• Published 29th Jun 2020
  • 9,153 Views, 135 Comments

Equestria's Divine God - ShirtMechanic

[Displaced] Michael is sent to Equestria as Goku Black after opening a mysterious door! It's been a thousand years since his arrival. After being sealed in stone, he breaks free. What will he do now? Find out on Equestria's Divince God... Now!

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Chapter 8: A Nightmare's Resurrection!

Author's Note:


I would like to thank HydeYmir for contacting with the offer, he was the one who did Zeldris. Defined go check him out. Also, go check out Alvasa for he did Gar and did some of the editing.

This is the last part of the Crossover. Leave comments and criticisms so then I can improve the writing of the story to make it more enjoyable. I hope you enjoyed this and want more. That'll be all for now, Catch you all later!

Chapter 8: A Nightmare's Resurrection!

"Gar what's going on?!" Celestia practically shouted, causing Zeldris to snicker. "We felt a huge spike in power coming from here several times in the last few minutes."

Luna's attention was on the fairy laying on the ground, "There's no mistaking this feeling," Luna said through gritted teeth as she bawled her fist. "Sister? Luna?" Celestia and Twilight said at the same time.

Luna pointed to the fairy on the ground as she charged her horn, "That Nightmare Moon on the ground. I will not allow you to exist!" She shouted in anger as she shot a huge blast of magic from her horn at the new reincarnated Nightmare.

With a sudden thump, Zeldris appeared in front of the blast using his Sonído, and using a single palm not only blocked the blast but redirected it completely. Though not paying attention to where he redirected it to as he sent it right at Twilight.

"I find your actions utterly disgraceful and insulting," Zeldris commented as he was thoroughly disgusted with the night princess's attack. "I will not have all our work undone by some lowly goddess!" he spat to the side.

Black watched in awe at what was happening. But he also felt helpless as he couldn’t do anything, they were all occupied with the others.

"Twilight!" Gar yelled as he used Teleportation to appear in front of his princess and pulling her back behind him with his left arm and blocking with his right arm. "RAAAAAA!!!!" Gar roared as a golden aura enveloped him and his hair stood up in a spike fashion while turning golden blonde with his eyes turned into a solid shade of bright greenish cerulean. With his new power, and his Yggdra armor he deflected the blast straight up.

Black and Zeldris both smirked with pride while the princess looked on in awe as the Fairy King reverted back to base form and took a knee breathing heavily.

Luna's attention quickly turned back to Nightmare, "I will not allow this creature to exist!"

Zeldris summoned his zanpakuto and readied to fight with a scowl, "I welcome you to try goddess!"

Black then noticed that Princess Luna was summoning a weapon behind her back, most likely a dagger. It caught him off guard, and Zeldris didn't notice it. He had decided to step in. He quickly went into Super Saiyan and had started to push his power even further, surprising Celestia and Twilight. Luna didn’t notice it however as she charged Zeldris, preparing to strike the demon.

The Princess was stopped however by a hand covered in a yellow aura with lightning flickering over it. She looked to her left, only to see the glare of a terrifying look. Black no longer had any eyebrows, a single bang hung from his forehead, his hair traveled down his back. Lightning pulsated around him as his aura became more violent. Black had gone Super Saiyan 3, just to be safe. “That is the most disrespectful thing a warrior can do,” Black growled, his voice much deeper than it was before, This caught the princess off guard. “Also, you're going up against two of the strongest people here. Think before you act.” Black put his hand in front of Luna and sent a small shockwave, pushing Luna back to the other Princesses. He then calmed down and reverted back to his base form. He then went back to where he was before, watching the battle.

“How dare you-“

"THAT... IS... ENOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUHGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!" Gar roared, shaking the whole tree. "I AM GAR, SMILING MONSTER OF THE EVERFREE, FAIRY KING, AND BOAR SIN OF GLUTTONY!" Zeldris grinned. "THIS IS MY DOMAIN AND YOU WILL NOT FIGHT HERE AND RISK HARMING MY FOREST OR ONE OF MY PEOPLE! SHE WAS BORN OF MY FLESH, MAKING HER MY BLOOD, MY KIN. a FAIRY AND ABOVE ALL A FAIRY PRINCESS!" The Sacred Tree reacted to Gar's rage and the light on it turned a burning orange and red. He turned to Celestia and Luna "YOU DARE FORCE YOUR WAY INTO MY REALM AND ASSAULT MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS, AND IN MY THRONE CLEARING NO LESS!" Branches all around sprang to life twisting, slithering, and creaked as they turned to sharpened spikes and targeting the sisters, specifically Luna.

"Gar that creature-" Luna started to say.

"QUIET!" Gar roared and stomped, shaking the whole area. "She deserves just as much a chance at life as you do Night Princess!" Gar pointed a bladed claw at Luna. "As long as she is in this world is considered no less my daughter by blood and a fairy by birth placing her under my jurisdiction, not yours. Furthermore, she isn't even the Nightmare Moon of this world but the one of Goku Black's!"

Gar pointed at the taller spiky-haired man behind Zeldris next to Nightmare who was looking at what was unfolding before her eyes, how total a stranger was defending her right to live in utter disbelief.

"But-" Luna started to say but was stopped by Celestia placing her hand on her sister's shoulder. "He is right, sister, about all of it. We have no right to take the life of one that was just given form, even if she is Nightmare Moon." Celestia looked at Gar. "I am sorry for our intrusion here Gar and I hope this does not sour our relations with you."

