• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,648 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

  • ...

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Clash of the Titans

Derpy's entire body was aching. She couldn't remember much of what had happened. Her last memory was battling against Phantom and losing, with great amounts of pain flooding her body as she did, then everything after that was a blank.

"Where am I?" She asked, as she seemed to be walking around with no idea where she was or where she was going. She tried to clear her head and as she did, she looked herself over and saw that her hair was a mess and her cloths damaged. She had several cuts and bruises covering her body, but no injuries that looked life threatening. But they still hurt.

She finally stopped walking and as she did, her vision began to clear and she felt the world around her coming into focus.

Slowly, she realised she was near the river where she had met Pipsqueak and where the BakuFighters had met the Guardians. She looked down at the river and saw the boats floating on the water, their honking making her feel more clear headed. But what really brought her back to reality, was a familiar voice calling her name.

"DERPY!" She looked around and spotted Lyra running towards her, a look of worry on her face.

"Lyra?" Derpy asked, staggering towards her and almost falling over until the girl caught her.

"Are you okay?" She asked, "you're not, like, hurt or anything, are you?"

"No," Derpy shook her head but flinched when Lyra's hand touched one of the scraps on her arm. "I'm fine." Lyra didn't believe that for a moment, neither did Nimue.

"We need to get you to a doctor," the Aquos Bakugan announced. But Derpy shook her head.

"No," she told her, "I need to talk to Flash and the others." Lyra raised an eyebrow, "it's important. It's about Phantom." Now Lyra and Nimue were very concerned, but knew Derpy was being serious.

It had been two days since Flash's battle against Soarin. Everyone was still talking about the insane brawl the two had competed in and how, after the battle, Flash's Bakugan had evolved.

Everyone wanted to see this new Bakugan in action, but nobody had the guts to actually challenge him. With his Bakugan so strong, they were all convinced he wouldn't even need to use an Ability to win their Bakugan from them. So Flash and his new Supreme Leonidas had gone two days without a challenge.

They were okay with this, since the pair of them had had to endure some pretty tough battles recently. They were happy to have a little break and give Leo the chance to settle into his new body.

Currently, the BakuFighters and Rainbooms, minus Lyra, were at the stadium talking about a serious matter. "Derpy's missing?" Twilight asked, shocked that Flash was only now bringing this up. "Why didn't you tell us this before."

"Derpy left a note saying she had something important to do and not to worry about her," Flash explained. "But now it's been three days since she disappeared and I'm starting to get worried."

The others frowned, sharing looks of concern. "What could be so important, that she'd vanish for three days?" Heath asked, Flash unable to answer that question.

"Maybe Phantom has her," Bonnie looked worried. "Maybe he grabbed her hoping to use her as a hostage to stop us from getting in his way."

"That sounds like him," Soarin frowned as he remembered how Phantom got Flash to battle him before. "We have to think of a way to find him."

"Maybe we should call the police," Fluttershy suggested.

"And tell them what?" Rainbow asked, "that a guy we barely know anything about might have kidnapped our friend to get us to play a game with him. They'd think we're nuts."

"Maybe we should tell people the truth," Rarity exclaimed. "Try and get the world out to everyone that Bakugan are more than just toys." Everyone thought about that and whilst the idea of telling everyone the truth about the Bakugan did sound like a good idea, some of them started wondering what might happen if the government decided to use them as tools of war.

If Sombra was able to make a field that allowed Bakugan to return to their true forms, no doubt the government would be able to do the same and maybe create them anywhere they wanted. Images of the Bakugan being sent into warzone, attacking people against their will or being used as cannon folder made many of them shudder, not daring to see such a horrible event.

"Okay," Applejack rubbed the back of her neck, "maybe not a good idea."

"Well we have to do something," Bonnie told her. As she said that, several people around them began to gasp and caught their attention. They all looked up and turned to see Lyra walking into the stadium. And she wasn't alone.

"DERPY!" They cried when they saw Lyra with the girl's arm over her shoulder, keeping her up as they staggered forwards. They got up and rushed to them, seeing that Derpy was in a pretty bad state. "What happened to you?" Flash asked, looking her over as Soarin and Applejack took over carrying her. They moved Derpy over to one of the tables and sat he down.

"You need a hospital," Twilight stated.

"No," Derpy shook her head, "I'm fine. And I don't think I'd be able to explain to the doctors what really happened to me."

"What did happen to you?" Flash asked, "you just disappeared off the face of the earth. Lyra and I were worried about you. Not to mention, your family." Derpy frowned as she looked down at the floor, whilst someone brought over a first aid kit in order to treat her few wounds.

"I'm sorry I worried you. But I had to do something important."

"And what was that?" Twilight asked, everyone leaning in curiously as Derpy sighed before taking a deep breath.

"I brawled against Phantom." Those words echoed through the room as her friends took the information in. It took a few moment for them to connect the dots, but when they did their eyes went from looks of worry to look of absolute disbelief.

