• Published 29th Jun 2020
  • 9,155 Views, 135 Comments

Equestria's Divine God - ShirtMechanic

[Displaced] Michael is sent to Equestria as Goku Black after opening a mysterious door! It's been a thousand years since his arrival. After being sealed in stone, he breaks free. What will he do now? Find out on Equestria's Divince God... Now!

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Chapter 13: Save Nightmare's Soul! The Fight Has Begun!

Chapter 13: Save Nightmare's Soul! The Fight Has Begun!

As Celestia’s sun rose into the sky, a faint yellow glow around seizing to exist, two yelling voices could be heard across the training grounds in Canterlot. Goku Black and Nightmare Moon were clashing fists as they were training, having a quick spar before the big fight. Black dodged a fist as he kicked Nightmare across her legs, making her fall onto her back. “Again,” Black commented as he stepped back and got into a defensive stance.

“Come on…” Nightmare commented, breathing heavily. “We’ve been going at this for an hour without a break, let's say we take one.” the parazyte asked.

“How about this then,” Black put a finger in front of him, catching Nightmare’s attention. “If you can land a single attack on me, then you can take a break. What do you say?” The Saiyan bribed.

“Fine.” Nightmare exasperated as she got into an attack stance, ready to make a move. Without a second to spare, Nightmare launched forward at blinding speeds. She threw her fist forward, but Black smirked and caught the fist. She then started to send a barrage of punches and kicks at Black who kept blocking or dodging them. This aggravated the parazyte, making her send a powerful punch which sent Black backward a few feet.

“Good, very good,” Black commented as he moved his head to the side, a magical blast flying past him. Nightmare had started to send a barrage of blasts around Black, making a dust cover over the Saiyan. “Clever strategy, the same one I used against you over a week ago.” He commented. He crouched down and threw his hands to the side and letting out a yell he forced most of the dust away, revealing Nightmare a bit too late.

The parazyte landed a punch on the Saiyans face. Black faced Nightmare with an emotionless look, scarring Nightmare. Without a word, he lifts a hand and points two fingers at the parazyte’s chest. Nightmare didn’t have a chance to be confused as she felt an unmeasurable pain in the chest as a hand was embedded in it. She fell to her knees, gasping for breath.

“Are you fucking kidding me, Black…” Nightmare wheezed.

“You win,” Black merely said as he sat down. “Nice with the dust cloud, hindering my eyesight is great and all, but I can sense your magic and energy easily. You need to learn how to lower your magic and energy so then you can’t be sensed.”

“And don’t forget about the bloodlust and kill intent either,” Ed commented as he floated in the air. “Good morrow my friends. How goes the training?’’ he looked to Nightmare. “Yea this could take a while if you stay at this ace but then again you're not used to that body either.” His attention shifted straight to Black. “Did Zeldris do fine-tuning on with her soul-bonding when he put her in her body or did he just shove her soul into it?”

“I’m not sure you're asking the right guy for this, but when he did put her soul into that body. She had started to convulse, almost like her soul wasn't meant for the body.” Black explained, he stood up and faced Nightmare. “But when Gar used some sort of healing ability on her, the convulsing had seized and since then she hasn't had any seizures.”

Ed walked over and looked directly at Nightmare who shied away slightly from the alchemist’s scrutinizing gaze, “Tell me, does it feel like you’re looking at the world through a veil of mist sometimes? Like your sense of touch is gone when holding objects for any extended period of time? Sometimes that your sense of taste is completely gone for no reason at all? You can’t even smell the scents around you? You can’t hear others sometimes you space out and everything goes white?” He listed off. “Most importantly, can you feel the emotions of those around you at all?”

Nightmare looked to the ground, in deep thought. After a few moments, she looked up to the alchemist. “Yes, everything is slow, my reactions are dulled, I can barely feel, taste, hear, see, and smell anything…” Nightmare said with a hint of fear.

“Why haven't you told me or anyone this Nightmare?” Black asked, confused. The Saiyan didn't get a response as the parazyte looked back to the ground.

“She didn’t want to bother you after you’ve already given her so much after what’s she’s done. She thinks she didn’t deserve it,” Ed explain to Black then went back to Nightmare. “I thought this might be your issue after observing you last night and your sparring just now. It’s soul rejection. Basically, your body isn’t the right container for your soul and you will gradually be forced out of it. To where your soul would go I don’t know but seeing as you are no longer a part of Luna but a separate soul on your own you could possibly just go into the plain between this world and the other being an existence similar to a ghost, neither dead nor alive either. You could simply pass as if you died or outright go to hell, no telling really.”

Nightmare’s eyes shrank in fear.

Black looked to Nightmare with empathy as she looked like she was about to cry. Black walked over to Nightmare and got on his knees. Black then hugged Nightmare, taking her by surprise. “I wish I could do something about this Nightmare…” The parazyte hugged Black back, tears in her eyes as she cried into his shoulder. After a few moments, Black and Nightmare let go and they both stood up. The Saiyan’s eyes widened as he suddenly got an idea, “That’s it!” The Saiyan looked to Edward, catching his attention. “Can’t you make a body for her that can be a perfect match for her soul?”

