• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 6,080 Views, 389 Comments

Reincarnation - Silver Butcher

After meeting the end of his life span, Spike awakens in a new Body, Reincarnated as a Kirin he has one single goal, Figure out how to tell his friends without making them think he/she is crazy

  • ...

New Family

Leaf storm had no Idea how long she had been asleep, but she figured it had been a while, seeing how she was no longer in a hospital, she blinked at the dim morning sunlight, there was talking around her, it took her a moment to figure out where she was.

"Ah, baby carriage," Spike noted, after getting a good look at her surroundings she noted that she was wearing a Diaper. "I already hate all of this." he decided, she looked around and heard the voices that belonged to her new parents.

"...should wake her up, just to make sure she's fine?" Onyx was saying.

"Honey she's fine, just let her sleep." River said as she pushed the carriage "we're almost home, once she's in the crib and you've had your coffee you can get back to me on that."

"But..." Onyx started.

"Honey just be happy it's a Saturday, we have two days before we have to worry about getting the boys to school so get your drink while I set her in the crib." as they had been talking they had gotten to their home and Leaf Storm got a view of her new home.

"Even after being reborn, I'm still living in a tree," Spike mentally sighed "This is some Cosmic bullshit," they rolled her into the dark house, she didn't really get a good view of the inside before being rolled up a long ramp "hu, this place seems pretty Handicappable friendly." once they where at the top she was rolled to a door and River opened it, once the door was closed behind her River moved to her daughter and saw her wandering eye's taking in the room.

"Well look who's awake." She said as she carefully picked Leaf up and placed her in the Crib. "Welcome to your new home."
Spike, or Leaf storm he supposed, immediately looked to his new "mother" as she said those words. I think my brain broke for a second. Did she say 'new family'? No, no, it must have been home, yes that was it.

Just then the bedroom door opened and a Kirin colt came in looking bored, or at the very least disinterested, in all of the things as he went and flopped on the bed that Spike had somehow missed and started reading a comic book.

"Ahh Astral good to have you back why don't you come and meet your new baby sister." The older Kirin said in a sweet voice. Astral barely looked at them before going back to reading.

Ok Two things, one Rude, and two how many issues of power ponies have I miss? River waited for a moment before adding with a less sweet voice.

"Don't make me get your father again." Astral sighed and walked over to Leaf.

"Oh wow, look I'm paying attention to it." He said irritably.

"Dick." Spike thought, what came out of Leaf's mouth could only be described as a Baby noise.

"See it..."

"Your sister's name is Leaf Storm." River said, "And you better drop that attitude of yours young man or I will be taking your comics from you again, and I won't be giving them back any time soon." Astral was about to reply when Onyx called from the kitchen

"Astral Thunder, you Listen to your mother." Astral sighed and leaned down to Leaf Storm.

"Look I'm giving her attention, see she's lov-yow!" Astral jumped back as Spike made an important discovery, he could light himself, or herself, on fire.

"I forgot Kirins could do this," Spike thought "Guess I'm not fireproof in normal mode tho." he added as Astral shook the flame off his singed and lightly burned hoof.

"Oh, her first combustion!" River squealed. "Onyx! Onyx get the camera! Leaf's combusted!" There was a sound of breaking china and scattering around, not wanting to ruin their moment Leaf focused on Astral and the shitty look he was throwing at her, she did her best to throw it back.

"That's right bitch, I pack a motherfucking punch! and I'm a baby so you punch back you gonna get fucked by...I guess she's my mother now." while she was thinking of that Onyx burst in with a camera.

"Oh, sweet Rain Shine!" He said as she sat in place staring at Astral "Look at daddy sweetie!" He said as he focused the Camera at her, Reacting more to the word, Daddy, that anything Leaf looked over and was blinded by the flash. She let out a noise of displeasure before she felt herself being picked up, she looked up to see her mother had combusted herself to pick Leaf up. As they left the room Onyx looked at his son.

"You're lucky I got that on Camera or you'd be in trouble for whatever you did to make her combust."

"I just got close to her." Astral replied, "Not my fault she's jumpy." Leaf looked around, counting a total of 4 more rooms in the house before the hall ended, due to married couples sharing their room and general math, she figured that since she seemed to be sharing the room with Astral that there were at least two other ponies living here, that or both of the other rooms were in use so much that it would be too much of an impact of their lives to clear one out, she figured one of the rooms had to be a bathroom since River made her way down the hall. as they made their way down the halls one of the doors opened, and an older Kirin walked out to inspect the commotion, he looked less than happy walking out of the room, but once he saw River and Leaf his expression changed.

"Oh! Is that my newest grandbaby I see?" as River's mouth was full of Leaf at the moment she just nodded, the elder walked across down to the final door on the right and pushed it open, revealing a Bathroom. he walked in and water sounded, River carried Leaf in after the elder and found that he had turned the water on in the tub, River walked over and placed Leaf inside, the water steamed for a moment as it battled with leafs flame, since she was just flaming due to lack of knowing how to turn it off her flames died in the water instantly.

"Well hey there." The elder said happily "I'm your Pop-pop." he leaned forward and his white mane fell into the tub.

"Oh, sweet Celestia." Spike realized "This is happening!" the moment of clarity that the rushing water gave him, also gave him a second to fully comprehend what was happening "Oh sweet Celestia I've been Reincarnated!"

Author's Note:

Pop-Pop's name - Sunrise Breeze
brothers name - Astral Thunder