"WHAT!" They all screamed, making Derpy flinch as she began to explain. How she was contacted by the Darkus Guardian Regulus, asked to help him fight against Phantom and how she would have been chosen as his soldier had he found a worthy Bakugan. How Phantom had apparently learned about the Attribute Energies and how he challenged Regulus for the Darkus Energy. How Regulus had called upon her to battle with him and how, unfortunately, they lost to Phantom and Ragnaroid.

"That's not good," Soarin frowned. "If Phantom won, that means he and Ragnaroid have the Darkus Attribute now." Everyone else quickly caught on to what that would mean.

"Ragnaroid's likely to have evolved," Nimue stated.

"Great," Wukong groaned, "like he wasn't already strong as he was."

"We need to do something before he causes any more trouble," Gaia told them. "I see this situation turning one of two ways. Ragnaroid gives Lucifer the power he just gained and makes that Bakugan almost unstoppable, or Ragnaroid betrays Lucifer and tries to take him down himself. And that'll either end with Ragnaroid or Lucifer taking the other's power, resulting in them becoming a true monster."

"We can't let that happen," Bonnie looked terrified at the idea.

"But what do we do?" Spike asked from Twilight's shoulder. "If a Guardian of Vestroia couldn't stop him, what hope do we have now that he's evolved?" Everyone frowned, wondering the same thing. But before anyone could start to panic, Flash stood up.

"I'll take him on!" They looked at him in shock.

"You?" Lepusinge asked, "didn't you already lose to that guy before?"

"Maybe. But this'll be different. After all, Leonidas has evolved as well. Phantom and Ragnaroid might have beaten us once, but now that our Bakugan have evolved it's a totally different ball park. This is the whole point we even went through all those trials to begin with. So we could gain the strength to battle again Phantom and Ragnaroid to finally take them down."

"But when you did that, you weren't expecting Ragnaroid to have his own Attribute Energy." Twilight looked concerned, "what if something bad happens and you lose Leonidas and his Attribute Energy?" Flash frowned at this before turning to his Bakugan, who had been oddly quiet since Derpy had arrived.

"What do you think, Leonidas?"

Leo thought for a moment, looking down and thinking before looking back at his partner. "We have to try. Even if we can't defeat Ragnaroid, not trying at least once would be an insult to our prides as battlers." He turned to the others. "When I first came to this world, all I cared about was getting stronger and defeating Bakugan. But now I see just how hollow a life like that was. Even though I had Flash as a partner, I was friendless. But you all opened up to me and even after learning of my origins, you stuck by me."

Everyone smiled at this, happy Leonidas had grown so much since he first arrived on earth.

"It's clear I'm the best choice for battling Phantom and Ragnaroid. So I say, let's do this thing. To save my friends and this world, I'll beat them both no matter how tough the fight is."

"YEAH!" They all cheered, but then realised a small problem they had.

"How are you gonna challenge Phantom?" Heath asked, "it's not like we have the guy's phone number." But Flash simply smirked at this.

"I think I know how to get him to show up."

That night.

Sombra was in his office, trying to track down Phantom. But ever since Sombra and Lucifer defeated him, he had been completely off the radar. "I know you're out there somewhere." After a few more minutes, he took a break from searching for his wayward servant and instead chose to look into Flash and the rest of the BakuFighters.

He had heard about the battle between Flash and Soarin and was surprised when he brought up the footage from the stadium, finding that not only had Soarin's Bakugan evolved, but Leonidas ended up defeating him in battle and evolving as a result.

Now, as he looked into their BakuColar records, he found something rather interesting. A video that had been sent to every colosseum his company had.

Clicking on it, he saw an image of Flash appear looking rather serious. "Hey there Phantom!" He told the camera, "I know you're watching this and I also know you now have the Darkus Attribute Energy!"

"What did he say?" Lucifer asked, having been half listening from his spot on the desk.

"Well you're not the only one with an Attribute Energy. Me and my team all have one too and we're not gonna let you use what's left of Vestroia to continue your evil agenda."

"They all have Vestroia's Attribute Energy?" Lucifer asked before chuckling, "interesting."

"It's time we put an end to our little rivalry once and for all. I'm calling you out. You and Phantom against me and Leonidas. Winner takes all! Meet me at the stadium noon tomorrow and if you don't show up, I'll know you really are the coward I always thought you were. See you then!" With that, the video ended and Sombra smirked.

"Looks like we know where Phantom's gonna be tomorrow. There's no way he'd be able to deny a challenge like that."

"Yes," Lucifer nodded, "but more importantly, they have Attribute Energies. Such power wasted on fools like them." He turned to Sombra, "you know what we have to do." Sombra nodded and began to get to work.

On the roof of a building, Phantom was staring at his gauntlet as the video finished playing once again.

"You know it's a trap," Ragnaroid told him. "No doubt, they intend to take the Attribute Energy from us." Phantom nodded, "but we're still going to battle."

"Of course," Phantom nodded again. "This is the perfect chance to test out your new power. And when we win, we'll take the Attribute Energies from those losers and you truly will become the ultimate Bakugan." He stared at the image of Flash on screen, a smirk on his lips as he did so. "Just wait Flash Sentry. You'll regret challenging me."

The next day.

The stadium was pact with brawlers, all looking forward to what might be the ultimate battle between two of the best Bakugan Brawlers on earth.

