• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,649 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

  • ...

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The Bakugan Battle Stadium had just gotten three new members. Flash, Rainbow, Rarity and Applejack smiled as they watched Sweetie and Applebloom buying their first Bakugan. Hopefully, it'd be the first of many.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo was sitting at a table looking over the Bakugan she had just gotten from her brother. "Ventus Struthion." She smiled as she looked it over. For some reason, despite it being a flightless Ventus Bakugan, she felt like it was gonna fit her perfectly.

"Looks like you're already enjoying yourself," Flash told her as he and the girls stepped over to the table.

"Heck yeah I am," she nodded before turning to the others. "What Bakugan did you guys get?" The girls showed her them, with Sweetie holding out a Haos Bakugan and Applebloom a Subterra.

"Mine's called Sirenoid," Sweetie smirked.

"And this one's Aerogan." Sweetie took a closer look at them, seeing that Sweetie's appeared to look like a humanoid with a tail and Applebloom's appeared to be some kind of sentai character. They each sat down as they took out the cards they had gotten when they all registered, each one trying to figure out what did what.

As they did, Derpy arrived. When Flash saw her, he noticed a conflicted look on her face. "Hey," he waved her over, "you okay? You look like someone just asked you to win a soccer game for them or something."

"I'm fine," she told him. "Just...had a long morning." She turned to Scootaloo and smiled before noticing her Bakugan, "are you going to be starting your own Bakugan career?"

Scootaloo nodded, "yup. And one day, I'm gonna be good enough to beat my brother."

Flash laughed at this, "dream on kid. You might get good, but Leo and I are the ultimate team." Scootaloo pouted at him whilst Derpy patted Scootaloo on the shoulder.

"I don't know," she told him. "You didn't start that long ago. Maybe your sister has the same talent you do." Scootaloo smiled at this, "but the only way to know for sure is to have a battle."

"We wanna battle too," Applebloom cried with Sweetie nodding. "But who do we brawl?"

"Why not each other," Fenroar suggested. "Have a threeway brawl. At least then you'll know your facing an opponent that's equal." The girls all liked the sound of that and nodded, only for Rarity's phone to then go off.

"Huh," she took it out and suddenly looked concerned. "Oh dear." They turned to her, Rarity looking back. "A fabric order I've been waiting for just arrived. But if I don't get going now, it'll be closed and I'll have to wait to collect it." She turned to Sweetie. "Sorry darling. I guess we'll have to wait another day for your first brawl." Sweetie looked upset, clearly unhappy she had to leave.

But before Sweetie could argue, Applejack placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hang on, Rare. Sweetie can stay. Applebloom and I'll take her home for ya'h. Ya'h don't live to far from us."

"Are you sure?" Rarity asked, with Applejack nodding. "Okay then." She turned to Sweetie, "I'll wanna hear all about your first Brawl later." Sweetie nodded before Rarity ran off, out of the stadium towards the store she was aiming for. Sweetie then turned to the other two.

"Ready to brawl?" She asked, the girls nodding.

Meanwhile, in an Animal Shelter located in Cloudsdale, Fluttershy and Lepusinge were happily helping the animals that lived there feel loved.

"There you go," she told the dog she had just bathed. "All nice and clean." She took the dog out and placed him back on the ground, the poach shaking the water off of him. "Now you go off and play nice with the others." The dog barked and ran off, whilst another dog ran into the room in order to get washed. "You next. Okay." She lifted the pup into the tub as Lepusinge jumped up whilst standing on a soap dispenser, pushing the plunger down to squeeze the liquid onto Fluttershy's hand. "Thanks."

"No problem," he told her. He might not have had much enjoyment doing this, but he knew helping animals feel loved made Fluttershy feel happy. And as long as she was happy, then so was he.

They washed the pup up and dried him off, finishing by putting a bow on its head. "There you are. Don't you look precious." The dog barked and she put it down, the poach running out to play with the others. "Who's next?" But no animals appeared, making Fluttershy wonder what was going on. Then she heard growling and knew something was up, the girl rushing out with Lepusinge following. And when she stepped into the main room, she spotted someone who made her heart stop with fear. "Phantom."

"Hello Fluttershy," the shades wearing teen smirked as he looked her over. "Shame you chose to go back to your old style. I much preferred the clothes you wore in my employ." Fluttershy's arms shifted to try and cover herself, the girl still feeling uncomfortable remembering what she wore when he controlled her.

"What are you doing here?" Lepusinge asked as he leapt onto her shoulder.

"We're here for you," Ragnaroid did the same. "We've come to defeat you."

"That...what won't happen," Fluttershy told him. "I won't battle you."

"I figured you would be too scared," Phantom smirked before taking out another Bakugan. "Good thing I have this." Fluttershy looked at the Aquos Bakugan and realised who it was.

"Gummy." She grew serious, "what did you do to Pinkie?"

"Defeated her. And if you ever want to see her happily holding this little guy again, you'll battle me." It wasn't easy to get Fluttershy angry, but this had done it.


"Let's do this," the Pyrus Bakugan cried as she and Phantom held up their BakuColars.

"Bakugan!" They yelled as the screens lit up, "Field...OPEN!" In a flash of light, the pair of them were inside the portable battlefield. Only this wasn't like the others, instead looking like the Doom Dimension. Fluttershy felt a dark feeling run down her spin, as Phantom held up a card. "Gate Card!" Phantom threw the card down, "SET!" When it exploded, both he and Fluttershy began to run. Fluttershy was the first to find a batch of power-ups and leapt into the air.