“A whole new body would take time to grow and mature,” Ed explained. “Normally, what I would do in this situation is I would start with a base from the original, in this case, it would be Luna but she has been in her current body too long and runs a very high risk of rejection. I know she hasn’t been in her current one for too long and therein lies the issue as she is still too fresh and the process could outright kill her if she goes through reaction again. But I can adjust her soul to her body with a combination of my Seith Magic and with my tech. I can engineer a serum from Luna’s DNA. This way Nightmare can keep her current body and not run the risk of dying. If Luna’s willing to give us some blood that would be great but I don’t think she’ll be very willing to help Nightmare out.”

“Luna still holds a lot of resentment for Nightmare, I don’t think she’d be willing to just give her DNA to her.” Black said as he crossed his arms, “I know what you said might be easier, but what if we made her a body of a female Saiyan with my blood, wouldn't that work?” Black suggested.

“Not at all,” Ed shook his head. “I saw what happened between you, Zeldris, and Gar. Though she has some genetic relation to you it’s not enough to where we can simply engineer a serum from you for her as Gar is the main source and she is more demon and parazyte than Saiyan and without his unique magic and skills it’s pretty much impossible. I have a lot of skills and magic of my own but at the same time, there is only so much I can do,” He knocked himself in the forehead, “Duh…” Black raised an eyebrow. “How could I be so stupid. I don’t need her blood, just her DNA. Her hair would work just fine. Just get some from her hairbrush.”

Black nodded and put two fingers to his forehead. “Be back in a second,” Black said as he teleported away using Instant Transmission. Leaving Edward and Nightmare alone.

Nightmare looked at herself, seeing her illusion spell was fading, showing her true body. “I hate this body…” Nightmare muttered. She looked at Edward pleadingly, “Please, I don’t want to keep resorting to looking like I use too, I just don’t want to look like a monster…”

“I won’t undo my brother's work Nightmare. He made that body for you because he thought you deserved a second chance. I saw how he defend you when you were in his world.,” Ed shook his head. “I also saw how he defended you when you were in his world. I do understand not liking your appearance and hiding it away from the world until you learn your morphing skill and so you don't have to solely rely on illusion magic, I will make you a charm with a built-in spell that way you don’t have to rely on your magic when you're tired. I don’t really understand why you hate your body though? Is it your appearance or the fact you’re not a pony anymore?”

Nightmare nodded slightly, “Not just that, I now have all of these powers I don’t know how to use. The only thing Black can really teach me is how to use Ki and all the Saiyan transformations, other than that, I just have all these abilities that frustrate me…”

“Nightmare,” Ed pulled her attention to him. “You have more potential in your current body than you ever did as Luna’s parasite. You have your own power and magic and it will take time for you to learn how to use them like any pony or creature that’s born does. I know you won’t like this next reference but look at Twilight. She had and has so much power that she lost control when she was a filly and could have wiped the city of the mountainside during her entrance exam for Celestia’s school.” He explained. “You remind me a lot of Gar. He too had to learn his original powers and demon-fairy powers on his own. You two are a lot alike so I’ll tell you exactly what I told him just a few days ago.,” Ed placed his hands on her shoulders. “It's your life, only you can choose the path and only you can live it. I also made a deal with Black,” Ed looked in her eyes. “And he’s going to train Gar, so when next he’s summoned to Gar or the other way around stick close to him and have Gar teach you a few of his tricks,” He smiled

Nightmare looked like she was going to say something, but held it back. She sighed, “You’re… right.”

He noticed that something else was eating at her, “Tell me what else is on your mind, Nightmare?” He sincerely asked.

Nightmare looked to her left to see the rising sun. “Do you think the ponies could accept me?” Nightmare asked hesitantly. Before Edward could answer Black appeared again with a blue strand of hair.

“Right, I got the hair, what next?” Black looked to see Nightmare looking down, he looked to Edward. “Alright, what did I miss?”

“She’s having doubts about her form and the ponies’ acceptance,” Ed explained, holding out his hand allowing Black to place the strand in the alchemist’s grip. A cloud of silver liquid appeared from Ed’s shoulder and enveloped the hair soon turned into a strange container with the hair in it. “You can relax, they’re just nanomachines.” Walking past Ed stopped and whispered to Black. “You need to cheer her up. Tell her there are advantages to her new body. Like she’ll be a queen once she awakens her magic. She also gains a spirit spear of her own not to mention a kingdom. Magic power more than that of the sisters, as far as I know.” He stepped back and looked at the parazyte. “Making this serum will take a couple of minutes. I’m also going to use a sample from my own Luna so we’ll have a better DNA map to match you to. Don’t frit Nightmare, and tell Black how you’re feeling, he is your friend after all,” Ed patted Black on the shoulder and walked off to give the two some space.