The Rainbooms, BakuFighters, Scootaloo and her friends were all there, along with several brawlers they had met along their journey to this point. Brawlers like Trixie, Thunderlane, Royal Pin and Neon Lights.

Down on the battlefield, Flash was waiting with Leonidas on his shoulder. "What's taking him so long?" Leo asked. "You think he's even going to show up?"

"I challenged his skills as a brawler," Flash pointed out. "I doubt he'll take that laying down."

Up in the stands, his friends were all waiting with bated breath. "I don't like this," Derpy quivered. "Flash shouldn't have to face such an opponent alone."

"What other choice do we have?" Lyra asked, "I doubt even Phantom would be dumb enough to accept a challenge against all of us. Our Bakugan all have Attribute Energies and have all grown to be just as strong as the Guardians that defeated Ragnaroid in the past. Even if Ragnaroid's evolved, he'd be insane to fight against us all."

Twilight stared down at Flash, "I just hope he knows what he's doing." In that moment, footsteps could be heard coming from the other side of the stadium. They all turned towards the entrance and saw someone in the shadows of the doorway, who stepped out to reveal himself. "There he is."

Phantom smiled as he made his way across the battlefield, he and Flash locking eyes with one another.

"Flash Sentry," he smirked as he looked him over. "I would have thought you'd have learned your lesson after the last time I knocked you down a peg. Man are you a sucker for punishment."

Flash smirked, "the only sucker here is you. Cause only a sucker would work for Lucifer." Phantom glared at him.

"I work for no one. After I've taken you out, Lucifer and Sombra are next on my list of victims." Everyone who heard that was quite surprised, not having expected Phantom to turn against Lucifer like that. But Flash smirked.

"If you're going up against Lucifer, then we should work together. We both want Lucifer taken down, so let's stop fighting against one another and beat him."

"No thanks," Phantom told him. "I battle alone. Now if we're done talking, let's get this battle started." Flash frowned, wishing he could have convinced him to join them.

"Fine them. Let's do this thing!" The ones controlling the stadium activated the battlefield, which unleashed a bright light that almost blinded everyone.

When the light faded, they looked down to see the battlefield had transformed into an ancient roman colosseum. There weren't any power-ups, so it looked like this battle would just be one that used the Bakugan's own strength.

"Let's do this thing!" Flash cried as he held up his BakuColar, which began to glow.

"With pleasure!" Phantom did the same and his gauntlet glowed, the two brawlers and their Bakugan yelling out in unison. "BRAWL!"

Flash: 100%
Phantom: 100%

"Gate Card!" Flash threw the card, "Set!" As it exploded into light, Phantom held up his Bakugan.

"Now you'll see, what the Ultimate Bakugan truly looks like." He leapt straight up and threw his partner towards the ground, "Bakugan...BRAWL!" He hit the ground and popped open, "Bakugan...STAND!" Everyone watched with bated breath, as the Bakugan burst into a cloud of black and purple mist that began to take shape. "May I present the all new, all powerful, all unstoppable Ragnaroid." The mist faded, revealing the Darkus Bakugan in all his horrifying glowing as he spread his wings and snapped his claws. "Darkus...Doom...RAGNAROID!"

Ragnaroid let out a mighty roar that shook the battlefield, everyone astonished by what they saw.

"So Ragnaroid did evolve!" Soarin stated as they looked up at the megascreen.

Ragnaroid: 900Gs

"Nine hundred as its base level?" Twilight asked, the others looking just as shocked. "That's insane!"

"Maybe," Lyra looked down at the field, "but Ragnaroid isn't the only powerful Bakugan down there." They all turned their attention to Flash, who turned to Leonidas.

"You ready, bud?"

"Always, but we must be careful. Ragnaroid was tough before and now, he'll be even stronger." Flash nodded and grabbed his partner before throwing him.

"Bakugan...BRAWL!" The Bakugan flew into the colosseum before landing upon the ground, "Bakugan," he popped open, "STAND!" Light exploded from him and formed a tornado in front of Ragnaroid, who watched as a figure appeared within the light and flew up. "Haos Supreme Leonidas!" The tornado exploded to reveal him.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" He roared, shaking the stadium once again as Phantom went wide-eyed.

"Supreme Leonidas?"

Leo smirked as he looked down at Ragnaroid, "you're not the only one whose evolved!" Ragnaroid didn't look shocked by this and instead, simply smirked.

"And here I thought this was going to be boring."

Leonidas: 900Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

Flash was the first one to hold up a card, "Ability, Activate!" It glowed as Leonidas' mouth filled with energy, "Ultra Destroyer!" He roared and a laser exploded out of his mouth, shooting towards Ragnaroid.

Leonidas: 1200Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

Ragnaroid saw it coming and smirked before opening his wings. Using his tail like a spring, he shot into the air as the laser struck the spot he had just been. And with a beat of the mechanical limbs, he remained airborne much to everyone shock. "Flight is no longer your advantage, Leonidas!"

Leo growled, "who cares if you can fly now? I'll still beat you!"

"Don't be so sure!" Ragnaroid chuckled as Phantom held up a pair of cards.