"Bakugan...BRAWL!" The Pyrus Brawler tossed her partner through them before he hit the ground rolling, "Bakugan...STAND!" He popped opened before bursting into flames, "Pyrus Lepusinge!"

"RAH!" Lepusinge cried as he exploded from the flames, kicking the air as the power-ups kicked in.

Lepusinge. 640Gs

Phantom chuckled and leapt up. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" Ragnaroid shot through the air and hit several power-ups as well before landing, "Bakugan...STAND!" He opened up and the dark light exploded out of him, taking shape before fading to reveal the evil Bakugan.

"Yum," he licked his lips as his body unfurled, "I love rabbit." Lepusinge glared at him as the power-ups kicked in.

Lepusinge: 640Gs
Ragnaroid: 750Gs

"Ability!" Fluttershy held up a card, "Activate!" Lepusinge began to run forward, his feet bursting into flames, "Blazing Kick!" As Lepusinge got close, he leapt forward and swung his flaming foot around.

Lepusinge: 840Gs
Ragnaroid: 750Gs

The rabbit's foot smashed into Ragnaroid, who used his claws to shield himself before swinging his tail around and wrapped it around Lepusinge's waist. At the same time, Phantom held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid squeezed him tighter, "Viper Coil!"

Lepusinge: 740Gs
Ragnaroid: 850Gs

"Ahhh!" Lepusinge hissed as he felt his body getting crushed within Ragnaroid's grip. "Flutter...shy."

"I'm on it!" Fluttershy took out a card. "Ability, Activate!" Lepusinge's ears began to smoke, "Flaming Slap!" He started smacking his ears onto Ragnaroid's tail, causing tiny explosions with every hit. Ragnaroid flinched at this and his grip slackened as his G Power dropped.

Lepusinge: 740Gs
Ragnaroid: 600Gs

"How'd you like that!" Lepusinge pulled himself out of Ragnaroid's grip and leapt into the air. But as he did, Phantom pointed to the ground.

"Gate Card...OPEN!" The ground glowed before unleashing a dark light, "Darkus Reactor!"

Lepusinge: 740Gs
Ragnaroid: 800Gs

"And now!" Phantom took out a card, "Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid's eye began to glow, "Dark Light!" The eye unleashed a laser that struck Lepusinge in the chest, making him cry out as he was knocked backwards.

Lepusinge: 740Gs
Ragnaroid: 1000Gs

"Lepusinge!" Fluttershy cried before holding up a card. "Ability, Activate!" As Ragnaroid slithered over to attack him with his scorpion tail, Lepusinge rolled back to his feet. "Flare Jump!"

Lepusinge leapt upwards, Ragnaroid's stinger hitting the ground instead.

Lepusinge: 890Gs
Ragnaroid: 1000Gs

"YEAH!" He cheered, only for Phantom to hold up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" He opened his claws to reveal the eyes, which began to glow purple. "Dark Gaze!" The eyes unleashed the light and pointed them upwards, hitting Lepusinge head on. "Augh!" he cried, freezing up as he fell to the ground and crashed.

"No," he moaned as Fluttershy gasped.

Lepusinge: 790Gs
Ragnaroid: 1000Gs

"Lepusinge!" Fluttershy cried, trying to think of a way to save him. She reached for another Bakugan, but Phantom took out another card before she could.

"Say goodbye to your little friend," he told her as held it up. "Fusion Ability...Activate!"

"No," Fluttershy's eyes filled with tears, as the card began to glow. "Please don't do this!"

"Eye of Darkness!" Ragnaroid brought both of his claws together, as the purple light it was producing turned pitch black.

"LEPUSINGE!" The wave of darkness exploded off of Ragnaroid and shot throughout the battlefield, slamming into the rabbit Bakugan and knocking him backwards.

Lepusinge: 490Gs
Ragnaroid: 1000Gs

"AUGH!" He cried, smashing into the ground and causing Fluttershy to be sent flying backwards as her life gauge dropped to zero.

The light from the battlefield faded and time resumed, only now Fluttershy was laid out on the ground with her clothes torn and her body battered and bruised.

The animals rushed around her, trying to get her to walk up. But she remained unconscious as they turned to Phantom, the teen chuckling as he looked his new Pyrus Bakugan over. Before the animals could growl or attack, he stepped out of the shelter ready to find his next target.

Flash, Applejack, Derpy and Rainbow were staring down at the battlefield as the girls stepped up onto it. The announcer had debuted them and the girls all smiled but also looked nervous.

The battlefield activated and suddenly, the girls were in an open field with clouds that they could run around on. "Go for it Scoot!"

"Ya'h got this Applebloom!" Applejack cried.

"You can do it Sweetie!" Derpy cried, wanting to help support the girl since her sister wasn't there. The girls all smiled as Scootaloo took out a card and threw it towards the ground.

"Bakugan!" They all threw them together, "BRAWL!" The Bakugan hit the ground and rolled for several seconds before opening up. "Bakugan...STAND!" Strangely, Applebloom's Bakugan shot into the air when it opened before they were all consumed by wind or orange and yellow light.

Struthion appeared from the wind, spreading its wings and squawking whilst the other Bakugan appeared. Sweetie's was a white mermaid that had a mask covering its nose and mouth, along with a golden crown and gold hair. It was carrying a large golden staff with a harp on the end, whilst her tail had gold in the fins. Applebloom's Bakugan flew down from the sky, it being a humanoid wearing a blue suit under orange armor with brown trim. Its head was covered in a helmet with a blue visor, whilst its chest had a blue energy core within it.

