• Published 17th May 2020
  • 599 Views, 61 Comments

The Prince and the Poet - BrawnyBold

Prince Blueblood switches bodies with Feather Bangs to get away from royal duties.

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Secrets Revealed

Below Canterlot Castle were the dark dungeons where the royal guards would lock up prisoners until they transfer to a larger prison. Blueblood never thought he would end up in one of the cells due to his clean record and title as a prince. He wasn't chained to the walls as the cell's door was heavily locked. Even if Blueblood did get out, he would need to escape the royal guards that patrol the dungeons on a daily basis. Blueblood just sat near one of the walls as he thought escaping was pointless. Blueblood was so angry at Feather for many reasons. One of them involving Feather punching Blueblood on his muzzle. Even though Blueblood technically had Feather's muzzle, Blueblood still didn't like the pain. Blueblood also couldn't believe that Feather would use Blueblood's appearance to get close to that mare, Rarity. Blueblood should have guessed that Feather would take advantage of being royalty. Blueblood feared that he will never get out of this place while Feather was probably living it up as a prince.

Blueblood's thoughts were interrupted when the cell's door opened. He guessed that a guard would come to bring him his meal or something. Much to Blueblood's shock, standing before him was none other than his Auntie Celestia. A part of Blueblood felt really relieved that his aunt was here. But then Blueblood realized that he was still in Feather's body which his aunt would definitely not recognize. He also noticed that there were no royal guards standing by his aunt's side. It was strange for Blueblood as he always seen his aunt with at least two guards with her.

"So I take it that you know why you were thrown in here." Princess Celestia said to Blueblood.

"Because I was trespassing in the castle." Blueblood answered.

"That is correct. I was also surprised that you made the journey back to Canterlot. I assumed you would stay in that village a bit longer, Blueblood." Blueblood was completely lost for words when his aunt called him by his actual name.

"I...er....what?" Blueblood said in confusion.

"I know it is you inside that body, nephew." Princess Celestia said.

"H-how did you know?" Blueblood asked.

"Let's just say that I was the one behind you switching places with Feather Bangs." Princess Celestia admitted.

"How is that even possible?" Blueblood questioned. "I snuck inside of the castle's archives and found that book!"

"By found, do you mean having that book drop down on your head? That was also me. I hid while you were attempting to sneak around the archives that were also accessible thanks to me. I simply teleported the correct book right above you."

Blueblood didn't know how to respond as all of his efforts were mostly his aunt's. He could only slump down and feel disappointed. "How long have you planned this?" Blueblood asked.

"Ever since that night when you came back from that garden party. I was worried about you and went to check up on you. When I glanced in your room, you were reading The King and The Commoner. I guessed that maybe you were planning a way to switch lives with another pony. I decided to plan ahead by quickly finding the mind book. Once you and Feather switched bodies, I kept track of your progress along with Feather's. It was actually nice to see that Feather was able to perform your royal duties quite well. I didn't even have to lessen his royal assignments."

"Geez, how nice of you to say that." Blueblood said sarcastically.

"While I monitored your progress, I noticed that you were enjoying yourself while in the village." Blueblood was caught off guard when his aunt said that to him.

"Yeah, well...I was just enjoying my time away from the castle. You know how busy being royalty can get."

"That may be true, but I'm guessing that you found a lot more from the village than a place for time off." Princess Celestia said.

"I don't know what you mean." Blueblood said.

"If you don't want to say it, I'll say it for you. You were having the time of your life from being part of the village's community." Princess Celestia said. Blueblood didn't respond as he still didn't want to admit it. "After each day in the village, you couldn't wait for the next day to spend time with your friends." Blueblood grew more angry the more his aunt talked.