"Double Ability, Activate!" The X-shape on his chest opened up to reveal the eye, "Doom Vision!" Before Leonidas could fly to safety, Ragnaroid appeared above him and the eye unleashed a dark purple light that struck him.

"Augh!" He cried as his body froze in place, his power vanishing.

Leonidas: 1000Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

"Plus, Purgatory Crusher!" Ragnaroid then swung his tail at Leonidas and coiled it around him. The dragon was still frozen and couldn't escape, as the mechanical tail tightened his grip.

"Leo!" Flash cried, holding up a card but finding it wouldn't activate. "I thought so!" He then looked down at his BakuColar.

Leonidas: 950Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

Flash didn't think that was too bad, but then the points changed again.

Leonidas: 900Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

Flash realised the Ability was gonna continuously power his Bakugan down, and sure enough...

Leonidas: 850Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

His friends all watched in horror, as Leonidas' power continued to drop. "Do something Leo!" Wukong cried.

"He can't!" Gaia told him. "He's trapped!" The others were just as worried, since Doom Vision's effects were still preventing Ability use.

Leonidas: 800Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

"No choice!" Flash pointed to the ground, "Gate Card...OPEN!" The field began to glow, "Haos Reactor!" Pillars of light exploded into the air and were absorbed by Leonidas, powering him back up.

Leonidas: 1000Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" Leonidas roared as he used his new strength to push Ragnaroid's tail off of him, giving him just enough room to spread his wings and take flight. He shot out of Ragnaroid's grasp, getting ready to attack again. But before he could, Phantom held up another card.

"Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid opened his claws to reveal the holes in his arms, which he pointed towards the ground. "Apocalyptic Fire!" The holes unleashed a black and purple fire that shot towards the ground and caused the field to be set ablaze.

"WOW!" Flash cried as he jumped back to avoid getting fried, whilst the Gate Card began to burn up and eventually exploded away along with its effects.

Leonidas: 800Gs
Ragnaroid: 1200Gs

Ragnaroid then swung his claws up towards Leonidas, the flames moving with them and firing at the dragon. "Uh oh!" He cried, trying his best to escape the flames. Luckily, Flash was ready.

"Ability, Activate!" The Haos symbols on Leonidas' wings glowed before unleashing a bright yellow and white light, which formed a sphere around him. "Spectral Barricade!" The flames slammed into the shield and were extinguished, Ragnaroid's power decreasing as Leonidas powered up.

Leonidas: 900Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

"They're right back to where they started!" Bonnie cried, as Leonidas dived down with his shield fading away.

"A'h don't think that's gonna last much longer!" Applejack explained, as Flash took out another card.

Ability, Activate!" Leonidas' body glowed, "Turbo Overdrive!" Suddenly, he exploded forward with a burst of speed and shot passed Ragnaroid. The limbed serpent hissed at the impact whilst Leonidas shot back and repeated to process.

Leonidas: 1050Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

Leonidas slammed into him again and again, getting faster and faster with every hit. Ragnaroid growled at this and as Leonidas came around for a second attack, Phantom was ready. "Ability, Activate!" The drill on Ragnaroid's tail began to spin, "Death Spiral!"

Leonidas: 1050Gs
Ragnaroid: 1100Gs

He thrust the drill forwards and Leonidas was moving so fast, he couldn't stop in time to avoid it. The drill slammed into his chest and ground against his armor, making him cry out in pain as he was knocked backwards.

"LEO!" Flash cried, as Leonidas reverted back to ball form and his life gauge dropped.

Flash: 90%
Phantom: 100%

"Hahaa!" Phantom smirked as Ragnaroid returned to him, "evolved or not, your pet lizard still can't stand up to my almighty Bakugan."

Flash frowned as he picked Leonidas up, "you okay?"

"I'll live," Leonidas replied. "But Ragnaroid truly has grown stronger."

"Maybe," Flash turned to Phantom as the shades-wearing teen took out a Gate Card. "But so have we. We've seen most of what Ragnaroid can do now, but he's still in the dark about most of what you can do. We'll use that to our advantage."

"Are you ready to lose again?" Phantom asked, with Flash smirking back at him.

"Tough talk, but let's see you back it up." Phantom growled at this.

"I really don't think it's a good idea for Flash to taunt him like that," Rarity told the others with worry.

"No," Lyra shook her head, "getting Phantom angry is good. He usually keeps his composure during a brawl and constantly acts like he's in control. I bet him losing his patience will throw him off his game."

"I don't know," Derpy looked concerned. "When I brawled him, Regulus was able to get Phantom and Ragnaroid pretty upset. All it did was make them attack even harder then before."

"Well let's hope Flash has better look throwing him off his game," Soarin stated.

"Time to end this little tussle!" Phantom yelled. "Gate Card...SET!" As he threw it, he and Phantom grabbed their partners and both leapt into the air. "Bakugan," they threw them, "BRAWL!" Both Bakugan shot through the air and eventually slammed into one another before bouncing backwards and landing on the ground, "Bakugan...STAND!" They popped open and in a burst of golden light and purple mist, the pair appeared and both took flight.

