• Published 17th May 2020
  • 599 Views, 61 Comments

The Prince and the Poet - BrawnyBold

Prince Blueblood switches bodies with Feather Bangs to get away from royal duties.

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Added Problems (Blueblood)

Blueblood was laying on Feather's bed throughout the day. He grew frustrated as he was waiting for Feather to activate the spell that will put themselves back to their original bodies. Blueblood already sent a letter to tell Feather about how he was ready to go. It has been a few days since the letter was sent and Blueblood was already losing his patience.

"What is taking that Feather so long?!" Blueblood said out loud. The prince thought that maybe Feather wasn't sure on how to do the spell properly. Another possibility Blueblood thought of was Feather being too busy with all of royal duties to find time to perform the spell. Blueblood should have figured that Feather would start to lose himself to all of those responsibilities. Blueblood grew more irritated as who knows how long until he could actually get back home. Blueblood brainstormed for a solution until he thought of something. He could just go over to Canterlot and help perform the spell. At first, Blueblood thought he was pretty clever for coming up with such a great idea. That was until he realized that he needs to figure out how he was suppose to get to Canterlot.

Blueblood exited Feather's house and went to look for Double Diamond. Blueblood thought that maybe Double Diamond could help since Blueblood doesn't exactly know where he was. Blueblood kept looking until he saw Double Diamond sitting at a table with Party Favor and Night Glider.

"DD!" Blueblood cried as he made his way to Double Diamond and his friends.

"Hey Feather, how can I help you?" Double Diamond asked.

"I need some help getting to Canterlot." Blueblood said. "Do you know if there is a fast way there?"

"Why do you want to go to Canterlot?" Double Diamond asked curiously.

"I...just have an important matter there." Blueblood lied as he didn't want to tell them the real reason. "I can't go into details about it."

"Alright, anything for a friend." Double Diamond said as he tapped his chin with his hooves. "Well, we do have a hot air balloon that would come here from time to time." Blueblood felt happy as he could get to Canterlot quickly with a balloon. "But the balloon won't be back for a while." Blueblood frowned as he couldn't wait that long. "If you really need to get to Canterlot, the train should take you there. The only downside is that it would take you a few days to get to Canterlot as it's really far from the town."

'Beggars can't be choosers.' Blueblood thought.

"There should be a train station not too far from here." Night Glider said. "If you want, I could take you there as I need to visit family in Canterlot."

"Alright, I just need to pack a few things before we head out!" Blueblood said as he went back to Feather's house to pack a saddle bag. Blueblood was all set and he hurried out to notice not only Night Glider but also Double Diamond and his friends waiting near the town's entrance. "What's all this?" Blueblood asked.

"We thought it would be nice if we send you off before you go to Canterlot." Double Diamond said before he pulled out a scroll. "I was also able to draw out the right path to Canterlot with this map. Here, take it."

"Oh um, thanks, DD." Blueblood said as he put the map in his bag.

Party Favor pulled out what looked like a teddy bear-shaped balloon animal. "I thought you might need a friend to come along with you, so I made this little guy."

"Thanks, I guess?" Feather said as he put the balloon bear in his bag.

"We should get going so we could catch the next train." Night Glider said as she and Blueblood started going down the path to the train station. "Goodbye, everypony!" Night Glider said while she waved her hoof.

"Goodbye! Come back soon!" Double Diamond said as he and the other villagers waved goodbye. Blueblood was feeling a bit confused from what he just witnessed.

"I keep forgetting, do they always send off ponies like that?" Blueblood asked.

"Yeah, we do it to make it easier for any pony when they leave." Night Glider answered.

"Oh, okay." Blueblood said before he remained silent for the rest of the walk. They eventually did make it to the train station to catch the next train. He and Night Glider shared the same cart as both of them will be traveling together. Once the train started moving, Blueblood watched as the mountains pass by from his train cart's window. Blueblood was quite surprised that Feather would live out in such an interesting place. Blueblood has traveled to numerous places before, but something felt different about the town and he just couldn't figure out what it was. Blueblood felt a bit relieved as he was on his way to return to the luxurious life he truly missed. But for some reason, he was also feeling sad at the same time. The prince's thoughts were interrupted when Night Glider caught his attention. "Is there something you need?"

