• Published 29th Jan 2018
  • 5,061 Views, 79 Comments

The Red Hood - MorpheustheDream

Having had enough with Gotham and it's seemingly endless criminal underworld, Jason Todd, or as he's known amongst most as the Red Hood, decides to find his own city to protect. Even if it's a small one, he'll do whatever he can to protect it.

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Chapter 4

"So from what I can tell, you have the same schedule that I do. This makes things a lot easier for us, as I can show you where exactly to go. I guess the next thing I can do is show you your locker." Sunset said to me, and I swear she seems a little too happy to do this. How she could be this happy is beyond me. She's almost as happy as Superman can be, with all of his damn positivity. Maybe she has more. Won't know unless I do a side by side comparison of the two.

"That makes life simpler for me. As for my locker, it's D108." She looked even more excited than before after I said that, which I'm starting to regret saying at all.

"Awesome! That's right next to mine and Rarity's lockers!" I perked up a little when she said the name Rarity. Seems the girl I saved last night does go to this school, and not Crystal Prep. I guess I can strike up a conversation with her later, if given the chance.

"If that's the case, could you please show me?" I asked her politely. She nodded her head happily, and walked with a slight skip in her step. I followed her, as I studied the layout of the building. If I want a proper layout though, then I'd have to get one later on. Never know if a criminal or some lunatic could barge in here and hold the place hostage. In the ways of Batman, you could never have too much information. Well, unless some of that information involves ways to take down the Justice League. Then that's too much. But I'd never say that to Bruce's face. Oh well, at least the League knows about it. At least, I hope they do.

While this was going on in my head, I heard Sunset call my name. I turn my head tof ace her, and say "What do you need Shimmer?"

She giggled a bit, and said "I've been trying to get your attention for the past 30 seconds. Were you in your own little world or something?" She laughed even more when a look of embarrassment appeared on my face. "It's okay, I'm just messing with you. Anyways, I wanted to ask about your Jacket. It looks amazing, and I was wondering where you got it from?"

I raised my eyebrows in surprise from her question. Out of all of the things she could ask me, this was something that never crossed my mind. "Oh, this? It's a custom made Leather Jacket from Emporio Armani. Nothing special really." This time, it was her eyes who widened in response.

"Armani! What do you mean it's nothing special?! They're clothing is expensive as hell!" I raised my hands in the air, and said "Easy there Sunset. This was a gift from my father." Sunset calmed down, and crossed her arms. "And who is this father of yours to just go and buy an custom made Emporio Armani leather jacket?" I chuckled and pulled my bag tighter to my shoulder. "Billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne."

By the time Sunset had taken me to my locker, and we arrived in class, the bell had rung, signaling the end of class. I stood outside the door, waiting for Sunset for about a minute or so until Sunset came out with a girl with rainbow colored hair... why rainbow hair? For the love of god, please let that be dyed on.

"Hey Rainbow, mind waiting for me while I get my stuff?" Sunset asked the rainbow hair girl. Hopefully Rainbow was just a nickname. Rainbow smiled and leaned against the wall next to the doorway. "Sure thing egghead. Don't take too long though. Wouldn't want to keep the others waiting now would we?"

Sunset smiled sheepishly, and replied "No, we wouldn't want that." And with that, she entered the classroom leaving me outside with 'Rainbow'. She looked at me up and down, as if she were sizing me up. "So you're the new student." I chuckled a bit, and replied "That's what I'm told."

I then held my hand out towards her. "Names Jason Todd. What would yours be?" She looked at my hand, then grabbed it and we shook. "Rainbow Dash, fastest girl around." I smiled and retracted my hand and put it in my pockets. "Glad you didn't say fastest person alive. Cause that title goes to The Flash." On the inside though, I was deflated. Her name really was Rainbow. For fucks sake.

