• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,648 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

  • ...

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BakuFighters, Unite

The City of Canterlot was still in chaos, as Bakugan continued to appear and attack anyone who they spotted.

Many of the city's citizens had taken refuge within the Bakugan Battle Stadium, it's large size able to accommodate even the entire city's populace and allow the Brawlers whose Bakugan didn't rebel to protect a single spot easier.

"Fire Burst!" Spikenoid cried as he launched the green fire towards an Aquos Juggernoid, knocking it back and reverting it back to ball form. Twilight stood on his shoulders and tapped him on the neck, Spike smiling but looking exhausted.

"Twilight," Rainbow's voice called out through the BakuColar, "You guys need to take a break. You've been going nonstop for ages."

Twilight sighed, knowing she was right. They needed to rest and recharge to be ready for whatever happened next.

Spike moved back over to the stadium and Twilight jumped down as he reverted back to ball form, the girl heading inside and seeing the many people sitting within it worried and scared. That included her family, as Shining Armor, Cadance and her parents were looking around terrified.

"Twilight!" Cadance cried when she spotted her, Twilight smiling as she moved over to hug them. "We were so worried."

"Sorry," she sighed, "I had to help keep everyone safe." As she said that, an explosion occurred outside and she looked out to see Cleopal facing off against a Hynoid.

"These Bakugan are monsters," Shining growled. "The government should have rounded them all up as soon as they were being sold."

"It's not the Bakugan's fault," Twilight told him. "They're being controlled. Besides, if it wasn't for our Bakugan, we wouldn't be able to protect ourselves right now." In that moment, Cleopal blasted the Hynoid away and it returned to ball form.

"I just wish there was something we could do," Twilight's mother looked worried. "Isn't there any way to stop them."

"My friends are working on it," Twilight assured her. "Flash and the others have gone to take down the one responsible for this." She would come to regret saying that.

"Flash?" She spun around to see Scootaloo and Flash's parents moving towards her. "You know where our son is?" Misty asked, grabbing Twilight by the shoulders. "Where is he? What do you mean he's taking down the one responsible. He shouldn't be doing something so dangerous!"

"Mom!" Scootaloo pulled her back, "you've got to relax."

Twilight sighed, "I'm sorry. I can't tell you where he is right now. Flash...he and the rest of his teammates were chosen to complete this task. They're the ones best suited for stopping the ones behind this." Misty and Trail didn't look happy about this. "You don't have to worry about them. Flash and his friends are a great team. And it's not just them. Their Bakugan partners are going to make sure they're safe." The adults clearly didn't understand any of this, whilst Twilight's vision drifted in the direction of the Dark Industries building. "They'll be fine. I know it."

Flying above the city, Ragnaroid was moments away from the Dark Industries building. "You ready?" He asked his passenger, "if we're gonna do this, it has to be now." Derpy continued to stand on his head and took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for this.

"I'm ready."

"Alright," he opened his claws and pointed them towards the building, "Apocalyptic Fire!" With that, the black and purple flames exploded from his claws and shot towards the building. They flew through the field surrounding it and slammed into the side of the building, causing it to explode and create a massive hole in the sides.

The entire building shook, Sombra and Lucifer almost falling over as it did.

"What was that?" Lucifer asked, as Sombra started typing to bring the outside security systems online. And when they did, he was shocked by who he saw and showed Lucifer. "Ragnaroid," he growled. "Quick, before they get through. Begin the procedure."

Inside the third battlefield, Flash way laying on the ground.

The teen had taken a big hit when the enemy Bakugan attacked them. It would have been a bigger hit, had Leonidas not shielded Flash with his own body. Speaking of which, as Flash began to come around he remembered what had happened. Despite the few injuries he had, Flash pushed himself to his hands and knees and looked over at his partner.

"Leo," he cried seeing the dragon laying on the floor looking to be in great pain. "Leo, please get up." As he said this, he spotted the ones responsible for this slowly making their way towards them. "Leonidas, they're coming!"

Rampager and Skulpion chuckled at the sight of the almighty Leonidas, down for the count. "Pathetic," Rampager stated as Skulpion clicked his claws.

"I was hoping for more a fight." The two prepared to finish him off, but before they did they heard many clicking sounds that weren't caused by Skulpion. "Looks like master Sombra wants to take the Attribute Energy now."

"Strange," Rampager hummed, "I figured he would wait until the process was a guarantee. He's down, but he might still be able to fight it."

Flash had heard the clicking and wondered what was going on, only for lightning to suddenly fly down from the sky and strike Leonidas. "AAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed in pain, Flash's eyes going wide as he realised what was happening.

"LEO!" He cried as the dragon withered around in agony, roaring in pain as Flash forced himself to his feet. "Fight it! They're trying to take the Attribute Energy!"

Leo knew this, but the injuries he had sustained before were making holding onto the energy within him difficult. They watched as he dug his claws into the ground, trying to keep the energy within him and summoning the power to attack what was doing this. But he couldn't.


"Leo," Flash whispered. "Someone...please help."

