• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 6,080 Views, 389 Comments

Reincarnation - Silver Butcher

After meeting the end of his life span, Spike awakens in a new Body, Reincarnated as a Kirin he has one single goal, Figure out how to tell his friends without making them think he/she is crazy

  • ...

All Hail the Great Leaf Storm

Leaf Storm did her best not to look like she was loving every second of being worshiped like a god as she lay on a fainting couch taking part in a large buffet of food that was coated in crystal candies that she could vouch really did taste like real gems. She had been given her own personal quarters and just about everything about what was happening was perfect. The only part she wasn't enjoying was Sardonix Moonstone and her endless questions.

"Reincarnation is a thing," Leaf Storm said with a shrug "That's the best I can share with you at the moment,"

"Oh, of course, you have been dead for years after all Lord Spike, I'm sure you need time for your soul to properly adjust to your new mortal body before you write out your scripture of the veil," Moonstone shuffled about in excitement before continuing on with her questions "Please do tell me Lord Spike, did you catch that Chicken Demon as a prize or did it attack you in the great beyond?"

"That would be telling," Leaf Replied "And you can just call me Leaf Storm,"

"Of course, Spike was the name you were given in your old vessel, Leaf Storm! What a Beautiful name thank you for gifting me with the knowledge of knowing your true name My Lady,"

"You're welcome," Leaf Storm replied in an attempt to get Moonstone to go away "Maybe you could go grab me some Nachos with a few of these gem candies mixed it?"

"Right away," Moonstone rushed to fulfill the request and Leaf Storm took this opportunity to enjoy the feinting couch.

"All that's missing is some creature fanning me and this would be perfect," Leaf Storm continued partaking of the mixed buffet when she heard voices asking to see her, She expected to see Flurry Heart coming in with a plan to get her our, and instead watched as a very familiar looking Kirin entered the room and stared dumbfounded at her.

"Winter!?" Leaf storm demanded as she jumped out of the Fainting couch.

"Leafy!" Winter practically screamed out as she ran to her friend and the two pulled one another into a hug "How the hell did you take over a cult!?"

"Why the hell are you in the cult?" Leaf Countered, grinning from ear to ear at seeing one of her oldest friends with the knowledge that she had been her friend in a past life as well.

"I asked my Great Auntie Rarity to help me pick a subject for my History project that's due at the end of the week-long break we currently have in the Groove, and she brought me here to learn about the Crystal Empire, and we came down here to look at this crazy cult about one of her oldest friends...and here I am, but what the hell are you doing here!?"

"Long story short Discord cursed me with some of his old friends Spikes fire that he had as a keepsake so I could long-range message him, and these crazy fucks took that and proceeded to run a marathon with it,"

"So did the God of Chaos send you here to cause mischief..."

"Oh no I was helping out my new friend Peach with a rock thing, and we needed the cursed magic, and it works weird so to avoid it being drained in the empire I was brought here so no one would laugh, and now I'm just waiting for Flurry Heart to come back here and save me,"

"Princess Flurry Heart!?" Winter demanded, "You personally know a Princess!?"

"You're literally here with the Element of Generosity," Leaf Storm shot back.

"Well yeah, but she doesn't really know me all that well, this is only the 2nd time we've really met and she's less interested in me than she is in talking about that Spike guy,"

"He did have a massive puppy dog crush on her, and she was reportedly the pony that was by his side when he died," Leaf informed Winter casually "But enough about history and princesses, How have you been, are Summer and Autumn talking to you again? the old trio back in action?"

"I'm...not talking to them actually,"

"Oh sweet drama no," Leaf let out a sigh "What did they do?"

"Well... they're officially dating now, and they seem to be having a great time of it, I tried to get back into their lives but they just...kept going on and on...I just couldn't..."

"They wouldn't stop bad-mouthing me?" Leaf inquired, with a nod in response from Winter. "Welp I rejected one of them and threw the other under the bus, It worked out but I understand the sentiment of not wanting to be anywhere near me for a good long while, Maybe when they get out of High School they'll give me another chance, or maybe they're just done with me," Winter looked like she wanted to say something but Leaf cut her off "Winter, don't let me but the hill you die on, this was a fluke meeting, odds are we won't see one another again for a few years after today, I won't take it personal if you use my name in vain so you don't have to be alone in your formative schooling years,"

Winter didn't exactly look thrilled at the request and muttered something about their friends being petty.

