• Published 17th May 2020
  • 599 Views, 61 Comments

The Prince and the Poet - BrawnyBold

Prince Blueblood switches bodies with Feather Bangs to get away from royal duties.

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Added Problems (Feather Bangs)

At the Royal Castle, it was once again the Grand Galloping Gala. The attendees were having quite a time as they danced to the small orchestra's music, mingled with other famous creatures, and nibbled on some of the finest cuisines. Outside of the castle was the Royal Gardens and it contained some of the most exotic animals and plants most of Equestria has never seen. There was a small gazebo in the distance and Feather Bangs was sitting under it. He wanted to go somewhere quiet after mingling with most of the gala's attendees. Although Feather recovered from his injuries, he still felt sad from making that promise to Rarity. Feather knew it wasn't his fault Rarity hated him as Prince Blueblood was the cause of Rarity's hatred, but he thought he lost his chance to spend time with the most beautiful mare in Equestria.

'Perhaps I could meet Ms. Rarity again as myself?' Feather thought. Doubt started to form in Feather's mind as he wasn't sure if she will like his true self. Feather thought he wasn't able to be with Rarity as she was quite an extraordinary mare. Feather may felt a bit sad, but he felt some hope. Feather received another letter from Blueblood about how the prince might be ready to switch back to his original body. Blueblood wrote that all Feather has to do is read the spell book Blueblood used and perform the reversal spell. Feather felt sort of relieved that his time as a prince will be over and he can go back to his normal life.

"Hello," said a mare's voice. Feather turned to be shocked from who he was seeing. It was Rarity dressed in a gorgeous dark purple dress that was probably from her own line of gala dresses. Her mane was done up in a beautiful bun covered with purple pearls. Feather couldn't help but be in awe from how beautiful Rarity looked. He also saw that Rarity had a sad look on her face.

"Uh, hi...Ms. Rarity." Feather responded. There was a moment of silence between the two of them. Feather quickly got up. "I better be off. I don't want to ruin your night." Before Feather could trot away, Rarity blocked Feather from leaving.

"C-can we talk for a moment?" Rarity asked.

"I-I thought you wanted me gone. Is this some kind of test?" Feather questioned.

"It's no test, I just want to talk." Rarity said. Feather was completely confused on why Rarity wanted to talk to him despite warning him to stay away from her.

"Alright, what is it?" Feather asked.

"I....I want to apologize about what I said at the hospital." Rarity said. Feather became more confused from what he just heard from Rarity.

"What?" Feather said in confusion.

"I'm sorry for speaking so rudely towards you after you saved me." Rarity responded.

"Where is this coming from?" Feather asked.

"It happened after I stormed off from your hospital room." Rarity began. "When I went to bed for the night, I had difficulties falling asleep as all I could think about were those horrid memories from when we were together at the gala. I eventually did fall asleep, only to enter a terrifying dream."

Rarity woke up to find herself inside of a small dungeon. She got up and attempted to move, but she felt some chains yanking one of her hindlegs. This prevented her from moving any further from the wall where she woke up. She also saw that she was wearing a black ring on her horn. She tried to remove it, but it wouldn't budge. Rarity looked around the whole chamber and spotted a small light that was lit near a wooden door.

"Hello!" Rarity cried out. "Is anypony there?"

"Shut your trap, little pony!" said a scratchy voice. The door opened to reveal Spot, one of the Diamond Dogs Rarity has dealt with before. Spot was wearing some metal armor that made him look more like a castle guard.

"You?!" Rarity said in shock. "Why did you put me in this dungeon!?"

"I don't know," Spot said while shrugging. "I'm just the castle guard. Maybe you're in here cause you did a bad thing. Now stay quiet or else you'll be moved to a dungeon way worst than the one you're in!" Spot slammed the door shut. Rarity remained completely confused about what was going on. She tried to light up her horn, but nothing happened! Rarity guessed that the horn ring she was wearing was preventing her from using magic. She was now panicking as she had no idea on how to escape. Rarity suddenly heard some commotion from the outside.

"Hey! Hey! What are you doing?!" Spot cried out. Rarity heard the sound of metal clashing before Spot yelped. There was then a loud thud that Rarity assumed was from someone getting knocked out. The door opened to reveal a tall figure standing before Rarity. Rarity couldn't tell who her savior was as the savior's body was covered with a long, black shirt, black pants, and a black bandit-like mask. She guessed that her savior was a stallion judging from how large he was built. Rarity also noticed that the stallion was a unicorn as there was a long, white horn on his head.