Ragnaroid charged at the building a fast as he could, whilst Derpy took something out that she didn't even know she had.

It was the pair of shades that had once been the bane of every brawler on the planet. Now, they were Derpy's only hope. "Phantom," she whispered as she lifted the shades up, "please...lend me your strength to help my friends." She put them on as Ragnaroid entered the field, feeling the power of the shades flowing through her.

Ragnaroid slammed into the building and through the hole he had made, whilst Derpy was enveloped by a bright light.

Leonidas was moments away from losing the energy and it seemed like nobody was going to save him.

Rampager and Skulpion smiled at this, believing they had succeeded. But before they could celebrate, the ground suddenly exploded between them and their targets. "WHAT!?" Rampager roared, as he and Skulpion staggered backwards.

The next thing they knew, a blast of fire shot up and struck the points that the lightning was coming from. An explosion occurred and rocked the entire battlefield, causing the lightning to stop seconds before Leonidas lost the energy.

"Ah," he sighed as the power drain stopped and he was able to catch his breath. He panted several times before turning to where the fire had come from. "What was that?"

Flash stared into the smoke, wondering the same thing. Then, a large figure appeared within it that he recognised as only one Bakugan. "No way." Ragnaroid slowly appeared as the smoke cleared, Flash's fears increasing at this. Then, he spotted someone else stepping into the light. "Phantom."

The brawler known as Phantom smiled as he turned towards Flash, all the memories he had from his time as Derpy flowing through his head and getting him up to speed. "Long time no see," he smirked. "You disappoint me, Flash Sentry." Flash looked confused, "given that you're the one who defeated me."

"You're certainly a sorry sight to see," Ragnaroid told Leonidas as he picked himself up. "Where's your pride as the Bakugan who beat me?"

"Shut up," Leonidas growled. "Why are you here?"

"Yeah," Flash nodded, "what are you doing here?"

"You invited me, remember?" Phantom smirked as they turned to Rampage and Skulpions, "so these are Lucifer's new lapdogs. Clearly he traded down."

"You little punk," Skulpion hissed.

"You think a pair of traitors will scare us?" Rampager asked.

"We're gonna do more than just scare you," Ragnaroid stated.

Flash stepped up besides Phantom, staring at him with a little worry. "Is...is Derpy..."

"She's in here," Phantom assured him. "Things are different this time. She's fully aware of everything I do and can take back control whenever she wants. But she asked me to come help you out. So just this once, you have the honour of battling alongside me."

Flash smiled as Leonidas stared at Ragnaroid. "As much as I wanna tell you you're not needed, that would be a lie. So please, help us defeat these fools."

"With pleasure," Ragnaroid chuckled as Phantom began to glow. Suddenly, a card appeared in his hands that he threw towards Flash.

"Take this. There's no way your Bakugan can fight in the state he's in.

Flash caught the card and looked it over, frowning for a moment but putting his trust in him. "Phantom Ability, Activate!" He threw the card and it hit Leonidas, who glowed before all his wounds started disappearing. "Restoration!" Leonidas sighed as he was completely restored, both he and Ragnaroid staring down their opponents.

Suddenly, the light flowed over the pair and then shot off of them. They flew across the field and crashed into the ground next to the Bakugan, taking form before fading to reveal almost exact copies of them.

"Huh," Phantom frowned, "well that's just weird."

"Tell me about it," Flash glared at his inverted copy. "Let's take these creeps out so they can disappear." Phantom nodded as the four Bakugan returned to their partners. As they did, Phantom took out a Gate Card.

"BRAWL!" They all yelled.

Sombra hit the computer several times to try and get the picture back, since the attack of Ragnaroid had knocked the whole security system offline.

"Come on," he cried as the screen remained static. "COME ON!" Finally, an image reappeared on the screen and revealed what had happened. "NO!" He cried, seeing Leonidas was up and no longer being drained of his Attribute Energy. And then he saw Phantom and Ragnaroid, the two Bakugan and the hybrids returning to the humans and the clones. "Those two fools better win. If not, they'll be in serious trouble."

"Gate Card...SET!" Phantom threw the card towards the ground and as he did, the four of them leapt into the air. "BAKUGAN!" They threw them forward, "BRAWL!" The Bakugan shot through the air and all collided in the middle of the battlefield, the four grinding against one another before bouncing away and landing on the ground. "BAKUGAN!" They popped open, "STAND!" In that moment, four tornados exploded into the air. A tornado of light, a tornado of dark mist, a tornado of purple liquid and a tornado and yellow and purple light.

"Haos Supreme Leonidas!" Flash cried as Leo exploded from his tornado.

"Poison Skulpion!" The Phantom clone yelled as the hybrid appeared and snapped his claws.

"Darkus Doom Ragnaroid!" Phantom cried, as his Bakugan appeared and powered up his mechanical parts.

"Mayhem Rampager!" The other Flash announced as Rampager swung his sword and dispelled the light and dark tornado. The four Bakugan stared one another down, ready for the fight of their lives.