"If she's still on my case in like a year then yes, Summer is just being petty, Autumn on the other hoof had the deepest of secrets that she trusted me to keep revealed by me just to spar my own ass the trouble, again it worked out but it was also kind of a shit thing of me to do so frankly she's got all the right to hate me and Summer might just be still on it to make Autumn happy or something, I dunno Winter creatures are complicated and usually have reasons outside what we see for why they act,"

Leaf Storm left her words of wisdom to sit as she got back into her lazy chair and went back to eating from her spread of confectionaries, the spread lost all its interest when several ponies rushed in wielding Nachos with fake gems.

"I am in heaven," Leaf cheered as she chowed down to her heart's content,"Want some Winter?" Winter just watched for a second as Leaf made a cheesy mess of herself and the mental image of a Young Leaf Storm jumping into a large pile of Nachos rose up in her brain and she failed to stiffen a laugh.

"Malts, Fake Gems, and Nachos," Winter laughed and instantly the room turned pink as Leaf Storm turned Pink she quickly had a freak out before she managed to extinguish herself.

"Oh man," Leaf Storm took a deep breath "Be careful Winter, I am on an important mission, and I will fail it if I let all the magic leak out through the flames," Winter thought on that notion for a moment.

"Could you tell me exactly how your fire gets its magic?" She inquired.

"Friend of Friends pull up a seat and lend me thine ear," Leaf Storm replied with a smile.

Sunflower was completely devoting herself to staring at Angel, trying to figure out how exactly she was going to question Leaf Storm about him, she was still on the fence about asking how she turned it into a Chicken and Why she even had it in the first place when A bright light flashed before her, years of training help her keep her calm and she saluted at the two Princesses

"Why would you go anywhere near the Church of the Fallen Dragon?" Cadance demanded of her daughter.

"It's a long story," Flurry shot back "Just trust me that it was the only option we could think of at the time to work around Leaf Storm's...condition,"

"Yes she has magic fire," Cadance waved the problem off "Why didn't you just bring her to the castle, I could have set you both up in a private room,"

"She's still underage Mom," Flurry shot back instantly "I'm interested in her but I'm not making a move till she's an adult," Flurry heard Sunflower mutter something and turned to see she was preoccupied with the chicken.

"We'll talk later," Cadance noted as she approached Sunflower "Why the chicken?" She inquired.

"Leaf storm informed me it's a Demon turned into a Chicken," Sunflower noted as the Chicken let out an innocent-sounding cluck "I'm still not sure what Demon is referring to but I'm betting it was like a super powerful Basilisk or something,"

"Hu, the mystery of Leaf Storm thickens," Cadance noted "Discord clearly already knew her from how Twilight told the story, maybe this chicken has a tie to their past?"

"Leaf storm once told me it was a note that turned into a chicken," Flurry noted "That however might have been a silly sounding cover up now that I say it aloud,"

"We can ask Leaf about this later, first off we need to safely extract her from the Chruch, and hope we can talk them out of praising her as being the reborn form of Spike," The Two Princesses made their way down the staircase with Sunflower in tow, still keeping most of her attention on Angel. Cadance was prepared to be met with a slew of Ponies guarding the entrance and instead found a familiar mare was already trying to talk the worshipers down.

"Darlings please," Rarity begged of the crowed "Losing Spike was hard for everypony who knew him, this is just going to bring about hard times for everypony involved, especially the poor creature your trying to make out to be Spike,"

"Rarity," Cadance greeted getting the Fashionista's attention.

"Cadance," Rarity said with a wave "I swear, the pony who their claiming to be Spike isn't apart of this willingly, My Great Niece Winter says she's an old friend of her's and-"

"-And that old friend of hers is also a friend of my daughter," Cadance assured Rarity, who let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank stars I was stressing myself out something fierce," Rarity quickly pulled herself back together before speaking up "Mooney honey I know your somewhat overly fond of Spike, and that might be partially my fault,"

"Wait is Moonstone related to Rarity?" Flurry asked in confusion.