"Alright, fine! You caught me! I did enjoy my time in the village!" Blueblood admitted. "Do you know how satisfying it felt to be with ponies who just want to be with me and nothing else? It felt extremely good! I even got to do things that I couldn't do as a prince like eat pastries, water ski, and being able to break one of my hooves because of that! There was even a time that I was able to help those ponies during a disaster! So yes, I did enjoy being at that village! Are you happy!?" When Blueblood was done talking, his cheeks were reddish while tears were spilling out of his eyes. Blueblood had never been one to lash out at others as he thought doing so would be too barbaric. Now here he was, pouring out his feelings to one of the princesses of Equestria. Much to Blueblood's surprise, his aunt simply smiled.

"I am quite pleased to hear that from you, Blueblood. What you said reminds me of my former pupil, Twilight. She was so caught up on her studies and books that I had to send her away to Ponyville. The next thing I knew, she grew attached to that town along with the locals who live there."

"And that was how she became a princess?" Blueblood asked.

"Well, in a way." Princess Celestia answered. "She grew to become a better pony and was able to help others grow as well. The same goes for you too, Blueblood. When you spoke about the village, you showed a side of you that really cares about that place and its' villagers. There is nothing wrong about caring for others. That is what makes us royal in our own way."

"So what are you going to do? Let that Feather colt stay in my body while you send me away?" Blueblood guessed.

"Let us first leave this place and head back to the throne room. I believe that Feather might think otherwise." Princess Celestia led Blueblood out of the dungeons and towards elsewhere.

Back at Blueblood's room, Feather was laying on his bed. He was still processing the moment when Blueblood was carried away by the guards. Feather wasn't sure if he should return to his normal body as Blueblood might punish him or do something rash with Rarity. Feather then realized that things were getting better with his relationship with Rarity. He didn't want his relationship with her to end too soon. But deep down, Feather knew that letting Blueblood be imprisoned was wrong along with lying to Rarity about who Feather truly was.

'I just can't tell her that I'm not Blueblood!' Feather thought. 'She will be angry at me for deceiving her like that.' Feather tried to think of any other solutions that were better than the first few. All Feather could think about was making sure Rarity was safe from Blueblood. Feather then came up with one idea that he truly didn't like. Feather used his horn to write something on a scroll and have it sent. Feather exited Blueblood's room.

Feather waited anxiously in the throne room. He would look at the doors from time to time just to see if Rarity was come through them. After ten minutes, the doors opened to reveal Rarity coming inside. Feather couldn't help but feel smitten again from seeing Rarity's beautiful face. But Feather quickly shook it off as he had to focus on what he had to do.

"Hello Blueblood, did you want to see me?" Rarity asked. "You mentioned from your letter that you wanted to meet with me but you didn't mention why."

Feather gulped before he spoke. "I have to tell you something, Rarity. It pains me to say this, but I think I'll have to decline attending Princess Twilight's birthday with you."

Rarity blinked a few times. "Oh, okay. You don't have to go if you don't want to."

"There is something else I must tell you, Rarity." Feather took a deep breath before he continued. "I can't spend time with you anymore."

Rarity was in complete shock from what Feather just said. "I-I'm sorry, is there something wrong, Blueblood?" Rarity asked in confusion.

"The only issue is with me. I-I just can't be with you, Rarity. You deserve somepony better and I don't think it's me." Feather said.

"Why would you say that, Blueblood? Is someone threatening you? You could tell me." Rarity said.

"It's just too complicated to explain. I just want to end this relationship before things go bad." Before Feather trotted away, Rarity ran up in front of him.

"I hardly believe that you would end this relationship too bluntly. Blueblood, we have been together for quite some time and I got to know you better. You can tell me anything that is bothering you." Blueblood looked into Rarity's eyes and he wasn't sure if he should tell her the actual truth.

"The truth is, I'm not the stallion you think I am." Feather said.

"What are you talking about?" Rarity asked in confusion.

"I'm...not the real Prince Blueblood." Feather confessed. "My actual name is Feather Bangs." Feather could tell that Rarity was now completely confused. Feather decided to continue. "You see, Prince Blueblood switched bodies with me because he had to do a royal assignment. The prince had me take his place until he was done. I did my best to do all of his duties as the prince would. Everything changed when I first saw you. When I found out about what Prince Blueblood did to you during the Grand Galloping Gala, I felt so angry from how the prince treated you. I tried to make amends with you as I thought you deserved better. I am extremely sorry, Rarity. I just didn't want to deceive you anymore."