Black looked to Nightmare with envy, without saying a word he walked over to her side and sat down with her. Neither of them said anything for a minute until Black spoke up. “You know, you kinda remind me of the time I first arrived in Equestria,” Black said, watching the rising sun. “I had just walked through a door, waking inside of a body, not of my own. Packed full of power that could wipe out Equestria if I wasn’t careful. The power scared me but I had Starswirl and Luna to help meI wasn’t appreciated just like you, hell I was seen as a damn villain just like you. But you know what?” Black asked Nightmare as they both looked at each other. “I didn’t give a damn, I didn’t need appreciation or needing to be noticed from the populace to feel happy. All I needed were friends to get through the hard times.” He placed a hand on Nightmare’s shoulder. “I’m sure that’s what you need, not the attention of the ponies, but friends. That’s what me, Luna, Celestia, and the mane 6 can give you.” Black smiled at the parazyte.

Nightmare looked at the Saiyan appalled, she knew they gave her a second chance. But she didn’t think anyone would continue to help her, a being that had done terrible things. She looked to the Saiyan as he continued to smile at her. Something about that smile seemed contagious, making the parazyte smile back. “Thank you, Black.” Nightmare thanked.

“Anytime,” Black said as he patted her on the back. He stood up and was about to walk away when he stopped and turned around. “Oh and one more thing, don’t hold onto things for too long. It’ll burn you in ways that can destroy you.” Black said weirdly, confusing Nightmare. “I’m gonna go check up on that serum, take that break you’ve earned.” He then walked over to Edward, thinking about what he said. I’m so sorry Crystal… He shook it off as he arrived next to the alchemist.

“You know you shouldn't think so loud that those with telepathy can pick up your loose thoughts,” Ed remarked as he typed on a holo-display. In the container where Luna’s hair had been was a bright blue glowing shimmering liquid. Black’s face contorted into a scowl. “I won’t ask about what your life was like back on your Earth as it’s none of my business but I will listen if you ever need an ear. I didn’t live a very prosperous life back home. I was cut off from my parents both physically and emotionally and the only support I really had from my family was from my middle brother, Gar stayed in touch but nothing more than an occasional phone call,” he hit a key and the liquid shifted from blue to red. “We are just about done here. Just need to wait for the serum to stabilize. You think she’ll be okay?”

Black leaned against a nearby wall and crossed his arms, looking over to Nightmare as she watched the sun rest in the middle of the sky. “She needs time, in a new body you’re usually in a trance. Happened to me…” Black looked down for a moment, contemplating on telling Ed. “I didn’t have anyone back on Earth, no parents, no siblings, no friends. For the entire time I live there I was always in a trance. Wake up, go to work, eat, go home, and sleep. It was always the same for me. But for Crystal, she was someone from my past, a mere child.” Black looked down at his hands. “That was the same day I broke, during that trance I… I ended her life…”

“Hmmm…” Ed crossed his arms and spoke in a very calm and sad but yet understanding tone. “I recently had to kill a pony I viewed as my own son,” He closed his eyes. “I wanted to save him, but after he took my girls and my children and after I’d seen what he did… there was no hope of saving his blackened soul, then I had … to tell his mother, one of the mares I love so dearly,” Tears ran down his face as he gripped his arm so tight he bled. “That I killed our boy. Cherish what you have Black, always…”

Black walked over to Edward and paced a hand on his shoulder. “I will always cherish what I have, having the moments you loved is important. I know I don’t know the pain of ending someone you see as a son or a daughter, but never hold onto it.” Edward looked at him, Black doing the same. “It will eat at you until you lose yourself. You’ll become a shadow of what you once were.”

“Trust me,” Ed looked at Black, “I know all too well what holding on to negativity does to someone, even Displaced are not immune to their own emotions. Eventually, my own negativity led to the creation of a demon so horrible that it will never die,” He sighed. “Malice, a being composed of pure hate, rage, anger sadness… everything negative aspect imaginable dwells inside me and they have reared their ugly head every chance they got and will get.” There was a ding from the machine. Ed walked over to the container and pulled the glass tube from it and placed it in an injector gun. “Well, it’s done. Shall we…” he motioned to Nightmare.

“Let’s,” Black said as he and Edward both walked towards Nightmare. She heard the two walking towards her, turning around she saw them. She then noticed the injecting gun and got a little nervous. After Black and Edward appeared in front of Nightmare, the Saiyan noticed how nervous she was. Black chuckled, “Don’t worry, I hate needles as well.”

“Here,” Ed held the gun out to Black. “I think it would be better and easier on her if you gave her the injection.” He looked to Nightmare. “Would prefer Black do it?”

She didn’t say anything but nodded. Black seeing this, grabbed the gun from Edward and walked over to Nightmare, and knelt down. Hesitantly, she moved her forearm out and Black carefully grabbed it.. Bringing up the gun, Nightmare unconsciously recoiled but as she looked at Black, she calmed down. Black placed the gun’s barrel on her forearm and pulled the trigger. Nightmare winced as she could feel the needle plunged into her skin and she could feel the liquid being injected into her bloodstream. After a few seconds, Black pulled the gun away and placed a hand on her forearm, and healed it. “That should be it,” Black said as he stood up, giving a hand for Nightmare, which she took as the Saiyan pulled her up.

