than ready!" Leonidas cried.

"Then let's do this. Gate Card...SET!" He threw it into the crater before leaping into the air and throwing Leonidas into it, "Bakugan...BRAWL!" Leonidas hit the ground and popped open, exploding into a tornado of light. "Haos Omega Leonidas!"

Leo broke out of it and roared, spreading his wings and getting ready for the final battle.

Leonidas: 650Gs

The knight leapt into the air and threw the ball into it, the ball perfectly mirroring Leonidas as it opened up and unleashed a powerful light tornado. That light soon faded and Dragonia's true form was revealed.

She was a humanoid dragon whose body was pure white, but was covered in yellow sections of thicker scales around her chest, arms, waist and legs. Instead of having traditional dragon wings, hers looked more like a pair of giant dove wings. Her tail was long and tipped with a golden star-shape with a purple orb running through the centre, another purple orb being on her chest that the yellow sections of her body curved around like a giant yellow V. Her head was pointed and had a long golden horn on the front, whilst the back of her head had a crown of yellow feathers sticking out the back

"I am Haos Dragonia," she announced as she spread her wings. "All those who wish to harm the Bakugan must face me and feel my wrath!"

Leonidas: 650Gs
Dragonia: 700Gs

The two Bakugan stared one another down. "You may have given me form and life," Leonidas told her. "But that won't stop me from fighting you with everything I have...mother."

Dragonia chuckled, "I would be disappointed if you didn't. Now come at me, my son."

"Gate Card!" Flash yelled, "OPEN!" The field exploded with light, which shot up into Leonidas. "CHARACTER!" Leonidas roared as his power level was doubled.

Leonidas: 1300Gs
Dragonia: 700Gs

"How'd you like that?" Flash cheered as Leonidas flew straight at Dragonia, slashing at her relentlessly with his claws. Dragonia quickly went of the defensive, her speed equal with Leonidas'.

"Your power is impressive!" Dragonia cried. "But like I said, power won't be enough to defeat Lucifer!" The knight held up a card, as Dragonia flew backwards and spun her tail around so the star tip was in front of her chest. "Let me show you. Star Heart!" The Ability Activated and the gem on Dragonia's chest fired a beam that struck the one in the tail, which glowed and unleashed an orb of light. The orb expanded and surrounded the entire battlefield, causing the Gate Card to stop glowing.

"What?" Leo asked as he suddenly found his power weakening. "What's happening?" Flash checked his BakuColar.

Leonidas: 650Gs
Dragonia: 800Gs

"She returned you to your base level and powered herself up by a hundred Gs!" He cried, as Dragonia shot forward.

"Gyah!" Leo cried as she threw a punch at him, then another and another before swinging her tail around and slamming into him. "Augh!" He was pushed back and Dragonia charged again, only for Flash to hold up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Leonidas unleashed his laser blast attack, "Omega Eraser!" The beam flew at Dragonia and slammed into her, making her wince.

Leonidas: 900Gs
Dragonia: 800Gs

"Glimmer Shield!" She ordered as the knight held up a card and activated it, the gem on her chest glowing before unleashing a transparent energy full of differently coloured sparkles. It formed a barrier around her, protecting her from Leonidas' attack.

Leonidas: 650Gs
Dragonia: 800Gs

"Ahhh," Leo growled as he stopped firing. Once he did, the shield vanished and Dragonia shot forward again. "Raaaaaah!" He flew forward, the two of them getting closer and closer to one another.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Seconds before they connected, Leonidas glowed before vanishing. "Dragon Flash, plus Dragon Slash!" Leonidas appeared behind Dragonia and slashed at her with glowing claws, then warped around and slashed her someplace else. He did this again and again and again, as his power level grew.

Leonidas: 900Gs
Dragonia: 800Gs

As Leonidas went to slash at her again, Dragonia dived down to avoid the attack before flying upwards passed him. "Radiant Glory!" She cried as the knight held up a card, her body beginning to glow. Once she was high enough, she spread her arms, wings and legs wide as the light exploded off of her.

It flew down and blinded Leo, "ahhhhhh!" He clutched his eyes, unable to see anything.

Leonidas: 750Gs
Dragonia: 800Gs

Opponent sufficiently blinded, Dragonia dived towards him with her claws ready to strike the finishing blow.

"Leo!" Flash cried, but his Bakugan still couldn't see. "Good thing you've got an ability that doesn't need to be aimed!" He held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as Leonidas took a deep breath, his mouth filling with light. "Shining Roar!"

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" He cried, unleashing a super loud cry that sent flying right out in a wave.

"Huh?" Dragonia asked as she accidently flew down into the light. "Augh!" She cried, the energy slamming into her and knocking her backwards.

Leonidas: 750Gs
Dragonia: 600Gs

Leonidas opened his eyes and was able to blink away some of the fuzz, allowing him to see Dragonia above him. "Now I've got you!" He charged forward and pulled his fist back for a super strong punch. However.

"Shining Dragonia!" She roared as the knight held up a card, her mouth filling with light that quickly exploded into a laser.

Before Leonidas could escape, it slammed into his chest. "AUGH!"

