• Published 29th Jun 2020
  • 9,153 Views, 135 Comments

Equestria's Divine God - ShirtMechanic

[Displaced] Michael is sent to Equestria as Goku Black after opening a mysterious door! It's been a thousand years since his arrival. After being sealed in stone, he breaks free. What will he do now? Find out on Equestria's Divince God... Now!

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Chapter 11: A New Arrival! The Gala is Tonight!

Chapter 11: A New Arrival! The Gala is Tonight!

"HAAA!" A yell was heard throughout the forest as shards of bark and splinters broke away from a split log. Who had let out the yell was none other than Goku Black. Instead of wearing his gi, he had started to wear some more casual clothing, still Black. He wore a black t-shirt with a red-checkered flannel jacket. He wore dark blue jeans and a pair of brown boots. It's been a week since Black had explained who Zamasu was, the Saiyan had then gone fishing with Luna for food. Black smiled at the short but fun memory.

The ponies haven't found out about Nightmare's true new form yet, Black couldn't let them know yet. After that day, Goku Black and Nightmare had situated themselves at the base of the mountain next to Canterlot, much to the dismay of dark parazyte. But throughout the week, Black had been called into Ponyville by Twilight for help due to her having trouble with her friends on who to bring to the 'Grand Galloping Gala' for she only had two tickets. After Black hearing the Grand Galloping Gala, his mood instantly dropped.

"Nope," Black said as he started to walk away from Twilight. "I'm not going to help you with this problem, you're on your own." Black simply said as he stormed out of the library. Before he could take off though, Twilight grabbed a hold of him with her magic, a purple aura surrounding the Saiyans boots.

"But why though!?" Twilight asked. "Why do you hate the Gala so much, it can't be that bad. Just help me hide so then I can think about who to bring." Twilight begged, but was getting resistance from the Saiyan.

The Saiyan let out a grunt as he easily broke out of Twilight's hold. "Twilight, I've got a simple solution to this... problem you're having," Black said, getting the purple unicorn's attention. "If you're having so much trouble on who to bring, just write a letter to Celestia and ask for more tickets. I'm sure she'll understand." Black explained.

"But then I'll feel like I'm using Celestia's resources to get what I want." the unicorn complained, getting an exasperated sigh from Black.

"Well, that's all the help you're gonna get from me. Good day." Black said as he blasted off the dirt road back to Canterlot. Twilight coughing from the amount of dirt created by Black, the unicorn looking to where Black was with a glare. But she was then grabbed by Pinkie Pie as she was tossed into the air multiple times.

The Saiyan let out a sigh as he dropped the ax he was holding into the base of a tree, wiping away some sweat from his forehead. He let out a small laugh at the memory for how ridiculous it was, he watched as the sun started to set on the horizon. He's been at it for over 5 hours now, none taking a break as had a lot of stamina. "A few more logs left to go..." Black muttered as he leaned against a nearby tree. He was going to continue until he heard hoofsteps behind him. Turning around, he saw Nightmare holding a massive log on her shoulder, the Saiyan smirking at Nightmares annoyance.

"Oh, will you drop that damn smirk Black, how many logs do you fucking need?" Nightmare let out an exasperated yell as she dropped the log next to the Saiyan, who had picked up his ax from the tree. "And why are you using an ax, can't you literally break a tree by looking at it?" Black let out a sigh, lining up his ax with the tree.

"Oh come on, using an ax is way much better, plus it's better this way," Black explained as he started to chop away the log into even lengths. "So, how's your ki training going?" The Saiyan questioned the dark Alicorn. She let out a huff as she sat on one of the logs, looking at Black.

"Like how it's been for the past week, shitty!" Nightmare shouted as she put her hands on her chin, pouting. Black seeing this, couldn't help but let out a chuckle at Nightmare's misery. The paratze, seeing this got aggravated, "What are you laughing at monkey?" Black continued to laugh, getting a hold of himself.

"Ah, nothing," Black said, waving a handoff at Nightmare. "I never said it was going to be easy, I've had a hard time in the past trying to access my power," Black explained as he continued to chop away. He continued to do this until the log was evenly cut into lengthed shapes. By that time, the moon had started to rise up from the horizon. Black noticing this, quickly got into action. "Say Nightmare, what's tonight's phase?"

