• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,648 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

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Earth Fights Back

Back at the rubble that had once been the skyscraper headquarters of Dark Industries, smoke and dust mixed together to completely block anyone from seeing what had happened to the building.

Within that clouds, several small fires were burning from the flammable parts of the building that had caught fire in the explosions. Brick, metal and many other materials were piled up, looking nothing like the high-tech building that had been the jewel of Canterlot for so long.

And buried beneath that pile were the BakuFighters, the young brawlers and their Bakugan having been unable to escape the collapse of the building. But they had escaped injury.

Suddenly, part of the pile began to move and shift. The top began to move upwards and in doing so, the bricks, metal and other debris fell away from it to reveal a large white and yellow dragon. "Ahhhh!" Leonidas sighed, spreading his wings to throw off more debris. Once he was properly stretched out, he looked down at his cupped hands and uncovered them. "You guys okay?"

The BakuFighters moaned as they stood up themselves, Lyra coughing from breathing in some dust as Bonnie patted her on the back. "We're fine," Flash assured him. "Thanks for the save, Leo."

"Just be glad the explosions took out whatever was keeping me in ball form when it did," Leonidas stated as he took to the air and flew away from the demolition sight. "Another second and I might not have been able to catch you all."

"Luck was on our side," Nimue stated as Leonidas landed and the Bakugan leapt off their partners to transform back to their true form.

Garuda sighed, "we failed. Lucifer was able to gain control of the Attribute Energy." Wukong growled at this and punched the ground, the frustration getting too him.

"Who knows where he is now," Ragnaroid growled.

"Don't talk like we've lost yet," Bonnie told him. "So what if Lucifer has an Attribute Energy." She pointed at the Bakugan, "so do you guys. Well..." She looked at Ragnaroid, "most of you guys." Ragnaroid frowned at her, as Derpy stepped up.

"She's right," Derpy nodded. "It's still five Attribute Energies to one. We have the advantage." She looked at her friends, "so what if our plan didn't work out. We just have to regroup and come up with a new plan to take him down."

"I'm with Derpy," Heath smirked. "I don't wanna give up yet without trying." Before they could say anything else, a sudden bright light blinded them. "AHHHH!" They all cried, covering their eyes as they staggered backwards. As they did, they felt the ground beneath their feet vanish but they weren't falling.

They opened their eyes and saw they were in a white void, "what is this?"

"This is us." They all looked up and gasped seeing six armoured figures floating above them.

"The Guardians!" Leonidas cried, as Dragonia and the other five floated down towards them. He sighed, "I'm sorry. We weren't able to defeat Lucifer. He got an Attribute Energy and synchronised with it."

"We know," Dragonia nodded. "We've been watching you."

Derpy sighed, "it's my fault. I was the one who took the Attribute Energy and let Lucifer steal it away." She turned to Regulus, "I'm sorry I betrayed you."

"You did not betray me," Regulus announced. "I hoped the real you would break free from the personality of Phantom. And now that you have, you can fulfil your true destiny and become the Darkus soldier you were always meant to be." He then turned to Ragnaroid, "along with the partner you've helped show the light too." Ragnaroid smirked at this, as Dragonia waved her hand.

In doing so, the void suddenly shifted to show Bakugan in multiple different areas of the country. "Lucifer has begun his invasion of your world." A scene showing a Siege charging through a city and destroying several military vehicles was shown. "Your world's weapons simply cannot compete against the power of the Bakugan."

"So what do we do?" Soarin asked, "do you guys know where Lucifer is?"

"No," Zephyria shook her head, "I'm afraid he is masking his power from us. The fact that he can do that shows how well he has synchronised with the Attribute Energy."

"So what do we do?" Leonidas asked, "we can't just sit around and let him do whatever he wants."

"Lucifer will not stay hidden for long," Salamandra told him.

"Yessss," Seadranoid agreed, "he is far too power hungry for that. He will not be sssssatisfied with only one Attribute Energy."

"He's gonna come after us," Gaia realised. The others thought back to the trials they had to face getting to Lucifer. They knew they were twofold, to slow them down and attempt to steal the Energies if the opportunity arose.

"Exactly," Trojan nodded. "He will not trust anyone else with this task. No doubt he will attempt to take the power himself."

Dragonia agreed. "And in doing so, he will place himself in the most vulnerable spot he's been in so far. Defeating you may allow him to take your Attribute Energy, but defeating him will allow you the same opportunity."

"Then that's what we'll do!" Flash smirked. "Take him down and get the Attribute Energy back. Like Derpy said, it's five energies to his one. If we all work together, then there's no way he'd be able to beat us." The others nodded as the Guardians floated away.

"I wish that we could help. But our powers are still lacking. We would only get in your way. I know we're asking a lot, but-"

"Say no more," Leonidas smirked. "We'll do whatever we need to to stop Lucifer." They all nodded again as the Guardians wished them all luck. In the blink of an eye, the lot of them were back where they had been before.