"Rarity took a new husband at the start of every other century for the first few thousand years and had a lot of children, frankly speaking Rarity has roots in every corner of Equestria, It is honestly impressive that she knows nearly all of them, last week she was in Manhattan for one of her great grandkids Flute recitals,"

"Auntie Rarity this i big," Moonstone cried out with glee "She has his flames,"

"Mooney you have to understand this is just Discord having a laugh at your expense,"

"How would you know?" Moonstone shot back "This is Discord we're talking about, I bet he and Spike had a deal or something, Even if Leaf Storm isn't Spike's exact copy, she has his flames, she might just be a vessel to bring his soul back from beyond the veil, even her eating habits are reminiscent of Spike's you know, Nachos and fake Gem stone candies,"

"That might just be a result of the fire," Flurry noted "And besides she can also absorb centuries-old magic, hell if you laugh near her she'll turn into Pinkie Pie, and she's absorbed enough of Fluttershy's essence that I'm pretty sure she can just casually talk to animals, or at least Angel back there,"

"Angel?" Rarity asked looking back to the chicken "How funny, you know Fluttershy used to have a pet bunny named Angel, It's possible all that Magic is affecting her mind,"

"More on point, however," Moonstone pointed up to the Spike statue that was the centerpiece of the church "Leaf Storm claims she can prove this statue is the real deal, not a forgery, and has used the statue's own history to prove so, things like Lord Spike and Sir Shining armor broke the arm while drunk, the leg cracks being a result of Spikes final visit to the empire, the eye being damaged by Starswirl when he had that Heart Attack," Moonstone motioned at the statue "How else would she know so much unless she was Spike!?"

"I can answer that one," Flurry called back "Discord is known to watch people without their consent and has a large library of everything that's transpired across Equestria, granted a lot of it is apparently just how much it sucks to be a statue, but once he was reformed I'm told it gets better,"

"And let me guess," Moonstone turned to Flurry "Leaf Storm told you this, but has failed to prove it I'd assume,"

"Sure, Leaf Storm has a lot of secrets but I doubt with all my heart that her big secret is she's actually my dead Uncle,"

"Yo," Leaf Storm spoke up, gaining the attention of the entire room as she emerged from the back room, her face a mess of melted cheese "I have one of the books with me, If I show it to you can I leave? I have things I need to get around to,"

"Alright," Moonstone replied "Let's see this book," Leaf Storm reached into her Mane, and proceeded to pull out a Book with Balloons tied around it. Leaf Storm let the Book float for a second before pressing the cover, Suddenly Pinkie's Laughter filled the entire room.

"OH You should have seen the look on his face," She laughed "Shining armor was so wasted, he tried to throw the ball to Spike, but threw it to the Statue instead, probably a good thing since he chucked that sucker so hard he popped the arm off the statue," an ancient-sounding voice joined Pinkie's laughter.

"That's funny," An elderly Spike replied, "I remember Shining....he was the Big Red guy right?"

"No Spike, that was Big Mac," Pinkie informed him politely "You know, Applejacks Brother?"

"Oh no thank you, I'm not hungry," Spike could be heard yawning before adding "Say, have you seen Fluttershy lately? It'd been ages since she stopped by and I-" Leaf storm pressed the book again, knowing full well her old self was about to go on a senile rant on how Fluttershy never visits due to not remembering who she even was.

"That good?" Leaf inquired before hearing a sniffling sound and turned to see Rarity tearing up, Winter having rushed to her side to offer her a tissue.

"No, no I'm fine," Rarity told Winter, now wearing a wistful smile on her face "I just never thought I'd get to hear him again is all,"

"See," Leaf put the book back in her mane "Is that enough...wait," Leaf suddenly started poking at her mane in confusion "How the hell did I do that?" Leaf storm reached into her mane and proceeded to pull out a bugle horn "I'm gonna beat that Draquanauis upside the head the next time I see him, why is my Mane a portal?"

"See" Cadance spoke up "Discord is just having a laugh at you," Moonstone frowned, her face giving away she wasn't fully convinced.

"Fine," She decided "I'll drop it for now, but Leaf storm please feel free to come back, I imagine we'll need your help in authenticating the Statue and having it returned to its rightful place,"

"You know I haven't found any mentions of it yet, why is the Statue down here?"

