• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 6,080 Views, 389 Comments

Reincarnation - Silver Butcher

After meeting the end of his life span, Spike awakens in a new Body, Reincarnated as a Kirin he has one single goal, Figure out how to tell his friends without making them think he/she is crazy

  • ...

Refining Magic

"Sounds like it was fun being a god," Peach noted casually as she put a collar around Leaf Storm, upon being told that thanks to Cadance they didn't need to worry about Leaf Storm's Fire's fizzling out Peach had requested the use of a room in the castle so they could distill the magic, noting she had originally planned to rent a room at a local motel to distill it.

Leaf Storm had wished Winter well, and Winter had in turn informed Leaf they might be seeing one another sooner than she'd think. With Winter's departure so too did a large portion of the group split apart, Mortamire and Shiver were standing guard outside the room while Sunflower took the opportunity to do a surprise inspection of the Empires troops. With Flurry being dragged away for some royal thing or another.

Leaf Storm poked at the collar, and seemingly just ot help break the ice Peach asked about the first thing that came to her mind.

"So what is the story behind you and the chicken?" Leaf and Peach looked at one another and Peach nodded "I see, so the story that Discord gave you is true, but only a half-truth, I'll just have to hope you share the story one day,"

"I'm sure we'll both really wanna know something about each other and trade a secret for a secret eventually," Leaf Storm replied casually as Peach put several vials onto the collar, giving Leaf Storm the feeling she was wearing something from a horror book she had once read.

Each vile had a jello-like substance, and once all eight of them were in place, Leaf Storm was instructed to ignite her flames and keep them lit until the gelatinous mass within the vile was glowing green. Leaf Storm did as was asked of her and let the fire consume her.

"Alright, now we just have to wait four hours and we'll be done," Leaf Storm let out a groan.

"Could have told me that in advance," She informed her friend "I could have brought a book.

"I think the time will be better spent getting to know one another better, would your flames burn me if I touched them?"

"Only If I was actually pissed off, a normal Nirik would always burn but my green flames are magical, although there is a small chance you might get randomly teleported away if you touch them for too long, kind of like how the Pink flames turn into Cotton Candy if you try to touch 'em, they turn into random bits of candy if you bite it though," Leaf storm let out a low humming noise "I wonder what Cadances flames would do? And Flurry's been around a while i bet I could probably channel her if I tried hard enough,"

"Please avoid channeling any creator else besides Spike," Peach asked in what Leaf Storm felt was her politest tone "It might mess with the final mixture if it's anything less than Pure Dragon fire," Leaf chose to oblige and after a short silence realized Peach was waiting for her to ask a question.

"You got any pony you like?" Leaf felt like a child immediately after asking but stood by her somewhat silly statement.

"I like you," Peach noted.

"I meant like a crush,"

"Yes," Peach replied, Leaf just stared at her for a moment.

"But we just met," Leaf noted in bewilderment.

"It was mentioned to me that you used me to ignite the flames of love," Peach shot back.

"Dammit Winter," Leaf muttered, The on-the-spot lies that should have amounted to nothing now somehow biting her in the ass "I suppose that's fair, I'd say it's less of a crush and more that I just like your moxie,"

"Every Creature I've ever met, even the ones in my own family, Have always told me I'm too lax, they remark that I have a similar air about me that my Great auntie Maud had about her and accused me of copying and subsequently disrespecting her,"

"Seems fairly harsh," Leaf noted.

"Even Aunt Pinkie has made this comparison, and others simply tell me to perk up, or call me dull, every single creature except for you, you are the only creature I've ever met who has looked at me, and declared that you like my moxie, I don't even know what moxie is, but I find it both flattering, and a little arousing," Leaf stared at Peach for a long moment before demanding, in an offended sounding tone.

"Dull?" Peach perked her ears at that. "Why? Because you like rocks? That's childish," Peach smiled at the response.

"I like you," She noted in her flat tone "I wouldn't say I love you by any means, of course, I simply like you more than I like anypony else, so I'd say your question has been fairly answered,"

"Fair enough," Leaf shrugged as Peach asked her question.

"Are you feeling alright?" Leaf wasn't sure how to respond so Peach clarified "I overheard the Princess mention that they think all this recycled magic is affecting your mind,"

"It is mentally taxing to talk to that chicken," Leaf noted "But I still feel like me, unless the changes are just so minor that I don't even notice them," As the two talked they related to the three pony couch in the room, sitting on opposite ends as they spoke.

"Well as your friend I'll be sure to keep just as much of an eye on you as I do on Holders Bolder," Peach vowed solemnly, "If I notice your mental state deteriorating I'll just force Discord to take away your magical fire, and when that fails I'll request that the Princess help stop your natural fires from feasting on these millennia-old magics, although we could also try just taking you away from paces with them and see if burning them out helps ease the mental burden,"

"You've put way more thought into this than I," Leaf noted "Alright suppose it's my turn, hm..." Leaf pondered for a a lengthy amount of time before deciding on her question "How do you think Me and Discord already knew one another?"

