• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 6,065 Views, 389 Comments

Reincarnation - Silver Butcher

After meeting the end of his life span, Spike awakens in a new Body, Reincarnated as a Kirin he has one single goal, Figure out how to tell his friends without making them think he/she is crazy

  • ...

Castle Tour and Office Space

Discord and Leaf storm appeared in the courtyard of the castle, in the same place they had dived into the lawn, Leaf instantly looked towards Holder's bolder, and the purple scale stuck to it, the scale had something reminiscent of glue oozing from beneath it holding to the surface of the rock.

"Um," was all Leaf said as she pointed to the scale that had once been a part of her body.

"Oh, that's just Peach pie trying to fix Holders Bolder," Discord said with a shrug "A chunk of it was lost during the collapse of the Pie rock farm, altho the Pie family blames Pinkie for it," Discord rolled his eyes "Family drama, relatives making up problems for the next generation," Discord shook his head "I'd fix it but Peach..."

"Would break you in two is what She'd do," A new voice replied making Discord Jump, Leaf looked to the new Pony, A Strawberry Pink Unicorn with a lemon yellow mane that had a lime green stripe running through it, she had piercing blue eyes that made Leaf shiver beneath her gaze.

"Peach," Discord said as he shoved Leaf forward "This is my assistant, Leaf this is Peach," Peach stared at Leaf without a word, and Leaf returned the favor.

"You're eyes show you are wise," Peach said simply.

"You're eyes tell me you'll kill me if I touch Holder's Bolder," Leaf replied with a nod.

"Only a Pie is allowed to touch that boulder," Peach said as she walked past the two "I will never forgive anyone who touched it," Leaf watched her walk over and sit in front of the rock before looking over her shoulder "and that includes you Draconequus,"

"I did not break it," Discord said definitely, Peach didn't reply to them and Discord shook his head as he and Leaf made their way to the castle.

"So who was that?" Leaf asked as they walked.

"Limestone Pie, now a Unicorn who was ostracised from the Pie family just like Pinkie, although no one knows why," before Leaf could even think of what might have happened to Peach she was pulled into another meeting with new ponies standing at the front entrance of the castle was two guards, one was trying not to laugh while the other was being yelled at by a mare in an expensive-looking dress.

"you know how many colts look at me, thinking how badly they want this?" The mare said to the exhausted-looking guard.

"How many colts look at you like they want you, honey?" The guard replied dully.

"All of them, and you really need to learn to appreciate what you have, I could have married anypony, and I chose you out of..."

"Mellow," The guard said suddenly " God of Chaos is coming with a Kirin, don't embrace me in front of the new kid," the Guard stood at attention while the mare Leaf assumed was his wife gave an annoyed Huff and turned away, walking off through the castle yard.

"Discord," The other guard said with a wheeze, "you missed it!" The guard and stared laughing "She's been yelling at him for 40 minutes because he forgot their anniversary again!"

"Hello!" The other guard said as he tried to not look at his laughing friend "You must be Discord's new assistant, welcome to Ponycity, a pleasure to have you here, I am Brick, my friend over there is Shiver," Brick motioned to Shiver, who was now on his back laughing like mad.

"You have no idea, you just can't...she was so ready!" Shiver started hitting the ground as he laughed.

"Shiver!" Brick said angrily "You're on the job, be professional," Shiver said nothing as he laughed and did his best to get to his hooves again. Leaf now also trying not to laugh, entirely because of how infectious Shiver's was, While Shiver was composing himself Leaf took this to get a good look at the two of them, Shiver was a white Pegasus Stallion with a light blue mane, while Brick was a large Red Earth pony Stallion with a black mane.

"Alright," Shiver said as he shook his head "I'm ok, it's all cool, so who might you be?"

"This is Leaf storm," Discord said simply as he presented Leaf to them "My Assistant, and please do note she is not allowed to speak about how she got the job,"

"Ah read my mind," Shiver said as he kicked his back hoof out, Brick doing the same, a pony looked out from above too quickly for Leaf to get a good look at before they popped back in and the front door opened.

"You two can just open the dam door yourselves," A Mare called from above them.

"But that's your only job," Shiver called back "Hate you make you obsolete,"

"Welcome to the castle Leaf storm," Brick said with a salute "How you enjoy your time with us," Leaf and Discord entered the castle and instantly hear Shiver explode with laughter again.

"Dammit Shiver," Brick said irritably.

"She's coming back!" Shiver cried out, the two heard Brick give a yelp and heard Mellow pick back up in her breathing of him.

"I have several questions," Leaf storm decided, a Chair appeared and Discord sat upon it, motion for Leaf to ask away.

"Does that Mellow lady work here?"

"No, but not all the resident of the lower floors do, Twilight has made the lower section of the castle the staff barracks, so some of the guards and staff have moved their families inside the castle, no rent, free electricity, and water, one of the safest places in the city to be," Discord waved his hand "There's even a school on the 6th floor for the children here,"

"So this castle is basically a small town?" Leaf noted.

"Indeed," Discord confirmed.

"Alright, so those three, I know them?"