Leonidas: 900Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

"Ability, Activate!" Phantom held up the card as Ragnaroid opened his claws, "Apocalyptic Fire!" The purple and black flames exploded out of his metal arms and shot towards Leonidas, ready to roast him alive.

Leonidas: 900Gs
Ragnaroid: 1200Gs

But before they could get close, Flash held up two of his own cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Leonidas glowed and leapt to the side, avoiding the flames as he shot towards Ragnaroid. "Turbo Overdrive, plus Mega Claw!" His claws glowed and the light made them double in length, the dragon preparing to slice up Ragnaroid like a christmas turkey.

Leonidas: 1250Gs
Ragnaroid: 1200Gs

Using his incredible speed, he flew right in front of Ragnaroid before dealing a slash to his chest. "AUGH!" He then warped back a good distance before flying forwards again and hitting his shoulder. "Gyah!" He flew around him in the blink of an eye and slashed at his back, "haaarrrhhh!" He swung his tail around, trying to slam Leonidas away, but Leonidas simply shot backwards to avoid it.

"Ability, Activate!" Phantom held up a card as Ragnaroid's chest opened, "Doom Vision!" The eye unleashed a light that shot towards Leonidas, but the dragon's increased speed allowed him to avoid it for a few seconds.

"Ability, Activate!" Leonidas spread his wings as the Haos symbols glowed and unleashed the light, "Spectral Barricade!" The sphere formed around him and blocked the Doom Vision light, Ragnaroid frowning as his chest closed up.

Leonidas: 1350Gs
Ragnaroid: 1200Gs

As soon as the eye was covered, Leonidas shot forward out of his shield and prepared to slash at Ragnaroid. But Phantom pointed towards the ground. "Gate Card...open!" The ground glowed purple, "Darkus Reactor!" The purple light shot into the air and into Ragnaroid, powering him up.

Leonidas: 1350Gs
Ragnaroid: 1400Gs

"Raaaah!" He swung his tail around and slammed it into Leonidas, knocking him backwards.

"Augh!" He fell towards the ground, but managed to open his wings and save himself before it was too late. And as he skimmed along the ground, Flash held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Leonidas' mouth sparked, "Ultra Destroyer!" He roared and the laser exploded from his mouth, hitting the ground and causing the Gate Card to shatter.

Leonidas: 1650Gs
Ragnaroid: 1200Gs

As the Gate Card vanished, Leonidas swung the laser around and aimed it at Ragnaroid. But before it could hit him, Phantom held up a pair of cards.

"Double Ability, Activate!" As the laser struck him, Ragnaroid exploded into a cloud of shadow. "Shadow Divide!" The laser flew through the shadow but did nothing to damage it, instead the shadow shot towards Leonidas.

Leonidas: 1350Gs
Ragnaroid: 1200Gs

"Plus, Purgatory Crusher!" Before Leonidas could counter, the shadow cloud flew behind him and reformed. Ragnaroid swung his tail and wrapped it around him.

"AUGH!" Leonidas cried, trying to fight against the squeeze but Ragnaroid put every bit of strength he hand into constricting the life out of Leonidas.

"LEO!" Flash cried, looking down at his BakuColar and seeing the power had just stopped.

Leonidas: 1100Gs
Ragnaroid: 1200Gs

He knew the power would drop again in a few seconds, so had to act fast. "Ability, Activate!" Leonidas' mouth began to glow, "Supreme Cannon!" A sphere formed within his mouth and he fired it out towards Ragnaroid, hitting him in the head before he could dodge.

Leonidas: 1300Gs
Ragnaroid: 1200Gs


"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" He roared as the sphere exploded, knocking him backwards and making him loosen his grip on Leonidas. The dragon quickly pushed the tail off of him but instead of flying out of the grasp, he grabbed the tail and started spinning around and pulling the Darkus Bakugan around.

"YAAAAAH!" He cried, letting Ragnaroid go and sending him hurtling towards the ground. And as Phantom prepared to activate another Ability, Leonidas launched a second sphere that struck him before Phantom could.

"AUGH!" Ragnaroid roared as he reverted back to ball form, falling to the ground as Phantom's life gauge dropped.

Flash: 90%
Phantom: 80%

Flash's friends all cheered as Leonidas returned to him. "Flash took the lead!" Scootaloo cried, but Twilight looked up at the scores.

"Two rounds down and they've barely put a scratch on each other." Everyone else looked up at the scores and realised she was right. Flash was ahead, but it was only by fifty points. "They're so evenly matched that this battle could go on forever."

Phantom picked up Ragnaroid and turned to glare at his, "Flash Sentry! You dare get the upper hand on me!"

"Oh quit your bellyaching!" Flash told him. "If you can't handle one little setback, how can you be called a true Bakugan Battle Brawler!" Leonidas nodded as he leapt onto Flash's shoulder.

"You've finally met your match. It took a while, but now I can fight you on equal ground."

Ragnaroid growled, "you dare say you're equal to me. I am the greatest Bakugan ever. And now the kid gloves are coming off! Phantom...no more holding back!"

"Agreed!" Phantom nodded, as Flash took out a Gate Card and threw it.

"BAKUGAN...BRAWL!" They both threw their partners in and the two super powerful Bakugan took to the field and began their battle. "Ability, Activate!"