Sirenoid: 370Gs
Aerogan: 360Gs
Struthion: 350Gs

The three Bakugan stared each other down, ready to give this battle everything they had.

Over at the city's best fabric store, Rarity and Cleopal stepped out with the fabrics they had bought neatly stored inside a shopping bag. "I'm so glad they managed to get this particular colour," she smiled as she looked inside the bag.

"Yes," Cleopal nodded. "That'll go well with the dress you're making. I'm sure you'll ace the assignment." Rarity smiled at her, happy she had someone to talk to with such a similar interest in fashion that she had. Ever since Cleopal had started talking, they had spent hours just talking and going over ideas for different outfits Rarity could make.

The pair continued down the street and as they did, Rarity suddenly got a feeling like she was being watched. She looked around, but saw nobody.

"Are you okay?" Cleopal asked.

"Just...got a strange feeling darling." But then, she caught sight of someone who was standing across the street. She double took and sure enough, there he was. "Phantom!" The teen was standing between a pair of buildings, a smile on his lips as held up a Pyrus and Aquos Bakugan. Rarity didn't know why, but seeing them made her worry.

Phantom stepped backwards into the alleyway and Rarity, despite her better judgement, ran across the street and after him. "Be cautious," Cleopal told her as they entered the alleyway. "Phantom being here can't be good."

"I know," she agreed whilst looking around and seeing no sign of him. "Where are you?" She asked, "show yourself!"

"I'm right here." She spun around and saw Phantom was now blocking her exit, "thank you for coming."

"What do you want?" Rarity asked.

"To battle you, of course." He held up the Bakugan she saw before, Rarity able to take a closer look and realising which Bakugan they were. She gasped, her eyes going wide.

"Pinkie...Fluttershy." Her shock turned to rage, "what did you do to them?"

"We simply had a friendly little battle. Not my fault they weren't strong enough to hold onto their Bakugan." He put them away and glanced back towards her. "So, I'm guessing this means you'll agree to my challenge?"

Rarity turned to Cleopal, the Haos Bakugan on her shoulder looking back and nodding. "Very well," she agreed. "But when we win, you will hand those Bakugan over to us." Phantom smirked at this and shrugged, but then nodded.

The pair held up their BakuColars, the screens lighting up. "Bakugan, field...OPEN!" In a flash, the pair were in the Doom Dimension and Rarity was the one to take out the Gate Card this time. "Gate Card!" She threw it towards the ground, "SET!" As it formed, she leapt up onto the head of a Hynoid before spotting several coins. "Bakugan-"

"BRAWL!" Phantom yelled as he threw Ragnaroid towards the same power-ups, Rarity gasping and doing the same. Both Bakugan flew towards the coins, with Ragnaroid hitting them before Cleopal. He left only two behind, which the Haos Bakugan hit before they both landed. "Bakugan...STAND!" They popped open and in a flash of yellow and purple light, Ragnaroid and Cleopal appeared on the battlefield with their G Powers rising.

Cleopal: 510Gs
Ragnaroid: 800Gs

Cleopal glared Ragnaroid down, whilst Rarity held up a pair of cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Cleopal charged forward, as Ragnaroid glowed. "Mad Scratch, plus Co-Side!" The light flew off of Ragnaroid and into Cleopal, as her claws glowed and extended.

Cleopal: 810Gs
Ragnaroid: 800Gs

"RAH!" Cleopal yelled as she slashed at Ragnaroid, who used his claws to protect himself as Phantom held up his own card.

"Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid fired the shadow laser from his eye, "Dark Light!"

Cleopal: 810Gs
Ragnaroid: 1000Gs

The laser shot towards Cleopal, who raised her gauntlets and tried to deflect them. But the impact was so great, she was pushed backwards. "Augh!"

"Cleopal!" Rarity cried, frowning before she pointed to the ground. "Gate Card...OPEN!" The field exploded with golden light, "Haos Reactor!"

Cleopal: 1010Gs
Ragnaroid: 1000Gs

Cleopal finally managed to pushed the beam away, allowing her to leap into the air. And as she fell towards Ragnaroid, her claws primed, Phantom held up two cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" As Cleopal tried to slash at him, Ragnaroid exploded into a cloud that split into four. "Shadow Divide, plus Co-Side!" Cleopal suddenly felt the effects of their Co-Side begin negated, as she herself glowed and unleashed a light that flew into the clouds.

Cleopal: 910Gs
Ragnaroid: 1100Gs

The four clouds formed a quartet of Ragnaroid, which glared at her as she looked around. Rarity acted fast and held up her own two card. "Double Ability, Activate!" Cleopal's eyes began to glow, "Cat's Eyes!" She unleashed a pair of beams at one of the Ragnaroids and the beast vanished when struck, with the cat woman spinning until her beam landed on the real one.

"Augh!" Ragnaroid groaned as his fakes faded, whilst his power dropped.

Cleopal: 910Gs
Ragnaroid: 950Gs

"Plus, Blazing Light!" Cleopal's scarfs slithered into the air as the gemstones they held glowed, the light hitting Ragnaroid and burning him for several seconds until he slithered out of the way.

Cleopal: 910Gs
Ragnaroid: 850Gs

Before Rarity to pull out another card, Phantom held up one of his. "Ability, Activate!" He opened his claws as the eyes within unleashed the purple light, hitting Cleopal and making her freeze. "Dark Gaze!"

"Ahhh!" She cried, feeling her body become like stone.

