• Published 29th Jan 2018
  • 5,061 Views, 79 Comments

The Red Hood - MorpheustheDream

Having had enough with Gotham and it's seemingly endless criminal underworld, Jason Todd, or as he's known amongst most as the Red Hood, decides to find his own city to protect. Even if it's a small one, he'll do whatever he can to protect it.

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Chapter 7


It's been several weeks since I took down Tirek, and the authorities took him in. He was convicted of several crimes, including assault and attempted kidnapping of a minor. The latter at the minimum gave him 20 years in prison. His total sentence is unknown to me, as I never bothered to check. All that matters to me is that he's going to be off the streets for quite some time.

Now though, my main focus is pulling together my resources to find out how to take down Chrysalis and Sombra. Chrysalis will be the more difficult of the group to take down, as she is seemingly invulnerable and doesn't have a speck of criminal intent on her. So I'll have to go through all the stops to catch her in the act to have her taken down.

And another matter, the magical residue my helmet has been picking up all around Canterlot High. I caught the residue my first time going around there, but I needed to be sure my helmet wasn't malfunctioning. And as it turns out, it wasn't. I contacted both Zatanna and Artemis. I don't know much about Zatanna except for the fact she's the go-to hero about magic that isn't involved with the Justice League. At least, from what I know. And Artemis, I need her here in case the magic in the area is evil and demonic of sorts. That way if it is, the both of them would be able to take it down together.

Hopefully the second problem will be dealt with soon, so I can focus on my main priority here in Canterlot. And what better way to start then by going at the source of Sombra's income. Word has been spread that he has a shipment being sold somewhere in Central Canterlot. And almost every criminal running about right now works for Sombra. So all I need is to kindly ask them where the sell is at. And by kindly, I mean beat the ever living shit out of them until they give me what I need.

After several minutes of prowling the city, I finally found my first victims. Two unsuspecting thugs talking amongst themselves. I dropped down from the fire escape ladder I was on, and landed behind the two. "How's it going gentlemen. Mind answering a few questions for me?" They both turned around, and one of them grabbed a broken pipe off the ground and swung it at me. I leaned back as the weapon flew over my head. "I'll take that as a no. Guess we'll do this the hard way then."

I punched the other thug in the side of his head, knocking him away from me. I then stopped the pipe coming at my head again, and twisted his wrist as he dropped and the pipe. I then elbowed him and kicked the other thug in the stomach. Thug number two fell to his knees, and I flipped thug number one over me and onto his back. I then quickly turned to thug number two and smashed my fist against his skull, knocking him out. I shook my hand a bit and turned back to the remaining thug who was crawling away.

"I'm not gonna tell you anything!" He shouted at me, to which I smirked behind my mask. I knelt down in front of him as his back hit a wall, as I pulled out a knife and showed it to him.

"Dear old Batman has a rule he instills in everyone who works with and under him. No killing. I'm the one who comes closest to breaking that rule. And I do try my hardest to follow that rule, and I do most of the time. But he says nothing about horribly maiming criminals like you. As long as I don't kill you, I don't have to worry about the Bat getting on my ass. So if you'd like to keep every part you currently have to yourself, you're going to tell me what I want to know. Understood?" As I spoke to him, I waved my knife around in front of me.

He tried to grab the knife out of my hand, to which I slammed it against the wall and stabbed him right through the hand, with the edge embeding itself into the wall. The end result? Him screaming in agony. "Now, now, that wasn't very nice of you. All I wanted was some information, and you go and try to do something like that." My somewhat amused attitude changed into a much more serious one. "Tell me where the sale is happening. Now!" I slammed my fist into the wall right next to his head, to which he flinched and looked at me with fear in his eyes.

"Next to the capital building! Sombra will be meeting with a few of Cobblepot's guys to buy and sell weapons! T-That's all I know!" I chuckled a bit and punched him in the head, knocking him out as his head slaps against the brick wall. I remove the knife from his hand as it drops beside him.

"Thank you for your assistance." I put my knife away and ran up to the fire escape and climbed my up, making my way to the rooftop. Once I was settled onto the roof, I made my way over to the capital building, hoping that I would make it their in time. Also, mental note: get a hold of Bruce and tell him that Penguin is involved with arms manufacturing here in Canterlot. Oh well, at least I have something to look forward too, and that involves screwing up Sombra and Penguin's deal.

