• Published 29th Jun 2020
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Equestria's Divine God - ShirtMechanic

[Displaced] Michael is sent to Equestria as Goku Black after opening a mysterious door! It's been a thousand years since his arrival. After being sealed in stone, he breaks free. What will he do now? Find out on Equestria's Divince God... Now!

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Chapter 14: Saiyan Vs Alchemist! A New Power!

Chapter 14: Saiyan Vs Alchemist! A New Power Awakens!

As the two displaced charged at each other, exchanging blows between each other as the shockwaves were felt by ponies and drake. The scenery changed around them from being a rocky mountain range and was swiftly changed as the shockwaves destroyed the rocky spires. They’re power changing it to a rocky wasteland as it began to look more alike to the Badlands.

The ponies and dragon watched on in awe at the spectacle of power on display. Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Spike were cheering on Black while Rarity and Fluttershy watched on with worry for the two displaced. The Princesses however watched intently, reading every punch and kick exchanged between the two as they could somewhat follow their movements.

Another shockwave hit the living quarters, but it wasn’t as strong as they thought it would be. It was a simple shake of the building, but nothing more as the landscape began to change ever more to the sheer power of the two. “Tia, is it just me, or does the shockwave feel off?” Luna asked. Celestia put a hand to her chin, thinking on the matter. “I know the power of Black and I can feel the power of that man named Edward, so shouldn’t their power be destroying this building?”

“It indeed puzzles me, Lulu. It’s possible that there’s a shield spell over the building, but it’s almost impossible to make a shield of this level to nullify the shockwaves of their strength.” Celestia explained.

“What you are feeling are not the actual shockwaves from the blows being exchanged between Sir Black and my Creator,” Came the voice of Cottontail. The maid pony caretaker soon appeared in front of everypony. “They are in fact the aftershock of the shockwaves that you’re feeling your highnesses. And do not fret about the stability of the chamber. It’s as my creator informed you before. Everything in this universe could be destroyed except the Chamber and anypony or creatures inside it.”

As another shockwave hit the barrier, it seems less powerful now, Luna looking with curiosity. As she continued to watch the battle, she noticed something between the two, squinting her eyes. “Tia, it could be my eyes deceiving me but is Black struggling?” Luna pointed out. Celestia looked to the battle, seeing that the Saiyan had started to go on the defensive. Squinting her eyes, using her magic to enhance her sight, she could see Black went on the defensive, a painful look of struggle on his face.

“You are not wrong Princess Luna,” Cottontail added as a holo-screen popped up in front of the sisters with Black being pushed back by what appeared to be some form of armored Edward. “My creator is not as physically strong as Sir Black is in his human form even with his seven deadly seals released so he released two of his more powerful weapons, his keyblade,” She pointed at the key-shaped sword then to the bird-guard sword. “And his Dii-sword after he donned his demon-keyblade armor. My creator is actually the strongest out of his younger brothers but also the physically weakest in his human form. Asta, the middle brother, is actually the strongest in terms of raw power out of the three with Gar, and youngest brother of the trio, and another Displaced that Sir Black met not long ago being under him. But my creator is far stronger in his true forms than in his current form. He is also a master in many forms of combat, armed and unarmed, as well as many many forms of magic from many other worlds. He was never able to use Equestrian spells you see, so he taught himself over the many years of his life how to create his own spells and magics from the very ground up. Currently my creator is over fifteen thousand years old.”

This shocked the Princesses, who were only 1,038 years old. This got Luna to think, There’s no way he can win, not with all the experience from Edward, Luna thought, looking at the screen as the Saiyan had now started taking hits from Edward. A punch to the face had sent the Saiyan careening towards any mountain spire left standing as it was destroyed on impact, Black flying straight through the mountain. Why does he continue to fight, he knows he can’t win so why doesn’t he stop. Luna continued to think. But was interrupted as another shockwave hit the building, slightly stronger than last time. “Come on, Black,” Luna muttered, making up her mind. “You better win this.”

“It would appear that Sir Black is trying to push past his limits and fight to his fullest,” Cottontail commented. “My creator is having fun with this and so is Sir Black. It isn’t every day that either gets to fight a truly powerful opponent without fear of losing after all. As a Saiyan, it’s in Sir Black’s nature to seek out battle with powerful foes to constantly test his power and achieve new heights. He is currently using god ki speed form, can he use power form, or turn blue as some of you may better know it?”

“Black cannot go into this Super Saiyan Blue form, as of right now he can achieve Super Saiyan 1, 2, 3, Super Saiyan God, and Super Saiyan Rose,” Luna explained as she watched Black powerup, his fiery red aura pulsate around him as he charged back into the battle. “But for some reason, he refuses to go into Rose.”

“He is trying to preserve his stamina to better draw out and enjoy the fight,” Cottontail explained. “God ki grants mortals great power yes but it is extremely taxing to maintain the forms it grants. Speed form grants him access to great strength through the use of god ki and at the same time is much less taxing on his body. Though Black has the powers of a god his is still in a mortal form and in the world he is from even gods may be killed by mortals” The maid turned to the display. “Hmmm… Oh dear….” She looked on as Edward released his sword allowing them to fade away and then he landed an armored fist into Blacks gut and slightly went back and then for a second the Saiyan was frozen in place. Black grabbed his stomach and then hurled up a very large amount of blood, thoroughly shocking everypony there. “It appears my creator used the JackHammer Fist on Sir Black. Its a technique he developed based of the Kugi punch where instead of the power being unleashed in blows the energy remains in the user’s arm and vierates outward into the opponent’s body doing internal damage of blow back damage.”

“Come on… Go Rose, that’s the only chance you’ve got…” Luna murmured, watching as the Saiyan slightly recovered, only to be struck across the face, sending him plummeting towards the earth. Black recovered, landing on his feet while creating a crater underneath him. He looked towards the sky and spits any blood left in his mouth. The Saiyan looked towards his gut, seeing that there was a large gash across his gut. He ignited his aura again, the fiery aura surrounding him once again, but it seems more powerful this time, it pulsating like a wildfire. Luna then noticed something about Black. A fire seemed to cover Blacks gut, it being there for a few moments before disappearing. It revealed that the wound seemed to have vanished, shocking Luna. “His wound just healed itself!”

“Did he use the healing ability of the Supreme Kai’s?” Celestia asked, Luna, shaking her head in response. “But that can’t be, that’s the only way Black could heal himself.”

“Unless he used magic,” Cottontail pointed out. “It would allow him to heal quickly without draining his ki reserves. The Jackhammer Punch damage is spread through the body so that not one area is damaged too greatly. God Ki can also play an active healing roll to minor injuries such as these too. I do not wish to make assumptions as it is quite hard to analyze the data I’m receiving without my nanomachines being destroyed from the mere energy these two are puting out… "

Out in the combat area...

Black looked out of the crater, seeing Edward hovering above waiting for the Saiyan to shoot back. It aggravated the Saiyan as he cannot now get a single hit in. He powered up to his full strength in this form, his aura exploding out of the crater as he shot out of his. He appeared a few meters away from the alchemist as Black starred down his opponent. “I knew this wasn’t going to be easy but this is just insane,” Black muttered, looking down at his gi, or what’s left of it. What was left of his top gi was in ruins as it loosely hung on his left shoulder. His undershirt in tatters as the sleeves were ripped off. His pants were ruined, holes and rips covering the thing. The only things that weren't ruined like the others was his boots and belt.