"We should get back to the stadium," Gaia stated. "Twilight and the others should be waiting for us there. We can focus on our plan of attack and look for Lucifer." They all nodded and the BakuFighters climbed onto their partners, the lot of them making their way towards the stadium. As they did, they saw that there weren't many Bakugan in sight.

There were a few in the sky and appeared to be one in the river from what Flash could see on Leo's back, but other then them the city was almost empty. "Looks like Lucifer increasing the field's size made the Bakugan decide to spread out."

"Maybe," Soarin nodded, "or maybe the Rainbooms managed to get rid of most of them." This made them realise they couldn't see the Rainbooms anywhere. And with Bakugan still wandering the streets, even if it was only three or four, them not being there made the BakuFighters worry.

"We need to hurry," Lyra cried as they double-timed it to the stadium.

When they arrived, their Bakugan returning to ball form, they found a large group of people had made the stadium their shelter. They reached the back of the group and slowly made their way through the crowd. It was then that they heard Twilight's voice.

"We'll never surrender!" They followed it and saw Twilight on a TV screen, Flash seeing Spike picking himself up and then gasping when he saw Skulpion was there.

"Twilight!" This caught certain people's attention.

"FLASH!" He looked around and saw his family running towards him, Misty reaching him first and pulling him into a hug. "You had us so worried!" Flash was a little confused by this, as Scootaloo frowned.

"They know," she explained. "They know about the Bakugan and you being at Dark Industries when it...fell." Flash's eyes went wide as he realised what she was getting at, Misty pulling away from him and giving him a glare alongside his father.

"What were you thinking, doing something so reckless? You could have been killed. Those monsters are everywhere."

"They're not monsters," Flash told her as Leonidas jumped onto his shoulder. Misty and Trail gasped seeing the toy Flash had often been seen with moving on its own, "the Bakugan are being used by one evil villain."

"We know," Trail frowned. "He showed up on TV." This surprised all the BakuFighters, "he said he came to bring peace to our world. And that if we tried to fight against him, we'd regret it."

"We'll regret it even more if we let Lucifer have his way," Lyra looked up and saw the TV change to show Pinkie and Gummy fighting against Gigant. "Where are they?"

"Those weird Bakugan showed up all around the country," Rarity's sister explained. "Rarity and the others went to try and stop them."

"Yeah," Applebloom nodded, "they're causing mayhem everywhere!" The BakuFighters realised that all the Hybrids had been spread out. If those Bakugan kept causing problems, it would mean Lucifer would be even harder to take down.

"We've gotta go help them," Soarin explained. "We take those hybrids down, then deal with Lucifer." The others nodded and were about to ask how the girls got to these places, but in that moment Flash felt a hand grab his wrist.

"Flash, no!" Misty cried, "I thought you were dead before. I'm not watching you die again. Let someone else handle this. This isn't your fight."

"It is my fight," Flash told her. "I live on earth. If it's under attack and I can help stop it, I have to fight. If I don't, who else is gonna step up?" Misty and Trail looked down as Flash looked back at his friends. "You said someone else can handle this, but who? Barely anyone knows the truth about the Bakugan. And those that do haven't trained for this like me and my friends." He looked back at his parents, "and what if they're like you? With parents telling them someone else can handle it. If everyone thinks like that, then nobody's gonna stand up to Lucifer."

"Flash," Misty whispered as Flash stepped over to his friends.

"I know you're scared. But I'm not alone in this. I was chosen to fulfil this task and I'm not gonna stop until I finish it." The BakuFighters followed Scootaloo and the girls to the transport machine, explaining how each of the Rainbooms were transported by it. "Alright," Flash held out his arms, "let's do this. Hit me!"

Scootaloo picked the New York stadium and pointed the device at Flash, the teen throwing one final look towards his parents and smiling at them reassuringly. The lightning slammed into him and in the blink of an eye, Flash felt himself being digitised and sent through the internet.

Miraculously, Dark Industries going down hadn't affected the transporter and Flash found himself being spit out of the other side. "WOW!" He cried as he fell to the floor and rolled along it, Leonidas being thrown from his shoulder and rolling along the ground. "Whoa," Flash sat up, "that was weird."

"You're telling me," Leo agreed as he rolled back to him and leapt onto Flash's shoulder. "You okay?"

"I'll live," Flash assured him before getting up and looked around. The stadium looked just like the one in Canterlot, only this one was completely empty.

"Flash!" He heard his mother cry out, Flash moving to see her face on the screen.

"Don't worry," he assured her. "I'm okay." He gave her a serious look, "I'll be fine." With that, he ran off and Leonidas leapt into his hand. "Let's go partner!" He threw him towards the door, "Bakugan...BRAWL!" The orb shot through the air and hit the ground as soon as it left the building. "Bakugan...STAND!"