“Not too much strain for a couple of days though,” Ed points at Black. “Running her through a few martial arts sets is fine but not too fast. That is a slow-acting serum and will gradually adjust your body and add what you're missing while using remote Seith Magic to better synchronize your body with your soul,” He crossed his arms. “Why the demon edge lord didn’t take his time to make adjustments is beyond me, but I guess, ‘I am the sin of Pride and I do everything without question,’” Ed waved his hands on either side of his head. “Here,” Ed reached in a ripple in the air and pulled out a crest on a black chain. The crest was adorned with a black cross with Celestia, Luna, and a snowflake cutie mark on it. “It’s the gear I told you about. Now you don’t have to worry about casting that illusion spell. Also,” Ed rubbed the back of his head. “You’re technically Gar’s biological daughter making you my niece, so… yea. Welcome to the family and if you need anything,” he tapped the crest. “Luna, Celestia, Amore and I, well one of use will always answer. And fear not, it will work across the video.” He looked at Black. “That watch you found also doubles as a Void caller and small item delivery system too.”

“Huh, the more you know,” Black said as he pulled out the watch and examined it. “Still can’t get over how this looks like a fob watch from Doctor Who,” Black commented as he put the watch away. “Anyways, I meant to ask you earlier but how’s the chamber going?”

“The Chamber is almost done,” Ed smirked. “Wanna check it out?”

“Sure, why not?” Black said as he shrugged his shoulders. He turned behind him and looked at Nightmare, “Wanna come along?” Black asked the parazyte, who nodded in response.

“Why not have everypony else join in,” Ed smirked as he walked up to the chamber that resembled a domed capsule house with a pair of windows on the outside on either side of the front door. Looking around Black saw they were now in the Guard training area with the mane six Celestia, Luna, and Spike. “Good morning everyone,” he smirked. “This way,” he opened the door to reveal a very cozy urban living space that opened into a white expanse of nothing. “I used several special spells and technologies to create this pocket dimension similar to the Time Chamber but you can alter the terrain and gravity which every way you want at the central control unit over there,” he pointed at a large technical pillar off to the side. “You have a few extra rooms for sleeping a couple of full bathrooms for multiple occupants. There is another open-air hot springs bathing area complete with a changing area for both genders. Oh, and there is a maintenance system slash caretaker in the form of nanomachines,” Suddenly a cloud of silver appeared and form into a cream color mare with a white curly mane and tail and chestnut brown eye in a maid uniform. “This is CottonTail.”

“A pleasure to meet everypony,” Cotton Tail gave a polite bow before dispersing again into the nanomachine clouds.

“She’ll appear if you need her, other than that she’ll pretty much only speak to you over the intercom system or via a chibi that will pop up where you’re at in the Chamber,” Ed explained as a chibi maid appeared and gave another both then left. “And that’s about it. If you need food you can bring it in and also grow it in the farming biome setting. Any questions?”

The mane 6, Celestia, Luna, Nightmare, and Spike were surprised at their surroundings while Black was far too familiar with it to be surprised. Twilight shook her head and started to list out multiple questions. This had gotten Black to roll his eyes, walking over to Twilight, he put his hand over his mouth. “Other than Twilight’s endless amount of questions, I don’t think there’s any,” Black said. Twilight looking rather annoyed at Black.

“Before you ask,” Ed looked at the purple book pony. “This was made utilizing several things. Magic, science, and machines are the ingredients. But the most important one is the way you see the world,” He lifted his left hand and with his thumb and pointer finger pulled on something in the air and soon the whole area lit up with bright strings. “Start with telling me what you think these are.”

Twilight looked with curiosity at the stings, “Uh, Magic?” Twilight asked, looking nervous.

“Very good little one,” Ed smirked. “Now,” He extended his middle finger and pulled on a new string that was bright blue and then his ring finger and pulled on a red thread.” What are these?”

“Uh…” Twilight couldn’t think of an answer, Rainbow saw this and giggled which annoyed Twilight.

“It’s very simple really,” Ed smirked. “The blue is the ki of the planet while the red is the planet’s kinetic energy that is generated from the pushes and pulls of the tectonic plates moving beneath your very hooves as we speak,” He let go of the strings. “For those like myself that can see and utilize these threads we can create this,” he motioned around him. “With some help from specific spells and tech of course.”

“In layman terms to everyone that doesn’t understand, these strings are what holds the fabric of this reality altogether,” Black said as he gestured a hand to the white void. Getting an “oh” from most of them. “And I’m pretty sure this place can handle a lot of pressure like the original, correct?” Black said, looking at Edward.

“You’re not wrong but not one hundred percent right either, but moving on now,” Ed motioned. “I made this place out of a mixture of proto-adamantium, uru, and vibranium, it’s the same stuff my arm and leg are made of, “ He pulled up his sleeve and pant leg. “It’s probably the safest bunker out of anywhere on this at the moment. Once it’s finished it will be able to hold up to anything, even a Haki from a God of Destruction won’t dent it.” He explained. “Also as the nanites are infused with Harmont magic it is immune to Chaos magic. So when a certain trickster bothers any pony just come here. Any pony can also enter and leave as they wish, no need to wait on whoever is inside to come out.”