"No, not really. I was just wondering if you were alright. You have been spacing out ever since the train left." Night Glider said.

"I just have a lot on my mind." Blueblood said. "It's been a while since I've traveled."

"We have been in the village for a while, but it's good that we're traveling now. It gives us an opportunity to see what's out there." Night Glider said.

"I'm also a bit curious on why you took the train as well. Couldn't you just fly to Canterlot considering that you're a pegasus?" Blueblood asked.

"It's true that I'm a pretty good flyer, but I would get too tired if I kept flying for a very long time." Night Glider answered. "Even so, it doesn't stop me from experiencing the perks of traveling by train. I get to see different landscapes from the window, I meet some interesting travelers on the train, and I could enjoy some of the train's tasty snacks. Speaking of," Night Glider waved her hoof and one of the train attendants came with a cart filled with candies. Night Glider picked out some snacks and gave some bits to the train attendant. She then held out a candy bar to Blueblood. "Here, try some."

Blueblood took it and examined it a bit. He hasn't had much candy ever since he was a foal. He stopped eating candy as he was told that it was really bad for his teeth. Blueblood figured it should be fine as he was in Feather's body. He opened the wrapper and took a small bite of it. Blueblood smiled as he kept chewing his candy bar. "I'll be sure to pay you back later." Blueblood said.

"Nah, it's good." Night Glider said. "We're travel buddies now. Let's just focus on the journey." Blueblood shrugged and resumed eating up his candy bar. He and Night Glider continued to ride on the train to Canterlot. To pass the time, Night Glider and Blueblood played certain games like tick tack toe, charades, and even Simon Says. It was nighttime and Night Glider was fast asleep on her seat while Blueblood remained awake. Blueblood had to admit, this was the most fun he had since he rode on a train. He recalled times when he did travel by train and most of the time he would read and take naps. Blueblood didn't have any close friends to travel with as traveling was part of his royal duties. He suddenly felt more sad when he started to think about his time in Canterlot. Blueblood didn't know when will he would travel again as there wasn't much to do as Equestria has been peaceful as of now. Blueblood grew tired from all of his thoughts and fell asleep on his seat.

The train whistle blew and woke up Blueblood. He opened his eyes to see that the train slowed down to what looked like another small town. He also noticed that all of the train's passengers were getting out of their seats.

"This is the last stop!" The train's conductor announced as he walked passed Blueblood. "The train will turn around once it's ready!" This confused Blueblood.

"Excuse me," Blueblood said to get the conductor's attention. "I thought this train goes straight to Canterlot."

"That is the other train which won't come until tomorrow." The conductor answered. "Not to worry, you can just spend some time in Ponyville while you wait." Blueblood grumbled as he had to wait an extra day to return to his body.

"It should be fine, Feather." Night Glider said as she got up from her seat. "We'll just rest up at a hotel and we'll head straight to Canterlot by tomorrow." Blueblood calmed down a bit thanks to Night Glider. Blueblood and Night Glider exited the train and it went on its way. The prince looked up the mountain to see Canterlot. It felt like Blueblood was getting mocked at as Canterlot was close yet so far from him. "Feather! Are you coming?" Night Glider hollered.

"Yeah," Blueblood said as he slowly followed Night Glider. As they walked, Blueblood looked around to see that Ponyville was just as lively as the other town he lived in. Blueblood felt sad again when he remembered the other town. He quickly shook his head as it was only temporary. Now Blueblood needs to focus on getting back to Canterlot before Feather messes up Blueblood's reputation. He sped up to reach Night Glider. "So, where exactly is the hotel you have mentioned?"

"It should be around here somewhere." Night Glider said as she looked around. They walked for a few more minutes until a pink mare with dark pink manes appeared in front of Night Glider and Blueblood.

"Hey there!" The pink mare said in a cheery tone. "Welcome to Ponyville!" All of a sudden, the pink mare pulled out what looked like a small blue cannon. Blueblood panicked as he thought he was gonna get blasted. The cannon shot out colorful confetti, much to Blueblood's confusion.

"Hey, Pinkie Pie!" Night Glider said as she approached the pink mare.

"Night Glider! It's so good to see you!" Pinkie said as she and Night Glider gave each other a big hug. Now Blueblood was really confused about what was going on.