"Augh!" Leonidas cried.

"Gate Card...OPEN!"

"GYAH!" Ragnaroid hissed.

"Ability, Activate!"

"AUGH!" Leonidas was knocked back. The battle raged and unleashed a powerful force, so strong it sent shockwaves out that even damaged Flash's cloths.

"Haaah!" The teen yelled, clutching his arm as Leonidas fell back and reverted to ball form.

Flash: 75%
Phantom: 80%


"Ability, Activate! Apocalyptic Fire!"

"Augh!" Leonidas roared in pain.

"Double Ability, Activate! Turbo Overdrive, plus Mega Claw!"

"Raaaaah!" Ragnaroid cried out.

"Ability, Activate! Doom Vision!"

"Ability, Activate! Spectral Barrier!"

"Death Spiral!"

"Ultra Destroyer!"

Flash: 75%
Phantom: 70%

Up in the stands, Flash's friends watched as the two battled over and over. Every time neither was able to get much of a lead over the other.

Flash: 65%
Phantom: 70%

Whenever one seemed to take the lead...

Flash: 65%
Phantom: 55%

The other would pull ahead.

Flash: 55%
Phantom: 55%

And all the while, Flash and Phantom were constantly getting bombarded by the aftershocks of the attacks. "AUGH!" Flash cried as his pants were torn at the legs.

Flash: 50%
Phantom: 55%

"Gaaah!" Phantom's over coat had taken several slashes from the wind and practically fell off of him.

Flash: 50%
Phantom: 45%

More and more time passed and with every round, things got more and more intense. Eventually, Leonidas fell and reverted back to ball form as Flash was bombarded with enough energy that his own jacket fell away.

Flash: 10%
Phantom: 15%

Despite how long they had been battling, none of the audience had gotten bored. "Amazing!" Rarity checked the time on her phone, "these two have been battling for just over two hours."

"That's insane!" Rainbow cried, "I never knew a battle could last so long."

"These two are evenly matched," Soarin reminded her. "So there's no way for one to get a serious advantage over the other."

Flash panted as he picked Leonidas up, Phantom also panting as Ragnaroid returned to him. "Are you...ready to...call it...quits," the Darkus Brawler asked.

"I'm...just getting...started," Flash replied as he took out a card. "Just watch. I'm gonna win."

"No...you're not."

"We'll see about that! Gate Card...SET!" He threw the card and with the last of his strength, he grabbed Leonidas. Phantom did the same and the two were barely able to stay up, but still threw them forward. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" Both Bakugan barely made it six feet before hitting the ground. "Bakugan...STAND!" They popped open as the light and mist exploded out of them, both Bakugan appearing from them and standing opposite one another as they panted.

Leonidas: 900Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

"Look at them," Rainbow frowned as Flash took out a card. "They're all exhausted!"

"I don't think this match will last much longer," Derpy stated.

"Ability, Activate!" Flash cried as Leonidas forced his wings open and leapt into the air, "Ultra Destroyer!" Leonidas' mouth filled with energy that exploded forwards into a laser.

Leonidas: 1200Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

Phantom, despite his exhaustion, was able to hold up two cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" The laser struck Ragnaroid, but he exploded into a shadowy mist. "Shadow Divide!"

Leonidas: 900Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

The mist then shot into the air and reformed behind Leonidas. "Plus, Purgatory Crusher!"

"Raaaah!" Ragnaroid roared as his tail swung around and captured Leonidas in its grasp. He squeezed Leonidas as tightly as it mechanized tail would allow, Leonidas grunting as he tried to pull himself free from his opponent's deadly grasp. "You're...not...getting out of...this!"

"Ahhh!" Leo cried, "yes...I...am!"

"Just...give up!"

"NEVER!" Leo roared, but his power to dropping harshly.

Leonidas: 750Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

But before Leonidas lost the last of his strength, Flash took out two cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid glowed and the light flew into Leonidas, "Co-Side, plus Supreme Cannon!" As the energy flew into Leonidas, he felt his strength returning.

Leonidas: 1150Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

He was able to force the tail off of him and as he did, he opened his mouth as the light sphere formed within. "Raaaaah!" He roared, firing the sphere at Ragnaroid's chest.

"AUGH!" He cried as the sphere exploded and knocked him backwards, allowing Leonidas to completely free himself and leap into the air. But Ragnaroid was able to spread his wings and stop his fall, then shot back into the air towards Leonidas.

"Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid's chest opened up, "Doom Vision!" The light shot out and flew towards Leonidas, but Flash had been expecting this.

"Ability, Activate!" Leonidas' wing marks glowed, "Spectral Barrier!" The light flew off and swirled around him, forming the shield that deflected the Doom Vision and powered Leonidas up.

Leonidas: 1250Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

As soon as the Doom Vision ended, Leonidas shot down towards Ragnaroid and slashed him with his claws. "Augh!" He cried, getting pushed backwards. Leonidas didn't stop there and slashed at him again, "gyah!" He then swung around and tried to slam his tail into Ragnaroid, but the Darkus Bakugan grabbed his tail.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Leonidas glowed as the energy flew out of him and into Ragnaroid. "Co-Side, plus Death Spiral!"