“This place is simply astonishing,” Celestia muttered. Luna nodding in acknowledgment.

“But how big is this place?” Twilight asked out of curiosity.

“Normally the Time Chamber is referred to as an entirely separate dimension on its own,” Edward explained. “Where time flows faster than the home dimension you enter from. Depending on certain factors the flow of time can differ in many areas of the dimension, especially depending on where you enter it from. This place however isn’t the real Time Chamber and has a set flow of time to it. A month and five days outside is a year in here. As for space, you can easily fit the entirety of Canterlot, Ponyville, Manehatten, and Los Pegasus very comfortably and extremely spread out with enough room for another large city.” He motioned to the expanse of white. “What else ya wanna know?”

Everyone was silent for hearing how big this time chamber really was. This made Black chuckle as the ponies were speechless. After a moment, Black spoke up, “I think they’re done with questions, don’t you think?” Black said as he leaned against a wall.

Ed shrugged. “That’s their choice,” He reached into a ripple and pulled out a bottle of blue shimmering liquid. “Anypony up for a drink to commemorate this place’s founding?”

Luna and Celestia both nodded with Black shrugging, the mane 6 politely said no, same with Nightmare and Spike.

Ed created four other glasses and poured some of the drink into them, “And there is a non-alcoholic version of this drink too. My grandson spent weeks getting this stuff just right. Woke him up passed out in my on his final day. Man did he stink. Cheers,” He held up the glass and sipped on the beverage. “Hmmm… smooth but yet crisp. Tell me what you all think. The wine changes its consistency based on the drinker, though the flavor stays the same.”

Black took a sip of the beverage, wincing slightly. “Ohh, that's strong. Man, it’s odd-tasting alcohol after so long.” Black commented as he took another sip.

Luna took a drink, she grinned slightly, “I think I can get used to this drink,” She said, taking another drink. Celestia took a sip but didn’t say anything as she smiled at the taste.

“I’ll be sure to leave you a case then. Do be careful though,” Ed warned. “This stuff can knock the most experienced drinkers on their butts after two glasses. This stuff is potent in more ways than one too. It’s very tricky to brew and can cause problems during brewing it and after if not done exactly right. It comes from the main ingredients.” He took another sip as a few chairs appeared allowing everypony to sit and enjoy themselves.

After a few minutes, Luna and Celestia had both begun to feel the effects of the drink. While Black finished his glass, he hadn’t felt the effects of the alcohol due to his Saiyan metabolism. Shortly after the Saiyan finished his drink, Celestia had fallen over who was caught by Luna. But she couldn’t hold Celestia as she was too weak, resulting in Luna falling over as well. Black chuckled as he set his glass down, “They were always light-headed with strong alcohol.” Black said as he picked the two sisters up, putting them on his shoulders. “I think they’ll need rest,” The Saiyan then walked over to the spare rooms, each giving one to the sisters. After placing them on the bed, Black walked back into the living room and looked to Edward. “Just out of curiosity, how much longer will it take to complete this place. I kinda don’t want Luna and Celestia to miss this.” Black said as he put his hands on his hips.

“Technically the construction is done,” Ed explained as he took another sip of his glass. “Man Polearm sure knows who to make a good drink,” He looked at Black. “We’re just waiting on all the systems to come online and then a maintenance check to run. Another couple hours at most.” Ed set his empty glass down and poured him and Black some more wine. “No more than three tops. Until then ya wanna learn some of my techniques?”

Black crossed his arms and began to think. The Saiyan already knew a lot of techniques, but most of them were hard to pull off, even his scythe. “Sure why not, we’ve got time to kill.” Black jokes, getting a laugh out of Pinkie.

“You’re familiar with the age-old mecha style hammer punch right?” Ed asked, “Well, instead of an attack that deals two blows I can teach you one that deals up to one hundred with a single punch, up to five hundred with a single kick.”

“Sounds interesting,” Black said. “A punch and a kick multiplied by hundreds.”

“You won’t be able to do a hundred times right away, not without completely blowing your own arm into pieces from the recoil,” Ed finished his drink and stood up and walked out to the field and a large stone block appeared in front of him. “At most right now you personally could manage fifteen per arm and thirty per leg. Probably about three times a day. Its important to note this technique deals in muscle control and storing kinetic energy in your body,” He explained turning around and reeling back with his left fist making a quick motion and it looked similar to cocking a shotgun, letting out a breath Ed concentrated for a second then, “Eight Ren Kugi Punch!” Ed buried his fist in the stone and in the next second the sound of eight hard blows caved into one forming an eight-layer crater in the stone till it crumbled apart into rubble. “You’ll notice I used my left hand. It’s due to my right arm being fake in this form and therefore I have no muscle to be able to use the Technique. The same goes for my left leg.”

Black nodded, he walked into the open space and too a black stone appeared in front of him. Black took a glance towards his right hand, thinking about what he could manage. With a quick thought, the Saiyan closed his eyes and clenched his fist, and coiled it back. After inhaling and letting out a breath, he opened his eyes and threw his fist, yelling “Five Ren Kugi Punch!” After his fist made contact with the stone, the stone instead of creating a crater fell in on itself as it was shattered into dust. This took the Saiyan by surprise but began to think of his natural strength, A simple controlled punch could already level a standard house, so multiplying it would annihilate an entire street.

