• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 6,082 Views, 389 Comments

Reincarnation - Silver Butcher

After meeting the end of his life span, Spike awakens in a new Body, Reincarnated as a Kirin he has one single goal, Figure out how to tell his friends without making them think he/she is crazy

  • ...

The Cult of the Dragon God

Leaf looked out at the seemingly endless fields of eternal winter as she sipped her hot coffee, on her head Angel was clucking demands that only she could hear.

"Does it still hate me?" Mortamire asked carefully, Leaf looked up to Angel, who clucked at her.

"That slur indicates to me that he just might" Leaf noted before siping, "Word of advice, maybe wash that fried chicken smell from your breath and he'll mellow out," Mortamire immediately turned away and checked his breath only to earn a Hoof to the snout shoving him back.

"Yeah," Shiver said with a disgusted look on his face "You reek of Fried Chicken," Across from them Peach shook her head by the window before looking to her side.

"Did you have to bring him?" She questioned, next to her sat Sunflower, who sat with her hooves crossed and motioned her head to the final member of their travel group.

"Sorry," Flurryheart laughed nervously "But Sunflower insisted that she escort me, and brought Shiver along to help Mortamire," Peach shook her head at Flurry's response.

"Alright, then why did you come?"

"Leaf storm and I have an odd connection that I haven't been able to explain," Flurry declared proudly "I have to spend more time with her to see why our magical fields are so connected,"

"I might just be due to all the magic she's absorbed from Ponyville," Shiver said as he scratched his chin "I had to take my droopy pills just to keep Leaf from becoming Pinkie Pie,"

"The Connection existed before Leaf began absorbing centuries-old magic," Flurry responded after a short pause "Whatever connection we have it existed before she became a magical conduit,"

"Speaking of being a conduit," Leaf spoke up, taking the opportunity to gain Peaches attention "Discord warned me that while Spike's flames won't burn through the magic, if I access any other colors, like Pinkie's for example, The result will cause me to burn through the magic swiftly, and if I burn through too much I won't be able to use Spike's flames until we return to Ponycity at least,"

"So if someone sets you off before we're ready everything will go to ruin," Peach responded with a frown "The Ingredients to distill dragon fire need to be fresh, but the Crystal Empire marketplace is a very active place, people will be laughing at some point no matter what,"

"I have an Idea!" Mortamire's hand shot up at the opportunity to not have to carry gallons of Liquid Magic around all-day "I know a church in the empire that should be relatively quiet since they're not due to have service until Wednesday, I could escort Leaf and keep ponies away from her so she doesn't burn up her flames," Leaf saw no reason to object to Mortamires solution, but quickly noticed every creature else was staring at him like he had asked them all to jump off a cliff with him.

"I wasn't aware the Empire had a place of worship," Leaf cut in, Mortamire looked excited at the chance to escape, only for Flurry's heart to stamp his dreams to dust.

"Very well, Sunflower and I will go with Leaf and make sure she no other creature triggers any emotional flames to flicker forth, Mortamire and Shiver do your best to help Peach,"

Shiver snickered at Mortamire's look of defeat and Leaf patted his back as she spotted the Crystal empire's protective field coming into view.

"I just want you to know, I'm doing all of this because you laughed at me yesterday,"

"I know," He sighed in defeat.

Sunflower quickly called forth a large number of Crystal Empire guards and soon she was leading them to their destination, with Flurry and Leaf having a large circle of guards keeping the crystal ponies at a fair distance.

Leaf was content to listen to Angel squawk in anger about every little thing they passed until Flurry cleared her throat.

"So," She said in a calm tone that Leaf could tell was thinly masquerading contempt towards the church they were heading to "I should probably warn you about this 'church' we'll be spending the day in,"

"Is it something along the lines of you telling me it's not a real church?" Leaf asked, taking a few content clues from her tone of voice and facial expression.

"It's a cult," Flurry looked irritated simply thinking of their destination "one my mother should have stomped out decades ago,"

"So it's new?" Leaf asked "Would explain why I've never heard about it,"

"It's not new exactly," Flurry said with a twitch of her ear "They've been around slightly longer than I've been alive but they've only recently declared themselves a religion,"

"Don't tell me they worship Sombra or something,"

"I'm not sure who that even is," Flurry said, almost making Leaf laugh.