Nightmare looked at the rising lunar object, seeing a crescent moon, “It’s a crescent moon tonight, you got about a month or so before the full moon.” Nightmare informed, getting a nod from the Saiyan. He stuck his ax back into a base of a tree again, grabbing a cloth to wipe away some of the sweat he had. “Come on Nightmare, let’s head back to the castle,” Black said as he dropped the cloth and started to levitate into the air. “Do you need me to carry you again, or have you gotten a hand of flying?” Nightmare gave the Saiyan a blank look, getting the answer Black needed.

The Saiyan sighed as he levitated towards Nightmare, motioning her with a hand to get onto his back. The parazyte hesitated a little before getting on the Saiyan’s back, after she did that the Saiyan took off flying up the mountain with haste. Throughout this, Black was laughing while Nightmare was hitting the Saiyan’s back and shouting in fear. This didn’t last as long as the pair had landed on a balcony on Canterlot Castle. Nightmare had jumped off Black as soon as they touched down and fell to her knees. Black laughing at her.

Nightmare, agitated by this slaps the Saiyan, a loud smack heard throughout the castle. Black stopped laughing, looking towards Nightmare with a blank look, making the parazyte nervous. The Saiyan looks away and walks toward the balcony door, opening them without saying a word. He walks through, leaving Nightmare to sigh in relief. The Saiyan walks through the room he was appointed to when he came back to Canterlot after he came back to this universe. It had a king-size bed in the middle of the room with a black circular rug under it. A dresser sat in front of the bed, it served pointless for the Saiyan but for aesthetics. A desk sat in one of the corners of the room, Black used it to read or even sometimes draw. There was also another bed, a queen size one for Nightmare Moon. He asked the Princess for Nightmare to stay in the same room as him, to keep an eye on her of course

He took off his flannel jacket and set it on the bed and walked over to the desk and sat down. He shortly put a hand over the desk and created a few pieces of paper and a pencil and eraser. Black then started to sketch out a body slowly, he always took his time doing it. While the Saiyan drew, Nightmare walked into the room without saying a word and fell face-first into her bed. Black turned around and formed a small smirk, he then returned back to his drawing. Back then before he became displaced, he would draw scenes from Dragon Ball and make them better than before. It was his way of coping for his lonesome, now it's just for fun.

Nightmare lifted her head off the bed to see the Saiyan drawing, she was going to say something until a smell reached her nostrils. She put a hand over her snout as she yelped out in disgust. Black, hearing this turns around with a quirked eyebrow, "What is it Nightmare?"

Nightmare glared daggers at Black, catching the Saiyan off guard. "You! You smell absolutely terrible, go take a damn shower!" the parazyte shouted, pointed a finger towards the bathroom. Black lifts an armpit and sniffs it, but it was a complete mistake as he gagged and put a hand over his mouth.

"Dear Dende, you're not kidding," Black commented as he put his pencil down and got up from his chair, walking towards the bathroom. Shortly after he closes the door behind him, the smell in the bedroom slowly faded away. Nightmare let out a sigh and smiled, knowing she can breathe in the fresh air, or as fresh air as Canterlot can have. Hearing the shower turn on, Nightmare's curiosity grew a bit. She got up from her bed and went to Black's desk to see what he drew. Her curiosity peaked as she saw a being similar to the Saiyan but wore different clothing.

He had tall spiky hair with two bangs of hair hanging in front of his face. He had a determined look on his face with a pair of Potara earrings. He had a gi similar to Black's but the inner shirt was orange with the upper shirt and pants being a dark blue. He had a light blue belt with white gloves and boots. Nightmare looked over the drawing more and noticed a name in the bottom right corner of the paper, it said Vegito.