"I still consider you my friends Celestia but don't intrude here without permission again," Gar snarled. "I hope we are still friends, Luna."

Luna looked to the side angered. "We are but this still doesn't sit right with me."

“That escalated quickly,” Black said out loud, gaining everyone’s attention. “What, I wasn't expecting lulu” Black immediately realized what he said and tried to fix it, “ I-I meant Luna, I didn’t expect you to attack so ferociously, even the Luna of my world wouldn’t attack right off the bat.” He explained, mentally slapping himself for letting her nickname slip out. This got himself a glare from Luna. He did however spare a few glances at her a few times.

“Are you alright?” Gar turned to Twilight.

“I-I’ll be okay, thanks for saving me again,” Twilight said shakily as her face went flush slightly as Gar let her out of his grace.

Luna was getting annoyed at Black for he kept looking at her. “Is there something I can help you with?” Luna shot a glare at Black.

Black quickly looked away and started to whistle a tune. He didn’t however realize that he was slightly blushing. “Oh, nothing, nothing at all,” Black said quickly.

“You are all so pitiful,” Zeldris said, shaking his head.

“Hey!” ”Hey!” both Black and Luna yelled at the same time, both glaring at the demon.

“Enough!” Gar raised his voice fed up with this crap. “How are you doing Nightmare?”

Nightmare was rubbing the side, groaning. “Like I got beat the crap out of me again by Black.” Nightmare said while Black was grinning with pride. Nightmare looked up to see Luna staring daggers at her, which made her smile. “How's your popularity Luna? Do the ponies love you now without eternal night?”

“Very much so witch,” Luna sneered. “I have several friends and our ponies adore the work we do for them, I even host night court.” She crossed her arms. “And do you even realize that eternal night would’ve doomed the populace to starve in a matter of months? Then there are those who would freeze to death from the cold. I CAN’T BELIEVE I LET YOU TALK ME INTO THAT STUPID PLAN! LIFE WITHOUT THE SUN! DO YOU REALIZE THAT IS THE LIGHT FROM THE SUN THAT REFLECTS OF THE MOON THAT LET’S IT BE SEEN IN THE NIGHT SKY!!!”

“Easy sister,” Celestia calmed a fuming Luna down. “I think it is best we leave before somepony loses control of their temper.”

“I agree,” Gar nodded and the sisters teleported out. “Now back to you. Can you stand?”

“Yes,” Nightmare said, getting onto her feet.

“Good. Can you see if there is any problem when you try and move around more?” Zeldris asked as he looked over her form.

Nightmare then proceeds to stretch, moving all of her limbs to find any faults. With none found, she responded back. “All good here.”

“Excellent, I was expecting a delay in your movements, with your body not doing what your mind wants it to. Now I don’t have to worry about that nonsense.” Zeldris said as he plopped down on the ground and sat. “I’m getting bored. Gar, Black, do something to entertain me.”

Black stared at Zeldris with a blank look, “sorry to interrupt you being bored, but don’t I have to get back to my dimension?” Black questioned the demon.

Zeldris sat up to full attention. “That is true. Perhaps I can make a Gate to your world, using your memories.” Zeldris then layed down and began to think.

“We have a Dimensional Portal back at the Castle from when Doom was here,” Twilight cut in. “We could use that to send you home. It’ll just be four hours after you left.”

“But we need your token to put in the machine so we can coordinate and calibrate it for your homeworld,” Gar added. “But you haven't made one yet.”

“I heard about the token when you explained to me about the Displaced.” Black said, “I was thinking about using one of my potara earrings.” The Saiyan explained. “But the problem is that I don’t want anyone accidentally fusing with me.”

Zeldris rolled his eyes. “You all are so useless without me.” He opened his hand and it started to glow in white light. “Maximize Magic: Create Greater Item.” Within his hand were Potara earrings the same as Blacks. “Catch.” He said as he threw them at Black, who caught them with ease. Zeldris stood up and yawned.

“You know, I could’ve made my own,” Black said blankly while Zeldris stared at him with his eye twitching. “What, when Zamasu stole Goku’s body, he would still have his power to create things. They're gods after all.” Black explained to the demon as he examined the earrings.

“Are things always like this?” Twilight asked Gar.

“Depending on who you summon or are summoned to, though with Zeldris things tend to be interesting,” Gar shrugged before turning his attention back to the Displaced. “You have your item, now you need a phrase to attach to it. You can also have the token do specific things like be a communicator of sorts if you like, just think of the specific.”

Black was thinking of a phrase, he was having trouble. He began to float in the air and began to spin sideways. “Hmmm…” Black did this for a few moments until he figured it out, he then proceeded to land on the ground. “Whoever finds this earring will summon someone with the power of the gods. Subarashi!” Black finished his phrase with a word in Japanese he loved.

“Now toss it into the air,” Zeldris said.

Black nodded and tossed the earring a few times before proceeding to throw them into the air. It then surprised the Saiyan as they seemed to vanish from this dimension. “Huh, that’s new,” Black commented.

Then suddenly they reappeared above Black, surprising him. He caught them and saw Zeldris hand open, so he handed them to him. Once he did, another pair appeared back in his hand confusing him.

