• Published 29th Jun 2020
  • 9,155 Views, 135 Comments

Equestria's Divine God - ShirtMechanic

[Displaced] Michael is sent to Equestria as Goku Black after opening a mysterious door! It's been a thousand years since his arrival. After being sealed in stone, he breaks free. What will he do now? Find out on Equestria's Divince God... Now!

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Chapter 17: The Log Cabin Is Finished! Moving Out Of The Castle!


Before continuing with the story, I highly recommend you read The Displaced Tournament before reading any further. There will be callbacks and references at this point moving forward!


As Celestia's sun rose into the sky, its shine of light flowing over the lands of Equestria. At the bottom of the mountain where Canterlot sat was a nearly finished log cabin. A familiar Saiyan walked out of the woods of the Everfree Forest with a large log on his shoulder. As he looked at the nearly finished log cabin, a small smile spread across his face, feeling a sense of satisfaction. But it was interrupted by a voice in his head.

'I'm getting really tired of you taking forever with this cabin!' Nightmare complained, Black wincing at the sudden volume coming from his head. The Saiyan sighed as he finished his trek to the cabin and laid the log on the ground.

"Even when in my head, you still complain about the cabin, you're persistent about this cabin being finished," Black said as he walked to a nearby tree stump, a sturdy ax being embedded in it. With ease, Black pulled the ax from the stump and went over to the log, beginning to cut it into planks.

"I must agree with the Nightmare on this one, just use the powers of the Supreme Kai to build the cabin..." Zamasu butted in, leaving the Saiyan to groan. Black looked to the cabin, the roof was nearly finished with the walls and windows already in place, there was even a door.

"Cause it won't be satisfying in the end," Black said, rolling his eyes. "Dear kami, you two should be friends, I'll probably get ya'll a pool table." Black mocked as he finished making the planks. He then grabs a long piece and climbs to the roof of the cabin, carefully setting it down.

'Please, like I would be friends with a mass murderer.' Nightmare scoffed, Black rolled his eyes as he held out a hand, soon a box of nails appeared with a hammer.

'I recall that you wanted eternal night, that would've destroyed all life on by turning one side of the planet into a frozen wasteland, the other a magma wasteland.' Zamasu retorted with a snark, this left Nightmare to growl while the Saiyan rolled his eyes at this. He began to hammer the plank into the roofed framing.

"Starting to regret having Shenron putting you in my body Nightmare..." Black sighed as he continued to work on the cabin. This left Nightmare speechless with Zamasu snickering. This however led to a more heated argument, one leading to a fight within the Saiyan's mind. Black groaned as he tuned them out and continued to work on the cabin, thinking about the Displaced Tournament. It had been a few days since the Displaced Tournament, one that called multiple displaced beings across the multiverse. This had intrigued Black, who wasn't interesting in the rewards consisting of money, devil fruits, and a lifetime supply of Hetap.

It all seemed normal till they met the host of the whole thing, Ryker. The Saiyan had been in that Displaced world for over a month and a lot had happened. To him fusing with Thanos to wake him up from an intense battle, him losing his arm and getting a robotic one, Ryker being evil and revealing he had slaughtered thousands of Displaced to bring back his daughter. Black achieving and mastered Ultra Instinct for a short period. Though something peaked his interest, a new power had taken him over before his fight with Ryker. He fought all the villains from dragon ball z and when using Vegeta's final explosion to defeat Toppo, his power skyrocketed beyond his limits.

But his thoughts of the tournament were interrupted by the growing argument between Nightmare and Zamasu. This went on for several hours while Celestia's sun reached its peak in the middle of the sky, meaning it was now afternoon.

Black noticed and let at a sigh, jumping off the roof after a few hours of work. After landing on the ground and turning around, he saw all his work pay off. The roof had been finished and this left a big smile on the Saiyans face. "Welp, what do you think Nightmare? And before you say anything Zamasu, I don't care for your input." Black said as he stared at his hard work.

'About time you finished this damn cabin, I thought it would've taken you years to finish it.' Nightmare says with sarcasm, Black just rolls his eyes as he walks towards the front door. As he opened the door, he saw the interior of his cabin, it had no furniture and only a few walls leading to the other rooms.

"It'll take me a while for furniture since I'm no good building it, maybe I'll ask Applejack if she has any spare furniture," Black told himself as he stepped into his cabin. The Saiyan looked around until he let out a sigh, "Not to mention kitchen appliances and toiletries..." Black mumbled as he then went back outside before closing the door.

'Why not use some of the furniture from the castle, I'm sure Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have spare furniture.' Nightmare suggested.