Opening up, Leonidas took his true form and shot out of the tornado as Flash grabbed his tail and let the dragon flick him up onto his head. As he did, an explosion caught their attention. "That's gotta be where Twilight and Spike are!"

"Then let's end this!" Flash yelled as the dragon shot through the sky. And sure enough, when they reached the area of the explosion, they spotted Skulpion and Spikenoid with the purple lizard smashed into a building covered in purple energy. He then spotted Twilight on the ground, with Skulpion there looking ready to crush her under his claws. "Oh no you don't!" Flash slide down to Leo's shoulder and held up a card. "Ability, Activate!"

"ULTRA DESTROYER!" He fired the laser as fast as he could, the beam flying down and slamming into Skulpion.

The hybrid screamed as he was blasted back, whilst Twilight spun around and gasped seeing them. Flash smiled as she looked ready to start crying, "Flash."

"Hey," he smirked as Leonidas flew down and dropped him on the ground next to her. "Sorry to interrupt. But I thought you could use a-" He stopped as Twilight threw her arms around him, almost knocking him off his feet.

"I thought something bad had happened to you!" She cried, as Leo helped Spike back to his feet. "I saw Dark Industries fall and..."

"Yeah," Flash patted her on the back, "sorry about that. Sombra decided to try and bury us alive. But he couldn't even do that right." Twilight laughed as she pulled away, whilst Skulpion picked himself up.

"HEY!" The four turned to him, "do you know how rude it is to interrupt someone else's battle."

Flash smirked and gave Twilight a look, "wanna finish this guy off?"

"Gladly!" She smiled as they and their Bakugan got into a fighting stance.

"You think you can beat me?" Skulpion asked, laughing. "You barely beat me last time with a way stronger teammate. What chance do you have with this weakling." Both of them shared a smirk, knowing they were gonna show this freak how wrong that statement was.

At the same time, Rainbow and Terraspin continued their fight against Roaster.

The flaming chicken charged forward and tried to slash at Terraspin with his flaming claws, but the turtle Bakugan swung his flippers around to knock him away. "Back off!" Terraspin cried as he morphed into fan mode and unleashed a powerful wind, which blew Roaster back as he let out a squawk.

"That's the way!" Rainbow cried as Roaster spread his wings to balance himself, the wings then becoming surrounded by fire.

"You turkeys need to learn not to pick fights you can't win!" He squawked before beating his wings as hard as he could, "Wildfire Cyclone!" The flames exploded off his wings and shot towards the pair, swirling into a fire tornado that got closer by the second.

Rainbow gasped as Terraspin tried to blow it away, but the tornado was too strong.

But before it could roast the pair, a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky and struck it. "WHAT?" Roaster cried when he saw the lightning dispel the attack, creating a cloud of smoke. And from that cloud, Garuda shot out.

"Play time's over!" Garuda squawked as he formed the sphere of air, "Aero Bomber!" He fired it at Roaster and knocked him back, then flew low to the ground so Soarin could safely jump down and roll to Rainbow's side.

"You're okay!" Rainbow smirked, Soarin standing tall.

"Yeah. Sorry to interrupt your battle. But we've got more important fights to get to so we need to beat this guy as fast as possible." Rainbow liked the sound of that and the pair got read to battle it out. with everything they had.

Over in Hollywood, Gumigator continued to fly around using the wind he unleashed to keep him aloft above Gigant.

"Get down here and face me with honour!" Gigant unleashed another Heat Blaster and Gummy used his Cyclone Fang, the two attacks colliding and cancelling each other out.

"Sorry!" Pinkie smirked as Gummy landed atop a building, "but my friend Rarity always says heat's bad for your hair. I think I'll stick to a distance." Gigant growled at this used another Magma Flow, pouring more lava into the streets and causing the buildings around him to start melting.

This included the one Gummy was on, the now Ventus Bakugan taking to the air but realising he had no way of stopping this unless he turned back to his Aquos Form. And doing so would leave him vulnerable.

Luckily, another Aquos Bakugan had arrived. "Overflow!" A massive wave rolled through the streets and struck the lava, causing it to instantly cool before the water smashed into Gigant.

He screamed as he was knocked backwards, whilst Pinkie turned to see Nimue running on top of the water with Lyra on her shoulder. "YOU'RE OKAY!" Lyra smirked at this as Gummy landed down besides her, the pair turning to Gigant as he picked himself up.

"You again," he growled. "I thought my master buried you."

"The first of his many failures this day," Lyra told him before their Bakugan charged.

Rampager charged at Lepusinge and swung his sword at him, Lepusinge leaping straight up to try and avoid it. But as he did, Rampager's sword glowed two different lights. "Shining Shadows!"

"Look out!" Fluttershy cried as Rampager swung his sword and unleashed the crescent energy blade, which struck the bunny in midair and made him cry out in pain. "Lepusinge!" She ran to his side, as he fell to the ground and slammed into a building along the way. "Quick, get up!"