Cleopal: 810Gs
Ragnaroid: 850Gs

"Cleopal!" Rarity cried as Ragnaroid got in close, Phantom taking out two cards

"Double Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid swung his tail around and grabbed her, "Viper Coil!" He lifted Cleopal up as she cried out, feeling the tight squeeze.

Cleopal: 710Gs
Ragnaroid: 950Gs

"Plus Fusion Ability!" Ragnaroid threw Cleopal into the air as he opened his claws again, Rarity's eyes going wide. "Eye of Darkness!"

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Rarity screamed as she ran forward, her brain completely stopping as she tried to think of a way to save her friend. But she couldn't. "CLEOPAL!"

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" Ragnaroid roared as he fired the dark energy wave, which struck Cleopal and sent her flying.

Cleopal: 410Gs
Ragnaroid: 950Gs

Rarity gasped as she saw this, the shockwave striking her and sending the girl flying back. The last thing she saw before she blacked out was Cleopal returning to ball form and flying over to Phantom. "Pathetic," she heard as everything went black.

The light faded and they were back in the alleyway, only now Rarity was laid out on the ground with her clothes torn, her hair a mess and her skin badly injured. The fabric she had bought was slew across the dirty ground and Phantom stood above her, smirking as the Haos Bakugan he had won remained in his fingers. "Three down."

"Ability!" Applebloom held up a card, "Activate!" Aerogan leapt into the air and started spinning, "Tectonic Hammer!" Suddenly, Aerogan shot downwards towards Struthion and smashed into the ostrich with its foot.

The bird squawked as its power was lowered.

Sirenoid: 470Gs
Aerogan: 510Gs
Struthion: 450Gs

"Hey!" Scootaloo cried, but smiled at how fun the battle was. "I'm not done yet." She took out a card, but before she could use it Sweetie called out.

"Ability, Activate!" Sirenoid started playing its harp, "Siren Song." Music filled the air and suddenly, the other two Bakugan started swaying around listlessly. Both slowly started walking towards where Sirenoid was floating, the mermaid swimming around as if the air was water.

"Don't listen to it!" Applebloom cried, but it was too late

Sirenoid: 470Gs
Aerogan: 360Gs
Struthion: 300Gs

Before either of them could stop her, Sirenoid swam forward and swung her tail around to smash them away. Both fell backwards and returned to ball form, as Applebloom and Scootaloo's life gauges dropped to zero. "That's it," the announcer cried. "Sweetie Belle is the winner!"

"YAY!" Sweetie cheered, as Sirenoid returned to her. The crowd cheered as the other two girls picked up their Bakugan, smiling despite their loss. They all headed out into the hallway where Flash and the others smiled.

"That was great Scoot," Flash told his sister. "Just wait, a little more practise and you'll be winning every match you compete in."

Scootaloo smiled at this whilst Applejack ruffled Applebloom's hair, telling her the same thing before turning to Sweetie. "Great work back there. You and Sirenoid work really well together."

"Thanks," she smiled, "I just wish Rarity were here to see it."

"Well I took the liberty of recording it," Rainbow told her showing her phone. "I'll send the video to her so she can watch." Sweetie smiled at this as Applejack spoke up.

"We'd better get going. Need ta drop you off and get back before sundown." The girls nodded and followed her out of the stadium, Rainbow going with that, Flash turning to Scootaloo.

"Come on. Mom and dad will wanna hear about your first day brawling." Scootaloo smiled and nodded, she, Flash and Derpy heading out of the stadium as well.

"This was so much fun," Scootaloo cried. "I don't even care that I lost. Can we come again tomorrow?"

"Sure," Flash nodded, "Just make sure you don't let this interfere with your school work. My grades dipped a bit when I first started and mom and dad both gave me a serious talking too" Scootaloo nodded and wondered who her next opponent would be. She also wondered if her Struthion was capable of evolving like Flash stated Leonidas was.

As the sun drew closer and closer to the horizon, Applejack, Rainbow, Sweetie and Applebloom were drawing closer to Sweetie's house. Rainbow had already called her folks and told them she would be sleeping over at Applejack's, so the four were making their way over to Sweetie's house to drop her off.

Along the way, Sweetie and Applebloom excitedly talked about their next brawls. But that came to an end when Sweetie's phone rang. "Hey mom," she smiled as she answered. But then she looked confused, "what do you mean when are Rarity and I getting home. Shouldn't she already be there?" Hearing this worried Rainbow and Applejack, since Rarity was so eager to start working on her new design. Before they could say anything, Sweetie pulled her phone away from her ears. "What?" She started at her phone as his started flickering, "what's wrong with my phone?"

They gathered around her and saw what she was talking about.

"That's weird," Rainbow stated. They took out their phones and all saw the same thing was happening. But then, they heard the sound of footsteps and looked ahead. As they did, they spotted someone walking towards them. Their features were shrouded by the light of the setting sun to their back. But as they got closer, Rainbow and Applejack recognised who it was and quickly pushed the girls behind them.

"What do you want?" Applejack asked as Phantom got within earshot.

"What else. I'm here to battle you." Phantom took out three Bakugan, showing them. "I don't think I need to persuade you, but just for the heck of it." He held the Bakugan up and their eyes went wide.

"Rarity," Applejack whispered as Sweetie gasped.

"Pinkie...Fluttershy." Rainbow became enraged, "oh, it's on!" She held up her BakuColar, Applejack doing the same as their Bakugan jumped onto their shoulders.

"We're with you girls," Fenroar told him.

"Let's show him why you don't mess with our friends," Terraspin cried. The girls nodded as Applejack turned to the younger girls.