Black then began to think, looking at Edwards armor with interest. After closing his thoughts off so then Edward couldn’t hear his idea. His armor seems to be taking hits, resulting in my attacks being ineffective. I need to fix that… With a shout, he powered up, this time his aura seemed to condense near him, the pressure in the area increasing as his power skyrocketed. A hint of red surrounded his god aura as it began to increase in size. Black yelled out as the area began to shake, Edward taking interest. “KAIO-KEN TIMES FIVE!” a spiky red aura surrounded his god aura, red lighting striking the Saiyan as he smirked feeling the increase in power continuing growing. The surrounding area seemed to turn slightly red as the pressure continued to grow, the landscape cracking and turning to dust.

"Hanahahaa…." Edward laughed as he saw the saiyan powered up. "You're not the only one who can change the landscape with his voice," He remarked, bringing his arms up in a cross over his chest while kreening his head back and taking in a deep breath. Black didn't understand what the alchemist was doing but he took a quick defensive stance. Suddenly Ed's head sprang forward, "Crimson Dragon ROARING; FUS RO DAH!" A massive roar and shout wave shot from the alchemist's armored maw.

On insticint the Saiyan used Instant Transmission to teleport above and behind the Alchemist. He was stunned by what he saw as the attack that was meant for him did to the land below. The pillars that were once below had been wiped away and replaced with a shallow gorge. Black hovered there in the air in awe.

"He… He did that… with his voice…" He said shakily, but Black wasn't shaking from fear but utter excitement. He looked down to see Edward hovering below him, looking up to the Saiyan with a smirk. “That attack is like the Royal Canterlot voice but cranked up by the hundreds.” Black said as he descended to Edwads eye level, staring down the alchemist with a smirk.

“It’s what happens when I combine my Dragon Slayer roar with the Unrelenting Force Shout from Skyrim,” Edward explained as red smoke came from his maw. “You are very lucky I didn’t use my Force Roar with it. Then it would've been an Omnidirectional attack.”

“Either way, I’d better be cautious with you, I almost know nothing about your strength or techniques. Let’s start with your armor.” Black said as he charged forward, Edward getting into a stance as Black got in front of him. Black then vanished from sight, appearing behind the alchemist, kicking Edward in the back with most of his strength.

Ed stopped in mid-air and caught a punch from Black with his right hand, “My arm is just that arm. It boosts my defenses greatly while shielding me from darkness or darkness based attacks and dark entities. My power in this form comes from my own body and gadgets in my arm and leg as well as any other abilities I have access to, such as chakra,” he smirked as he threw Black up into the air then weaving hand signs. “Fire Style: Radiant Crimson Dragon!” Ed showt a massive red flaming dragon straight at Black from his mouth.

Black saw this and recovered mid-air, but before he could pull up a barrier he was consumed by the flames. Black grunted as he could feel the flames eating at his skin, with a yell he sent a shockwave every direction as he got rid of the flames. Black looked down to his top gi was on fire, he camely ripped it off as it descended into the wasteland below. Black teleported in front of Edward, screaming,“Five Ren Kugi Punch!” Black punched Edwards' chestplate, seeing the plate slightly crack, Edward sent flying towards the ground. Black winced as he felt the recoil of the attack, now his arm feeling sore.

“Not bad,” Ed cracked his knuckles, “How about I give a taste of what full my technique can do,” He said evilly, “Flying Raijin,” Ed said as he vanished and reappeared in front of Black. Before Black couldn’t react as Ed pulled his left arm back as it glowed red, “Mars Bane One-hundred Ren Spiral Kugi Punch!” He buried his armored fist into Black’s chest, rocketing the saiyan upward in a spiral bouncing across the sky in a series of random directions a Black was knocked around by four hundred blows to the chest.

As Black was struck by the last blow, sending the Saiyan into the ground with a massive dust cloud followed as it rose into the sky. Black was embedded into the ground, coughing up a big amount of blood and saliva onto the ground. As the Saiyan broke himself out of the ground, he shakely got up as he felt a breeze against his chest, looking down he realized that the rest of his top gi was gone, ripped to shreds. He began to breathe heavily as the kaioken had started to take a toll on his body, he turned off his kaioken as steam started to come off the Saiyan. “Fuck it…” Black muttered as he ripped off what was left of his shirt, a little bit of it falling and resting on the side of his leg, an orange aura surrounded him as he screamed to the heavens. The dust cloud was pushed away from the Saiyan as the ground started to shake and a green thunderstorm appeared above them.

“Hmmm…” Ed looked on as he floated down to the ground. “Finally taking him a little more seriously I see,” He took up a fighting stance. “Well then BRING IT!”

Black crouched down as he continued to scream, his red hair flying upwards as it flashed pink for a moment. As Black looked forward at the alchemist, Edward noticed for a second, he saw Black’s eyes flash not grey, but to a silvery color as Black’s hair went back down and turned black for a second. This surprised Edward as the moment ended as his hair went back to red with his eyes doing the same. With one final push, Black roared with an explosion of pressure and power pushed around them as thunder and lightning shot around the Saiyan, a pink aura surrounding the Saiyan as Black looked towards Edward, becoming serious. “Get ready,” Black said as his voice changed slightly, it getting deeper.

The two shot forward with great speed, colliding in a brilliant flash of light as the area changed as rocks and boulders flew into the air as the two displaced began to exchange blows against each other. In a fury of pink and red the duo went blow for blow so fast that no normal pony could see what exactly was happening. It would only look like a blur between the fighters but the sisters were able to see but only barrily. They’d never seen such a battle and were slightly jealous of Black fighting an opponent of this magnitude.

Ed jumped back and waved his hands in an arc from above his head to the side creating a series of energy balls the shot across at Black. The saiyan either dodged or managed to knock them away. Ed smirked., “Let’s see how you handle a blast of magic then,” he held his hand out and quickly created a fairly decent size ball of rainbow magic, stunning the sister’s that he could harness that much power. “STELLA MAGNA OPUS!” Ed blasted the signed in a huge ray of rainbow colored magic.

Black jumped back and threw his arms to one of his sides, charging a pink and red ball of energy that continued to grow as air was getting sucked into it. “TIMES TEN KA-ME-HA-ME!!” He chanted, the magical rainbow blast getting closer. He smirked as the magical blast a few feet away from him, he threw his arms forward, “HOE!” The energy blast pushed against the magical one as it went into a stalemate, neither attack moving closer to the opponent. Black grunted as he closed his eyes and shouted, “KAIO-KEN TIMES 10!” Black shouted as a red aura spiked around him as he pushed the rainbow attack away as it got closer to Edward.

“Don’t think so,” Ed remarked as he popped into a cloud of white smoke. “Behind you,” The real Ed said. “Stella Magna!” He threw his magic attack forward and Black quickly turned with his to collide in a rainbow explosion that consumed them both. As the light died down Black saw Edward’s armor was now severely damaged with major cracks running all over it and bit falling onto the ground.