“Tokens make copies of themselves and send them through the multiverse. What you have now is the original.” Zeldris pointed to the one in Black’s hand. “I know you don’t need them, but keep it for when someone needs your token.”

Black nodded and looked at Twilight, “So Twilight, you’ve become an alicorn, that’s interesting.” Black commented, “I wonder how I’m gonna keep this away from the Twilight from my dimension.”

“You don’t tell her,” She said outright. “I- She’ll never really get there if you tell her, I had to figure it out on my own, but if you help that’ll make things easier for her.”

“Kinda hard when you- she’s always asking questions about everything, even when it’s the smallest detail,” Black explained. “She wouldn’t stop asking about me when I was on my way to Ponyville with her and Spike…”

“Zeldris, let me see one of those,” Gar pointed to the earrings. Zeldris shrugged and handed over one of the Potara. “Can we use this Twilight?”

“Hmm…” She looked over the token. “I think so. Should we go to the castle?” Twilight looked at everyone. “We can send you back in the morning once the Portal has had a chance to cool down. You two look like you need some rest anyway,” she looked at Black and Nightmare.

“I would like that, I haven’t had any rest for about two days now,” Black commented, Nightmare nodded.

“I could also use some food. I wonder what James is cooking?” Zeldris cut in.

Black’s eyes widened quickly before he slapped his head with his hand and let out a heavy sigh. “Damn, I completely forgot about food. I should’ve had some food at Twilight’s ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party.” Black complained, Nightmare only rolled her eyes at Black’s complaining.

“Gar do you have any chefs around here? If not I could make some.” Zeldris said as he looked around for any fairies.

“A few of the fairies have taken to eating regular food and the pony fairies can cook but no, I have no actual cooks,” Gar explained. “So yes one would be very welcome Zeldris.”

“Hmmm… you don’t seem like the type that likes undead like me. I guess I can summon a couple of Angels.” The demon jumped away from the group to make some room. “Variant: Summon Angel 10th tier.” A light blue magic circle appeared on the floor and out of it came three divine looking beings.

One was a woman who had light blonde hair and a white halo above her head. She had clear, peach skin and purple eyes. She wore a white long sleeve plain summer maxi dress with gold accents. You couldn’t see her shoes because they were covered by the dress. She wore beautiful golden armbands that were connected to a golden ring on her middle finger. On her right pinky, there was a silver ring. And she had a divine silver necklace that had some kind of jewel at the end of it. On her back was a pair of large white wings. In her hand was a large metal briefcase.

Another one appeared to be a boy with feminine features with light blue skin. He had long white hair spiky hair that went down his back with a pair of silver eyes. He wore a light grey suit with a black tie, black gloves, and black dress shoes. He had a large thin blue halo that went around his neck that seemed to defy physics as it hovered there. He also had a large staff with a dark sphere at the top, which also had a thin blue halo over it. When Black looked at him, he immediately thought of Whis from the 7th universe.

A third angel soon appeared, another female with a more muscular appearance. Her wings wear a very light shining grey or silver color while her hair was midnight forest green tied back in a short ponytail just above her neck with a set of twin fangs like bangs hung over her very well defined and sharp facial features. Her eyes were an icy blue with a somewhat fanged smile. Her clothes consisted of black denim pants, black leather pointed steel toe boots, a red t-shirt with a black spade in the center over the chest, and the spade was overlaid with a silver celtic spade on it. She also wore a dark grey trench coat but the right sleeve was completely missing up to the shoulder to reveal her right arm adorned with some form of a red tribal tattoo. On her left thumb were a thin silver band and a thicker black one with a form of checker pattern with green metallic flecks in it. While around her left wrist was a leather bracelet with gold, copper, and silver adornments. On her back was some form of a lance.

“Why do none of you look like chefs?” Zeldris questioned the three as they kneeled before him. The blonde and greenette eye twitched slightly while the little blue one let out a muted chuckle. “Also you do not serve me, you serve the one who rules this domain. Fairy King Gar.” The demon spoke and made a hand motion to Gar. The three angels immediately went before Gar and bowed down. Black watched on with interest; he especially paid close attention to the blue one.

Gar took notice of Black’s action, “You, the blue one, what is your name?”

“My name is Wazu,” the angel replied. His voice was smooth and calm, like a river, which had surprised Black. To the Saiyan, the angel even sounded like Whis, which creeped him out a little.

“Wazu, you shall sever Goku Black,” Gar pointed to Black. “I have no need for three chefs. Is this acceptable?”

“That is acceptable,” Wazu replied, bowing his head. He then looked to the Saiyan and gave a small smile.

“And what of you two, what are your names?” Zeldris asked as he walked back up to the group.

“I am Adreana,” The one with the green hair spoke.

“My name is Yuki,” the one with the briefcase smiled.

“I am Zeldris, your creator. That is, as I already said, Gar your master. And that,” Zeldris gestured to the Saiyan. “Is Goku Black, as you may or may not have heard.”

“We are pleased to meet you father,” Yuki bowed. “I am the chef out of the two of us.”

“Whatever,” Adreana huffed, “I’m what’s called a Gourmet Hunter, I go out and track stuff down and she cooks it,” She pointed at Yuki. “But don’t let her cuteness fool you, she’s dangerous with or without her briefcase.”

Yuki smiled with her eyes closed with a slight giggle.

“Something tells me not to cross her,” Twilight pointed out as she shirked away slightly.