Almost half an hour later, I finally see what I assume to be Penguin's van pull into the alley. And I assume correctly, as Sombra's little goons start getting into position. One guy is carrying a briefcase, most likely filled with money. And Penguins goons step out of their van, with a majority standing by, as 2 of them go up to the man holding the briefcase. "You got the money?"

The one with the briefcase nodded his head, and opened it for them to see. "Everything's here," He closes the briefcase, and moves to his side, holding it there. "Only question is, have you brought your end of the deal?" The two turned their head to the van, and motioned for briefcase man to follow. When they stood before the back of the van, they opened it up and inside were several crates filled with several different types of military grade weapons. From automatic assault rifles, to sniper rifles.

I had a small camera of my own from the roof, taking different pictures, capturing everything that was happening. Not only would this help put these idiots away, it would help in my own case against Sombra. My final picture taken, was of the group about to complete their deal. I stood up fully, took out the SD card and tucked it away into an empty pocket, and tossing the unused camera down onto the ground in front of me, where the shattering of it caught the attention of everyone in the alleyway.

I smirked from above, then activated a small EMP grenade, shutting down the lights in the general area for a few minutes. Why a few minutes? Because that's all of the time I'll need to take care of these idiots. When the panic amongst the group started to rise, I dropped down onto one unlucky grunt, knocking him unconscious as his head collided with the concrete. I ran up to the next guy, elbowed him in the face, then threw him into a group of 4, who were huddling together, presumably looking out for me. They couldn't see the guy being thrown at them, so when he collided with them, they all fell down like bowling pins.

Before any of them could react, I fired one of my weapons at them, hitting each of them in the head with rubber rounds, knocking them unconscious. I looked around me, and saw the last of the goons try to escape. I shook my head in amusement, and climbed onto the roof of the van just as it started up. Moving my way onto the hood, I smashed my fist into the windshield, colliding with the mans face.

He held a hand up to his nose, feeling blood starting to drip from it. I grabbed his head, and smashed it into the dashboard a couple of times. I stood up straight and hopped off the hood of the van, as the lights in the area all turned back on, with a few police sirens in the distance, making their way here. I checked to see if I still had the SD card from the camera with me, and when I felt it still in my pocket, I quickly made my way up to the rooftops, and made my way back to my house, as I still needed a little bit of rest for the next school day. Even if they were boring and monotonous.

A dark gray skinned man was sitting at a desk in his office, with his hands held up in front of his mouth as if he were in deep thought. He had his eyes closed, and was going over the recent events that started happening within the last month. The Vigilante known as the Red Hood, had entered his city and had been messing with him and his business ever since he arrived. He had to be several steps ahead, which was a requirement when dealing with one of the Bats. The only question was how to go about this.

He had several bits of information to work with. The Red Hood had been seemingly over protective when Tirek had gone after those two girls before he got beaten and taken care of, which meant that the Red Hood was protective of young adults, especially kids. Such is evident with the pounding that Tirek had recieved from the Hood.

Another thing, he had seemingly brought an anomaly to a "friends" place belonging to one Jason Todd. And this friend he brought there, is the one and only Sunset Shimmer. A girl who had appeared out of thin air, quite literally. No trace of there ever being a Sunset Shimmer having existed in the city until a few years ago. Any reports of a Sunset Shimmer ever existing is of a young lady in her late 20's working as part of a music industry somewhere out in Europe. And for this reason, he's been keeping an eye on this girl ever since she first appeared on his radar. Might use her to try and get at the Hood, but before anything else can be done, he needed more information. And he could get that with the help of someone who's had several run-ins with the Bats.

He finally opened his eyes, and reached for the phone on his desk. After dialing the number he needed, he held the receiver up to his ear and waited for it to be picked up. And when it was answered, he smirked a bit. "Greetings, Mr. Wilson. I have a proposition and a contract that requires someone of your expertise to deal with."

Author's Note:

Not gonna lie, I've been really slacking. More than I'd like to admit. And for that, I am truly sorry. :fluttercry:

Oh, and another thing. Have you guys been keeping up with Red Hood and the Outlaws? If not, I recommend it. Especially with some of the more recent issues. Quite a thrill, if you ask me.