Black shakes his head as he walks over to a nearby tree stump and sits down. "I've already taken enough from them to support me for years, and frankly I'm kinda tired of it," Black explains as he wipes sweat from his head, looking up to Celestia's sun. "I'd rather work to get things, don't get me wrong I love gifts. But gaining stuff for free without earning it feels wrong to me."

'Very foolish in my opinion, but do what you want.' Nightmare sighed.

Black shrugged as he stared up into the sky, The Saiyan sat there for a few minutes in silence, thinking about the past few months. Him returning from stone, getting a new roommate in his head, meeting Zeldris and Gar, getting an Angel assistant named Wazu, Edward helping him with a date with Luna, having Thanos help him beat Discord, the Displaced tournament. And now, his cabin is complete, meaning he didn't need to live in the castle anymore.

This thought stuck the Saiyan as he leaned back, placing a hand on his forehead. "Just realized something... I've gotta go grab my things at the castle and explain I'm moving out." Black groaned.

He felt Nightmare raise an eyebrow, 'And how is this going to be a problem?' Nightmare asked. Black ignored her and stood from the tree stump and jumped in the air, going to fly up, but fell back to the ground. This caused Nightmare to snicker to Black's annoyance.

"Oh shut it..." Black groaned. During the Displaced Tournament, he pushed himself to Kaio-ken Times 65 while in Perfected Super Saiyan Rose. This had messed up his ki to the point he can't use it without crashing into a building or teleporting into another pony's house. He let out a sigh as he began to walk away from the cabin and onto the road to Canterlot. He looked to the right to see the long walk to the city of Canterlot, looking to his left he saw the way to Ponyville. "Well, you two get comfortable, this is gonna be a long walk." Black groaned as he walked to his right. The two voices in his head groan, the Saiyan let out a short chuckle. The Saiyan put a hand over his chest, a light shined over his body as it glowed, changing his attire from his gi into more casual clothing. A black turtle neck t-shirt, dark blue jeans with a brown belt, and black running shoes. The light died down revealing his clothing, with a satisfying sigh the Saiyan turned down the road and began his walk. 'At least it'll be nice.' Black thought.

It took the Saiyan and Hour and a half to make his way to the Canterlot gates, it being guarded by two Royal guards on each side. As Black went up to the gate, a large guard blocked his path with a spear. "Who are you and what do you wish to do here." Guard 1 asked in a gruff voice. Black looked to the guard with a 'Are you serious' glance. Before the Saiyan could say anything, the other guard spoke up.

"What are you doing?! Do you know who you're talking to?!" The younger guard whispered through gritted teeth. The older guard looked to the younger one with a quirked eyebrow. The two then began to converse with each other while Black stood there with crossed arms. "That's Goku Black, Princess Luna's Coltfriend!" He said through gritted teeth. It took a moment for the older guard to calculate what the other guard meant. The older guard's eyes widened he went to turn to where the Saiyan was. Only for Black to be gone, confusing the two. They looked all around them, as they turned around, they saw the Saiyan had walked past them and into Canterlot.

'I'm getting really tired of these ponies being afraid or hostile against me...' Black thought as he strolled down the streets of Canterlot City. Nobel ponies gave glances towards the Saiyan, either out of fear or disgust. This left the Saiyan mostly annoyed and angered, it bothers him greatly. Though he wished the ponies didn't fear him like he was a monster, he couldn't change their minds easily.

'These mortals should be rejoicing in our presences, they are looking at a divine being after all.' Zamasu commented as the Saiyan made his way to the castle. This left the Saiyan to roll his eyes at this as saw a pony mother cover her fillies eyes as he walked past them. This made Black frown as he looked away and kept moving forward. 'That mother is even shielding her fillies eyes from seeing our beauty, so disgraceful. Zamasu growled.

"I don't have their trust yet, that's all." Black countered as he got closer to the castle, much to the Saiyan's relief. As he got to the castle gates, guards posted on both sides. This time they knew who he was and lifted their spears away from the gate. On the outside Black remained stone-faced, but on the inside, the Saiyan smiled a little. Once getting inside the castle, he walked through the long and confusing corridors, passing multiple Royal Guards, maids, and butlers. They all gave him a glance, some smiled at him with some of them not giving him a glance.

As soon as the Saiyan got to his room, he opened it to see it unchanged. It was simplistic with nothing special about it as the Saiyan closed the door behind him. He walked over to the desk in the corner of the room, opening the drawers he found some of the drawings he made in his spare time. He turned around and opened his palm, facing it towards the bed. Soon multiple cardboard boxes appeared, all of them empty.