Leonidas: 900Gs
Skulpion: 750Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs
Rampager: 750Gs

"This'll be over before it begins!" Phantom announced before pointing towards the ground. "Gate Card, OPEN!" The ground began to unleashing a dark fog, "Joker's Wild!" The fog surrounded Ragnaroid, the strongest Darkus Bakugan on the field. "End this!"

"Ability," the other Flash held up a card. "Activate!" Rampager rushed forward as his sword began to glow, "Sword of Light!" Ragnaroid thrust the fog towards Rampager, but the hybrid swung his sword and dispelled the fog before stabbing it into the ground.

"What?" Phantom cried, as the Gate Card cracked before shattering. "He destroyed my Gate Card!"

Leonidas: 900Gs
Skulpion: 750Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs
Rampager: 950Gs

"We'll deal with the traitor first!" Rampager leapt towards Ragnaroid and swung his sword around, Ragnaroid using his claws to block the sword as best he could. At the same time, Skulpion scuttled forward as the other Phantom held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Skulpion opened his mouth, "Ocean Eater!" He spat a blast of water from his mouth, which quickly reshaped itself into a skull that shot towards Ragnaroid.

Rampager pushed Ragnaroid back, right into the attack's path. It slammed into him, the water mouth biting down upon him. "Augh!"

Leonidas: 900Gs
Skulpion: 750Gs
Ragnaroid: 700Gs
Rampager: 950Gs

Ragnaroid fell to the ground, as Rampager stepped up and raised his sword. But as he swung it down, Leonidas suddenly appeared between them and blocked it with his arm guards. "Augh!" He hissed at the impact, but refused to give up. "Quick," he told Ragnaroid, "Get up!" Ragnaroid heard this and pushed himself upwards, spreading his wings an taking to the air.

As he did, Phantom held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid pointed his claws at Skulpion, "Apocalyptic Fire!" The dark flames exploded from his claws and shot towards Skulpion.

Leonidas: 900Gs
Skulpion: 750Gs
Ragnaroid: 1000Gs
Rampager: 950Gs

The flames slammed into Skulpion and knocked him backwards, the skeletal scorpion screaming as he was pushed into a river of toxic water.

At the same time, Flash held up his card. "Ability, Activate!" Leonidas' mouth began to fill with energy, "Ultra Destroyer!"

Leonidas: 1200Gs
Skulpion: 750Gs
Ragnaroid: 1000Gs
Rampager: 950Gs

The sudden boost of power gave him the pump up he needed to knock Rampager away from him, the knight staggering back as he roared and unleashed the laser of energy.

"Ability, Activate!" Other Flash held up a card, as Rampager's body glowed. "Miracle Armor!" The light shot off him and formed a forcefield, which blocked Leonidas' attack and cancelled it out whilst boosting him.

Leonidas: 900Gs
Skulpion: 750Gs
Ragnaroid: 1000Gs
Rampager: 1050Gs

"Ahhh," Leonidas groaned as he felt his power drop. Rampager quickly used this chance to charge forward and slash at him with his sword, Leonidas grunting as he was knocked staggering back.

Ragnaroid saw this and pointed his claws at Rampager, preparing to shoot flames at him. But before he could, a nearby poison pond exploded as Skulpion leapt out after swimming through the many tunnels that connected them.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Other Phantom announced as Skulpion's claws glowed. "Shadow Slashers..." He swung his claws around and sent out the two energy blades, which Ragnaroid was forced to defend against using his flames.

Leonidas: 900Gs
Skulpion: 950Gs
Ragnaroid: 1000Gs
Rampager: 1050Gs

"Plus, Hydro Stingers!" Skulpion's stinger was covered in water that shot off, turning into a bunch of needles that shot through the flames and slammed into Ragnaroid.

"Augh!" He cried as his power dropped.

Leonidas: 900Gs
Skulpion: 950Gs
Ragnaroid: 850Gs
Rampager: 1050Gs

With both their Bakugan powered down, Flash and Phantom could only watch as Rampager and Skulpion got up close and began slashing at Leonidas and Ragnaroid.

"Ability, Activate!" They both cried as they held up their cards, Leonidas and Ragnaroid quickly leaping into the air to avoid another slash. As they did, Leo's claws glowed and Ragnaroid's drill tail spun. "Death Spiral/Mega Claw!"

Leonidas: 1100Gs
Skulpion: 950Gs
Ragnaroid: 1050Gs
Rampager: 1050Gs

The two dived down and got it close to their opponents, Leonidas slashing at Rampager whilst Ragnaroid thrust his drill into Skulpion's chest.

Rampager barely managed to hold up his shield, which absorbed much of the damage but still caused him to be pushed skidding backwards several meters. Meanwhile, Skulpion fought through the pain of the drill and grabbed Ragnaroid's tail in his claws, the hybrid pulling the drill away until the tip was an inch from him.

"Ability, Activate!" The clones both cried as they held up a card, Rampager's cape suddenly shoot up and straightening whilst Skulpion opened his mouth. "Cape of Doom/Death Mist!" The cape exploded into a million bats, which fluttered towards Leonidas. Skulpion shot out a stream of dark purple mist, which forced Ragnaroid to stop his drill and pull his tail out of the claws to escape.