Rarity was completely lost for words from what Feather just said. "I-I don't even know what to say. I'm not even sure if what you're saying is true."

"It actually is, Rarity." Princess Celestia said as she entered the throne room. Feather became terrified as he thought he will be severely punished for impersonating royalty. "No need to fear, Feather. I already know."

"You do?" Feather said.

"Of course, I was actually the one behind switching your body with Blueblood's." Princess Celestia said.

"Can somepony tell me what is going on!?" Rarity demanded.

"Since Feather has told you his side of the story, I'll let Blueblood explain his side." Princess Celestia said as she moved aside to reveal Blueblood standing before them.

Rarity recognized Blueblood as the stallion who was being pulled away by the guards yesterday. "So...you're Blueblood?" Rarity questioned.

"Hello...Rarity." Blueblood said while trying not to throw up from seeing Rarity.

"Blueblood," Princess Celestia said to her nephew while giving him a stern look.

Blueblood took a deep breath before he started his explanation. "To tell you the truth, Feather, I wasn't on some royal assignment." This surprised Feather a bit as he always thought Blueblood was doing something important. "The reason why I switched bodies with you was because I grew extremely tired of my royal duties in Canterlot. Thanks to my auntie, I found a spell that would switch bodies with a pony who was a bit similar to me. Once I was in your body, I felt like I was free from being a prince. At first, I thought it was complicated living as a commoner. But I was able to fit in as you, Feather. I even got to participate in certain activities that I didn't know were actually fun. The more time I spent in the village, the more I became attached to it. I grew worried about you messing up your duties and sent you the letter to inform you to switch us back. I got impatient when you didn't activate the spell and decided to go to you. Once I did make it to Canterlot, I got angry as I saw you with the one mare I really didn't want to see again. I hope you will forgive me, Feather." Blueblood bowed his head to Feather.

Feather smiled from Blueblood's words. "It's fine, Blueblood. I'm glad you had a great time."

Blueblood made his way to Rarity. "Miss Rarity, I also want to apologize to you about my behavior during the gala. I must admit that I acted really snobby because I thought less of you since you were a commoner who was chasing after me. Staying at Feather's village made me realize that commoners possess something more valuable than wealth."

"So it was all true then. You really were lying to me, Feather." Rarity said in realization.

"Yes, I did." Feather said as he hung his head in shame.

"You must not be so harsh with Feather, Rarity." Blueblood chimed in. "From what I heard from my aunt, Feather has done a lot for you over the past few days. Although, I was a bit angry as Feather used some of my money for your donation." This caused Feather to laugh nervously as he was caught by Blueblood. "He even punched me in the face as I talked very harshly about you."

"You punched Blueblood?" Rarity asked Feather.

"Yeah, it was out of anger." Feather said while rubbing his neck. "So what do you say? Want to start over...again?"

"I do not like that you have lied to me, Feather. But after remembering what you did for me, it made me want to know the real you. I am willing to let bygones be bygones if you promise me to not keep any more secrets from me."

"That is something I can definitely do." Feather said. Feather and Rarity looked at each other with tender smiles. They were interrupted when Blueblood cleared his throat.

"Before you two have your moment, I suggest that Feather and I switch back to our original bodies. Auntie Celestia, if you may."

"Before I do that, Blueblood. I want to know what you will do next." Princess Celestia said.

Blueblood thought for a moment. "I am honestly not sure. I truly enjoyed my time in the village, but I'm not sure if I could go back as I would no longer be Feather Bangs and the villagers would act different towards me."

"I might have a solution for that, if you are willing to take part in an important assignment." Princess Celestia offered. Blueblood, Feather, and Rarity were curious on what Princess Celestia had in mind.