Sunset came back out with her bag and papers, and she looked back and forth between us. "I see you're already making friends Jason." I looked back at her with a raised eyebrow, and said "Friends? I wouldn't say we're friends. We're more like... acquaintances. If we're going to be friends, then we have a long way to go before I consider her my friend."

She frowned at hearing me say that, and I wondered what was going through her head since she seems like the person to always be happy. "Why can't you be friends right now? You both seem to be getting along rather nicely. You were even talking about superheroes like The Flash." Ah, so that was had her upset slightly.

I walked with the two on either side of me, and I said to Sunset, "I never told you where I was from. Rainbow here might now since Bruce Wayne lives in Gotham. I'm his adopted son who was living on the streets. You ever want to see humanity at it's worst, then visit Gotham. First night there, and the lightest thing that can happen is you getting robbed. Worst thing possible, you're in one of Joker's schemes, being one of his hostages for Batman to come out."

Rainbow was in shock, and she said "You sound like you speak from experience when you mentioned the Joker. You dealt with him before?" I nodded my head slowly, and spoke softly "Yeah, we got real close and personal. Ended up with several bones being broken by him and his goons." Sunset frowned even more, not believing any of this to be true.

"Surely there's some good in Gotham City. There has to be!" I smiled sadly and replied with a shake of my head, "The only good in that city is Batman and Commissioner Gordon. And those two can't save the city without getting rid of every single criminal there. Then again, they take out one criminal, another takes that one's place. That's just the way it is."

The two of them looked down, with Sunset saddened to hear that such a place as Gotham existed. She then looked up and placed a hand on my shoulder, and I jumped a little at the feeling. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you Jason. But hey, at least none of those bad guys will be coming here, right?" I nod my head after hearing that, and said "Yeah. They won't come here. Unless something here catches there eyes. Then the city will have an issue on their hands."

Rainbow and Sunset looked at each other, speaking to each other without words, when Rainbow looked at me and said "What do you mean we'll have an issue on our hands? Surely the police will handle whoever comes here."

I chuckle lightly at her ignorance, then looked at Sunset and asked her, "Is our lunch period right now?" She nods her head, and I speak again. "I'll tell you all why we'll have an issue when we start to eat. But be warned, it's not easy to listen too. So don't be surprised if you end up having to throw up afterwards, or during the story, alright?"

I could tell then and there that as soon as I said that, their faces paled considerably. "Of course, I don't have to tell you if you don't want to. Keep your minds innocent for now." Rainbow nodded her head immediately, and said "That won't be necessary. Perhaps you could tell us another time? After all, we have a friend who is extremely squeamish and scared about those kind of things." I nod my head quietly, and adjusted my leather jacket as we made our way to the lunchroom.

"What do you mean there's a vigilante in my city?!" Sombra yelled at one of his messengers inside of his office. Sombra had his black hair slicked back, and wore a gray and red suit, with a white tie. The man before him was trembling in fear. "It's the truth, boss. And it's one of Batman's people. Goes by the name Red Hood." Sombra sighed loudly, then sat down in his leather chair.

"So the brat that kept giving Sionis trouble back in Gotham is here in Canterlot." Sombra sat there in silence with his eyes closed, thinking over his options on what to do. The messenger stood several feet in front of Sombra's desk, sweating nervously while waiting for a command from Sombra. After a minute or so, he finally opened his eyes and crossed his fingers underneath his chin. "Find Tirek and tell him to come here. I have need for him once again."

The man before him nodded his head quickly, and exited the office as fast as he could. For his safety, and to protect his own skin, he would have to find Tirek quickly. Otherwise he would be set as an example for the others in Sombra's criminal empire. Just like the poor fool who was in custody right now would end up being an example.

Author's Note:

Couldn't find it anywhere as to how the locker system in CHS works, so I'm making my own. And by own, I mean the same system that my high school worked their lockers. Hopefully that works for everyone.

And for those of you wondering, this is the jacket that Jason has. And yes, their jackets are expensive. Don't believe me, then go to their website to find out for yourselves.