"Sugarcube, stay out of this. A'h don't want you watching this." The girls frowned at this, but nodded as Applejack looked back towards Phantom. "You've been acting like you're king of the world for way to long. Time ya'h ego was put down a few notches.

"Couldn't have said it better myself!" Rainbow agreed.

"Then let's do this," Phantom smiled as he held up his gauntlet and the screens all glowed.

"Bakugan, field...OPEN!" In a flash of light, time stopped and the three were transported into the Doom Dimension battlefield. Rainbow and Applejack stared warily around at it, as Phantom leapt into action. "Gate Card!" Phantom threw the card towards the ground, "SET!" Rainbow and Applejack were off before the card was completely set. Both spotted some power-ups and nodded at one another, Applejack running ahead and giving Rainbow a boost up onto a large rock. She then reached down, grabbed Applejack and pulled her up.

As they did, Phantom leapt onto the head of a Warius. "Bakugan!" He heard the girls yell before they threw their Bakugan, "BRAWL!" Fenroar and Terraspin shot through the air and hit the power-ups before landing. "BAKUGAN!" They both popped open and were surrounded by wind and orange light, "STAND! Ventus Terraspin/Subterra Fenroar!"

Fenroar: 430Gs
Terraspin: 430Gs

"Yeah!" Terraspin cried as he took to the sky from the tornado, "spin and win time!"

Fenroar leapt out of the light and howled, "time to get you back for all the pain you've ever caused." He primed his claws as he and Terraspin began to glow.

Fenroar: 580Gs
Terraspin: 630Gs

Phantom smirked as he stared the two down, "think you've got the advantage cause it's two on one?" He held Ragnaroid up, "don't make me laugh."

"I look forward to tearing you both apart," the Darkus Bakugan hissed as Phantom leapt straight up.

"Bakugan...BRAWL!" He threw Ragnaroid towards a Serpenoid statue and he bounced off it, hitting a pair of power-ups as he did, then bounced off a Freezer statue and hit three more before landing on the ground. "Bakugan," he popped open, "Stand!" In a burst of dark light, Ragnaroid appeared.

"Prepare to feel a wrath that is unmatched!" He cried as his G Power raised.

Fenroar: 580Gs
Terraspin: 630Gs
Ragnaroid: 750Gs

"He's strong!" Terraspin cried.

"But we can make him weaker!" Fenroar told him as the girls held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" They both cried as Terraspin dived towards Ragnaroid and Fenroar took a deep breath. "Shell Saw/Howling Force!" Fenroar unleashed his sonic blast as Terraspin morphed into a buzzsaw, both flying towards Ragnaroid. But Phantom was ready.

"Ability, Activate!" He held up a card, "Shadow Divide!" Before the attacks could land, Ragnaroid exploded into smoke that split into four. The four surrounded Fenroar and took shape, the quartet of Ragnaroids staring him down before charging.

"Ah!" Fenroar cried as one slashed at him, he then tried to slash back before the real one had mixed with the others as they circled around him. "Gyah!" He yelped as he was stung by Ragnaroid's tail, again trying to spin around and slash at him only for the real one to disappear.

"Hold on!" Terraspin yelled as he flew down.

"Ability," Rainbow held up a card, "Activate!" Terraspin unleashed the vortex from his chest, "Shell Tornado!"

Fenroar: 580Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs
Ragnaroid: 750Gs

Fenroar managed to leap away as the tornado struck the four Ragnaroids, causing the fakes to be blown into mist and leaving just the real one. As this happened, Applejack held up a pair of cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Fenroar charged as his speed increased, whilst his claws began to glow. "Wolf Claw Strike, plus Stealth Hunter!"

Fenroar: 830Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs
Ragnaroid: 750Gs

Fenroar began moving so quickly, Ragnaroid couldn't keep up with him as he shot passed him multiple times and slashed at him with each pass. "Ahh!" He cried upon the seventh slash, as Phantom held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid's eye glowed, "Dark Light!" The laser fired out of struck Fenroar as he was about to charge again, knocking him backwards and making him cry out as he was before Ragnaroid looked up at Terraspin. The laser travelled with his sight and struck the tortoise Bakugan before he could escape.

Fenroar: 830Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs
Ragnaroid: 950Gs

Both Bakugan hit the ground as Ragnaroid began to charge forward, his claws snapping as he prepared to finish them off. "Ah don't think so!" Applejack cried as she held up a card, "Ability Activate!" The card glowed as Fenroar got up and started shaking, "Sand Cloak!" He then shot forward and flew passed Ragnaroid, the sand getting in his eye.


Fenroar: 830Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs
Ragnaroid: 850Gs

"Ability!" Rainbow held up a card, "Activate!" Terraspin pulled his limbs into his shell and started spinning around like a top, "Shell Spin!"

Fenroar: 830Gs
Terraspin: 930Gs
Ragnaroid: 850Gs

The shell slammed into Ragnaroid and knocked him backwards through a Terrorclaw statue, but he nor Phantom seemed worried. "Go ahead," he told the girls. "Make yourself as powerful as you want. You're only fuelling your own destruction."

"What?" Applejack asked.

"Just ignore him!" Rainbow told her, "he's trying to throw you off cause he knows he's gonna lose."

"Oh, am I?" Phantom asked before pointing at the ground, "Gate Card...open." The ground lit up and before either girl could think, their Bakugan's shadow's suddenly began to morph and rise up. "Doppel-Gang-Up!" The shadows turned into dark copies of Terraspin and Fenroar, both grabbing them and holding them in place.

"Hey!" Rainbow cried, she and Applejack growing worried. Twilight had used this Gate Card several times in practise and they knew exactly what it did.