Leonidas: 750Gs
Dragonia: 850Gs

"LEO!" He smashed into the ground and slid backwards, eventually coming to a stop. He groaned and as he did, Dragonia dived down with her mouth charging up another laser. "Hang on!" Flash held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" Dragonia fired the laser, right as Leonidas was surrounded by his shield. "Reflector Prism!" The laser bounced off, leaving him unharmed as their powers charged.

Leonidas: 850Gs
Dragonia: 600Gs

As soon as Dragonia's laser stopped, Leo leapt out of his shield and shot forward. He roared and he swung his foot around and smashed it into her head.

"Gyah!" She crashed into the moon's surface and slid along the ground, but was then able to kick herself into the air and spread her wings. Both she and Leonidas panted, it clear that their power was even. "You've done well. Your teamwork is certainly something to be proud of."

"It's like we told you," Leo smiled. "Flash and I are the ultimate team."

Dragonia smiled as she got into a fighting stance, "let's see how much this ultimate team of yours can take." She turned towards the knight, "activate the Fusion Ability!" The knight nodded before holding up the card, Flash and Leonidas readying themselves for anything. The card glowed and so did Dragonia's orbs, as she swung her tail around.

This time the orb on her chest fired the light alongside her mouth, which shot a blast of light into the tail orb.

"Infinite Shining Spirit!" She roared as the tail orb exploded with a powerfully bright light, which expanded outwards and formed a massive sphere that completely covered the moon.

"What's happening?" Leonidas cried, only to then feel himself growing weaker. "Augh!" He cried, felling to the ground along with Dragonia. Flash checked his BakuColar.

Leonidas: 650Gs
Dragonia: 700Gs

"It's just like with Star Heart!" Flash realised, "but if this is a Fusion Ability!" Sure enough, Dragonia's power level began to raise.

Leonidas: 650Gs
Dragonia: 1000Gs

"Seriously?" He asked, shocked by this. He took out his own Fusion Ability, but Leonidas fell to his knees. "Leo!"

"Infinite Shining Spirit drains the opponent of any desire to battle," Dragonia explained. "Even if you activate that Ability, Leonidas wouldn't get any stronger." Leonidas growled up at her, "all you can do is accept defeat." She raised her clawed hands as a ball of light appeared within it. Clutching it in her claws, she pointed it at Leo before a beam shot out at him.

"LEO!" Flash cried, expecting this to be the end. But then Leonidas moved. He raised his arms and crossed them over his head, the laser slamming into the gauntlets around his wrist.

"What?" Dragonia was shocked by this, as Leo began to force himself to his feet.

"I won't give up," he told her. "I will pass this test and join the rest of our friends." He stared at Dragonia, "no matter what you do you won't beat me. Not if losing means I can't help my friends!" He spread his wings, "they mean too much to me. I won't let anything stop me from helping them!" With that, he shot into the air and flew towards Dragonia.

"Now that's impressive," Dragonia whispered as he got in close. "Such an indomitable will!" She ducked to the side as Leonidas slashed at her, the flew up to avoid a tail slash. "But you cannot defeat me!"

"GO LEO!" Flash roared as the dragons battled it out, Flash not daring to even blink and miss a moment. As he did, Flash couldn't help but remember the day they met and everything that had happened since then. 'Man, Leo and I have sure been through a heck of a lot together. And no matter who we battled, we gave it are all. Despite how badly we were at the beginning, everything since then has made our bond strong. As crazy as it feel, it's like we're connected by more than just friendship. When we're in battle, it's like our heart and minds are one.'

As he thought this, Leo used his arms to shield himself against Dragonia's tail attack. "Augh!"

"Leo!" Flash cried, then realised something. 'That's it. That's what Dragonia was trying to tell us before. Power alone won't be enough to defeat Lucifer, but that's not all we have. We have something much more special. We have each other and all our friends.' As these thought flowed through his head, Flash began to glow along with the Haos Energy. "That's the power we have that Lucifer can never hope to obtain. The power of the bond we and the other BakuFighters all share. THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!" With that, the light exploded off of him and shot towards the Haos Energy.

"What?" Dragonia cried as she saw this, the light hitting the Attribute Energy and causing it to glow bright. The energy then exploded and shot towards Leonidas, slamming into him.

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" He roared, feeling a sudden surge of energy flowing through.

"Power Surge Detected" Flash's BakuColar announced as his strength pulsed, eventually stopping.

Leonidas: 775Gs
Dragonia: 1000Gs

"Yaaaah!" He roared as he shot forward and punched Dragonia. Despite still being weaker, Dragonia was sent flying backwards by the punch and slammed into the orb surrounding the moon. It shattered, the energy vanishing as Leonidas felt his full fighting spirit return. "YES!" He roared, ready to end this. "Let's do this Flash!"

"You got it bud!" Flash took out a card and held it up, "Fusion Ability...ACTIVATE!" He tossed the card at Leonidas as it glowed and struck him in the back, merging with the energy surrounding him. "Roaring Omega!"

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" He roared and unleashed a fusion of light and energy that shot out and struck Dragonia.

"AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" She screamed as the energy slammed into her, causing their power levels to change.