"Ahhh," Lepusinge tried to push himself up. But as he did, Rampager approached and appeared ready to end the battle. But before he could get to close...

"Ruyi Bang!" From out of nowhere, a long staff shot towards Rampager and he barely managed to raise his shield in time to block. The impact and the constantly extending staff pushed him backwards, making him cry out as he was eventually knocked through a building.

Fluttershy and Lepusinge gasped when they followed the staff as it retracted, returning to its normal size so Wukong could spin it around. "Sup," he gave them a peace sign as Heath leapt down and ran to their side.

"You alright?" He asked, as Lepusinge finally picked himself up.

"Yeah," he nodded, "thanks for giving me the breather." He turned to where Rampager had fallen, the knight beginning to pick himself up. "Now I can fight at full strength again."

"Well don't think I'm gonna let you have all the fun!" Wukong smirked as Heath took out a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Wukong charged forward, as smoke flew off his fire mane and formed a dark cloud that he leapt on. "Flaming Nimbus!" Wukong rode the cloud towards Rampager and as the knight stood tall, the ape swung his staff at him again.

"Not this time!" He raised his shield and blocked the staff, but doing so locked him into place. This allowed Lepusinge to run around him and charge at him from behind, Rampager seeing this and swinging his sword around. But keeping his shield up meant he didn't have full range of movement, so Lepusinge was above to side-step the sword.

"Blaze Kick!" He slammed a burning foot into Rampager, knocking him off balance as Wukong spun his staff off the shield and slammed him in the head.

"AUGH!" He cried, staggering backwards whilst the Pyrus Bakugan flew away from him. Both smirked at one another, their Brawlers doing the same. They were going to enjoy this.

"Heavenly Cannon!" Quetzal cried as the lance on her tail fired a beam, which almost hit Fenroar as he jumped to the side to avoid it.

"Howling Force!" He roared and the sonic blast barely missed the hybrid, who began to spin and unleash a powerful gust of wind that began to form a tornado.

"Feather Storm!" Feathers rode the wind and shot towards Fenroar, slamming into him. Fenroar yelped as the feathers pierced his body and knocked him backwards, causing him to slam into the ground near Applejack.

"Fenroar!" She cried, rushing to his side as Quetzal flew up high. "Come on. You gotta get up!"

"Game over kiddies!" Quetzal laughed as she powered up another Heavenly Cannon. Applejack gasped at this, but refused to save herself and abandon her partner. But just as it was about to fire...

"Gaia Cannon!" A beam of nature energy shot towards Quetzal and engulfed her, making the hybrid scream out as she was blasted backwards. As she crashed into a building, Applejack spun around and spotted Gaia walking towards them.

"Hey," Bonnie smirked as they approached. Applejack smiled as the two reached her, Gaia lowering Bonnie down before taking another step forward.

"You're okay!" The cowgirl cheered, Bonnie giving her a thumbs up as Quetzal dug herself out of the building and saw them approaching.

"Another annoying bug. No matter. Won't help you!"

"Don't be so sure," Gaia told her as Fenroar held up his claws. "Don't think your flight advantage will help you now!" Quetzal growled at this and dived down, ready to take them both out.

Cleopal and Muddion continued their battle, Cleopal using her speed advantage to try and keep dealing damage to Muddion. But the hybrid Bakugan continued to simply regenerate any damage done to it.

"Enough playing around!" Muddion cried as he fired another blast of water, but Cleopal leapt into the air to avoid it before firing a Blazing Light. "Augh!" He staggered backwards, but managed to keep himself upright as Cleopal charged again.

"Mad Scratch!" She cried, but Muddion was prepared.

"Rock Mace!" He swung his arm around as the mud dried to rock, forming spikes as it flew towards Cleopal. The Haos Bakugan gasped, but couldn't stop herself as she smashed into the rock mace and was knocked backwards.

Rarity screamed as he fell off Cleopal again and hit the ground, rolling along it as Cleopal hit the dirt as well.

Muddion laughed at this before bringing his arms together. "Muddy Vortex!" He unleashed a stream of mud infused water that began to spiral together into an orb, which he fired towards the two. Cleopal saw this and gasped, rolling over to grab Rarity. But doing so meant she couldn't escape from the orb.

Luckily, someone was there to help her. "Apocalyptic Fire!" A blast of black fire shot from the sky and slammed into the water ball, causing it to explode and the water to evaporate on the spot.

The Haos team looked up and saw Ragnaroid flying towards them, Derpy on his head. "Hey!" The girl smiled as they approached, "you two look like you need a hand." Ragnaroid ducked down and allowed her to jump down next to Rarity, the pair smiling before the four turned towards Muddion.

"So," the hybrid smirked, "the traitor returns."

"You hybrids like using that word," Ragnaroid told him. "But I'm not a traitor. Being a traitor would indicate I was ever on Lucifer's side." He prepared all his weapon, "but I never was. Derpy!"