The masked stallion spotted Rarity and trotted towards her. "Could you move a little further from the wall?" The masked stallion asked Rarity. Rarity slowly moved a bit just like the masked stallion said. The masked stallion lit up his horn and drew out his sword with magic. He swung his sword to break the chains off of Rarity. The masked stallion put his sword back into his belt and used his hooves to carefully remove the ring from Rarity's horn. "Are you alright, Ms. Rarity?" The masked stallion asked.

"How do you know my name?" Rarity asked. "Why are you rescuing me?" Rarity started to hear some yelling outside the dungeon's door. The masked stallion quickly grabbed Rarity's hoof.

"There's no time to explain! We need to get out of here!" The masked stallion then led Rarity down the dungeon's long hallway. Rarity continued to hear the echoed yelling while she and the stallion ran. The masked stallion opened another door and ushered Rarity through it. Rarity looked to see that she was out in some kind of forest. It was nighttime and the moon was the only light source in the sky. Rarity turned around and saw that she was locked away in a large, stone castle. "This way!" The masked stallion said as he ran into the woods with Rarity following in pursuit. Rarity galloped as fast as she could while following the masked stallion. As they ran, they heard a lot of voices yelling from behind them. "Drat! They brought reinforcements!" The masked stallion said. "Ms. Rarity, I need you to light up your horn!" The masked stallion requested.

"What!? Wouldn't that give away where we are!?" Rarity questioned.

"Just trust me!" The mask stallion pleaded. Rarity concentrated and she lit up her horn. At the same time, the masked stallion also lit up his horn. The masked stallion's ball of light split apart and it went into different directions. As the balls of light disappeared, the voices also decreased until Rarity couldn't hear them anymore. "That should confuse those numbskulls for a while." The masked stallion said. He and Rarity continued on until they reached a small opening in the forest. Before they could go through another patch of forest, they heard the Diamond Dogs making their way towards them. "It looks like they found out about my trick." The masked stallion then used his magic to pull out his sword. He also pulled something out of from his belt. "Here, use this." Rarity saw what looked like a cast-iron frying pan.

"Seriously?" Rarity questioned. "I think I'm fine using only magic."

"Hey, a frying pan is a really effective weapon. Also, it never hurts to have at least one weapon." Rarity rolled her eyes before she levitated the frying pan. The Diamond Dogs immediately arrived and they surrounded the ponies.

"Looks like we'll be rounding up two problematic ponies tonight." One of the Diamond Dogs said. All of them readied their spears before charging at Rarity and the masked stallion. Rarity quickly dodged one of the spears before she swung her frying pan right on a Diamond Dog's head, knocking him out. Another Diamond Dog tried to strike at Rarity, but she blocked it with her frying pan and then slammed the frying pan on to the other Diamond Dog's head. Both Diamond Dogs were knocked to the ground and were unconscious. Rarity was in complete shock from what just happened.

"Sweet Celestia, frying pans really are effective!" Rarity said while impressed. She turned to see the masked stallion was also doing a good job with his Diamond Dogs. The masked stallion clashed his sword against a Diamond Dog's spear. The masked stallion then pushed forward to cause the Diamond Dog to fall to the ground. The masked stallion used the hilt of his blade to knock out his Diamond Dog. All of the Diamond Dogs were now in pain and or unconscious.

"I believe that takes care of our pursuers." The masked stallion said as he put back his sword. He turned and noticed something shining from the trees. "Rarity! Watch out!" The masked stallion yelled before he ran to push Rarity out of the way. Arrows were fired from the woods and they all pierced the masked stallion's chest. The masked stallion winced in pain before he too fell to the ground.

"No!" Rarity yelled before she went to comfort the masked stallion. Appearing from the shadows was Spot with a bow in one paw and around his back was a quiver full of arrows.

"Darn, I was aiming at our prisoner for being so annoying. But this works too." Spot readied his bow for another arrow. "Now, how about you get back to the dungeon or else you'll end up like your stallion there." Rarity looked up with a furious look on her face. With all of Rarity's rage, she threw her frying pan right at Spot. Spot was able to duck and the frying pan flew right past him. "Ha! You missed!" Spot mocked. Little did Spot knew, the frying pan broke off a tree bark that fell right on top of him. Spot fell unconscious just like his fellow Diamond Dogs.