"Shiver back there is one Flash Sentry, Mellow petal is Zephyr Breeze, and Brick is none other than Mrs.Cake," Leaf made a choking sound, and Discord patted her. "Yeah, I thought for sure it was Big mac when I first met them,"

"How...how did that happen?" Leaf demanded as she pointed back "How is Mrs.Cake married to Zephyr breeze?" Discord pulled a pair of glasses on and pulled out some notes.

"Well from what I've gathered...Brick is a chicken," Leaf just stared at Discord and he continued "Brick was planning to break up with Mellow, only for Mellow to pop the question before Brick could bring himself to end the relationship, now their very unhappily married,"

"Are you sure that's Mrs.Cake?" Leaf asked.

"Listen, I can't just make them the same person, life will always change a creature no matter how hard you try to keep them the same, Brick just didn't have the luck that Mrs.Cake had in life, simple as that,"

"So... they're all the same, but different at the same time?" Leaf asked as she rubbed her face "yeah ok, like this wasn't confusing enough already," Discord simply shrugged and scooped Leaf up in his arms.

"Come now, we have more castle to see," Discord made his way down the hall and Leaf found that the interior of the castle had changed dramatically, the bottom layer had a few staircases leading to the upper floors, and the rest was mostly open space, the room itself was huge and Leaf could see the 2nd floor above them, from what she could see it was filled with movement, She figured out why when she the smells hit her nose.

"Is that a kitchen?" She asked slack-jawed.

"Indeed, the entire 2nd floor is the staff kitchen, the kitchen for Twilight and her friends is on the 34th floor.

"How big is this place?" Leaf demanded as she looked around, the floor plan of the first floor seemed to be mostly open, it somewhat reminded her of a lobby for a hotel, only it was bigger than most hotels she'd seen in her life. there were sofa's and tables scattered about, bookshelves lined the walls with worn-looking books covering the walls, near the back of the room she saw tables and chairs set up near a buffet table where she spotted Mortamire talking with a Griffin and a Diamond Dog.

"Oh the staff barracks take up the first 3rd, 4th, and 5th floor with the 6th floor being taken up by school, and finally there's another common room on the 7th so those living on the high floors and the students don't have to trek down so many stairs to get some food,"

"This place is a paradise, no rent, stable job, school, free food, and amenities," Leaf looked back at Discord who shook his head.

"No, really that's it, no catch or anything like that," Discord sighed "I put in a lot of effort making this place a paradise, one day I'll be able to tell them all what I did, and know with you I think that day will soon be upon us,"

"Alright, but I'm telling them my way got that? and in my own time,"

"Yes, yes of course," Discord said as he pushed Leaf storm to the stairs, Leaf saw a few eyes on her and managed to wave at Mortamire, who waved back happily," Upon reaching the stairs Discord picked leaf up and the shot up, passing the small area that made up the entrance to the kitchen and going up to the 3rd floor, Leaf spotted a few of the other residents but Discord rushed them past before Leaf could take much of their appearances in.

"Time for the meet and greet can wait, until then, behold!" Discord waved his hand to the door in front of them, it had a small sign on it with the Numbers 3-83 on it along with another sign bearing her name. "Your new home, and office," Discord snapped and a Key dropped on top of Leaf's head, she took hold of it with her magic as Discord opened the door and presented her to her room, it was large and empty, there was a simple living room, a kitchen off to the side with a counter separating it from the rest of the complex, Leaf spotted a small balcony near the back of her new home with two doors near the back that Leaf assumed held the Bathroom and Bedroom.

"Nice place," Leaf said as she walked into the room, and Discord shut the door, "Where's the office part at?" Discord flew to the wall closest to the front door and put one of his eagle claw finger's against it, instantly a wonk looking door popped into existence, it was round in parts, had an odd V like shape to the top, and had a handle at the very bottom, Discord showed the function of this handle by grabbing it and pulling up, revealing the door to function similar to that of a garage door.

"Your office," Discord announced, Leaf poked her head in and found a medium-sized room with a desk and a chair floating aimlessly in it, along with what looked to be a Tuba embedded into the wall "Oh, and here's the gravity switch," Discord added as he pointed to a light switch and switched it to on, all the stuff in the office crashed to the floor and Leaf sighed before flicking it back off.

"I'm not gonna clean up an office when I know you'll just turn off the gravity anytime you pop in, I'll just keep it off," Discord's response was to flip it back on with an evil grin. "Of course, you can still just do the same thing but in reverse,"

"Welp," Discord said as he closed the door, "Here's your luggage," he snapped and most of Leaf's belongings appeared randomly around the apartment "You start work tomorrow, time is pointless, just go into your office whenever I list of very well thought of tasks will be waiting for you,"

"You didn't know I was coming so soon... you're just gonna make up a bunch of shit aren't you?" Leaf storm asked casually.

"Well Duh," Discord replied with a laugh "you're like 3 years early," with that Discord snapped and turned into ash, leaving Leaf Storm to look around her new home, now a mess with boxes containing her stuff.

"He better not have put my bed in a box," She said irritably as she began the epic quest to organize her own belongings.

Author's Note:

Yeah sorry these chapter's haven't been all that great, still setting things up, the fun story stuff should be good to start in another chapter or two