Vegito? Nightmare thought, looking over the drawing more. Such an odd name, could he be a supreme kai like Black? The parazyte brushed off the thought as she began to complement the Saiyan’s art skills. Nightmare had looked it over for a few minutes but was broken out of thought as the shower had stopped. Blacked walked out of the bathroom with the same outfit, but the oder had disappeared from the Saiyan. Black saw where Nightmare was and smiled,

Black saw where Nightmare was and smiled, “I see you saw what I was drawing.” The Saiyan asked, getting a nod out of the parazyte. “That person is a fusion of two Saiyans named Goku and Vegeta, together making Vegito,” Black explained. He walked back to his desk, motioning Nightmare to get out of the chair, which she does. He picks up the drawing and opens one of the drawers and puts the drawing in it, but what catches the Saiyan’s attention is a new object. It was a pocket watch that Black has never seen before, “Hello, what are you?” he muttered as he picked up the watch. At first, the Saiyan thought it was a fob watch from Doctor Who, but the watch didn't have any Gallifreyan writing on it.

He was going to put it back, but sensed some magic from it, something similar he felt before. In curiosity, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of Potara earrings similar to his own. It was his displaced token he was gifted to from Zeldris. It had the same magical properties as the pocket watch, but the watch seemed to have more to it than meets the eye. He realized it was a Displaced Token, the first one he ever found. He smiled as he tossed the token up a few times.

“What is that Black?” Nightmare asked. Black then went onto explain to Nightmare what a Displaced was and what a token was used for, This had caught Nightmare’s curiosity, but was interrupted when a voice was heard from the watch.

“I am the one who constructs and deconstructs, the partner and protector of the moon and sun, I aid the Innocent and protect the children, If you require aid, Call my name and I will come forth, The Crimson Sage”

Black and Nightmare looked at the watch, both wide-eyed as they wouldn’t think the watch would talk. But Black now knew how to summon the Displaced attached to the token. “Let’s head outside and summon this displaced persona!” Black said with glee as he rushed outside, leaving an annoyed Nightmare in the room. The Saiyan slowly floated back into the room rubbing his back, “Sorry…” Black said as he held out a hand. Nightmare grabbed it, getting onto Black’s back. They both flew down to the gardens of the Castle, seeing an array of flowers and animals. Black pulled out the watch and spoke.

“The Crimson Sage!”

Suddenly a large train whistle could be heard from above their heads. They both gasped in awe as a crack in the fabric of reality appeared, getting a look of worry from Black. The crack then broke open like shattered glass, the whistle getting louder. Black flew up, leaving Nightmare on the ground as he hovered in front of the crack. Inside he saw a train flying towards him with great speed, catching the Saiyan off guard. But what worried the Saiyan is that if he dodged the train, it would hit the castle.

Black then transformed into Super Saiyan, just in case, he put his hands forwards as the train came through the crack and impacted the Saiyan. Black was surprised at how much force was applied into his arms as he was slightly pushed back. But he managed to stop the train from hitting the castle, he then lowered the train onto the ground next to Nightmare. “Alright, out of all the things I’ve seen before, this was not what I was expecting…” Black muttered.

“Alright,” came a voice from alongside the train. “Who’s the wise guy who decided to summon me while on my way back home while I was taking a nap,” A tall man with amber eyes and golden blonde braided hair in a black suit stepped out in front of Black and Nightmare. “Are you the one who brought me here?” He asked annoyed.

“Uh, yea…” Black said with an eyebrow raised, “Who are-” he was going to say something until he sensed something. Something that made Black glare at the man, Dark Magic… Black thought. Getting a flashback from his past, one that he hated. This caught the attention of the tall man.

“Hey buddy,” the tall man pulled Black back to reality. “You okay over there?” he tilted his head. “You look like you’re going through some serious flashbacks. Hello?”

Black shook his head a few times and looked back to the man with an apologetic look. “Sorry about that, you have a form of magic that I hate…” Black explained, getting a nod from the man. “I faced a foe around a thousand years ago that made me snap, it's a memory that I hate.” Black walked up to the man with a smile now, “Let’s restart, who are you?”

“Very well,” The tall man shrugged. “My Name is Edward Elric the Fullmetal Alchemist, but these days I go by the Crimson Sage for many reasons, speaking of which,” He snapped his fingers and a red-hooded coat appeared on him with a black cross and crescent moon on the back. “That’s better and now that my mind is more focused I remember who you are now,” he said with a smirk. “Goku Black and the recently reborn fairy-parazyte princess, Nightmare Moon.”