"Ability," Derpy held up a card, "Activate!" Ragnaroid's chest opened up, "Doom Vision!" The eye illuminated and shot towards Muddion, hitting him head on and making him cry out as he was frozen in place.

"Now!" He cried to Cleopal, who shot forward as Rarity held up a card.

"Fusion Ability, Activate!" Cleopal ran forwards as her claws extended and began to glow, "Shining Slash!" The Haos Bakugan jumped behind Muddion do as to not be hit by the Doom Vision, then leapt straight up.

"Take this!" She then let out a cat squeal as she slashed Muddion as hard as she could, the attack knocking him forwards and causing a massive gash in his round body.

Ragnaroid cut the Doom Vision and flew forward, as Muddion began healing himself up. He then swung his tail around, as Derpy held up a card. "Ability, Activate!"

"DEATH SPIRAL!" He thrust the drill forward as his began to spin, slamming right into Muddion's chest and ripping his muddy body to shreds. The Hybrid screamed out as mud and seaweed began to fly everywhere.

Rarity cried out as she was almost struck by this mud, jumping behind Derpy for protection. "I think you'll be fine," she told her. as the Bakugan moved over to them. But before they could think of leaving, the mud and weeds began to move on their own.

"Not again!" Rarity cried as the mud came together and absorbed the seaweed, slowly creating an orb of mud that unfurled itself to become Muddion.

"Huh," Derpy gulped, "wasn't expecting that."

"You and me both," Ragnaroid nodded before chuckling. "Just means this fight'll be even more exciting!" With that, he charged forward ready to really get the battle started.

As all these battles were taking place, Sombra and Lucifer watched and smirked.

"So," the former White One announced, "they survived. Good. That means their power is still up for grabs." He turned to Sombra, "find one to take down." Sombra nodded and tried to decide which of the BakuFighters was the best to target first.

"Ability, Activate!" Heath cried as Wukong leapt off his cloud to avoid a slash Rampager swung at him, rolling through the air over the hybrid as his body burst into flames. "Blazing Trickster!"

"What?" Rampager spun around and saw the flames shoot off Wukong, landing besides him and morphing into four exact copies of him.

"Oh yeah!" The five cheered before charging forward, all armed with a staff that they swung in his direction. Rampager managed to deflect and counter each attack, but barely and the five were proving tough to deal with.

"Vampire Shield!" He cried, raising his shield as it unleashed the sucking motion. The Wukong slammed their staffs into the ground, trying to prevent themselves from being sucked in. But the four fakes were reverted back to flames and slurped up into the shield's mouth. "Hahaa!"

"Don't count us out yet!" Suddenly, Lepusinge appeared and slammed a pair of flaming ears into Rampager's back. He cried out as the rabbit spun around, hitting him again and again and again.

Wukong then charged forward and Rampager saw this, attempting to slash at him only for the aim to pole vault over him. "Ability," Heath held up a card, "Activate!" Wukong's flaming ponytail exploded and surrounded his entire body, "Wildfire Burst!" As he landed, Wukong spun his body around and sent the flames flying off of him. Rampager tried to raise his shield, but Lepusinge spun around and kicked it away before leaping out of range of the flames.

"AUGH!" The flames engulfed him, causing him to stagger around. "Get these flames off of me!" But then, his armor began to glow. "Miracle Armor!" The flames exploded off of him as he was slowly healed, whilst his cape suddenly went straight up. "Plus, Cape of Doom!" The cape exploded off of him into a bunch of bats, which flew towards the Pyrus Bakugan and surrounded them.

"Guys!" Heath cried, as Wukong swung his staff around to try and swat them. "Just hang on guys. We'll find a way out of this!"

"Hydro Sphere!" Nimue cried as he summoned the orb of water and fired it towards Gigant.

"Heat Blaster!" Gigant roared, unleashing the super hot air that struck the orb and caused it to explode. The water got so hot, it turned to steam and filled the battlefield. This blocked the two Bakugan from each other's view but before either could attack, Gummy flew in.

"Ability, Activate!" Pinkie cried as Gummy landed before shooting forward. "Rapid Burst!" Moving at incredible speed, the Attribute Changing Bakugan shot passed Gigant and slashed at him. He then slashed the Hybrid again and again and again, shooting passed him every time.

"Raaah!" He roared before swinging his arms around, right as Gummy tried to slash at him again. This caused him to run right into Gigant's arm, knocking him flying into and through a building.

"Gummy!" Pinkie cried from the top of a building, as Gigant pointed his arm cannon at the building and started forming a fire sphere.

"Nimue!" Lyra cried, as the Aquos Bakugan charged forward. "Ability, Activate!" She threw a card towards Nimue and she held her staff up, "Whirlpool Trap!" The card began plucking the strings, causing it play music that summoned water to the other side of it.

Nimue cried out as she swung the staff forward and caused the water to shoot towards Gigant, the Hybrid seeing the attack coming and trying to turn the Flame Sphere towards her. But the water slammed into him before he could, extinguishing his flames as it swirled around him.

