• Published 17th May 2020
  • 600 Views, 61 Comments

The Prince and the Poet - BrawnyBold

Prince Blueblood switches bodies with Feather Bangs to get away from royal duties.

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First Day as Somepony Else (Blueblood)

The sun rose as a sign that the morning had begun. Blueblood slowly woke up while feeling really groggy. He had a bit of a difficult time sleeping last night as he wasn't used to sleeping on a bed that wasn't as soft and refine as his luxurious bed at Canterlot Castle. Blueblood would normally panic if he had to sleep in a commoner's bed, but he remembered that he didn't have to do any royal duties as that Feather Bangs pony will do all of the work. Blueblood decided to get up and enjoy his first morning of not being a prince.

Blueblood went to the bathroom to almost faint from seeing how rustic the bathroom looked. There were no shines coming off of anywhere in the bathroom. The shower's curtains weren't as decorative as Blueblood's royal bathroom. Blueblood spotted a small, green toothbrush that was in a cup next to the sink. Blueblood tried to use his magic to retrieve it, but he then remembered that he didn't have his horn anymore. So he carefully picked up the toothbrush with his bare hooves and began to scrub his teeth. Blueblood felt like he could gag as tasting another stallion's toothbrush was horrifying.

Blueblood searched around the bathroom to be completely shocked that Feather didn't have as many cosmetic products as Blueblood would normally have. The prince needed to use a variety of gels and lotions to make himself look beautiful.

'I guess you will have to do.' Blueblood thought as he held up a tub of mane gel. Blueblood looked back at the mirror to see that his manes were long and the bangs were starting to irritate him. Blueblood rubbed the gel on his manes to smooth it out. 'This Feather Bangs fellow will be thanking me for straightening this messy mop he calls his mane.' Blueblood thought as he continued to rub the gel into his manes.

After a few minutes of Blueblood rubbing his manes, he took a good look at himself. Feather's mane style was now similar to how Blueblood would usually set up his manes.

'There we go,' Blueblood said in his mind. 'Now I look more presentable.'

Blueblood made his way to what looked liked Feather's closet and opened it. He was shocked once again as Feather didn't have any fancy clothing. The clothes in the closet were outfits for certain times during the seasons, costumes that Feather had worn for Nightmare Night, and other clothing that Blueblood wished were thrown out to the dumps. Blueblood hung his head as for the first time in his life, he couldn't find anything decent to where.

'Great, I'll have to go out naked like a pony commoner.' Blueblood thought. He remembered once again that at least he got out of doing royal duties.

Blueblood searched the fridge to be able to find some eggs. He thought the least he could do was make a decent breakfast. The prince then realized there was just one problem: he didn't know how to cook. Throughout Blueblood's life, he didn't lift a single pot or pan as most of his meals were instantly served to him whenever he was hungry. Now he was a commoner and no servants or cooks were here to make him his food.

'This shouldn't be a problem,' Blueblood thought as he looked at an egg.

'Cooking can help me become a better prince.' Blueblood put a small pan on the stove and just threw the egg on the pan. The egg cracked from the impact and the egg whites and yolk leaded out from the former shell. Blueblood watched as the eggs and its' shell parts were heating up. A part of Blueblood felt proud as he was able to get this far in cooking an egg. His thoughts disappeared when he smelled something burning. Blueblood panicked as the eggs were already burning. He quickly lifted the pan's heat proof handle and put the eggs on a plate. Blueblood cringed as he saw how burned the eggs looked. He decided to eat it as he didn't want to put in the effort of making more eggs. Blueblood placed his plate of eggs on a table and he sat down. Blueblood then picked up a spoon to scoop up some of the eggs and took a bite. He shivered as he crunched on the egg shells. Blueblood was done only to have an awful after taste in his mouth. He noticed the window as it showed that it was another sunny day.

'I suppose it never hurts to go outside and see what kind of town this Feather Bangs lives in.' Blueblood thought as he made his way open the door and made his way to the outside. The prince was in disbelief from seeing the two long line of houses that were in the middle of a single street. Blueblood then noticed that the entire town was in the middle of some kind of wasteland as it had nothing but rocks and mountains.

'How can this peasant live in such a horrible-looking town?!' Blueblood questioned in his thoughts. Blueblood calmed himself as this was all part of what he wanted, being away from Canterlot. He patted some imaginative dirt off from his shoulders and stuck up his muzzle as he began to walk gallantly as most citizens of Canterlot would normally do. As Blueblood trotted passed some nearby ponies, they stopped to noticed that 'Feather' had on a very different mane style. Blueblood noticed this and he couldn't help but smirk.

'These peasant ponies must be gawking at how handsome I look now. You're welcome, Feather Bangs.' Blueblood thought before he accidentally bumped into a pony.

"Ow! Be careful!" Blueblood complained while rubbing his head. "I have a delicate cranium." He looked to see that the pony was a brown, earth pony stallion with red frizzy manes and tail. On his head was a yellow headband and his cutie mark was a boom box. The stallion also wore a light red top.

"Yo, Feather!" The stallion said as he used his hoof bumped Blueblood's hoof from top to bottom and then just gave a regular hoof bump. This confused Blueblood as he had no idea who this stallion was and why he decided to dirty the prince's hoof.

