• Published 17th May 2020
  • 600 Views, 61 Comments

The Prince and the Poet - BrawnyBold

Prince Blueblood switches bodies with Feather Bangs to get away from royal duties.

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Handling Changes (Blueblood)

It was like any other day at Starlight's Village. Blueblood was helping pulling a cart of produce to the shopping stalls. When Blueblood found out that Feather Bangs didn't have a specific job in the village, Blueblood decided to take part in some odd jobs to help around. Ponies said hi whenever they walk past Blueblood. Blueblood would normally get peeved from seeing common ponies standing at a close distant from him. But now he felt grateful to see the village ponies happy and going along their merry way. Blueblood arrived to the shopping stalls and started giving the produce to the vendors.

"Feather!" Double Diamond called out as he made his way towards Feather.

"Hey DD," Blueblood replied. Blueblood thought calling his new friends by their initials was kind of neat. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to talk to you about something." Double Diamond replied.

"Just let me finish up with my deliveries." Blueblood said. "A lot of ponies need their veggies." When Blueblood's job was done, he and Double Diamond trotted side by side while talking.

"My friends and I wanted to do a little game night at my house." Double Diamond said. "I was wondering if you would like to join us."

"I would love to!" Blueblood said. "Do I need to bring anything?"

"Naw, Sugar Belle is bringing a lot of pastries while Party Favor is setting up the games. We should be fine with that."

"Then I'll be sure to make it tonight." Blueblood said.

"Awesome! See you there!" Double Diamond said as he hurried to another part of town.

'I guess ponies in this town can be more decent than I thought.' Blueblood said as he trotted back to Feather's house.

It was nighttime and Blueblood was making his way to Double Diamond's house. As Blueblood was making his way, he noticed that most of the houses were pitched dark from the windows.

'I guess most of the ponies here tend to sleep early.' Blueblood thought. He arrived to Double Diamond's house and knocked on the front door. The door slowly opened by itself, much to Blueblood's surprise. Blueblood noticed the lights in the house were off. He guessed that Double Diamond wasn't home yet and is still getting supplies. Blueblood decided to just go inside and wait for the others. When Blueblood entered through the door, the lights went back on and he heard a large crowd yelling 'Surprise!' in front of him. Blueblood stood before almost all of the villagers in the living room with confetti shooting out. A banner saying Happy Birthday, Feather Bangs! was hung over the ponies.

"What is going on?" Blueblood said in confusion.

"We thought it would be nice to throw a party for you since today is your birthday!" Double Diamond said as he walked out of the crowd.

'It was today?' Blueblood thought before he realized that the villagers must be referring to Feather Bangs' birthday. Night Glider appeared while holding a large birthday cake in her hooves with lit candles on it. Everypony began to sing the happy birthday song until the cake was right in front of Blueblood. Blueblood decided to just go with it and blew out the candles. Everypony cheered and clapped their hooves.

"Let's party, everypony!" Night Glider said. The night went on with the villagers doing various party activities. Party Favor was busy making balloon animals for some of the ponies. Double Diamond and Night Glider were busy playing Pin the Tail on the Pony. Sugar Belle was with her coltfriend, Big Mac, while talking to some of the party members. Blueblood was standing near a wall while watching the ponies partying. Blueblood thought that he was having a wonderful time in the party. Blueblood also recalled that his parties in Canterlot were never like this. Most of the Canterlot parties' attendees would usually just eat hot d'oeuvres and just brag about how great being rich is. For some reason, Blueblood started to feel a bit sad from thinking about that part of his life. "Great party, huh?" Night Glider said as she walked up to Blueblood.

"Uh, yeah, it's really great." Blueblood said.

"I thought it would be nice to throw you a surprise party as you helped out with my birthday party." Night Glider said.

"True, you were pretty surprised with my floating, napkin cranes." Blueblood said.

"Those were good," Night Glider said. "You know, when we first met, I honestly thought you were a huge tool who was only good at flirting with mares."

"A tool?" Blueblood responded.

"Yeah, I remembered when you tried to hit on me and I threatened to pummel you unless you backed off." Blueblood cringed as he didn't want to think of that outcome. "But after I got to know you some more, I was really wrong. You're a pretty cool stallion. It's just that you're not my type." Night Glider said.

"Oh," Blueblood said.

"I guess you can say you're a great friend to me, Feather." Night Glider smiled before she trotted away. "I'm gonna go get something to drink. Be right back." As Night Glider left, Blueblood remained silent from what Night Glider said. He started to feel some enjoyment from being called a friend, especially from Night Glider, a pony he got to know for quite a while. Blueblood recalled that he was never given such praises before from his other friends. Most of the ponies he spends time with were nobles who only cared about their high-class status. The only reason those ponies spent time with Blueblood was because they thought their reputations would increase if they were with royalty. Blueblood began to feel more saddened when he thought more about his time as a prince.

"Hey Feather!" Double Diamond said as he made his way to Blueblood.

"Hey DD," Blueblood responded. "What's up?"

"I was just wondering if you are enjoying the party." Double Diamond said.

"It's been great," Blueblood said.

"That's good to know. Do you mind if we talked for a bit?" Double Diamond requested.

"Sure," Blueblood said as Double Diamond got closer to him.

"Ever since the earthquake, I started to think that we might need to make some improvements to our village as things could go wrong with what we have right now." Double Diamond explained. "I spoke with some of the villagers and we all thought that maybe we could form some kind of council to discuss about improvements we could make to our town."

"That sounds pretty good." Blueblood commented.

"We're already discussing about possible candidates. I was wondering if you would like to be part of it." Double Diamond said.

"What?" Blueblood said in confusion.

"You were doing a great job of leading us during that earthquake. I just thought we could use a stallion like you in the council to make the town a better place." Blueblood was lost for words as he didn't know what to say to Double Diamond. "It's alright if you don't want to join, I just thought it would be a good idea."

"I'll...sleep on it." Blueblood answered.

"Okay, I'll just let you enjoy the rest of the party." Double Diamond said as he trotted away, leaving Blueblood completely silent once again.

The party went on until late at night. After Blueblood said his goodbyes, he made his way back to Feather's house. He went inside the bathroom to wash up for the night. When Blueblood finished washing his face, he looked at the mirror to only see Feather Bangs' face. Blueblood almost forgotten that he was impersonating somepony else. The whole purpose of this was for Blueblood to avoid any more royal duties.

'What will happen if I want to go back?' Blueblood thought. It never occurred to him on when this whole charade will be over. He wasn't even sure how long the real Feather Bangs will last as a prince. Blueblood felt a bit sad as when he does leave, he won't get to experience more things from being in the village. What's worse, the townsponies will only remember the things 'Feather Bangs' did instead of Blueblood. Another thought occurred to Blueblood: how was he suppose to return to his original body? Blueblood honestly didn't think that far ahead as he was only focused on getting away from Canterlot. Blueblood started to feel a headache from all of his thinking. He decided to go to sleep and figure out a solution in the morning. Even though Blueblood laid on the bed, his thoughts still kept him from falling asleep.