Flash and Phantom knew these attacks were dangerous, so quickly held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid's body turned into a mist whilst Leo's glowed. "Shadow Divide/Spectral Barricade!" The light shot off Leonidas and formed a barrier around him, powering him up and preventing the bats from getting close.

Leonidas: 1200Gs
Skulpion: 950Gs
Ragnaroid: 1050Gs
Rampager: 1050Gs

Meanwhile, Ragnaroid's misty body split into four versions of him which circles around Skulpion. "Now we've got you!" Ragnaroid hissed before charging forward, slashing at Skulpion's back and causing him to stagger forward. Skulpion tried to slash back, but Ragnaroid flew straight up as the other three attacked.

One got his shoulder before Skulpion scissored him in half. Another stabbed him in the back before getting a stinger to its chest and the last one drilled into his chest before being cut in half as well. Meanwhile, the real Ragnaroid remained above the scorpion and had charged up a lot of dark fire. He shot them downwards, bathing Skulpion in the flames before it could react.

Meanwhile, Leonidas had flown down with his shield still up. As such, Rampager attempted to slash at him when he got close but couldn't get passed the shield. "Ability," Flash held up a card, "Activate!" The shield vanished as Rampager attempted another slash, only for Leonidas to suddenly vanished. "Turbo Overdrive!"

Leonidas: 1350Gs
Skulpion: 950Gs
Ragnaroid: 1050Gs
Rampager: 1050Gs

Rampage was suddenly slammed by a super fast flash of light, which shot passed him and knocked him staggering. This then happened again and again, until the other Flash held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" As the light shot towards him again, Rampager spun around and raised his shield to block it. "Vampire Shield!"

The mouth of the shield opened up as Leonidas appeared from the light, said light quickly being sucked into the mouth along with a lot of his power. "Augh!" He cried as he felt himself being drained away.

Leonidas: 1000Gs
Skulpion: 950Gs
Ragnaroid: 1050Gs
Rampager: 1050Gs

Leonidas tried to pulled away, but before he could Rampager used his shield to knock him off balance before swinging his sword around and slashing him down the chest. "AUGH!" He was knocked backwards and landed next to a river of poison, Rampager walking towards him with his sword raised.

"LEO!" Flash cried, Phantom seeing this and frowning.

"Ragnaroid!" He ordered, the snake-scorpion diving down into the dark fire. As he did, he grabbed Skulpion's tail and dragged him out of the flames.

"Let me go!" He roared.

"Gladly!" Ragnaroid smirked before throwing the hybrid at the other one.

"LOOK OUT!" Skulpion yelled, as Rampager turned to see him flying at him. He quickly raised his shield and Skulpion slammed into him, knocking him away from Leonidas as Phantom held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid opened up his chest, "Doom Vision!" His eyes was revealed and unleashed a bright light, which struck Skulpion and Rampager as they hybrids suddenly found themselves being frozen.

"Augh!" Rampager cried as he was forced to drop his weapons, whilst Skulpion's legs gave out and he fell to the ground.

Leonidas: 1000Gs
Skulpion: 750Gs
Ragnaroid: 1050Gs
Rampager: 850Gs

"Gotcha!" Ragnaroid smirked as Leonidas got up. "Now to finish them off."

"We need to get out of here," Leonidas told him. Ragnaroid was surprised to hear this, turning to look at him in shock. "Lucifer's the one we're after. If we waste any more time here, he'll get away or sync up with the Darkus Energy. we have to find the way out of here and get to him."

"Ahh," Ragnaroid turned to Phantom. The shaded teen nodded and Ragnaroid sighed. "Fine." He closed his chest as their brawlers leapt onto the Bakugan's back, "let's go!" They took to the air and left the two hybrids, who appeared rather insulted.

"Get up!" Sombra yelled, but neither Bakugan were able to do so.

"Ragnaroid's Doom Vision can paralyse an opponent for a good while," Lucifer told him. "And even if they could move, they wouldn't be able to use their Abilities for a while longer." As he said that, the two hybrids began to push themselves up. "We need to give them more time to completely recover."

"No problem," Sombra smiled as he started typing. "If they want to go against the rules of my game, they give me no choice but to make them regret it."

Flash and Phantom continued flying through the battlefield in search of the elevator.

As they did, Flash turned to Phantom. "So what made you want to come back?" Phantom glanced at him, "you were adamant that helping us take down Lucifer wasn't your destiny. What changed?"

"Nothing," Phantom told him. "Derpy wants to make up for what I've done. But she still lack a great amount of confidence, which is why she begged me to take the reigns and help her out." Flash frowned at this. "Don't expect this to be a recurring thing. When we get out of here, Derpy will be taking over again." He gave Flash a serious look, "and you'll need to help her grow confident enough to fight without me."

