• Published 29th Jun 2020
  • 9,155 Views, 135 Comments

Equestria's Divine God - ShirtMechanic

[Displaced] Michael is sent to Equestria as Goku Black after opening a mysterious door! It's been a thousand years since his arrival. After being sealed in stone, he breaks free. What will he do now? Find out on Equestria's Divince God... Now!

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Chapter 10: History of the corrupted god, Zamasu...

Chapter 10: History of the corrupted god, Zamasu...

The ponies were surprised at the appearance of the ki copy, but to them, he didn’t look evil. “Are you sure this stallion is bad?” Twilight questioned, but saw Blacks expression. He held nothing but hatred and anger towards the ki copy that ii scared the purple unicorn.

“Yeah…” Black hissed. “This is the guy who almost killed every mortal in existence… Including the Gods!” He then destroyed the copy and looked towards the group of ponies with a stern look. “I’m not for telling ponies of what happened, but I can show you.” He then turned to Wazu who was in the corner of the room, observing with interest. “Wazu, can you access my memories and show the ponies with your staff?” Black questioned.

“A very simple task,” Wazu said as he levitated himself to Black’s side. He taps the Saiyan on the forehead with his staff, a green light emanating from the black orb. The ponies watched in awe as the staff then began to change their surroundings from the living room of the library to a destroyed advanced city. Everypony was shocked at their surroundings, buildings laid in ruins, the sky filled with a sickly green cloud cover, enraging fires. And the worst part was the pile of dead bodies, similar to Black's form, but without the spikey hair and tail. The ponies were discussed at the sight, almost throwing up whatever Pinkie fed them at the party. "It is done, my lord."

"Don't call me that," Black said bluntly, "It makes me feel like a God of destruction, which I am not and never will be," Black said as he started to walk throughout the landscape, the ponies following. "What you see is what I had to witness for over a thousand years, 1000 years of torment from him." Black pointed a finger towards a figure, walking to them surrounded by flames and ashes. But what shocked the ponies the most, was what the figure looked like. Spikey Black hair pointing in every direction, a dark gi with a red belt, white boots, it was none other than Goku Black.

"Black, what are you doing over there!" Twilight questioned. The Saiyan sighed as he continued to watch his doppelganger. start to levitate into the air. He then put a hand facing the ground, towards the pile of dead bodies, smirking, he emitted a purple aura around him. A black orb with a green surround formed in his hand as it slowly got bigger, so did his maniacal laugh. "Is he going to..."

"Just watch..." Black says plainly, not showing any emotion at this point. He knew what was going to happen, he'd seen it over a million, no... more than a billion times at this point, but the ponies didn't. The doppelganger then let out a mighty yell as he threw the ball of ki towards the dead, watching with glee as the pile was incinerated into atoms. The ponies let out an audible gasp at this, terrified at this Black look-alike did to the already dead people.

"How... how could you..." Celestia had whispered. The mane 6 then looked to the other Black, the one they knew with hate in their eyes.

"How could you do that Black, all of those..." Twilight was going to say more, but Black cut her off.

"To answer your question, no, that wasn't me..." Black said blankly as he slowly turned his head towards the ponies. "That was what Zamasu would've done if he had gotten control of my body. He would kill every mortal in the universe, in the name of Justice."

The ponies were left awestruck at this explanation, it was something hard to believe to them. A god who believed that mortals were a disease that needed to be cleansed in the name of justice. "How could he do such a terrible thing... all of those ponies..." Rarity whispered, soon then doing a dramatic pass out, onto a red couch that came out of nowhere. This left Black confused for a second, but he brushed it off with something to do with Magic, the typical answer...

"Because it's what he thought he was right, because of one event that confirmed his suspicions. Which I'll show you." Black then looked to his angel companion, silently told him to show him the next memory. Wazu nodded at this and tapped his staff on the ground this time, the scenery changing from a destroyed city to an opened field. What caught the pony's attention was the new sky, it had a shade of purple and white. What had really caught their interest was that there wasn't just the sun in the sky, but multiple planets hovered above them. Twilight looked like she was going to write something in her notebook, but one look from Black stopped her from doing that. "We are now in the world of the Supreme Kai's of Universe 10, this is where the kai's watch over the universe, and the home of Zamasu," Black explained as he pointed towards a building, but in front of that building were five figures.