Fenroar: 830Gs
Terraspin: 930Gs
Ragnaroid+Doppelganger+Doppelganger: 1730Gs

"It's almost a thousand more then us!" Rainbow realised.

"We gotta do something!" Applejack cried. But before either of them could activate an Ability Card, Phantom held his up.

"Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid's claws opened to reveal the eyes, "Dark Gaze!" The eyes unleashed the purple light, which struck the two and froze them in place. They both cried out as they tried to move, but were completely trapped within their own bodies.

Fenroar: 730Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs
Ragnaroid+Doppelganger+Doppelganger: 1730Gs


Terraspin, no!" The girls could do nothing but watch as Ragnaroid slithered forward, their Bakugan glancing back at them. They knew what was gonna happen.

"Thanks Rainbow," Terraspin told her. "Sorry I wasn't stronger."


"Applejack...stay strong," Fenroar groaned. "You're to tough to let this break you."

"Fenroar," Applejack looked ready to start crying. And as Ragnaroid reached them and raised his tail, she and Rainbow ran forward. "NOOOOO!" Ragnaroid stung them both, knocking the pair back and causing them to hit the floor with enough force to send the girls flying back before reverting to ball form. The girls cried out as they fell unconscious, the world around them fading away.

Flash and Scootaloo had just arrived home, Scootaloo giddy to tell their parents about her first day brawling.

But as they stepped into the room, Scootaloo's BakuColar began to beep. "What's that?" She showed him the watch and Flash took a close look before giving her a smile.

"Someone's calling you." He hit the accept call button before Applebloom's face appeared.

"Scootaloo!" Applebloom cried, "is you brother there?" Flash pushed his head into focus, "that Phantom guy showed up." His eyes went wide and he told her to tell him everything. "Applejack and Rainbow battled him but..."

Applebloom looked over at the ambulance that the girls were being loaded into. Rainbow and Applejack were both unconscious, cuts and bruises covering their skin whilst their clothes were shredded.

Sweetie then grabbed Applebloom's wrist to talk. "He got Rarity too!" She cried, "and two others. Somebody called Pinkie and Fluttershy! He had their Bakugan."

Flash's eyes widened as he realised what was going on, "he's going after the Rainbooms."

"Is there anyone else on that team that they didn't mention?" Scootaloo asked, but Flash was already typing away at his BakuColar. All the while hoping he wasn't too late.

The sun had completely set and at the home of Twilight Sparkle, we find her busy reading at her desk. She had spent the day with her big brother and his fiance, the three having gone out to see a film before getting something to eat.

It had been a tricky day, since she had needed to keep Spike hidden away whilst also allowing him to see the movie. He had quite enjoyed it and looked forward to the next time they went, but hoped he wouldn't have to hide whilst watching. Twilight felt bad for him, but was worried about telling her family he was alive. If Shining knew what was really going on with Bakugan, he might stop her from Brawling or even take Spike away from her. He could be so overprotective sometimes.

Suddenly, her BakuColar went off and she tried to answer it. "Hello?"

"Tw...ight" She saw Flash's face, but for some reason her BakuColar's screen was glitching. She got up and walked around the room, trying to get a better signal.

"Flash," she held her arm up, "I can't hear you."

"It's Phan...he's...tack...the other...booms!" Twilight still couldn't figure out what the heck was going on and suddenly, her communicator completely died.

"Oh great." She sighed, trying to figure out what was wrong. But then she looked out the window and happened to see someone, standing in her backyard looking up at her window. Phantom. "Spike," her Bakugan leapt onto her shoulder and saw him.

"What's he doing here."

"Only one way to find out." Twilight headed out of her room and made her way downstairs, making sure her family didn't notice her. When she arrived outside, she stepped over to Phantom and noticed he was twirling five differently attributed Bakugan between his fingers. "What are you doing here?"

"I need a little help," Phantom told her. "And you're going to give it to me."

"Why would I help you?"

"Because it's the only way your friends will ever get their Bakugan back." Twilight raised an eyebrow until she looked down at the Bakugan again, this time recognising them. It was then she realised what Flash had been trying to say.

"If you hurt them-"

"They'll live," Phantom told her. "Which is more than I can say for these Bakugan if you refuse my challenge." He turned to Ragnaroid. "I know it's been a while and we're in a completely different world, but do you think you could send these five to the Doom Dimension."

"I don't know," Ragnaroid chuckled. "For all I know, that dimension was destroyed along with Vestroia. If they were sent to it, they could end up lost between worlds, forever falling without end." Twilight glared at the pair as they laughed, then turned to Spike.

"I'm ready," he told her.

"Alright," Twilight turned back to Phantom. "You won't get away with this." She held up her BakuColar, "mark my words."

"Oh," Phantom did the same, "I'm so scared."

Inside Twilight's house, her brother and his fiance Cadance entered the kitchen to get another drink. But then Cadance looked outside, "what's Twilight doing out there?" Shining turned to the window and saw his sister, then saw the person she was with.

"And who's that?" He was about to open the window and ask, but before he could the pair called out in unison.

"Bakugan, field...OPEN!" The light exploded out and blinded Shining and Cadance, time stopping as the pair were transported to the Doom Dimension battlefield. "Gate Card!" Twilight threw the card towards the ground, "SET!" The card exploded as she grabbed Spike, "let's do this partner!"

"I'm with you Twilight!" He cried before she rushed onto the head of a Warius and leapt into the air, throwing Spike with all her might.