Flash wasn't sure what to say to that. But before he could think of anything, Leonidas spoke up. "Over there!" They looked ahead and spotted a large rock that had a set of metal doors in the side of them. "The elevator to Sombra." He flew ahead but before he could get to close, he suddenly slammed into an invisible wall. "AUGH!" He cried as a surge of energy flowed through him, the dragon pulling back as the wall became visible and revealed it was an energy barrier that went all the way to the sky.

"It's a forcefield!" Phantom cried, as they stared at the barrier. "Looks like Sombra doesn't want us getting to him before he's ready."

"Do you think it'll go down if we take out his hybrids?" Ragnaroid asked.

"I don't see why," Leonidas frowned. "He's trying to stop us, so keeping that barrier up as long as he wants would be smart." He flew even further back. "Let's see how much punishment this thing can take. Ultra Destroyer!" He launched the laser and it shot towards the barrier, slamming into it and causing the energy construct to glitch.

Ragnaroid smirked and raised his claws, "Apocalyptic Fire!" The flames shot out and struck the forcefield, making it flicker as well. The pair continued firing at it for a minute or two, the barrier taking the punishment but having trouble staying active.

"That's it!" Flash smirked.

"Keep it up!" Phantom yelled, "give it everything you've got!" They did so and the barrier kept glitching in certain areas, but it refused to give up. "This isn't working."

Flash nodded and tried to think of something, then had an idea. "We need to work together!" Flash cried.

"Isn't that what we're doing?"

"We're doing the same thing, but not working together. We need to unify our attacks." He patted Leonidas' head and dragon fired again, hitting a part of the barrier. "Both of us aim for that one spot. Our attacks on their own might not be able to break through a section, but both hitting the same area just might."

Phantom thought about this for a moment, then nodded. "Let's do it!" Flash nodded back as both their Bakugan powered up their attacks before letting it rip, the laser and flames shooting towards the barrier and hitting the same spot. The barrier seriously started glitching at this, the combined power of the two attacks concentrated on a single spot being too much to handle.

They watched and waited and sure enough, the forcefield's power couldn't keep up with the strain. The barrier began to crack and eventually shattered, releasing the energy and sending it flying overhead to reveal the elevator.

"Alright!" Flash cheered, smiling at Phantom who replied with a simple smirk. "Let's get out of here."

"I think not!" They spun around in time to see Rampager leaping towards them from a mountain-like rock, slamming his shield into Leonidas and knocking him to the ground.

Skulpion did the same and wrapped his bladed legs around Ragnaroid's tail. "Augh!" He was pulled down and once they were low enough, Skulpion let go with everything except his claws. He spun the Bakugan around before slamming him into the ground

Both Flash and Phantom had been thrown from their partners, but managed to land safely away from any of the toxic rivers. They turned towards their partners as Leonidas managed to throw Rampager off of him, whilst Ragnaroid attempted to thrust his spinning drill into Skulpion who was forced to let go to avoid it.

The two hybrids now stood between them and the elevator, Leonidas and Ragnaroid prepared to continue their fight.

"You should have stayed away!" Phantom cried as he held up a pair of cards.

"Now we're gonna go right through you!" Flash agreed as he held up two cards as well. "Double Ability!" They both cried, "Activate!" Rampager and Skulpion suddenly began to glow, the light flying off of them and going into both Leonidas and Rampager.


Leonidas: 1100Gs
Skulpion: 750Gs
Ragnaroid: 1150Gs
Rampager: 850Gs

Leonidas then took that power and channelled it into his mouth. "Plus, Supreme Cannon!" The energy swirled into the sphere and he quickly fired it towards Rampager.

Leonidas: 1300Gs
Skulpion: 750Gs
Ragnaroid: 1150Gs
Rampager: 850Gs

The hybrid raised his shield and the sphere slammed into it, exploding with enough force that he was knocked skidding backwards. "Augh!" He grunted, panting as he did so.

Skulpion saw this and prepared to help his partner, but before he could Ragnaroid appeared above him. "Plus, Purgatory Crusher!" Ragnaroid swung his tail at Skulpion and wrapped it around the hybrid, pinning his claws to his side.

"AUGH!" He hissed, as the mechanisms in the tail began to tighten up. He hissed, trying to fight against the strain of the force surrounding him. But he couldn't and his power quickly began to drop.

As it did, Rampager sighed and looked up from behind his shield, seeing his partner in trouble as the other Phantom checked his BakuColar.

Leonidas: 1300Gs
Skulpion: 500Gs
Ragnaroid: 1150Gs
Rampager: 850Gs

"No more holding back!" Rampager cried as the other Flash held up a card.

"Hybrid Ability, Activate!" This statement confused their opponents, as Rampager's sword began to glow a mixture and bright and dark light. "Shining Shadows!"

"Take...THIS!" He swung the blade around, causing the light to fly off in a crescent blade that shot towards Leonidas. The dragon tried to outfly it, but the attack was too fast.

"AUGH!" The blade struck him and his power dropped, whilst Rampager rushed towards Ragnaroid.

Leonidas: 1100Gs
Skulpion: 500Gs
Ragnaroid: 1150Gs
Rampager: 1050Gs

"RAAAAH!" Rampager slashed at the Darkus Bakugan's tail, the attack not doing much damage but making him flinch enough to loosen his grip on Skulpion.