As he did so, Gummy pulled himself out of the building. As he did, his body turned back to its Aquos form. "Are you okay?" Pinkie cried, Gummy nodding as he pushed himself back to his feet.

"Can Gummy turn to his Subterra form?" Lyra asked, "we could totally use the Diagonal Correlation right now."

"I don't think he can do that for a while," Pinkie told her. "He needs to build his strength back up."

"Alright then," Lyra nodded as Gigiant used his Heat Blaster to blow his way out of the Whirlpool Trap. "Then we'll do what we can until then!" The two Aquos Bakugan charged at the Hybrid, ready to give it everything they had.

"Ability Activate!" Soarin yelled as Garuda's entire body sparked with energy, "Storm Booster!"

"RAAAAH!" He squawked as he shot forward at incredible speed, whilst Roaster tried to launch fireballs towards him. But Garuda managed to zigzag back and forth, avoiding them as he got in close and slashed at Roaster. The flaming chicken squawked in pain, Garuda quickly kicking back and taking to the air again.

Terraspin was also there. "This guy's really a Ventus Bakugan?" He asked Garuda, "but he can't fly?"

Roaster looked at him with anger, his lack of flight clearly being a sensitive subject for him. "Who needs to fly!?" His wings ignited, "Wildfire Cyclone!" The wind he generated picked up the flames and lifted them into the air, swirling them around into a flaming tornado.

The two flying Bakugan tried to escape, but couldn't and quickly found themselves pulled inside. "Wow!" Garuda moaned at the heat, "talk about hot!"

"I got this!" Terraspin cried as he pointed his chest towards the ground. "Get on!" Garuda landed on his shell as Terraspin used Shell Tornado, the wind shooting towards the ground and bouncing off it. With the fire tornado blocking its escape, the only way it could go was up. This pushed the pair upwards as the wind got above them and pushed the flames away.

Roaster watched as the top of the tornado exploded before his opponents flew out, Terraspin moving around so Garuda could use him as a springboard to launch himself forward. "Ability," Soarin held up a card, "Activate!" Garuda slashed at Roaster, as his beak sparked. "Blitz Bolt!"

"Raaah!" He fired the lightning bolt, which struck Roaster in the chest and made him cry out as his body became paralysed.

"Shell Saw!" Terraspin then shot towards him and began cutting into his body. He squawked and was thrown backwards, Soarin and Rainbow smirking at one another and fist bumping.

"Dirt Duster!" Muddion cried as he launched the dirt from his hands, which shot towards Ragnaroid and Cleopal.

"Apocalyptic Fire!" Ragnaroid roared as he launched the flames from his hands, which struck the high-powered dust spray and pushed against it. "NOW!" As he said that, Cleopal jumped onto his tail and her threw her up into the air.

"Ability," Rarity held up a card, "Activate!" Cleopal landed on Muddion's back as the gems on her scarf glowed and unleashed a beam, which struck Muddion and began draining him of power.

"Get off me!" He roared, spinning around trying to throw her off. But Cleopal dug her claws into the mud and did her best to hold on, whilst Ragnaroid flew towards them with his tail drill spinning.

"Say ah!" He cried before thrusting the drill at his chest, Cleopal leaping off Muddion as the drill slammed into him.

"Ahhh!" He roared, but quickly reached up and grabbed his tail and pulled the drill out of him. He didn't let go, however, and instead used all his strength to start pulling ton Ragnaroid.

"Trying that old technique?" He asked, spreading his wings and fighting against the pull. "Nice try, but it isn't gonna work." The two were in a tug-of-war, trying to overpower the other. As they were, Cleopal charged forward with her claws extended.

She intended to cut the weeds holding Muddion's arms, but the hybrid seemed to see this coming and let go of Ragnaroid with one hand. "Hydro Whip!" He swung his arm around and unleashed a ribbon of water, which flew towards Cleopal. But Cleopal managed to leap out of the way, whilst Ragnaroid pulled harder on his tail. "You're next!" He swung the whip around, ready to lash at Ragnaroid, but Derpy had been expecting this.

"Ability, Activate!" As the water whip struck Ragnaroid, he exploded into shadows that allowed him to escape Muddion. This knocked Muddion off balance and allowed Cleopal to fire a Blazing Light at him, whilst the four Ragnaroid appeared above him.

"Apocalyptic Fire!" They all unleashed the flames of hell, which slammed into Muddion and made him cry out as the water filling his body evaporated.

Derpy and Rarity smiled as they watched Muddion be overcome by these flames, as Cleopal waited to see what happened next. They got there answer when the flames stopped and Muddion was revealed to have been turned to stone.

"Did we do it?" Derpy asked, the Bakugan staring at Muddion unsure if it was taken care of. But then, the statue started moving.

"Cleopal!" Rarity cried, her Bakugan rushing forward and sending all her strength into her claws.