"Forget about it, just some old King who your uncle Spike and mother killed," Flurry looked at Leaf expecting some punch line, after receiving nothing Flurry made a mental note to ask her Mother about Sombra as the Guards spread apart and wished Flurry heart a good day as the trio entered what could only be described the entrance to a storm shelter.

Leaf quickly discovered the stairs went a long way down and, after nearly 3 minutes of walking, they found themselves inside what looked to be a cathedral. Multiple Crystal Ponies in cloaks were walking around, talking amongst themselves in various groups, their hushed voices all echoing feebly against the walls.

"Cheery," Leaf noted before almost tripping over herself upon seeing the centerpiece of the room, a Large Statue of Spike was in the center of the room, the one that had been erected after he had been credited for Sombra's defeat and been made a hero of the empire "Holly crap," Leaf stone lost all interest in the ponies around them and began doing laps around the statue, checking every tiny crack and detail on it as she passed around it.

"Princess," A Female voice called out almost mockingly, Flurry sighed and turned to a Mare in a purple robe with a green time, on the back a picture of a purple and green dragon was on the back surrounded by a crystalline heart. "How wonderful to have you in the church again, How long as it been? Five years maybe, or has it been six?"

"Sardonix Moonstone," Flurry said angrily "What a present surprise, how's the cult going? Making good coin with my Uncles name?"

"Oh come now my child," Moonstone said sweetly to the pony that was centuries older than her "You know our circle has nothing but love and respect for the great lord Spike, I am sure he would want you to be here when he makes his return,"

"This crap again," Flurry murmured angrily "He's dead Moonstone, my uncle lived a good long life, but you and ponies like you are dragging his name through the mud with you dam cult and half-assed stories, I don't care how much you think you're in the right, eventually I'm going to see this stupid cult become a problem, and in doing so it'll drag my uncles' good name into the mud from beyond the grave, I've seen some of the crap your followers pull to get donations,"

"That wasn't us," Moonstone said angrily "Those Buffons in the cloud district have nothing to do with us, their just a bunch of rich snobs trying to make a quick buck off of the great lord's name, they will be the first one's to face his wrath when he returns from his journey beyond the veil,"

Flurry's heart turned away from Moonstone, Sunflower quickly putting herself between Flurry and Moonstone as they moved to the opposite side of the room.

"Incredible," Moonstone turned at the new voice and took a quick interest in Leafstorm, Flurry having gone to do a quick breathing exercise, and Sunflower giving her all her attention left Leafstone alone with Angel as she inspected the statue.

"Why hello," Moonstone greeted, having missed Leaf Storm coming in with Flurry, Leaf storm in turn had been too enamored by the statue to notice Flurry hearts conversation with Moonstone "I don't think we've ever had a Kirin in the sanctuary before," Leaf Storm simply nodded her head to show she had heard Moonstone as she continued marveling at the statue "It is quite a remarkable forgery isn't it?" Moonstone asked "I bet it could have passed for the original,"

"It is the Original," Leaf Storm whispered back in glee as she ran around the base, spotting centuries with of wear and tear, some of which she had personally been to blame for, "the Crack in the arm holding up the arm from when Spike and Shining Armor get into a Drunk Hoofball match and had failed to properly fix the damage, the large cracks running through both legs from when Spike, on his last visit to the empire before he became to old to be safely moved, accidentally tripped and broke it a the knees, the crack in the eye from the magical blast that Starswirl the bearded shot form his horn right before his heart attack, you can even see the change the spade of the tail from when Spike ate the original and they had to replace it,"

Leaf storm was beaming as she looked at the old statue that had been erected in her honor centuries ago "Oh It's such a beautiful piece of History," she declared as she began crying at the sight of it.

"How could you possibly know all that?" Moonstone asked, bemused at Leaf Storm's claim, she had seen many a pony try to prove or disprove the statue's authenticity, but they had all done so by trying to date the material or by claiming the shape in certain parts of the statue was off, never had one done so by matching the statue's wear and tear to stories of its lost history.