Zeldris used mana essence to scope them out. Out of the three of them, Wazu was the strongest, but not by much. Yuki was around the same strength as Adreana, but Adreana had her by a hair. In terms of strength, the three were pretty even. The three of them together would definitely overpower Simon when he was first created. However with Simon’s training and experience now, he would win.

"Um…" everyone's attention was pulled to Twilight Sparkle who was eyeing Zeldris while beaming with intrigue at.

"Not now Twilight," Gar cut her off sternly. "We," he motioned to the group excluding the angels. "Are all tired and need rest And others need food as well. You can ask about spells some other time."

Twilight looked at Black and Nightmare and fully understood, she was just now feeling the effects of her own adrenaline rush wearing as they spoke.

"I understand and I'm sorry about almost tackling you for the information," She looked down ashamed slightly. "Let's get everypony over to the castle for some food okay." Twilight gave the warmest smile she could muster at this time.

Black smiled at this, “That sounds like a plan.” The Saiyan looked over his shoulder, finding Nightmare. “You ready, Nightmare?” He asked. The dark mare nodded her head in confirmation, getting a smile from the Saiyan. “Looks like we're ready.”

“Let’s go,” Zeldris said and he began to walk away.

“Come on Nightmare, Wazu,” Black said as he began to follow the demon. The angel nodded and simply hovered next to the pair.

“You may want to hold on to Black’s hand Nightmare,” gar said in his usual monotoned drool. “You are still weak and not used to that body. I do not know what type of world you came from but I do know that you're still not totally in sync with your new form and will require help when it comes to prolonged bouts of use in that body for some time.”

Nightmare nodded and walked over to the Saiyan, who was holding out a hand. She hesitated a little but grabbed the hand and looked away. Black only laughed at this as he ignited his aura, preparing for flight.

“Before we leave the forest, what would you like to eat so that I may instruct the angels on what is available to hunt,” Gar looked at his guests.

“I do not have a preference on what they cook us, as long as it is filling,” Zeldris said before taking off towards Ponyville.

“How do you feel about Hydra meat Black?” Gar looked at the Saiyan then turned to Nightmare. “The ponies here mainly eat vegetables but also dine on meat occasionally, though mainly fish. What do you like?”

“I’ve had Hydra meat before, wasn’t that bad, I don’t mind,” Black commented while he waved a hand. “What about you Nightmare, want to give it a try?”

“I don’t see why not to use these fanged teeth at some point.” Nightmare explained while showing her sharp teeth.

“Let me explain your body a bit,” Gar shrank down and donned his Anthro Zebra form. “You are an omnivore now and will require food daily, at least two major meals a day. You will also sleep at night instead of the day due to your fairy nature. Like plants in nature, we can also gain energy from just being in the outdoors, day or night. Parayztes can be more carnivores than predators due to bloodlust, though since you were never a real parazyte you will not need to worry too much about this. You can still lose yourself to frenzy quite easily in the heated battle or a chance at seeing something that might trigger it. Your emotions are stifled as mine are so you must be more careful with this.” He turned to the angles. “There is a swamp not far from here, there you will find a five-headed hydra, one head should be more than enough for a few meals. Go.” The angels nodded and flew towards the swamp.

“Let’s catch up to your friend before something happens. I don’t trust him alone,” Twilight pointed out flying toward town followed by Gar and the others with them arriving in no time at all. Zeldris had already made himself quite at home sitting in the map room with his feet propped up on the map, thoroughly annoying the purple pony princess.

“What took you so long? That flight is barely a minute long.” Zeldris asked as he opened his inventory and pulled out some strawberries. He threw them each one and ate the rest. “What’s your problem?” He said looking down to the pony who was glaring at him.

“Zeldris,” Gar got the demon’s attention.”Would you please respect Twilight’s castle as if it were your own? This is her home after all, or at the very least take your feet off of the map.”

Zeldris used Sonido and appeared on the other side of the room. “Just bring me my food.” He said as he leaned against the wall. He created a glass and used a spell to make him some water, he then took a sip of it.

“That would be our job,” Yuki remarked as she and the others came in. “that hydra has a nasty temper. We have the heads outside princess, would you please show us where the kitchen is?”

“Uh… sure,” Twilight reluctantly showed them where to go, leaving the Displaced and Nightmare to themselves. Before long she returned along with the angels pushing several carts of food into the room with a smell that made everyone's mouth drool. “I’ve never seen somepony cook like that and make so many dishes so fast,” Twilight commented awestruck.

“Dinner is served,” Wazu said with finesse and a bow.

“Dinner sure was good.” Zeldris said as he patted his belly. He then looked over to the Saiyan and glared. “And you Saiyan, learn to keep your hands in your own plate.” He said causing Black to chuckle and scratch the back of his head.

“I must heavily agree with Zeldris on this topic,” Gar looked at Black then to Moon.”Lest you fall prey to Nightmare and lose another arm.”

Zeldris stood up and brushed himself off. “I guess that is it for tonight then. I’ll see you in the morning.” The demon said as he then exited the library, confusing everyone present.

“Gar, would you help me show Nightmare and Black to their rooms for tonight?” Twilight asked her knight responded with a slight nod. “This way please” She led the others to a couple of the many spare rooms of the castle. “You’ll be right next to each other if you need one another, I bid you goodnight and pleasant dreams.” She and Gar then left.