Here’s my chance! Black shot forward, not giving a chance for Edward to recover as he pulled his arm back, “Ten Ren Kugi Punches!” Black shouted as he sent an attack into Edwards face, pulling back Blacks other arm to punch Edward in the stomach. This sent the Alchemist flying backwards as Black followed as he winced in pain as he couldn't move his arms now. “Twenty Ren Kugi Kicks!” The Saiyan switched to his legs as he sent kicks into both of Edwards arms. Black yelped as he felt his legs bones almost shattered. He focused a big amount of magic into his legs, healing one of them as he flipped, kicking Edward into the air. Black landed on the ground with his good leg as he shot forward, his fist covered in a pink energy as it pulsed. He landed the attack on Edward as the energy transferred onto him as it sent Edward into the air. With a final push on his already shaking arms, Black yelled as he threw his hands in the air, igniting the energy around Edward as it detonated in the sky, a massive mushroom cloud followed by a shockwave shaking the plane around them.

Black huffed, breathing heavily as he dropped out of Kaio-ken, followed by his god aura as the area around him was charred and melted. Molten lava flowed around him as the temperature rose substantially, making the Saiyan sweat and hard to breath. Black began to focus what was left of his magic into his arms and legs, slightly healing them. After a moment of healing, he reverted back into Super Saiyan God to focus his god ki into healing the rest of his body. He felt his bones and muscle’s begin to heal as he let out a sigh of relief.

“NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Ed’s laugh rang out as he walked out of the crater, his armor falling off in entire chunks. “Now that was an attack!” Pieces of the armor that had fallen from Ed’s body revealing the alchemist flesh beneath showed many severe burns and pieces of his body missing. A crack from cross the upper right corner of Ed’s helmet until it wrapped completely around and fell to the ground to reveal a maincially smiling Ed with a hazel eye staring at the Saiyan. After a few seconds red electricity sparked from his wounds and Ed began to heal automatically as bone, muscle and skin rapidly regrew.

Black watched in awe and horror as he watched Edward heal after his attack like it was nothing. Black tried to formulate a plan to beat Edward but nothing popped up in his head, he couldn’t come up with anything. Black composed himself as he shakely got into a stance, transforming back into Rose. He ignited his aura, it seemed less ecstatic this time, it slowly flowed around him as steam started to come off the Saiyan. He started to breath heavily now as he started to shake even more, Edward noticed this.

“I believe I should answer your seriousness with my own once more,” Ed said as his armor vanished from his body. He pointed to the scar on his chest. “Tell me. After seeing my regeneration did it ever cross your mind why I have a single scar running across the full length of my body?”

Black huffed, “Something… happened… Something that you hold?” Black asked as he breathed heavily, he almost fell over but recovered on his feet.

Ed summoned some vials of red potion and green potion and tossed them to Black. “Health and Stamina potion from Skyrim. Drink up,” Edmotioned. “I need you to be in better shape if I’m going to take you on in my true form. As for my scar, I got the day I died. The day I stopped being human and gave up the life on earth I could’ve returned to. But I stayed in Equestria in exchange for that life, for the sake of my wives and children as well as my entire family.”

Black grabbed the potions and looked at them, he compepanted on not taking them and using what he had left for one final attack. But he dismissed the thought and drinked the potions, feeling the liquids flow down his throat. He crushed the two vials, feeling his stamina and body restored to their prime. “Was it Faust who gave you that chance?” Black asked as his aura returned to normal, it pulsating around him more erratic this time. Black noticed that one part of his gi that had fallen to his side had somehow found its way onto his shoulder. He removed the piece of clothing, revealing a scare the shape of a hole on his right bicep. When Black looked at it, it brought a frown to his face.

“No,” Ed scowled as he clenched his fist. “The void dweller known as Truth gave me the chance in exchange for being his avatar. I absolutely hate that thing and yet I can’t help but thank it for letting me stay,” Ed took in a deep breath. “As for Faust, she died not long after Luna was born, a few years actually. Alicorns work a little weird in my world. Their physical body will die but not their souls and they must wait a certain time until they must reincarnate. Faust is currently in the form of a Harmony Nintails, the pokemon. It looks like a Nintails did the fusion dance with a rainbow,” H e deadpanned. “What about your scar?”

“Sombra happened…” Black hissed as he touched his scar, “At the time I could only go Super Saiyan. He tried aiming for the heart, but I moved out of the way slightly before he impaled me with his hand. Luna was able to heal me.” Black explained as memories began to flood in. “I eventually went Super Saiyan 2 farther into our fight, but at the cost of my master’s death… That’s when I snapped, cause I’m the reason for why he’s dead, cause I was too scared to take a life…” Black clenched his fist, “I ended up ending two pony races that day... and I hate myself for it.” Black powered up, throwing his right arm to the side as he activated a long ki blade. “Feeling the hate towards the enemy I hate the most!” He put a hand in front of him as he pointed his ki blade towards his palm. “The hate I feel towards myself, for letting me cause the atrocities I’ve done in the past…” Black said as proceeded to stab himself in the hand, a little blood falling down his palm as the ki blade seemed to shrink into his hand. Black gripped the end of the blade and started to mold it as he pulled the blade out, forming it into a scythe as he yelled. He threw his arm to the side as the ki scythe he formed pulsed with power, Black’s power increasing as he held the weapon.

“Tell me, is that the day the Empire was wiped off the map?” Ed crossed his arms.u

Black nodded, not saying anything for a moment. “I’m the cause for why the Chrystal and Ruva pony races are extinct. And don’t even think about telling me about the future, I want to find out myself because telling me could change the timeline.” Black demanded, pointing the scythe at Edward as Black looking on.

“Very well,” Ed closed his eye. “But I will say that you can’t blame yourself for not killing one pony. You have a brighter future than you think,” Ed smirked. “You should also hate the pony that caused the incident and not yourself. You’ll have a second chance to right wongs again,” The alchemist motioned, confusing the saiyan. “So, shall I show you what hatred does to a soul when left to fester in malice?” He asked serials as he glared at the Black.

Black realized what he ment, hearing the name he said, “Malice…” Black eyes widened. “Don’t tell me you’ll turn into the thing that endangered your family…” Black glared, he looked towards the entrance and shelter of the chamber, seeing the ponies watching with worry, especially Luna who seemed to be whispering something. His eyes softened as he looked back to Edward, loosely hanging his scythe across his chest. “Cause you wouldn’t stoop that low…” Black growled.

“One thing you must know, I am not the thing that endangered my family,” Ed scowled. “What endangered my family was a composite of negativity geared from the souls trapped in my body and myself that was geared towards me. A demon of I played a heavy role in creating and one that I will never be free of as long as I exist. I am in full control of myself I swear.”

Black scowled, glaring towards Edward, “Then prove it to me.” Black said, provoking the alchemist.