“You may want to sit down before the recoil hits,” Ed warned.

“What are you-” Before Black can say anything else, he was sent a few hundred feet flying backwards. Falling onto his back, sliding across the white floor. “So that’s what you meant… OW!.” Black’s voice echoes through the void.

“Yea, you made the first mistake of not transferring the power out on contact so you got knocked back by your own blows,” Ed explained. “This technique is about transferring the power of the blows outward and not destroying the object with your punch as you just did. Then there is the muscle fatigue you go through after and you have to rest for a bit before you can use the technique again. Eventually, you can use it back to back but at your current level you’ll have to wait about five minutes in between blows,” Ed made a Senzo bean with his magic and tossed it to the Saiyan. “Not as good a homegrown but good enough for what we need. Oh and even with the Zenkai boost you won’t adapt to this as it’s fatigue, not near death.”

Black caught the bean and stood back up, “Even with that punch I did, it won’t count as a Zenkai boost for I need to be near death for something like that.” Black said as he ate the bean, feeling his sore arm heal slightly. He teleported back to Ed using Instant Transmission.

“This technique is about power transfer, not outright force,” Ed explained as a new stone appeared. “Remember the action I did before my punch,” Black nods. “Try using that as a reference. Cocking a gun or coiling a spring then let the energy shootout and flow into the stone but instead of trying to break it apart with sheer force. Simply think of it as a love tap or bump to the head. Try again.” He moved back.

Black nodded, facing the stone again. He reeled his fist again but performed the movement of cocking a gun. He let out a breath and Black looked determined at the stone. After a second, he yelled “Five Ren Kugi Punch!” Black shouted once again but this time he let the kinetic energy flow through to the stone as his fist made contact. This time instead of shattering the stone, he created a crater with 5 layers, it began to collapse. This time, Black braced himself for the recoil, his arm moving backwards slightly as a rush of air pushed against him. Black looked surprised for a moment, before grinning. He did wince a little from his arm being sore again. “So, how did I do that time?”

“Much better,” Ed nodded. “Want to keep it up till ya have a feel of the basics?” He asked. “I can make Senzu all day if it helps.”

“Yeah, I do want to train a bit before the big fight,” Black commented as another stone appeared before him. Edward made another Senzu bean and handed it to the Saiyan, who ate it and began to practice the technique. He both practiced using his hands and feet as he both failed and passed with every time he tried the technique. Black had slowly raised the intensity of the attack from five to ten. It was at this point his arm had done more than sting him now. Every time he did it, he could feel his arms and legs begging for a conclusion. After a few hours, Black was on his back taking deep breaths. He looked up to Edwards who watched with amusement. “I think I’ve got the basics,” Black said as he heavily breathed.

“Yep,” Ed gave a single nod. “Now for a real test,” He snapped and a large black cube appeared. “This is a block of the stuff the Grand priest used to make the arena in the Tournament of Power. I want you to use a max all-out punch and break it to pieces.”

“Maxed out huh,” Black said as he slowly stood up and looked towards the black cube. “If you say so,” Black then let out a mighty yell as a pink and red aura surrounded him as he transformed into Super Saiyan Rose, his hair spiking up and turning pink, his eyes turning grey. He let out a sigh and his aura dissipated, he looked towards the cube with a smirk as he reeled his arm back. Making the same movement before and concentrated. Shouting “Fifteen Ren Kugi Punch!” Black shouted, his voice letting out an echo through the void. His punch landed on the cube, him transferring the energy through it. It let out a groan as cracks covered the outer shell of the cube, letting out a white shine as it detonated from the attack. The cube turned into shards as they landed on the ground, the sound of shattered glass ringing throughout the void.

“Excellent,” Ed clapped. “But…” He turned to see Black holding his arm in pain.”You completely shattered your bones didn’t you?” He held out a Senzu.

Black grabbed the Senzu bean with his good hand and ate it, “You did say maxed out,” Black said, feeling his arm heal but it left the Saiyan’s arm sore.

“Yes I did but I didn’t expect your arm to shatter from the recoil of the god mode empowered punch. Hmmm….” Ed rubbed his chin. “I’d say only use five times eight at max until you can handle a normal fifteen times a day. Let me see your arm,” Black held up his arm and Ed held his hands over it and a very light green aura came from Ed’s palms and Black’s arms felt tone hundred percent better than normal. “I rewrote some of the nerve endings and muscle fibers to better handle the power output but it’ll still take training and time to handle the kind of force you just generated.”

“Thanks for the Technique, Edward,” Black said with a smile, reverting back to his base form while rubbing his arm slightly. “Don’t you think it’s about time?” Black asked with a smirk.

“Diagnostic will be done in a few minutes,” Ed smirked. “That gives us enough time to get your Princesses on their feet and for you to recover the rest of your energy for the fight. We want an audience and you at one hundred percent. Or else it would be no fun,” He laughed, but somehow deep down Black knew that there was much more to Edward than just the joking and generous alchemist he’d been being. A lot more.