Black looked at his room to see a nice king size bed in one corner with a bedside table next to it. There was a dresser right across from it and another door had led to the bathroom. And there was a double door that led to the balcony, showing the small town of Ponyville. Black took off the bottom part of his shirt, which had to be replaced. He looked to a mirror across the room to see the numerous amount of battle scars that befell him. There was a large hole like one on his left bicep, where he was one impaled by a very sharp hand from an enemy of the past. There was a large cut across his abs when he was injured in a battle with Sombra. There was more than he could remember in simpler terms. The Saiyan had laid down on the bed and tried to fall asleep, but it didn’t seem to work, so the Saiyan thought a shower would help.

He got off the bed and made his way towards the bathroom, turning on the light so he wouldn’t stub his toe again. He made it and went to the shower, finding many different types of soaps. He turned the water on and waited for it to heat up, while that was going on he took off his ragged pants and boots. He waited a few moments before getting in the shower, letting the water run through his hair. He grabbed one of the bottles, not paying attention to the label, he poured some of it onto his hand and rubbed it in his hair. He then went on to rub the soap over his body. He groaned a little when he went over some of the scarred areas of his body. He could still feel the pain, always there to remind him of his mistakes.

The events throughout his first day out of stone still shocked him. The fight with Nightmare Moon, finding out he’s a displaced, meeting new people with different powers, giving Nightmare a body, he now has magic. It had overwhelmed the Saiyan. After he finished his shower, he got out and grabbed a towel, drying himself off. He put his ripped pants and boots back on before stepping out of the bathroom. He went to his torn undershirt and looked through it, trying to find the pocket. After he found it, he pulled out a picture that has been through its fair share of years. It was a picture of himself and Luna at a fair, Luna had pink cotton candy on her snout while he was laughing. It brought back good memories of that fair, bringing a smile to the Saiyan. After looking at it for a good minute, he put it loosely in his belt.

After everyone had gone to sleep, or so he thought, Black opened the door to his room and peeked out to see the empty crystal halls. It was a perfect moment to get some fresh air, Black smiled. He quietly stepped out of his room and closed the door slowly, making sure not to make any noise. After that, he flew through the halls, trying to find the entrance. After a good 15 minutes of flying, he found the doors and swung them wide open. They made little to no sound, which was good for the Saiyan.

After he had stepped outside, closing the door behind him. He flew off into the air and started to fly around, taking in all the fresh air. Black let out a small smile as he glided through the clouds, small droplets of water landing on his face. He opened his eyes to see a crescent moon hovering above him. He looked for a small pond out in the clearing and found one. He softly landed on the grass and quickly sat down, putting his hands on top of his knees. The sound of the wind passing through, moving his spiky hair, it soothed him.

Black felt like falling asleep right there and then, but heard the flapping of wings behind him. He had thought it was Twilight, so he sighed and stood up. He looked behind him to not see the purple alicorn, but Princess Luna. She wore a black dress this time with her regalia. She had no weapons with her, but it didn’t put Black at ease though. “What can I do for you, Luna?” Black asked, his voice filled not with anger, but a sense of calm like the wind. Luna stood there with a straight face, never failing until a stern look appeared.

“How did you know the nickname Tia gave me?” Luna questions with a stern look. Black had sighed, mulling over how he was going to explain this to a different Luna. He faced her with a straight face, trying to figure out what to say. Failing to find the right words, the Saiyan let out a heavy sigh and spoke the truth.

“Since the day I met you, the same day I arrived,” Black paused, trying to remember a certain number. “That was 1,015 years ago,” Black said, surprising the moon goddess.

“Only we- I thought only alicorns could live that long,” Luna said, making the Saiyan nod in conformation.

“You're correct, Alicorns do live on forever until they are slain. Saiyans do not have that ability,” Black explained, sitting down on the grass again, looking up to the Alicorn. “I only got out of my stone prison recently, like a day ago.” This had shocked the Princess, which got a smirk out of the Saiyan. “If you think that I was in there because I did something horrible, then you’d be wrong. I chose to be sealed in stone. But the reason was that not only you had a Nightmare parasite to deal with, I also had one. But he was more ruthless and merciless than your Nightmare.” Black then went on to explain what his Nightmare had done and what he had to do in order to stop the parasite from taking over. Luna throughout this is left speechless, she c
couldn't come up with anything.

She felt bad for the Saiyan, both of them had to deal with their Nightmare’s. However, she failed to stop it, while he succeeded, but suffered the same price as she. “We are terribly sorry for thou,” Luna apologized. The Saiyan only shook his head at this and let out a small smile.

“Don’t be, there's no need for that, I’ve already gotten enough of those from Celestia and Luna back from where I’m from.” Black let out a small laugh, getting a smile out of the Princess. He had also noticed Luna had been looking at his scarred body, making him chuckle. The dark alicorn noticed and quickly looked away, blushing. He was about to say something until a piece of paper fell onto the ground, his eyes widened. He went to grab it but a light blue aura surrounded it, flying into the alicorn’s hands, the Saiyan gulped nervously.

The alicorn looked at the picture of him and Luna at the fair with interest. She examined every detail of it, “What are you doing with me, and what is that pink stuff on my snout?” Luna asked, quirking an eyebrow as she pointed at the picture.