“As you wish,” Ed said with no emotion as the scar over his chest crackled with red electricity and a red aura surrounded his body. Suddenly the scar opened to reveal a massage golden eye with a ripple pattern but instead of a pulp the was the red Ouroboros symbol. Red twisted metal started to cover Edward’s body as shadows spread from the chest eye and filled int he cracks and gaps of the parts the red armor wasn’t covering. The Black saw the thousands of red eyes in shadows. All the while Ed was being consumed as he changed and grew larger to a fifteen foot tall form. Soon his face was cover in shadow with one gold ripple pattern eyed on his right side and three red eyes stacked on the left while his was a wide smile of fangs. Silver with red metallic tipped wings sprang from his back as did a long lizard-like tail with several spikes at the end. The new demon of alchemy exuded an aura of pure raw power.

“RAAAAAAAWAWWWWWWWWAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!” He roared, whipping the wind into a frenzy. He looked forward and all eyes shifted to look at Black, which thoroughly unnerved the saiyan. “This is what happens when you wallow in hatred Black, and it only gets worse!” He spoke with what sounded like several voices at once.

Black didn’t say anything as he closed his eyes and began to concentrate, the aura he had around suddenly dissipated. Black breathed in slowly as he felt his power begin to rise, his hair changing from a light pink to a hot pink as the pressure began to increase. Lighting began to pulsate around him as his hair became slightly spiker. He opened his eyes to reveal his pupils turned into a dark red. “And it burns you from the inside,” Black spoke as get into a stance, “Leaving a being who only knows negativity and hatred. And I don’t plan on going in that path.”

“Are you sure?” The demon glared. “Because from what I see, hear, smell, and most of all… feel from you. Is nothing but that same hate that created me,” it pointed at Black. “If you can truly overcome that hatred and malice then show me your true self and your true power!” He flexed and spread his wings then flapped, taking to the sky at breakneck speeds.


Black blasted off the ground, something the sisters couldn’t even follow. The Saiyan appeared above the demon and swung his scythe at Malice, a blade of energy ejecting from the scythe with multiple ki blasts following it.

“FOOL,” The demonized alchemist threw his hand out, “ UNIVERSAL PULL!” All of the ki blasts suddenly gathered into Ed’s palm into one ball of energy. Black looked at the scene before him in awe. Holding the ki in his Hand Ed looked at Black with a frightful glare. “You are using your hate,” the ki condenses into a smaller and then in Ed’s palm a maw of sharp teeth. Shadow hands reached up and wrapped around the ki ball and pulled it into Ed’s palm mouth.

Did he… just eat my ki?! Black stared, his eyes shaking slightly.

Ed closed his claw, “So this god ki,” he smirked. “I must say not even I had access to its yet but thanks to you I now know how far to reach for.” His eyes shifted to Black. “Don’t look so surprised kid. I’ve had the ability to absorb magic and energy from the first day I was Displaced, I just have several ways to do so now.”

“Tch…” Black realized that his energy attacks wouldn’t work, so he had to get up close. Which he wanted to avoid, he had no idea how strong he was as he could get a feel for Ed’s power. Black then thought of something, grinning. “Don’t think I’ll give up now.” Black got rid of his scythe, it falling to the ground as it stuck itself into a rock. “I’ll give you an attack that’ll leave you surprised, making my last one seem like child's play.” Black said as he crouched and began to power up once more up to Kaio-Ken, “KAIO-KEN TIMES FIFTY!” Black grunted as he began to feel the strain on his body, red lightning arcing around him.

The ponies and dragon watched with worry as Black increased his power, a huge read spiky aura reached hundreds of feet into the air. Luna and Celestia recognized the technique immediately, after hearing the Saiyan bringing the Kaioken up to 50 times, this got Luna to worry more.

Twilight watched with interest, “Every time he says kaioken times 10, 20, or 50, he seems much stronger and faster. Twilight saw Luna was worried, confusing the purple pony, “why are you worried Princess Luna? If he’s much stronger he should win, right?”

“He would win yes, but at the cost of his stamina and over all motor control.” Luna explained shortly. Twilight was going to say more but was cut off. “The Kaio-Ken Technique is a power up, enhancing you strength, speed, and power by how much you want. But a untrained body without training can lead to your body failing you completely.” Luna watched as Black charged into the battle as shockwaves destroyed the land once more. “Black rarely used the technique, but never brought it up past times 20. I can’t imagine the strain he’s feeling from a times 50.”

“He’s pushing it so far because of my creator,” Cottontail explained. “Edward Elric is the most powerful thing he has ever had to face and perhaps one of the one of the only beings he will ever face. Even in this state my creator still isn’t using his full power,” She pulled up a close shot to reveal a good look of Ed’s form which in turn thoroughly shocked and scared everypony and drake there. “He still isn’t using but just a fraction of his power. This is his first form and has another that is far larger, then if he activates his Susanoo he will easily tower over a small mountain then there is his hollowfied Susanoo which is still larger. And even with this great size,” A camera caught Ed easily dodging Black’s ki blasts. “His speed isn’t hindered at all. If I had to put this on a scale, Black is still nowhere close to being where he needs to be in order to actually damage Edward in this form. If anything from my files' past experiences my creator is trying to teach Black how to unlock something.”

“But what could possibly Edward be trying to teach Black. The only thing I could think of is…” Luna said, but she cut herself off when she realized what Edward wanted to teach the Saiyan. “He couldn’t be talking about that form, is he Tia?” Luna asked, Celestia going wide eyed when she realized what her sister was implying.

“But how could he know about that one, I thought only Black and the two of us knew about it…” Celestia said as they turned their heads back to the battle in front of them, Black failing to land a blow.

“Have the two of you already forgotten what and who my creator is?” Cottontail raised an eyebrow. “He knows more than either of you combined. In his world he was there when you two were born and even taught you both to fight and unlock your true powers. He has traveled the Void many times over being summoned and on his power. You truly think that something like Ultra Instinct wouldn’t be known to him, especially since he can use ki and magic with no issue. True he didn’t have access to god till today but he still knows many secrets of this world and many others that made worlds over. He is a sage after all.”

After hearing Cottontail's explanation, it gave a conclusion to the sisters. There was no way Black could win this battle with Edward. It was practically a one way battle with a displaced that far exceeded Black’s power.

Black huffed as he tried to land an attack on Edward, he thought he could get some hits in but could as Edward was faster. Black launched forward, towards the alchemist but was smacked towards the ground, creating a dust cloud.

“Are you finished?” Ed floated above the saiyan. “Have you realized you’re still relying on your own hate for power?” Black sprang to his feet and sent a large ki blast a Ed who slipped into a hole behind and came up from below Black. Ed grabbed the saiyan in his right claw. ”I take the as a no,” Ed squeezed. Suddenly-


“Ah…” Ed raised an eyebrow. “Did you just-”

“Now I know what you're thinking, ‘should I continue to crush him?’ The answer may surprise-,” Black tried to plead as he laughed nervously.


‘“Sweet gods of the Void you did!” Ed laughed happily.


“Oh sweet mother above now I know how Vegeta and Slug felt!” Edward belted. “This is so much fun!”

“Not… for me…” Black wheezed as he felt all of his bones being crushed.