"Ain't no creature alive today that knows more about Equestria History than Me," Leafstorm said proudly, Moonstone stepped back as Leafstone suddenly burst into flames "This Statue is older than Princess Flurry Heart herself, it was originally built to honor Spike, then called Spike the Brave and Glorious, for defeating King Sombra, although most ponies leave out the part Cadance played in the events, it became a very popular spot for changing a few years later after the events that lead to Spike and Thorax becoming friends, later resulting in the Changling peace treaty that still holds value to this day," Leaf Storm couldn't contain herself as she felt a burning passion to tell all who could hear about the extensive history she had helped craft.

"Ma'am," One of the Ponies listening to her said with concern, Leaf storm turned and found that she had attracted a huge crowd of ponies around her "Why are you green?" he asked with a shine in his eye, Leaf looked down and quickly extinguished her flames. She looked back to Angel, who had apparently not been bothered by her flames.

"Sorry about that, that happens sometimes when Kirins get riled up with passion, not just rage," Leafstorm made to try and excuse herself when Moonstone rushed to her side and grabbed onto Leafstone.

"Your flames," She cried out with joy "They are fueled by the spark, his spark, your soul burns with the power of the great lord Spike, You have returned to us!"

"Oh, no, wait," Leaf tried to back away as she was picked up and lifted up in a cheer "Wait, No, I can explain, stop worshiping me," Leaf was enveloped in Magic as Flurry and Sunflower noticed she was being moved.

"What is happening!?" Flurry demanded as the Unicrons of the mob tried to pull Leaf storm back.

"I can explain the fire," Leaf storm said as she and Angel held onto each other for dear life, Angel clucked and Leaf shook him "shut up Angel, that's stupid," After a moment Sunflower began helping Flurry and their might together overwhelm the number in the mob and they pulled Leaf storm away before bubbling themselves.

"What did you do?" Flurry asked as the mob began surrounding them.

"Kirins can sometimes turn in Niriks if they get too passionate about something and that Stautue being the real thing kind of sent me on a tirade," Flurry and Sunflower looked at Leaf storm for a moment.

"the real thing?" Sunflower asked as she looked back at the statue.

"There is no creature alive who knows more about me when it comes to history," Leaf said immediately "And that Stature has far too many blemishes that perfectly match up with damage it received from historical events, like Starswirls heart attack, and Spike final Visit to the empire,"

"How sure are you that you can verify its authenticity?" Flurry asked before shaking her head "That can wait, why are they all over you if you're saying their statue is real?"

"I'm enchanted with Spikes fire," Leaf Storm replied bluntly, knowing full well if she tried to use the cult as her backing to being Spikes reincarnation she was going to receive massive backlash from her friends and family of the present and the past, "And they just kind of took that and fucking went all in on it,"

Flurry took a deep sigh before turning to Leaf storm "I'm sorry," She said "But there's only one thing I can do,"

'You gonna throw me at them and run aren't you," Leaf asked, Flurry simply nodded "You gonna go get your mother so she can try and solve this due to your bad blood with the cult?" Leaf added, Flurry nodded again and Leaf picked up Angel and handed her to Sunflower "That Chicken is a Demon, literally," Leaf said to Sunflower "He is very dangerous and if you let him leave your sight he could cause massive destruction due to being a literal magical time bomb, Do. Not. Let him eat Strawberries or touch Marachas," Sunflower was visibly taken aback at how Serious Leaf was as she said this, more so when the Chicken hissed at Leaf and made several inhuman noises at her. "You kill me and you die too," Leaf shot back, the Chicken said nothing "yeah, thought so, Flurry throw me to the masses, Sunflower for the love of Celestia don't let Angel out of your sight for even a second," Flurry picked up Leaf in her magic and threw her out of the Barrier before teleporting herself, Sunflower, and Angel chicken just outside the front entrance.

"I guess Mortamire was right," Sunflower noted as she enveloped Angel in magic and kept him at a distance, Angel chose to simply chill in the bubble, bucking innocently at passersby as he did so "This Chicken is evil,"

"I'll deal with that later," Flurry noted "I gotta go get my mom and save Leaf storm before she's spoiled into oblivion,"

"I'll stand guard over the entrance, and the Chicken," Sunflower reported back with a salute as Flurry ran after in the direction of the castle. "Oh, you gonna walk there, great, love it when the ultra-powerful Alicorns decided to walk in an emergency instead of just teleporting there in a matter of seconds,"