"BAKUGAN BRAWL!" Spike shot through three power-ups before hitting the ground. "Bakugan...STAND!" He popped open and unleashed a burst of dark light, which took shape and began to fade. "Darkus Spikenoid!" The beast roared as he stood against Phantom, ready to avenge his fallen comrades.

Spikenoid: 600Gs

Phantom chuckled before holding up his partner. "Let's hope you put up more of a challenge then the rest of your little friends." He leapt into the air and pulled his arm back. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" Ragnaroid flew through the air and struck a handful of power-ups before landing on the ground. "Bakugan...STAND!" He popped open, "Darkus Ragnaroid!"

The dark light exploded and from it, the evil Bakugan appeared and glared Spikenoid down as the power-ups kicked in.

Spikenoid: 600Gs
Ragnaroid: 750Gs

Both Bakugan growled at one another. "I look forward to feasting on the power I'll obtain from defeating you," Ragnaroid snapped his claws together and swished his tail back and forth. "Your friends were rather delicious." Spike growled louder.

"I'm gonna make you pay for all you've done," he told him. "To get revenge for the friends you stole, and for the destruction of Vestroia that you caused. I'm gonna stop you from hurting anyone else, ever again." Ragnaroid chuckled, clearly not threatened.

"Now why don't I feel scared? Oh that's right, because I'm so much stronger than you." Spike's anger rose.

"You're strong, I'll give you that. But I've got something you'll never had, that makes me stronger than you'll ever hope to be."

"Oh, what's that?" Spike began to charged.

"SOMETHING WORTH FIGHTING FOR!" He swung a claw at Ragnaroid but the Bakugan shifted out of the way and slithered behind Spike. As he did, both Twilight and Phantom held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" The cards glowed as Spike's mouth filled with flames and Ragnaroid's eye glowed. "Fire Burst/Dark Light!" They both fired the attacks at one another, as their G Power changed.

Spikenoid: 800Gs
Ragnaroid: 950Gs

The two attacks collided, but the laser shot through the flames and struck Spike in the chest. "Augh!" he staggered back, as Ragnaroid slithered forward and started slashing at him with his claws.

"Ability," Twilight held up a card, "Activate!" Spike's spikes glowed as he leapt back, "Spiking Strike!" He fired the light and with Ragnaroid so close, five were able to slam into him before he could escape.

"Rah!" He moaned, but shrugged the lights off despite losing power.

Spikenoid: 800Gs
Ragnaroid: 700Gs

Phantom then held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid slithered forward faster than Spikenoid could react, "Viper Coil!" The swung his tail around and wrapped it around Spike, tying him up rightly.

"Augh!" Spike groaned, as their points changed.

Spikenoid: 700Gs
Ragnaroid: 800Gs

"Ability!" Twilight held up a card, "Activate!" The card glowed and so did Spike, "Scale-Mail!" Spike pushed against the bindings and Ragnaroid's grip slackened, allowing Spike to leap out and spun around to smash Ragnaroid in the face.

Spikenoid: 800Gs
Ragnaroid: 700Gs

"Hmm," Phantom smirked, "not bad."

"I'm just getting started!" Twilight told him before pointing to the ground, "Gate Card, OPEN!" The ground began to glow and the light flew into Spike. "Spirit Vail!" The light wrapped around Spike and he glowed a rainbow of colours.

Spikenoid: 950Gs
Ragnaroid: 700Gs

"Interesting," Phantom smirked. "Not much of a power boost, so I'm assuming that does something else."

Twilight smiled, "Spirit Vail also protects Spikenoid from having his Abilities sealed. Your Dark Gaze won't work anymore." Phantom smiled at this, actually impressed.

"You must have gotten that Gate Card precisely to use against me." Twilight said nothing, "very well." He held up two cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid opened his claws as the eyes inside glowed, "Dark Gaze, plus Razor Tear!" The eyes unleashed the light that struck Spike, making him cry out as his power was dropped whilst Ragnaroid's increased.

Spikenoid: 850Gs
Ragnaroid: 800Gs

Ragnaroid shot forward and slashed at Spike, but the wingless dragon caught his claws before he could. "Nice try, but you're still not strong enough." He unleashed a burst of green fire at Ragnaroid, making the Bakugan hiss in pain as Spike pushed him away and swung his tail around to knock him down.

"Augh!" He cried as he fell to the ground, whilst Twilight held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Spike's arm spikes glowed purple as he charged again, "Dark Spike!" But as he got close to Ragnaroid, Phantom held up his own card.

"Ability, Activate!" The card glowed, "Shadow Divide!" As Spike tried to stab him, Ragnaroid's body exploded into smoke. The smoke flew passed Spikenoid and divided, taking shape and creating four Ragnaroid duplicates. "Nice try, but you're not stealing our power so easily."

"Don't be so sure," Twilight held up a card. "Fusion Ability, Activate!" Spikenoid's entire body spike collection exploded into green flames, "Blazing Spikes!"

Spikenoid: 1150Gs
Ragnaroid: 800Gs

He punched the ground and unleashed a bunch of spikes that shot towards each of the Ragnaroid copies, all but one of them being impaled and destroyed as the original dodged it. But as he did, Spike charged.

"Take this!" He swung around and smashed his tail into Ragnaroid, knocking him backwards and crashing through a statue of a Tuskor. "Fall!"

"Raaah!" Ragnaroid hit the ground, but stayed up. "I...will not fall!" He rolled himself around and as he did, something happened. "I will not lose to a weakling like you." A black and purple mist began come off his body. "I am Ragnaroid, the bane of all Bakugan. And I will not fall to a weakling like you!" He pushed himself up and as he did, the mist exploded off of him and wrapped around him to form a shadowy cocoon.