“Are you giving up?” Ed asked harshly as he brought the saiyan closer to his right eye. “So the answer you have for me is that you will continue to rely on that hatred in your heart?!” He let the saiyan fall and hit the ground hard. “Do you want to see what hold on to endless hate does to you Black?!” Ed growled, tuly showing anger this time. Black lifts his head and felt the bloodlust come from the demon. “ANSWER ME!” He stomped his foot shaking the earth.

Black slowly got up onto his feet, screaming as he felt his body starting to give out. “Will you please, SHUT... THE FUCK... UP!” Black shouted as he glared at the demon. “I will never give up! I will never let this damn hatred into my heart, and you showing it and crushing my body doesn’t FUCKING HELP!” Black raised his right arm and facing his hand towards Edward. He shouted as he gripped his arm with his left hand. A dark purple sphere appeared as it grew in size. “Haki…” Black whisperers as he fires the attack.

“Foolish child,” Ed’s comment completely threw Black off as the Alchemist captured the Haki in between his thumb and pointer finger. “I am first and foremost an Alchemist. My whole existence is based around the construction, reconstruction, and destruction of matter,” He crushed the Haki as if it were nothing shocking every creature there, “This is a Haki!” He held hand up and it sparked with a dark red energy and grew into a black sphere with a jet black core. Ed threw it off to the side and stomped his foot causing a rock spire to spring from the ground and collide with his Haki. The only thing that was left was a flat plateau.

Edward looks back down to Black, only to see the Saiyan missing. The demon looked up to see the Saiyan charging at him, a second before he impacted the demon. Black realer his fist back and shouted, “Eighty Ren Kugi Dragon Fist!!!” Black threw his fist forward, he exploded into a red dragon as it impacted into Edwards head. It pushed the Demon back slightly as the dragon recoiled off of him as it disappeared, being replaced by a Saiyan. Black was no longer in rose as he fell back to earth, tired out and broken.

“So close but not quite there yet,” Came Ed’s voice as he spiraled into existence. “If I hand phanse when you hit me I’d have had a pretty decent size hole in my head. Listen Black,” the demon knelt down. “Why do you think the Spirit Bomb Triggered Goku’s first transformation into Ultra?”

Black didn’t reply, the Saiyan having gone unconscious from the lack of stamina and energy. The Saiyan had used what was left of his ki and stamina in his last attack, then steam started to come off Black as he started to burn up.

“Hmm…” Ed’s gaze narrowed. “It’s time,” he said as cracks formed all over his body and his demon form shattered to pieces to reveal his human form again. “This will be my first time actually using God Ki with my main body so I give it three minutes before I burn out. I only had my shadow clones in another dimension for a week, once done they went poof and sent me the experience. Here it goes, RAAAAAAAAA!” Ed roared as he ki overflowed covering him in a dark maroon aura with bright red highlights. His eyes changed from hazel to a burning yellow as his hair went spikey and turned maroon with red highlights. Ed looked at his artificial hand while closing it with a smirk. “Feels good.” He looked at Black, waiting for the saiyan to react.


The Saiyan’s body began to emmite more steam as the body of Black started to move. He slightly shook and the whole area exploded around them as a white beam of light shung from the Saiyan. Black slowly and shakely stood up with a blue and white outline surrounding his body. The beam of light dispersed as it revealed the Saiyan standing up with little trouble, his back facing Edwards. Black turned around slowly, his eyes closed as he faced the Alchemist. Shortly after, he let out a small breath and breathed in. Opening his eyes had revealed his pupils had turned silver, having Edward smile. His hair was slightly spiky, not changing color. His eyes turned silver. The Saiyan stayed silent as he had a stare down with Ed.

Edward got into a stance and grinned, “Lets go…”

Black didnt say anything as the two vanished from thin air, a trail of shockwaves coming from the ground as they ascended into the sky. The mane 6 and drake watching in awe while the sister watched in disbelief. For a few moments, the two displaced would appear and disappear as they traded blow after blow, not landing an attack. They both reappeared several feet from each other, Edward was grinning while Black remained calm, not making a sound as he walked slowly towards the alchemist.

The duo slowly walked towards one anothers and gradually started to pick up their paces. Slowly their slowly paced walks turned in a faster on then they started to sprint and then full on ran at one another. They steadily built up until they vanished from sight once more but this time not even the sisters could keep up with the fighters. All of a sudden there was a huge shockwave, nce so bad that it knocked every creature on the butts,followed by a set of two explosions on opposite ends of the fields.

“Oh my…” Cottontail stared at her display. Luna rushed over to see what was wrong.

“What’s wrong-” Luna cut herself off when she saw the duo several hundred feet away from each other, the screen showed the both of them. Black had a large cut across his left cheek while Edward a small cut on his. “What happened?”

“During their cross counter the force of their own blows sent them both flying back,” Cottontail explained she replayed the feed in slow motion and it indeed showed that but in Ed’s blow he was using his artificial arm. “In my creator's case his right arm is still a lethal weapon even in his standby mode. Though if he keeps using it for punches and taking hits it will soon need to be discharged of its inert kinetic energy build up.”

Luna watched with worry as Black stood out of the rubble with a brand new battle scar, blood running down his cheek. Black on the other hand didn’t seem to be bothered by his new scar, he instead floated onto the highest boulder behind him and landed on it. He clenched his fists as steam had started to rise from his feet once again. In an instant motion, Black rose his head to the sky, letting out an ungodly roar, a second voice overlapping the Saiyan’s. As the pressure broke the area around him, hurricane winds were pushing away debri from the saiyan as it threw boulders and rock in every direction. A white and blue pillar of aura shot upwards into the sky as the weather changed. Shortly after the scream, Black set his eyes once more on the alchemist with an emotionless stare.

“I see you’re finding it hard to maintain this partial transformation,” Ed’s voice came as he appeared in front of the saiyan. “Know that as long as you continue to feel the hate you’ll never attain Ultra’s true form,” he vanished and reappeared right in front of Black and landed a hard punch right in the gut. Black then did the same and the fighters repeated this action several more times with neither showing signs of back until Ed brought his right hand up above his left shoulder and smacked Black across the left side of his face and sent the Saiyan through several rock spires.

A massive dust cloud followed, the cloud rising up into the sky as the rock spires fell under their own weight. There were a few moments of silence until an explosion blew the debris away, revealing the Saiyan with his eyes closed. The Saiyan breathed out slowly and inhaled sharply after, there was a silent growl as he opened his eyes. He appeared in front of Edward with his back towards him. Without saying a word, he sharply elbowed him in the stomach, then he swiftly turned around and kicked him on the side of the head, sending the alchemist flying to the side.

Ed skipped along the ground as if he were a pebble thrown on the surface of a pond until he hit a massive mountain side forming a sizable crater. Black glared down but he wasn’t without injury from Ed’s last blow either as he now had another cut that ran from the opposite direction across the first forming a larger ‘X’ across Black’s cheek. Get up Ed popped his back and he looked up at Black. Knowing his God form would last longer and neither would Black’s Ultra form the two took off in a flash and exchanged dozens of blows in air and on the ground. No creature could keep up as what seemed to be random air exploded from either an unseen crash or very hard hit.