“Wait, how do you know Nightmare Moon was recently reborn,” Black asked with a quirked brow. “Once more, your name sounds very familiar…” Black took a moment and thought when realizing, his eyes went wide. “Your Gar’s brother, the one who had the power to traverse the void!”

“Bingo,” Edward clapped and balloons and confetti rained down. “Give the Saiyan a prize, what he won, a shiny medal,” He flicked his finger up and a gold medal appeared around Black’s neck out of nowhere. “Let’s see where our timeline is,” Edward said. “Arc of Time!” he snapped and vanished only to reappear a second later. “Oooo… the Gala is tonight. What fun....” he happily clapped.

Black looked annoyed at Edward, getting another flashback to a deformed being, Great… another one with chaos energy… Black thought. But what the alchemist said last got Black to panic. “Oh crap!” The Saiyan shouted, “The Gala is happening in a few hours and I haven't even prepared for it, Lulu is going to be so mad at me!”

“Calm down kid,” Edward shook his head. “Oh and to correct your little thought train, I’m immune to Chaos magic. Nasty stuff no what I use is creation magic,” He pointed out. Black started to speak, “And before you ask, yes I can read your mind if I want to but I didn’t. I simply have enough experience from fifteen thousand years of life. So, shall I help you with your prep so Luna doesn’t Stella Magna your butt to the moon and back?”

“Oh thank you, but you don’t need to do that, I can simply whip up a suit in no time.” Black rubbed the back of his head with a smile.

“Yea, what are you going to wear,” Nightmare asked, crossing her arms. Black was going to say something but was interrupted. “Something black, black… and more black…” Nightmare stated, getting an annoyed grunt from the Saiyan.

“Hey don’t knock the black,” Edward scolded. “Black goes with anything, except pock-a-dots. Pinkie tried that one time and it didn’t end well for her when Rarity found out.”

When Edward said the white unicorn’s name, Black unconsciously let out a shutter. Euh…

“Yea not pretty, for a week,” Ed shuddered remembering.

“Anyway, what do you think I should wear, I know Lulu doesn't want me to be too formal or too casual,” Black asked the alchemist. “I don’t know if I should just wear a suit or tuxedo…”

“It’s Luna and I can say wear a nice suit if you have one, but I recommend a tux with a dark satin blue vest, bow tie, and handkerchief,” Ed flicked his finger and a holo-display appeared in front of them of the tux. “If you go the suit route, then wear a dark blue button-down shirt at least. Do you have Moon Roses in this world?”

“Definitely,” Black said with a smile, “I’m sure they’re still around, they used to be in the garden of the old castle,” Black explained before a solemn expression fell upon his face. Nightmare put a hand behind her head and began to nervously laugh. Letting out a sigh, he put on a smile and looked back at Edward. “But yea, just don’t know where they are now.”

“Well,” Ed clapped his hand together. “If they did grow here they should still be here,” he waved and they were in the old castle. “All we need is some fluramancy to find them,” he waved his hand as a green wave of magic flew outward. “Look for any area’s glow white. Even if the flower isn’t there, let me know.”

“Alright, I’ll be right back,” Black said as he ignited his aura and flew straight up into the sky, leaving a small patch of dirt under him. After reaching a decent height, the Saiyan started to scan the area below him. In the corner of his eye, a patch of white glowed in the Everfree forest. The Saiyan then flew straight to the patch of white, arriving in a mere second. He softly landed in a clearing and looked around him to see a field of flowers, but none of them seemed to be Moon Roses. Come on… Black thought.

He was about to leave, but he caught a singular flower amongst the hundreds. A dark blue rose with different blues in it, A Moon Rose. Black smiled, walking through the flowers, and carefully picking the rose out of the ground. He was about to take off if it wasn't for a growl. Black turned around to see a pack of timberwolves coming from the forest, their glowing yellow eyes staring daggers at him. “Oh don’t think about it, you logs, the flower isn’t for you.” Black hissed. But the timberwolves began to circle him, waiting for an opening to attack.