"Greetings, umm...." Blueblood said as he didn't know the stallion's name.

"It's me, Max Volume!" Max said as he wrapped his hoof around Blueblood's neck, much to the prince's discomfort. "Are you messing with me? That's a weird way to say hi to one of your friends!" Max said before he noticed that Feather's manes were in a different style. "What's up with your new due?"

"I will have you know that this mane style brings out my gorgeous face and I don't want it soiled by the likes of you!" Blueblood stated before he noticed that Max was staring at him in a confused way.

'I better not lose my cover!' Blueblood thought as he tried to calm himself. "I mean, I just wanted to wear a new look." Blueblood said with a fake smile. Max began to squint his eyes while Blueblood sweated nervously as he was afraid of getting discovered.

"Alright, whatever floats your boat, bro." Max said while shrugging. Blueblood internally breathed heavily as Max didn't figure it out. "So do you want to hang out? Our other bros are already at Sugar Belle's bakery." Blueblood thought about it and he believed that it would be a good idea to follow along to avoid bringing any more attention to himself. He also thought he could know more about Feather so it would be easier for the prince to act just like him.

"I accept your invitation, please lead the way." Blueblood ordered. He was surprised to see Max snickering for a bit.

"I'm sorry, but you are talking in such a funny way." Max said as he lead Blueblood to his other friends. Blueblood simply growled as Max just insulted the prince's way of speaking.

When they arrived to the bakery, two stallions were sitting near one of the outside tables. One was a blue earth pony stallion with dark blue manes and it was covered with a purple beanie. There was a bandage on one side of the blue stallion's cheek. The blue stallion also wore a sparkly blue top and his cutie mark was a golden eye with a golden crown on top. The other stallion was a pale green earth pony stallion with yellow manes. The green stallion wore a pink cap backwards and his top was light green with dark green highlights. The green stallion's hooves wore pink and green bands. His cutie mark was star and a horseshoe.

"Yo! Break Dancer, Hip Hoof! We're here!" Max shouted to the two stallions. Both stallions waved as Max and Blueblood approached them.

"Hey Max! Hey Fea-" The green stallion stopped and chuckled when he saw Blueblood's manes. "What's with your mane, Feather?"

"I changed my look to make myself look good,...what was your name again?" Blueblood asked.

"Break Dancer," The green stallion replied.

"and Hip Hoof," The blue stallion added.

"I apologize," Blueblood said. "it must've been a long time since we met and I have forgotten your names."

"But, we all met up around yesterday." Break Dancer claimed. Blueblood stammered as he tried to think of an excuse.

"Anyway, let's just order our food and eat it!" Max said to change the subject. "We got to have plenty of energy for dance practice!" Break Dancer and Hip Hoof nodded in agreement while Blueblood just stared blankly at the stallions.

"D-dance practice?" Blueblood said in fear.

Blueblood was in complete agony as he and Feather's friends were on the outskirts of the town. They were in the middle of performing some dance numbers while playing music from a small stereo. With Blueblood not having any kind of dance experience, he was a complete mess as he tried to follow along with the dance moves Feather's friends were performing. For most of the time, Blueblood ended up tripping or falling on his face. Blueblood didn't like every minute of it as sweat was ruining his manes and there were bruises on certain parts of his body. When the dance practice was over, Blueblood panted on the ground as he was completely exhausted.

"Wow Feather, you were really bad out there." Max said in honestly.

"Maybe you were having an off day?" Hip Hoof guessed. "We often have off days and it throws off our groves."

Break Dancer patted on Blueblood's back "It's alright, a few more practice sessions can help you get back on your normal grove!"

"I can hardly wait," Blueblood muttered under his breath. It was during the evening when Blueblood returned to Feather's house and collapsed on the bed. Being on a commoner's bed was now the most pleasant part of Blueblood's terrible day. Blueblood thought that taking part in that dance rehearsal was about as agonizing as attending an art gallery where rich ponies would talk about artworks that didn't make any sense to the prince. Blueblood continued to groan until he noticed that a letter slipped under the door. He went to pick it up to notice that it came from Canterlot Castle.

'I really hope that Feather Bangs peasant didn't screw up on his first day as me.' Blueblood thought as he opened the letter to read its' contents. Blueblood read that Feather's first day went fine and he didn't make a mockery of being Blueblood.

'Good, it looks like Feather Bangs was able to perform well on his first day.' Blueblood said in his mind. 'I should probably write back to him and ask him for pointers on how to be more like him.' Blueblood thought as he brought out a pen and a piece of paper. He completed writing his letter and put it in an envelope. Blueblood then wrote down a special address on the letter. He would usually get personal letters from a private address that he and important members of Canterlot Castle knew. When Blueblood was done, he put the letter in Feather's outside mailbox and raised up the red flag on the side of the box.

'At least I did something right,' Blueblood thought as he went back inside to prepare for sleep. Blueblood hoped that this can go on long enough for him to actually enjoy his time off.

Author's Note:

I hoped you liked this new chapter! The three stallions were the backup dancers who appeared in the Hard to Say Anything episode. I couldn't find their names online, so I just made up their names. If you guys know the real names of the stallions, please let me know. The next chapters will be about Blueblood and Feather trying to adapt better in their new roles.