Black tried to land a blow but couldn't as Edward would continue to counter his. Black then thought of something, closing his eyes he began to let go of his anger, feeling calm for the first time this fight. This triggered something in him as his power grew slightly, he began to let go as his blows and blocks were sharper and more precise. On the outside, Black’s aura gew twice in size as he landed a blow against Edward, the Saiyan opening his eyes. But as he landed this blow, Black’s eyes began to flicker slightly, losing its silver color. Black realized this, he then took the opportunity to land hundreds of punches into Ed’s gut before kicking him to the ground. As Ed fell towards the ground, Black appeared below him, charging a white and black orb between his hands, air being sucked into the energy ball. Followed by a voice growing in volume.



Ed stood up and smirked at his opponent. He knew the Saiyan was finally starting to understand his transformation and knowing his own god form wouldn’t last too much longer and that he’d achieved his goal. He was ready to take the incoming attack when his arm flashed purple and released steam. “Hmm… he really put this thing through the ringer,” Ed said as he arm opened up to reveal a heavy laser cannon. Holding up the weapon as it was now glowing purple, “Omega…”

“Ha… Me…”


“HAAAAAAA!!!!!!” Black roared, throwing his arms forward as he broke the sound barrier as a shockwave shot throughout the land, the blast shooting forwards at ungodly speeds. The blast grew in size as it broke the ground beneath Black.

“DRIVER!” Ed threw his right arm forward sending out a massive purple laser blast and everything went silent then concussed outward as it collided with Blacl’s blast. The ground under Ed’s feet started to crackle and fissure open as he was forced down. Ed was being forced back. “Urrrrr.. Got say the kids got power in spades, but not enough!” He shifted his right arm slightly with a rotation and the purple beam changed to a red one, “OVERLOAD!” The beam consumed Black’s attack and the saiyan along with it.

The beam flew off into the horizon as it got thinner before disappearing completely. Edward’s hair had turned back to normal as his god ki had vanished. Before he could say anything, Black appeared in front of him with a last ditch effort, “TAKE THIS!” Black tried to uppercut him in the stomach, only for it to be caught by the alchemist. At that moment, Black’s aura had disappeared, his eyes and hair turning back to normal as he began to feel the after effects of Ultra Instinct. Before falling onto his back, “Good… fight…” Black whispered before falling back, going unconscious as he hit the ground.

“Indeed,” Ed smirked as his own aura faded away. “Hmm… gonna have to train to get better with God form but for now,” his eyes were on Black, “Let’s get you patched up enough to where luna won’t try and kill me, and then you after you’re better,” he held his hand over Black as he knelt down and cover the saiyan in a seafoam green aura and started to heal the fighter. “There we go. I’m not healing ya all the way or you won’t get your zenkai boost or remember the cost of the Dragon Kugi punch.” He made a few hands signs and they both appeared at the entrance where every creature else was. “Well, did you all enjoy the fight?” Ed smirked as everyone looked at him as if they were doing their best fish imations.

“THAT WAS SO AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash yelled, breaking every creature there out of the fish impressions. “You were all ‘HAAA’ and ‘TAKE THIS’ and-” She was cut off when Applejack smacked her across the head, knocking Rainbow into the floor.

“You’re so loud.” Applejack mumbled.

Luna quickly rushed to Black’s side, full of worry. “Is he gonna be ok!?” She asked hastily as she looked into Edwards eyes.

“He’ll be sore for a few days but nothing life threatening,” Ed waved it off. “A few new scars and some new abilities is all he’ll walk away with. I did have to completely reknit his bones, muscle, and nervous system in that arm,” Ed motioned to Black’s right arms. “That’s really gonna be tender while he’s recovering. A slow heal is what he really needs at the moment. But the meat head will be just fine, Luna,” he knelt down and looked at the night princess. “I know all too well how much you really love him and how waiting has torn you two up on the inside so I’m not going to hurt him beyond anything I can’t fix, especially without reason. I’m very sorry if it looked like we were trying to kill each other.”

Luna glared at Ed for a second at the comment Edward calling Black a meathead, but let it go as she sighed. She looked at Black’s new scar on his face, touching it slightly before putting her hand on his cheek. “It’s… alright.”

“Let’s get him to a bed and off the floor,” Ed motioned to the back. “He’ll be sleeping for a couple hours and I recommend we stay in here for that time,” Ed looked around while Luna took Black into a bedroom and tucked him in. “Well what do you want to know Celestia?'' He shifted his gaze to the corner of the room. “And Elements?”

6 hours later...

Luna sat next to Black’s bed, holding his hand as she continued to wait for him to wake. She hadn’t left his side, she was interrupted by the silence of the room by a groan from the Saiyan. She quickly looked over to see Black slowly opening his eyes, “Black?” Luna asked quietly.

“Why does it feel like I’ve had a moon thrown at me…” Black spoke out in a raspy voice. He looked over to his side to see Luna looking at him with worry. “Oh, he lulu… enjoy the fight?” He was interrupted when Luna had hugged the Saiyan suddenly, taking the Saiyan by surprise. “Lulu… cant breath!!!” Black gasped out, having the air forced out of him.

The night princess realized this and quickly got off the Saiyan, “Oh I’m so sorry Black, I didn’ mean to-” Black put a finger on her muzzle, silencing the alicorn.

“It’s alright.” Black gasped as he tried to sit up, but ultimately regretted it as he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He groaned as he laid back onto the bed, “Oh… that smarts…”

“Edward told us you would be sore for the next few days, he also said he had to redo the arm you used when you used that Dragon fist with the Ren Kugi technique.” Luna explained as Black looked at his right arm, seeing a large scar going across it.

“Yeah…” Black said slowly as he inspected the arm, “Definitely not going to do that for a while…” Black commented as he returned his focus back to Luna. “How are Edward and the others?”

“Edward and the others are doing just fine,” Came Cottontail's voice as a chibi maid appeared. “Do you require anything Master Black?”

“I would like to talk to Edward, and please don’t call me Master Black. Just Black is alright…” Black commented.

“As you wish sir,” She bowed her head slightly. “And my creator has actually just arrived at the door now. He wanted to come see you as soon as you were awake so he had me notify him.” she turned to the door that opened on its own to reveal the alchemist who’s face and hair here were as they were before the fight. “I shall take me leave now,” Cotton bowed and faded away.

“How are you feeling there?” Ed smiled evilly. “Got to be pretty good seeing as how ya got a good looking girl caring for ya.” At this comment both Black and Luna got a slight blush on their faces. “Anyways, do you mind if I speak with Black alone for a bit Luna?”

“But-” Luna was going to continue, but a hand shakely made its way onto Luna’s shoulder. She looked to see Black giving her a reassuring smile.

“I’ll be fine Lulu, I’ll be in bed anyways for a few days.” Black reassured, Luna hesitantly nodded and walked out of the room. Leaving the two displaced alone. “So, out of curiosity, may I ask why you didn’t fully heal me?”