"Wait, you guys know each other?" Blueblood asked the mares.

"In a way," Night Glider said. "This is Pinkie Pie, she and her friends would come by our town from time to time to visit."

Pinkie gasped and ran up to Blueblood, practically startling him. "Oh my gosh! You're new! It's so nice to meet new ponies! I'm Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie said as she shook Blueblood's hoof.

"Um, hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Feather Bangs." Blueblood said as he slowly moved his hoof away from Pinkie.

"Are you a friend of Night Glider?" Pinkie asked in excitement. "If so, then you must be a great friend and that means we'll be great friends too!" Blueblood became confused as he didn't know how to answer.

"He moved into our village after your last visit there." Night Glider said.

"That's very nice! I'm glad you chose a great place to live!" Pinkie said before she turned to Night Glider. "So what brings you two to Ponyville?"

"We were on our way to Canterlot. We had to stop at Ponyville as the next train to Canterlot won't be here until tomorrow."

Pinkie once again gasped from hearing Night Glider. "That means you'll spend an entire day in Ponyville! This is so exciting!"

"Why's that?" Blueblood asked.

"Because, this will allow me to show you what's so great about Ponyville!" Pinkie said as she fired another load of confetti from her party cannon.

"Actually, I prefer to head over to the hote-" Blueblood was interrupted when he and Night Glider was pushed by Pinkie towards wherever she was pushing them to. Blueblood saw that they all ended up inside a bakery. He also realized that he and Night Glider were sitting in one of the tables.

"Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner!" Pinkie said politely. "This place is where you could get the tastiest sweets!" Pinkie then pulled out a notepad and pencil from her manes. "What can I get you?"

"A slice of chocolate cake would be great for me." Night Glider replied.

"Um...I'll just have a plain donut." Blueblood said.

Pinkie jotted down on her notepad before she spoke. "Coming right up!" Pinkie ran to the kitchen and came back a few seconds later. She trotted over and placed the baked goods on the table. "Enjoy!" Night Glider and Blueblood took a bite from their pastries.

"Mmm! So good!" Night Glider said in delight.

"I'll say." Blueblood agreed. "I haven't had something this sweet since forever."

"I'm so glad you liked it!" Pinkie said. "Now we move on to the next part of the tour!"

"Wait, what?" Blueblood said before he and Night Glider were pulled by Pinkie once again. The next place they arrived to was some kind of forested area to Blueblood. There were all sorts of animals nearby and they were especially gathered around a yellow pegasus mare with long, pink manes.

"Hey Fluttershy!" Pinkie called out. The yellow mare noticed the other ponies and flew over to them.

"Hello there, Pinkie. Is there something you need?" The yellow mare asked.

"Do you remember Night Glider?" Pinkie asked.

"Oh, Night Glider, it's so good to see you again." Fluttershy said.

"It's nice to see you too." Night Glider said.

Pinkie resumed talking. "She and her friend, Feather Bangs, are staying in Ponyville until tomorrow. I'm just showing them around Ponyville."

"That's lovely," Fluttershy said. "I was just spending time with my animal friends. Do you two want to join in us?"

"Sure," Night Glider said before she followed Fluttershy. Blueblood sighed before he followed them in pursuit. Pinkie, Night Glider, Blueblood, and Fluttershy were all sitting on the grass while they watched the animals. Blueblood had to admit, he felt pretty relaxed. He hasn't seen so many animals playing around since he was in the Canterlot castle's gardens. Blueblood remembered when he was foal, he tried to play with the exotic animals living there. But they often either run away or get angry at Blueblood for bothering them. He never played at the gardens ever since. Blueblood then noticed a small kitten approaching him, the kitten went over and rubbed herself on his fur while purring.

"Aw, the kitty likes you." Fluttershy said in delight. "That also means she wants you to pet her."

"Uh, okay." Blueblood carefully placed his hooves on the kitty's head and started petting her. The kitty purred in response and snuggled along to Blueblood's hoof.

"Aw," The three mares said together. Blueblood felt embarrassed as he wasn't used to this kind of attention. But still, he enjoyed petting the kitty.