"It was stolen a couple hundred years ago," Cadance informed Spike simply "Apparently by the founders of this church if this is the real deal,"

"The Sins of the past are in the past," Moonstone replied casually "I just want everypony to be able to marvel at the wonders of Spike,"

"Great can we leave now?" Flurry begged her mother "I hate this place and its associated locations"

"We are not associated with the Cloud Distract," Moonstone called back angrily "Hate those snobby brats," Moonstone rushed over to Leaf Storm just as she put the Horn back into her mane and took her hooves in hers "Please, do come back sometime,"

"I live in Ponyville, or I guess Ponycity technically, the residents of the castle like to call the lower floors Ponyville after the original town, But yeah it's not that long of a trip, and frankly the food here is amazing, kind of want something with some cherry in it now though,"

"Like a Cherry-Chunga?" Rarity questioned, much to the confusion of those present.

"Yes," Lead Decided "I don't know what that is but I need one,"

"Pinkie can make one," Rarity assured her before adding to Winter "The Magic is definitely messing with her mind so tell me if anything changes,"

"I'd love to, but I have to go back to school next weekend and..."

"I've heard you've lost your two friends," Rarity noted to Winter, it just so happens that Ponyville has a fairly nice school program, PInkie recently decided to move to the lower floors, and...you know I'm sure your Parents wouldn't mind if you moved in with me, I can even get you into a good College and get you a job in the castle when your schooling is done," Winter smiled at the thought and looked over to Leaf Storm, who was still trying to get past Moonstone.

"Really?" Winter asked in excitement.

"I don't usually like picking favorites but...I don't know something about you reminds me of my dear Sweetie Bell, and I think it's about time I spent more than a day or two with some of my family," Winter squealed in excitement.

"Ok, ok, but don't tell Leaf until my Parents say yes, and tell them Leaf will also be here," Winter frowned for a moment and sighed "I'm gonna miss Summer and Autumn," She added.

"Don't you worry, they just need some time to themselves, I'll be sure to offer their parents the same offer with College and a job, just after they finish high school," Winter smiled.

"Leaf did say they needed time," Rarity chuckled at that.

"She sounds like a smart young lady," Rarity was about to walk up the stairs before realizing something "Wait...do you think she could turn into me as well?"

"Yes," Winter replied with a nod "She sucks up old magic and turned it into her fire since you and your friends have a long history with Ponycity,"

"If that's true...couldn't she technically turn into Cadance or Flurry?" Winter stopped at the notion.

"Hey Leaf Storm," Winter called out to her friend just as she got away from Moonstone, who wished her a good day. "You can suck up all ancient magics now right?"

"Yeah," Leaf confirmed.

"Doesn't that mean you could technically turn into Cadance?" The two Princesses both looked to Leaf Storm who hit herself in the face.

"Why didn't I think of that, Cadance has been here forever, guess I just need to think about love and..." Leaf storm shut her eyes and pictured Starlight with all her might. After a moment she opened her eyes and found herself glowing in three different colors.

"I guess Pink was already taken," Leaf noted as she looked at the fires that shared their color scheme with Cadances Mane.

"So," Flurry chuckled "who'd you think about?"

"I'm not answering that," Leaf replied instantly "That is my business, welp Let's go give Peach the good news about my fires, "Bye Moonstone, I'll come and visit," as the group began their assent up the stairs Winter took stride next to Leaf Storm and whispered to her

"So, were you thinking about me?" Winter asked with a chuckle.

"I mean you're hot but I don't love you," Leaf shot back "I mean I like you as a friend but love is a bit much,"

"At least you honest," Winter noted "But come now, just between you and me, who were you thinking about," Knowing she couldn't flat out be honest about it Leaf told the simplest lie she could think of.

"I was thinking of Peach Pie," Leaf decided after a moment "I like her energy,"

"Somekirin has a crush." Winter teased with a smile "About time honestly,"

"Pardon me" Sunflower cut in "Can you take this Chicken back now?" It keeps hissing at me.

"Yesh, he does do that" Leaf noted as she took Angel in her magic and placed him atop her head "You hiss at me and I'm eatting you" Leaf warned, earning a defiant cluck in response.

"Why a chicken?" Winter questioned.

"That story is both short and stupid" Leaf assured Winter as they reached the end of the staircase "but for now I need to focus on finding Peach and the others so I'll tell ya the tale another day"

Author's Note:

I was recently made aware is use the word 'Oh' to start a lot of conversations and I'm now on a path trying to fix that weird writing quirk of mine. If you see any instances of it do tell me in the comments so I can fix it.