"I don't think you're a Kirin," Peach said immediately "Or at least that you weren't always one, I think you changed bodies to better fit into Equestria society or because your previous identity was too hot, can't say for sure how you ended up with your family, perhaps you used them as a conduit to be reborn? or maybe you just took the place of a child that was deceased before it could be born?" Peach eyed Leaf storm up and down before nodding her head "Judging by your reaction, I'd say I'm at least half right,"

"Half-ish," Leaf agreed.

Having finished her surprise inspection Sunflower sent out Shiver and Mortamire to assist the guards however they could as she took up guarding the door, only to once again be given the task of guarding Angel Chicken. She was about as pleased about it as she had been the first time she had been given guard duty of the hissing demon.

Mentally cursing herself for forgetting about the chicken she used her connections as Captain of the guards and called in a favor, after a few minutes of being hissed at a ripple in reality formed and Discord came floating out with Fluttershy in tow.

"Hello Sunflower," Fluttershy greeted politely "I heard you were having an animal problem?"

"Sorta," Sunflower replied "Discord's assistant, a Kirin by the Name of Leaf Storm, has asked me to watch after a demon she trapped in the body of a chicken," Angel's attitude, which had been hostile and full of hissing, turned different withing seconds of seeing Fluttershy and he became a model citizen as he bucked sweetly at her.

"That worked immediately," Sunflower noted "Guess it already likes you more than me,"

"I do have a way with animals," Fluttershy replied kindly as she looked at the chicken, "So Leaf has a pet chicken? Is he also older than he appears," Sunflower took a step back at that and Fluttershy covered her mouth. "Oops, I'm sorry I wasn't supposed to mention that,"

"To be fair I was the one who told you," Discord noted as he recalled blabbing about Leaf Storm being a reincarnation when the Leaf and Fluttershy had 'first' met.

"So what is Leaf Storm them?" Sunflower questioned.

"Leaf Storm is a Kirin," Discord declared "She just has the power to keep her memories between dying and reincarnation, in that sense she's almost as old as Fluttershy, I'd say five to seven years younger," Discord shrugged "Any way how's my assistant doing? She's been taking a lot of off time and I gotta say, I love not having to be bothered to come up with work to do,"

"You have a lot of work you're supposed to be doing," Fluttershy replied, in a tone that was fairly cold for her of all ponies, Discord let out a whistling noise and in turn, Fluttershy held the dome that held the Chicken "Do you have a name?" She asked sweetly and Angel provided it "Oh, that's a wonderful name, I used to have a pet bunny named Angel, don't tell anyone but he'll always be my favorite pet," Fluttershy winked at the Chicken who swore to keep it a secret happily.

Sunflower cut in on the moment, seeing that Leaf Storm was some sort of creature that could come back from dying and that Sunflower thus far felt they had a rocky relationship, she felt now might be a good time to earn a few brownie points.

"Pardon me, but since you're already here, could you help me gender this chicken? Leaf Storm was asking about it when it came to building them a coop and whether or not she should add something to collect eggs or not.

"Oh yes, this is very clearly a hen," Fluttershy reported immediately, earning a mortified cluck from Angel "You didn't know?" Fluttershy laughed "Oh! that's right you're a Demon of some sort that Leaf turned into a chicken right?" Discord took this moment to enjoy himself as Angel began getting lectured by Fluttershy about the egg-laying process and that it was perfectly natural.

"Discord," Fluttershy turned to look to her friend when he started laughing the longer Fluttershy spoke "It's not nice to laugh at others,"

"Right, sorry," Discord bowed to Fluttershy more so than Angel.

"You wouldn't happen to know what this 'Chicken' was originally would you?" Sunflower asked curiously. Discord created a story on the spot.

"Well without giving too much away this was a Giant Basilisk that Leaf Storm, in her original body mind you, turned into a Chicken using her magic Trumpet," Having successfully made things worse for everyone involved Discord went back to watching. Meanwhile, in his home dimension, another version of him snapped into existence and began creating a Giant Magic Trumpet to show to Fluttershy at a later date.

Discord was aware that Leaf Storm wanted to reveal her identity as Spike eventually, in turn, he wanted her to do anything but that, as he would get in trouble for doing it, making it harder for Leaf Storm to reveal herself as Spike by giving Leaf Storm a past that happened at the time of Spike existing should at least help buy him some time to come up with more ways to stall out Leaf Storm.