"I'm free!" He cried as he pulled his claws out, the other Phantom holding up a card.

Hybrid Ability, Activate!" Skulpion's claws glowed, "Poisonous Tear!" He swung them forward and unleashed an X-Shaped energy blade that struck Ragnaroid in the face, causing him to cry out as the energy exploded and spread throughout his entire body.

Leonidas: 1100Gs
Skulpion: 700Gs
Ragnaroid: 1050Gs
Rampager: 1050Gs

Ragnaroid unfurled his tail from around Skulpion and the hybrid leapt out and slashed at him again, making Ragnaroid hiss again as he was knocked back. Skulpion then landed and swung his tail at Ragnaroid, but the Darkus Bakugan caught it.

"Nice try," he smirked as he prepared to launch another Apocalyptic Flame. But before he could, his entire body spark with purple lightning. "AUGH!"

Leonidas: 1100Gs
Skulpion: 700Gs
Ragnaroid: 1000Gs
Rampager: 1050Gs

He let go of the tail as Skulpion leapt forward, slashing him again. Phantom saw this and stared down at his gauntlet, watching the score as the lightning surged around Ragnaroid again.

Leonidas: 1100Gs
Skulpion: 700Gs
Ragnaroid: 950Gs
Rampager: 1050Gs

"Some kind of poison?" He asked, realising that this could get dangerous if he didn't find a way to stop this.

Leonidas had recovered from his attack and charged at Rampager, firing another Supreme Cannon towards him. But Rampager blocked the attack with his shield as he charged forward, then slashed at him with his sword. Leo managed to pull back and land next to Ragnaroid, who was once again struck by the poison.

Leonidas: 1100Gs
Skulpion: 700Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs
Rampager: 1050Gs

"Time to bring this game to an end!" Skulpion roared as the other Phantom held up a card.

"Fusion Ability, Activate!" Skulpion's entire body let out a purple aura, as his claws were surrounded by the toxic energy. "Venomous Skull Storm!" A powerful wind began to swirl around him that sucked the energy off his body, turning it into a purple vortex that completely surrounded Skulpion.

Leonidas: 1100Gs
Skulpion: 1100Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs
Rampager: 1050Gs

The tornado suddenly developed a bunch of skull faces in the wind, as Skulpion leapt out of the top. He flew down and swung his claws in an X formation, hitting the tornado and sending it towards his opponents.

"Move!" Leonidas cried as he leapt into the air, Ragnaroid attempting to do the same. But before he could, he was once again zapped by the poison.

"Gyah!" He cried, flinching in place as his power dropped.

Leonidas: 1100Gs
Skulpion: 1100Gs
Ragnaroid: 850Gs
Rampager: 1050Gs

Before he could recover, the tornado slammed into him and he was bitten by the wind skulls as they injected more poison into him. He hissed, his power dropping again.

Leonidas: 1100Gs
Skulpion: 1100Gs
Ragnaroid: 450Gs
Rampager: 1050Gs

Leonidas watched Ragnaroid be trapped by the Fusion Ability and as he landed, Rampager charged at him as the other Flash held up a card. "Fusion Ability, Activate!" Rampager glowed purple and gold, the two energies flowing through him and into his sword. "Chaotic Rampage!"

Leonidas: 1100Gs
Skulpion: 1100Gs
Ragnaroid: 450Gs
Rampager: 1450Gs

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" He roared as he got closer to Leonidas, then start wildly slashing his sword around.

"AUGH!" Leonidas felt the sword slash at him again and again, whilst Ragnaroid was once again hit by the poison. The two Bakugan could feel themselves getting closer and closer to dropping. If that happened, who knew what would happen.

Leonidas: 700Gs
Skulpion: 1100Gs
Ragnaroid: 400Gs
Rampager: 1450Gs

"LEO!" Flash cried, holding up his Fusion Ability. But Leo was in no fit state to activate it. "This isn't good."

Phantom tried to activate his Fusion Ability, but it also wouldn't work. As he tried, Ragnaroid was once again struck by the poison and cried out in pain.

Leonidas: 700Gs
Skulpion: 1100Gs
Ragnaroid: 350Gs
Rampager: 1450Gs

"We have to do something!" Flash cried as Rampager stopped with the rapid slashes, Leonidas standing there trying to recover. Then, he swung the blade around as hard as he could with a mighty cry. The force of the impact knocked him backwards, making him cry out as he crashed into a large rock behind him. "LEO!"

At the same time, the tornado trapping Ragnaroid also faded and Skulpion charged. He slashed Ragnaroid with his claws, also knocking him into a rock with a cry of pain.

Phantom watched as the Hybrids prepared to thrust their blade and stinger into the two's chest, Ragnaroid losing more power from the poison. He knew there was a way to save the Bakugan, but doing so would mean a sacrifice.

"No choice," he finally said before his body started glowing.

Flash noticed this and the Bakugan quickly saw it too, the lot of them turning to Phantom as the light got brighter and brighter. "What are you doing?" Flash asked, whilst Ragnaroid looked over at him.