After a while, Night Glider and Blueblood followed Pinkie as she lead them to another part of Ponyville. Much to Night Glider and Blueblood's surprise, Pinkie was leading them to some kind of cave. As they walked, they couldn't help but noticed all of the shiny gems in the cave's walls. Blueblood was so shocked that no pony hasn't even considered mining these gems to make a decent profit. They reached the other end of the cave to see an enormous cavern before them.

"Whoa!" Night Glider said as she flew up and looked around. "What is this place?!"

"This is where my sister, Maud, lives." Pinkie said. "I wanted to show you how pretty her place looks." Soon, a gray, earth-pony mare with pale, purple manes made her way to the other ponies. "Maud! It's so good to see you again!" Pinkie said as she gave the gray mare a hug.

"You just saw me yesterday, Pinkie." Maud said in a monotone voice.

"Yeah, but it felt like forever since we've seen each other!" Pinkie said. "I just came by to show Night Glider and Feather Bangs how great your cavern looks." Night Glider landed right in front of Pinkie and Maud.

"Hey there, it's nice to meet you." Night Glider said as she offered a hoof shaken.

Maud reached out and shook Night Glider's hoof. "Likewise,"

Night Glider turned to noticed Blueblood attempting to pull out a large, green gem. "Feather? What are you doing?"

Blueblood froze as he was caught. "Um, nothing." He could tell Night Glider didn't look so convincing.

"Uh huh, so I didn't just see you attempting to pull out one of the gems in the cavern. Am I right?" Night Glider asked. Blueblood looked down in shame as if he was caught stealing from the cookie jar.

"It's alright if you take a gem." Maud said to Blueblood.

"Really?" Blueblood and Night Glider said in surprise.

"Sure, every gem in this place are all actually common gems." Maud explained. With that, Blueblood felt really disappointed as he couldn't make much bits from common gems.

"That's a great idea!" Pinkie said as she pulled out a pick axe and starting mining the large gem to make smaller ones. "Here," Pinkie said as she gave some of the small bits of gems to Night Glider and Blueblood. "Consider these some souvenirs to remind you of Ponyville!"

"Wow, thanks, Pinkie." Night Glider said.

Blueblood would have just tossed the gem since he didn't of any value to it. But for some reason, he didn't as he was thinking about how much of a good time he was having right now. Blueblood simply nodded and put his gem away.

"Oh! You know what? We should make some rock candy necklaces!" Pinkie said as she hugged the other ponies together.

As Pinkie, Night Glider, and Blueblood exited the cave, Night Glider and Blueblood carried some of the rock candy necklaces Maud made. Blueblood couldn't believe how tasty rock candy was. He was afraid he would break Feather's teeth, but the rocks were actually easy to crunch on. The next place they went to was a large orchard that was covered with apple trees. This amazed Blueblood as he hasn't seen so many apple trees in his life.

"Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres!" Pinkie said as she lead Night Glider and Blueblood towards a large barn house. Blueblood noticed an orange, earth-pony mare with blonde manes and a stetson hat was in the middle of pouring some apples into a barrel. For some reason, Blueblood thought he had seen that particular mare before. But he brushed it off as he didn't want to fret on that.

"Hey Applejack!" Pinkie called out to the orange mare.

"Hey there, Pinkie." Applejack said as she approached Pinkie. Applejack looked surprised when she saw Night Glider. "Well I'll be, it's been a while, Night Glider." Applejack said as she gave Night Glider a hoof-bump.

"Yeah, it's been too long." Night Glider said. Applejack then noticed Blueblood standing next to Night Glider.

"So who's this colt?" Applejack asked.

"This is Feather Bangs." Pinkie said as she wrapped her hoof around Blueblood's neck. "He and Night Glider were stopping by Ponyville before leaving to Canterlot tomorrow."

"Then allow me to offer you what Sweet Apple Acres has to offer." Applejack said as she went inside her home with the rest of the ponies following her. Blueblood watched as Applejack was preparing a lot of food. He couldn't remember the last time he watched somepony cook. Blueblood recalled that he would usually wait outside of the kitchen until the waiter arrived with his meals. Applejack completed her cooking and her table was filled with apple-based cuisines. Blueblood took one whiff and his stomach was already growling. "Alright, try as much of my apple treats." Night Glider picked up one apple strudel and took a huge bite out of it. Blueblood turned and picked up what looked like an apple cupcake. He took one small bite out of it and he was couldn't believe how delicious it was. Blueblood began to completely devour his cupcake and licked his lips. He started to eat up some apple salad and it was just as tasty as the cupcake. It wasn't long until Blueblood and Night Glider ate up the entire apple meal spread provided by Applejack.