One that looked similar to Black, but except for the dark clothing, he wore a bright orange and dark blue gi, dark blue boots, and blue wristbands, he also didn't wear a potara earing. Another one looked exactly like Wazu, except his hair wasn't long spiky, but a tall and curly hairstyle. One figure was a purple cat who wore little clothing on the top but wore baggy blue pants and brown shoes. He also wore a gold bracelet and a gold earring on his left ear. And the last one was Zamasu, but instead of a green potara earing, it was orange this time.

Twilight was about to ask a question, but Black gave her a look to stay quiet and watch. With that, she stayed silent and watched with interest.

( I couldn't describe this fight very well and I do apologize for it... )

The ponies watched as the Saiyan pulled up the beaten Zamasu, but the kai seemed not to happy about it, looking at the Saiyan with distaste and hate. This had caught the princess's attention, Luna speaking up, "So this is why Zamasu took his body? Just because he lost to him?" Black looked over to her and shook his head.

"Yes, and No," Black said, confusing her, the Saiyan further explaining. "The reason why Zamasu took his body was the power he had. That Saiyan also had the power of the gods, an alternate form of my Super Saiyan Rose form, it is called Super Saiyan Blue." As Black said this, the surroundings changed a little, the Saiyan in orange and blue changing into Super Saiyan Blue. His hair standing up like a Super Saiyans, but with a light blue cyan, it shining through the area. A dark and light blue aura surrounding the Saiyan. The ponies looked with curiosity at the Saiyan, seeing the similarities between him and their resident Saiyan, Black.

"I've just realized," Twilight Said, catching everyponies attention. "That Saiyan looks just like you Black, why is that?" With everypony nodding their head in agreement. Black now sighed as the scenery changed back into the library, the wooden walls and bookshelves slowly reappearing around them.

"The reason that is, because..." But Black was caught off when Fluttershy let out a scream, getting everypony on guard. With quick thinking, Black went upstairs with haste, looking for the room Fluttershy was in. After, getting one more scream, he located the room and swung it open. Seeing Nightmare Moon awake, her sitting on the corner of the bed with her eyes shut and her hands on her ears, probably from all the yelling Fluttershy was doing. Black looked to his right to see Fluttershy huddled up in the corner, her eyes filled with fear, all curled up into a ball. She was still screaming, making Black wince in pain.

Black walked up to her and softly put his hand over her mouth, shutting it and therefore stopping the yelling. The other ponies made it to the room, peering through the doorway to see Nightmare awake. The ponies looked like they were going to prepare themselves for a fight, but was stopped by there resident Saiyan.

“Don’t even think about it...” Black commented as he got up and between the group and Nightmare. “I didn’t give her a second chance to only be killed or sent to the moon again.”

“But-“ Rainbow was about to complain, but one death stare from Black made her shut up immediately. The Saiyan then walked over to Nightmare, who looked on in disbelief. She wouldn’t think the Saiyan that almost killed her would protect her as well.

“How are you feeling?” Black said, no emotion on his face or in his tone.

“Felt like I was hit with an attack from you...” Nightmare groaned, grabbing the side of her head with a hand. She looks ahead to see the group of ponies looking at her with glares. She smiled at this, she was about to say something but was stopped by Black.

“If you try anything funny, or you do anything to Luna...” Black then leaned forward, getting up in Nightmare's face, said nightmare shuttering. “I’ll take your second chance away, got that?” not wanting her second chance at life taken away, she frantically nods. "Good, now I'm going to guess your hungry, right?" she nods in confirmation. "Alright, I'm going to go hunting, I'll be back." Black was walking towards the door and Luna stopped him.

"You won't mind if I go with you?" Luna asks, sounding a bit nervous.

"I don't mind," Black says with a smile. "Let's go then."

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, sorry for the chapter for being so short. I wanted to get this one over with so then I can move forward in time a little. I'm also sorry for not describing the fight with Goku vs Zamasu. But despite those small details, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter and you want more.

Oh and one more thing, I'll soon be creating another story with Black about his past. It'll be some side stories of the 15 years he spent before his stone prison.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll catch you all later!