• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 6,082 Views, 389 Comments

Reincarnation - Silver Butcher

After meeting the end of his life span, Spike awakens in a new Body, Reincarnated as a Kirin he has one single goal, Figure out how to tell his friends without making them think he/she is crazy

  • ...

Welcome to Ponycity

Leaf was surrounded by creatures, most of whom she hadn't seen in this life, and one or two she hadn't even seen as Spike. Sitting next to her were Comet and Sunrise, both of them looked somewhat concerned about the creatures sitting across from them, something Leaf was mildly offended about seeing as it was a young dragon. the Dragon paid them no mind as Leaf's brother cowered before it, and Leaf decided to ease their mind.

"Hi," She greeted the Dragon, who looked over at them.

"Yo," He said with a salut "First time out of your home lands?"

"Yes," Comet said with a whimper, earning a laugh from the Dragon, one that made her brothers push further into their seat but one that made Leaf smile, she could read the dragon's emotion with ease, something the Dragon noticed.

"Ah, the youngest one is the bravest one I see," he said "so what brings a trio of Kirins out of their enchanted forest?"

"I am heading to Ponycity to meet my new boss, Discord the lord of Chaos," The look on the Dragon's face made Leaf laugh, "Not what you expected?"

"Not at all," The Dragon said with a smile "You must be Leaf Storm!" The Dragon smiled back as Leaf stared at him in confusion,"

"Hu?" She asked in confusion as the Dragon offered her his hand.

"I'm Mortamire, I'm in charge of protecting the Market District of the city, think of as one of the guys who works directly with the Captain of the Royal Guard," Leaf's brother's instantly lost all fear in the Dragon.

"You know Sunflower Glaze!" Comet asked in awe "Even we know about her!"

"I don't," Leaf defied in confusion, not use to being the one out of the know.

"Oh yeah," Comet said shaking his head "you hadn't been born yet, it was back when Mom was still pregnant with you, Sunflower Glaze was in Mom's shop while in the Enchanted forest on business, she was so hot!" Comet was smacked by Sunset.

"You're an idiot, you can't just say that, there's no way she's not married,"

"She is not," Mortamire said with a smile. The look on Comet and Sunrise was hilarious.

"Ain't she a little too old for you two?" Leaf asked with a chuckle.

"She was only 20 when we first met, she'd be in her later 40 by now, and Earth Ponies live like Three or four hundred years or so, compared to us long-lived Kirin folk she's right about in our age demographic don't you think?"

"I have my doubts," Leaf replied as she looked to Mortamire, leaving her brothers to plot in secret to win the heart of the guard captain. "So how did you know my name?"

"You kidding me? you've been the talk of the castle for over a year, Discord has never in all of Equestrian history hired any staff for the castle, he usually hires them for his Joke shop, he's always worked alone on keeping up the balance of Chaos in Equestria, you gotta tell me, what'd you do? It must have been a spectacle of Chaos like none other!" Before Leaf could even think of something to say Comet and Sunset jumped in.

"Can't do that," Comet said as he covered Leaf's mouth with his hooves.

"Yeah, if you knew, you'd tell others, then other people would attempt it to get Discord to hire them, and Equestria would fall to chaos,"

"Dang it," Mortamire said with a snap "That's true, I'm a terrible gossip," he gave the twins a once over "So what's your story, just escorting your sister?"

"Naw, we got the Joke shop thing," Comet said waving his hoof.

"Well as a member of the royal guard, I'd be honored to escort Discord's new Assistant to the castle so you two can get straight to work," The two twin instantly gave Leaf to puppy dog eyes.

"What, like I forcing you to stay, go one wonder twins, go live your lives,"

"Make sure to send a note when you get to where ever it is you'll be living," Comet said as he instantly jumped out of the seat.

"And remember the Ticket, don't lose it," Sunset added as he followed after his twin, Leaf smiled as the two brothers left, knowing it would probably be a while before she got to see them again. Leaf looked to Mortamire, who smiled at her.

"Alright, so first things first, you got any luggage?"

"I did but it all disappeared in a puff of what I assume was chaos smoke so Discord got that covered,"

"Good, I don't have any either, wanna bail out the window and just fly straight to the city?" Leaf looked Mortamire dead in the eyes.


Leaf was laughing like mad as she held onto Mortamire's shoulders, who had easily outpaced the train, before them was the massive city of Ponycity, the massive Tree castle that had once been on the edge of Ponyville was now the center of the city, the city surrounding it looked very similar to the Crystal Empire compared to what had once been Ponyville, off to the side Leaf felt her heart jump as for the first time in centries she saw the large open fields full of Apple tree's that was Sweet Apple acres, now almost 3 times bigger in size. Leaf could feel tears in her eyes and couldn't tell if it was from the wind of the emotional punch that was seeing Ponycity. She spotted the Monument that was Sugar Cuber Corner and saw a Billboard with Rarity's face on it, then she saw the Rainbow, not just any rainbow, a moving one, Leaf's heart almost stopped as Rainbow Dash herself flew past them, paying them no mind as Leaf almost sent herself plummeting to the ground to stare at her old friend.

"Wow," Mortamire said with a smile "The Rainbow Dash in the flesh, flying you in was definitely the best option, what's it like seeing a living legend in person?"

"I can't stop crying," Leaf replied as she tried to stop the tears.

"That might be the wind resistance, my bad, I'll slow it down, take in your fill of the city, we'll be at the castle in a few minutes," Leaf storm said nothing as her eyes danced around the city, trying in vain to catch sight of everything, when she saw something that made the crying worse, in the center of the city's large park and at the tail end of Rainbow's now dissipating rainbow, was the statue of a dragon, one that use to greet her in the mirror every day. Leafy said nothing as they passed over her own monument and instead just let it sink in that Rainbow had been visiting it, Leaf needed a way to tell her friends who she was, and while she had nothing, she was hoping Discord might have something, she refused to believe that him making her his assistant was anything less than a sign that he knew who she was, altho if he knew she knew was another matter altogether," as they grew close to the castle Leaf saw the fence keeping tourists out of the massive lawn, Sitting upon the Castle lawn was a single massive boulder that Leaf was confident hadn't been their, what shocked her more was the massive purple scale that rests against it like a giant bandage.

"Quick warning," Mortamire said as they got closer to the castle "Don't touch the rock it's..."

"Holder's Bolder," Leaf said in shock "That's suppose to be at the Rock Farm, Limestone would be pissed if she found out Pinkie had moved it," Leaf blinked as she realized she'd said something she shouldn't have known about, only for Mortamire to laugh.

"you're joking, Discord told you about that? man, Peach Pie has some serious power of fear if the god of chaos told you about her bolder above all things,"

"Only that no one touches it," Leaf said.

"Yeah, about 300 years ago the Pie family rock farm began collapsing in on itself, earthquakes and what not, Pinkie Pie refused to let her family legacy die and against her family's wishes moved Holder's bolder to the castle. The Pie farm is now known as Pie Lake, and even though Pinkie saved the rock, her family has been less than grateful for it, really old fashioned bunch, she was cast out for letting magic touch the most ancient of Pie family legacies, Peach is an improvement though, first Pie to actual talk to Pinkie in over a century, even if it's mostly in insults...it's a start I suppose," Leaf frowned at the news that Pinkie Pie had saved her family's legacy and been cast out for it.

"I never did understand the pie family," Leaf thought "But there has to be more to the story, there's no way Pinkie of all ponies was cast out for a rock," before Leaf could even think as to what could have happened Mortamire landed at the castle gates and set Leaf down.

"Congratulations," The Dragon said "You have touched the ground and so I officially say, Welcome to Ponycity,"