“Well… that’s me and you at the fair and what’s on your snout is cotton candy,” Black explained. “I think that was a few years after I arrived in Equestria. You wanted to take me to a fair since I’ve never been to one before.”

She looked at it a bit more before letting out a warm smile, “You two must be the best of friends.” Luna commented as he handed me back the picture. I took it and put it more securely in my belt this time.

“Yeah, the best,” Black said with a smile. “Anyway, I should be getting some rest, I haven't had a good sleep for a while now,” the Saiyan commented.

“Alright then, sweet dreams, Goku Black,” Luna said, giving Black a warm smile, before spreading her wings and taking off for Canterlot Castle. The Saiyan watched her until she vanished from view, he took one more good look at the moon before letting out a small chuckle.

“Different dimension, same old Lulu,” Black said before taking off back to the castle, smiling the whole way there. Once he arrived, he quickly snuck his way back to his room, making sure not to make a sound. He got to his room and quickly made his way inside. Once inside, he took a long look at the bed before jumping face-first into it. A few minutes later, the Saiyan passed out into a peaceful sleep, one he hadn’t felt for centuries.

At the same time in the Castle of Friendship

Twilight walked through the halls while Gar followed close behind her. To tell the truth, she was barely holding herself together. She knew that Gar dealt with these sorts of things and she'd even helped out with some of it within the last few months, but it was still overwhelming. Through a combined effort of him and the extremely powerful demon calling himself Zeldris, with a little help of Goku Black playing host, they'd actually managed to revive one of the most dangerous ponies ever known during her time. Then there were the beings known as angels that had also been created by Zeldris. Let's not forget the fairies that had been born from nature itself and the gathering of the other known fairy species as of late.

Gar had done so much for the ponies since he'd come to this land, a world not even his own, and yet he risked his life for them and most of all her. So much had happened in the time she'd met the being behind her, though she never questioned why he protected her. And once again this very night he'd saved her once more without questioning himself or even the thought of a risk to his own life.

The duo soon arrived at Twilight's room. "Here you are Twilight, have a good night. I will be in one of her other rooms should you," Gar said nonchalantly. He turned and started to leave then Twilight grabbed onto his hand. "Hmm..." he looked to see her eyes hidden behind her bangs. "Twilight what is wrong?"

"Why?" she said softly as tears started to run down her cheeks.

"Hmm..." he raised an eyebrow.

"Why do you go so far to protect us, to protect me?" She looked up into his eyes. "No pony even asked you to watch out for me but yet you've almost died several times just for me! WHY?!" Her grip got tighter on his hand.

"Originally it was because you all were Zecora's friends then because you all became my friends and this was your home. But as time went on it was because I genuinely wanted to protect something," Gar led her into her room and to her bed for the second time that night. "Something that I actually wanted to do for myself. I don't really understand it too much myself, Twilight. All I know is that I want to protect you from any harm and keep you safe. I..."

In the next moment, Twilight jumped and wrapped her arms and wings around the unsuspecting parazyte. She'd planted a very passionate kiss right on his lips and as she held him close. It wasn't long before the two broke apart and Gar was left with a genuine blush across his muzzle.

"Thank you for always protecting me," Twilight said softly as she placed her head on his shoulder. "Would... would you mind staying with me, at least until I fall asleep?"

"As you wish my princess," Gar said with a bow. He didn't know why but those words he'd just said filled him with a warmth he'd never known before. After tucking Twilight in and checking over things one more time he went to close the door and heard someone come in through the foyer. He took a quick sniff of the air, "Black..." he raised an eyebrow slightly then shook his head while returning to Twilight who'd already fallen asleep. "Sleep well my little pony," Gar said warmly as the moonlight showed through the currents as he sat in a chair.

The Next Morning

Gar awoke the next day just as the sun started to peer over the horizon. He ended up falling asleep in a chair in the corner of Twilight’s room. Getting to his hooves he started to shift into his true form and stretched off his stiffness from the previous night’s rest. His next action was checking on his princess.

Twilight was still nestled in her four-poster bed snuggled into her blankets with a big grin on her face and drool coming from the side of her mouth, “Hehe… books…” she muttered in her sleep.

“Must be a good dream,” Gar remarked to himself. He then heard a noise from outside.

Going to Twilight’s window Gar saw that the noise was coming from Goku Black. He looked like he was going through a set of motions. That’s when it came to Gar, that he was training. Gar was somewhat familiar with this action as he’d often found his older brother up early in the morning going through his own move sets when he’d stay with Gar and his friends.

Opening the window, Gar flew out and down to Black. “Up early aren’t you?”

Black turned around to see Gar standing there, the Saiyan smiled. “Morning Gar, yea.” Black greeted. He stopped his motions and faced Gar, “I think the morning is always the best time to train, the cool breeze helps a lot.” Black explained as he started to wipe some sweat from his head. “Do you know if Zeldris is up?”

“I am,” Zeldris said as he appeared using Sonido, making Black jump a little. A smirk made its way into Zeldris’ face. “Look what I found out I can do last night.” The demon stuck out his hand at Black and fired a small Ki blast at the Saiyan, who easily deflected it into the ground.

“Dear Popo, a little warning next time?” Black said as the dust rested onto the ground. “I see you’re using his energy to use ki.”

“Hmm… with training, I will soon do this, but I must hold for the time being,” Gar looked at the others. “Breakfast or portal? Or is there something else on your mind to do?”