"Welp, time to pack up..." Black said as he began to pack things he needed for the cabin, disassembling the desk and the chair, packing them up in a large box. As he packed, he felt a weird sensation in his right hand. Upon looking at his hand, he noticed his Time Ring beginning to react to something. "That's odd..." He brought it up to he eye line and starred at the ring. But was interrupted when he heard knocking on his door. "Who is it?"

"It's us, Luna." Princess Luna said, her voice being muffled behind the door. Black looked away from the ring and walked to the door, opening it to reveal the Princess of the Night. She had a small smile upon setting sights on the Saiyan.

"Oh, hello Lulu, what's up?" Black asks as he moves out of the way, gesturing for Princess Luna to come in. Which she does as she takes in the room, slowly being taken apart and being put into boxes.

"We've been told by a Royal guard that thou seemed troubled when entering the castle." She explains, sitting down on the bed. "We came by to check on thou, though it seems thee are packing up. We assume thine log cabin is complete." The Princess gestures the array of boxes the Saiyan had piled up.

"Yeah, just finished it and decided to start packing things up. As for being troubled, well..." Black started as he sat down next to the Princess. "It looks like your ponies are still afraid of me, even after all these years." Black sighed. He leaned back and looked to the ceiling of the room. "It bothers me."

Luna looked to the Saiyan, giving him a sad glance, and grabbed his robotic hand. "Thou knows it wasn’t easy for us either. But give it time, they'll eventually realize that thou aren't evil or scary." Luna said confidently with a small smile. Black looked to the lunar princess for a moment before smiling.

"I know, I know..." Black said as he leaned forward before getting up, stretching as he heard a few bones pop. He looked to the Alicorn. "By the way, why are you awake, shouldn't you have night court?" Black asks as he holds out a hand.

The princess took it and the Saiyan helped her up to her hoofs. "We adjusted our schedule a little, walking around the afternoon to have lunch with you and Tia," Luna explains. They were interrupted when a loud rumble came from the Saiyans stomach. Black sheepishly scratched the back of his head and laughed.

"Wow, I call that perfect timing!" Black chuckles, Luna rolling her eyes at this and headed for the door.

"Well, what are thou waiting for? Let us head to the dining hall!" Princess Luna exclaims dramatically. This left the Saiyan to let out a hearty laugh, Luna joining in shortly after.

Black let out a happy sigh, patting his stomach a few times with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna looking on with amusement. A few of the guards stationed in the hall looked a little disgusted at how the Saiyan ate. Piles of plates and bowls laid across the dining table as it made it impossible to see the Saiyan. "Phew, that was amazing..." Black exclaimed as he moved a tower of plates away. "Anyways, what's been happening with you two?" The Saiyan asked with interest.

"Well, I've been getting multiple letters from Twilight Sparkle and her friends about their friendship reports. I'm very proud of them as they're helping each other." Celestria said as she took a sip of tea, she looked to the Saiyan with a raised eyebrow. "You should join them some time, you could learn something valuable." the white alicorn suggested. Black leaned back in his chair he put his hands behind his head.

"I could use a break from fighting." Black mused, the idea of going on an adventure with Twilight and her friends not sounding too bad. "Once I'm done with my cabin and few other things, I'll be sure to join on one of their adventures," Black promised. This made the white alicorn smile as she took a sip of her tea. "What about you Lulu?"

Princess Luna smiled, "After the events of the Displaced Tournament, we realized that we're far behind than thou. So we started training ourselves once more." The blue alicorn explained, this made the Saiyan smile. Luna then turns to Celestia, "We think thou should do the same, unless thou wish to be left behind." Luna joked, this made Black laugh while Celestia got irritated.

"I'm perfectly capable of holding my own Lulu," Celestia retorted as she crossed her arms. Black shakes his head and stands up from his chair, gaining the attention of the alicorns. "Where are you going?"

"Gonna call Wazu and have his assistance for moving my stuff from my room to my cabin." Black explained as he began to head for the exit. At this moment, Princess Luna jumped from her seat.

"Thou don't need to do that!" Luna exclaimed, Black stopped and turned around with a raised eyebrow at the sudden outburst. The blue alicorn noticed this and recollected herself, most of the guards looked in shock at the sudden outburst. "Thou don't need to call for Wazu's assistance, thou can easily ask for our help," Luna said as she stood in a regal pose.

Black smiled, "Didn't say you couldn't help, but you sure, I don't want you to miss anything important regarding your royal duties." The Saiyan asked.