Leonidas: 1075Gs
Dragonia: 800Gs

Dragonia tried to endure, but the energy was just too much. "Such power!" She cried, "I haven't seen anything like since...since." It was in that moment a memory appeared in her mind. A memory of another human and their Bakugan partner, this one being another Dragonoid but with the attribute of fire. "If they are truly like them, then I know we can trust them with this task." With that, the energy overwhelmed her and she was blasted backwards.

The light exploded in every direction, blinding all those on the moon.

Flash: 52% (Winner)
Knight: 0%

Flash felt himself blackout for a second, though it might have been longer, and when he came around he could here Leonidas' voice echo in his ear. "Flash. Flash you have to wake up." He opened his eyes and looked around, seeing they were once again in the dark void they had been in before.

"We're back here?"

"Be careful," Leo spoke from his spot on the ground next to him. "We're still in the world the Guardians created."

"But we won," Flash pointed out. "Didn't we?"

"Yes, you did!" They looked around and there was Dragonia, back in her armored form looking down at them as she floated in the air. "The power you wield is truly exquisite, but it is the bond you share with your friends that is your greatest power. Always remember that you are not alone and you will always find that no task or enemy is too great for you to overcome. I entrust you with our mission and the Hoas Attribute Energy."

"Yes!" Flash cheered as he stood, "this is great. Right Leo?"

"Yes," Leonidas nodded, "however, there's something I don't get." Flash raised an eyebrow. "When the other Bakugan passed their tests and gained their Attribute Energies, they all evolved. But even though I can feel the energy within me, I don't feel any stronger and I'm still the same."

"Oh yeah," Flash tilted his head. "That's true." He turned to Dragonia, "what's going on? Is it because Leo's already evolved once?"

"No," Dragonia told him, "the answer is much more simple." The two listened carefully. "You have passed your test and been deemed worthy to hold the Attribute Energy, but there is still more you must do in order to access its power and evolve."

"Oh come on!" Flash cried, "how many more hoops do you want us to jump through?" But as he said that, he sensed someone behind him and spun around to see the knight standing there. "You again!" The knight remained silent and Flash had finally had enough, "say something!" He charged and the knight and tackled him to the ground.

"Flash!" Leo cried, as Flash grabbed the knight's helmet and pulled it off. And the person beneath the mask shocked him.

"Soarin!?" Indeed, it was Soarin. But this Soarin didn't appear like the one he knew. His eyes were giving off a blank stare and he continued to stay silent as Flash pinned him down. "What's going on?" He got off of Soarin and looked him over, Soarin barely making any facial expressions as he slowly picked himself up.

It was then that he sensed others appearing and turned around, seeing three other knights with either blue, red and orange in place of green. Before he could say anything, the three removed their helmets and Flash was just as shocked to see who they revealed.

"Lyra...Heath...Bonnie?" His eyes went wide as he saw they were all as stoic faced and blank eyed as Soarin was. "What...I don't understand?" Soarin suddenly leapt over him and landed besides them, "what is this?"

"This is your final test," Dragonia announced. "In order to access the Haos Energy and allow Leonidas to evolve into his Supreme form, you must fight and defeat your friends."

"Are you insane?" Leonidas asked, "why would you have us do this? You said it yourself that our friends are what give us strength. Why would we risk that friendship by battling against them."

"A team is made of many parts and without a strong head, the body will die." She pointed at Flash, "though you do not realise it, you have become your team's leader. The others look to you for guidance and thus, it is you who must lead this team forward. That is why you must have greater strength. For a true leader is always the first to charge and the last to retreat, requiring greater strength than those he leads in order to allow them and their team to survive. This is your final test."

Flash could hardly believe it. Leonidas also didn't seem to like this, "do we really have to defeat our friends?"

"We've got no choice," Flash told him. "If we wanna defeat Lucifer, we have to get stronger. And if we have to fight our friends to do that, then that's what we've gotta do!" Leonidas was clearly still not happy about this, but eventually nodded.


"Then I wish you luck," Dragonia told them. "May you battle hard a prove yourself worthy of the power." With that, a light appeared below the pair that exploded upwards. Flash and Leo cried out as they were blinded, the two being thrown upwards into the sky. Dragonia watched them go and nodded, "I know you can do it. As long as you stick together, nothing can stand in your way."

Back on earth, Pipsqueak ran back towards his tree fort.

"I'm back!" He told Derpy as he climbed the ladder, "I got you a bunch of different flavours to make sure you had something you'd like and-" He stopped when he saw that nobody was in the tree house. It was completely empty and there was no sign of where Derpy went. "Derpy?" He frowned as he knelt on the floor, "where'd you go?"

On the other side of the city, a new battle was just about to begin.

Standing on a building opposite Dark Industries, Phantom smirked as he and Ragnaroid stared the place down. "It's time to take Lucifer and Sombra down," Phantom smirked as Ragnaroid agreed. They would defeat their former masters and take whatever power they both had for themselves. Then they would truly be the best of the best.

Author's Note:

Flash and Leonidas passed their test, but now another more difficult one awaits them. Will they be able to handle it? Only time will tell.

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