“I’d say breakfast, what about you Zeldris?” Black asked the demon.

“That sounds like an excellent idea,” Zeldris answered back.

“Anything specific?” Gar said in his monotone drool.

Zeldris reached his hand into his inventory only to come out empty-handed. “Something to do with strawberries, because I’m out. This won’t do.” He said with a slight frown on his face.

“Eggs and Pancakes, that’s pretty much it,” Black said as he started to reminisce. He remembered that Celestia always made the best pancakes.

“Strawberries are easy enough to grow,” Gar said as a strawberry patch grew behind Zeldris. They were big and as red as a red demon. “Though they may not compare to your own servants Zeldris. Why don’t we have Spike make some of his pancakes with these? or better yet the angels?” He suggested.

“Nobody is better at making food than my mummies, especially, Jean,” Zeldris said as he thought back on the mummy who is always in a chef hat and apron. “But the Angel’s pancakes sound quite good.”

“The Angel’s cooking was fantastic last night, so Angel’s it is,” Black said with a smile. “But before that, I should go take a shower…” Black slightly chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head.

“You should also check in on Nightmare Moon,” Gar added. “She may not be used to her new form, but shifting is as easy as thinking while hovering occurs even before a fairy has its wings. I may have saved her and she is a fairy under my protection while here, but she is still your responsibility and I don’t want her unleashed upon this world. I may have ruined my relationship last night with the sisters. I don’t want it to not be worth the sacrifice of my friends.” Gar noted sternly to Black while Zeldris was busying himself refilling his inventory with strawberries.

“I already knew she was my responsibility when I made the deal with her. I don’t want her destroying any relationships with anyone, certainly not your friends.” Black said with a smile, he gave Gar a thumbs up. “And that’s a promise, I’ll go check up on her on my way to my room,” Black said.

“Beware of the Shower Drake this early in the morning my friend,” Gar warned. “He is not ashamed when ponies walk in on him, but if you don’t be afraid to back out quickly as a face full of green flames awaits you if you don’t.”

“Noted, but I don’t why a dragon would be in the bathroom in my room?” Black commented but shrugged it off as he ignited his aura and took off towards Nightmare’s room. Leaving a thin trail of ki behind.

“Does he not know that the only bedroom with a bathroom is in Twilight’s,” Gar scratched his head. “I do hope Spike is in a good mood this morning,” His attention back on Zeldris. “I must ask you something important, my friend. Do you think the growth of the Sacred Tree has connected our worlds?”

“That’s what it seems likely,” Zeldris said as he rose to full height, having picked enough fruit. “I was in my world when I was enveloped by the mist, then the next thing I know is I’m in your Equestria. And with the Sacred Tree appearing, I would have to assume that you’ll be seeing demons around sooner or later. Or maybe even The Goddess Clan.” Zeldris walked up to his friend and placed a hand on his shoulder. “If you have Gloxinia and Gerheade here, then there is no telling how many others will show up as well. So be on the lookout and call me if needed.”

“I will do this if I need to and the same goes for me,” Gar monotoned. “If I may also ask a favor, if any wonder into the Everfree that just pop up out of nowhere, would you send them back here. There is a legend that says some completely disappear in the Mists of the Everfree and now I suspect I know why. I will grow a specific flower in the mist on this side that makes them so they may be sent back.” Gar looked up to TwilightOs window. “Last night you called Luna a goddess. Are they true goddesses of the Goddess Race or their Descendants?”

“I believe that they are either the descendants of the Goddess Clan or at the very least a low-level Goddess.” Zeldris started to pace back and forth. “They are not strong enough to be a high-level Goddess, and they are too strong to just be descendants. As you may or may not know the descendants of the Goddess Clan were very weak. Have you met or heard of Faust? Depending on your answer I may be able to solve this puzzle.”

“No, I haven’t met her,” Gar shook his head. “But I have heard tell of her in passing conversations during my stays in Canterlot and her name comes up quite often in the history books of this world that I have often read.”

They were however interrupted when they heard a scream. “SHIT!!” Black’s voice echoes throughout the castle and outside. The next thing that happens is a massive field of green flames escapes one of the windows of the castle. “I TOLD YOU I'M SORRY!” Then another window explodes in flames. The Saiyan appears next to them using the instant transmission technique, he showed up covered in sute, he had a pissed off look while his right eye was twitching. “FINE!” Black shouted as he threw his hands into the air and turned around and walking away from the castle, “I’ll go fucking find a damn pond.”

“I did warn him,” Gar shook his head then returned his attention to Zeldris.

Zeldris looked to the burnt Saiyan who was walking away and smirked. “You and green flames do not go together.” He sighed before getting back on topic. “Simon once mentioned to me that Celestia and Luna are the daughters of Faust. If that’s the case for this world as well, I would have to say that they can be classified as a Goddess. However,” The demon began to rub his chin in thought. “I don’t know what race the father could be. And judging if by how they don’t have the eyes a goddess normally does, and they have less strength, I am going to classify them as a Demi-Goddess.” Zeldris walked back up to Gar and placed a fist on his chest. “You can sense magic now. So that means you can find out for sure if you feel that their magic radiates divine-like feeling, your new ability to use Ki should come in handy with that too. I called them Goddesses earlier because Of how their mana radiated with divine energy. To find out for sure, in times of strife and hardship when they are back against a wall, look at their eyes.” Zeldris said as he made a gesture to his eyes and used an illusion spell to make them the ones the Goddess poses. He then patted Gar on the chest before walking inside. “Let’s go eat, shall we?”