“Annoy little thing you are,” green beams suddenly hit every wolf in the pack knocking them to the ground. “That should keep them sated for a few days,” Edward walked out from the shadows with Nightmare, baffled how they got there. “An excellent rose, now we’ll need some lavender for filler, rosemary for scent, and a few daisies for contrast,” He snapped and the flowers grew from the ground. “That should make a lovely bouquet for your moon. All tied together with some royal blue silk ribbon,” Ed held out the ribbon in his right hand.

Black smiled at Edward, grabbing the ribbon from his hands and gathering all the flowers, wrapping it into a beautiful bouquet. “You know,” Black said, getting Edward’s attention, “I kinda figured you married Luna, considering you know what flowers she loves, especially the Moon Rose. Plus, who would wait 15 thousand years anyway to marry the one you love?”

“I only waited a little over eleven thousand actually,” Ed held up his fingers. “Yea I married Luna, but I also married Tia too, more recently though. Me and Luna have Twins and several adopted grandchildren. I just found out Tia’s about three months along as well.” He rubbed the back of his head. “I wonder if Amore wants kids again?” Ed looked up then back to Black who was staring with a grin. “What?”

“Oh, nothing…” Black waved off with a flick of a hand. “At least not every displaced is all edgy and gloomy half the time.” Black then coughed in his hand and whispered Zeldris. “But seriously, don’t you think you have enough children already?” Black jokes.

“I’ve had many lovers and children with them over the years,” Ed shrugged. “I proudly raised every one of them to the best of my ability as a father. Many went on to be warriors or knights, some scholars, others became simple farmers or workers. Though they were mortal and it pained me to see them go,” he said sadly. “But I can say that they all made me very proud.”

Black looked at the alchemist with a sad expression, “I’m sorry to hear some of them passed on, immortality after all is watching everyone else dying.” Black commented, but he puts on a smile. “But it is important that they live on in your memories, those are always the best moments with family.”

“True,” Edward nodded. “But enough depression,” he shrugged and they were back in the castle gardens once more. “Let me move this,” Ed snapped and a dimension gate opened to a frozen train station where his train pulled into. “Back in the Empire once again,” he proudly put his hands on his hips then turned to Black. “Have you decided on what to wear?”

Black put a finger to his chin and started to think, it only took a moment and he snapped his fingers. “I’ll wear the suit, tux’s aren't really my style,” Black commented. Before Edward could say something, Black put a hand above his chest. He then began to glow as his attire started to change. When the light died down, it revealed the Saiyan with a dark blue button-up shirt with a black tie, Black dress pants, and dress shoes. A potara earring appeared on his left ear, but this time, instead of a green one, it was a dark blue one, matching the suit.

“Nice set,” Ed nodded in approval. “Now what about you,” he looked at Nightmare.

“Oh save it,” Nightmare said, waving off the alchemist, “I’m not going to that dress-up party.” Nightmare said, crossing her arms.

“Nightmare,” Black said, getting her attention, “If you want to be accepted by the ponies, you’re gonna have to get out of the shadows and come out of the open. So you’re coming, alright.” The Saiyan said, crossing his arms and looking at Nightmare with a stare.

“Trust me girl,” Ed looked at her. “My niece back home is a reincarnation of you and the only reason she was accepted was because she went out of her way to be seen, she didn’t have your original personality in the slightest. She was very timid, but still made friends. She has a mother and father that love her very much for who she is.”

Nightmare looked at Edward, then to Black and back to the alchemist. She let out a sigh, dropping her arms towards the ground, “Fine, I’ll go to the stupid gala…” Nightmare muttered, getting a nod from the both of them.

“Well,” Ed looked at his watch. “We best get in there before the fun starts,” he pulled a ticket from the air. “I’ll stay in the back for the time being,” red electricity surged from Ed’s body and he took on the form of a unicorn version of himself. “Now I won’t stick out at all!” He smiled.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, I would like to thank Alvasa for being apart of this chapter and helping with Editing. Edward is from this story "The Golden Eyed Sage". I highly recommend you go check out his story if you haven't yet. He's a brilliant writer and I've enjoyed his stories. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and want more.

Also, one more thing. The first chapter of Black's side stories is slowly being written, not clear on when it'll be complete though, so keep an eye out for it!

Anyway, that'll be all for now, I'll Catch You All Later!