“You need to learn that your actions have major repercussions, and you wouldn't get a zenkai boost,” Ed plopped down next to Black on the other side of his bed. “You won’t always have Zensu to use and you will have Luna play nurse for a couple of days. Gives you two some much needed time together.” He sighed. “I know all too well what happens after you get together. Sure ya spend a good bit of time together the first week then it gradually declines due to duties. I’m speaking from my past experiences from my own world raising the girls and being their teacher then later Luna’s lover. I was a king at the time so you can imagine even after we got married it was still hard to be together.” Black nodded. “Let me ask you something. Why haven’t you proposed to her yet?”

Black turned serious as he turned his attention to the ceiling. “I don’t know to be honest. One thing is that I don’t want her to feel lonely after I pass, I’m not immortal. And I guess I’m just too damn nervous…”

“No you’re definitely not immortal but you are a saiyan,” Ed leaned back while Black looked over and raised an eyebrow. “Saiyan ages nearly three times slower than a human does, think back to Vegeta in GT. He was taller sure but still looked almost exactly the same as the day he landed on earth,” he held up his hand and a white box plopped into it. “I think you’ll have plenty of time to spend with her. Remember she has longevity not true immortality. This is something you’re lacking too,” Ed opened the box to reveal a dazzling ring that had a gem that looked like it had an entire solar system in it. “It’s called a Nebula Diamond. I would’ve used it for my own Luna had I had it at the time. Here,” he set the ring down next to the saiyan.

Black looked at the ring uncertainty as he watched the galaxy in the diamond, “I… I don’t know if I can take this…” Black said as Edward raised an eyebrow. “I mean… you helped me get prepared for the gala, for Luna. Then you help me with Nightmare, build me a hyperbolic time chamber alike and now you are giving me a ring for me to propose to Luna with. I just don’t know if I can take any more gifts from you…” Black said with uncertainty.

"I never said you didn't pay for anything," Ed shook his head. "Look Black, I've been around the block more than a few times at this point in my life and there are a lot of things I regret not being by my girls' sides for part of their lives is one of them. I had to leave when they were young so they pretty much forgot me then the second time I was forced away by somepony I trusted. I was encased in stone for 2,000 years, my mind completely broken for the first half, then when I was sane enough, Luna's fall was starting and all I could do was watch and listen. I saw the two most important women of my life at the time Fighting. For a thousand years I stared at the Moon. Luna stared back but we were never able to speak or touch. I want you to do what you should've done before you were encased in stone," He heaved a sad sigh, "Helping others isn't one of my regrets. I helped you get ready for the Gala cause this was the first time you've had a chance to spend some casual fun with her in awhile. I built this chamber because you need it, especially to be ready for things to come," Black's gazed confused. "I know the future, and since you want the timeline to go on as unaltered as much as possible I won't tell you what could happen but this place is for what might happen. As for your gift,"A golden ripple appeared and out of it came a decent-sized perfectly round ball made of a single emerald.

Staring at Black swore he could see an orange flame inside the sphere at its core. His entire body suddenly pulsed. He then felt a pull of some sort one the wanted him to reach up with his sore arm. Reach out he tried to take the gem from the alchemist's left hand but couldn't due to his sore body.

Ed pulled the crystal back and spoke, "Before I give you this Black tell me why," Black raised an eyebrow. "Why haven't you married her? For real, you're not just nervous. Are you scared of what will happen if you two do get married? Or is it the outcome of what that marriage will bring that really scares you?"

Black looked away from the alchemist and stared at the ceiling, deep in thought. After a few moments, the Saiyan spoke. “I… I’m just afraid that I won’t be a good father when the time comes…” The Saiyan looks back to Edward. “What if I mess something up?”

Ed took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "I can only speak from the experiences I've had that we can only do what we feel and think is best for our children. Whether or not we are a good parent is only up to those around us, the choices we make, and most importantly our children," he looked at the saiyan. "I have been a father both to adopted children and of my own flesh and blood and I can honestly say that every time I was a father," Black looked hopeful, "That I always managed to mess something up. Parenting is something we can't do right no matter how many times we have children, it's only something we can try our best at each and every time. Take Gohan for example, even though Piccole hammered into Goku that he wasn't a fighter but a scholar. But at the same time Gohan eventually came to terms that he was both a scholar and a fighter and that's due to how he was raised by both his parents. Mistakes are made by everyone, that's inevitable. We can only do what we can to help guide and be there for our children when they need us. Do you want to see what I have back home?" Ed pulled out a pair of lockets, one gold the other silver.

Black thought for a minute, looking towards the pair of lockets. “Sure.” Black said after a moment.

Edward opened the silver locket and handed it over to Black. Taking the pendant with his good arm the saiyan's eyes widened as he looked to see Luna, or at least a nearly human version of her, in a wedding dress next to a much shorter and younger Edward in a tuxedo. His eyes were then drawn to the opposite side which had Luna with an aged Edward sitting under a tree. In each of the couple's arms were young smiling alicorns.

"We call them our Twins Stars," Ed commented. "The one who looks like his mother is named Solar Eclipse and the one I'm holding is his younger sister. She looks more like her maternal grandmother when she was still an alicorn. My daughter's name is Morning Star."

“They have beautiful names,” Black said as he examined the pictures. The Saiyan saw they were happy, all of them seemed happy in the photo. Black had seen many families in his life, all with their own sets of smiles in photos. Edward’s family had a genuine smile that was contagious for the Saiyan. “I would like to make a family…”

"Then you start with what you already have," Ed held out the ring. "It took me and my Luna a long time to have biological children and it wasn't from a lack of trying either," Ed smirked as the saiyan blushed slightly. "Alicorns are very unique in their biology, in some worlds they can only have children with truly powerful beings though I don't think this is my case. I've had biological children many times over at this point in my life and loved everyone of them. You'll both be great parents but I must warn you that alicorn pregnancy can put a great strain on her body if she doesn't have a steady supply of her natural magic. Even more so when carrying Twins," He took his locket back while his mood grew dark. "That was in my world though and it was touch and go for Luna after she gave birth. I ALMOST lost her and would have had it not been for her Lunar Sage Stone that I'd crafted millenia ago. I'm paranoid to the point when Tia told me her news I immediately got her Stone and made her wear it. That's why I'm leaving your Celestia and Luna with stones of their own too. That and to access their full power without nightmare mode." Ed explained. "The stones are enchanted to only work for them, even if Moon somehow returned to an alicorn she can't use them or Celestia if she went Day Breaker. So no frit there okay? So are you going to ask her later?"

Black slowly nodded, “Once I can get out of this bed.” Black said as he chuckled, only to groan right afterwards. He looked towards the alchemist, “Thanks for this chance Edward.” Black thanked.

"You're part of my family now Black, even if it's through extended means," Ed smiles. He holds up the burning emerald orb. "This is the crystal of the Boosted Gear, The Forearm of The Red Dragon King that Surpasses God and inside it is the soul of the Great Red Welsh Dragon from Arthurian legend, the of Draig."

"You who calls himself Goku Black, I have felt the cry of your soul," The orb spoke in a thunderous roar. "Why do you seek power? Power for Power's sake, riches may happs, or is it for women? Tell me so I may judge if you are worthy to wield my power and are worthy of the Title Red Dragon Emperor?!"

Black raised an eyebrow at the women's part, but responded. “I do not wish for power, riches, or women. I only wish for the safety of my friends and family. Even if it’s the cost of my own life.” Black said, staring at the flaming emerald seriously.