“Let’s get this ready,” Black said with a smirk. As he walked away from Edward, he didn’t know it but he felt a rising bubble of nervousness. Black was actually kinda scared from what Edward could do, but he brushed it off and made his way to the spare bedrooms.

He had both woken up Princess Celestia and Luna and after a funny moment with Luna not wanting to wake up. Black simply dragged Luna out of the room, seeing a giggling Celestia as he walked out. After fully waking up Luna, Black sat down on the couch while crossing his arms and closed his eyes. He waited for the confirmation for the diagnostics to complete while he gathered as much energy as possible. On the outside, it looked like a blue godly aura had surrounded the Saiyan, taking the ponies and dragon by surprise.

Ed was typing on a holo-display, with Twilight looking starry-eyed at it over his shoulder. “If you even try and fll with this equipment purple book pony will be up for the grill and the cook will be none other than Cotton Tail,” Ed said aloud, causing some to recoil and others to snicker. “Looks like we’re all green,” He gave a thumbs up. “Any particular venue you want to fight on?”

“I’ve got one,” Black said as he stood from the couch, the godly aura still surrounding him as he walked towards Edward, “Let’s do it where Goku and Vegeta first fought,” Black said with a smirk. Edward smiled and pressed a few buttons, while the alchemist did that. The white void then began to shift from being empty to a rocky cannon with many spires pushed through the ground. Dead grass and a small river formed at the bottom as the ponies and dragon watched with awe. Black smiled from the familiar scene, he pictured the Goku and Vegeta fight as clashes and beam struggles happened.

“The Gizard Wastelands,” Ed smiled. “It reminded me of the Badlands back home slightly, not the sight of one of my best moments from the war.” He commented catching Black’s attention. “Let's just say that I was given a moniker I'd rather not live up to these days, I still have stories told to the young of my world to keep them in line.” Ed turned to the group of Black’s friends. “No matter what happens no pony is to interfere at all, GOT IT!” He seriously demanded as the force of his voice forced them back slightly. Everypony vigorously nodded. “Good, shall we,” he motioned to the outlands.

“Let's,” Black said, slamming a fist into his hand as the two walked into the wasteland. Luna watched warily for Black, but Celestia saw this and put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a comforting smile. It seemed to work as Luna watched with a smile as Black prep himself. The Saiyan found two rock spires that looked familiar until it hit him. It was where Goku and Vegeta initiated their first fight. He jumped up onto the shortest spire and Edward saw this, he smiled as he jumped onto the tallest one. “Man, to actually think we’d fight here, and me having almost no chance at winning…” Black commented as he got into a defensive stance, “I’m excited to get started.”

“I always would imagine myself fighting Vegeta as a kid,” Ed snickered as a gust of wind blew across stirring up a cloud of dust. “I always sympathized with him even if he was a big asshole. I’ve also decided,” he turned to face Black. “I will be fighting you as me,” red electricity sparked around his face as it shifted to have just below shoulder-length brown hair, hazel eyes, and natural features. “Or at the least with my old face,” placing a hand on his body another spark flashed, and Ed’s coat and shirt were gone revealing his upper body. A singular scar going from his right shoulder down across to the left also his left pant’s leg was gone revealing his prosthetic leg. “So for revealing attire but I don’t want to hinder myself.”

Black was surprised to see the other side of Edward, so to the Saiyan, he saw this form what he would fight in. But Black shook off this moment of surprise and focused on the obstacle in front of him. He straightened his stance and smirked towards Edward, “You about ready, we do have ponies here expecting a show after all.” Black said with a smile.

“You should know I won’t be going easy on you,” Ed smirked as his eyes should nothing but a lust for battle and he radiated killing intent and thick bloodlust. “Seals of Sin, full release,” he said and a massive wave of power shot out from his body. Ed readied himself and took a stance. “3…”

Black’s eyes widened at the power display from Ed as he could feel the bloodlust. “Guess I better skip the warmup then,” Black muttered as he popped his neck. He let out a mighty yell and went straight into Super Saiyan 2, blue and red lighting dancing around him. He went back into his defensive stance and muttered, “2…”

Ed moved his leg and then, “1…” He said while he jumped up and wheel forward bringing his prosthetic leg down hard on Black’s arms, he slightly winced from the blow but forced the alchemist with a quick kick to his ribs sending him spiraling into several hills. Ed shot out of the rubble and looked down, “Nice kick,” he held up his hand and a small flame appeared in it with a spiral sphere of wind around. Ed threw the ball and as soon as Black tried to smack it away the wind broke and the fire burst outward engulfing the Super Saiyan.

There was a yell from the flames as they were pushed away when a large yellow aura engulfed the area. It showed the Saiyan with a smile on his face, showing no signs of damage, “Nice attack, caught me by surprise there.” Black commented as he held up a hand, producing a large green and black ki blast. It grew in size until Black threw it at Ed. The alchemist looked amused and was about to smack it away when Black appeared behind him, ki blade at the ready as he swung it at Ed.