"Let the games begin,"

Leaf Storm and Peach were enjoying a fairly balanced lunch in their private room, having spent a few hours asking each other stupid and interesting questions alike the two now had a better understanding of each other, Peach at that current moment was already likin Leaf Storm more as she watched her casual crunch on a piece of gem candy. She had to admire a girl who could crush something as hard as a rock in her teeth without the slightest grimace of discomfort.

"So was your diet mostly rock-based in your past life?" Peach asked as she took a chip from their shared Nacho platter.

"More Gem-based," Leaf noted, wiping a little sweat from her brow as the Regining of her Magic was slowly leaving her feeling more and more drained, "I don't think I've ever eaten a rock, I bet they're the healthy substitution," Leaf much down on a candy ruby before asking Peach a question.

"so how long do you think it'll take to fix up Holder's Bolder?"

"So long as I use these potions, and so long as I keep up with the repairs, should only take seventy years or so," Leaf made a sound like that of a deflating balloon and Peach added a little more information to make sure Leaf knew how much she was helping "Previous predictions had it take three hundred and eighty-four more years," Leaf almost choked on her food and Peach smiled a somewhat dry smile "I've got a food eight or so years in me so now thanks to you I might get to live to see a day where my work is complete,"

"How badly damaged was that bolder?" Leaf asked in confusion.

"I am the seventy-second Pie to forsake the family to try and fix to bolder," Peach informed Leaf calmly "My ancestors whose hooves I followed spent their lives trying to fix the damages, over seventy lifetimes have been spent trying to fix Holder's Bolder, It was originally broken so deeply that a pony could fit inside the hole with room to spare, now all that remains in a small, but deep, crack where I have placed the scale," Peach bowed to Leaf storm as she spoke "Thank you for helping me, I can never thank you enough for this, not just me, but those in the future who would have wasted their lives fixing it can instead protect it while living their lives.

"I'm sure you can still go out and..."

"This trip alone, if it weren't for the potions I am making, would have added nearly three years to the projections of fixing Holders Bolder, even with your potions I still won't be able to leave the confines of the castle grounds as that would still set me back at least a year," Peach looked out the closet window at the Crystal Empire "I hope I can come back here one day, maybe travel all across Equestria when a new, younger, pie family member decided they care more about our history than the words of a family that cares more about keeping up face than the happiness of their children," Leaf frowned as Peach looked back at her.

"You're a historian, right? Do you know anything about the Pie family?"

"Only about things that happened before the rock farm collapsed in on itself," Leaf noted, "I know about Pinkie and her sister's Sibling swap days where they'd meet up once a year to exchange presents, and I know Pinkie loved her family more than she's ever loved any pony else," As soon as she started thinking about Pinkie with her family, a memory hit Leaf like a bolt of lightning, of a little girl Spike had watched grow into an adult and eventually die.

"What about Cheesy," Leaf asked Peach, earning a shocked look from her friend "She had children, did they end up with your family in Appolossa or-"

"Cheesy Pie? I know her only grandson married a non-pony and received hatred from the main Pie family, not too long after that he left with his wife to her homelands...and he was never seen again,"

"So there's an entire other Pie family out there?" Leaf Storm chuckled "I wonder how they're doing," Leaf went to grab another nacho, but suddenly felt light-headed as her fires turned back to their normal colors for the first time in a while. the second her fires lost their colors she nearly collapsed.

"I think it's done," She said as Peach hurriedly took the color off, all the vials glowing like liquid green fire.

"We did it," Peach cheered as she helped Leaf Storm lay down before packing the vials up in a white suitcase that was custom-built to store only the eight vials. Once everything was packed up Peach returned to Leaf Storm's side.

"Give me a second," Leaf noted as she began sweating, feeling like she had just lost too much blood and was now paying the price "This sucks,"

"I need medical assistance," Peach called out to the door with more emotion in her voice than Leaf had ever heard from the mare "I took this too far," at that Leaf Storm wasn't able to hold on and proceeded to pass out from the strain of all her magic being sucked out.

Comments ( 9 )

I need more give me moreee :flutterrage:
Thank you for the story.

New chapter WHOOO!!!

Omg!!! Not dead!! Not dead!!! Really Discord?? A magic trumpet??? Hope Leaf Storm is alright.

PiMan #4 · May 1st · · ·

At some point you should go through this chapter again; you've got a few typos. Like you misspell "vial" as "vile" a couple times near the top.

I did my best but some always slip past me

Hope to see more of this. I've quite enjoyed the read so far. Haven't seen much of anything like it before, considering all the isekais' and reincarnation stories about. Great work. You have my attention.

Zetari #8 · May 6th · · ·

Oh discord, you're on so much trouble :flutterrage:

DNC #9 · May 6th · · ·

And in true discord fashion, he is digging a deeper hole for himself.:rainbowlaugh:

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