"SHINING SLASH!" She swung the claws around and in the blink of an eye, the statue crumbled to pieces and a light appeared within the rock. That light flew out and condensed itself into a small orb, the girls realising it was a Bakugan Ball.

That ball fell to the floor and rolled to a stop amongst the rocks, Derpy running over to it. But before she could reach the Bakugan, something happened. "What?" The Bakugan was suddenly surrounded by a black mist and phased into a pool of shadows, which appeared below it.

"What happened to it?" Rarity asked, Derpy unsure. But at least, for now, he wasn't going to be a threat.

"Poisonous Tearing!" Skulpion cried as he launched the venomous X towards Leonidas, as Flash held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" An energy sphere appeared around Leonidas, "Spectral Barricade!" The hybrid ability bounced off the shield and as it did, Spikenoid appeared behind Skulpion.

"Fire Burst!" The green fire consumed Skulpion, the Aquos and Darkus Bakugan crying out as the flames surrounded him. "Heck yeah!" Spike smirked as Skulpion drenched himself in his own poison, protected from its affects. Once the flames were out, he growled at them.

"Do you really think you can defeat us? You are ants that think themselves gods. What chance do you have against a true god?"

From where they stood, Flash and Twilight smiled at one another. "We're not gods," Flash told Skulpion. "We're just a couple of humans and Bakugan, working hard to try and stop a nutcase with his own god complex."

"And your master is anything but a god," Twilight smirked. "All he does is destroy and that's the furthest thing from a god that I know of. He thinks the world belongs to him, just because he's strong." Their Bakugan charged at Skulpion, who launched several Hydro Stingers at them. "But real strength doesn't come from pure power. That's something we've learned fighting against him."

Flash nodded, as Leonidas launched an Ultra Destroyer at Skulpion. "True strength is the strength to stand up against someone, even if it looks like they can't win." Spike tried to use Dark Spikes on Skulpion, who dodged and launched some Death Mist at him. "True strength is having the courage to stand against evil. To stand by your friends and fight against the odds, no matter how impossible it seems. To protect everything you love. That's true strength. And all our friends have that strength. Something you don't. No matter what Lucifer throws at us, we'll overcome it! Right guys!"

"RIGHT!" The other three cried as Leo and Spike launched their attacks and blasted Skulpion backwards.

Heath and Fluttershy continued to watch as Rampager battled against Wukong and Lepusinge.

Despite it being two on one and Rampager having been on the defensive, the hybrid Bakugan's stamina appeared to be equal to the other two's combined. The three of them were all panting as they stared one another down, Wukong using his staff as a walking stick to keep from falling over.

"This is taking forever," Heath growled. "We've gotta find a way to end this now."

Fluttershy nodded before her eyes went wide. "I wonder." She took out a card and Heath realised it was a Gate Card, the girl throwing it towards the ground. And to their surprise, the card actually expanded. "It's working!" But then the card stopped expanding, only filling up a tiny part of the street.

"Looks like the entire battlefield can't become a Gate Card like this," Heath realised. "We're gonna have to position Rampager on the card in order for it to work."

"Then let's do just that," Fluttershy smiled before turning to Lepusinge. She and Heath were behind Rampager, so they spotted them motioning to the card that had just played without the hybrid seeing.

"Got it!" He rushed forward, "Power Dash!" He sped up and shot towards Rampager, whilst Wukong summoned another cloud for him to ride. "Can't catch me!" He cried, jumping forward but fainting to the left when Rampager tried to slash at him. "Oh, so close." He dodged again, "nice try slowpoke!"

"Annoying twerp!" Rampager cried as he missed again. "Don't forget, slow and steady wins the race!"

"Yeah!" Wukong shot down on his cloud, "but this isn't a race!" He sped up and Rampager swung his sword at him, hitting the ape and cutting through him. But as he did, Wukong smirked before disappearing. "It's a brawl!" He spun around as four more Wukong flew towards him, each one swinging their staffs at the hybrid.

He cried out as each one slammed into him, knocking him backwards with every hit. And as he was a step away from the Gate Card, Lepusinge shot at him and thrust a Blaze Kick right into his chest. "AUGH!" He was thrown backwards and fell onto the Gate Card, Wukong and Lepusinge jumping onto it as well.

"Gate Card...OPEN!" Fluttershy cried as the Gate Card lit up and unleashed several ropes of fire. "Flame Prison!" The ropes shot towards Rampager and wrapped around his arms, legs, waist, shoulders, knees and neck.

"Ahhh!" He felt it burning him, the hybrid unable to pull them off him. "What is this?"

"Flame Prison!" Fluttershy smiled. "A special Gate Card that weakens any non-Pyrus Bakugan standing on it and prevents them from using Abilities."

"No!" He growled, as the flames around his arms tightened and burned. This made him drop his weapons, as more fire ropes flew up and grabbed his cape. He was completely defenseless. "This...isn't...over."