Leonidas: 1250Gs
Ragnaroid: 1200Gs

Ragnaroid thrust his drill tail into Leonidas' chest, grinding against him and making the dragon cry out in pain. But despite this, Leonidas was still strong and able to pull his tail out of Ragnaroid's grip.

"Ability, Activate!" Leonidas glowed and shot straight into the air, "Turbo Overdrive!" He then spun around and dove towards Ragnaroid, picking up more and more speed by the second.

Leonidas: 1400Gs
Ragnaroid: 1200Gs

Leonidas flew passed Ragnaroid and slashed him with his wings, making the beast roar in pain. Leonidas shot up and spun around, attempting a repeat performance. Phantom growled, but knew the only way he was gonna be able to stop this attack was to use his ace. But if he did that...

"AUGH!" Ragnaroid was knocked forward when Leonidas slashed at him again, Phantom yelling in frustration.

"Ability, Activate!" As Leonidas flew down for another attack, Ragnaroid pointed his claws at him. "Apocalyptic Fire!" The flames exploded out towards Leonidas and slammed into him, making the dragon cry out.

Leonidas: 1400Gs
Ragnaroid: 1500Gs

The attack was doing some serious damage to Leo, but the dragon refused to give up. "NO!" He thrust his arms forward and stopped the flames before they struck the rest of him, Flash preparing another Ability Card. As he did, Leonidas fired a Supreme Cannon and the sphere struck the flame stream halfway down made it explode.

The field shook at this, as the stone walls and floors of the colosseum began to crack. Leonidas and Ragnaroid fired these attacks again and as they collided, another explosion occurred that caused more damage to the stadium.

"WOW!" Rainbow cried as she, Scootaloo and Rarity were shaken off their feet. "This is getting kind of intense!"

"Their energy levels are building too high!" Twilight cried, "I'm not sure if the battlefield can take it!"

"Well they're not gonna stop!" Soarin yelled, "not after everything that's happened." The two fired again and caused another mild earthquake, more of the colosseum shaking apart with pieces of rock flying everything. Even the forcefield protecting the crowd seemed to be having trouble blocking the energy output.

"This isn't just a battle to save the world any more," Nimue stated. "It's personal. These two are putting their pride on the line and trying to overcome everything that's been thrown at them up to this point." The two stopped firing and charged at one another, now practically street brawling in midair. "Every battle. Every victory and defeat. Every obstacle that's been put in their way. It's all lead them to this very moment. The deciding point for many things."

Ragnaroid tried to drill at Leonidas, but the Bakugan dodged this and bite down on his tail.

"I think this battle will come down to who wants it more!" Wukong stated.

"Well nobody wants it more than Flash and Leo!" Heath told him as the two Bakugan pushed away from one another and fired their attacks once again. They collided and once again, the battlefield shook and the stands were even starting to be shaken apart. Dust began to fall from the ceiling and the screws holding down the chairs were starting to twist out.

"FLASH!" Twilight cried, "you've gotta do something to end this battle. Or at least lessen the power they're giving off!"

Flash heard this and nodded, quickly pointing towards the ground. "Gate Card...OPEN!" The ground began to glow as the light shot up into the Bakugan. "Hyper Reset!" Both beasts roared as they felt their power drop. "This Gate Card sends both our Bakugan back to their Base Level and then pumps mine up by a hundred Gs!"

Leonidas: 1000Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

With their new power-levels, the Bakugan charged forward with Leonidas managing to swing his tail and hit Ragnaroid with his star-shaped axe-tip. Ragnaroid slashed back at him with his claws and the pair kept battling it out, their partners watching every second.

Then, Phantom heard Flash do something he didn't expect. Laugh. "Huh?" He looked over at Flash as the kid began chuckling his head off. "What is so funny?"

"Nothing's funny," Flash told him. "I'm laughing because this is seriously fun!"

"What?" Phantom asked, unable to believe Flash would say that.

"Well...yeah. Haven't you ever brawled just to have fun. If not, you're missing out!"

"I brawl to win!" Phantom growled.

"Then you're brawling for all the wrong reason," Flash stated before taking out a card. "Now let me show you how this game is supposed to be played. Time to end this Leonidas!" His Bakugan charged again and attempted to slash at Ragnaroid. "Ability, Activate!" Leonidas' claws glowed, "MEGA CLAW!"

Leonidas: 1200Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs

He slashed at Ragnaroid and the beast hissed in pain as he fell back, the Darkus Bakugan feeling moments away from returning to ball form. But he was able to hold on and as he did, Phantom held up one final card. "Fusion Ability...ACTIVATE!" Ragnaroid's eyes shot open as his claws and chest opened up. "END OF DAYS!" In that moment, lasers exploded from his claws, black fire shot out of his mouth, his tail spun so fast it created a tornado and his chest eye unleashed a blinding light.

These attacks exploded around the battlefield, ripping the colosseum to shreds whilst the forcefield flickered out of control.

"LEO!" Flash cried as Leonidas flew in to try and stop him, only to be struck by the eye light.

"AUGH!" He cried, feeling his power drop as Ragnaroid's increased.

