• Published 17th May 2020
  • 600 Views, 61 Comments

The Prince and the Poet - BrawnyBold

Prince Blueblood switches bodies with Feather Bangs to get away from royal duties.

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First Day as Somepony Else (Feather Bangs)

Feather slowly opened his eyes and he sat up from his bed. He looked around the royal bedroom to realize what he experienced last night was not some crazy dream. Feather truly did become Prince Blueblood. He got out of the bed and stretched his body. Feather felt a bit weird being in another stallion's body as it was a rare occasion. He trotted over to the bathroom to splash some water on his face. Feather looked at himself in the mirror to still see Prince Blueblood in the reflection. The prince's looks reminded Feather of one of those charming princes he would see on pictures from fairy tale books.

'I guess being royalty helps some ponies stay well-groomed all the time.' Feather thought. He spotted what looked like Prince Blueblood's toothbrush and decided to brush his teeth. As Feather inserted the toothbrush into his mouth, he felt weird using somepony else's toothbrush to clean his teeth. Feather then doubted that the idea was gross as he was in Prince Blueblood's body, so it was still sanitary.

Feather made his way to what looked like a closet and opened it with his magic. The closet doors swung open to reveal the many outfits Prince Blueblood had worn for different occasions.

'Which outfits do I need to where today?' Feather said while scratching his mane. Feather then remembered that he needed help with living as Prince Blueblood, he could get help from the servants. Feather looked around to spot a small bell that was on the nightstand. Feather used his horn to concentrate on moving the bell towards him. The bell shook a bit while it approached Feather.

'I'm getting the hang of this horn magic.' Feather thought. He took the bell and gave it a few shakes. At first, Feathre looked around to see no pony coming. That was until a few seconds passed and the doors opened. A well-dressed, butler unicorn stallion with white manes entered the prince's room.

"Good morning, Prince Blueblood." The butler pony said while bowing to Feather. "How may I be of assistance?" Feather blinked as he wasn't used to have ponies asking if they could help him.

"I need to pick out an outfit to where for today?" Feather guessed.

"Very well, Prince Blueblood." The butler bowed as and his horn glowed with green aura. A nicely made, blue suit was retrieved from the closet. "You are to attend another private tea party at 10 a.m. and you will be a special guest at a tennis match at the Canterlot Country Club. I highly recommend that you wear this during the day." The butler pony levitated the suit to Feather.

"T-thanks," Feather said nervously. He attempted to put on the outfit. Feather was able to put on the suit and pants, but he was having a hard time tying his tie in the right knot. Feather turned to see that the butler pony was still standing in front of him. "Umm, is it alright that you help me with this?" Feather requested. The butler showed no reactions as he trotted up to Feather and used magic to tie Feather's necktie in the right way. The butler was finished and stepped back. Feather took a look at himself through the large mirror nearby and he was amaze of how nice he looked while wearing his suit.

"I appreciate it, umm..." Feather said as he had no idea on what his butler's name was.

"Bellhopper, your majesty." Bellhopper responded. "It is always a pleasure to be assisting you." Feather took one last look at himself before he felt ready to be a prince.

"I'm all ready then," Feather announced.

"Follow me and I'll escort you to the dining room." Bellhopper said as he and Feather exited the room. As both stallions trotted slowly down the large hallways, Feather noticed that some mares dressed as maids moved out of the way and bowed before him.

"Good morning, Prince Blueblood." The maids said to Feather. Feather felt weird to have ponies bowing to him as this hasn't happen to him very often.

"Umm, thank you." Feather said nervously before he quickly trotted to catch up to the butler.

'This is going to be a very uncomfortable day,' Feather grumbled as he continued to follow Bellhopper.

The tea party Feather was attending first took place at a rich pony's manor. Feather sat close to a small table that was filled with tea sets, tea snacks, and shiny silverware that were well-organized. Feather looked up to only see some wealthy looking ponies sitting around the same table as him. Feather gulped as he didn't often attend tea parties and he doesn't even know how to act in a tea party as fancy as this one. The ponies were talking among themselves about various topics that Feather couldn't even understand. He decided to play it safe by staying quiet and observing what other ponies were doing. Some of the unicorns were using their horn magic to lift their tea cups and sipped its' contents.