"Phantom...wait. If you do that, you won't come back."

"What?" Flash asked, as Phantom smiled.

"The Phantom cards I generate were created using Lucifer's power. Every time I make one, I use up more and more of it. And since I was created using that same power..."

"Using it all will mean you'll disappear," Flash gasped. "Phantom, you can't!"

"Relax," Phantom smirked as the light began to flow off of him and form a card. "It's not like I'll be gone gone. Everything I am comes from Derpy. As long as she lives, so will I."

"Why?" Rampager asked, "why would you give up your existence so gladly? You always wanted to be the best. Why give that up just to win this one Brawl?"

"Because all my existence has ever been is causing misery," Phantom stated. "And I thought that was necessary to be the best. But now, I know what it truly means to be the best. Being strong...for the right reason. That's something my friends taught me. And now, I'll use that strength for good." With that, the card form in his hand and he threw it towards the ground. "Phantom Ability, Activate!" The card struck the ground and spread out, causing it to glow. "Neo Dimension!"

"What is this?" Rampager asked, as Phantom smirked.

"Neo Dimension allows me to play a new Gate Card. And that card can't be destroyed by Abilities." He held up another card and threw it, the Gate Card forming beneath their feet. He looked over at Ragnaroid, who had once again lost more of his power and was moments away from falling. "Gate Card...OPEN!" The ground began to glow, "Reset!"

The light flowed into the Bakugan, causing Leonidas and Ragnaroid to feel new power flowing into them whilst Rampager and Skulpion felt their drop. "What are you doing?" Rampager cried, as he staggered back whilst their opponents sighed and spread their wings.

"Reset returns every Bakugan on the field to their base G Level," Phantom smirked. "Which means once again, our Bakugan are stronger than you."

Leonidas: 900Gs
Skulpion: 750Gs
Ragnaroid: 900Gs
Rampager: 750Gs

"Impossible!" Rampager cried.

"I'm not letting this end now!" Skulpion hissed before launching another Poisonous Tear, Rampager slashing to fire a Shining Shadow at them. But the pair dodged the hybrid attacks, whilst Flash turned to see Phantom staggering.

"Wow!" He grabbed him and kept him standing, "you okay?"

"No, but that doesn't matter." He held up a card, "let's end this." This nodded and once Phantom was standing, he held up his card as they glowed. "FUSION ABILITIES, ACTIVATE!!!!" Leonidas flew up into the air and took a deep breath, as light surrounded by energy formed inside his mouth. At the same time, Ragnaroid's claws and chest opened. "ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION/END OF DAYS!"

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" They both roared as they unleashed their attacks, both striking the hybrids before either of them could save themselves.

"AUGH!" Rampager cried, as the Ultimate Destruction attack slammed into him. Meanwhile, Skulpion screamed with all of Ragnaroid's lasers burning away at his body.

Leonidas: 1100Gs
Skulpion: 475Gs
Ragnaroid: 1400Gs
Rampager: 475Gs

The two tried to fight against the attacks, but they were too much. Eventually, both of them were knocked back as the attacks created an explosion. Flash and Phantom were both knocked backwards, but their clones completely vanished as everything went white.

The next thing Rampager and Skulpion knew, they were inside the void with the other hybrids.

"You as well?" They heard Gigant's voice and looked over at the other four double attribute Bakugan. "Well, this isn't gonna look good for us." Rampager growled at this, unable to believe he had been so outclassed by a couple of kids and their single Attribute Bakugan.

"Just wait," Rampager told him. "I'll regain my honour. When master Lucifer releases us from here, I'll destroy everything that foolish boy loves."

As the light of the explosion fade, Flash opened his eyes and saw the hybrid were gone.

"We did it," he smiled before turning to Leonidas behind him. "Nice work bud." Leonidas smiled, but the dragon knew he wasn't the only one who had done a good job. Flash turned to Phantom, who had gone over to where Ragnaroid had landed to check on him. "Thanks man." Phantom turned to him, "I couldn't have done this without you."

"Obviously," Phantom smirked at him. "And I have to admit. This was kinda fun."

"Well it doesn't have to be the only time," Flash smiled. "We could...you know, really use someone like you on our side." But as he said that, Phantom's body began to glow. "What's happening?"

"Remember," Phantom looked down at his hand, "I'm made of Lucifer's power. The power I've now spent. So it's time for me to say goodbye." Flash's eyes went wide and Phantom expected him to say something, but another voice beat him too it.

"NO!" Phantom closed his eyes and when he opened them again, he was in the void of his mind with Derpy staring back at him.

"Please," she whispered, "please don't go. I need you."

"No, you just need to believe. Believe in the skills you have, that you gave to me. And now you can use them in ways I'd never be able to."

"But why?" She asked, "why do you have such faith in me?"

"Because...I am you." Derpy gasped at this as Phantom closed his eyes again and when he opened them, he was back in the real world and moving towards Flash. "So this in our final farewell, Flash."

"Phantom," was all he could say as his former enemy held out a hand.