"RAHAHA!" The orb laughs confusing the saiyan. Black grits his teeth thinking the dragon's soul is laughing at him. "Do not miss judge my laughter at you young warrior. I have had many wielders give me this answer and all meant it until they were consumed by the power they sought for others' sakes. You will have a stronger heart and kind soul. I carry you type to be the best partner, know this that in accepting me you will become as a dragon and I am still fully aware of everything though you may use my power as you see fit. If you accept these terms You may use that power. I will bond with your mangled arm but until the gauntlet is active you won't see me until I speak, and even it will be as a glowing green circle on your hand. Once bonded I am there until you die and then I will find another or return to the alchemist's vault. Are these terms acceptable?"

Black thought it over for a few moments, looking at the flaming emerald. “These are… acceptable.” Black confirmed.

"Very well," The orb floated over to Blacks hand and placed itself there. Soon a crimson red armored gauntlet spread from the Emerald and covered the entire lower half of Black's arm. Green energy designs fluxed on the armor then the gauntlet and ord faded away. "We are now, the RedDragon God!!!" Draig roared proudly from his circle. "I look forward to our coming battles together, Aibō(partner)!"

Black looked at the gauntlet with a smirk, “Kiite yokatta(Good to hear).” Black looked over to Edward, “So, I’m guessing you're going back to the void soon?”

"Yes, hopefully to go home this time," Ed chuckled. "But first let me tell you about your new Sacred Gear. It's similar in concept to the weapons Zeldris can make but unlike his a Gear can be wielded by anyone but most people have a better chance if they're compatible. Your's is one of the Original Thirteen Sacred Gears and embodies the principle of power, strength, and the destruction of whatever stands before you. The Boosted Gear as it's more commonly called doubles your power every 3 minutes at your current level, train hard and it lessens the boost time down to 15 sec minimum. The gear can evolve based off of your will, want a sword put in, get one and concentrate on fusing it with the gauntlet," Black intently listened. "When you reach the peak of your power push hard and achieve Your Balance Breaker and well unlock the dragon armor. This can be done by also offering parts your body to the gem if you haven't unlocked the armor to the point it has wings but I don't recommend doing this as that part of you becomes fully dragon."

"As a pseudo-dragon now you are much more durable physically to the point that even conventional weapons won't even scratch you or hurt you, period," Draig explained. "You also have an extremely high tolerance for most magic and enchanted weapons as well as near poison immunity."

"Like a dragon you will seek things out that you crave, mainly battle for you, even in minor doses such as training but it will not consume you like Equestria Dragon Greed," Ed iterated. "Once you achieve Balance Breaker, beware not to be consumed by hate, lest you unleash the Curse of the Juggernaut Drive. Becoming a gigantic red dragon of Destruction. If you can overcome the hate in your Heart, like I know you will thatd back onto the pillow and sighed, “This just means a lot of training for me, not just my body but also my mind. That’s gonna be fun…” Black said sarcastically as he put a sore hand on his cheek, feeling the new scar across his face.

“Makes ya look like Bardock,” Edward commented. “I can fix those scars if you want me too?” He offered.

Black shook his head, “Nah, I think I’ll keep them as a reminder of my many fights.” Black said as he looked at his chest at the numerous amount of scars on it.

“Hehe…” Ed chuckled drawing Black’s full attention. “You remind me of mine an Gar’s middle brother. He goes by Asta Ferris and out of the three of us is the most dedicated to just about everything. He’s the one you should see for any type of Martial Arts skill. Mastered several of them in his trips across Europe and Asia, though he only says he mastered the basics up to or just below black belt standards. Everytime he gets a scar he’s proud to shower it off. He’s nowhere near as powerful me and Gar are in the magic department but if you want a descent fight call him. He can transform a few times and he can show a few breathing techniques to further increase your physical power, he’s a beast when it comes to pushing and training for greater heights though.”

Black chuckled, “I’ll give him a call when I get the chance then.” Black smile as he grunted, slowly sitting up.

“Ya looking forward to having Luna as your personal nurse for the next week?” Ed gave a cheeky smile causing the saiyan to go beet red. “Need not worry too much. After a week the crop of Senzu I had Cottontail start on will be ready. Till then you can coach Nightmare on basic energy control from the lounge. I do recommend you stay in the chamber while you heal as ony about a day will pass outside, probably not even a whole one. Pass the time with a story to the mane six about the old days, gods knows I have a few. You good?”

“Yeah, I think I am. This won’t be the first time Luna had to play nurse. The first time was after the battle with Sombra, had to stay in bed for a month after my body couldn’t handle the power of Super Saiyan 2 and the hole in my chest.” Black said, gesturing to the scar. “At least telling the mane six about my past will get some questions off my chest they’ve been asking me.”

“I hope so,” Ed nods. “A fair warning Black, sometimes what’s happened in the past, can still be redone in the present.” Ed got up from where he’d been sitting.”I think my stay here has been fruitful but I must return to my own world. I have a pregnant wife to see too and another princess I love that I haven’t seen in over 2,000 years. Not to mention a corontination, christ my nights are going to be full. Never have more than one kid at a time that’s the same age if it can be helped.”

“Yeah, well don’t let me keep you waiting then.” Black said. He slowly lifted his right arm, grunting as he held out his hand, “Farewell, for now.” Black smirked.

A portal open to the left of Ed. “Have a fruitful honeymoon,” Ed smirked. “Tell Gar I stopped in, and give him hell for the stunt he pulled. Take care my friend, and I’ll be watching you,” He snickered and stepped into the void as the rest of the group fill through the door all piled on top of each other.

Luna saw Black sitting up as the Saiyan lowered his arm back to the bed. She quickly rushed over and carefully helped him back onto the bed. She looked to the fading portal, “Did he head back to his world?”

Black nodded, “Yeah,” he replied as he saw the portal vanish as the rest of her group entered the room. He looked towards them with a smile. “You all enjoy the fight?”

“I gleamed it from your memories,” Spoke Ddraig from the glowing green circle on Black”s right hand and catching everypony off guard. “It was quite the spectacle!”

Black noticed the ponies confusion at the new voice, “Oh, this is Ddraig. The soul of The Great Welsh Dragon. He gave me a chance with his power.” Black went on to explain the rest to them about Ddraig, Twilight asking a barrage of questions. But her questioning was put to rest when she saw Black was getting a bit agitated. She went onto apologize, the ponies and drake laughing at this, while Nightmare rolled her eyes.

Author's Note:

Hello everybody!

I’ve hope you all had a great Christmas and a New Years Eve! Let’s all hope 2021 will be better than our last hectic year.

Man, this one was very long and very fun to write! I would like to once again thank Alvasa again for being apart of this chapter and helping with Editing. Edward is from this story "The Golden Eyed Sage". I highly recommend you go check out his story if you haven't yet. He's a great writer and I've enjoyed his stories.

This is officially the longest chapter I’ve done Alvassa. I hope you've all enjoyed this chapter and want more. Let me know if there was anything I’ve missed in editing, Thanks!

Anyway, that'll be all for now, I'll Catch You All Later!