Gar gave a curt nod going inside while leaving the crispy Saiyan on the lawn smoldering.

(After Breakfast)

“Those strawberry pancakes were divine.” Zeldris complimented the angels as they were walking to the map room. “Using Strawberry milk instead of normal milk was ingenious.”

“You are too kind father,” Wazu bowed with a smirk.

“Not my best work but if you praise it as such then it must be worthy of something.” Yuki stroked her chin.

“Yea yea, can we get this show on the road,” Adreana complained.

“This way if you all please,” Twilight motioned to the basement of the castle. “We had to build it in the basement so we could directly tap into the lay lines of the planet for a bit of extra power.” Twilight turned on the lights to reveal the portal. It resembled the Sartgate even with its own control pad. “Gar The token please.” The knight handed over the potara and Twilight plunged it into the machine and began to type on the keypad. Soon the gate’s rings began to spin and the gate ignited with energy inside it the resembled rippling water. “Now we just wait for the scan to find your world Black but it might take a few minutes as you’ve never encountered Displaced till now,” she pouted slightly as her ears flooded against her ears.

“Thank you Twilight,” Black thanked the purple alicorn. He turned to Nightmare Moon, who had gotten a handle of her magic, changing her appearance. She looked the same last time Black saw her back on his world. The Saiyan turned to Gar and smiled. “Oh and Gar,” catching his attention, Black continued. “If you need help getting to the other transformations or accessing god ki, come summon me.”

“I will,” Gar nodded. “A fair warning to you is to watch out for the Fullmetal Alchemist who goes under the moniker of the Crimson Sage. He is my older brother and he is extremely powerful to the point he can travel the Void without the use of a token in order to be summoned being summoned. I have no doubt he already knows about this occurrence between us. Just a fair warning is all.” He turned to Zeldris. “We have our problems to deal with as well. Since our worlds connect now we can freely travel to and from them, I suggest we meet every other week or so to stay in touch on the happening. What do you think?”

“That sounds good to me, stuff is going on right now but I can manage it. You can meet the newest member of the Sins, Pharmakon Fox Sin of Greed.” Zeldris sighed before continuing. “Still no sign of Gluttony. I want you two to meet, and find out who the true Gluttony Sin is.”

“I will do all in my power to prove myself to you that I am the one true Boar Sin,” Gar responded, holding up his fist, not even questioning his sudden outburst.

The gate’s pad started to buzz and flash red. Twilight looked over the data and smiled turning to Black and Nightmare. “Found your world you two. I have a few things I need to inform you,” She explained. “I can send you back to exactly where you left off from but four hours will have passed since you left your world. Sorry, but I can’t send you back at the exact moment. The journey can also be a little taxing on you magically, physically, and mentally. So I recommend that you either eat a snack right away or take a nap as soon as possible. Especially you Nightmare since you’re still getting used to your new body. Black, you might be okay but be careful all the same.” She looked at the portal and it stopped spinning. “Alright, it’s all set you two. All you need to do is walk through it.”

“Alright, you ready Nightmare?” Black asked the dark mare.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Nightmare commented as she walked towards the portal and through it. Black watched before slowly walking towards the gate.

“Oh, and Zeldris,” Black turned around, catching his attention. Without saying a word, Black playfully gives Zeldris the bird. The demon smiled at this.

“Yeah, yeah just walk through the damn portal,” Zeldris said as he gave a short nod at him.

“See ya, come on Wazu,” Black said as he went on a slow jog to the gate to a full-on sprint as he disappeared through the portal. Wazu followed shortly after Black, doing a quick bow before entering the portal. Black’s voice echoed throughout the portal, “Until next time!”

Zeldris looked to the parazyte. “He was interesting. I wonder what is wrong with me. I went out of my way to help him.” The demon then began to snicker. “Probably because he was as pathetic as a stray dog.”

“I still do things that not even I understand my friend,” Gar replied with a sigh. “But helping him just felt right is all I can say. What will you do now?”

“I guess it’s time for me to go as well. Gate.” A purple portal opened up next to the one that Black went through. “Before I go, was I supposed to do something? I feel like I’m forgetting something.” Gar shook his head no. “Ah, no matter. I’ll figure it out later. See you next time old friend.” Zeldris went through the portal. It closed quickly behind him.

“Good luck and until next time,” Gar nodded then turned to Twilight who’d just now realized they were alone and her thoughts drifted to last night’s events before bed causing her to blush.

“Uh… I gotta go reorganize the library, see you later Gar,” She started to walk off then stopped and turned around. “You should go see the princess about what happened last night. I’m sure you can all make up or… whatever you need to do. I’m sure you're still their friend, well, bye!” Twilight darted off.

(Back in Zeldris Equestria)

As Zeldris exited the portal, he pulled out his grimoire to see if it had any flight spells so he can practice his control. Then it hit him. “Awww shit, I forgot to give Gar his Grimoire.” He tried to activate his own grimoire with no luck. “Son of a bitch, he wasn’t kidding. I’ll see Gar in a week or two so I guess I’ll give it to him then.” He took off in the direction of Simon's magic.