"I'm glad my final battle was with you." Flash took it, the pair shaking as Phantom turned to Ragnaroid. "Take care my friend. Protect Derpy." Ragnaroid nodded as Phantom released Flash's hand, looking towards him as he reached up and removed his shades. In the blink of an eye, he was back in his mind staring back at Derpy. "I wish you good luck," he announced as his body began to disappear.

"Phantom!" Derpy tried to reach out to him, but he was too far away. All she could do was watch as he completely vanished, a content smile on his face. Phantom was gone and Derpy could do nothing but close her eyes to cry.

"Derpy." She heard Flash's voice and opened his eyes to see her friend staring at her in amazement. She looked around, seeing she had taken Phantom's place in the real world. And in her hands were the shades that Phantom wore. "You okay?"

"I...I don't know," Derpy whispered as tears fell down her face. "I...I don't know if I can do this alone."

Flash smiled and moved over to pull her into a hug. "You're not alone. You have me...you have your friends." Derpy smiled at this and pulled away, looking down at the shades still in her hands.

"Thank you Phantom," she whispered as the shades began to crack apart. "I promise, I'll never forget you." With that, the glasses turned to dust of light that was blown away. She took a deep breath, but her tears faded away. A part of her felt different. Like everything that had been taken from her to make Phantom was back. She felt...complete.

Flash wasn't sure what else to say, but luckily someone else spoke for him. "FLASH!" He looked around and spotted the rest of the BakuFighters and their Bakugan heading towards them, having made it up to this level after completing their own battles.

"Wait," Heath then noticed he was with someone, "is that Derpy?"

"What's she doing here?" Bonnie asked, whilst Lyra ran even faster.

"DERPY!" She cried, reaching the girl and pulling her into a hug.

"Lyra?" She asked, feeling strange as the girl hugged her.

"We were so worried about you," Lyra told her. She kept hugging her tighter and Derpy felt bad for making them all worry, the girl looking around at the rest of her friends as they stared at her.

"I'm sorry for making you worry," she finally said as Lyra pulled away. Derpy then bowed to them all, "I'm sorry for everything I did to you all." They smiled at this, all about to say she was fine. "I know you don't blame me, but I want to make up for everything I did during my time as Phantom. So please, let me help you take down Lucifer."

"You don't even need to ask," Heath told her. "We are your friends." They all nodded in agreement, whilst Soarin remained focused on the Darkus Bakugan behind her.

"Does anyone wanna tell me what Doom Ragnaroid is here?" The Bakugan glared at him, the others minus Leonidas getting ready to fight if needs be.

"There's no need to be worried," Derpy assured them. "Ragnaroid isn't going to be against you anymore." She turned to smile at him, "because he and I are partners." Everyone except Flash was shocked by this, as Ragnaroid smiled down at her.

"That's right. I will stand by Derpy's side for as long as she wants me. And together, we will defeat Lucifer once and for all." The others didn't know why, but they believed him. Heath then looked around and when he did, he realised something.

"Hey, don't you know what this means?" The others shook their heads as Heath pointed towards Flash. "Haos!" Flash raised an eyebrow as he pointed at Bonnie, "Subterra!" He then pointed a thumb at himself, "Pyrus!" He pointed at Soarin, "Ventus!" Then at Lyra, "Aquos." And finally, he pointed at Derpy. "And now Darkus. Our team now has all six Bakugan Attributes." Everyone's eyes went wide as they realised he was right.

"All six," Derpy whispered in amazement before turning to smile at Ragnaroid. "He's right." Ragnaroid nodded as Flash turned towards the elevator, which had become open to them as soon as the hybrids were defeated.

"Time to finally put an end to this," Flash smirked. "You guys ready to stop Lucifer?"

"YEAH!" They all cheered as their Bakugan returned to ball form and they charged towards the elevator, the lot of them looking up and ready to finally make Lucifer and Sombra pay for everything they had done. This was the day the war ended.

Sombra yanked the chord out of his floor and growled as he reset the the machine on his back.

"This is it," he announced as he turned towards the elevator. "Those kids are coming and we have no more minions to throw at them. Looks like we're in for the fight of our lives."

"Hardly." Sombra turned to Lucifer as the Bakugan's glow slowly began to fade. "Those six fools might not have been able to get us the Attribute Energies, but they did buy me the time I needed." The glow completely vanished and Lucifer sighed, no longer looking like he was about to explode.

Sombra's eyes went wide, "does this mean what I think it means?"

"I've finally synchronized with the Darkus Energy," Lucifer told him. "Now I am a true Bakugan. And with that title, I have the power I need to conquer this world." Sombra smiled, as he turned back to the elevator.

"Sorry kids," he told them. "But you guys were just a smidge to late."

The BakuFighters were now more powerful than ever, but now so were their opponents. The final stage of the conflict had arrived and the outcome of the coming battles would decide the fate of the world. Would good triumph, or would evil reign supreme?

Author's Note:

Well, Phantom's final fight was a good one. Hope you enjoyed it. Now, onto the final part of the story.

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