"Wow, that was delicious!" Night Glider said as she sat back on her seat.

"I completely agree." Blueblood said.

"I'm so glad to hear ya say that." Applejack said in delight. The door opened and two more ponies entered the kitchen. One of the ponies was a large earth-pony stallion with short orange manes. The other one was a light pink unicorn mare with frizzy purple manes.

"Hey there, Big Mac and Sugar Belle!" Applejack said to the two new ponies.

"Hey Applejack," Sugar Belle said before she noticed her two friends at the table. "Night Glider? Feather Bangs?"

"Sugar Belle!" Night Glider said as she flew towards Sugar Belle and gave her a big hug. "I missed you so much!"

"Yeah, I missed you too." Sugar Belle said as she returned the hug. Blueblood was confused on how this Sugar Belle mare knew who he was. That was until he started to remember that Feather attempted to flirt with Sugar Belle. Blueblood also guessed that the tall, red stallion was Sugar Belle's coltfriend. Blueblood had to be careful on what he says so they don't get suspicious.

"Hey there, Sugar." Blueblood said awkwardly. "It's good to see you again."

"Um, it's good to see you too." Sugar Belle replied. "What brings you two to Ponyville?"

"Night Glider and I need to get to Canterlot. But our train won't come until tomorrow." Blueblood explained.

"That sounds fun." Sugar Belle said. "Big Mac was about to take me on a hay ride. Do you two want to come along?"

"Sure, that sounds fun!" Night Glider accepted.

"Yeah, I never been on a hay ride before." Blueblood said.

Sugar Belle turned to "Will that be alright, Big Mac?"

"Eeyup," Big Mac said with a nod.

Night Glider, Blueblood, and Sugar Belle sat comfortably in the hay cart while Big Mac pulled it. Blueblood was quite impressed that Big Mac wasn't tired from pulling all three ponies. Blueblood guessed that must be from all of the farm work Big Mac has done at the farm. Blueblood looked up to see the sun setting, indicating that the day was almost over. Big Mac kept pulling the cart until they arrived to a small cliff. Night Glider and Blueblood were amazed to see the beautiful view of the sunset as it went down to the hills close to the apple orchard. Big Mac got up on the cart and sat next to Sugar Belle.

"Oh Big Mac, the sunset is so romantic." Sugar Belle said as she snuggled up to Big Mac.

"Eeyup," Big Mac agreed.

Blueblood couldn't help but smile as it was nice to see two ponies being together like that.

"Wow, that sunset is really something. Right, Feather?" Night Glider said to Blueblood.

"Yeah, it's great." Blueblood commented.

"We should come back to Ponyville once we're done with Canterlot." Night Glider said. This made Blueblood frown as he wasn't sure if he will come back to Ponyville as he will return to being a prince. Blueblood thought that maybe he could see the sunset whenever he goes out to one of the castle's balconies. "Feather? Are you alright?"

"Oh, yeah I'm fine." Blueblood responded.

"I noticed that you have been frowning for awhile." Night Glider said.

"I'm just a little tired from today. I just need to sleep and I'll be better." Blueblood said as he and everypony else continued to watch as the sun went down.

Night Glider and Blueblood said their goodbyes to Pinkie, Sugar Belle, and the Apples before they went their separate ways. Night Glider and Blueblood arrived to the hotel to rest for the night. As Blueblood laid on his bed, he couldn't help but smile as he was remembering what happened throughout the day. Blueblood thought his trip to Ponyville was the best in contrast to previous trips he had ever taken. Blueblood really wanted to come back to see what else was there in Ponyville. That was until Blueblood realized that it may be difficult considering that he has to return as a prince. Soon, he would go back to attending royal duties where he lacked his friends and temporary home. Blueblood recalled that the reason he switched bodies in the first place was to get away from Canterlot for a while before he would come back. But now he was second-guessing himself about if he truly wanted to go back. Blueblood thought that maybe he could ask Feather if he could switch places for another time. He decided to think about it later as he has a big day ahead of him.