"Don't thou worry Black, we haven't got any royal duties till the evening?" The Princess assured the Saiyan. There was a moment of silence before Black waved her over.

"Then let's get to work, it shouldn't be too much anyway," Black said as he walked over to the dining doors. "See ya later Tia," Black said as he waved behind him. Luna turned around and said her farewells to Celestia and turned back to run to the Saiyans side as the two left the room, leaving the Solar Princess alone with her guards.

The sun princess let out a short laugh as she drank the rest of her tea before standing up and looking to the guards. "Can you fetch the kitchen staff, let them know they have a lot of plates and bowls to pick up," Celestia said with a smile, one of the guards nodded before leaving the room to inform the kitchen staff. Celestia looked one more time to the mountain of empty dishes before smiling and leaving the hall.

The ponies below look in awe as the Saiyan and Moon Princess carrying a small pile of boxes with them as they walked the streets of Canterlot. Black looked around to see a majority of the ponies looking to him with fear and some with relief, knowing that he's no longer staying in their city.

Black ignores this and looks forward, walking past the disapproving ponies. Luna noticed this and frowned. She was about to do something about it, but Black beat her to it.

"Don't Lulu, I won't gain their trust by force," Black commented, glancing at her as they were almost at the gate. "You said it yourself, let them gain it through time," Black explains.

"We know that, but... seeing them look to thee with fear is so wrong. It should be us they fear." Luna says as she glances at all the ponies.

As they made it to the gate, the guards from before look to see Black and Princess Luna show. The two salute them. "Good day my Princess, what are you doing with Son Goku Black?" One of the guards asked.

"We are simply helping him moves his things to his cabin," Luna explains with Black giving a nod. The Guards nod to each other before stepping aside and letting the two pass. The two took an hour to walk to the cabin, the two talking about the state of the world, how since Discord, it's been quiet. But that came to a stop once they made it to the cabin.

Luna looked at the wooden house, it being small but big enough for the Saiyan. Luna got a quick image of what her life could be with Black, the cabin slightly bigger with the two on the porch, a filly and colt playing together in the garden. The Princess was however broken from her thoughts as Black tapped her on the shoulders. "Hey Lulu, you in there?"

"Yeah, just something on our mind, it's nothing important." Luna discarded as she went onto the porch, Black following behind her as the pair entered the cabin. The princess looked around, seeing there wasn't a single piece of furniture in Black's cabin. "Do thou not have any furniture?" Luna asked the Saiyan.

Black shook his head as he placed his pile of boxes on the floor. "Yeah, I plan on asking Applejack if she has any spare furniture, if not I'll go buy some," Black explained as he stretched out his arms.

'Or you could make your own you imbecile...' Zamasu spat, Black growled at this but ignored the corrupted kai.

"Thou know we can easily give thee furniture," Luna offered as she set down the boxes. "It's really no problem." However, Black waved it off as he sat on the floor.

"It's alright Lulu, but waving the matter of furniture away, I've got something important to talk about" Black said as he stood up walked towards the Princess. Luna waited patiently as the Saiyan prepared himself. "I've discovered something when I tried to sacrifice myself back in the tower." Black explained.

The princess frowned, "We think it was very idiotic of thou to use such a technique." Luna scolded, Black nervously laughing.

"Not one of my best moments, but besides that I've discovered something that will possibly push me far beyond my limits." Black explained as the princess raised an eyebrow.

"Thou believe that there's a power far beyond Ultra Instinct? Thou must've hit your head in the fight against Ryker." Luna said, crossing her arms. Black frowned.

"You know there's strength beyond my level, think of Edward or even Thanos. They both have transformations that either exceed or are on par with my own." The Saiyan countered.

Luna sighed to herself as she shook her head, "When will thee be satisfied with thous power?" Luna muttered to herself. She looked up to the Saiyan with a smile though, "Either way, if it makes thee happy, we're happy." She said as the princess made her way to the door.

"You off to the castle?" Black asked.

"Correct, we can't be in two places at once. See thou later" Luna waved goodbye as her horn glowed, before teleporting away, leaving leaving Saiyan alone in the cabin.

The silence was interrupted by Nightmare, 'Why didn't you two do that earlier?' Nightmare asked. The Saiyan shrugged before he began to unbox his things.

The Saiyan stopped for a moment before shrugging, "I dunno."

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! Man, it's good to be back!

I'm sorry for the long hiatus, I was working with the Displaced Tournament story for 4 months and focused on that only. I don't plan on taking this long anymore as I plan on focusing on this story. One thing as well, I had gotten a job recently, wish me luck i dont screw it up!

That's all for now, I'll Be Catching You All Later!