Leonidas: 600Gs
Ragnaroid: 1400Gs

With all the shaking going on in the stadium, the audience barely managed to realise that Ragnaroid's power was more than double Leo's, making everyone gasp.

"That's it!" Ragnaroid pointed his claws at Leo and unleashed a laser barrage, the dragon crying out as the attacks slammed into his body again and again. Leo could barely figure out what the heck was going on. "Now fall. Fall! FALL!"

Leo felt himself getting closer and closer to losing, but he refused to let it end this way. "NEVER!" He roared, beating his wings and unleashed a burst of wind that pushed Ragnaroid off balance for a nanosecond. "No matter how much pain I have to endure, I won't allow myself to be defeated by you. No, never again."

"We're not gonna let you win for such selfish reason!" Flash agreed as he managed to stay on his feet. "As long as we still draw breath, we'll fight to make sure people like you and Lucifer never win. Even if it kills us, we'll find a way to beat you and anyone else like you."

"That's sweet," Phantom smirked. "But you have to realise there's no way you can defeat us now."

"You're wrong," Flash took out a card. "There's always a way to win, so long as me and Leonidas fight as one. Because...WE'RE THE ULTIMATE TEAM!" Both he and Leo yelled that last part together, as Flash held the card up. "Fusion Ability, ACTIVATE!"

Leonidas flew up into the air and took a deep breath, as light surrounded by energy formed inside his mouth. "ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION!" He roared, the sphere flying forward towards Ragnaroid. The Darkus Beast fired all his attacks at the sphere, but the orb cut through them all before slamming into the ground in front of him.

"NO!" He roared as the orb exploded into a dome of sparking energy, which expanded outwards faster than Ragnaroid could escape. "AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!"

Leonidas: 1100Gs
Ragnaroid: 700Gs

"RAGNAROID!" Phantom cried as the dome suddenly exploded, sending out a powerful shockwave that finally overpowered the system. But not before Ragnaroid was blasted backwards and reverted back to ball form.

Flash: 10% (Winner)
Phantom: 0%

The light from the attack blinded everyone as the stadium shook and the power finally went out, smoking filling the stadium as it did so. When the light finally did fade, delving them into darkness, everyone remained curled up in case the roof cave in. But it didn't and eventually, the stadium's backup power kicked in and the lights came back on.

Everyone slowly stood up, Pinkie being the one to state what they were all thinking. "That was wild!"

"But what happened in the match?" Twilight asked, with the megascreen coming back on as she did. They looked up and were shocked to see that Phantom's life gauge was at zero, then looked down into the battlefield.

Smoke filled the air but was beginning to fade away, revealing the battlefield's hologram had vanished with both Flash and Phantom still there. Flash was still standing, though he looked ready to drop at any moment. Meanwhile, Phantom was laid out on the floor with his clothes torn to shreds.

Leonidas and Ragnaroid were on the floor, Ragnaroid smoking as he appeared unconscious.

Finally, Phantom spoke up. "I...I can't believe I lost."

Flash sighed before falling onto his but, "I can't believe I won." He smirked as he looked down at Leonidas, who rolled over to Ragnaroid and popped open.

"It's over," he told Ragnaroid.

"How?" The Darkus Bakugan popped open, "how did you win?"

"Simple. I had something worth winning for." He turned and leapt back onto Flash's shoulder, as the teen stared Phantom down.

"You've only ever battled for yourself and that's helped you get pretty strong. But there's a limit to how far that way of battling can get you. But when you're battling for something or someone important to you, the power you can get is limitless." He forced himself to his feet and took several steps forward. "And it's like I said before. This is a game. You can take it seriously if you want, but if that's all you play it for then it can start feeling pretty hollow."

"All I've ever done is battle to prove I'm the best," Phantom replied. "I...I've never known what it means to brawl just for the fun of it."

"Then let us teach you," Flash told him as he held out a hand. "Me and my friends. We'll show you how to brawl for the fun of it." Phantom stared at his hand, clearly unsure whether or not to take it. "And in return, you can help us take down Lucifer. We might not stand a chance apart, but together there's no way he can beat us. What do you say."

Phantom kept staring at him, then slowly stood himself up. "I say that sounds like a pretty sweet deal." He reached out to take Flash's hand, everyone watching amazed that this was actually happening. But just as Phantom was about to grab Flash's hand, he pulled his away. "But I just don't think what you're offering is for me." With that, he reached out and grabbed his shades. "See you around...Flash Sentry." With that, he pulled the shades away and as he did, his body was consumed by light.

"What?" Flash asked, as his body changed and even grew a few inches shorter. After a few moments, the light faded away to reveal someone completely different. Someone who made Flash's eyes go wide, as he knew for a fact she couldn't be there. "Derpy." Everyone in the stadium watched in shock, as the girl they all knew that worked at the stadium and helped anyone who needed it was standing where the most feared Bakugan Brawler used to stand.

Derpy simply stood there, not saying anything as everyone looked at her. Whatever was going on, they knew they were in for a long explanation.

Author's Note:

Whelp, some of you were probably expecting this. Hope you still liked the reveal anyway. And I hope the battle was fun for you.

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