The blade collided with Ed’s left arms but didn’t cut through to Black’s surprise. The Saiyan looked close and saw what linked like a red-tinted metal. “Armament Haki is a great defense, and,” Ed remarked as he spun around and smack Black in the face with his fist send the saiyan rocketing across the sky. “Offense.” Ed shot after his target and was flying over Black, “Mars Bane Machine Gun Blows,” Edward unloaded a fury of red glowing punches into the Super Saiyan driving him down, each time he was hit Black felt as if it were four blows at once.

Black needed to get out of this barrage, so he used instantaneous movement to teleport away from the attack, surprising Ed for a moment. The Saiyan appeared behind Ed and sent a barrage of ki attacks into the alchemist's back. All the blasts landed as Ed didn’t seem to react, Black noticed this throwing his fist forward, sending a barrage of air pressure attacks. They land as they push against Ed, sending him down to the rocky mountains. “I’m not going to be able to beat him like this…” Black muttered as he ascended to Super Saiyan 3, his hair now going down his back. He sprung and threw his foot forward, sending a barrage of small ki blast towards Ed.

Ed crashed into the ground and was hit by the blast kicking up a heavy dust cloud. Black was now breathing heavily as he waits to see the damage he’d done. A huge twist shot upward and at its was the alchemist bending the air to form the twister. He stopped and looked at Black. “SSJ3, I’m must really be pushing you,” He smirks holding up a finger as it started to glow red. “You should know already this but I to can use ki, How about a dance,” Black’s eye s shrank as he recognized that stance Ed was in, “Death Beam Barrage!” Ed shot out a massive array of mini ki blast bombarding Black. The Saiyan deflected them as best he could until he was outright overwhelmed then they stop. Looking around he couldn’t find Ed, “Psssst… behind you…” Ed said quietly. Black whirled around to be met with a fist to his gut. “Mars Bane Twenty Ren Kugi Punch!” Ed sent eighty punches worth of damage into Black with one punch, the Sayin feeling ever single punch as he bounded around the sky,

Black coughed up a small amount of blood as he felt the energy behind the punch. He didn’t have time to prepare for the recoil as it already affected him. He was sent into a mountain, creating a massive crater kicking up a large dust cloud. Black groaned as he slowly got up, brushing off any dust and rock on him. He looked down and noticed the punch had created a tear in his gi and undershirt. “Wish I could kick it up to god, but I don’t want to waste any stamina here,” Black muttered as he let out a shout. Creating a force that sent the dust cloud away, revealing himself charging a Kamehameha. Edward saw this and threw his hands to one side, charging up his own Kamehameha. “KA-ME-HA-ME…” Black shouted as a black and purple orb formed between his hands.

Ed smirked and vanished reappearing behind Black, “ HA!” The fight blasted each other at point-blank, sending them flying in opposite directions. Ed slammed into a hill. “Yeah not a good idea with that,” he pulled himself loose and flew towards Black’s direction. “Kids good, but let’s see how he handles my power boost.” He stopped and landed and waited for Black to arrive.

Black appeared out of thin air, shortly followed by a large gust of air pushing against his back. “Was expecting a beam struggle,” Black muttered as he focused on Ed.

“Energy attacks aren’t really my thing,” Ed shook his head then looked at the Saiyan seriously. “You’ve got me beat in this form, even if I were to use all my technique and unload on you you still have me outclassed as far as raw power goes, so…” Black was a little on edge. “I’ll transform too,” Ed said as a red pillar of light enveloped him and a second later it died down to reveal a demonic armored from. The demon of alchemy held up his hand, “. I RELEASE YOU FROM YOU CHAIN. DEVOUR THE KNIGHTMARES TO BRING FORTH THE SWEETEST OF DREAMS TO MY FRIENDS. SHINE THE LIGHT IN THE DARK AND UNLOCK THE DOORS TO THE KINGDOM, THE KINGDOM HEARTS!” He recites and a white pillar of light came forth with a key-shaped sword with chains around. Ed took the blade by one of the handles and the chain broke as he removed the weapon from its light pillar. He then hit the air behind him, shattering it as if it were made of glass. Reach in with his free hand he pulled out a crimsoned bladed sword with a serrated edge and a fire bird-shaped guard. Cross the weapons across his chest Ed looked at Black and his eyes glowed red. “Ready for round two…”

Black watched in awe at the sheer power emanating from Edward, but he soon smirked. Soon, a small fire seemed to lit under the Saiyan as it worked up his body, the Saiyan opening his eyes to reveal it not it’s cyan-green, but for it to be blood red. A fiery column consumed the Saiyan. And as soon as it appears it disappears without a second thought, revealing the Saiyan with his normal hair but it is colored blood red. The Saiyan smirked as Edward focused on the Saiyan, “Whenever you’re ready.”

Author's Note:

Hello everybody!
Man, was this one fun to write! I would like to once again thank Alvasa again for being apart of this chapter and helping with Editing. Edward is from this story "The Golden Eyed Sage". I highly recommend you go check out his story if you haven't yet. He's a great writer and I've enjoyed his stories. I hope you've all enjoyed this chapter and want more.

Anyway, that'll be all for now, I'll Catch You All Later!