"What the?" Twilight asked, as she looked down at her BakuColar and saw Ragnaroid's G Power slowly rise.

"Power surge detected."

"Power surge?" Twilight might not remember her time under Lucifer's control, but the others had told her about something like this happened. It was when Leonidas... "oh no."

"He's evolving!" Spikenoid gasped as Phantom chuckled.

"About time." He watched as the cocoon began to fade, revealing Ragnaroid's new form.

This new form looked a lot more...metallic. His body armor was now made of a black metal along with his claws, which opened with a mechanical whirl to reveal that instead of eyes they had a single gun barrel inside. His tail was also slightly mechanical, as a series of purple metal scales ran from just below the chest armor all the way down to the tip of its tail. Said tail no longer had a stinger on it, instead being replaced by a giant crescent moon-shaped blade. His head covering had now become the same metal as his chest and claws, with his single eye in the center of it whilst the horns on his head were purple and had grown longer. Finally, the front of his chest armor had what appeared to be a pair of metal doors on the front that appeared to swing open.

Ragnaroid opened his eye and looked himself over, chuckling at what he saw. "Yes," he snapped his claws together, "YES!"

"This isn't good," Twilight gulped.

"Oh, it's very good!" Phantom laughed as he stepped forward, "I should thank you. It seems you have a knack for helping Bakugan evolve." He gestured to the new Bakugan, as Ragnaroid let out a mighty roar. "Behold you end. Darkus...Dusk...RAGNAROID!" Twilight shivered at that outcry, "and now we truly have become invincible." Twilight looked down at her BakuColar and saw Ragnaroid's new power level.

Spikenoid: 1150Gs
Ragnaroid: 1000Gs

"We're still ahead!" Twilight told him, only for Phantom to hold up a card. Now Twilight remembered something else that Flash told her about Leonidas' evolution. New Ability cards. "Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid opened his claws and the blasters folded out, "Shadow Blast!" The guns unleashed a dark energy beam that struck the battlefield, which caused the Gate Card Twilight activated to shatter.

"My Spirit Vail!" Twilight gasped, as the rainbow energy around Spikenoid faded.

Spikenoid: 1150Gs
Ragnaroid: 1250Gs

Spike let out a roar as he charged forward, Twilight holding up her last card. "Ability, Activate!" Spike slashed at Ragnaroid, "Tearing Claw!"

Spikenoid: 1250Gs
Ragnaroid: 1250Gs

Ragnaroid held up his metal claws, blocking Spike's attack and taking no damage. Phantom chuckled at this as he held up his own card. "Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid pushed Spike away and as he did, the doors on his chest opened. "Evil Eye!" She enough, the opening doors revealed a large reptilian eyeball within it. That eye glowed before unleashing a dark crimson light, almost like a spotlight, which flew across the battlefield.

Spike was struck by it and when he was, he found his entire body freezing. "No!" He cried, falling to his knees. "This...can't happen!"

Spikenoid: 1100Gs
Ragnaroid: 1250Gs

"Spike!" Twilight cried, taking out a card but realised it was useless. She couldn't activate it, meaning Spike had no way to save himself.

"It's over," Phantom smirked as he held up another card. Twilight's eyes went wide and she reached for her other Bakugan, hoping to throw on in to increase Spike's power. But before she could, he held the card up. "Fusion Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid raised his claws as the gun barrels extended and began to glow. "Gaze of the Abyss." The guns unleashed a burst of dark light, which struck the light coming off his chest eye.

"No," Twilight whispered as the red light turned black and flew towards Spike. "NOOOOOOOOOO!"

The light struck Spike head on and with such a force that he was pushed backwards. "AUGH!" He cried, feeling a dark pain wash over him. It was like every nerve in his body was being burned.

Spikenoid: 700Gs
Ragnaroid: 1250Gs

Twilight's eyes went wide as Spike slowly focused on her. "I'm sorry Twilight."

"PLEASE NO!" Twilight screamed as she ran towards him.

"Goodbye." Those were Spike's last words before the energy slamming into him exploded into a wave, which struck Twilight and knocked her flying backwards as she screamed.

Twilight: 0%
Phantom: 100%

Flash and Leonidas rode his bike as fast as he could, praying they could get to Twilight's house before it was too later.

But as they turned into Twilight's street, their hearts almost stopped when they saw an ambulance outside Twilight's house. He rode faster and when he got there, he leapt off his bike towards the vehicle. And when he saw who was being loaded onto it, he cried out. "Twilight!" This caught everyone's attention and he ran up to the girl, "what happened?"

Twilight was badly beaten up, bruises covering her face and arms. She wasn't wearing her glasses, Flash noticing a pink skinned woman holding a pair of broken ones. She let out a moan and opened her eyes, turning her attention to Flash. "It...was Phantom." Flash knew it was coming but still hated hearing it.

"He...took Spike?" Twilight nodded, looking ready to start crying. "I'll get him back. I promise."

"Flash," she whispered, "be careful. Ragnaroid...he's evolved." Flash and Leo's eyes went wide hearing this, as Twilight was pushed into the ambulance before it drove off. Flash's body shook with rage, as he looked up into the air.

"Phantom! I know you can hear me! You're gonna pay for this!"

Up atop a large building, Phantom was staring down at the six Bakugan he had added to his collection. He then looked at his newly evolves partner, knowing his strength was now greater than ever. "One more win and I'll be ready."

Author's Note:

Well, that was probably hard to read. What do you guys think of the new Ragnaroid?

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