"Wrong," Heath told him. "This is where it ends!" He and Fluttershy took out a card and held them up. "FUSION ABILITY...ACTIVATE!" Both leapt into action, Lepusinge literally leaping straight up as his feet unleashed blasts of fire that rocketed him into the air. Meanwhile, Wukong began to breakdance, spinning around on his back as his hands, feet and tail-tip ignited. "MONKEY KING INFERNO/BLAZING HI-JUMP KICK!

"YEAH!" Wukong cheered as the flames continuously flew off of him and into the air. As they did, Lepusinge changed direction and shot towards Rampager.

As he did, he flew through the flames Wukong formed and this caused them to be absorbed by his flaming feet. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" He roared as he reached Rampager and spun around, slamming his feet into the Hybrid's chest.

"AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!" Rampager screamed as the flames engulfed him, the fire ropes shattering as he was knocked backwards. This caused him to revert to ball form as he hit the ground and rolled away, whilst Wukong grabbed his staff and used them to collect the flames that the Pyrus Bakugan had created.

Once the flames were collected, he morphed them into a sphere and threw it into the air. They it exploded and extinguished, safe from catching anything on fire. As he did, Fluttershy and Heath high-fived.

"We did it!" She cheered, Heath nodding with a smirk. He then turned to where Rampager had fallen and began to walk towards it.

"Better make sure you don't come back and cause any more problems." But before he could, the ball was surrounded by a black mist. "Huh?" Then, it disappeared into the shadowy ground. "Where'd it go?"

"Someplace out of the way until I have use of him again." Everyone's eyes went wide and they looked around to see a Bakugan that terrified them all.

"Lucifer," Wukong growled at the sight of the dark angel. Lucifer smiled and waved, only to then flicker away. "Huh?" Wukong looked away, Lepusinge doing the same. But then, the rabbit felt a presence behind him.

"LOOK OUT!" Fluttershy screamed as Lepusinge spun around and saw Lucifer smiling at him, the angelic Bakugan reaching out and grabbing him by the throat. "Lepusinge!"

"Nighty night!" With amazing speed, Lucifer shot forward and thrust Lepusinge into the ground. He pushed him backwards and Lepusinge cried out before Lucifer let him go. He went flying and bounced along the ground several times before returning to ball form.

"LEPUSINGE!" Fluttershy ran after him, as Heath and Wukong turned to glare at Lucifer. The former White One turned to smile at them, then held his hand up and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, a dark energy dome appeared around them. It started right above Lucifer and flew down to engulf Heath and Wukong. The two looked around and Heath carefully reached for the dome wall, only to hiss at the pain it caused. "Nobody's gonna get in our way now," Lucifer told him, as a chuckle filled the air and made Heath turn to see Sombra stepping out of an alleyway.

"You," Heath glared at him.

"Yes," he smirked, "me. Now," he took out a Gate Card, "shall we begin our battle?" Heath frowned, thinking about what he could possibly do in that moment.

"Should have known he'd come after us when we were split up," Wukong growled. "Too scared to take us out on your own?"

"No," Lucifer smirked, "I'm just smart. Why face all of you and be at a disadvantage, when I can track you down whilst your friends are busy. And since you're clearly still exhausted from your little tussle with my underling, this battle will turn out in my favour."

"Don't be so sure!" Heath cried, "you're not the first strong Bakugan we've fought after beating another. And the result'll be the same as that time. You're going down."

"We'll see," Sombra smirked.

Outside the barrier, Fluttershy picked up Lepusinge as he gave off a lot of smoke. "Are you okay?" Lepusinge coughed as he unfurled himself.

"I'll live. But I think I'll be out of action for a bit." Fluttershy nodded, then turned back to the dome and frowned. "Heath. He and Wukong are in serious trouble."

Fluttershy nodded, "and there's nothing we can do to help him." She moved closer to the dome, able to see inside it though it was still rather dark. She watched as Wukong and Lucifer returned to their Brawlers, as Sombra threw a Gate Card.

"Prepare yourself!" Sombra cried as he held up Lucifer. "For the last Brawl you'll ever play!"

"Heath," Wukong glanced back at his partner, "this is the most dangerous Bakugan that ever existed. You realise we probably have no chance against him."

Heath frowned, but then smirked. "Even if we can't beat him, we can still give it our all and figure out what he can do with his new powers. That should help the others stand a chance against him. And you never know, we might just pull off a miracle and be the ones to save the world from him." Wukong smirked at him.

"That's the spirit!" He curled up and Heath threw leapt into the air.

"Bakugan...BRAWL!" Wukong shot through the air as Sombra leapt up and threw Lucifer, the two Bakugan flying towards one another. No matter what happened, Heath would fight with everything he had. And he wouldn't stop until Lucifer was taken down once and for all.

Author's Note:

Sombra and Lucifer make their move. How with Heath and Wukong fair? Only time will tell.

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