"That was a nice throw." The masked stallion said before he was coughing.

"Please, don't talk." Rarity said as she tried to figure out what to do. "I'll get you some help." She then felt her hoof touched by the masked stallion's hoof.

"I-I don't think I'll make it." The masked stallion coughed some more. "You'll have to go on without me."

Tears started flow out of Rarity's eyes. "Please no," Rarity begged. "I can't let you die."

"At least take my mask off for me." The masked stallion requested. "I want to truly see your face for one last time." Rarity slowly took off the mask. She was in complete shock as the masked stallion was none other than Prince Blueblood.

"B-Blueblood?!" Rarity said in shock.

"Yeah, it's me." Blueblood confessed.

"Why, why did you do this for me?" Rarity asked.

"It was all for you, Rarity." Blueblood said before he closed his eyes and fell unconscious.

"No....NO!!!" Rarity cried out. Terror started to overflow within Rarity as she just let a pony die in her hooves.

"Please don't fret, Rarity." A mare's voice called out from the distance. Rarity turned to see a shining light floating down from the night sky. The light dimmed to reveal Princess Luna standing before Rarity.

"Princess Luna!" Rarity said in realization. Luna nodded before she lit her horn to make Blueblood and the Diamond Dogs disappear.

"Everything you have experienced was nothing more than a nightmare." Luna explained.

"Oh thanks goodness," Rarity sighed in relief as she really didn't let Blueblood die.

"What seems to be the problem, Rarity?" Luna asked. "Not many creatures would have such a nightmare unless there is something going on." Rarity calmed down a bit before she started to speak.

"It is true a lot has been going on with me recently. Do you remember Prince Blueblood?" Rarity asked. Luna simply nodded in agreement. "Well, he has been acting strange lately. He started by giving me a flowered vase as some kind of apology gift. The next thing I knew, he starts to appear at everything that I attend as if he was stalking me. It was as if he became a completely different pony. Blueblood then invited me to one of his parties and he ends up putting himself in harm's way to save me. I would naturally think that Blueblood was just pulling something by getting on my good side, but why am I having so much doubts?"

"It is natural that one would think ill of another based on bad experiences." Luna explained. "Take me for example. When I was no longer Nightmare Moon, there were other ponies who doubted my redemption as they were afraid that I was planning on something. I didn't blame them as I have done some bad things in the past. No matter how much doubt ponies had towards me, I kept trying to redeem myself to show that I wasn't Nightmare Moon anymore. Soon enough, more ponies warmed up to me and all of that hatred vanished."

"Wow, I had no idea." Rarity said.

"I only had a few interactions with Prince Blueblood and I thought that he was like most of the nobles in Canterlot. That was until I heard about the attempted robbery. It was rare to see a pony like that to risk his own life to save another. Perhaps that is a sign that he truly has changed. Whether Blueblood has really changed or hasn't, it's up to you to decide if you should hear him out or leave things be." Luna flapped her wings and she flew up. "I must be going now. There are more nightmares I must vanquish." Luna disappeared, causing Rarity to wake up from her sleep.

Feather was really shocked to hear such a crazy story from Rarity. He has heard stories of ponies and creatures being saved by Princess Luna from their nightmares.

"I even spoke to Princess Celestia and she confirmed that those robbers were real." Rarity said. "The way you pushed me out of the way really did show that you cared about me." Rarity said. "I should've thanked you instead of yelling at you."

"It's fine, Rarity." Feather said. "You had your rights to be suspicious."

"But still, that was no excuse. I even remembered times when my old foes would make amends after doing terrible things: Starlight, Discord, Trixie, and a whole bunch more. If I could accept their efforts for forgiveness, then I should've acknowledged your efforts as well."

"So what happens now?" Feather asked.

"Just like you, I also want to start over with us. But just as friends." Rarity held out her hoof.

Feather smiled. "I would definitely like that." Feather took Rarity's hoof and shook it, claiming it as a new bond between them. "Now that is out of the way, how about I treat you to a proper Grand Galloping Gala?" Rarity nodded and followed Feather back inside the castle. Throughout the night, Feather and Rarity spent a lot of time together during the gala. They talked for long periods of time, ate horderves together, and even slow danced while holding each others' hooves. Although it was a magical night for Rarity, Feather felt really guilty as he wasn't sure if he was ready to switch back with Blueblood.