'That could be a start!' Feather thought as he concentrated on his horn in attempt to retrieve his tea cup. The tea cup was able to be lifted from its' plate, but Feather's lack of experience with his horn also made the tea cup shiver while levitated. The tea cup got close enough towards Feather's face. Feather moved his lips closer to the tea cup to take a sip from it. Feather thought the tea tasted really good as it felt soothing while it went down his throat. Feather's relaxation had caused him to lose his focus and magic surrounding the tea cup disappeared. Feather watched in horror as the tea cup and plate quickly fell to the ground. Feather winced and closed his eyes as he was prepared to hear the sound of shattering tea cups and plates. A few seconds passed and Feather noticed that he hasn't heard any plates breaking yet. He slowly opened his eyes to see that the tea cup and plate was levitating close to Feather. Feather didn't know what was going on until he noticed that the aura sounding the tea cup and tea plate was the color green. Feather thought the aura's color was familiar and looked around the room. He spotted Bellhopper standing on the side of a wall while positioned in a still manner. His horn was glowing for a bit and he had one eye open. Feather could only smile as the butler had saved Feather from drawing unwanted attention.

'Thank you,' Feather mouthed to Bellhopper and the 'prince' used his horn once again to levitate the tea cup and tea plate. Feather then resumed sipping on this tea cup while listening to the upper-class ponies talk among themselves.

Feather approached the VIP seating area where ponies will watch the tennis match. Feather looked around to find what looked like his seat as it was labeled with Blueblood's cutie mark. He took a seat and waited patiently for the match to start.

"Good afternoon, nephew." A mare's voice said next to Feather. Feather turned to have his jaw dropped as Princess Celestia was standing before him. Feather was loss for words as he had always seen Princess Celestia only from pictures in newspapers. Having the ruler of Equestria actually talking to Feather was a completely new experience to him.

"I-er..." Feather muffled as he didn't know what to say.

"Are you alright, nephew?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Y-yes! Your majes-I mean Auntie!" Feather laughed nervously as he adjusted his collar. Princess Celestia giggled as she sat down on her seat that was large and was labeled with her cutie mark.

"It is actually a delight to see you arrive early to a tennis match." Princess Celestia said. "You would usually arrive fashionably late and make everypony notice you."

"Well, I...just thought that being here early....would...um...bring me more attention from the other ponies, yes!" Feather lied. "It would show the other guests that I would arrive early to show my passion for tennis!" Princess Celestia raised a brow.

"But you have mentioned that you preferred not to play tennis as you didn't want to be all tired and sweaty." Princess Celestia informed. Feather began to sweat crazy as he thought the princess was catching on to him. Feather then thought of an idea.

"Just because I'm incapable of playing tennis doesn't mean I can't enjoy watching it. It's the least I could do to support the players who play this sport." Feather said while grinning. It was enough for Princess Celestia to shrug and turned towards the tennis court as the players began to trot to their positions.

'I can't believed that worked!' Feather thought as he tried to relax while watching the ponies hit the tennis ball.

It was nighttime when Feather finally returned to Blueblood's room and he collapsed on the bed. He felt really tired from even just standing near all of the rich and important ponies. Feather felt lucky that he was able to survive his first day as a substitute prince. He began to feel respect for Blueblood for being able to do these kind of things since birth.

'I just hope that Blueblood gets his assignment done soon so I could go back to living my life.' Feather thought. He then remembered that he had to write about his progress to Blueblood. Feather used his horn to retrieve a quill and a piece of paper. When Feather was done writing, he inserted it in an envelope and wrote down his address. Feather rang the bell to have Bellhopper enter the room.

"How may I help you, Prince Blueblood?" Bellhopper asked. Feather levitated the sealed envelope to the butler.

"Please send this letter to the address written on the envelope." Feather requested.

"Yes, Prince Blueblood." Bellhopper nodded as he exited the room. Feather got ready for bed and went to sleep while hoping that the next few days will get better.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long to make an update to this story. The next chapter will be about Blueblood's first day of being Feather.