• Published 29th Jan 2018
  • 5,061 Views, 79 Comments

The Red Hood - MorpheustheDream

Having had enough with Gotham and it's seemingly endless criminal underworld, Jason Todd, or as he's known amongst most as the Red Hood, decides to find his own city to protect. Even if it's a small one, he'll do whatever he can to protect it.

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Chapter 5

A few minutes later after the messenger was sent, Tirek had finally arrived. The muscular man entered Sombra's office and stood before his boss. "You requested my presence, sir?"

Sombra turned away from the window overlooking the city and turned to face Tirek. "I did. From what I understand, you seem to be growing quite bored with no one to challenge you, correct?"

The red skinned man nodded his head in response and said "Yes sir. Ever since we've taken hold of this city, no one is willing to stand up against us. And if they do, they're silenced immediately. So yeah, I've gotten a bit bored." Sombra smirked then told Tirek "Well then, what if I told you that you can alleviate this boredom of yours right now?

Tirek raised an eyebrow after hearing Sombra say that, and was genuinely curious to hear what his boss had to say. "What do you mean sir?" Sombra stood up from his chair and walked over to Tirek.

"You've heard of the Bat-family over in Gotham, correct?" When he saw Tirek nod his head, he continued, "Well, one of them has come to our wonderful city, and is trying to ruin everything that we've built. Now, I'm sure you're more than curious to find out who is here. I mean, it's not every day you get to fight one of Batman's little crew members outside of Gotham."

Tirek smiled a little, looking forward to the challenge. "It'll be a pleasure to find and crush this little Bat. Give me a name, and I'll be sure to put them in their place." Sombra smiled wickedly, then went back to his stoic expression.

"It won't be that easy Tirek. After all, we're talking about a person that was taught and trained by the Bat himself. So always be on your toes. Never let your guard down, and don't let up until he's not breathing anymore. Understood?" Sombra stated to Tirek, as to which he nodded his head.

"Perfectly clear boss. Any advice as to how to bring him out?" Sombra walked back to his desk and sat back down in his chair. "The second best chance of bringing him out is by doing something to young adults. But your best bet is to mess around with children. From what I understand, he hunts down those kinds of people. But that decision is up to you, and you only. Now leave me."


"How the hell can you keep going on like this?!" I was sweating like a pig and panting heavily from the amount of running I was doing, and Jason was keeping up with me perfectly fine. As a matter of fact, he didn't seem to be breaking a sweat at all.

"Rigorous exercise every day and night. And continuous training. How else would I be able to stay in shape?" And he wasn't wrong. I would be lying if I wasn't taking peeks every now and then at his abs and muscles. The gym clothes were definitely doing him wonders, that's for sure. And what better class to have at the end of the day then gym? I can go home and have his body in my mind for the rest of the day.

Wait, why am I thinking like this? We only just met and I'm fawning over him like a fangirl. Stop that Rainbow, right now. By the time I came back to my senses and stopped talking to myself, Jason was looking at me with his striking blue eyes. Jesus, I actually think I'm falling for him. "Hey RD, you alright? Kinda lost you for a second there."

I shake my head, and I look at him with a smile on my face. "Perfectly fine Jason. No need to worry about me."

He smiled a bit in response, then said "Glad to hear. Now come on, our class is almost over. So it would be best to head to the locker room and change. Wouldn't want to keep your number 1 fan waiting for you now, would we?"

I nodded my head slightly then stood up straight, stretching my back. "Hey, after school you wanna meet up with me and the other girls?"

He shook his head then said "Afraid I can't. Gotta finish moving all of my stuff in before I can do anything like that. Maybe next time?"

I smirked and wrapped an arm around his shoulder and said "I'll keep you to that bub. Now get going. You smell like you crawled out of a sewer." He looked offended by that, but I could tell he was joking.

"I do not smell like that. As a matter of fact, I smell like an angel." He held his head up high after he said that.

"Yeah, maybe when you've cleaned yourself up and all that. But right now I'm sticking with what I said." He dropped his pose and held his head low. "You're no fun."

"Hey Scoots, ready to go?" I asked my adopted little sister, Scootaloo. My family and I happily adopted her after we found out the situation she was living in. An abusive father with a mother who doesn't care, and just watches and lets the abuse happen? No child should have to go through that.

"You bet! And this time, I'm gonna beat you for sure, because I've been practicing!" She exclaimed happily. You see, we have a little rivalry going on in FIFA. It started whenever she found out that I liked soccer as much as she did. But since she has muscular dystrophy in her legs, which doesn't really allow her to play sports like she wants too, we found an alternative. And that was in FIFA. And to be honest, we have a blast playing it.

Hell, I even get Sunset to play against me every now and then. But she always seems to beat me, no matter what I do. I really need to find out where she learned to play like that. I still don't believe that she only started playing because I wanted to challenge her that one time. "Whatever you say Scoots. But if you wanna beat me, it's gonna take a lot of skill."

She crossed her arms and said "It doesn't take skill since you always play as PSG or Real Madrid. That's practically unfair! I mean, they have Neymar and Ronaldo." I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment since I know it's true. "Yet you're getting better and better with those shots of yours. Keep it up, and you'll be able to bend it like Beckham."

She then got an idea, since I could see it on her face. "Or I could get lessons from Sunset. From what I hear, she's always able to beat you." "That's because she's probably cheating! Or something..." I blurted out quickly, kinda regretting what I said about Sunset.

Scootaloo scoffed at that. "Or she's simply better than you. Admit it Rainbow. Sunset's better at a game that she's barely played, and she's better than you."

I was about to deny that idea when there was a huge figure in our way. I stopped along with Scootaloo to ask them to move, but the man spoke before I could say anything. "Mind if I butt in?" He said with a dangerous look in his eyes, and the next thing I knew, the large man grabbed threw me down to the ground, hitting my head hard against the concrete. I could feel blood trickling down the back of my head from the impact, and my vision started getting blurry. But I could hear one thing for sure. That Scootaloo was calling my name in a panic, and her voice was fading into the distance.

"S-Scootaloo..." I muttered out quietly, then I saw a man with a red mask above me call out my name as the world started to go black.

Author's Note:

I've decided that at certain points, I'll be changing the viewpoints. Mostly it'll either be from Jason's POV, or 3rd Person POV. Other than that, when it changes, you'll know from the character's initials within '~'. For example, as in this very chapter, ~~RD~~